The catalogue of IPA Golden Camera 2014

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2 014 GOLDEN CAMERA International Photo Award

2 014 GOLDEN CAMERA International Photo Award

Exclusive Partner The «Golden Camera» International Photo Award was established by Kyiv Photography School in 2009. The competitor’s mission is first of all to create the platform for opening and promoting new names, to form the adequate assessment system of photographers’ skill as well as to support and to develop the photo art in Ukraine and all over the world

Nominations of the competition General partner

Official partner

Awarding partner

Official partner II

Photobook printing partner

General media partner

«Photograph of the Year • Professionals» – the author of the most memorable and outstanding work, which would be selected by the jury among the numerous applicants in the Professional category. «Photograph of the Year • Amateur» – the most interesting and special photograph, selected from «Amateur» category. The work shall be taken in 2014. «Spirit of Freedom»– shall be awarded to the author of the most interesting reportage photography. This nomination is mostly for those photojournalists and photographers who made documentary shots of mass protests or people’s fight for their rights and justice. «Discovery of the Year»– is national award. The special award for the young authors from Ukraine (the age oа participant shall be up to 30 years) from the Amateur category, whose works would be considered by the jury as the most interesting and ambitious. «People’s Choice Award» – is awarded based on the open vote. The photo by an award finalist, which gets the highest score of positive responses on the Award`s website.

The dates and statistics The works were accepted from August 1, 2014 till the midnight of February 15, 2015. Over 1500 Professionals and Amateurs of photography from 42 countries of the world participated in the International contest. Jury had really tough time reviewing more than 6000 photographs.

We are grateful to all the members of the jury and partners for their valuable support. We wish you all inspiration and creative ideas. On the cover – photographer Ihor Ostashevsky • Heartstrings

Media partner Exhibition printing

Media partner


Amy Wolff NY, USA

The jury of IPA «Golden Camera • 2014»

Cynthia Held Kansas City, USA

Aleksandr Liapin Kiev, Ukraine

Evgeniy Zubenko Kiev, Ukraine

Dawn Whitmore Virginia, USA

Andrei Zharovskii Kiev, Ukraine

Evhenii Komarov Yalta, Ukraine

Hugh Merrell London, UK

Anton Solomukha France

Igor Krivonos Kiev, Ukraine

Kiran Koshy India

Bohdan Verzhbitskii Kiev, Ukraine

Igor Gaidai Kiev, Ukraine

Lucy Bell Battle. UK

Vadim Doctorov Kiev, Ukraine

Konstantin Sova Kiev, Ukraine

Dmitry Shovkoplyas Kiev, Ukraine

Viktor Lyagushkin St-Petersburg, Russia

Roman Pyatkovka Kiev, Ukraine

Grand Prix in «Best photography of the year» • Amateur – Сергей Сердюков • В ожидании 5

Professional • Journalistic story


01.02.2014 один із захисників барикади на Грушевського

10.02.2014 на Грушевського. Піаніст-терорист грає на даху спаленого міліцейського автобуса

15.02.2014 захисники барикади на Грушевського

18.02.2014 протестуючий кидає коктейль Молотова під час зіткнень з силовиками

18.02.2014 20:47 Майдан

20.02.2014 пораненому на Інститутській надають першу допомогу в холі готелю Україна

Grand Prix in «Best photography of the year» • Professional – Владіслав Мусіенко • Майдан. Сильні Люди.

Professional • Journalistic story

Священники читают молитву, стоя между полицией и протестующими, которые строят баррикаду из покрышек на улице Грушевского в центре Киева. Горящие баррикады из автомобильных покрышек широко использовались во время протестов в Киеве, чтобы остановить сотрудников милиции. 24 января, 2014 года, Киев, Украина. Priests pray as they stand between police lines and protesters, who construct barricade of tires on Gushevskogo street in Kiev downtown. Barricades made of burning tires were widely used during protests in Kiev to stop riot police. January 24, 2014, Kiev, Ukraine.

Grand Prix in «Spirit of Freedom» – Александр Васюкович • 24.01.2014


Professional • landscape

Grand Prix in «People’s Choice Award» – Иван тихий

Amateur • flora and fauna

Grand Prix in «Discovery of the Year» – Александр Чорный • Романтик 9

1 place • Professional • Architecture Frank Machalowski • multiexpo

I photograph analog multiple exposures from Berlin’s and other european cities sightseeing hotspots photographed from several positions on one frame.

