Canada $4.25 USA$3.50
>• • 0.
• RAMfinder - Identify, stash and fetch
• Combiner - A handy utility for geoWrite
• Encryptor - Password protection for the C64 • Pop-ASCII - A handy pop-up utility for the C64 • IEEE-to-Serial Bus Conversion - for the 4040 • Colour Coordination - Making the right choices • The One Megabyte C64! - Expand your C64 internally • Clean Machine Language Screens - Techniques for text output routines
Cl) ~
• Plus Regular columns by Todd Heimarck and Joel Rubin, Bits, and more
~ ~ ~ ~
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Whyaduck by Way ne Schmidt 0
If you wtsh to place your order by phone. please call 206-2S4·6530. Add $3 00 sh•ppmg & hand · ling; $3.00 COD on all orders V1sa. MIC accepted . Dealer lnqu1ues Invited
12305 N.E. 152nd Street Brush Prairie, Washington 98606
500 Pick #1. S2U5 has th191ntage parameten on it that no one else has. This yack comes 1n a 5·dllk aet. 500 Pick #Z . SZU5 has aU the most current parameters on it. And put together as only Utilities Unltd. can. All Super Parameter Packs are com· pletely menu driven, last and reliable. Included on both 500 Pacu is our state·of·the·arl 64/ 128 Super N1bbler at no extra charge.
SUPER 1000 Pack #1and lowered the Utihties Unltd. has donePARAMETEBS 11 agam!! We have consolidated prices on the most popular parameters on the market . . . Super· Parameters, now you can qet 1000 parameters and our 64/ 128 nibbler package lor just S39.95111 This is a complete 10 disk set, that includes every parameter we have produced.
The !=Ompany that h~s. Tile Most PuiJDelers is about to do _something Olbelien..e. We are g1v1ng you more ol our secrets. Usmg th1s Very EiiSJ program, it will not only INd, Co11pue and Write Puilleten lor Yoa; it will also Caslollize the disk with your name. It will impress you as weU as your friends. The "Pilfilleler Coastnactioa Set" is like nothing you've ever seen. In fact you can even RNd Puillleten that you may have alread~ written; then by using your const ruction set rewrite it with your new ~ISIOII.ized Meaa. $24.95
We now have over 1,000 parameters in stock!
Lock Pik 64/ 128 was put together by our crack team, as a tool lor those who have a desire to see the lllerlill lerkilp of a parameter. The bGou give you Step.By-Ste, lalrlctitls on breaking protection lor backup of 100 popular /rogram biles. USH Ba• and Sa,eredil Instructions are so clear an precise that anyone oan uae 11. • 0011001 TIDIS 1101 AVJO.ULE • BOOK 1: Includes Hesmon and a duk with many utilities such as: IEBJW. SAVE. 110 SAVE. DIS! lOG FILE and lots more, all with mstructions on duk. Along·time favorite. BOOK 2: 100 Jmf ELUIPUS, Hesmon on d1sk and cartridge plus more utilities to include: AGeleril Onniew oa Bow to MUe Puillelers and a llisl Seiner. $19.95 eKi OR BUY BOTH FOR OIILY S29.95 Now wi~ FlEE Ba01
Introducing the I..W's First Celtr Screet Dup m a oartndge. mlode! V4.1 wi!J now Si...-1 DiJeclly from the scr~n. FULL COLOR PIIINTlNG lor the bmM Slii 111·100 and also the llki'lli 10 l 20 prmters. The Most Powerlal Disk Drin and Prilter CirlrWte produced lor the COMMO· OORE USER. Sa,er FrieMiy with the features most asked lor. • SOPEI FAST buill·m smgle dnvt 8 or 9 FILE COPY, copy Iiles of up to 235 BLOCKS in length, in less than 13 seconds! • SOPEI SCIEEII CAPTUIE. Capture and ConYert by Sa. to KOALA or DOODLE. • SOPEI FAST FOWT (8 SEC'S) · plus FULL D.O.S. WEDGE w/standard l.ormat! • SOPEI FASTLOAD and SAVI (SOk in 9 SEC'S) works wllh aU C·&4 or C·l21's No Miner lUI ViJ!i9el And with most alter market drives EXCEPT the 1581, M.S.D. I or 2. • SUPER PRINTER FUTURES allows ANY DOT MATRIX PRINTER even 1526/802 to print HI·RES SCREENS (using 16 shade GRAY SCALE). lAy Pritler or lllerfice Col0iuli01 can be used with SUPER EXPLODE! V4.1 or V3.0. • !lEW aad DIPROVED CONVERT feature allows anybody to convert (even TEXT) Screeas iato DOODLE or IIOAU Type Piclln!S wfFaU Color! • SUPEI FAST SAVE of EXPLODE! SCREENS as KOALA or DOODLE FILES w/COLOR. • SOPER FAST LOADING with Color Be·DispliJ of DOODLE or IIOW Iiles. • SOPER FAST LOAD or SAVI can be TURNED OFF or ON without AFFECT· lNG the REST of SUPER EXPLODE'S FEATURES. The rest of Explode V4.1 is stiU active. • SOPER WY LOADING iltd BONIIING of ALL PROGRAMS from the DISK DIRECTORY. • SOPER BOD.T·III TIO·IAY SEQ. er PRG. file READER using the DISK DIRECTORY. • liEVEII mE A FILE NAME AG.AJJI when you use SUPER EXPLODE'S unique LOADERS. • CAPTUIE 40 COLUMN C or D·l28 SCREENS! (with optional DISABLE SWlTCH). Add SS.
THE 128 SUPERCHIP • A, 8 or C(uo4Mr first)
A-. Th~re is an empty socket inside .your 1.2.8. just wailing lor our Sa per Qip to g1ve you 32K worth of great Baill·tl Oliltlies, all at just the T01ci of il Fi.ager. You get built·in features : File Copier, Nibbler, Tmk & Sector Editor, ScreeD Dup, and even a 300/ 1200 baud Terlli.ul JINgriJD that's 1650, 1670 and Hayes compatible. Best of all, it doesn't use up any memory. To use, simply touch a function key, and it responds to your command. 8 - BAS SOPER 81 UTD.ITIES, a complete utility package lor the 1581. Copy whole disks from 1541 or 1571 format to 1581. Many options include 1581 disk editor, drive monitor, Ram writer and will also perform many CP/M& MS.DQS utility functions . C - "C" IS FOR COMBO and that's what you gel. A super combination of both chips A and B in one chip1 switch able at a great savings to you. All Qips llciiHie 100 Pu1aeten FREEl A or B: S29.95 N. Ch1o C: $44.95 N.
Saper(IN 154lf154lc .. . . . S4U5 2 dri¥8 version . . .. . ...... S7UO Saper(IN 1541·0 . ... .. . . S5U5 2 drive venion ........... SIUO Saper(IN 1571 .... ... ... S5U5 2 drive version ........... SIUO Saper(IN 1541.0 nnion wiU work with most compatible drives. 1\ese ~ ilclue Slltwut. Y01 d01't aeed to sleil uy• else's SGIIwm to IIUe tl won.
p .1. # d 1 D 1 ilii"P!'Dt' SUPER PIUUUIUoiWW 500 .... 1 ill #2
We are looking for HACKER STUFF: print utilities. parameters, telecommunications, and the unusual.
LOCI PICK • THE BOOKS • for Ike C64 ud Cl28
Unlike our compehlors, we at Uhhbet UnUmtled, Inc. have been conoen· !rating aU our efforts m bringm9 the newestteohn<!l~. The res~lt of ~at effort it ~ It 11 far •pen« II ii!IM c.py alilities 011 tMre ilcltmg: li•houiile1e9Me, Datel Burst Nibbler, 21Second, Ultraby1e, and any other backup uhhly on the market. So don't be led astray. le till tin JOI Jlllf •Oief Ma iJ they oan back up more of the latest software, will they??? In a word "NO! ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!!" That is their response if you want to return RAMBO. U you happen to see the ads on RAMBOard (origmal name huh), they claim to be cheaper. WeU, that's parhaUy true, but as is usual, mostly false. First you need to buy their boar!Jt then you need to spend another $34.951or software to run lheu board. rul•ikes 1M cast oiiWUolloepde to lie iii leal S69.90. BIIIMI!My cl1ia yoa w ase 111r SGIIw•n (wutdoes lUI YJ iilloalllleir SGIIwm?). lell1101r, lUI ••J lie jiSt il bit of il w~le lie iiS well, wllile irs lrle lUI euly, less rtliUie nrsioas work wi~ TBEIB ~g. 1M aew 11ore reliUle nrsioas ol Sapet(ird sollwue is speciliully desiqud aet to work wi~ tUir RAMBO. For ~- PIOfle lUI UYe loud 011 lUI tbe RAMBO illd lleugiide soflnre ,.cuge ue qttle ill.lerior to Sapertm we offer lbe foUcnriJig saggestioa. ~ i.a Jotr UMBO iH $24.95 ud WE'U SEND YOU THE REAL THING - SaperCilrd. Needless to say you need a pair of hip boots to walk through their claim that they are the best. By the way1 their software that backl up an unprotected disk in SO seconds, weU, it cloem't even uae the RAMBO to work. 1•,_ UJOI ud il cace ol u OIJISMOIIILE or i Cenene wi~ 10 Ufile, JOI w..W still (lick tile OldSII.U..
Software Submissions Invited
SUPER GBAPIDCS 1000 PACK That's right! Over 1000 graph1cs 10 a IO·dislt set lor only $29.95. There are graphics lor virtuaUy every1hing in this package. These graphics work with Print Shop and Print Muter.
. ADULT GAME & GRAPIDCS DATA DIS~ . GAME: A very unusual game to be played by a very Opel ICJuehdult.l~ meludes a CiiSiJo and BOISe Iii mReptile. Please, you Mastkll to order Ei!Mr Ole. . . . DATA * : nis P.,Ur d11k works w1th Prill s•op and Prill Kisler. Now Vers1on I + 2 ... SZ4.95 N.
* *lt************************************************* SUPER TRACKER ** SUtilitiesT Unlimited has done it again. At last an easy way to find out where the protection really is. · f your dnve · head Wh'le you are 1oad'mg a p1ece · f software. aper raeker wi11 disp1ay the 1ocahon !* options This information will be very useful, to find where the protection is. Super Tracker has other useful ~ such as· track and half-track display 8 and 9 switch density display write protect on/ off ~ ~
....._ .....-
~ ~
This incredible little tool is encased in a .handsome box. that sits on top .of your drive. Works with all . . . C/641128 and most C/ 64 compahble dnves. Some mmor soldenng Will be requued. ...._ $69 9 5 1 Introductory Priced at Just •
~ ~ ~
-+< ~
~ ~
The Potpourri Disk Help!
War Balloons
Bag the Elves
This HELPful utility gives you instant menu-driven access to text files at the touch of a key - while any program is running!
Shoot down those evil Nazi War Balloons with your handy Acme Cannon! Don't let them get away!
A cute little arcade-style game; capture the elves in the bog as q uickly as you can - but don't get t he good elf!
Von Googol Blackjack
Loan Helper How much is that loan really going to cost you? Which interest rote con you afford? With Loon Helper, the answers ore as close as your friendly 64!
At last! The mad philosopher, Helga von Googol. brings her own brand of wisdom to the small screen! If this is 'AI', t hen it just ain't natural!
The most flexible blackjack simulation you'll find anyw here. Set up your favourite rule variations for doubling, surrendering and splitting the deck.
News File Compare
Keyboard Learning how to ploy the piano? This handy educationa l program makes it easy and fun to learn the notes on the keyboard.
Save the money you spend on those supermarket tabloids - this program will generate equally convincing headline copy - for free!
Which of those two files you just created is the most recent version? With this great utility you'll never be lett wondering.
Ghoul Dogs
Examine your d isk files FAST with this machine language utility. Handles six formats. including hex. decimal. CBM and true ASCII, WordPro and SpeedScript.
The ultimate in easy-to-use data base programs. WRD lets you quickly and simply create, examine and edit just about any data. Comes with sample file.
Arcade maniacs look out! You'll need a ll your dexterity to handle this wicked joyst ick-buster! These mad dog-monsters from space are not for novices!
Anagrams lets you unscramble words for crossword puzzles and the like. The program uses a recursive ML subroutine for maximum speed and efficiency.
Trivia fanat ics and students a like w ill have fun with this program. which g ives you multiple choice tests on material you have entered with the WRD program.
Just the thing for you Mensa types. Octagons is a challenging puzzle of the m ind. Four levels of play, and a tough 'memory' variation for real experts!
AHA! Lander
A FAST machine language version of mathematician John Horton Conway's classic simulation. Set up your own 'colonies' and watch them grow!
AHA!'s great lunar lander program. Use either joystick or keyboard to compete against yourself or up to 8 other players. Watch out for space mines!
A nitty arcade game. 100% machine language, that helps you learn the typewriter keyboard while you p lay! Unlike any typing program you've seen!
All the above programs, just $17.95 US, $19.95 Canadian. No, not EACH of the above programs, ALL of the a bove programs, on a single disk, accessed independently or from a menu, w ith built-in menu-driven help a nd fast-loader.
The ENTIRE POTPOURRI COLLECTION JUST $17.95 US!! See Order Card at Center
A:Jc:on1e to a spectacular world of Commodore computing - a world devoted to the Amiga, C-64, C-128 and Commodore PCs. You'll discover the software you've always wanted to try, plus amazing, new programs. You'll find printers and plotters. Modems and monitors. Disk drives and joy sticks. Lasers and light pens. MIDI and mice. All the big and little stuff that make computing more productive, more creative- more fun! And some of the best bargains you 'II find anywhere!
It's all in one place- at the 2nd annual NonhEastem World of Commodore. Whether you compute for business or fun, at home or school, you can't miss this computer show!
THE WoRLD OF CoMMODORE September 22, 23 and 24, 1989 Fri. noon-8pm/Sat.&Sun. 10am-5pm Admission $10 Students/Seniors $8 Includes seminars & stage demonstrations
Exhibitors contact: The Hunter Group (416) 595路5906 Fax (416) 595路5093. Produced in association with Commodore Business Machines.
Hack this editorial
It's that time again. Transactor is pleased to introduce a new assi rant editor. By the time you read tlus, the editorial staff will include Paul Bosacki. Readers will probably recall that it was Paul who introduced us to the C256 in Volume 9, I sue 2 and showed us how to expand the 1764 with RAM and an EPROM in Volume 9, Issue 5. In this issue, you 'II find that The One M egabyte C64 has been added to Paul's list of credits. As you would imagine, the presence of a hardware hacker in the Transactor offices could make for some interesting developments in the matter of 'pushing the limits' in the pages of Transactor. Stay tuned! There are more limits that need pushing ....
