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Studio Spyropoulos Design Reserach Lab v.15 Architectural Association School of Architecture, London,UK Konstantinos Psomas Vishu Bhooshan Cemil Ceyhan Gรถnen Sara Gemma Sabate Gomez Copyright SyntaxError 2013


Architectural Association

School of Architecture Master of Architecture&Urbanism Design Research Lab Proto Design v3.0

Team: Konstantinos Psomas [Cyprus] Vishu Bhooshan [India] Cemil Ceyhan Gonen [Turkey] Sara Gemma Sabate Gomez [Spain] Tutors: Theodore Spyropoulos with Shajay Bhooshan Mustafa El-Sayed Manuel Jimenez Garcia




A research-thesis project such as this is seldom due the efforts of the team alone. Firstly, we would like to thank the Architectural Association, Design Research Lab, for providing us the opportunity and facilities to carry out our research. We would like to deeply thank the program director and our course master, Theodore Spyropoulos, for constantly supporting and guiding us through the project. Without his insight the project wouldn’t have been possible. We are grateful for course tutors Shajay Bhooshan, Mustafa El Sayed and Technical Tutor Manuel Jimenez for carrying us through the conceptual and technical difficulties. We are indebted to Karleung Wai, for working overtime to finish our 3D prints. In addition, we extend our sincere appreciation to Ronak Parikh, Izabella Micheletto Lima, Ralph Gebara, Annkit Kummar, Jose Manuel Roldan Caballero, Sakshi Mathur, Balaji Rajashekaran, Harris Mohammed for helping us complete our thesis. We would also like to thank Michalis Desyllas for impartıng us with modellıng skills. A big thank you to all of those we might have missed out. It wasnt a conscious effort to do so.

Konstantinos Psomas Vishu Bhooshan Cemil Ceyhan Gönen Sara Gemma Sabate Gomez

- Acknowledgment -




A.Thesis Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1. Studio Brief 1.2. Abstract

B.Research Chapter 2: Robotic Research 2.1. Precedent Studies

2.2. SERB(Arduino Controlled Servo Robot) Experiments 2.3. Remote Control Helicopter Hacking [Heli-Hack] 2.4. Quadrocopter Explorations using AR.Drone’s

Chapter 3: Questioning The Space Frame 3.1. Dynamic Relaxation

3.2. Setting-Up a Field: Generation of Environment 3.3. Optimizing Structural Paths

Chapter 4: Self-Organising Agent System 4.1. Precedent Studies

4.2. Response to Structural Field 4.3. Structural Weaving Strategy

Chapter 5: Materiality 5.1. Natural Analogies

5.2. Material Properties 5.3. Physical Tests 5.4. Pouring System 5.5. Deposition Strategies

C.Prototype Chapter 6: Prototypical System

6.1. Fabrication Process 6.2. Global Configurations

D.Glossary Chapter 7: Appendix

7.1. End Notes 7.2. Image Credits 7.3. Bibliography


Chapter 1 Introduction

The book presents the story of Aeros. The journey began with the studio brief which addresses the relation between self -organising system and questioning of a space frame.

Chapter 1.1

Studio Brief : Behavioural




‘Technology Is the Answer ,But What is the Question? – Cedric Price ‘There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.’ -R.Buckminster Fuller The studio explores Proto-Design as a behaviour-based agenda that engages experimental forms of material and computational practice. Examining cybernetic and systemic thinking through responsive forms of prototyping and experimentation the studio develops synthetic design systems that actively seek to engage and participate in their environment. Projects explore life-like tendencies that emerge as a product of these interactions. Material and computational synthesis continuous the studio’s interest in forms of digital materialism. Environmental parameters stimulate and construct symbiotic partnerships between our synthetic systems and the playpen environments that they engage an enable.

as genotype/phenotype explorations construct serial structural prototypes. The aim is to create systemic relations that are adaptive and time-based. Beyond deterministic methods of structuring space, issues of duration and populations , the studio evolves a new language of assemblies as collective structures . Models address implementation scenarios that engage singular/collective orders. Time serves as a critical agent in the outlining of these systems and their ability to be implemented and organised. The studio looks towards an architecture that can be constructed as an adaptive network of stimulus-response environments. These synthetic ecologies seek to redefine how we live in our urban environments.

Scenario: Issues of context , site and infrastructure are challenged, as our systems explore ideas of latency, adaptation and evolution. The aim is to design systems that have the capacity to evolve contextual parameters through direct engagement and feedback .This open systemic approach tests its ability in multiple site interventions evolving solutions and hyper-specificity through this interaction with environmental and social conditioning.

Systemic Ecologies for Living : The studio explores

the generative potential of self-regulating phenomena through the development of proto-architectural systems . As Gygory Kepes once said , ‘The dynamic unity of constancy and charge has a fundamental role in our intellectual growth . Our clearest understanding of the nature of these complementary opposites has been reached through grasp of the principle of self-regulating systems’. Studio’s systemic approach seeks to evolve research that examines new forms of living and structuring of human environments. Experimenting through explicit models of interaction, observable patterns and proto-animalistic agency, the studio explores the capacity for design systems to evolve architectural elements with the capacity to selfstructure, respond and evolve. Structural morphologies - Studio Brief -


Chapter 1.2

Abstract Introduction


“… the future of control: partnership, co-control, cyborgian control. What it all means is that the creator must share control and his destiny, with his creations.”1 Aeros, like the name suggests, relates to air, more specifically in the domain of flight. Our research explores the aspect of robotics to generate flight choreographed structures using quad-copters as a fabrication as well as a design tool. Our research explores the development of a prototypical system based on tensioning and dynamic relaxation. The system is realised through time based deployment of robotic agents. The research also explores the realm of material behaviour by testing deposition strategies and phase changing materials. The emphasis is to question the existing notion of element – node space frame structures by generating an in-situ agent based system for creating a shelter. A single fabrication process adapting to generate transitivity from the vertical to horizontal. The system could lead to space creation and deployment strategies in places difficult for present construction systems to reach. We believe autonomous, self organized fabrication could be a possibility in the near future.

1 - Abstract -


Chapter 2 Robotic Research

Physical Computing, if one searched the word on the Google search engine, as usual the case it reveals a series of links. A closer look at the links and the tag lines suggests a list of common words like intelligent, sensing, interactive, programming, robotics. Looking at all these words, one can string together a definition of physical computing. Let’s say, it is an intelligent system which can sense and interact with its physical environment with the help of a computer or in other words, it is about creating a conversation between the physical world and the virtual world of the computer.1 The obvious question is what can been done with these interactive systems? As Rodney Brooks puts it, finding that Killer App, is of course the generic problem of the new technological world we inhabit.2 Traditionally this system has been used in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), using computers to imitate, and maybe someday replace, human beings.3 It has been an important part of computer science since its beginning. The second aspect of it is in the domain of Intelligence Amplification (IA), which focuses on computing as a medium of communication between the people.4 We believe this aspect of computing and the shifting the focus of physical computing from AI to IA would benefit in the application of physical computing in the field of architecture. We believe in this notion of sharing control with a machine and collaborating in development of a system. We would like to build on the work Raffaello D’Andrea along with architects Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler, who built a 20-foot tall tower from 1,500 foam bricks. Each brick was carefully placed by an autonomous flying drone, and is on display while under construction. Though based on the self organising system of flocking, we believe that the Quadrotors have a better application than just placing of bricks. We also believe that system should be a merger between the human and machine, rather than just be the replacement for the human, as the design of the layout is already predefined and programmed into the quadrotor. Keeping that aside, we would like to learn from the project the way the quadrotors are programmed to be controlled by a computer code and also the way they interact with the neighbouring agent to build up a structure.

Chapter 2.1

Precedent Studies


Robotic Research

Flight Assembled Architecture,Frac

Centre,France by Raffaelo D’Andrea with Gramazio&Kohler in collabration with ETH Zurich: Flight Assembled Architechture is an installation built in Frac Centre, using quadrocopters carrying and stacking up foam bricks.Aspects of the project like using several quadrocopters moving in a synchronized way and tracking locations by cameras have been areas of interest for our project.

Spaxels / Klangwolke, Linz, Austria by

Ars Electronica FutureLab: The project uses 49 quadrocopters to carry light balls and carry out a programmed choreography. We looked into this project to understand the notion of choreographed movement between the robots and the ability to control multiple robots from a single computer.

- Precedent Studies -


Chapter 2.2

SERB (Arduino Controlled Servo Robot) Experiments


Robotic Research

What is SERB? SERB (Arduino Controlled Servo

Robot) is a prototye that is usually built by beginners in the field of hobby robotics to learn the usage of circuit board, motors, and programming. The popularity of these prototypes come from their customizability and simplicity, that allows users to experiment further ideas and design their own cars.

How It Works?

SERB robots consists of two parallel running servo robots which are controlled by an arduino board. Continuous rotation of the servos are programmed to stop at value 90, run full throttle at both 0 and 180 degrees. To have a forward movement, one of the servos has to rotates by 180 degrees in the clockwise direction while the other rotates by 180 in the anti clockwise direction. This is because the two servos on SERB are parallel and facing each other. For the backward motion, we we need to program it in the reverse direction. Programming both servos to 90 degrees makes the car stop. According to this information, to make a turn, depending on the time and degree of the turn needed, servos should be programmed to run either to different directions or to same direction with different speeds. Amount of turning ,speed and degree can only be set to desired value through trial and error method of testing.

The Result? Using this information, four different tests are accomplished by SERB cars. We used different principles, and added more gadgets such as proximity sensors, photocells and led lights. With two SERBs we learned and tested the basic principles of robotics. Robotic interaction and autonomous behaviour were achieved through these tests.

- SERB Experiments -


Polygonal Movement










Circular Movement


Avoiding Obstacles


Following Each Other



- Robotic Research -




SERB moves forward for a certain time that is set initially, then stops for a certain time, makes a rotation by turning one of the servos while other stops, and repeats this steps. At the end of the test, two robots move next to each other drawing perfect pentagons. To achieve this geometrically perfect shape, several tests were made by changing duration and speed of forward movements and rotations.




