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Book review - The Joy of Not Knowing

Book review

The Joy of Not Knowing


(2021) by Marcelo Staricoff

The Joy of not knowing, to be known as JONK™ is a collective wisdom and philosophical output, that is founded in the author’s extensive research and experience, notably as a founding member of the Chartered College of Teaching. The philosophy behind JONK™ is to enable ‘all individuals to flourish by creating the conditions that remove worry and anxiety usually associated with not knowing’ and replacing them with ‘a love for learning…and wanting to learn’.

One helpful addition to the book, educational publishers take note, is the use of coloured diagrams and publishing company Routledge is to be commended on this. Staricoff is quite clear that children are to be equipped with the necessary tools to learn; the focus is on shared intelligence, collaboration that allows individuals to merge in a value conscious attitude for problem solving. Such a constructivist attitude is surely welcome in modern primary education. The book is laden with research informed models (just note the bibliography), and importantly, for teachers, meaningful ideas of how to implement the philosophy in today’s classroom. Staricoff has produced a book that adequately prepares children for the future by reminding teachers of important values and concepts (for example, democracy, metacognition and sustainability) that reimagines what a successful education should entail. The child is firmly at the centre of his philosophy to be lifelong learners.

The other key message to take from the book is that JONK™ is not an individualistic introduction into a school community; it is to be wholly adopted and believed in. This community ethos serving to bind all those engaged in learning is an important message today.

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