* * * If you haven't sent in your Reader Survey yet, please do. They've just started coming in and have made for interesting reading. Although no space on the page was allotted for your name and address, feel free to include that information or your CompuServe PPN or Q-Link handle if you wish. 1 spend my on-line time on CompuServe (76703,4243) but Paul is on Q-Link (PauiB 109). You are encouraged not only to participate in the Reader Survey but also to write letters or to send electronic mail. We want to establish a dialogue. Now that there are fewer large companies supporting the 8-bit machines, it has become increasingly important that we support each other. This can only come about when such a dialogue becomes established. The on-line networks are an excellent way to keep in touch. Another i our exchange subscriptions with user groups. I read all the user group newslellers that come into Transactor and that has been Volume 9, Issue 6
a very valuable indicator of what's happening in the 8-bit world. So don't hold back, tell us what's on your mind.
* * * We are distressed to find that the new edition of the Oxford dictionary gives the fo llow (informal) meaning to the term " hack": to gain unauthorized access to (computer fi les). This is somewhat puzzling considering that they give the (informal) meaning of "hacking" as: usi ng a computer for the satisfaction that it gives. Do they mean to suggest that there's no satisfaction in gaining authori:ed access to computer files? Does this make no sense at all, or is it me?
* * * In addition to Paul 's Mega64, this issue features: a popup utility by Peter Lottrup for the 64 (runs in 64K machines!), some tips fro m Bill Brier on creating ML text display routines, a nifty IEEE-to-serial coversion project for the 4040. an encryption program from Jim Frost~ a utility by Nick Vrtis that will combine geoWrite files (regardless of version). The prolific Jim Butterfield explains exactly why some colour combinations work and others don 't. You'll save a lot of trial and error by using the chart that Jim has included with this article. Add to this the columns, bits, reviews and other articles and I'd say you're in for some interesting reading.
Malcolm D. O'Brien 1
Volume 9, Issue 6
The Magazine for Commodore Programmers
Publisher A.Qtony Jacobson Vice-President Operations Jeannie Lawrence Assistant Advertising Manager Mike Grantham
Editors Malcolm O'Brien Nick Sullivan Chris Zamara Assistant Editor Paul Bosacki Contributing Writers Ian Adam Paul Bosacki Bill Brier Anthony Bryant Joseph Buckley Jim Butterfield William Coleman James Cook Richard Curcio Jim Frost Miklos Garamszeghy Larry Gaynier Michael Gilsdorf Kerry Gray Todd Heimarck Adam Herst Robert Huehn GeorgeHu.g Dennis Jarvis Francis Kostella Jean-Yves Lemieux
The One Megabyte C64!
by Paul Bosacki Everything you need to know to expand your C64 to one megabyte and to make GEOS recognize it. Code. schematics. theory- the whole ball of si licon.
by IanAdam A good program should use the available resources, right? Here's how to make your programs support an REU.
by Jim Frost There are times when you want to hide your tiles from prying eyes.
Pop-ASCII For The C64
by Peter M.L. Lottrup Tired of looking up CHR$() values in books? This Sidekick-style utility will make the table resident. A single keystroke brings up the information you need.
by Nicholas Vrtis lf you've ever needed to combine two geoWrite files. you' ll appreciate the convenience of Combiner.
This program will combine files made with any version of geoWrite.
Clean Machine Language Screens
by Bill Brier Most ML programs require at least some text outpul. In this article, Bill shares with us some slick, quick routines for efficient text output.
Peter Lottrup
Mike Mohilo D.J. Morriss Noel Nyman Steve Punter Robert Rockefeller Joel Rubin Anton Treuenfel Nicholas Vrtis Cover Artist Wayne Schmidt
Ride Your 4040 On The Serial Bus
by Michael Gilsdorf, Toledo, Ohio The venerable 4040 can be modified to plug into your C64/C 128 directly. This will enable you to use the copy and backup commands built into the drive.
Colour Coordination
by Jim Butterfield Jim explains the ins and outs of colour combinations. There's more to consider than which colours are complementary. The key is luminance.
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··. Tr.arrs;rc~pr i:l :publisl'llid bimonthlY by Craftvi<i!d. • Pi.Jl)lislllng Jnc., 65·1<1w~st Wllmot str&~~~, Filch· · tnQ!)(I Hlll, On~rio, l4a 1K7. ISSNII 0838·0163. > CMa.dia.n Se0011d Class Mall RegiSl.ration No..:_, 7690, Oatewa)'-Mississauga, Otit, UsPS .PQsif , masters: s.etld .address change.s 1o.: 'fransa.e~or. . PO eioxl38, S!ationc, Buffalo, NY, 14209; · .·'' •• ->
."f;' .. .
Crof!Ward. publ[sbJng Inc. is in no w.ay cGilffllCte9i ~ Busrness Machines lta; .. ~f;< ;,'C:OtW"ooora ; lo(!(!rporated. Coftlm!)dQ{e } a tw', ~·Com modO.'$ proouct ®rnes- a,e ll!Qlst~ (fa'ae;. c; :· marks of C.oir.unooore li>Cc · ·· ·· · · · '·
·w\t!>.: Commooote
Departments and Columns
Su.bs.;riptil)os-: Canada $19 Odn. <
"> •• :;
All olhers ~ US Air Mall.(Ov~rsea$ only) $40 US •
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· Send .all llllb8erlj)llona· to: Transact1>r. ( Si4,. s¢1ipttons DepaM~ent, 85 Wes1 Wilmot Sttil!lt, Uni.t 1O, Richmond Hill, Orltatio. C.apatJa; l4B.: 1lfl. (<il~) 764-5273. :F()r besl (esu~. ·~. ill"' · pqstagQ . pale! card at thll centre oune m~ii'li!, -~·
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OUln\11'(' O~t:t.' .In C&!i•!iit: 11\Q!am Sof!W~m_;, ~~o. DrJvei
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CQntOr<:J, Orita.ijQjlOIK'' 2.Wl, (-416) 738·1i'()O.<In ttl& USA: IPO (lilieri!aii!;
Ilona! ·pen.Ollical Dis.triMtors), 11760,6 swento'
Debug 128
Shortest di rectory in BASIC 2.0?
Don't Assume Device 8!
Valley. floqd, San Diego; CaiWomla, 92121.i (4i19.}' 481 ·S928;.asKtor Oave Buescher, · _;~
Edit~!WI conlributioos ate wejcom11- OnJv·ciR~inaf,;, previOusly unpublished material will be consl\1',. enid. Program fistiogs and articles, ipCl!J!ilog. BITS submissions, of more 11>311 a lew ..lires:,.: · shoUld be·JlfOvlded on diSk. Preferred ·t9rma( 1$'· 154Motmat w.~b ASCII . leXI files; Mar>u~~' sho~ld be 1ypl!Wrltten, double-spacecl, wffl:l: S.P$'- ·· 'claLqHaracters.Qr formats·clearly matked. Photo$.;: shiluldJle gfljSsy.l:li!Jek and white p(ll!f$- m~str.a~,' ti9ns shoillQ be on' w!Jite ~r. WJ1h Ql<!cl<.Jol(o~ f)!; i;JH&s graphics' ~s o.n dls'k are·.Pr~~red:'io' h~Wd<;Qpy inus!rations when posliible. ~rit~ ,to: l'lai:lsactor.:s· RichmOf-ld HlU· office to obiain. a ,wr~' '
T he ML Column
by Todd Heimarck More on big numbers including a primes program. Requires an REU.
.er 'soulde, ..
All; material'
accepted b<lcPmes the PIOPe.rtY• of
pUblfsll!n~ Inc., except b'y SP!'clal ar·. range~ent All material is eopynght ~ Crolt'!'farll
T he Edge Connection by Joel Rubin
Pllbll!;l,llllQ Inc. Fleproduelion io a!ll' form wtlhout pehimss!on ts tn violalion of appllcablli lawS: W(lle , ,!O~~~ .Rlc;ilmOttd Hilf aQdress tor a wtitel!'s g~~· • . ',., . . .. • TJ'le; '9.1>\ilion$ eJC)lr.esse'd In 00!1tribUI$rj . artiQI<IIi·. . ·!We;oo! neceS9.art1y thQSe Pl Cro!1w<~rd p.ub.ll~lq~ .ln~l>Altl}bUJil'i.accura(()' iS a major'Cib)$diy~. Ot!lf\{ W1\Cs!, p)lbl!lit"!\9. Inc. cannot ~S<Jme il~l!lfY '!ti( · ~-
Societies, ami-rental laws, shows and disk drive voodoo.
••~~ in ;9.JtiCl~s or pr~" Pr~@il!~ !isfe~Jiri; ·;
News BRK
1la!l~l\®~ and/or, appearing on TransacfO!jdJ.sluiili ar~> copynglit by Cr¢tward pubiiSllillQ 1(\C. ,an<jj
eruar not liS d.tipjjcated or distr-ibuted ·wrthouf ~,..;:: dPffl=~;" :: ' .. : , }~,": -k· ..: .::: '
: ·(-~
1!1>-hOU$$ Wlftl Amiga ~000 .ai1d ; Proi$S~iOII$[ Page ar.ld D!glvjQW '
.:·: :(.
final outpUt by lfelfum Prtnt & Grapilic Services, Inc,, Toronto
. Printing .PFtn!ed: in Car)e'd;t by · ·:Bowtie of Canada Inc;
,, About the cover: Whyaducfc by Wayne Schmidt:
Quite a different source of inspjration this time around. This is$ue's cover llas an old comedy routine as its source. This colourful picture of a duck is a reference to a humourous routine by the Marx Brothers concerning a v:iadtlct. Tbis picture was created with Artist 64. modified for the 1351 mouse.- Wayne Schrn1dt
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Using ''VERIFIZER'' Transactor's foolproof program entry method
hould be run before typing in any long program from the pages of Transactor. It will let you check your work line by line as you enter the program and catch frustrating typing errors. The VERIFIZER concept works by displaying a twoletter code for each program line; you can then check this code against the corresponding one in the printed program listing. VERIFTZER
There are three versions of VERIFTZER here: one each for the PET/CBM, VlC/C64. and C128 computers. Enter the applicable program and RU it. If you get a data or checksum error, re-check the program and keep trying until all goes well. You should SAVE the program since you'll want to use it every time you enter a program from Transactor. Once you've RUN the loader, remember to enter NEW to purge BASIC text space. Then turn VERTFIZER on with: SYS 634 to enable the PET/CBM version (off: SYS 637) SYS 828 to enable the C64/V IC version (off: SYS 831) SYS 3072,1 to enable the Cl28 version (off: SYS 3072,0)
â&#x20AC;˘Âˇweighted checksum technique" that can be fooled if you try hard enough: transposing rwo sets of four characters will produce the arne report code, but this will rarely happen. (VERIFIZER could have been designed to be more complex, but the report codes would need to be longer, and using it would be more trouble than checking the program manually). VERIFIZER ignores spaces so you may add or omit spaces from the listed program at will (providing you don 't split up keywords!) Standard keyword abbreviations (like nE instead of next) will not affect the VERIFIZER report code. Technical info: VIC/C64 VERTAZER resides in the cassette buffer, so if you're using a datasette be aware that tape operations can be dangerous to its health. As far as compatibility with other utilities goes, VERTFTZER shouldn 't cause any problems since it works through the BASIC warm-start link and jumps to the original destination of the link after it's finished. When disabled, it restores the link to its original contents. PET/CBM VERIFIZER (BASIC 2.0 or 4.0)
Once VERIAZER is on, every time you press RETURN on a program line a two-letter report code will appear on the top left of the screen in reverse field. Note that these letters are in uppercase and will appear as graphics characters unless you are in upper/lowercase mode (press shift/Commodore on C64/VIC). Note: If a repo rt code is missing (or ''--") it means we've edited that line at the last minute, changing the report code. However, this will only happen occasionally and usually only on REM statements. With VERIFIZER on, just enter the program from the magazine normally, checking each report code after you press RETURN on a line. If the code doesn't match up with the letters printed in the box beside the listing, you can re-check and correct the line, then try again. If you wish, you can LIST a range of lines, then type RETU RN over each in succession while checking the report codes as they appear. Once the progran1 has been properly entered, be sure to tum VERIFTZER off with the SYS indicated above before you do anything else. VERIFIZER will catch transposition errors like POKE 52381,0 instead of POKE 53281,0. However, VERIFIZER uses a
CT I 0 rem* data loader for "verifizer 4.0" * Ll 20 cs-0 HC 30 for i=634 to 754: read a: poke i,a D H 40 cs=cs+a: next i GK 50: OG 60 if cs<> 15580 then print"***** data error *****": end 10 70 rem sys 634 AF 80end IN I 00 : ON 1000 data 76, 138, 2, 120, 173, 163, 2, 133, 144 IB 1010 data 173, 164, 2, 133, 145. 88, 96, 120, 165 CK 1020 data 145,201, 2, 240, 16, 141. 164, 2, 165 EB 1030 data 144, 141, 163, 2, 169, 165 , 133, 144, 169 HE 1040 data 2, 133, 145, 88, 96, 85,228, 165,217 0 1 1050 data 20 1, 13, 208, 62, 165, 167,208, 58, 173 JB 1060 data 254, 1, 133,25 1, 162, 0 , 134,253, 189 PA I070 data 0, 2, 168, 20 I, 32, 240, 15, 230, 253 HE 1080data 165,253, 41, 3, 133,254, 32,236, 2 EL 1090 data 198,254, 16,249,232, 152,208,229, 165 LA 1100 data 25 1, 41 , 15, 24, 105, 193, 141 , 0, 128 K1 1110 data 165,251, 74, 74, 74, 74, 24, 105, 193 EB 1120 data 141. 1. 128, 108, 163, 2. 152. 24, 101 OM 11 30 data 25 1, 133,251 , 96 Transac tor