In the second test, the aim was to make a turn while both servos are running. That would enable the car to make a turn instead of a pivot rotation. Both servos run at same direction, with different speeds. Timing is tested over and over again to achieve the perfect circle. Later the same code is modified for the other SERB to make a larger circle in the counter direction.




A new part is mounted on the cars. Infrared distance sensor returns an analogue value, depending on the distance of the obstacle ahead. It can only detect objects between 10 to 80 centimetres. This analogue value is used for speeding up, slowing down and turning for a certain time to avoid the obstacle ahead. Cars are programmed to stop, rotate 120 degrees, move forward at full speed until another obstacle is detected, in the range of 30 cm.




As the leading robot has one IR sensor that helps to avoid obstacles, second one that follows is equipped with two IR sensors, one on the front right side and other on the front left. As the first car moves, second car tries to follow it by the values it gets from its distance sensors.If the distance returned from sensor on the left is higher than the one is returned from right, the arduino program communicates with the left servo to speed up to equalize the value. When both sensors detects the other car is too close, the following fuction stops. It also speeds up both servos when the leading car is too far, slows down when it is closer. - SERB Experiments21


- Robotic Research -

- SERB Experiments-


Chapter 2.3

Remote Control Helicopter Hacking (Heli-Hack)


Robotic Research

What is Heli-Hack?

The objective of this set of programming was to gain knowledge over a remote control helicopter toy, using computer and arduino board. Controlling and programming a flying robot enables to have a better understanding for the further steps of project. Parts used are a RC helicopter with its remote control, and arduino board, and three servos.

How it is Hacked? Remote controls for helicopters

usually have two joysticks, one direction mover for taking-off, one altitude control and landing by changing vertical speed, and other that moves to the sides for rotating and rolling. The use of potentiometer allows the Joysticks to control the signal sent to the helicopter by changing the resistance on the circuit. In these set of experiments, the potentiometers are the joysticks which are attached to the servos instead. The servo’s movements are programmed on computer through an arduino board.

The Result? Curves drawn on 3D modelling tool like

Rhino is divided into its curvature vectors and vectors are mapped to the servo steps. Each curvature vector on the curve is simulated by servos steps. Each step makes the potentiometer on remote control rotate thus make the helicopter turn. In effect, the curve seen on the computer screen is defining a trajectory for the physically flying helicopter.

- Heli-Hack -


Hacked remote control is attached to three servo motors that move the potentiometers. Servo motors are controlled by arduino, which is recieving commands from computer. To control servos, Rhinoceros plug-in Grasshopper and firefly are used. Firefly enables direct communication with arduino board. Curve drawn in Rhinoceros is analysed and mapped to servo steps by using the Grasshopper.

Trajectory Curve : Drawn on 3D software Rhinoceros and Decomposed into Curveture Vectors andTangent Circles

Screenshot of Interface: Helicopter is Controlled Through Grasshopper+Firefly on Rhino

The New Remote Control After Being Hacked Using Servos and Arduino Board


- Robotic Research -

These tests were check the closeness of trajectory moved by the helicopter with the curve on the computer screen. Long exposure images in the dark environment enable us to see the trace of LED lights of the helicopter.

- Heli-Hack -


Outdoor Flight Test #1 :Trajectory Curve + Long Exposure Image

Outdoor Flight Test #2 :Trajectory Curve + Long Exposure Image


- Robotic Research -

Outdoor Flight Test #3 :Trajectory Curve + Long Exposure Image

Outdoor Flight Test #4 :Trajectory Curve + Long Exposure Image

- Heli-Hack -



- Robotic Research -

- Heli-Hack -


Chapter 2.4

Quadrocopter Explorations Using AR.Drone’s


Robotic Research

What is Quadrocopter?

Quadrotors or quadrocopters are four-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles. Four rotors allow the machines to be more agile and powerful comparing to a regular helicopter. In these tests a popular version of quadrotors, AR.Drones are used. These are widely used for video gaming, and usually controlled by a smartphone or tablet pc.


How is It Controlled? At the first stage, controlling

quadrotors without being manipulated by a remote control was the key point. A Java-based Processing code is used to program AR.Drones through computer. Rotors are moving the body with four different kinds of movements, which are pitch, yaw, roll and altitude. It also has an automatic stabilization system that balances the height of four rotors . The accelerometer returns values of the tilt in the flight.


The Result?

After simple test flights that were useful for understanding capabilities of the drone, more advanced tasks were given. Using the webcam in front of it, image processing techniques like face detection, colour recognition and augmented reality marker recognition were applied. Autonomous flight was manipulated by the image captured by the AR.Drone while flying. Quadrotor is programmed to fly autonomously at a limited height and speed and land when HIRO marker is recognized.


Further flight test are made in Big Shed, a building in Hooke Park campus of The AA, to perform synchronized flight motion in a large space. Several tests were completed successfully, as a proof for level of control gained over the choreographed flight.



- Quadrocopter Explorations -


Control by Image Processing.Augmented Reality (AR) Marker Regcognition Using The Image Captured by Inbuilt Camera of AR.Drone and Processing



Twisting Threads Together. Four Pieces of Threads Attached to AR.Drone Being Twisted Together by ‘YAW’ Motion








- Robotic Research -

Blue Box = Command ‘Land’









- Quadrocopter Explorations-


Hooke Park - The Big Shed Test 01.Triangular Path

Test 02.4 Base Tour

Test 03:. Avoiding Collision


- Robotic Research -

- Quadrocopter Explorations -


Test 04. Twisting Around Pole

Test 05. Helical Movement

Test 06. Obstacle Course


- Robotic Research -

- Quadrocopter Explorations-



- Robotic Research -

- Quadrocopter Explorations-



- Robotic Research -

- Quadrocopter Explorations-


Chapter 3 Questioning the Space Frame

‘Space Frame’ structures are open-frame, lightweight structures that are charecterized for their potential for continuation and flexibility. In the architectural and engineering world the term ‘space frame’ is commonly used to describe threedimensional structures that may be either frames or trusses1. The space frame should control the formation of the full structure not allowing for randomness . We propose a ‘structure’ as a systemic endeavour. Structures are ‘means’ to construct, means alluding to the word ‘assemble’2. The spatial structures can be divided in to non-rigid structures and rigid ones. Tents, cables and pneumatics are light weight structures part of the non-rigid group, working on tension and leaving to the gravity their formation. While shells, folded plates and freeforms are structures working on tension, compression, bending and shearing; their shapes are not defined from the gravitational forces alone. Responding to the studio’s agenda for a ‘Space Frame’, our interest focused on cable ,tension-based structures as parts of a continuous system which is self-structuring. Therefore,in this chapter we discuss our exploration and digital experimentations through the behaviour of line setups in ‘Dynamic Relaxation’. Rethinking the traditional space frame techniques, we attempted to explore typical structural configurations to set-up an initial structural field-environment for the quad-rotors to built on. By questioning behaviours embedded in a flight assembly, we attempted to optimize structural paths in relation with the movement of the quadrotors . The optimized solutions end up to a variety of vertical configutations that constitute the initial deployment of our structural organisation system in space.

Chapter 3.1

Precedent Studies


Questioning the Space Frame

Konrad Wachsmann. We wanted to look at the

well established structural topology of a space frame and its internal structural relationships. Therefore, we were interested in the research of Konrad Waschmann, which criticizes the rigid fixed member nodes connections. Konrad Wachsmann is one of the architects that base his work on empirical processes that utilises the selforganization of material systems under the influence of existing forces. His research inherits the relation between natural systems, experimental geometry and mathematics and their application to construction. Mainly , we are interested in the proposal of Konrad Waschmann to create continuous dynamic structure without using any typical space frame joints, which along with the collaborative real time nature of robotic research led us to develop tension, dynamic relaxation structure.

Frei Otto. Another architect that

is experimenting with the notion of a structure as a continuous, lightweight system under tensile load, is Frei Otto. We placed the emphasis on the wool experiments carried out by him, which led us to research the behaviour and the dynamic potential of materials , such as wool and cables, to develop dynamically relaxed structures. His research demonstrates that the form-finding techniques with cables and its material behaviour can lead to a self-structuring, continuous member node connection system without the use of the typical joints.

“Forces and moments can be transmitted from one point to another, and can act either along lines or at distances from fixed points. A cable transmitting force has the ‘capacity to transmit’ tension, as an engine shaft or a girder has the capacity to transmit moments and as a building or a rock presses upon the ground with its weight.” Frei Otto - Precedent Studies -


Chapter 3.2

Dynamic Relaxation


Questioning the Space Frame

- Questioning the Space Frame -

Dynamic Relaxation is a situation and method in which the geometry of cable and fabric structures is defined when all the forces are in equilibrium. The precedent studies of Konrad Wachmann and Frei Otto along with our material research led us to use this method to optimize structural paths for the quad-robots. In order to achieve this, we developed digitally configurational lines in a physics engine. Specifically, the digital simulations in Maya Hair Engine, through the method of Dynamic Relaxation allowed us to enhance some conceptual approach towards the generative potential of a system which is self-structuring. Based on digital catalogs we explored, the design potentials of the physics engine through various possibilities of line setups. By connecting points between interacting planes, we realised that different kind of connections offer various accumulations of lines and different types of trajectories for our robots. We have achieved an extended variety of connections by changing the following variables:

• start point of the connection, top to bottom or bottom to top • subdivisions of the plane • scale of the plane • distance of a plane

The parameter of repulsion in the physics engine simulates the compression forces that are acting on the gravitational curves. The attractive forces acting outside the material correspond to tension in material. Moreover, the parameter of repulsion, in all the above cases, gives the opportunity for open and closed geometries, developing a branching system with accumulation of material (cables) in specific areas. In our design process those densities allow for hierachical material deposition.

- Dynamic Relaxation-


Repulsion. The parameter of repulsion in the physics engine (Maya) enabled us to create an interaction

between the threads through various accumulations. Two simple configurations were tested: 2D parallel lines (A) and 2D grid (B).

