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Reinvent Yourself
Story by: Michelle Bloom-Lugo
Do you ever wonder how is it that some people seem so lucky when it comes to finding a great job? Are these people truly lucky? We may never know, nor care to examine the steps, setbacks and sacrifices taken by these folks. I can tell you however it’s not always as easy as it looks. Some work probably went into that “lucky” streak.
Before you think too much about them though, take a moment to think about your own successes. What have you achieved personally or professionally? I would bet it took some work and might have even been accompanied by some disappointments along the way. While you might still feel far from your goals, consider that someone may want what you already have? While it may not have been easy and while you are still trying to figure out what’s next, celebrate what you have accomplished already. Your achievements are 100% the product of what you have put into them. Ask yourself “Am I in the same place I was in last year”?
Leverage where you are now, keep moving forward and manifest your career success in 2020. You always have options to reinvent your situation, bloom-again if you will, but know it takes time, small steps and a plan not void of setbacks. When it comes to your career you are the master of your career destiny. Make a commitment to educate yourself and become, as much as possible, a subject matter expert in the career paths that interest you this year.
Read more about industries, products and services that are important to you. Join groups in your community and network with other like-minded individuals. Could you imagine how great it would be to land a job with a company that provides a product or service that you are a consumer of or that you whole heartily believe in?
Let’s unpack together what you need to do today to get started in your career journey. The following tips and resources will reveal some secrets to career success that are often hidden in plain sight.
Begin by asking yourself the following three questions:
1. What career role would get me closer to my definition of success?
2. Do I have a plan that outlines the steps necessary to get on the right road towards my desired outcome?
3. Do I have a strategy that allows me to compete with everyone that wants what I want?
Finding your next great job is no easy task, and not because everywhere you look there isn’t a job listing or posting. It seems like now a days there are more job boards than ever before. Finding a job description that you think describes you is not the challenge. The hard part is getting yourself noticed and invited to interview. This is the true obstacle in today’s career journey.
So, what can you do?
Fish in the right pond
Applying for a job is not about sending out as many resumes as you can and applying to anything remotely interesting. Really think about your skills and whether you are a good fit for that role. Apply to roles where you can demonstrate why you are the candidate they seek beyond a doubt. Use good fishing skills to figure out where the right job leads are swimming in abundance and don’t waste your time elsewhere.
Your resume is a ticket into an exclusive job club
If it doesn’t say the right things in the right ways it doesn’t matter how good you are at a specific role, you will not be invited to interview.
Resumes usually go through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before it is viewable by an actual recruiter. The ATS scans your resume for words that would indicate you are a good match. So, it behooves you to know what those words are. The job description is filled with these words so when you read it note how skills are described and what they are intended to fix.
Now in addition to utilizing key words, there are also many resume templates out there, it can be pretty confusing. There are also resume styles specific to certain jobs. Do your homework and find the one that best promotes your skills, experience and doesn’t need constant revision. See a career coach to help you articulate your value and transferable skills. A good resume is a game changer in landing an interview.
Networking is the power of knowing the right people and being in the right place at the right time is a timeless career success secret. Get to know people outside of your immediate circle. It’s so easy to go back and forth from work every day and not deviate from the same routine. Step out of your comfort zone and meet some new people. Volunteer in your community, join interest groups you just never know who you might meet.
Let’s not overlook your immediate circle of friends and acquaintances, either. If they don’t know your career plans, they can’t assist you either. Now if you find someone in your network that knows of someone working in your dream job or someone who actually works in the type of job you seek, ask for an “informational” interview.
This means you just want to speak to the person about what they do for information purposes. It’s not an actual interview but you might want to treat it as such. What you learn from this informal job lead meeting will perhaps add something important to your already existing career research plan. Invite the person to meet you for coffee/tea or ask if you can speak with them after the workday.
Ask intuitive questions about what skills are needed to get a job like theirs or at their company. This encounter might add to your research about the company, especially revealing things not in the company website bio or mission statement. Share with them what you feel are your professional superpowers. Your new friend may eventually become an important reference in the immediate future or somewhere along your career timeline.
Visit her blog, bloom-againcareers.com to learn more.