1 minute read
Boxing Clever
by Synergy
The Letter Box Study Group
Founded in 1976, the LBSG has identified around 800 different types of postbox. The Letter Box Study Group (LBSG) is the acknowledged authority on the history and development of the British roadside letter box. The Letter Box Study Group Education Pack will help children – and adults – look little more closely at post boxes, their place in our community landscape, and the importance of staying in touch with friends, family and neighbours all over the world. New school term? Need new ideas for learningrelated outdoor activities in primary schools? In literacy, numeracy, art, design, geography and history? Try the Letter Box Study Group Education Pack https://lbsg.org/docs/LBSG_Education_Pack.pdf on for size. It consists of worksheets and activities for EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), KS1 and KS2. There are also notes for extension activities.
The sheets can be used individually or as a whole. They can be deployed for simple colouring, observation exercises, reading and writing, numbers and basic reasoning. For older age groups, the Pack may be used to introduce discussion of design, engineering, manufacture and elementary business studies. Teaching children about history is an integral part of understanding the world today. The Pack is, for example, well suited to teaching about Victorian times.