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours B: 2D grid

A: 2D lines

A. step 1


St 0.15 Re 0.25 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re 2 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re -0.25 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re -50 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re 0.25 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re 1.5 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re 2 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re -1 SC 10 CN 5

B. step01


step 3

step 2




St 0.15 Re 0.01 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re 0.25 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re 5 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re -0.01 SC 10 CN 1

St 0.15 Re 0.01 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re 0.25 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re 5 SC 10 CN 5

St 0.15 Re -0.25 SC 10 CN 5

- Questioning the Space Frame -

Rebuild of Curves .The parameter ‘rebuild’ of the curves defines the accumulation of the trajectories and therefore the density of the threads in specific areas in a similar way that the parameter of ‘repulsion’ does. The potential of this was explored with a 2.5D configuration of parallel lines and parallel grids.

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours B: 2D grid

A: 2D lines

A. step 1

step 3

step 2

Rb 4 St 0.15 Re 0.5 SC 10 CN 4

B. step 1

Rb 10 St 0.15 Re 0.5 SC 10 CN 4

Rb 20 St 0.15 Re 0.5 SC 10 CN 4

step 3

step 2

Rb 4 St 0 Re 1 SC 20 CN 4

step 4

Rb 10 St 0 Re 1 SC 20 CN 4

- Dynamic Relaxation -

Rb 40 St 0.15 Re 0.5 SC 10 CN 4

step 4

Rb 20 St 0 Re 1 SC 20 CN 4

Rb 40 St 0 Re 1 SC 20 CN 4


Start-End point of Connection .The start-end point of connection plays a crucial role to the process of formation and gives a varying effect on the branching of the trajectories. There are two ways of connection: bottom to top and top to bottom connections.

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours

combination 01

combination 02

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0


combination 03

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Questioning the Space Frame -

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

Subdivisions of Planes.The amount of subdivision of the planes define the amount of the connected points and therefore by increasing the number of subdivisions we increase the density of trajectories.

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours

combination 01

combination 02

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

combination 03

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Dynamic Relaxation -

combination 04

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0


Distance - Axis X .The change of distance of the (middle) plane on X or Y direction changes the length of the lines and results in the creation of ‘stretched’ forms [structural paths in tension].

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours

x = 0.00

x = 0.50

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0


x = 1.00

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Questioning the Space Frame -

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

Distance - Axis Z. The change of distance on the Z axis causes the creation of vertical stretched forms.

Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours

z = -0.50

z = -0.75

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

z = 0.50

z = 0.00

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Dynamic Relaxation -

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0


Scale.Increasing the scale of the plane allows for the exploration of

trajectories to have more clarity of


Rb: rebuild St: stiffness Re: repulsion SC: static cling CN: num. collide neighbours



St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0




St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Questioning the Space Frame -

St 0 Re 0.5 SC 3 CN 5 Gr 0

- Dynamic Relaxation -


Chapter 3.3

Setting Up A Field-Generation of the Environment


Questioning the Space Frame

The generation of the environment in our flight choreographed system is defined by the structural behaviour of the configuration lines. The force distribution is setting up a field or an environment of vectors for the quadrotor (agents) to interact and respond. Using the physics engine and based on the previous explorations, we tried to generate some typical structural paths of compression and tension (like a column, span, cantiliver) by connecting points of subdivided horizontal planes-grids. The lines were drawn to support an already exiting plane by a set of quadrotors. Specific amount of points are connected between two planes developing a branching system to the top or to the bottom. Finally, we have choosed the system that is developed to the top plane because we realized that it gives us more structural possibilities. The digital experimentations were continued by increasing the amount of the interacting planes involved in the system, a combination of various planes in different positions, combining at the same time the various typical structural paths. We realized that to hold up a horizontal plane it required a large number of quadrotors, so we moved into lifting up a mesh with minimum amount of support points held by quadrotors and tried to support that using the structural lines. The mesh is a spatial cable net with tetragonal grid. A spatial cable net is a three-dimensional structure under tensile load, consisting of one-dimensional elements exactly as the space frame. The joint points that are hanged by the robots are suspension point of the various configurations of the cable net. Therefore, a waveshaped structure which is formed which is subjected to compression. The surface has a sharp ridge on top which is in tension around the suspended points. The cable nets are subjected in compression, tension and bending, depending of the position of the suspension points in space.

- Setting up a Field-Generation of Environment -


Compression Paths.The initial attemption towards the creation a structural environment-field , began

with explorations of various configurations which create paths in compression ( distribution of forces in parallel with the vertical axis). By connecting points between ‘interacting planes’ we attempted to create typical structural environments. The clarity of networking differs according to the type of connection ‘Bottom to Top’ or ‘Top to Bottom’ . Compression Path 01

-Bottom to Top The ‘Compression Paths’ 01-03 are generated in the physic’s engine by drawing the initial setup lines from ‘Bottom to Top’. The result is efficient for structural paths as is giving accumulation of lines to the bottom and a better clarity of networking to the top. The configuration ‘Compression Path 01’ has it bottom plane positioned in a middle distance in relation with the top plane towards the simulation of a column. In the ‘Compression Path 02’ the bottom plane is placed to the side of the configuration (cantiliver) and in the ‘Compression Path 03’ the forces are distributed to two side planes in smaller scale (span).

-Top to Bottom

Compression Path 04

The ‘Compression Paths’ 04-06 are generated in the physics engine by drawing the initial setup lines from ‘Bottom to Top’ and they are configurations towards the simulation of a ’column’ , ‘cantiliver’ and a ‘span’ accordingly. The result is not very efficient for structural paths and the creation of space (for the span) as clarity of networking is higher towards the bottom.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

Compression Path 02

Compression Path 05

- Setting up a Field-Generation of Environment -

Compression Path 03

Compression Path 06


Tension Paths.To generate structural environments in tension we moved the bottom planes away from the top plane to achieve tensioning and thereby distribution of forces in parallel with the vertical and the horizontal axis. We kept the type of connection ‘Bottom to Top’ as we’ve realised from the previous digital experiments that is the most efficient type of connection. -Bottom to Top

Tension Path 01

The ‘Tension Paths’ 01-03 are generated by drawing lines in the physics engine from ‘Bottom to Top’ .They are configurations with two , three and four bottom planes accordingly, placed in distance with the top plane on the horizontal axis.

Configuration o1-Multiple Planes .After the studies with the typical structural paths-parts in

compression and tension ,we started combining multiple planes between them, positioned in various distances with the top plane on the horizontal axis . Global configurations with multiple qualities of space were generated.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

Tension Path 02

Tension Path 03

Perspective View

Side View 01

Plan view

- Setting up a Field-Generation of Environment -

Side View 02


Configuration o2-Soft Mesh In further catalogues we began connecting multiple bottom planes

postioned in various distances with a top Mesh. Instead of a flat plane on top , now we have a soft mesh lifted up by the quad-rotors.

From a Flat Plane

To a Soft Mesh

1.Quadrorotors lifting-up a mesh.


2.Placement of Start-End Points.

- Questioning the Space Frame -

3.Generation of trajectories.

4.Final Result.

Perspective View

Side View 01

Plan view

- Setting up a Field-Generation of Environment -

Side View 02



- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Setting up a Field-Generation of Environment -


Chapter 3.4

Optimizing Structural Paths


Questioning the Space Frame

The objective, after exploring the potentials of setting up a field and generating an environment for the movement of the Quad-Rotors at a global level as explained in the previous sections, was to create an onsite weaving based structure through the choreography of the quadrotors. Hence , we started organizing structural configurations to optimize robotic trajectories at a local level. These act as initial setup lines which the robots tries to achieve as the robotic movement is directly articulated with the deployment of the structural organization in space. We attempted to do this by drawing connecting lines on the peripheral points of circles. Simple line setups which are dynamically relaxed use the property of attraction in a physics engine to optimize structural paths. The following catalogs include studies which shows how the amount of robots, the direction of connection (clockwise or counter-clock-wise) influence the formaton and optimization of the structural paths for configurations drawn between two circles. In the later explorations, through digital ‘structural analysis’ tests , the most efficient connections were selected for futrher cataloging with configurations drawn between three circles. These create simple vertical setups (columns) in which organization parameters are transformed in order to test the variation that is caused each time to the optimized paths when the drawn lines are dynamically relaxed. The transformed parameters that concern the circle geometry are the following: Radius of circle,Position Z (on the verical axis) and the Position X (on the horizontal axis ). Finally, the last catalogs concern combinations of columns towards the creation of larger organization with different behaviour under dynamic relaxation and therefore, different optimized structural paths.

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Generation of Connection.The main strategy to optimize sructural paths was developed by

connecting circles between them. Initially, the connections were generated between a bottom circle(R1) and a top circle (R2) of different radius (R1<R2). The configurational lines,which simulate the initial trajectories of the robots, were drawn between points created by the subdiving the circles . -Bottom Circle Geometry


-Top Circle Geometry


-Subdividing Circle Geometries

Connecting Circle Geometries 5


6 5






7 8

2 1





- Questioning the Space Frame -

Number of Robots (Start-End Points) The amount of starting points at the bottom and the

connections of the structural configurations are affected from the number of robots that take part into the choreography. The catalogs below present configurations of lines drawn between two circles (top and bottom), before and after the action of dynamic relaxation. -Before Dynamic Relaxation





-After Dynamic Relaxation

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Direction of Connection.The direction of connection based on the weaving path of the robot -

straight,clockwise and counter clockwise or both directions. The configuration where the lines are deployed from the same point in both directions gives a better structural diagrid.

-Before Dynamic Relaxation

-After Dynamic Relaxation


- Questioning the Space Frame -

Angle of Connection.The angle of connection between the bottom and the top circle gives a variation in the structural diagrid and hence generate various optimized structural paths for the quadrotors.

-Before Dynamic Relaxation












-After Dynamic Relaxation

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Tension-Based Vertical Setups .Connections with different angles , generated in both directions , clock-wise and counter-clockwise, produce authentic structural qualities.Based on a structural analysis we figured that by connecting every first bottom point to a third top point gives a better structural result . We develop a catalog of vertical setups by drawing lines between three circles.