1 place • Amateur • Architecture Sylvain Heraud • Les Demeures Invisibles-Bersabee 11

Илья Теплов • Геометрия Молла

2 place • Professional • Architecture

2 place • Amateur • Architecture Leyla Emektar • selimiyede cuma 13

3 place • Professional • Architecture Chen Qiang • The largest Tibetan Buddhist College and Peak horn

3 place • Amateur • Architecture Вячеслав Щербаков • Одесские выкрутасы 15

1 place • Professional • Сonceptual photography Samuel Ivin • Lingering Ghosts

The aim of my project «Lingering Ghosts» is to give an insight into some of the asylum seekers who hope to find refuge in Britain. It also seeks to raise questions about how the UK’s migration system treats those who arrive in our country seeking safety. These «Lingering Ghosts» are unable to fully contribute and integrate within the UK society, and are left in a place where their future is uncertain. These people seek a normal, peaceful life where they can contribute to society but until they are given refugee status they are unable to do so. This often leads to a loss of identity, purpose and confusion. I hope to give the viewers a sense of the frustration and confusion that asylum seekers feel, whilst questioning the theme of identity.

Jason McGroarty 17

1 place • Amateur • Сonceptual photography

Сергей Смирнов • Баба с яйцами

2 place • Professional • Сonceptual photography

2 place • amateur • Сonceptual photography

Инсталляция Владимира Смоляра на биеннале современного искусства «Манифеста 10» в Санкт-Петербурге, 2014 Installation by Vladimir Smolyar presented on the biennial of contemporary art «Manifesta 10» is Saint-Petersburg, 2014

Евгений Кепа • Искусство фуги • The Art of Fugue 19

3 place • Professional • Сonceptual photography Геннадий Чернега • Стеклянные стены

В моей стране идет война. Она еще не добралась до города, в котором я живу. Я боюсь проснуться однажды в доме без стен. Мне кажется, что с каждым днем стены становятся все тоньше и прозрачнее.

3 place • Amateur • Сonceptual photography Roberto Pestarino • the fall of geometry


Aliocha Merker • Devine cracks

1 place • Professional • FINE ART

1 place • Amateur • FINE ART Leyla Emektar • psychoanalysis 23

Игорь Чекачков • Above

2 place • Professional • FINE ART

2 place • Amateur • FINE ART Юрий Бирд • на реке, очерки • On The River, Study 25

Андрей Разгонов

3 place • Professional • FINE ART

3 place • Amateur • FINE ART Татьяна Янчук • «Из пробирки» 27

Владимир Кучеренко • Ужас

1 place • Professional • Flora and fauna

1 place • Amateur • Flora and fauna avt Ирина Трофимчук • В ожидании возрождения 29

Татьяна Козловская

2 place • Professional • Flora and fauna

2 place • Amateur • Flora and fauna Эдуард Николаев • Пролетая над гнездом 31

Александр Абросимов • Морской монстр

3 place • Professional • Flora and fauna

3 place • Amateur • Flora and fauna Ксения Иванова • Увядающая красота 33

Fausto Podavini • MiRelLa

1 place • Professional • Scenic photography

1 place • Amateur • Scenic photography игор Осташевский • Струны души / Heartstrings 35

2 place • Professional • Scenic photography

2013 год у нас выдался паломническим. И вот, в конце декабря мы отправились по следам Его Святейшества Далай-Ламы XIV на юг Индии, в тибетский лагерь, где он давал Учение для 15 тысяч монахов и 15 тысяч мирян. И я выбрала буквально один день, чтобы побродить, поснимать всё происходящее. Этот снимок – действительно, подарок судьбы. Я считаю, что при огромном количестве замечательных фотографий, ТАКИХ у меня только две: когда все условия сходятся в одной точке и живут считанные доли секунды. И в этой удивительной точке слияния освещения, окружения, композиции, сочетании несочетаемого (монах и жвачка), бритых шароподобных голов, оказалась почему-то и я. Молчаливая сценка длилась ровно столько, сколько существует надутый пузырь жевательной резинки. Но этого оказалось достаточно! The 2013 has been a piligrim year for us. We went in the wake of Dalai Lama in the South of India where Tibetan refugees settlement is situated. Dalai Lama counseled 15 thousand of monks and 15 thousand of temporality. I’ve chosen just one day for wandering and photoshooting the event. This picture is a true fate’s gift. I believe that inspite of the huge amount of really g…ood photos, there are only 2 works of THIS kind: when all the conditions interflow in a moment which immediately passes away. And it happened so that I’ve been in this magic point of interflow of a light, composition, surrounding objects, fusion of unfusable things (a monk and a gum), shaved ball-like heads. The silent scene lasted only for the same time that chewing gum bubble exists. But that was enough!