VIC/C64 VERIFIZER KE 10 rem* data loader for "verifizer" * JF 15 rem vic/64 version Ll 20 c =0 BE 30 for i=828 to 958:read a:poke i,a DH 40 cs=cs+a:next i GK 50: FH 60 if cs<> 14755 then print"***** data error *****" : end KP 70 rem sys 828 AF 80 end IN 100: EC 1000 data 76, 74, 3, 165,251, 141, 2, 3, 165 EP1010data252.141. 3. 3,96,173, 3, 3,201 OC 1020data 3.240, 17.133,252,173, 2, 3.133 MN 1030 data 251. 169, 99, 141 , 2, 3. 169, 3, 141 MG I 040 data 3, 3, 96, 173, 254, I, 133, 89, 162 DM I050 data 0, 160, 0, 189, 0, 2, 240, 22, 201 CA 1060 data 32,240, 15, 133, 91,200, 152, 41, 3 NG I070 data 133, 90, 32, 183, 3, 198, 90, 16, 249 OK I 080 data 232, 208, 229, 56, 32, 240, 255, 169, 19 AN 1090 data 32,210,255, 169, 18, 32,210,255, 165 GH 1100 data 89. 41 , 15, 24, 105, 97. 32,2 10,255 JC Ill 0 data 165. 89, 74, 74, 74, 74, 24, I05, 97 EP 11 20data 32.210.255, 169, 146, 32.2 10.255, 24 MH 11 30data 32.240,255, 108,25 1, 0.165. 91, 24 BH 1140data101 , 89.133, 89,96
*NEW* C128 VERIFIZER (40 or 80 column mode) KL I 00 rem save"O:c 128 vfz.ldr" ,8 OI II 0 rem c- 128 verifizer MO 120 rem bugs fixed: 1) works in 80 column mode. DG 130 rem 2) sys 3072,0 now works. KK 140 rem GH 150 rem by joel m. rubin HG 160 rem * data loader for "verifizer c 128" IF 170 rem* commodore c 128 version DG 180 rem* works in 40 or 80 column mode!!! EB 190 ch=O GC 200 for j=3072 to 3220: read x: poke j ,x: ch=ch+x: next NK 2 10 ifch<> l8602 then print "checksum error": stop BL 220 print " ys 3072,1 to enable DP 230 print "sys 3072.0 to disable AP 240end BA 250 data 170. 208. 11. 165, 253, 141, 2, 3 MM 260 data 165. 254, 141 , 3, 3, 96. 173, 3 AA 270 data 3. 201. 12, 240, 17, 133, 254, 173 FM 280 data 2, 3, 133, 253, 169, 39, 141, 2 IF 290 data 3, 169, 12, 14 1, 3, 3, 96, 169 FA 300 data 0, 141 , 0, 255, 165, 22, 133,250 LC 3 10 data 162, 0, 160, 0, 189, 0, 2, 201 AJ 320 data 48, 144. 7, 201 , 58, 176, 3, 232 EC 330 data 208,242, 189, 0, 2, 240, 22,201 PI 340 data 32. 240. 15, 133, 252, 200, 152, 41 FF 350 dala 3. 133.251. 32, 141. 12. 198.251 DE 360 data 16, 249, 232, 208, 229, 56, 32, 240 Volume 9, Issue 6
370data255,169, 19, 32,210,255, 169, 18 380data 32,210,255,165,250, 41, 15, 24 390 data 105, 193, 32,210,255, 165,250, 74 400 data 74, 74, 74, 24, I05, 193, 32, 210 410data255, 169,146, 32,210,255, 24, 32 420 data 240,255, 108,253, 0. 165,252, 24 430 data 101, 250, 133,250, 96
The Standard Transactor Program Generator If you type in programs from the magazine, you might be able to save yourself some work with the program listed on this page. Since many programs are printed in the form of a BASIC " program generator" which creates a machine language (or BASIC) program on disk, we have created a "standard generator " program that contains code common to all program generators. Just type this in once, and save all that typing for every other program generator you enter! Once the program is typed in (check the Verifizer codes as usual when entering it), save it on a disk for future use. Whenever you type in a program generator, the listing will refer to the standard generator. Load the standard generator first, then type the lines from the listing as shown. The resulting program wi ll include the generator code and be ready to run. When you run the new generator, it will create a program on disk (the one described in the related article). The generator program is just an easy way for you to put a machine language program on disk, using the standard BASIC editor at your disposal. After the file has been created, the generator is no longer needed. The standard genemtor, however. should be kept handy for future program generators. The standard generator listed here will appear in every issue from now on (when necessary) as a standard Transactor utility like Verifizer. MG I 00 rem transactor standard program generator EE II 0 n$="filename": rem name of program LK 120 nd=OOO: sa=OOOOO: ch=OOOOO KO 130 for i= I to nd: read x EC 140 ch=ch-x: next FB 150 if ch then print "data error": stop DE 160 print "data ok, now creating file." CM 170 restore CH 180 open I ,8, I ,"O:"+n$ HM 190 hi=int(sa/256): lo=sa-256*hi NA 200 print#l,chr$(lo)chr$(hi); KD 210 for i=l to nd: read x HE 220 print#l,chr$(x);: next JL 230 close I MP 240 print"prg file "';n$;'" created ... " MH 250 print"thjs generator no longer needed." IH 260:
Another view of DevPak: This letter is a comment concerning Joel Rubin 's remarks in Volume 9, Issue 3 about the DevPakl28 package from Commodore. I have made extensive use of this package in the development of a multi-user, online truck leasing and billing system. The total amount of code written for this system (it is I 00 percent machine language) is about 100,000 lines. The software runs on a group of Cl28D computers multiplexed to an 80MB Xetec Lt. Kemal hard disk subsystem. 1 used a separate C128D and 40MB Lt. Kemal as the development system, using a homebrew text editor to write the source code and the DevPak assembler and loader to create executable object code. It is true that the DevPak assembler is disk-intensive. So is just about any assembler that must make two passes through ten files totalling nearl y 400 kilobytes of source code. As for the procedure of having to use the hex file loader to actually place your program into RAM, that procedure has existed with all assembler packages that have been marketed by Commodore (the C64 Macro Assembler Development System or MADS uses the identical procedure). The limitations on open files and speed on a 1541 or 1571 drive are limitations that any assembler m ust contend with. As Mr. Rubin mentioned , these limitations are clearly explained in the DevPak documentation and can be alleviated by using multiple drives, as the assembler can read source code from one unit and write object code to another. Additional gains in speed can be achieved by utilizing the SFD-100 l drive and a Skyles Quicksilver IEEE interface or if the user is intent on doing some heavy-duty programming, the Lt. Kemal system (the Lt. Kemal DOS allows up to seven files to be opened at the same time).
Because I do my development on a Lt. Kernal-based system, I do not experience the problems Mr. Rubin mentions about speed and open files. Even my largest program assembles at a rapid rate. Smaller programs (those with less than 50K of source code) assemble in under three minutes if no listing output is required. So, while the disk-intensive nature of DevPak might be a problem on a 1541 or 1571 system, it probably would not be a problem on a system with greater disk capacity (for example, the SFD-1001 allows a larger number of files to be simultaneously opened because of more available drive RAM) . The advantages of the DevPak assembler, in my opinion, outweigh the disadvantages. For one thing, the assembler's parsing routi_ne is not case-sensitive for non-quoted strings. Quoted strings may include shifted or PET graphics characters (something which is not allowed by many assemblers). Another point to consider is that DevPak suppo11s local labels (real handy for patching existing programs). The macro facility works flawlessly and allows nesting of macros (macros can call other macros). The printed output listing is more informative than that of most other assemblers. The symbol table is structured in RAM 1 and has over 60 kilobytes available in which to deposit data. The need to use the loader to place the hex image file into RAM is a minor nuisance in some cases. However, the use of the hex loader allows me to assemble for an area which can't be conveniently used as a location from which to execute a binary save (such as the hardware stack) and load the program into a free area of RAM from which it may be saved. Th is feature is complemented by the ability of the Lt. Kernal DOS to change the load address of a binary file after it has been stored on the drive. Transactor
I cannot recommend the EDT text editor that is suppLied with DevPak. both for the reasons mentioned by Mr. Rubin (the use of the numeric keypad to issue commands to the editor) and because the editor is actually quite unfriendly and cumbersome. However, as he mentions, almost any editor can be used in its place. In summary, the DevPak assembler is gross overkill for the casual programmer that is interested in writing only a few lines of code. I can't recommend it for the user that has only a 1541 or 1571 on his system. This assembler is really meant for a serious machine language programmer who has the proper hardware to go with it.
many hours in frustration , so I decided to troubleshoot this problem myself. ln the beginning, I had everything connected to a power bar so all I had to do was hit the switch and go... (not by the book, but has been effective in the past). To make a long story short, after I put my new drive on as device 8, it locks up the 64. The screen will say, for example, "searching for $" and that's it. The read LED never lights and my keyboard is now frozen. The only way to access it, is by resetting the drive and then it will work but this only happens on the very first time, then it's somewhat OK for the rest of the . evenmg.
Bi II Brier, Bensenvi lie, rL A letter to Francis KosteUa: I am writing you in a somewhat de perate attempt to get some reliable information on how to obtain a copy of Alexander Boyce 's GEOS manual. I realize it's not your job to answer questions like this (sorry) but I couldn't think of anyone e lse to ask. I'm a bit at my wits' end. I have been trying to obtain a copy of the manual for several months. Through what seemed a stroke of good fortune, Nicholas Vrtis published Alexander Boyce's address in Transactor. Volume 9, Issue 4. However, a letter to that address was returned to me only yesterday, unopened - that address does not seem to exist. My fmal plan of attack is ro get in touch with people who have the manual already, to see if they can give me a lead on how to get a copy. Hence my letter to you. Can you please send me any hint or suggestions you might have on how to get a copy of Boyce's book? Even a photocopy, I don 't care. I really do want this manual. Thanks very much for your trouble. David Kotchan, Toronto, Ontario We managed to comact Alex. Here's his new address: Alexander Boyce 63 Chamberlain Ave. Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
Incompatible l 541C?: I am writing to you in hopes that you may help me with a problem which has plagued the technicians here in Ottawa and at Commodore in Toronto for some time. The problem began when I bought a second disk drive model 154 1 and added it to my collection of l54ls... This is my setup: 64, 170 l , three 1541 s, Epyx Fastload cartridge, Aprotek RS-232 interface, Star X-tOOO and a Datagram modem. After many years of being interested in Commodore equipment, I have never heard of this problem. When I connect my recently purchased 1541 as device 8, it locks up the 64. I have made many trips to my local service depot and spent Volume 9, Issue 6
Now it gets even more interesting. If I only leave device 8 on and tum on the power bar everything is fine, but as soon as I turn on device 9, that's it! - the keyboard is frozen. The only way to get back to normal is to reset all drives. Now this may not be a bad solution; however, as my system has grown I have gotten squeezed out of my office and forced to build a custom computer hutch that contains all my equipment. The hutch is virtually useless to me now, because every time I go to use it I have to consistently start pulling equipment out of it to reset it. This is not very practical and so 1 have abandoned this drive. So you say, how can we help? Well, I'm going to tell you. After some research I believe that it has something to do with the priority of how the 64 recognizes the 1541 C. After closer inspection of the situation, I have concluded that the logic PCB in this new drive is not compatible with the others. As I had previously stated, everything was in perfect working order until I installed this new drive. What I have done is taken the version number from each drive, hoping that you will be able to help me... My question is: Can I make them compatible with the same type of software? My new 1541 is a PCB #251830 Rev. A. My old 154 1 is a PCB # 1540050 Rev. C. The service people have been co-operative and have said that if it is possible to make them compatible, then they would do so. I hope that the solution is a simple software upgrade or downgrade, whichever makes it work! Terry Golding, address unknown First of all, troubleshooting by mail rarely works ... However; it sounds like a 'serial bus loading problem'. These tend to be more common as devices are added to the bus and some devices are more likely than orhers to cause such problems. For example, one revision of the 1526 is notorious in this regard. Of course, you may be right abow the / 54 / C. This is one piece of equipmem with which Transactor has no experience. (We don't have any 1541 -//s either.) If anyone can supply more information on this subject, please send it in.