Structural Analysis- Selection of configuration with optimized structural strenght

Stress Analysis

Optimized Angle of ConnectionA

5 4

6 5








2 1


8 1


- Questioning the Space Frame -

Displacement Analysis

Generation of trajectories between three circle geometries

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Radius .By changing the radius in different levels we control the vectorial transition towards the roof

.The following catalog present configurations with the radius of the middle level fixed to the minimum(1) or maximum(2) while the radius of other levels change from minimum to maximum. 1. Minimum Radius-Middle Level max.radius min.radius fixed radius

2. Maximum Radius-Middle Level max.radius min.radius fixed radius


- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Position Axis-Z. Changing the position of one of the circles on the vertical axis gives a variation on the

tensioning of the structure and a different deployment of the density of the diagrid towards the bottom or the top . The catalog below present dislocation of the middle circle towards bottom (1)and towards top(2). 1. Dislocation towards bottom.

2. Dislocation towards top.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Position Axis-X. The dislocation and the change of the distance between the circles on the horizontal

axis, give us the opportunity to control the position of the middle section of the column and also structures in bending. We;ve explored configurations with dislocation of the middle circle geometry on the horizontal axis (1) and the same setups with dislocation of the bottom circle geometry. 1. Dislocation of middle plane.

2. Dislocation of bottom plane.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Column Combination I .We started developing combinations of columns by having multiple circles in

the base as starting points.Merging columns between them increase the clarity of networking and supporting in different directions . The strength of the structure increases as the amount of lines increase. The catalog presents the combinations of maximum radius of middle geometry(1) aalong with dislocation on the horizontal axis(2). 1. Combination of two columns with maximum middle circle radius.

2. Dislocation of middle geometry with maximum radius.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Column Combination II .Similar configurations as the previous one but with smaller radius at the base of the merged columns, is gives variation to the optimized structural path. The following catalog presents this variation with combinations of two , three and four columns.

1. Combined minimum middle circle geometry.

2. Dislocation of combined middle geometry.


- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Cluster of Columns .In order create

space under the merged columns,we looked into the configurational logic of a cluster.Therefore, the base points of the verical setup are pushed out by increasing the radius of the circle that are organised around(1).To build up our population we started connecting clusters.(2).


- Questioning the Space Frame -

1. Clusters of two, three and four columns.

2. Combinations of clusters

- Optimizing Structural Paths -



- Questioning the Space Frame -

- Optimizing Structural Paths -


Chapter 4 Self Organizing Agent System

Self-organization is the current buzz word. As Paul Krugman puts it, thinking about self-organization stimulates you to think about familiar issues in a novel, if not always sensible, ways. 1 In simple words, self-organizing systems2 are those that become structured through interactions internal to the systems without intervention by external directing influences. One of the key features of the system is that they are dynamic and exhibit properties of Emergence - a process by which a system of interactive local units acquire new complex properties at the global level that are not understood or present at the local level, through feedback loops. When one talks of a self-organizing system, in the domain of architecture, the propensities is generally towards an aesthetically potent environment. 3 These environments are reactive and adaptive, that is, they respond, converse and adapt its characteristics to the prevailing mode of discourse. Michael Hensel agrees on this notion when he describes that these systems entail self-organization and emergence. We envision the system being developed to be based on such environments. It would lead to a hybrid self-organizing system in which the agents would converse respond and adapt to an environment it is situated and there by leading to a structure. It would path driven, in the sense that depends on the input condition. It will similar in this regard to the Colloquy of Mobiles Project by Gordon Pask or the Generator Project of Cedric Price. The main drawback of these projects which we would like to address is the finite number of input conditions or “menus�, as Cedric Price called it. This could be negated if the inputs are directly derived from the context or the surrounding environment, rather than it being inputs of commands. Self-organised structures can be regarded as a kind of computation performed by the interactions of physical particles or agents. We consider the quadcopters to be like an agent, more in the sense of it being in an intelligent agent.

1 2 3

Chapter 4.1

Precedent Studies


Self Organizing Agent System

14 Billions (Working Title), An

spider Web inspired art installation by Thomas Saraceno, draws on architecture and science. The installation spans an enormous 400 cubic metres, is composed of 8000 black strings connected by over 23,000 individually tied knots and depicts a monstrous Black Widow spider’s web. The work was studied as the installation is based on the aspect of strings being held in tension. This aspect of the project relates to our idea of structures based on dynamic relaxation. The project was looked at to have an understanding on the connections between different strings. It also gave insight into how an attachment of another string, helps in tensioning .

Knotted Chair,

a lightweight chair designed by Marcel Wanders, combines industrial techniques and handcrafting. A thread constructed of aramid and carbon fibres, is knotted into the shape of a chair and then impregnated with epoxy resin and hung in a frame to dry, leaving the final form in the hands of gravity. The project was looked into for its similarities of using material deposition to freeze some pre-existing lines in space. The project also gave an idea of how some of our geometries could be predefined and modified later using some force like gravity or tension.

- Precedent Studies -


Chapter 4.2

Response to A Structural Field


Self Organizing Agent System

Our explorations for a smart agent began with the agent being simulated to decipher the area its hovering in, and thereby make its own decisions. The agent , in this case, apart from having the flocking parameter of alignment, performs a specific task of cohesion or separation based on the it flies in - tension or compression zone.

Tension Zone Compression Zone

The workspace of the agent is made up of voxels and each voxel carries a direction vector. The agent is constantly checking its angle with an Up Vector (0,0,1) and calculates whether the zone it is hovering is in tension or compression area. The agents, in the compression zone, track its neighbours in short vicinity and try to intersect at points. The attraction force is for some amount of time being stronger than the vector direction of the voxel it is in. In the tension zone, it is the other way round, with the agents trying to repel and move away from each other. With a few interactions we realised that there where large amount of intersections in the compression zone. We control this behaviour by changing the radius of the proximity search of neighbours. Up Vector

- Response to a Structural Field -


Agent Behaviour. A catalog of interaction between the agents were carried out to understand the

behaviour pertaining to local conditions. Following iterations explains the agent behaviour in varying tension and compression force fields.

01. Behaviour in Force Fields. Higher Tension Zone

02. Behaviour in Force Fields. Higher Compression Zone

03. Controlling Interactions


- Self Organizing Agent System -

Force fields were generated randomly to check how the agents correlate their behaviour when transiting from one force field to the other.

The agent behaviour is much more controlled when it transits from a compression zone to tension. The jitter of the transition from tension to compression is overcome .

Through the parameter of proximity search, the number of intersections in the compression zone could be controlled. Naturally with smaller proximity radius, a denser network is formed. - Response to a Structural Field -


Agent Behaviour. A catalogue of interaction between the agents were carried out to understand the

behaviour pertaining to local conditions. Following iterations explains the agent behaviour in segregated and controlled force fields.

04. Vertical Structural Element

05. Creation of a Frame

06. One Quarter Tension Zone


- Self Organizing Agent System -

Higher interconnection are created in the compression zones, leading to the generation of vertical structural element.

The cusp between the compression and tension zones, captures an interesting behaviour, a combination of both creating intersections whilst at the same time trying to separate out, leading to a creation of a frame.

Tension zones, even though in a minimum, are required to create a transition from the vertical to the horizontal. - Response to a Structural Field -



- Self Organizing Agent System -

- Response to a Structural Field -


Chapter 4.3

Structural Weave Strategy


Self Organizing Agent System

The domain of fabrication was the next step forward, once the optimised trajectories were built up, as explained in the previous chapter. Rather than manifesting it as regular member node space frame, were we need a high number of robots to be constrain points on the line, we tried to develop a weaving strategy, to connect initial set out lines [developed on Maya] that allows for a continuous hierarchical connection densities. It was deferred that by just weaving , we cannot achieve the optimised path. Hence a strategy to weave around the set out lines based on stress values which are derived from a structural analysis. Each curve/ Setout Line is divided into smaller parts and each part carries a stress value. The agent tries to weave the points with higher stress value in the area of vicinity. Each part of the line could be connected to only a single agent. The area of control can be controlled for each agent. Though the rules are derived locally, under certain circumstances the agent moves out of it local domain, to stabilise the global structure. To get closer to the optimised setup, certain key points are fixed in space. The number of key points depends on the type of configuration we wanted to achieve. The catalogues in the following pages explains the number of alignment points required for different configurations.

- Structural Weave Strategy -


Single Column.

The results of the catalogue suggests that for columns, which are slender at the bottom and spreading at the top, requires less numbers of fixed points, to achieve the optimised line diagram. For this particular column, it was achieved with 2 fixed point per line.

Structural Results:

Displacement Analysis

Stress Analysis

1. Align Points = 3.


- Self Organizing Agent System -

1. Align Points = 15.

2. Align Points = 10.

3. Align Points = 4.

4. Align Points = 2. - Structural Weave Strategy -


Large Columns. The objective of achieving large columns at the base was a failure as it required a very

high number of robots .[ 15 - 20 per line], to get close to the optimised trajectory. Holding so many high number of points kills the purpose of this type of fabrication. We tried to resolve this by clustering a group of columns.

Structural Results:

Displacement Analysis

Stress Analysis

1. Align Points = 8.


- Self Organizing Agent System -

1. Align Points = 25.

2. Align Points = 10.

3. Align Points = 4.

4. Align Points = 2. - Structural Weave Strategy -


Cluster of Three Columns. The clustering resulted in slender columns at bottom whilst opening up

in the middle section to interact with the neighbouring columns. This resulted in holding up higher number of points in the middle section to achieve the optimised path.

Structural Results:

Displacement Analysis

Stress Analysis

1. Align Points = 3.


- Self Organizing Agent System -

1. Align Points = 25.

2. Align Points = 15.

3. Align Points = 8.

4. Align Points = 2. - Structural Weave Strategy -


Intermediate Floor. The holding up key points , was wasting of a robot, just to keep a point in space.

In order to counter this, a possibility of creating an intermediate floor was introduced. Based on proximity of the alignment points, the agents interacted with the other to create an intersection and thereby leading to the generation of intermediate floor/level.

Iteration 1. Process of intermediate Floor

Iteration 2. Process of intermediate Floor


- Self Organizing Agent System -

- Structural Weave Strategy -


Global Tendency. At certain moments, the agent is smart enough to move away from it area of protocol, in order to support a weak/ unstable point in the global form. In this case the Global rule overrides those of the local.