Люся Маратканова • Задумался

2 place • Amateur • Scenic photography «Saudade Moon» is my attempts to change look on the nation’s leading over the coming years, I watched the «invisible» Brazil, I told the «unsaid», over the pacification of the favelas, over the feverish preparation for the upcoming sporting events, which in part, have triggered this economic reaction. I traveled for five years from the hypnotic Amazon, to the farms in the early 1800’s in the state of Minas Jerais, visiting the islands off the north coast to the desert in the state of Maranhao. I photographed the lifestyle of the beaches, but also, Christmas in the slums of the big cities on the coast and inland. I tried to return the historical aspect expressed by the art and architecture of Brasilia, and I told the ritual ceremonies of Condomble, then I traveled to the colonial villages and I photographed the poorest countries, those forgotten by this hysterical ongoing economic process. Saudade moon is the first major station on a long journey, the search on my emotional geography, a tool to be able to cry with laughter, of each land living. In the stomach of my trip, I met in Brazil the seed of “saudade”, the conscious transition strongly related to their belonging, sentimental, epochal ideological and finally empathic. The Brazilian land is still very far away from me, like the moon, with its colors shouted in my face, or whispered from far away. «Saudade Moon» it’s my lunar vision of Brazil, the pretext for recognizing me in the eyes of an everyman, and vindicate myself as a son of the world and remain fertile towards life.

Paolo Marchetti • SAUDADE MOON


Юлия Артемьева • Двое на улице

3 place • Professional • Scenic photography

3 place • Amateur • Scenic photography Игорь Котелевский • Статика и динамика 39

Сергей куранов • Хочу быть Первой !

1 place • Professional • Journalistic story

1 place • Amateur • Journalistic story Urban mimicry

Flying over the Guggenheim

Orlando Duque flying over Bilbao

Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz 41

2 place • Professional • Journalistic story

Inside the womb of the Ijen Kawah volcano, in Eastern Java, Indonesia, the miners go deep in search of the Devil’s gold, as sulfur has always been known. Every day, three hundred men leave the base camp at the slopes of the mountain to reach the top of the volcano. They climb up three kilometres and then head downwards until the opening of the crater where the sulfur crystals lie. Nine hundred meters deep towards hell, defying the unbearable heat, rarefied air and the darkness, without any protection. The sulfurous gas hits the throat, burns the lungs, makes tears spring from the eyes. Only a few men have been given old gas masks as part of the scarce working gear: many prefer to work at night because the heat is more tolerable, putting a wet cloth in the mouth, in the vain hope of protecting themselves from the fumes and breathing better. A very hard kind of work which will end soon - the average life expectancy of the sulfur miners does not go beyond 50 years. The sulfur slabs are broken with the help of a metal pole and then carried in reed baskets that weigh 70 to 90 kilos. Then begins the return path of the 21st century sulfur picker, heading towards the volcano’s entrance, in a precarious balance, carrying a huge load that deforms the spine, bends the legs and produces ulcers on his shoulders. Then he delivers the sulfur slabs for the purification process, which happens at night and lasts 14 hours. All this for 5 euros per day, 10 if the miner is able to repeat the same path once more. «The Devil’s gold» is part of a wider project called «Invisible People», which is funded by Nando Peretti Foundation and is promoted by Witness image.

Luca Catalano Gonzaga • The Devil’s gold

2 place • Amateur • Journalistic story

A protester throws a Molotov cocktail during clashes with police in central Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014. Over a hundred of protesters had been killed in clashes for democratic values; the mass protests have led to the end of regime of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Ефрем лукацкий 43

Sandip Saha • Fear

3 place • Professional • Journalistic story

3 place • Amateur • Journalistic story

Kiev (Ukrain) 24.01.2014

Александр примак 45

Georges Pacheco • mater

1 place • Professional • Portrait

1 place • Amateur • Portrait Олег Маковський • Учасник Революції гідності. Київ. Майдан Незалежності. 15 грудня 2013 року 47

Елена Лукьянова • Charon

2 place • Professional • Portrait

2 place • Amateur • Portrait






Mattia Passarini • Tibetan spirit 49

Goran Jovic • Home Alone

3 place • Professional • Portrait

3 place • Amateur • Portrait


Михаил Шестаков




1 place • Professional • Landscape Даниил Коржонов • Тролли на зимовке

1 place • Amateur • Landscape self & daughter

self & rock I

self & rock II

self & light

self & time

self & solitude

In his poem, «World, World--», George Oppen wrote «The self is no mystery. The mystery is / That there is something for us to stand on». Oppen’s words are not concerned with questions of why we exist or what purpose our lives serve; rather, they express the wonder, the marvel, that we exist at all. These images seek to express that same marvel and wonder for the fundamental fact that there is life, that there is existence.

Nathan Wirth «self & » 53

Александр елаш • без названия

2 place • Professional • Landscape

2 place • Amateur • Landscape

Снято на Куяльницком лимане (Одесская область, Украина). Съемка производилась на длинной выдержке с использованием ND фильтра высокой плотности. При съемке штатив и фотограф, обутый в резиновые сапоги, находились в воде по колено.)

Евгений Самученко • Calmness 55

3 place • Professional • Landscape Александр Науменко • Словакия. Высокие Татры. Танец в лучах

3 place • Amateur • Landscape Юрий Лебедев • To be or not to be 57

Professional • Conceptual photography

диплом «Другой взгляд» • Ангелина Тарасенко • Мульти-пляж

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