Transblooperz in Programming GEOS I cons: First, Jet me say that this is the first letter to an ed itor that I have ever written. I have been reading Transactor for several years and I believe it is the fi nest Commodore-specific magazine existing. I am writing regarding the article Programming GEOS Icons on page 56 of Volume 9, Issue 5. I am a GEOS enthusiast and enjoyed the article very much. The program works well, but there are a couple of errors; one in the article and one in the program. Also, the program (geoKeyboard) can be shortened considerably, as I will show. F irstly, in the fifth paragraph at the top of the right-hand column on page 56, it is stated : " When Do/cons is called, the GEOS Kernal expects the two-byte .word following the JSR in memory to conta in the pointer to the icon table." This is not correct. The pointer to the icon table must be loaded into rOL/ rOH (using the macro, LoadW rO,IconTable) before the JSR to Do/cons, as is done in the program on page 59. There is no in-line form of the Do/cons routine. Secondly, in the geoKeyboard program (page 59, left hand column), the following sequence is printed: lda #0 LoadW rO,GeosMenu jsr
; Put mouse on geos menu item ;Put address of menu table in rO
I must point out that if this routine is coded as above, the LoadW macro will change the value of the A register, and the mouse will not be put in the right place. The LoadW macro and the Ida should change places, as follows: LoadW rO,GeosMenu lda jsr
#0 DoMenu
Now the A register will contain 0 on entry to the DoMenu routine, and the mouse will be placed on the first menu item. Now for the change to make the program shorter. The following is based upon the fact that, after an icon is cl icked, its number (based on its position in the icon table, starting with 0) is returned in rOL. It is simple then to use this value to index into a table of frequency values, instead of having a separate action routine for each note. 1) In the Keyboard icon table (page 59), change all the action routine pointers (such as .word DoCN4, Docs4 etc.) to .word Play 2) Elim inate all the routines on page 60/61 for loading the frequency values into aOL/aOH (DoCN4 to DoCN6) 3) Change the routine Play on page 61 (left hand column) to:
JSr InitForiO lda #$40 sta vlcntrl ldx rOL ;put icon number into index regist er lela lofreq, x ; get low frequency value from table sta vlfreqlo ;put it in the sid register lela hifreq, x ; get high frequency value f rom table s ta vlfreqhi ; put it in the sid register lela #$41 sta vlcntrl <rest same>
4) Add the following data table to the program at the end (after jmp EnterDeskTop) lofreq : . byte 1 95 , 195, 209, 239, 31' 96' 181, 30 .byte 156, 49 , 223, 165, 135, 1 3 4 , 162, 223 . byte hifreq:
62 , 193, 107,
99 , 190,
.byte . byte
16 , 26 ,
17 , 28 ,
18, 29 ,
19, 31,
21, 33,
22 '
42 ,
44 ,
4 7,
35' 56,
37' 59,
39 63 ,
There is just one more thing. If the Ida #$01/sta vlsusr el in the LoadSJDRegisters routine is changed to Ida #$0c/sta vlsusrel, the note lasts longer and seems to sound better. Roy Longworth, Trenton, ON
Right on all fronts, Roy. Thanks for pointing out the errors in the text and code. And thanks for the tip on shortening the code. Keep on writing letters to editors. We do appreciate it when readers find (and correct) our mistakes. Back to Forth: Friends, I am looking for documentation for Scott Ballantyne's Blazin' Forth implementation of the Forth language. He wrote an article in Transactor, Vol. 7, Iss. 5 and it was on your disk. It seems to assume we all know the program well! I'm trying to learn Forth. I would also like disk JJO routines for HESForth cartridges. C64 and VTC-20 disk operations crash on mine. Thanks. Premena P.O. Box 1038 Boulder, co 80306- 1038
Your best bet for 8-bit Forth support is CompuServe. LIB 5 of our Commodore Programming Forum (GO CBMPRG) is devoted to the Forth language. In addition to the complete source code for Blazin ' Forth, LIB 5 contains a number of helpful text files. What follows is a list of the files in the Forth library: Filename legend: /A =ASCII text file /8 =Xmodem upload /I =8-protocol (Vidtex) upload Transactor
/R =RLE graphic file NOTE : Size is rounded to the nearest full K (1K= 1024 bytes) System Filename
Upload Size date
Brief description
INTRO. 4TH/A 19K 12-0ct-88 Overview of the Forth programming language LIB5. DIR/A 5K 17-Jul-88 Directory of all files in LIB 5 to date BVT100.BIN/B 28K 27-Sep-87 Blazin'Forth VT52 terminal emulator FORTH.TXT/A 4K 15-Apr-87 A review of Steve Burnap' s FORTH tutorial book SIDEXP.IMG/I 38K 06-Feb-87 Forth program to exercise SID chip PRTFIL.BIN/B 2K 11-Dec-86 Blazin'Forth sequential file printer BFCDEM.IMG/B 18K 12-Nov-86 Fport source to demos described in BFHSRC.BIN FSP.BFT/A 4K 12-Nov-86 Structured programming constructs in bforth83 FSP.TXT/A 80K 12-Nov-86 Text by George Hawkins on structured programming BFCSRC.TOT/A36K 22-Sep-86 Explains the inner workings of Blazin' Forth BFC1.ASM/A 19K 18-Sep-86 First assembler source for Blazin'Forth Compiler BFC10 .ASM/A 1K 18-Sep-86 Support file for Blazin' Forth (Macros) BFCll .ASM/A 10K 18-Sep-86 Support file for BForth (global declarations) BFC12 .ASM/A 2K 18-Sep-86 Support file for BForth (constant declarations) BFC2.ASM/A 26K 18-Sep-86 Second source file for Blazin'Forth Compiler BFC3.ASM/A 22K 18-Sep-86 Third source file for Blazin' Forth Compiler BFC4.ASM/A 24K 18-Sep-86 Fourth source file for Blazin'Forth Compiler BFC5.ASM/A 28K 18-Sep-86 Fifth source file for Blazin' Forth Compiler BFC6.ASM/A 13K 18-Sep-86 Sixth source file for Blazin' Forth Compiler BFC7 .ASM/A 17K 18-Sep-86 Seventh source file for Blazin' Forth Compiler BFC8 .ASM/A 17K 18-Sep-86 Eighth source file for Blazin'Forth Compiler BFC9 .ASM/A 12K 18-Sep-86 Ninth source file for Blazin' Forth Compiler DYNAM.FTH/A 5K 09-Sep-86 BForth code to do dynamic memory management ESTAC2 .DOC/A5K 31-Aug-86 Documentation for ESTAC2 .IMG ESTAC2.IMG/I 17K 31-Aug-86 BForth floating point math in FPORT file FTHSTR.BIN/A 2K 29-May-86 64FORTH string handling program FTHSTR. DOC/A lK 29-May-86 Documentation for FTHSTR.BIN RELSEQ.BIN/B 1K 29-May-86 Converts 64FORTH REL to SEQ file SEQREL.BIN/B 1K 29-May-86 Converts SEQ file to 64FORTH REL file FILES. BIN/B 4K 12-May-86 Gives BForth C like files (fopen, fclose, etc.) CBMDIR.IMG/I 1K 11-May-86 Directory using CBM' s DOS directory, FPORT file VBACK. BIN/B 2K 09-Mar-86 Backup for files created with VFILE.BIN SF2BLZ.IMG/I 5K 07-Mar-86 Translate screens between Super Forth and BForth VFILE.BIN/B 3K 05-Mar-86 Save BForth code as commodore REL files FLOAT.BIN/B 11K 26-Feh-86 Forth 83 floating point math words MOLT!. BIN/B 4K 26-Feb-86 Add background tasks to BForth BACKUP. BIN/B 2K 18-Feb-86 Utility to backup screens REALCL.BIN/B 2K 18-Feb-86 Forth words to access the c64' s hardware clock BFASM.DOC/A 29K 10-Dec-85 Blazin' Forth Assembler tutorial BFVDTE.TXT/A6K 09-Dec-85 Blazin'Forth terminal program example FPORT.IMG/I 1K 25-Nov-85 Upgraded FPORT file transfer utility HFGFCO.DOC/A 12K 20-0ct-85 Documentation for BFGFCO.IMG HFGFCO. IMG/I 6K 20-0ct-85 HES 64FORTH graphics program BFCYAD. IMG/I 4K 23-Sep-85 Decompiler for Blazin'Forth DECOMP.IMG/I 3K 16-Sep-85 Decompiler for Blazin'Forth DIR. IMG/I 2K 13-Sep-85 Disk Directory for Blazin'Forth Command =DIR BFEDIT.DOC/A 3K 12-Sep-85 Procedure for adding full screen editor to BForth BFORTH.IMG/I 23K 08-Sep-85 Scott Ballantyne' s Blazin' Forth Compiler system ARTHUR. IMG/I 7K 04-Sep-85 Arthurs Theme, Blazin'Forth music EXAMPL.FTB/A 4K 27-Aug-85 Help for Forth-83 changes to ' Starting Forth' SIEV83. SRC/A1K 27-Aug-85 Forth-83 Sieve of Eratosthenes BFHSRC.BIN/B 61K 25-Aug-85 Squeezed source code for BFORTH.IMG SRCIIRT. DOC/A 1K 25-Aug-85 Documentation for SRCWRT.IMG and BFHSRC.BIN SRCWRT.IMG/I 1K 25-Aug-85 Convert squeezed format source to Forth screens BFDEMO. SRC/A 2K 24-Aug-85 BForth Turtle graphics demo BFRTHl.IMG/I 1K 07-Aug-85 Readme file for BFORTH.IMG BFRTH2.DOC/A 20K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (part 1) BFRTB3.DOC/A 11K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (part 2) BFRTH4.DOC/A8K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (info on string pkg) BFRTH5 .DOC/A 10K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (sound extensions) BFRTH6 .DOC/A 18K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (turtle graphics) BFRTH7 .DOC/A 9K 07-Aug-85 Documentation for BFORTH.IMG (misc. info) BFRTH8 .DOC/A 19K 07-Aug-85 BFORTH.IMG help file 1 for 'Starting Forth' text BFRTH9.DOC/A11K 07-Aug-85 BFORTH.IMG help file 2 for ' Starting Forth' text l芦lN. IMG/I 4K 29-0ct-84 Monitor for HES 64FORTH (only)
Volume 9, Issue 6
15-Apr-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84 28-Mar-84
Forth power arguments Takes PMP screens and creates file for uploading Takes downloaded file and converts to PMP screen Updated macros for Performance Micro (PMP) Prints out screen headers, for PMP PMP C64FORTH creates tables PMP C64FORTB word for fetching several screens Defining word create daughters numeric input Forth79 CASE statements Forth recursive decompiler Forth mathematical/graphic Game of LIFE Screens contain example life screens Forth79 words to support clock on 6526 chip Documentation file describing .SCR format Simple data encrypter for forth screens Draws random size and color boxes Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark Returns square root, PMP assembler format
That empty REU socket: Is it possible to put the 28-pin chip from the Epyx Fast Load cartridge into the 1764? The Fast Load cartridge also has one other chip on it. It is a SN7407N DIP.
This info would be greatly appreciated. My Fast Load collects dust now because I don't want to keep plugging and unplugging the 1764, and I have no room for an expander board to plug both in. I hope that my Fast Load can be put back into action soon. There are probably quite a few people with the same need. Frank Liuzzi, Broomall, Pennsylvania Great idea, Frank, but unfortunately, it's just not possible. The Epyx Fast Load cartridge is a t.ransparent cartridge. The cartridge is visible only at particular times, specifically at a hard reset and on an access to $de00. This magic is achieved through the 7407N and a discharge capacitor on the cartridge board. Although the code maps in at $8000, the command parser maps in at $djDO. (More magic, because the code for the parser is found in the $9jDO range of the EPROM.) Placing the EPROM in the REU socket would result in a hung machine on power-up because the BASIC tERROR vector is left pointing to somewhere in the $djDO block by the code that initializes the cartridge. Result: on an error (i.e., $, I, %, etc.), control is passed over to non-existent code at $djDO and t.he machine most likely crashes. Also, the EPROM would grab the $8000 to $9fff block. Because the transparency was achieved through the support circuitry in the cartridge, we would always be out 8K of BASIC RAM. A terrible waste! Especially when you consider that the cartridge used to be 'invisible' in normal use. So, what to use the REU EPROM socket for ? Mostly homebrewed code, I would think. Today's cartridges are a lot more sophisticated than those of a few years ago. Not uncommonly now, we find kilobytes of bank-switched EPROM, DRAM and even microprocessors. Off hand, I can't think of any cartridge EPROM that could be plugged into that slot. Anybody know different? l:J 9
t Cor an interesting programming rip , a shorr rowine, or an unknown bir of Commodore trivia ? Send ir in - if we use ir in rhe birs column, we'll credit you in the column and send you a free one-year subscription to Transactor.
Debug Utility J ean -Yves Le mie ux, Rimo uski, PQ
Listing 1: debug .gen
oc 100 rem prg. gen. for debug.obj Debug is a programming utility for the Cl28 that can help a machine language programmer in a number of ways. It can provide a controlled testing environment for assemble r programmers: avoid a system crash. detect endless loops. and so on. It is an interrupt-drive n program that uses Ml and BREAK vectors and a CIA 2 timer to perform a ' trace' function. It lets you sec, step by step, each instruction that your Cl28 exec utes, displaying registe r conte nts, PC address and disassembly of the next instruction to be executed. This version is loaded at $03000. You 'II need to reassemble to relocate it. Enable it with sys12288 from BASIC or jf3000 from your monitor. ow you're ready to use Debug's two commands: Walk and Quick. W <Sta rt add ress> (eg. w 2000): The first instruction is executed and you are then presented with a register display, PC address and the disas embled next instruc tion. Debug is waiting for your next command. Pressing a key will result in the e xecution of the next instruction. Ru /STOP will stop walking. Q <ro utine address>: This command only works during a walk and at the beginning of a subroutine. Following instructions will be executed at nearly full speed until an RTS or BRK is encountered. o display is provided d uring this process. You hould use the Quic k command for normal system subroutines (BASIC or Kernal) s ince Walking through these will probably cause unpredic table results. You can disable Debug with RUN/STOP-RESTORE. Debug generate y tern interruptions via Timer A of CIA 2 ($dd00). During a Walk or a Quick command a timer is set to generate an NMI. The registers are then pulled from the s tack and are saved with the program counter for future use. Since the timers of CIA 1 are often used for syste m tasks (VO), Timer A of CIA 2 (whic h generates only NMJ) has been used. Because of the timer's involvement with RS-232 operations, you should not try to use Debug for RS-232 routines. 10