- Self Organizing Agent System -

Process of Generation - Structural Weave Strategy -



- Self Organizing Agent System -

- Structural Weave Strategy -


Chapter 5. Materiality

The conventional casting processes rely on the rigidity of a fixed cast to deposit the material, which implies two parts of the process: 1- the structure of the cast 2- the pouring of the material into that cast We understand ‘cast’ as a constraint by which a material will mold itself into the given form, and where the material behaviour is not much involved in the formation process. Our research explores new ways of using phasechanging materials for building structures without any help of a cast to give a fixed shape. Our interest lies in the study of material behaviour and, in the logic of the device that would allow such processes throuhgh the study of phase-changing materials, where change happens instantaneously. This kind of construction opens a great potential in casting systems. Firstly, due to the fact that structures can be produced instantly wihtout a cast; secondly, by using material intelligence as a process of free-form finding; and last but not least, by exploring a machinic logic that breaks the usual constraints of movement and position. The investigation primarily focused on the material behaviour research and then, how this logic of the machine itself (quadrocopter) can be used as the device that would allow such processes to take place. The materiality of the proto design agenda was addressed with polyurethane, a quick setting material with phase changing capabilities with additional properties of lightness and high compressive strength.

Chapter 5.1

Natural Analogies



Exploring systems or processes that incorporate selforganizing methodology, for example the marinestratocumulus clouds, the flocks of birds, the shifting sand dunes, the bubbles in boiling water, or even, the economy system, it is possible to notice that these case studies are described as dynamic and adaptative structures which respond to specific performance criteria in different scenarios. Approaching to these kind of systems gave us a better understanding of the self-organizing processes and of its own paradigm, which obtains a global behaviour via simple local rules and interactions among a number of agents. We focussed on the interestng behaviour of these systems for technical applications like cooperative autonomous robots.

One of the first natural analogies that we investigated was the SPIDER WEB. In the same manner like architecture where there are different materials in the construction system, the same goes in the spider web construction. Each spider can have different types of silk which serve for different purposes in the construction process. From a sticky kind of silk for spining webs to a non-sticky one for tethering down the spokes of the wheel.

We commenced our material research by looking at analogies in nature that could correspond to architecture in their structural methodology, growth processes and optimization. Researching examples in nature gave us some analogies like the stinkhorn mushroom, the spider web or the silkworm, which become very interesting and exciting ones thanks to its formation, structure and mechanics. The main objective for studying these study cases is to investigate material behaviour, how it creates possible structural purposes, and also the properties these structures possess. The analogy of these systems enabled us to understand the main concepts of space-frame structure and how it could be achieved by employing a continuous material. Also, they gave us an understand ing on the economy of means - what amount of material is deposited and where it is required. The three samples have in common how is their formation based on few phases by continuous depositions and layering of material. The material produced by the spider web, the silkworm or the stinkhorn create a self-structuring forms which can be achieved by employing continuous material. Exploring in detail each natural analogies, we found out some interesting features which were useful for the later studies.

Typical example of tangle webs or cobweb.

The research focuses on the properties of the material and the construction process related to these properties. The strength of the design of the spider web and its efficient construction is well known in the scientific ommunity, even when the production process is extremely quick. This is one of the main characteristic that attracted our attention, the quick setting production of the spider web. This results in a powerful tool for the purposes of the spider, as well as, the complex, hierarchical structure of spider web and its amazing strength (even stronger than the steel). Some of these design principles which are a key property in its formation were considered previously as a weak aspect. For example, the way that spiders stretch and soften at first, pulled and later reinforced and stiffen again as the force of the pulling increases. The hardening procedure is crucial to the way spider web materiality resists damage.

- Natural Analogies -


The construction of the spider web follows a certain kind of common steps which are always part of the process. In the first step of construction, the spider releases a sticky thread that is blown away with the wind. If this breeze carrying the silken line gets fixed to a spot the first bridge is formed. Then, the spider crosses along this silken line reinforcing it until it is strong enough. After the first difficult line, the spider makes a loose thread and contructs with a second thread in a Y shaped netting (the first three radial lines of the web). At that point, a frame is constructed to attach the other thread. Once this is completed, the spider starts to make circular threads (with non-sticky ones). After that the web is completed with non sticky radius and sticky ciruclar threads. In this contruction process the spider web exhibits a high-tech structure, made from a very thin material whose shape derived from the intention of the structure itself by means of undoubted physical and mathematical rules. The nature provide us a fascinating and delicate structure that never stops to amaze us. Engineers and architects have used the nature as a inspirational source and, in this case, the spider web is an perfect example. A phase-changing material which resist damage and is flexible enough to allow for different configurations with the same raw material. The nonlinear properties of the spider web can open new lines of investigation for new materials. Another natural analogy that we focused on is the SILKWORM. In architectural terms, the silkworm’s cocoon is an good model of sustainable ergonomic design: an oval container made from a continuos material, the natural silk fibre. The main characteristic of the silkwom cocoon that attract our attention was the capability of forming enclosure spaces from the accumulation of several 120

fibres which in its basic configuration, like in the spider web case, are apparently fragile ones. The silk fibre is an extremely strong material. A filament of silk is stronger than its equivalent in steel (Crotch, 1956). The formation process of the cocoon is also an interesting aspect to look at. Where a fluid material get tough and converts into a hardened silkworm saliva. The aim of the larva, also called caterpillar, is to form a protection shield (the cocoon) where its life cycle gets closer to the end. As part of our research, we studied the silkworm cocoon for its materiality and process. The structure property function relations in the cocoons gave an understanding of the design rules behind this natural composite material. Research has been carried out on mechanical behaviour of the silk material of the cocoon. Its tensile properties and the layering system allow us to learn how to optimize the using of a composite material. The construction process is a interesting point for the research. The spinning process starts when the silkworm extracts a dense fluid from two structural glands. The substance that is secreted through two conduits in the head of the silkworm, hardens when it gets in touch with the environment. It is the oxygen that makes the material to condense and form silk. This is the material the silkworm uses for spinning the cocoon around itself. Later, the viscous part of the silk is covered by another layer which is also secreted from the mentioned glands. An important aspect of this material is the adherence to itself. The silkworm is capable of forming the cocoon from a continuous layering process. - Materiality -

Looking for natural example which exhibits growth and self-structuring, we found the STINKHORN MUSHROOM. These mushrooms, at some stage of its development, are covered by a foul-smelling slime. Then, the fruiting body arises from an egg with a laced, white skirt hanging 3-5 cm from the lowest part of the conical cap.

The mushroom development begins in the form of an egg. After the egg is broken at the apex, then it expands immediatly in order to form a phallus-shaped structure which ends in a conical or thimblelike cap (this part of the growth process barely take more than 15 seconds) Its material formation process commence when the lower margin of the cap secrete a spongy material structure similar to the stem in apparence. Then, a membranous veil is suspended like a collar around the stem under the lower part of the cap. This veil can be of varying lengths. These three interesting and intriguing examples gives us the importance of phase-changing materials, and what are their main advantages. All these case studies lead us to choose a composite material, with phasechanging properties.

Phallus indusiatus, a dictyophora specie of stinkhorn mushroom.

The material continuity produced by this natural analogy aims to create its structure. The material formation lead us to understand how a self structuring form can be achieved by using a continuous material. Apart from its continuity aspect, this material has the apparent advantage of strength because of the way that the raw material is poured from the bottom edge of the cap. Layering gives the clue in this natural construction methodology. The veil-like structural morphology is the result how the material is deposited and for the advantage of the adherence to itself (to the raw material), but also the limitations of this adherence are the reason of its structure composition which creates a lattice/ diagrid.

- Natural Analogies -


Chapter 5.2

Material Properties



The idea that architecture is fixed belong to the past. Today, architecture can change where it is needed, even it can be in a continuous state of becoming, a phase-changing construction. Looking for phase-changing, strength and continuity materials, the research focuses on hybrid materials. The combination of two or more different materials which act in harmony to create a product that performs greater than the sum of its parts. Such recombinant materials could act as a symbiotic relationship to accomplish high performance properties, that have long demonstrated their performance in the construction industry. A classic recombination material, the reinforced concrete, takes advantage from the compressive strength of concrete and the tensile strength of steel; in this direction, the research focus looking for any material that allows flexibility for making different geometries and, at the same time, that can freeze the previous one in order to form a solid structure. In terms of high-performance characteristics, the research pays attention to several essentials properties which enhance collaboration between the elements of the project, exploring new ways of using phase-changing materials for building structures without any help of a cast for a giving fixed shape.

All these properties play a fundamental role on the system because they facilitate dynamic, coherent and adaptative techniques, which tend to repair themselves and resist change. Phase-changing rule based systems that allows them to adapt and develop integrated solutions responds to specific performance criteria in different scenarios. Expanded polyurethane became the testing material throughout the research. This material has many applications and their properties have been widely investigated, mostly in relation to the known applications. a


500 µm

200 µm

Free expanded polyurethane foam (density of 37 kg/m3) (a) magnification x 100 (b) magnification x 200

This is a plastic material composed by a highly variable family of polymers such as nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. The expanded polyurethane has the apparent advantage of phase-changing where the material has a fast implementation when is applied in situ. The material changes its state from liquid to solid and it expand its volume at the same time. Continuity is also a main property which guarantee its strength to resistance.

Phase-changing process formation from liquid to solid

There are some essential properties that we look for in the physical tests. These properties rely on some behaviour and properties, such as: • • • • • •

phase changing aspects quick setting properties expansion when two components are mixed lightness strength compression adherence properties - Material Properties -


Cure Time

0 seconds to 25 seconds Freshly pouring the material is liquid

Gel Time

25 seconds to 2 minutes Skin formation (when the adhesive power finishes), surface starts to dry but still soft

Cream Time

2 minutes to 5 minutes Structural formation, becomes solid

= amount = volume basic mixture

119 grams

basic mixture


mixture with water

47 grams

= volume = weight

mixture with water

- Materiality -

Quick Setting Phase-changing is an essential property for the material used in the flight choreographed architecture. A quick setting is required for creating an on-site fabrication. For this reason, time is an essential variable for controlling the phase changing materials. There are differents steps in its harden process: CURE TIME (freshly poured material is liquid), GEL TIME (skin formation when the adhesive power finishes and the surface starts to dry but still soft), CREAM TIME (structural formation, becomes solid). Considering expanded polyurethane as the building material, there are several restrictions in terms of the construction; thus, the material should be used to solidify a flexible structure. In this way, it is possible to achieve both flexibility and rigidity and create a phase-changing structure.

