Syngenta Nozzle Offer

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Syngenta Nozzle Offers – 2012

50 Nozzles*

Cost £250 + VAT + P&P Purchase by credit card or cheque from Yes Response • Credit Card payment: call Syngenta Publications on 0800 652 4216 • Cheque payment: send cheque made payable to “Product Plus” and address details to Syngenta Publications, FREEPOST (MID 15824), PO Box 45, Uttoxeter, ST14 7BR. Orders will be despatched once cheque has cleared.

50 Nozzles* for HALF PRICE Cost £125 + VAT + P&P

• AMISTAR Nozzles - 025, 03 or 035 5 packs of azoxystrobin containing cereal fungicide or 5 packs x 5lt AMISTAR TOP, 5 packs x 10lt BONTIMA or 10 packs x 5lt KAYAK • DEFY Nozzles - 03, 035 or 04 15 x 10lt DEFY or 5 packs x 5lt AMISTAR TOP • DEFY Nozzles with maize products 6 x 5lt of DUAL GOLD, 4 x 5lt of CALLISTO or CALARIS, 3 x 5lt SAMSON EXTRA or 10 x 1kg of JESTER • HAWK Nozzles with DEFY 15 x 10lt DEFY • Potato Nozzles 5 packs SHIRLAN / FUBOL GOLD / REGLONE / RETRO / REVUS (or any combination) or 5 packs x 5lt AMISTAR TOP

To claim half price nozzles growers should call Syngenta Publications on 0800 6524216 with their credit card details. Payment will not be taken. Syngenta Publications will write to the grower asking for proof of purchase. If PoP is received the card will only be charged at the offer price. Proof of Purchase Cut Off Dates (to be received by Syngenta Publications): AMISTAR Nozzles: DEFY Nozzles: HAWK Nozzles: Potato Nozzles: Syngenta Veg Nozzles:

29.07.2012 29.07.2012 29.07.2012 16.12.2012 16.12.2012

*50 Nozzles used for example only. Different quantities can be purchased in packs of 10 at standard pro-rata rates.

• Syngenta Veg Nozzle (06 or 08) 5 packs x 5LT AMISTAR TOP

Syngenta Crop Protection UK Ltd. Registered in England No. 849037. CPC4, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE Tel: 01223 883400 Fax: 01223 882195 Technical Enquiries Tel: 0800 169 6058 Email: Website: AMISTAR®, AMISTAR TOP®, BONTIMA®, CALLISTO®, CALARIS®, DEFY®, DUAL GOLD®, FUBOL GOLD WG®, JESTER®, KAYAK®, REGLONE®, RETRO® and REVUS® are Registered Trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. SAMSON EXTRA® and SHIRLAN® are Registered Trademarks of ISK Biosciences Europe SA. AMISTAR contains azoxystrobin (MAPP 10443). AMISTAR TOP (MAPP 12761) contains azoxystrobin and difenoconazole. BONTIMA (MAPP 14899) contains cyprodinil and isopyrazam. CALLISTO (MAPP 12323) contains mesotrione. CALARIS (MAPP 12405) contains mesotrione and terbuthylazine. DEFY (MAPP 12606) contains prosulfocarb. DUAL GOLD (MAPP 14649) contains S-metalachlor. FUBOL GOLD WG (MAPP 10184, MAPP 14605) contains metalaxyl-M and mancozeb. JESTER (MAPP 13500) contains bromoxynil and prosulfuron. KAYAK (MAPP 13119) contains cyprodinil. REGLONE (MAPP 10534) contains diquat. RETRO (MAPP 13841) contains diquat. REVUS (MAPP 13484) contains mandipropamid. SAMSON EXTRA (MAPP 13436) contains nicosulfuron. SHIRLAN (MAPP 10573) contains fluazinam. All other brand names used are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. ©Syngenta AG January 2012. CER806. GQ 02449.

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