EK 110 n$="debug.obj"
DD 120 nd=376:sa=l2288:ch=39305 KO 130 fori=ltond:readx EC 140 ch=ch-x:nelt F'B 150 if chthenprint"data errorâ&#x20AC;˘:stop DE 160 print"data ok, now creating file" CM 170 restore CB 180 openl, 8,1, "0: "+n$ HM 190 hi=int(sa/256) :lo=sa-256*hi NA 200 printl1,chr$(lo)chr$(hi); KD 210 fori=ltond: readx BE 220 printl1,chr$(x);:nelt JL 230 close1 MP 240 print"prg file '";n$;'' created ... â&#x20AC;˘ MB 250 print"this generator no longer needed.' LE 12288 data 120, 169, 185, 160, 48, 141, 22, NB 12296 data 140, 23, 3, 169, 53, 160, 48, HJ 12304 data 46, 3, 140, 47, 3, 169, 64, ID 12312 data 250, 141, 157, 2, 142, 158, 2, BI 12320 data 0, 141, 154, 2, 141, 155, 2, EC 12328 data 0, 198, 4, 208, 2, 198, 3, BO 12336 data 70, 176, 76, 178, 176, 201, 87, DP 12344 data 249, 32, 167, 183, 176, 244, 166, PK 12352 data 164, 91' 165, 98, 133, 2' 134' BC 12360 data 132, 3, 186, 142, 156, 2, 169, EI 12368 data 162, 49, 133, 250, 134, 251, 108, IJ 12376 data 0, 32, 152, 85, 32, 125, 255, MK 12384 data 82, 32, 65, 61 , 32, 88, 82, liM 12392 data 89, 82, 32, 83, 80, 32, 80, IJ 12400 data 13, 0, 166, 2, 165, 3, 201, DL 12408 data 144, 2, 162, 15, 134, 104, 133, FI 12416 data 165, 4, 133, 102, 160, 0, 185, IE 12424 data 0, 32, 165, 184, 200, 192, 5, ED 12432 data 245, 32, 146, 184, 160, 0, 114, FE 12440 data 2, 134, 11, 32, 26, 177' 32, JO 12448 data 182, 32, 8, 182, 166, 71' 142, EN 12456 data 2, 16, 152, 85, 173, 157, 2, FL 12464 data 158, 2, 141, 24, 3, 140, 25, JH 12412 data 96, 169, 128, 141, 14, 221, 173, KM 12480 data 221, 32, 172, 48, 216, 104, 133, MK 12488 data 104, 133, 8, 104, 133, 1, 104, EL 12496 data 6, 104, 133, 5, 104, 133, 4, IU 12504 data 133, 3, 186, 134, 9, 88, 165, LA 12512 data 41, 16, 240, 3, 16, 41, 48,
3 141 162 169 88 76 208 96 4 40 250 83 32 61 64 103 5 144 170 89 170 112 3 13 2 133 104 5 44
12520 data 12528 data 12536 data 12544 data 12552 data 12560 data 12568 data 12576 data 12584 data 12592 data 12600 data 12608 data 12616 data 12624 data 12632 data 12640 data 12648 data 12656 data
154, 2' 32, 240, 89, 240, 48, 2, 169, 17, 41, 12, 169, 169, 9, 185, 9, 165,
2, 208, 196, 5, 48, 248, 201, 169, 128, 208, 239, 202, 57' 129, 1, 141, 154, 5,
48, 58, 119, 144, 32, 201, 81, 1, 141, 168, 141, 208, 141, 141, 141, 25, 165, 72,
12, 169, 166, 3, 18, 3, 208, 141, 154, 41, 17, 253, 4, 13, 14, 3, 3, 165,
166, 0, 9, 76, 192, 208, 11, 154, 2, 16, 208, 136, 221, 221, 221, 142, 72, 2,
9, 141, 236, 47, 32, 3, 186, 2, 162, 240, 234, 208, 142, 173, 169, 24, 165, 76,
236, 155, 156, 48, 228, 76, 142, 208, 0, 16, 234, 250, 5, 14, 48, 3, 4, 242,
Listing 2: debug.pal GL 9 open2,8,1, "O:debug.o" LN 10 sys700 OF 20 ; * debug source code * IE 30 ; * for the cl28 • GA 40 ; * by jean-yves lemieux * NC 50 ; * rimouski, quebec * JO 60 ; * feb. 1989 • KA 70 ; ************************ GM 80 ; LG 90 .opt o2 KN 100 ; ;bank byte cc 110 bkby =$02 ;prg counter hi AL 120 pchi =$03 ." " HH 130 pclo =$04 lo ' EN 140 sreg =$05 ;cpu status reg AM 150 areg =$06 ;ace. reg. ;x " OG 160 xreg =$01 ;y " OH 170 yreg =$08 ;stack pointer !!C 180 sptr =$09 CB 190 hinmi =$298 ; nmi ptrs DN 200 lonmi =$299 KC 210 cmdflg =$29a ; walk flag PA 220 qflg =$29b ;quick " AN 230 rflg =$29c ; return flag ;storage for nmi KM 240 oldnmi =$29d ;break vector DD 250 brvec =$316 • BK 260 nmivc =$318 ; lllll.l ; e.xmon • PK 270 exmon =$32e OF 280 talo =$dd04 ;timer a lowbyte BE 290 tahi =talo+l ; int. cntl reg. JN 300 icr =$dd0d =$dd0e ;control reg. a MN 310 era JE 320 prcr =$5598 ;bas. print <cr> . " slow and IM 330 gslow =$17c4 '. " print spaoe JO 340 prsp =$5604 ' ; mon eval entry JN 350 meval =$b7a1 ; kernal print GD 360 pri~m~ =$ff1d ." OF 310 getin =$ffe4 get ' CP 380 ; DN 390 *=$3000 ;' sysl2288' GA 400 ; GP 410 init =* KB 420 ; HE 430 sei lda l<newbrk ;break vector OI 440 ldy l>newbrk ; will point to MJ 450 sta brvec ;newbrk routine EI 460 sty brvec+l CA 410 lda i<wtwa lk ;emon BK 480 ldy t>wtwalk ;point to FL 490 sta exmon ;wtwalk FL 500 sty exmon+l AD 510
Volume 9, Issue 6
155 2 2 32 255 47 155 5 173 152 160 120 221 221 162 166 72 2
520 lda 1$40 ;normal ;nmi entry 530 ldx l$fa MI 540 sta oldnmi stx oldnmi+l EL 550 ;init ' walk' & EM 560 lda to FD 570 sta cmdflg ; ' quick' flags l!M 580 sta qflg MN 590 eli OG 600 brk ; jump to newbrk IN 610 ; LI 620 rmon =* ;return to monitor MO 630 ; JN 640 dec pclo MB 650 bne inmon JM 660 dec pchi EB 670 ; BF 680 inmon =* IC 690 ; AF 700 jmp $b046 ;init oon. entry MD 710 ; KL 720 norm =* AF 730 ; CI 740 jmp $b0b2 ;exmon norm. ent ry EG 750 ; FG 760 wtwalk =* ;read keyword for HN 770 ; ;walk cOI!IIlalld NK 780 ar:p l"w" NC 790 bne norm OI 800 jsr meval ; evaluate cmd IF 810 bcs norm GI 820 ldx $60 ;store addr JD 830 ldy $61 ;taken from EE 840 1da $62 ;op1 KF 850 sta bkby EF 860 stx pclo 00 870 sty pchi MN 880 tsx ;store stack ptr ; for ' rts' eval. IP 890 stx rflg AG 900 lda l<walk DP 910 ldx l>walk ; jump to walk DL 920 sta $fa ;routine via LH 930 stx $fb ;z-page IO 940 jmp (!$fa} MC 950 ; HD 960 di reg =* ;display registers AE 970 ; OK 980 jsr prcr DA 990 jsr prilllll EE 1000 .asc "sr ac xr yr sp pc• OK 1010 .byte $0d,O ldx bkby ;i s it a basic KF 1020 ;or kernal call KI 1030 lda pchi EI 1040 cmp l$40 JB 1050 bee dl ;so, set ' bank 15' IN 1060 ldx l$0f FB 1070 dl stx $68 sta $67 DB 1080 AK 1090 lda pclo sta $66 EC 1100 JN lllO ldy l$00 lda 1sreg,y NN 1120 d2 DJ 1130 jsr $b8a5 ;display 2-char KC 1140 iny ;ascii for reg FO 1150 cpy iS KO ll60 bee d2 ; ' S-char ascii jsr $b892 ; for pc JE 1110 HO 1180 ldy IO ; store ' fetvec' JE 1190 ldx $2aa KA 1200 stx $4d jsr $blla ;mon indfet entry AD 1210 HO 1220 jsr $b659 ;test code in ace jsr $b608 ;mon disassembly KE 1230 LC HH
ON 00 MM
1240 ldx $4d ;restore ' fetvec' 1250 stx $2aa 1260 jmp prcr 1270 ; 1280 ; 1290 rest =* ;restore nmi vee 1300 ; 1310 lda oldnmi 1320 ldy oldnmi+l 1330 sta nmivc 1340 sty nmivc+l 1350 rts 1360 ; 1370 ; 1380 newbrk =* ;break routine 1390 ; 1400 1da 1$80 ;regain control 1410 ; from timer sta era 1420 lda icr 1430 jsr rest 1440 cld 1450 pla ;get reg contents ; from stack 1460 sta bkby 1470 pla ;and store in z-p 1480 sta yreg 1490 pla 1500 sta xreg 1510 pla 1520 sta areg 1530 pla 1540 sta sreg 1550 pla 1560 sta pclo 1570 p1a 1580 sta pchi 1590 tsx ;store stack pntr 1600 stx sptr 1610 eli 1620 lda sreg ; get cpu status 1630 and 1$10 ;break bit set 1640 ;no then continue beq nl 1650 jmp rmon 1660 nl bit cmdflg ; if bit 7 set ;then do ' walk' 1670 bmi ckrfg ldx sptr ; did we reached 1680 1690 cpxqflg ;the end of 1700 bne delay ;of subroutine 1710 Ida to ;yes, stop running 1720 sta qflg ; and walk 1730 ; 1740 ckrfg =* ;check for last rts 1750 ; 1760 jsr gslow 1770 ldx sptr 1780 cpx rflg 1790 beq wtcmd 1800 bee wtcmd 1810 jmp inmon 1820 ; 1830 wtcmd =* ;vait for new cmd 1840 ; 1850 jsr direg 1860 wl jsr $c012 ;check kbd oatrix 1870 jsr getin ;get char beq w1 1880 1890 cmp #$03 ;stop key pressed 1900 bne quick 1910 jmp inmon 1920 ; 1930 quick=* ;full speed cmd 1940 ; 1950 cmp l"q" 1960 bne walk
BK 1970 ; store ' return' tsx IT 1980 stx qflq ;address FO 1990 ;set ' quick' flq lda 11 PJ 2000 sta Clldflq LG 2010 bne delay !tF 2020 ; NO 2030 walk =• ;walk Old rout OG 2040 ; 80 2050 ; set ' walk' flq lda l$80 LN 2060 sta cmdflq MI 2070 ; JC 2080 delay =• ;delay for raster AK 2090 ; LB 2100 ldx to BN 2ll0 lda $dOll HB 2120 tay KD 2130 and l$10 PJ 2140 beq d4 NB 2150 tya IJ 2160 and l$ef BF 2170 sta $dOll AF 2180 nop:nop NF 2190 ldy l $0c OL 2200 d3 dex OM 2210 bne d3 HG 2220 dey co 2230 bne d3 BA 2240 d4 sei JN 2250 1da l$39 ;set clock timer PM 2260 ;in cia2 sta $dd04 liE 2270 stx $dd05 OA 2280 lda 1$81 ;enable tiller a NF 2290 sta icr ; start timer &P 2300 lda era GO 2310 ora 11 AG 2320 sta era NN 2330 lda l>newbrk BE 2340 ldx l<newbrk JB 2350 sta nmivc+l stx nmivc IJ 2360 NO 2370 ldx sptr IE 2380 txs It! 2390 ; J! 2400 jlpfar =• ;prepare jmpfar AO 2410 ; OK 2420 lda pchi lP 2430 pha GO 2440 1da pc1o OA 2450 pha GO 2460 lda sreg cc 2470 pha KB 2480 1da bkby PK 2490 jmp $2f2 ;jmpfar entry
Shortest Cata log in BASIC 2.0'? Michael Gilsdorf, Toledo, OH Here's a liule four-liner for the C64 (or VIC) Jhat will get you an on-screen disk directory in a hurry. It features a pause function that can be toggled on or off by pressing any key. No ML code so you can easily tailor it to yo ur needs (change device or drive number. display specific files, etc.). It may very weU be the s hortest, fastest BASIC directory routine with a pause feature. AI
10 t=l : x =l2 : n$=chr$(0) : p=l98 : q=255 : y=l3 : p r int ch r$(1 47 ) : opent , 8 , 0 ," $0" : qet llt , a$
20 qetlt , a$ , a$ , a$ , a$ , b$ , c$ : printasc(b$+n$)*256+asc(a$+n$)c$;: fori=ttox
30 qetlt , a$ , b$: p rinta$b$ ;: next : print : ifb$<>""the nx=y : waitp , q,t : pokep,O: qoto20
40 closet
Don' t Assume Device 8! Michael Gilsdorf, Toledo, OH
If you' re writing a program that loads, saves, or otherwise accesses the dis k drive, don't assume the default is always device 8. drive 0. Allow users the option to use drive I (for dual drives) and devices 8, 9, I 0 and II as well. Programs which allow the use of multiple devices and drives eliminate the need to have the user swap program and data disks. So how do you tell which device numbers the user may want to use? Simple! First, PEEK location 186 to tell what device number was used to load the program tile (las t device number accessed). Use this same number if the program will be loading any additional program files. This location is the same on both the C64 and C 128. Second, by openi ng and closing the dev ice. then reading the STatus, you can tell what devices are present. Here's a short and simple BASIC routine that demonstrates this. It checks the last device number accessed, which device numbers are present, and the type of drive. PC
10 rem device number check -- by michael qilsdorf
20 dn=peek(l86) : print " device number"; dn ; ••: access e d last ''
30 for dv=S to l S:open 1,dv,15:closel
40 print"device number"; dv; .. : "; : a$=''not pres e nt '' : if st<O then 70
50 openl , dv , lS ," u j ": for d =l to 1000: next :inputll , a , a$ : close1
60 a$=right$(a$ , 4 ) : if l eft$ ( a$ , 1)<>" 1 " then a$=" drive unknown "
70 print a$ : next
Disk Partitions On The 1571 M. Gara mszeghy, Toronto, ON Be ing a developer of software for the C 128 in both its native mode and CP/M mode, T frequently send out program disks to various people for 'beta testing' (i.e. testing of the programs by others before release to the general public). In order to save on dis k and mailing costs. I sometimes send out more than one program on a disk. Sometimes I even send out CP/M and Cl28 software on the same disk. Since I do not like using flippy disks, I have developed a method to partition a 1541 or 1571 dis k so that it can be used by both CP/M and CBM DOS at the same time. The program listed below gives you just over 70K available to CP/M and about 70K (for a single-sided 1541 disk) or 240K (for a double- ided 1571 disk) for use by normal C BM DOS. (The numbers include the inefficiencies in dis k utilization caused by the chosen CP/M format.) Transactor
The program works by formatting the disk in CB M DOS mode normally. then reserving tracks I to 17 with the DOS blockallocate command. You then write a blank CP/M directory (i.e. all bytes set to hex $e5) to track 3, and presto you have a C64 style CP/M disk for use in Cl28 CP/M mode (or C64 CP/M if you have the CP/M cartridge) occupying the lower half of the disk and a CBM DOS disk in the upper tracks.
AWARD WINNING* BIG BLUE READER 128/64 File Transfer Utility
It should be noted that there are some limitations to this technique. Firstly, you must not validate or 'collect' the disk in CBM DOS mode. This would de-allocate the reserved CP/M tracks. Secondl y, you mus t not put more than about 70K of stuff in the CP/M area or else you will overwrite the CBM DOS BAM. directory. and data tracks.
drivel• required. Ooee nol worl< wllh 1541 type drlvee. BBA tranafe.- t60K~K 5.25 1nc:h & 720K 3,51nch MS- OOS disk files. Big Blue Reader 128 supports: C-128 CP/M !Ilea. 17u RAM exp, 40 & 80 colurm modea and more. Big Blue Reeder 64 is avaiable separately only $28.85
Big Blue Reeder 128164 Ia Ideal for thoee who uae IBM PC COIT4l<llble MSOOS C>Ofll)UI811 at WO<k and have the Commodore 128 or64 at home. Big Blue Reader 128/64 16 no1 an IBM PC errulator, but rather l is a quick and easy to use program for transferring word procesalng, text and ASCII Illes between Conmodore and IBM MS-OOS dlakenes. Both C128 and C64 applications are on the same disk. 1571 or 1581 diu
BIG BLUE READER 128/64 only $44.95 o.der by ct.dl, money onM<, or COO. Free ahlpplng and handing. No cred~ card Olders please. BBR 126164 is available as an upgrade ID current users for $18 plus original BBR diak. Foreign orders add $4
" pa rtition.bas"
CALL or WRITE for mora lnformadon.