Expansion of Component A+B One of the main objectives of the research is to find a material which has the ability to increase its volume, because the flying robots have limitations of the amount of material it can carry. The basis of free expanded polyurethane is to combine, in the same proportion, a component A and a component B for obtaining an expansion eigth times (x8) of its volume. When the same amount of components A and B are mixed with 1/10 of water the expansion is double, almost sixteen times of its initial volume.

Lightness The quality of lightness is always a focus of design for space and structure. The construction needs a non heavy material. The fact that the robots have to carry the material implies the search for lightness properties of the possible materials in order to avoid problems in the construction process. Testing the material with water and without, the same volumet have huge differences in terms of weight for an already ligth material. An ideal condition for the requirements of the fabrication method.

- Material Properties -


compressive strength (kg) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

12.5 kg

= strength = weightx

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 volume (dm2)

Basic Mixture

Mixture With Water

2nd Layer 1st Layer







- Materiality -

Strength The lightness of the material is increased by adding water to the solution of component A + B which result in the polyurethane material. This new solution gives a ligther product and but the interesting fact is that its resistence under compression is not affected by the mixture with water. Even with equal volume of the tests with and without H2O, the resistace of both are the same, it does not matter that the water added mixture has less amount of polyurethane in its composition. The water also acts as a catalyst to fasten the process of hardening.

Adherence To Itself Expanded polyurethane is a material with an exceptional capability of adherence between its own particles, which makes it strong under compression. This property is not lost when it is poured several times, but it is even stronger in every new layer. This means that after pouring for first time, it is possible to do it over and over again, because the tendency of the partcicles to cling to one another has not been altered and, hence does not affect the strength of the material in terms of the formation of a solid structure. This property could be essential when it is needed to reinforce some parts of the structures once it is made; because it implies that once the material is poured, it can be done again and it retains its strength of adherence.

Adherence To Other Materials This material has a incredible adherence power to itself and to other materials as well. The material possess high adhesrence to various base materials such as fibers, films, metal, etc... It is possible to reinforce the self-structure of the material adding a scaffolding system. It could allow to extend the possibilities of this material.

- Material Properties -


Chapter 5.3

Physical Tests



Our primary concern within our material research was to find a process that would allow the phasechange material to set freely without help of a fixed cast. Keeping this idea in mind, the first physical tests were initially carry out to understand the material properties and to find some clues on why the expanded polyurethane has to be the material used for our prototypes. From these first set of experiments, for investigating these properties, our inference was that material and structures can be further reinforced by adding a scaffolding system, controlling the space frame that would be developed. We used textile fibers to create 3d structures by applying expanding polyurethane was the initial solution for the scaffolding system. To understand the distribution and density of the soft supporting system, we began to look at local tests using jute as guide for our phase changing material. These experiments gave us an insight into all the methods for understand the better way for pouring the material, their properties and various production methods to organize the threads: • interweaving, intersection of two or more sets of threads, warp and weft, which cross and interweave at right angles to each other

The selection of the material of the scaffoling system is essential due to the neccessity of continuity of the main material (expanded polyurethane) which give us the opportunity to attempt at creating self structuting systems like the natural analogies that can be formed without any formwork. Space frame is materialized as a scaffolding system of a soft system were the expanding material adheres. Using this soft system allows a huge flexibility of the building system which can be freezed through the connection of the system with the phase-changing material. The combination of both allows a flexible system to solidify, and a non-structurable material to have a clear structural system. The embedded fiber system which the recombinant material facilitate integration of different functions. The thesis research implies a system which is a unified one of material, machine (the robots) and behaviour and the characteristics of each have a significant impact on the whole. From local aspects to global ones of the prototype. For all these reason, the next step in the research was to determine the advantages and the limitations of the scaffolidng and material techniques.

• warping, is by far the oldest and most common method for producing a continuous length of straightedged fabric • twisting, such as braiding and knotting, where threads are caused to intertwine with each other (in the past, this techniques tend to produce special constructions whose uses are limited to very specific purposes) • interlooping, consists of forming yarns into loops, each one is typically only released after a succeeding loop has been formed and intermeshes with it so that a secure ground loop structure is achieved. Though polyurethane plus the soft scaffolding system, with the advantage of lightness, provide a fast construction method. This kind of scaffolding system has an immense potential, and have not been utilized befire in fields like architecture. - Physical Tests -


Test 1. Adherence vs Inclination. The adherence

between the thread for the initial tests and the expanded polyurethane ( when component A + B are mixed) changed based on several conditions such as the angle of the thread with the vertical, the time of pouring, the number of times of pouring and the intersection between the threads. But a fundamental aspect for further explorations were to determine the limitations of the inclination of the thread, when the material does not flow more along the soft scaffolding system and when it adheres to the line.

In this test, when the angle with the vertical increases the adherence power of the expanded polyurethane with the soft supporting system exponentially decreases, for this reason, in order to achieve a balance, it is neccesary to increase the number of times that the material is poured for getting the same result with less angle with the vertical.


- Materiality -

Test 2. Intersections Increasing the Scale by Increasing The Complexity. The connection between supporting system and material determines the design process. As in the spider web construction process, the intersection among the different parts is essential. The local behaviour of the material focuses on how is this connection and its consequences.

Type Connection Test Bottom-Top or Bottom-Bottom Top-Top

Initial Intersection Tests

The technique for contructing the intersection holds an immense potential due to the continuity of material, which allows to create a flexible system with different connections that influence in the stability and strength of the prototype.

Weight test over the type connection test. - Physical Tests -


Test 3. Pouring From Holes. For improving the control of time-based deposition, the research focus on the application of flexible plastic pipes as soft scaffolding system.

pipes x1

The tests start with single pipes for regulating the parameters that control how the material leaves from the interior. When the number of the holes varies or the distance between the first hole and the next, then the pouring aspect changes.

pipes x4

The next step is two start connecting the pipes, as in the previous experiments with the other soft scaffolding system (the thread one). In this case, the singles pipes intersect at some point where the pouring holes are located to reinforce the connection. This experiment gave insight on the curvature before and after the connection and how the material flows once it is deposited.


- Materiality -

Text 4. From Single Pipes to Twisting Ones. lightness


expansion A+B


quick setting

Twisting four pipes among themselves in the same trajectory strengthen the structures of the system when the tests change from local to a global scale.

soft suppoting system


0-15ยบ 15-30ยบ < 45ยบ

- Physical Tests -



- Materiality -

- Material Properties -


Chapter 5.4

Pouring System



From the set of physical tests, related to the material properties, the research focused on the pouring system in order to optimize the amount of material used in the process. Recombinant material is a key word due to its apparent advantage of strength, continuity and quick setting. The phase-changing material improves its advantages when a scaffolding system is applied. The selection of such system play a fundamental role. After testing different soft scaffolding systems, the experiments gave us the answer for selecting that one which compromise a high adherence to the expanded polyurethane through the fabrication system. The soft supporting system is based on a series of flexible pipes which are placed by the robots to form a 3D network. Considering polyurethane as tha main material to solidify the pipes, by varying the application and amount of material across the system, we can achieve both flexibility and rigidity creating different deformations of the supporting system. Along the process, the different physical and digital experiments lead us to understand how to obtain huge differences in the resulting delamination by just changing some essential variables of the pouring system.

material collision! resin dillamination! lattice composition!

4 main drones 1000x1000x350 mm 4 material drones 500x500x200 mm

The following set of experiments give us an insight into the pouring methodology. The objective is to develop a better system for depositing the material based on its properties and the production methods to organize the robotic population. The local behaviour of the design process determines the variables of how to control the design output. Expanded polyurethane infuses rigidity to the intersections to resist the increased load and strength to the overall structural system, and also connectivity among the trajectories in itself for its adherence power.

As it is showed in the next two examples, the initial set up is the same but different results are achieved by varying the speed of the deposition along the trajectory.

resin dillamination!

material viscosity!

4 main drones 1000x1000x350 mm 4 material drones 500x500x200 mm - Pouring System -


Density Testing the amount of material poured per second along the trajectories, it is possible to analyse how is the impact of changing this parameter in the rigidity and strength of the set up. The understanding of how much material we need to use depending on the distance of the path to cover is essential in order to control when the material is really needed and when it is overused. Also it has an effect on the light result of the product. rate: 50 grams per second

Turbulizing The Trajectories The overall strategy of the depositing methodology, not only follows the trajectories; it also focuses on trying to create enclosure space even when the initial trajectories of the main drones or the weaving ones are not located in such areas. The robots can examine the distance between trajectories and, based on the state of the material during pouring, determines if it is possible or not to make an enclosed space. In order words, to create surface with the expanded polyurethane. This type of real time decisions are related to essential properties of the material such as the adherence to itself and to other materials. The incredible fact of this property is that its adherence power makes the overall structure stronger. This property could be essential when it is needed to reinforce some parts of the structures after it is made.

turbulizing over the trajectory

Pouring Strategically In the next digital experiments over the lattice construction, the material drones interact in the space frame formation throughout conbining the own trajectories of the robots (turbulizing them) and changing the amount of material deposited at the same time. It is possible to reinforce the self structure of the material just depositing strategically at some points of it. A well depositing strategy could allow to extend the possibilities of the material in itself. low density + early pouring (liquid)


- Materiality -

rate: 100 grams per second

rate: 150 grams per second

rate: 300 grams per second

weaving among trajectories

turbulizing + weaving

turbulizing + vector lines, pouring gaps

high density in closer trajectories

high density, reinforcing material intersections

high density + late pouring

- Pouring System -


Initial Deposition System. As we mentioned before, a very simple set up can be converted to a very different ouput depending of some variables of the deposition system. For this reason, the initial deposition is essential for the subsequent ones.

As you can see in the following diagrammatic explorations, even when the set up repeats its own configuration along the trajectory the material behaviour changes from the first poured section to the next one. This analysis is useful for exploring its limitations (of the expansion properties) for starting cataloguing the material possibilities of the prototypes.


