aging process?
ging is one of the biggest inevitabilities of life, but still, we’re almost never prepared for it. This disconnect is probably one of the biggest hurdles for ourselves and our aging loved ones, and very often, it isn’t properly acknowledged or addressed. At SYNERGY HomeCare, we have called this the “awareness chasm.” A recent collaboration with Anne Asman, MS, a Gerontologist at the University of Utah, helps to explain the reasons behind this phenomenon. 5
What is the “Awareness Chasm?” This chasm is the grey area that exists between adult children and their older parents when it comes to discussing and informing each other about the aging process. Both groups have two different views on the subject and many times it can be difficult to communicate these differences to the other party. As a result, many things are left unsaid which can delay when and how aging parents get the care they need. In a SYNERGY HomeCare