NEW - BIBLE SEA R C H - Complete KJV New Testament with very fast word and verse search capabilities. Complete Concordance. Word(s) in text can be found and displayed in seconds. Includes both C64 and C128 mode programs. Please specify 1541, 1571 or 1581 formatted disk. only $25.00
10 rem ******************************** 20 rem partition v 1.0 30 rem <c> 1988 heme data systems ltd. 40 rem ******************************** 50 : n' 60 dv=8 : rem devicel DA 70 print "(clrl partition v1 .0" DK 80 print • <c> 1988 berne data systems ltd. • OJ 90 print : print OM 100 input •enter disk name, id code •;na$, id$ BE 110 print : print "insert newdisk in device . ."dv CI 120 print : print "then press a key to continue .. . . " BN 130 getkey a$ AO 140 print : print "formatting disk=> "na$+","+id$ BF 150 open 15,dv, 15, "nO : "+na$+", "+id$ JM 160 inputl15,ex$ : print OG 170 printl15,"i0" CG 180 for t=1 to 17 GJ 190 print chr$(27)" jallocating cp/• space ... t rack ==>"t ; JF 200 for s=O to 20 AA 210 printl15,"b-a: O";t ;s NN 220 next s,t RA 230 open 2,dv, 2,"1" ED 240 print : print EB 250 print "creating cp/mdirectory .. .• : print NK 260 for b=1 to 256 FD 270 printl 2,chr$(229) ; liB 280 next FA 290 for s=O to 8 KI 300 print chr$(27) "jwriting cp/m directory ... sector ==>"s; PI 310 printl15,"u2: 2 0 3"; s BE 320 next JK 330 close 2 : close 15 IL 340 print : print "--> done <==" IE BJ EA GG GK
To order Call or write: SOGWAP Software 115 Bellmont Road; Decatur. IN 46733
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Volume 9, Issue 6
1112 S 0...,..,. A,.._, Pholadtlplua. PA 19147
JASON-RAN HElM 3105 Gayle Lane Auburn, CA USA 95603
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The ML Column Two Kinds of Numbers
by Todd Heimarck I want to start by explaining how I write this column. The kind editor (KE) lets me know two weeks before the deadline that he needs to fill up some pages in the magazine and that I should write another column. I say to myself, "Well, if it were me, topic XYZ would be interesting." Sometimes I suggest the idea to the KE, who usually says either "Fine" or "No, we did that two years ago." But I'm neve r sure if the XYZ topic interests you. You buy this magazine; you s hould get a vote. If there's something you want to see, let me know. Send a letter to: The ML Column, Transactor, 85 West Wilmot St., Unit 10, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada, L4B lK7 (they' ll forward it to Seattle). Or leave electronic mail on CompuServe tolD 76703,3051. If you saw the last issue (Volume 9, Issue 5), you saw the Jetter from Barry Kutner. He wants to read more about input/output routines in machine language. Sounds good to me. We' lllook at l/0 in the ne xt issue. This issue we'll finish the big numbers idea from last issue.
Kinds of people Someone once said that there are two kinds of people in the world: people who think there are two kinds of people and people who don' t. For thousands of years, mathematicians have made a less trivial distinction. They divide whole numbers into primes and composites. Each prime number is divisible only by I and itself; it has no other divisors. Every composite number is divisible by two or more primes. For example, 650 breaks down into 2 * 5 * 5 * 13. The numbers 2, 5, and I 3 are primes; 650 is a composite.
Let's say you want the prime numbers betwen 2 and 30. Write down the numbers. The first prime is 2. Now you cross out all multiples of 2- the even numbers 4, 6, 8, 10, and so on. Next on the Jist is 3, another prime. Cross out 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. Although 4 comes after 3, it's been crossed off, being a multiple of 2, so you skip ahead to 5. The remaining primes (after some more crossing out) are 7, I I, 13, 17, 19, 23, and 29.
Running the program The program Primes calculates all prime numbers up to 8,386,549. To run it, just sys 49152. It prints them to the screen. If you prefer, you can redirect output to a disk file or the printer (with open 4,4:cmd 4:sys 49152, for example). Be prepared to wait; it takes nearly four hours to print all of the primes. If you're curious about how I fit 8,000,000+ variables into a program, I'll admit that I cheated a bit. You must have a RAM Expansion Unit (REU) installed. I wrote it for a 1750 REU (512K), but it should work just as well with the 1764 (256K) or the 1700 (128K). If you have less than 512K , change the variable REUTYPE at the end of the program. Putting a smaller number into REUTYPE also makes the program run faster; theoretically, every time you cut the value in half, you get half as many primes, but the program finishes in half as much time. It runs on a 64, but you can reassemble it to a new location in the range 0- 16384 and run it without modification on a 128. I tested it at location 5000. Two notes for 128 users: Enter a bank IS command before SYSing to the program (to make the Kemal ROM and REU registers visible) and don't run the program in FAST mode. The RAM Expander doesn't like FAST mode.
Let the data write the program There's no formula for testing primes and there probably neve r will be. In the third century BC, a Greek mathematician named Eratosthenes invented a way to generate prime numbers. His method, The Sieve of Eratosthenes, is still in use because it's simple and it works. You go through a list and cross off all numbers that are composite. Whatever's left is a prime. 14
This is one of those programs that's built around the data structure. Once you figure out how to fit the data in memory, the program almost writes itself. Begin with the 1750 REU's memory of 512K. That should be enough for 524,288 byte-sized variables. We don't need entire bytes, though, because each variable has only two possible
tates: prime or not-prime. That amount of information can fit into a bit. We ' ll arbitrarily decide that I means prime and 0 means composite. There are eight bits in a byte, so we have room for about 4,000,000 variables. There's one more trick to stretch the data. We can ignore aJI even numbers. which always end with a zero in base two, anyway. We' ll only deal with odd numbers. Byte 0 of the REU will hold eight bits representing the odd numbers I, 3, 5, 7, 9, II , 13, and 15. In byte I, the bits are 17-3 1. In byte 2, the bits are 33-47, and so on. The program has two primary subroutines named FlLLREU and PRIMES. The first tills up memory with $ff bytes (because we start out assuming that all odd numbers are prime until they 're crossed off the list). The second prints out the primes, whi le whittling away at the composites. Talking to the
The RAM Expansion Unit 's II registers map into the addresses SdfOO-dfOa on both the 64 and 128. The important ones are: • DMACMD ($df0 I): a multipurpose command register. When you store a value here, the appropriate command executes. In bits 0- I, the value 00 means STASH, 0 l means FETCH, lO means SWAP, and II means VERIFY. Bit 4 should be 0 if you want the command to execute immediately (if it's a I, the command waits until a value is stored at $ff00. which is usefu l on the 128 in some situations). Bit 5 is the load flag. If it's 0. the addresses in DMAADL and DMALO are automatically incremented after a memory access. If it's l, the addresses are restored to their original values. Bit 7 is the execute flag; it signals the REU to begin the operation specifi ed in bits 0-1. • DMAADL ($df02): two bytes that specify an address inside the computer. In thi and other registers. the low byte is stored before the medium or high bytes. • DMALO ($df04): three bytes that. specify an address inside the REU. Whether or not the addresses in DMAADL and DMALO increment depends on bit 5 of DMAC\10 (after an operation) and bits 6-7 of $dfOA (during an operation). • DMADAL ($df07): two bytes that specify the number of bytes to transfer. Up to 65 ,535 bytes can be transferred. • DMAVER ($df0a): address control register. Bit 6 controls whether the REU memory increments during an operation (0 means yes, I means no). Bit 7 controls whether the system memory increments. The FlLLREU routine begins by putting the number $ff into MVAL. which happens to be location $00ff. We want to fill the whole REU with $ff because ones represent prime numbers and we assume that all numbers are prime until proven otherwise. That one byte will fill all 5 12K because an $80 is stored in Volume 9, Issue 6
DMAVER. ext, we put 4096 into NBYTES (a shadow of DMADAL) and et the addresses in C64MEM and REUMEM (shadows of DMAADL and DMALO). Then copy the shadow registers to the real REU registers in the COPYREGS subroutine. Then loop 128 times (or 64 or 32 times for a 1764 or 1700 RAM Expander). When FILLREU is ftnished, the REU should contain nothing but ones. Skipping over even numbers We 've already decided that we don 't need to bother with even numbers. That means the program's outer loop has to count from 1 to 3 to 5 to 7, up to 8 mi II ion, two at a time. In the inner loop where the multiples of x get zapped, we can count 2 * x numbers at a time. For example, if we discover that 5 is a prime number, the algorithm says that we c ross off every fifth number: I 0, 15, 20, 25, etc. But we're ignoring even numbers, so we needn't bother with 10, 20, 30, and the others. Start with 5, add 10 (making 15), add ten (25). add ten (35), and we' ll zap only the odd multiples of 5. The second major subroutine, called PRIMES, contains mostly JSRs to other routines in the program. Start out with the number L and clear that bit (meaning that I is not prime). Then the main loop (MAIN) begins. Add two to the number in BIG. BIG is similar to BIGSlX from the last column, but it holds only three bytes instead of six. A second three-byte number is TEST (used for the inner loop). A third is DOUBLE, which is just BIG times two. The TOOBIG subroutine checks the value in TEST to see if the loop (inner or outer) shou ld end because the number has grown too large. TESTPRIM tests TEST to see if it's prime. When a prime is located, two things happen: PRTNTTT prints it out (in ASCll decimal) and the routines in CPLOOP zap all multiples of TEST. The PRINTIT routine is copied almost exactly from MAKEDEC from the BIGl.SRC program from last issue. It converts a big binary number into printable ASCll characters that provide a decimal (base ten) number. It also adds a comma and a space to separate the numbers. With a 512K REU, there is a large delay of about 20 minutes between printing the number 3 and the number 5. There are a lot of multiples of 3 between 9 and 8.4 million (in that 20-minute pause, more than a million bits are turned off). Between 5 and 7, the delay is only about 12 minutes. The delay gradually decreases as the primes get bigger. 1 inserted the inc 53280 line to increment the border colour on the 64 and on the 128 in 40-column mode. When the border flashes, you know the program is running and not locked up in an endless loop. 15
BH 130 dmaver = $df0a ; if address increments CA 140 ; ; fill with 1s GO 150 jsr fillreu HI 160 jsr primes ; print all primes GJ 170 rts ltC 180 ; Making bricks CH 190 fillreu = * . the fill byte EE 200 lda l$ff . the location in 64 memory In a prev ious column , l said that if BASIC is a pile of bricks PD 210 sta mval . don' t increment 64 memory from which you ctm build a house, then M L is like a pile of GD 220 lda l$80 . reu register clay from which you make the bricks to build a house. LG 230 sta dmaver . 4k at a time BB 240 lda 1<4096 sta nbytes number of bytes The trick, I think, is to make the bricks s mall enough. AF 250 lda 1>4096 MAKEDEC from last issue printed out a decimal number. lt CP 260 OI 270 sta nbytes+l needed only slight modifications to become PRJ TIT this issue. . location in 64 muory GA 280 lda f<fial GC 290 sta c64Programming is like musical composition. When you compose EB 300 lda l >sval music, you have to keep the entire structure of the piece in HP 310 sta c64me~~+l . location in reu memory mind at all times. But you can divide a symphony into move- EN 320 lda IO ments. Movements break down into parts. Parts break down ON 330 sta reumem KK 340 sta reumem+l into phrases. Those are the bricks. IL 350 sta reumem+2 When I wrote the PRIMES subroutine, I divided the program ON 360 ; . copy to reu registers NO 310 jsr copyreqs into s mall modules that did specific tasks. For example, I DD 380 ldx reutype typed j sr getmval , knowing that I would eventually write a . stash many times D. 390 fr1oop jsr stash routine that would grab a byte from the REU and put it in BB 395 lda 1>4096:sta dmadal+l MVAL. I didn't have the routine written yet. but I knew how to liE 400 dex wnte 11. FB no bne frloop . from nowon, one byte at a time HP 420 lda 11 :sta nbytes We've done enough with big three-byte and six-byte numbers. DI 430 lda IO:sta nbytes+l . don't increment any addresses PN 440 lda l$c0 :sta dmaver In the nex t column, we' ll look into 1/0. JM 450 jsr copyreqs rts If you 'd like to do somethi ng with big integers, here's an idea. IL 460 Set aside a 16K section of memory (in the computer, not the ME 470 ; GD 480 copyregs = * REU). If you store onl y odd primes, that's enough memory to . seven reqisters AH 490 ldy 16 handle values up to 262,143. ext. ask the user to input a ro 500 crloop lda c64J~eD, y . fr<D llleliiOry number up to about 68 billion (see the GSTRL G routine from IL 510 sta dluadl,y . to the reu BIGI.SRC in Volume 9. Issue 5). ow fi gure out its factors. If DM 520 dey the binary number ends with a zero, it's divisible by two. so HI( 530 bpl crloop rts print a 2 and shift to the right. If not, take the square root (see IA 540 BIG2.S RC) and call that MAX. That 's the highest possible factor HJ 550 ; if it is a square. Run thro ugh the prime numbers from 3 to EH 560 fetch =* . fetch command OG 570 lda l fcmnd MAX and see if they divide into the target number (see Volume . branch always AL 580 bne doit 9, Issue 2). If yo u find a factor, calculate the new value of MAX NJ 590 stash = * and repeat the loop until you find all of them. DP 600 stash cOIIIIWld lda lscmnd D. 610 doit sta dtuOlld IF 620 rts Listing 1: primes.src EH 630 prilles = * . start with $000001 w 640 jsr numbed . fetch bit for 1 HI 650 jsr getmval FG 10 rem save' primes .src", 8 . clear that bit NL 660 jsr clbit PO 20 sys700 . add 2 to big MG 670 main jsr addtwo OF 30 *=49152 AJ 40 .opt oo CJ 680 jsr big2test . copy big to test . is it too big KP 50 mval = $ff ; zero-page location for value to fetch or stash JF 690 jar toobig CM 60 scmnd = 144 ; stash COIIIIWid . keep going if ok OM 700 bee more OG 70 fcmnd = 111 ; fetch CC)!Dlnd . else get out of primes (because we' re done) AM 710 rts 1!!1 80 chrout = $ffd2 GL 720 110re jar testpria LB 90 dlaCid = $df01 ; eommâ&#x20AC;˘nd for reu . if equal, oot a prime GD 730 beq uin PC 100 dluadl = $df02 ; c64 leDOry address . if oot equal, we have a prime, so print it lL 740 jsr printit JP 110 dlalo = $df04 ; reu 1e10ry address . multiply by two KE 120 dladal = $df07 ; nWiber of bytes IU 750 jsr times2
If you don 'r want to wait 20 minutes between 3 and 5, make REUTYPE a smaller number. $80 means 512K, $40 means 256K, and $20 means 128K. But there's no reason you couldn ' t used a smaller number such as $04 or $02.