- Materiality -

The initial pouring strategy consist of depositing the material from bottom holes in the pipes, what they will allow to freeze the holding tubes from inside over the initial trajectories that the main robots describe in their choreography. Afterwards, the material flows in the interior of the pipe to go out from the top holes. This creates a material outer surface deposition which is the responsible of the proper adherence of the subsequent layers. The secondary pouring methodology made by the material drones are based on the layering strategy based on the adhere properties that the material in itself has.

- Pouring System -


Material Aspect. Our digital simulations were mainly focussed on understanding the behaviour of the material. As it is mentioned before, just changing basic parameters related to the robots and the pouring system results in depositional changes even in a very simple set up of the pipes. Test 01. Density LOW-MEDIUM Robot speed MEDIUM State when pouring LIQUID Population MEDIUM

0 seconds Test 02. Density LOW Robot speed HIGH State when pouring LIQUID (immediatly) Population LOW

0 seconds Test 03. Density HIGH Robot speed LOW State when pouring VISCOUS Population MEDIUM

0 seconds 142

- Materiality -

15 seconds

10 seconds

20 seconds - Pouring System -


Chapter 5.5

Deposition Strategies



A timed based structure, few seconds also make a huge difference. The quadrotors have as third task to freeze the flexible tubes held in space from the optimize trajectories and the weaving drones with the phase changing material. This means that depending on when these material drones are pour the material the same kind of set ups could obtain very different results. The different controllable variable are... • speed of the robot • amount of material deposited by second • time when the material is poured after mixing • size of the nozzle used to pour the material • number of times of pouring • population of robots per area The catlogs in the following pages explored in digital how to make enclosed spaces, lattice structures or the process of making an enclosure, depending on deposition strategies. As it is explained previously, two different deposition strategies are used. In the first, the pouring is in the inner part of the pipe, through the holes created on the outside allows for hardenening the pipes, while the second pouring which is from outside will create the enclosure parts or the material filaments between the previous ones. Controlling the different variables for designing the structures on the bases of previous experiments, we could build sparse or dense areas, non-rigid and rigid ones and even create masses or voids.

- Deposition Strategies -


In this example the more solid and compact parts correspond where the bots reduce the speed, they pour a medium-high density material, the nozzle of the size of the pouring system are big or when the population of bots is high.

speed density population

nozzle size

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


- Materiality -


density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population

- Deposition Strategies -

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


In this case, it is noticeable where the material is mainly deposited. In this column sample the material drones go around following trajectories of the previous robots, and focusing on the more dense trajectories to take advantage of the real-time position of the flexible tubes to freeze them, when the trajectories intersects and then, deposit the material.

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


- Materiality -

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population

- Deposition Strategies -


speed nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


In the sample, the research focuses on getting more strands, therefore the robots increase the speed, they spread along all the trajectories and then, they pour a non-dense or liquid material, then the material flows more along the sticky elements and does not allow for concentrated areas.

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


- Materiality -

speed density nozzle size population


density nozzle size population

- Deposition Strategies -

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


In this last part of the material column catalogue, the robots focuses to deposit the material in the trunk part of the column to reinforce the structure in cases in which exists important loads, like cantilever conditions.

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population


- Materiality -

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population

- Deposition Strategies -

speed density nozzle size population

speed density nozzle size population



- Materiality -

- Deposition Strategies -


Chapter 6 Prototypical System

Architecture is in the process of a revolutionary transformation. There is now increased momentum towards a collaboration between materiality and technologies. Over the last couple of decades, computation has proved a great facilitator for design, allowing far greater scope for analysis and generative design.1 All these lead to a new paradigm in architecture, which is the development of prototypical structures, which bring these collaborative systems into fruition.

Prototypes in architectural design, we believe is “motivated by a priori structural and material concepts and in which structuring is the generative basis of design.�2 Prototypical Systems help in bringing out new materiality and renders design as a research-related and knowledge-producing process.

Chapter 6.1

Fabrication Process


Prototypical System

The proposed prototypical system situates itself in the realm of a space frame,while at the same time questioning it. We propose an is-situ agent based system , with a single member adapting to generate a transitivity from the vertical to the horizontal. The system suggests the use of phase changing materiality and deposition strategies of the materials like resin and foam. The Fabrication Pipeline : 01. The process kickoffs with the placement of initial setout points on a given ground/site condition and the deployment of an upper boundary condition. 02. The initial set out points, is used to develop optimised trajectories. These trajectories are used as the driver geometry to carry out the structural analysis. 03. The optimised lines are achieved through a weave strategy based on the structural analysis. The operation is carried out by two types of robots - the thread drone and weaver drone. 04. The lines in space are materialised through the deposition strategies of the third kind of robot, the material drone. The fabrication process involves the technical know how on the different types of drones required to perform the different functions. It also proposes the development of a nozzle for precise placement of material.

- Fabrication Process -


Material. Details of fabrication.

Polyurethane Foam Component A+B Mixing Ratio by Volume: 1:1 Density: 40kg/m2 (after expanding) Expansion Amount: 25 Times of Mixture Volume



x 25 40KG

- Prototypical System -

PVC Flex Tube #1 Inner Diameter: 15 mm Outer Diameter: 18 mm Wall Thickness: 1,5 mm Weight: 75gr/m

15 1,5

PVC Flex Tube #2 (Weaving) Inner Diameter: 8 mm Outer Diameter: 10 mm Wall Thickness: 1 mm Weight: 50 gr/m


- Fabrication Process -



Material. Pouring Strategy Inside a Tube.

Perforation on the Tubes:

To Allow the Material to be Poured Inside the Tube, Expansion to Cover Outside and Fusion of Tubes Together

Attachment for Material Drone:

Mixing PU Foam PartA+B and Pouring Through the Holes on the Tubes Servo



Extended Legs

Mixing Tool

Arduino Board

- Prototypical System -



Movement Rail

Movement Gear Servo Motor

Arduino Board Mount

Pouring Nozzle for PU Foam:

Mixing Foam PartA+B and Pouring Through the Holes on the Tubes

Syringe- Comp.A

Syringe- Comp.B


- Fabrication Process -


Drones. Task Based Typology.


- Prototypical System -

Type 1 : Thread Drone

Heavy Duty, Strong, Stable Dimensions : 1000x1000x350 mm Payload Capacity : 2000 gr Max Flight Time : 30 mins Task: Holding Up Main Tubes, Hold Still Until Weaving and Materialising Finishes Material to Carry: Perforated PVC Main Flex Tubes#1 (80 gr/m) Estimated Tube Carrying Capacity in Length : 25 meters

Type 2 : Material Drone

Precise, Strong, Medium-Size Dimensions: 500x500x200 mm Payload Capacity : 650 gr Max Speed: 50 km/h Max Flight Time: 20 mins Task: Carrying Material in Small Amounts, Many Times for Better Deposition Material to Carry: PU Foam in The Attached Part, Components Mixed on Air(d=40kg/m3) Estimated Material Carrying Capacity: 0,65 Liters of Mixture of Part A+B =16,5 Liters of Expanded PU Foam

Type 3 : Weaver Drone Agile, Small, Fast

Dimensions: 400x400x100 mm Payload Capacity : 1000 gr Max Speed: 50 km/h Max Flight Time: 20 mins Task: Tensioning and Making Lattice by Weaving Thinner Tubes Around Main Tubes Material to Carry: Perforated PVC Weaving Flex Tubes#2 (50 gr/m) Estimated Material Carrying Capacity in Length : 20 Meters

- Fabrication Process -


How We Build. A time based generation process of the prototypical structure was build up on the weave

strategy. The sequence explains the process of using the driver geometry for initial set out lines as well as guiding the creation of the lower and upper roof meshes. 01 - Initial set out lines

02 - Weave

03 - Secondary Weave

Trajectory to upper boundary condition. Creation of mesh/sock.


04 - Material Dep

Secondary level, based on stress values. Pouring material on v element [column].

- Prototypical System -


05 - Lower Roof Lines

06 - Upper Roof Lines

07 - Creation of Lattice

vertical structural

Connecting between different vertical elements.

Creation of upper mesh based on the column position.

Lattice generation between upper and lower roof mesh along with material deposition.

- Fabrication Process -


From Local to Global. All the controllable variables transform from a local scale to a global one.

Thereby generating new topologies from lightweight areas to cantilever conditions, from massive columns in some critical parts of the structure to pencil ones.

density: LOW

robots speed: MEDIUM

state when pourin

density: LOW

robots speed: HIGH

state when pourin

density: LOW

robots speed: LOW

state when pourin

density: HIGH

robots speed: HIGH state when pouring: VISCOUS

density: LOW


robots speed: MEDIUM

- Prototypical System -

state when pourin



population: LOW

population: LOW

ng: LIQUID population: LOW population: MEDIUM


population: HIGH

- Fabrication Process -


Physical Manifestation.


Understanding mateiality.

- Prototypical System -

- Fabrication Process -


Physical Manifestation.


Understanding mateiality.

- Prototypical System -

- Fabrication Process -


Physical Manifestation.


Understanding mateiality.

- Prototypical System -

- Fabrication Process -


Physical Manifestation.


Understanding mateiality.

- Prototypical System -

- Fabrication Process -


Chapter 6.2

Global Configurations


Prototypical Systems

The final aspect of the thesis was combining the strategies of robotic fabrication and structural system, into global organisation logic. The strategy was to test the system by creating two boundary condition - one being the ground and other the upper boundary condition. Various organisational logics where tried to test out the efficiency of the system. We started with linear grid of start points. The number of points and the distance between them were varied to create different condition of interaction entailing in different outputs. We also tested them in the radial and seeding organization. In all the above conditions we kept the ground flat, while the upper boundary condition was undulating whilst the last configuration adapts the system to adapt to an undulating ground and almost flat top boundary condition.

- Global Configurations -


Equal Linear Grid - Low Density. The columns were placed to create a large span whose proportion is greater than the height. The resulting out suggests a creation of slender sleek column, but resolution of the roof structural weaving is not intricate resulting in a weaker lattice.