PO 760 cploop jsr composit ; add test =test + double LH 110 inc 53280 EF 780 jsr toobiq lllt 790 bcs JDain ; too biq, back to the next prime NF 800 jsr getmval ; fetch from reu DM 810 jsr clbit ; clear that bit, it isn't a prime BO 820 jmp cploop EL 830 ; HE 840 number! = * ; start with the number $000001 PO 850 lda 11 u 860 sta biq BF 870 lda 10 IJ 880 sta big+l OK 890 sta big+2 BP 900 jsr big2test 10! 910 rts OA 920 ; DB 930 biq2test = * ; copy three bytes fr011 big to test ~ 940 lda big:sta test MJ 950 lda biq+l:sta test+l KX 960 lda big+2:sta test+2 GL 970 rts liE 980 ; NL 990 getmval =• get a value from reu and put it in mval JB 1000 lda t e.s t ; copy test to reumem GI 1010 sta reumea HJ 1020 lda test+l M!' 1030 sta reumem+l NK 1040 lda test+2 EB 1050 sta reumem+2 GK 1060 jsr rotreu rotate reumem to riqht PB 1070 lda reumem:and 17 !A 1080 sta bitloc ; bit location (0-7) GI 1090 jsr rotreu:jsr rotreu:jsr rotreu jsr copyreqs OF 1100 OM 1110 jsr fetch ; get the byte PJ 1120 lda mval GF 1130 rts KO 1140 ; HH 1150 rotreu lsr reumea+2:ror reume3+1:ror reucem:rts OP 1160 ; EO 1170 clbit = * ; clears a bit (call fetch first) CL 1180 ldx bitloc ; bit location 0-7 DB 1190 lda mval ; value in memory OI 1200 and bitoff,x ; clear the bit sta mval HD 1210 LH 1220 jsr copyreqs BG 1230 jsr stash ; store back in reu EM 1240 rts IF 1250 ; AA 1260 addtwo = * ; adds two to big MG 1270 clc BB 1280 lda biq LO 1290 adc 12 DG 1300 sta biq !A 1310 lda biq+l FA 1320 adc 10 KF 1330 sta big+l BC 1340 lda big+2 DC 1350 adc 10 JB 1360 sta biq+2 GE 1370 rts lQi 1380 ;
Volume 9, Issue 6
ON 1390 toobig =• ;checks test for out of range (about 8 million for 512k reu) GA 1400 lda test+2 ; biqh byte of test CC 1410 cap reutype lOi 1420 rts ; carry set means error/ too biq, clear means it' s ok MA 1430 ; GC 1440 testprim = * JA 1450 jsr getmval Nil 14 60 ldx bitloc KC 1470 and biton,x EL 1480 rts IE 1490 ; DE 1500 printit =* JI 1510 lda IO:pha IB 1520 mdlpl ldx 124 ; 3 bytes = 24 bits IG 1530 stx count ML 1540 lda IO: sta temp HI 1550 mdlp2 asl test:rol test+1:rol t est+2 ON 1560 rol teap PI 1570 lda teap lOi 1580 cap llO:bcc lldcool OM 1590 sbc 110 LO 1600 sta temp FL 1610 mdcool php EF 1620 1sr test cc 1630 plp A1 1640 rol test BE 1650 dec count JC 1660 bne mdlp2 IA 1670 lda t emp:ora 148 , make it an ascii number MA 1680 pha OF 1690 lda t est :ora test+1:ora test+2 AF 1700 bne mdlpl KC 1710 priloop pla DM 1720 beq prend JJ 1730 jsr cbrout DG 1740 jllp priloop HM 1750 prend jsr biq2test ; put test back PO 1760 lda l44:jsr chrout ; COIIIma BB 1770 lda l32 :jsr chrout ; space AO 1780 rts EB 1790 ; EL 1800 times2 = * AM 1810 lda biq:asl :sta double BE 1820 lda big+l:rol :sta doublet! NE 1830 lda big+2:rol:sta double+2 MB 1840 rts AL 1850 ; GK 1860 composit = * EM 1870 clc FB 1880 lda test:adc double:sta test LP 1890 lda test+1 :adc double+1:sta test+1 MA 1900 lda test+2 :adc double+2:sta test+2 CG 1910 rts OG 1920 reutype .byte $80; $80 means 512k, $40 is 256k, $20 is 128k PJ 1930 biton .byte 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 EB 1940 bitoff .byte 254, 253, 251, 247, 239, 223, 191, 127 00 1950 e = * ; 2 bytes (64k) AC 1960 c64r:a =e NB 1970 reumea = e+2 ; 3 bytes (5l2k) BE 1980 nbytes =et5 ; 2 bytes ; 3 bytes JP 1990 big = e+7 HC 2000 test =e+lO ; 3 bytes OK 2010 double = e+l3 ; 3 bytes HL 2020 bitloc = e+l6 1 byte HM 2030 count = e+l7 1 byte ; 1 byte IO 2040 teap = e+l8
Listing 2: primes.gen
Bits & Pieces 1:
HO 100 rem generator for "primes.obj" FL 110 n$="primes.obj": rem name of program KB 120 nd=468: sa=49152 : ch=70208
(for lines 130-260, see the standard generator on page 5) AC IO CG BG FP OC MB PL CE KI AL BI DG JI 00 NB LB KG JF
1000 data 1010 data 1020 data 1030 data 1040 data 1050 data 1060 data 1070 data 1080 data 1090 data 1100 data lllO data 1120 data 1130 data 1140 data 1150 data 1160 data 1170 data 1180 data 1190 data 1200 data 1210 data 1220 data 1230 data 1240 data 1250 data 1260 data 1270 data 1280 data 1290 data 1300 data 1310 data 1320 data 1330 data 1340 data 1350 data 1360 data 1370 data 1380 data 1390 data 1400 data 1410 data 1420 data 1430 data 1440 data 1450 data 1460 data 1470 data 1480 data 1490 data 1500 data 1510 data 1520 data 1530 data 1540 data 1550 data 1560 data 1570 data 1580 data
32, 255, 169, 218, 0, 193, 83, 169, 169, 218, 83, 153, 177, 96, 250, 32, 193, 193, 37, 250, 219, 221, 193, 223, 96, 223, 141, 193, 192, 83, 78, 193, 204, 99, 2, 0, 0, 205, 228, 72, 141, 193, 230, 141, 46, 173, 193, 192, 121, 210, 173, 220, 193, 222, 173, 193, 224, 16, 239,
7, 133, 0, 193, 141, 141, 192, 16, 1, 193, 192, 2, 208, 32, 192, 37, 240, 32, 193, 192, 193, 193, 141, 193, 173, 193, 216, 41, 32, 192, 216, 96, 193, 192, 141, 141, 141, 195, 193, 162, 230, 46, 193, 230, 222, 230, 13, 104, 193, 255, 219, 193, 42, 193, 223, 173, 193, 32, 223,
192, 255, 141, 169, 213, 215, 174, 141, 141, 169, 96, 223, 2, 157, 32, 193, 239, 166, 176, 76, 169, 32, 222, 173, 222, 141, 193, 7, 240, 32, 193, 174, 133, 96, 219, 220, 221, 193, 61, 24, 193, 224, 201, 193, 193, 193, 223, 240, 32, 169, 193, 42, 141, 109, 193, 224, 96, 64, 191,
32, 169, 217, 255, 193, 193, 195, 8, 217, 192, 160, 136, 169, 192, 11, 144, 32, 193, 222, 137, 0, 174, 193, 221, 193, 215, 32, 141, 192, 95, 110, 228, 255, 24, 193, 193, 193, 96, 196, 142, 14, 193, 10, 8, 206, 9, 193, 6, 174, 32, 10, 141, 227, 225, 109, 193, 128, 128, 127
105, 128, 193, 141, 169, 141, 193, 223, 193, 141, 6, 16, 144, 32, 193, 1, 54, 238, 32, 192, 141, 192, 173, 193, 141, 193, 240, 228, 32, 192, 215, 193, 32, 173, 173, 173, 96, 32, 193, 229, 222, 46, 144, 78, 229, 48, 13, 32, 192, 32, 141, 226, 193, 193, 226, 109, 1, 254,
192, 141, 169, 212, 0, 216, 32, 202, 169, 10, 185, 247, 141, 193, 32, 96, 193, 32, 193, 169, 220, 96, 220, 141, 214, 173, 192, 193, 240, 165, 193, 165, 83, 219, 220, 221, 173, 193, 96, 193, 193, 230, 5, 222, 193, 72, 224, 210, 169, 210, 225, 193, 96, 141, 193, 227, 2, 253,
96, 10, 16, 193, 141, 193, 99, 208, 0, 223, 212, 96, 1, 192, 174, 32, 32, 208, 192, 1, 193, 173, 193, 224, 193, 224, 173, 32, 192, 255, 110, 255, 192, 193, 193, 193, 224, 192, 169, 169, 46, 193, 233, 193, 208, 173, 193, 255, 44, 255, 193, 173, 24, 222, 141, 193, 4, 251,
169 223 141 169 214 32 192 245 141 32 193 169 223 32 192 44 144 32 32 141 141 219 141 193 173 193 214 240 32 96 214 61 32 105 105 105 193 174 0 0 223 173 10 40 219 222 208 76 32 96 173 221 173 193 223 141 8 247
\<. .f''\OiSI<.
'Q\\S 0
nd Pieces BOO
\.,.. I
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j j
From the famous book o f the same name, Transactor Productions now brings you Bits & Pieces 1: The Disk/ You'll thrill to the special effects of the screen dazzlers! You'll laugh at the hours of typing time you'll save! You'll be Inspired as you boldly go where no bits have gone before! " Extraordinarily faithful to the plot of the book. . . The BAM alone is worth the price of admission/" Vincent Canbyte
''Absolutely magnet/ell" Gene Syscall
"If you mount only one bits disk in 1987, make it this one/ The fully cross-referenced index is unforgettable/ Recs Read, New York TIS \.\;1\/(N/NC, )urnr路
tot)' orrt.Jrrr rru/1 tJytt'\ f(dtt路ll (r(l(
BITS & PIECES 1: THE DISK. A Mylar Film, in association with Transactor Productions. Playing at a drive near youl
Disk 58.95 US, $9.95 Cdn. Book $14.95 US, $17.95 Cdn. Book & D isk Combo Just SI 9.95 US, 524.95 Cdnl
The Edge Connection Societies, shows and disk drive voodoo
by Joel Rubin The Toronto PET Users' Group (5333 Yonge St., Box 116, Willowdale. Ontario, Canada, M2M 6M2, telephone +I 4 16 733 2933, 1200-1700 Eastern Time), which stretches back to the time when Jack Tramiel was making watches, calculators, and the brand new PET 200 l, seems to be gradually coming back after a moribund period. They are getting out newsletters, albeit a few months after the date on them, and the one office worker (formerl y three) is working on filling disk orders, and, one of these days, they may even get out renewal notices. JAM ECO Electronics ( 1355 Shoreway Rd., Belmont, Califor-
nia, USA 9400?. te lephone + I 415 592 8097) is closing out ICS, including the Commodore custom chips which they were carrying. The chips that they still have are reduced in price, but some are already sold out. The March, 1988 issue of the newsletter of the Commodore Owners Workshop (c/o Home Computing Center, Tanforan Park, San Bruno, CA), a local users' group just south of San Francisco, warns that Date I 's MIDI interface, while it may work with many European programs, will not work with the American programs written to the Passport standard. Conversely, it is presumably the case that those who buy a Passport or Passport-compatible interface will not be able to run European software on it. God must have loved standards because He made so many of them.
Anti-rental law in the States? According to a blurb in the 24 April Christian Science Monitor, Senator Orin Hatch (Republican , Utah) has introduced legislation to prohibit firn1s from renting or loaning software. The law is based on the Record Rental Act of 1985 , which was passed when phonograph record producers complained that stores which rented records were, in fact, encouraging illegal copying and thus costing them money. (One can still borrow recordings from public libraries in the U.S.A. , however.) On the other hand, the loaning of video cassettes is a very big business, with the full co-operation of the recording industry, and many of the video stores also rent Nintendo cartridges which are, technically, software- although cartridges are usually more expensive to pirate than to buy. The Senator did accept an Volume 9, Issue 6
amendment which would exempt libraries at non-profit organizations - for example, a computer lab at a university.
CLONEDEX The Fourteenth West Coast Computer Faire was held the weekend of March 17 , back at its old home at Brooks Hall and the Civic Auditorium, near San Francisco City Hall, instead of the more impersonal and newer Moscone Center where it had been held the past few years. There was a point to this - the theme of the show was " Legends of the West" , and the Faire was attempting to regain its glory years, back when the Apple I was sold by its creators from one of the mini-booths or when Adam Osborne introduced the first luggable. Lee Felsenste in, the designer of the Processor Technology Sol and of the Osborne I, held a meeting of the long defunct Home Brew Computer Club; many of the Silicon Valley giants grew out of their meetings at Stanford. This was, for the most part, an excursion into nostalgia, and ' where are they now '. Jim Warren, the founder of the Computer Faire, and of Jnfoworld, had a seminar on the future. I hope that Jim's visions are more valid than the view one got from the present, which seems to be full of 80x86 clones. Whereas Jim used to patrol the Faire on roller skates, the head of the company which now owns the Faire (The Interface Group of COMDEX fame, and MACDEX infame) was busy buying the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. A seminar on older computers, which I thought might be interesting for 8-bit Commodore owners, turned out to be mostly about marketing orphans. Bob Cook, of Sun Remarketing, told how he built a multi-million dollar business selling Apple ///S and Lisas with Mac compatibility enhancements, mostly on Apple's money. The keynote address was given by Philippe Kahn, of Borland I ntemational. Mr. Kahn spent some time bad-mouthing Lotus and, in fact, the newspaper here reported that, a week or so later, he was caught putting copies of an anti-Lotus article beneath the doors of a hotel at a Palm Springs event. Of course, Lotus version 3.0 has been vapourware for so long that a lot of people have been bad-mouthing Lotus, but it's in bad taste for a competitor to do so. Mr. Kahn said he had heard that Lotus 1-2-3 19
version 3.0 had acquired the internal name " Titanic'', and that he hoped his company would make the iceberg. Mr. Kahn did say one thing which Amiga programmers might want to J.. eep in mind. He said that many programmers were becoming lazy because, faced with faster processors. and huge amounts of memory. they felt that they need not optimize for time or speed the way they would have had to on an older com puter. He warned such programmers that mu lti -tasking would eat much or the speed they counted on; and that new graphics standards would eat much of the RAM: and that, if they aren't careful , their badly wri tten programs will be swapped out to disk faster than one can say ''128K Mac" (my phrase). Of cour:,e. there wasn't much there for Commodore owners, or even Amiga owners. For 8-bit Commodores. there was a local store w hich sells both new and liquidated software, a couple of CP/M users路 gro up~ . Softdisk (Loadsrar ), Virgin/Mastertronic (which is going to take its Leisure Genius l ine back from Electronics A rts in the U.S.), and Elcomp selling its old C64 books and software at a discount. and that was just about it. By the way, Softdisk wants to put out an Ami ga version, and is looking for contributors. There wa!> an Amiga store. a few games available. and a users路 group. Poor Person Software (372 1 Starr K ing Circle, Palo Alto. CA 94306. telephone +I 415 493 7234) had an Amiga program called Thinker. In essence. Thinker is a word processor wh ich allows you to click on a phrase and either reference some more text or a picture. They claim that it 's Hypertext. l don' t know enough about the definition of Hypertext to decide that. (Speaking of Hypertext. someone ought to port something more or less like Hypercard to the Amiga. I ' m not sure that it's quite as great as its boosters claim, but what it has done is to allow a lot of people whose expertise is outside the computer field to write programs renecting their expertise on the M ac. Hypercard may have its deficiencies as a programming language. but many of the programs written in it probably wouldn't have been wri tten withou t it, and some of these are quite use fu l.)