Process of Generation

Plan - Column Position


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -


Equal Linear Grid - Higher Density. A higher density and resolution of columns, develops a dense weaving network at the roof. The proximity of columns could result in an interconnection between columns creating a multiple level spaces as well as stronger connection at the cantilever.

Process of Generation

Plan - Column Position


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -


Equal Linear Grid - Higher Density. A higher density and resolution of columns, develops a dense weaving network at the roof. The proximity of columns could result in an interconnection between columns creating a multiple level spaces as well as stronger connection at the cantilever.

Process of Generation

Plan - Column Position


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -


The Linear Gradient Density. The placement of columns is in a gradient resolution, by gradually

increasing the span between columns. It gives the option of creating pencil thin columns which create intimate spaces in the highly dense zones. The scale of the space increases with thicker columns, but the interesting part is that the upper roof condition adapts itself to larger spans to create a thicker lattice network.

Process of Generation

Plan - Column Position

Sectional Chunk


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -



- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


The Radial Setup. The radial setup creates the space at different scales , as it create a dome. The section

here shows the transition from single level spaces to multiple level spaces. But on hindsight, as most of the columns are in close proximity, it creates a very dense network of weaving, and hence the spatial qualities are lost. This gives us an insight as to the minimum distance between columns to create an intermediate level.

Plan - Column Position


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -


The Seeding Model.To test the amalgamation of various column types, we devised a system of placing

column position based on the charge it carries. The charge relates to the diameter of the column. The roof scape is developed as a mushroom for each column which are interweaved to create a continuous shelter.We tested with three sizes of column varying from pencil thin to large columns .

Process of Generation

Plan - Column Position


- Prototypical System -

Sectional Chunk

- Global Configurations -


Prototypical Section. The study of the sectional chunks, was applied to create a global configuration.

The objective of the proposal was to adapt to an undulating terrain. The organization is derived from linear lines which are pulled from control points to create a spline and hence creating a spatial configuration. Based on the spanning of space, different columns types are deployed to carry out the fabrication. We pitch it in the scale of a cathedral or a terminal building.

Fabrication was divided into three structural parts, the shell part which starts from the ground, the intermediate space, creating large spans and the third being the cantilever.


- Prototypical System -

Plan - Column Position

- Global Configurations -


Cantilever. Two columns in the formation of a V is used to create a cantilever. It is done in order to strengthen the base and allow for inter connection if necessary.

Process of Generation

Sectional Chunk


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Shell .Columns in close proximity to the ground creates a shell by connecting the top of the column with the ground. Interweaving between the roof planes is dense to make the shell thin yet structurally stable.

Process of Generation

Sectional Chunk


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Large Span.

Columns with slender shafts are used to create large span at the ground. These columns open up at an higher level to accommodate the roof. The structural weakness of the sleekness is compensated by multiple layers of material deposition.

Process of Generation

Sectional Chunk


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Global Form. Combining the strategies of robotic fabrication and structural system.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Internal Spaces. Cathedral of light.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Internal Spaces. The play of light adds to the spatial experience.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Transitivity. A single fabrication language adapting to both the vertical and the horizontal.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Physical Representation. 3D Print model.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Physical Representation. 3D Print model.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Physical Representation. 3D Print model.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Aeros is starting to take flight. We believe ,The system could lead to space creation and deployment strategies

in places difficult for present construction systems to reach. And We have a strong conviction that autonomous, self organized fabrication could be a possibility in the near future.


- Prototypical System -

- Global Configurations -


Chapter 7 Appendix

Chapter 7.1

End Notes



Chapter 1: Introduction 1. KELLY, Kevin. ‘Out of Control: The Biology of Machines’ London, Fourth Estate, 1994, pg. 331

Chapter 2: Robotic Research 1. O’SULIVAN, Dan, and Tom Igoe. ‘Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers’ Boston, SVP, Thomson Course Technology PTR, 2004, xix [p. 26] 2. BROOKS, Rodney Allen. ‘Flesh and Machines: How Robots will Change Us’ New York, Vintage Books, 2002, p.115W5. O’SULIVAN, Dan, and Tom Igoe. ‘Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers’ Boston, SVP, Thomson Course Technology PTR, xvii

Architecture’ Architectural Design, Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design, March - April 2006 , pg.6

Chapter 6: Prototypical Systems 1. MANGELSDORF, Wolf. ‘Structuring Strategies for Complex Geometries.’ Architectural Design: The New Structuralism, July - August 2010 , pg.41 2. OXMAN, Rivika. Robert Oxman. ‘Introduction: The New Structuralism.’ Architectural Design: The New Structuralism, July - August 2010 , pg.23

3. O’SULIVAN, Dan, and Tom Igoe. ‘Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers’ Boston, SVP, Thomson Course Technology PTR, xvii

Chapter 3: Questioning the Space Frame 1. TIEN T. Lan. ‘Space Frame Structures’ in Handbook of Structural Engineering, Beijing, CRC Press, 2005 , pg.24 2. CHILTON, John. ‘Space Grid Structures’ Oxford, Architectural Press, 2000 , pg.1

Chapter 4: Self Organizing Agent System

1. KRUGMAN, Paul. ‘The Self-Organizing Economy’ Cambridge MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1996, pg. 73 2. CAMAZINE, Scott, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraulaz, and Eric Bonabeau. ‘Self-Organization in Biological Systems’ Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2001, pg. 9 3. PASK, Gordon. ‘A Comment, a Case History, a Plan’ In Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, edited by Jasia Reichardt, 76-99. London, Studio Vista, 1971, pg. 77 4. HENSEL, Michael. ‘Towards SelfOrganisational and Multiple-Performance Capacity in - End Notes -


Chapter 7.2

Image Credits



Chapter 2: Robotic Research 1. D’ANDREA, Raffaello. Fabio Gramazio; Matthias Allen, Flight Assembled Architecture, 2011, FRAC Centre, Orleans, Accessed on 06 February, 2013 <> 2. FUTURELAB, Ars Electronica. SPAXELS / KLANGWOLKE - QUADROCOPTER, 2012, Linz. Accessed on 06 February 2013. < kunst-am-bau/spaxels-klangwolken-quadrocopter/ >

Chapter 3: Questioning the Space Frame 1. WACHSMANN,Konrad. Dynamic structure. Accessed on 06 February 2013 < konrad-wachsmanns-dynamic-structure.html.> 2. OTTO,Frei. Wool-Thread Experiments. Accessed on 06 February 2013. < uploads/2010/09/P8150668b-712x950.jpg>

3. Spider weave time-lapse, Accessed on 15 October 2012 <> 4. Silkworm spins cocoon time-lapse, Accessed on 21 October 2012 <> 5. Stinkhorn Mushroom, Knitectonics - Design Research, Chapter I, Accessed on 29 October 2012 < design_research> 6. Free expanded polyurethane foam (obtained by scanning electron microscope), Structure and properties of expanding polyurethane foam, 2008, Elsevier Ltd., Accessed on 27 November 2012 <htttp://>

Chapter 4: Self Organizing Agent System 1. SARACENO, Thomas. 14 Billion(Working Title), 2010, Stockholm, Accessed on 06 February 2013 < > 2. WANDERS, Marcel. Knotted Chair, 1996, London. Accessed on 06 February 2013 < knotted-chair/ >

Chapter 5: Materiality 1. ROBERTA; The Silkworm Story: A Thread through History, 2008, Accessed on 24 September, 2012 <> 2.MARSTELLER, Bob; Spider Web Art, 2010,Accessed on 24 September, 2012 <>

- Image Credits -


Chapter 7.3

Bibliography Appendix



Structuralism, July - August 2010 ,

1. BROOKS, Rodney Allen. ‘Flesh and Machines: How Robots will Change Us’ New York, Vintage Books, 2002.

3. OXMAN, Rivika. Robert Oxman. ‘Introduction: The New Structuralism.’ Architectural Design,The New Structuralism, July - August 2010 , pg. 14 - 23

2. BROWNELL, Blaine Erickson.’Transmaterial 1 : a catalog of materials that redefine our physical environment ‘ Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.

Online Resources:

3. CAMAZINE, Scott, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraulaz, and Eric Bonabeau. ‘Self-Organization in Biological Systems’ Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2001.

1. ‘Structure and properties of expanding polyurethane foam’, 2008, Elsevier Ltd., consulted on 27 November 2012 <htttp:// resources>

4. CHILTON, John. ‘Space Grid Structures’ Oxford, Architectural Press, 2000.

2. ‘Spider’s silk: Investigation of spinning process, web material and its properties’, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, ITT Kanpur, consulted on 10 october 2012 < on%20asmi/spider.pdf>

5. KELLY, Kevin. ‘Out of Control: The Biology of Machines’ London, Fourth Estate, 1994 6. KRUGMAN, Paul. ‘The Self-Organizing Economy’ Cambridge MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1996. 7. LAN, Tien T. ‘Space Frame Structures’ In Handbook of Structural Engineering, 24.1 - 24.50. Beijing: CRC Press, 2005. 8. O’SULIVAN, Dan, and Tom Igoe. ‘Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers’ Boston, SVP, Thomson Course Technology PTR, 2004 9. OTTO, Frei, and Friedrich-Karl Schleyer. ‘Tensile Structures’ Volume 2. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1969. 10. PASK, Gordon. ‘A Comment, a Case History, a Plan’ In Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, edited by Jasia Reichardt, 76-99. London, Studio Vista, 1971.

pg 40-45

3. ‘Spider spinning system’, consulted on 10 october 2012 < biomimeticmaterials/files/spiderbiology.htm> 4. ‘Spider make the best ever post-it notes’, 2004, Science Daily, consulted on 11 october 2012 <> 5 .‘Silkworm may hold the key to new sustainable materials in architecture’, 2011, RIBA blogs, consulted on 21 october 2012 <http://www.ribablogs. com> 6. ‘Phallus ravenelii’, consulted on 28 October 2011 <>

Magazines: 1. HENSEL, Michael. ‘Towards SelfOrganisational and Multiple-Performance Capacity in Architecture’ Architectural Design, Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design, March - April 2006. pg 5-11. 2. MANGELSDORF, Wolf. ‘Structuring Strategies for Complex Geometries.’ Architectural Design,The New - Bibliography -





The Making



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