Reading 158 1 ' cr edit' messages Al so, on the humour front, if you have a 158 1 disk drive, try enter ing the following program at di k RAM address $0300, and executing it: error = $ff3f org $0300 1da 11$79 jmp error
Then, read the error channel. You wi ll get the author's credit message. If you substitute $7a for $79. you will get a dedication to one of the authors' wives. Read the error channel using GETII rather than INPUT#, especially wi th $7 A , since the error number gets printed as 7: , and that colon plays havoc with INPUT#. 100 getll15, a$ : print a$ : if st=O goto 100
Relative files and 96 In recent Commodore disk drive manuals. you have been instructed to give the relative file posi tioning command, p , in the form: printll15 ,"p " chr$(sa or 96)chr$(rec1o) chr$(re chi)chr$(ofs)
because in BASIC 7.0, RECORD ends up sending the disk drive thi s message. (This is because K ema l OPEN sets the $60 bits in the secondary address, and RECORD looks up the secondary address from the lile number.) I have looked at 1541 , 1571 , and 158 1 disassemblies, and, with all of these drives. it doesn't matter. On the 1541 and 157 1 the p command begins at $e207. On the 1581, it is vectored through to $alai. A ll of th ese routines are the same, except fo r speci fic addresses. The beginning looks like thi s:
Humour, pr obably not intentional jsr s yntax
If you can manage. see if you can find a copy of Transactor's cousin magazine. Commodore Compwing l nremarional. for the month of April (Fools'). On page 7. there's an ad for the company well -kn own for importing A meri can software and hardware into Britain. One of the products being advertised is a nybbler/parameter package. You are, of course, familiar with the disclaimers that fol low such ads. ''While we don't condone piracy... ". or "'We strong ly condemn piracy... " or some such blurb follows the claim that ''Our package copies more copy-protected programs than any other. " Well, it appears that there were two versions of this ad. and someone accidently (or because of a Freudian slip, or because they had just gotten fired and wanted to get back at the company or for some other rea on) mixed them - leading to the statement: ' 'While we strongly condone piracy.....
1da bu拢+1
; this 1s the s e condary address
sta t empsa jsr getchanne1
l f a econdary address is greater than 18. GETCHAN EL lops off the high nybble. so if you add 96 to the secondary address, not only won't the gods of relative tiles appreciate your sacrifi ce. but the disk drive will just subtract it off and they won ' t even know about it. I use the word "gods" advisedly -I think the source file for Commodore DOS has just gotten too complicated, w ith too many patches between the olde 2040 and today. And, since no one really kn ows the whys and wherefores of some o f the bugs, Commodore is just try ing voodoo debugging. That sounds like programmers路 hell - you've got this huge source file with zillions of patche . and half the program-
mers don 't work at Commodore anymore, and you've got to try to maintain it!
I don't really know what's going on with secondary addresses 16, 17. and 18. Since most routines in the disk drive also lop off the high nybble of these three number . 16 and 17 y ield the load/save channels of 0 and I , respectively. and 18 usually is equi valent to 2. (Channel 0 is not used for C l 28 fast loads.) So, you can't usc 16 or 17 for relative fi lcs. and 18 may con fu se the disk dri ve. Where you do have to ·or· 96 to the secondary address i s when you call SECO D and TKSA. Actually, SECOND 'or's $20 to the secondary address. and TKSA ·or 's $40, so you don't have to use $60 - just 40 for SECOND and $20 for TKSA. But. who wants 10 remember that? D oing both ($60) always works. I think that the problem is that. because o f handshaking between the computer and the disk drive, the disk drive must be told to be both a talker and a listener whenever you send or receive data. A neat 158 l trick from West C hest er
It turn s out that on the 158 1, you can have the 128 boot sector wherever you want. Look at an official C 128 158 1 CP/M disk. ( 0 1 one with the Miklos G. format!) You' ll notice that there's an autoboot user fi le on i t (''copyri ght cbm 86 "). When you boot. you send the string ui· to the disk drive. and with the 1581. ui forces a search for and (if found) execution of a & fi le called '"copyright cbm 86". W hat is in this mysterious fi le? In the case of a 1581 CP/M d isk, it diverts the sector translation vector so that the first time the disk drive attempts a read. if it attempts to read track 1/sector 0, it actual ly reads track 40/sector 5. After the first read. even if the disk drive wa trying to read another sector. the translation vector is restored. The boot sector is to be found on track 28/sector 5: the real track 1/sector 0 is the first sector of the CP/M directory.
*************************** • • • •
autoboot file on 1581 • cp/m disks, disassembled' with merlin' s • disassembler •
*************************** jobs =2 hdrs = $b vtransts = $lb8 jcbd>trtn = $ff5a orq $300 Sel
lda sta lda sta lda sta lda sta lda sta
vtransts savead vtransts+l savead+l l<tempt r vtransts l>teapt r vtransts+l l$81 $6d jJ1p jcblbtrtn
Volume 9, Issue 6
ldx $83 lda jobs,x csp l$80 bne :no ldy $99 ldx hdrs+l,y bne :no ldx hdrs, y dex bne :no ldx l$28 stx hdrs, y ldx f$5 stx hdrs+l, y
;is it a read job? ; is it on track 1? ; is it on sector 0? ;if so, track 40 ; sector 5
lda savead ; now, restore t ranslate sector vector sta vtransts lda savead+l sta vtransts+l hex 4c ; )Ulllp ds 2 ; dWIIIDY address
Further applications of this technique are left to the reader. Of course, this effort is, for the most part , wasted in CP/M, since very few 1581 s are hooked up as device 8, and C P/M must be booted from device 8. In the U.S., at least, one can no longer buy a C 128- only a C128D, and the separate 1571, if not officially dead, is almost impossible to find. The 1571 in the C 128D has no DIP switches and changing the device number of the built- in 1571 from device 8 involves the old pad-cutting technique. However, the pads are not as accessible as they were in 1541 s. Jf you have a 1280 and a 158 1, however, you can try booting from the 158 1 by shutting off your 158 1, flipping the DIP sw itches to make it dev ice 8, soft-setting the builtin 1571 to device 9 (open 1,8,15," u0>" +chr$(9)), turning on the 1581 , and then booting. The 158 1 must be set to device 8 by DIP switches. because when it receives the ui command from boot. it will read the switches. Let's look at this reaJ boot sector, track 40, sector 5. What it does i to fill $ 1000-Sfeff in bank 0 wi th ' ULL' , and then read in the four logical sectors beginning at track 40, sector 6, to $e000. These are the same as the two 5 12-byte physical sectors on side 0, beginning at track 39, sector 4. It then jumps to the Z -80 code beginning at $e000. fillsp
hdcOc hdcOd hddOO z80code I:IIIICr setbnk ioinit setlfs setnam open chkout clrchn z80on chrout z80wake
= $1000 = $dc0c = $dc0d = $dd00 = $e000 = $ff00 = $ff68 = $ff84 = $ffba = $ffbd = $ffc0 = $ffc9 = $ffcc = $ffd0 = $ffd2 = $ffee
orq $bOO txt , c:lll' ds
sei jsr ioinit lda f$3f sh .ucr t t ttttttttttttttttttttttt ttt t t tt
* fi ll $1000 - $feff w/ 0
t tttt t tttttttttttttttttttttttt tt
lda l>fillsp sta $21 lda l<fillsp sta $20 ldx l$ef tay sta ($20), y iny bne :lup inc $21 dex bne :lup sta mucr
;bank 15 :wai t
* open 15,8, 15,name
lda l$f ldx 18 tay jsr setlfs lda tO
******************************** * read track .a, sector .x * * side 0 to .y*256 *
* this routine reads physical * * sectors, so 512 bytes * tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt••
sty $21 sta track stx sect ldx l$f jsr cbkout ldy 16 lda ead-l,y jsr cbrout dey bne :lup2
lda hddOO eor l$10 sta bddOO lda 18 bit bdcOd beq :wait lda hdcOc
jsr setbnk lda 14 1dx l <name ldy l>name jsr setnam jsr open ;these are physical sectors-lda 1$27 ; logically 40/6,7 ldx 14 ldy l$e0 jsr readsec lda 1$27 ;logically ;40/8,9 ldx 15 jsr readse2 ; z-80 jump lda l$c3 sta z80wU:e lda l<z80code sta z80vake+l lda l>z80code sta z80wake+2 lda l $3e Sta IIIIIUCr jmp zBOon
readsec readse2
jsr clrchn bit hdcOd jsr getbyt ldx 12 ldy 10 sty $20 jsr qetbyt sta ($20) , y iny bne :lup3 inc $21 dex bne :lup3 lda hddOO and l$ef sta bddOO
* this is a burst command • sent to the disk drive * in reverse, beginning with * the first ' u' in name
* *t
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tt
ecmd sect t rack
hex 01 hex 00 hex 00 hex 00 t xt '0'
;read 512 bytes--1 physical sector ;read cmd--physical sector, side 0
txt ' u0'4c00
; set the status byte
The four (logical) sectors of Z-80 machine language then partially replace the boot ROM in booting CP/M.
Save time on l58l partitioning When you make a partition on a 158 1, i f you want to make a directory. you have to enter the parti tion and do a long format on it. Typically. you format the disk, make partitions, and format the partitions - so you end up formatting the disk twice. Since the 158 1 does not appear to u e the disk or partition 10 at the lowest level (the way the Commodore GCR drives do), you can save time by just doing a short format on the partition. B ut. there are compl ications. If, wi thin a partition, you try to write on a partition sector (e.g. doing a short fonnat) you will get error 73 (dos mismatch) unless byte 2 of sector 0 of the first track of the partition contains a d ($44). You can avoid this by two methods - either write from the root or parent partition. or use the job queue. If you now do a short format in the directory, you will get a directory. but it will look a bit strange because it will have chr$(0) + chr $(0) for its !D. So, you should now write the 10 Transactor
to bytes 22-23 of sector 0, and to bytes 4-5 of sectors 1 and 2. See the partition program below for details. BL 100 rem faster 1581 partition--avoids full formatting of partition
OE 110 FO 120 FO 130 CI 140 NE 150 OJ 160 LN 170 PH 180 KJ 190 CN 200 DI 210 FG 220 PN 230 MC 240 FC 250 HB 260 LO 270 LA 280 AN 290 NO 300 JO 310 PA 320 NJ 330 BL 340 CG 350 00 360 FO 370
rem by joel m. rubin rem run from parent directory input"device number" ;dn open1,dn,15, "m-r"+chr$(252)+chr$(255) getl1,a$:ifasc(a$)<>36thenprint"not a 1581": run input"name of partition";na$ input"first track"; ft input"number of tracks (including 1 overhead) ";nt ns=40*nt:nh=int(ns/256) :nl=ns-256*nh printll,"/"na$", "chr$(ft)chr$(0)chr$(nl)chr$(nll) ", c" inputll,e,e$, t , s:ifethenprinte;e$t;s:stop ope.n2,dn,2, "IO":printll, "b-p:2,2":printl2, "d" ; :rem dos version printll,"u2 :2"0; ft;O:inputll,e,e$,t,s:ifethenprinte;e$t;s:stop print"name of directory "; na$ input"";nd$ input"id of directory"; id$ iflen(id$)<>2goto260 printll,"/"na$:input#l,e,e$, t ,s:ife<>2thenprinte;e$t; s:stop printU, "nO :"nd$: inputll, e, e$, t, s:ifethenprinte; e$t; s:stop close2 :open2,dn,2,"10" fori=Oto2 printl1,"u1 :2" ;0;ft;i :input#l,e,e$, t ,s:ifethenprinte;e$t;s:stop printll,"b-p:2"(-22*(i=0))+(-4*(io0)) :printl2, id$; printll, "u2 :2"0; ft ; i: inputll, e, e$, t, s: ifethe.nprinte; e$t; s:stop next close2 print"done--in newdirectory' "
Save time on 1571 single-sided formatting
FG 250 printd$"Disk id: "l$id$chr$(157)chr$(157); :inputU,id$:print IK 260 iflen(id$)<>2thenprintu$; :goto240 JB 270 printl2,"u0"chr$(190)"m1":bu=3:rem 1571 mode, working with buffer 3 CK 280 printl2,"~·w"chr$(18 ) chr$ (0} chr$ (2)id$ OP 290 printl2,"m-w"chr$(59)chr$(0}chr$(1)chr$(240):rem format@ $3b IP 300 printl2,"m-w"chr$(162)chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(36): rem < 36 tracks HG 310 printl2,"m-w"chr$(178)chr$(1)cbr$(1)chr$(0) :rem side 0 DE 320 printl2,"m-w"chr$(bu)chr$ (0)chr$(1)chr$(240): rem format MA 330 gosub470 JI 340 ifc>1thenprintd$"Format error!" :goto510 NG 350 printi2,"i0":bu=4:rem iO reads 18/0 into buffer 4 JO 360 inputl2, x,x$,t,s:ifxthenprintx; x$;t; s:stop MI 370 printi2,"m-v"chr$(2)chr$(7)chr$(2}"a"chr$(0) :rem--right dos, single sided DB 380 tr=1 LK 390 print#2,"m-w"chr$ (bu)chr$(0)chr$(1)chr$(144) :rem write 18/0 w.o. err 73 BN 400 gosub470:ifc>1thentr=tr+1 :iftr<=3goto390:rem try 3 times to write OA 410 iftr=4goto510 AP 420 printl2,"i0":printl2,"n0:"dn$ JF 430 inputl2,x, x$,t ,s:ifxthenprintx;x$t;s:stop GM 440 open3,8,2,"l" :printl2,"u1:2,0,1,0" NG 450 inputl2,x, x$, t,s:ifxthenprintx;x$t;s:stop EN 460 printd$"It worked!" :close2 :end BC 470 printl2, "m·r"chr$(bu)chr$(0) :getl2,a$:c=asc(a$) HC 480 ifc>=128goto470:rem not done GA 490 return HH 500 rem-convert job code to ds error BN 510 m$="m-w"+chr$ (0) +chr$ (3) +chr$ (7) +chr$ (169) tchr$ (c) +chr$ (162) +chr$ (bu) HK 520 m$=m$+chr$(76)+chr$(185)+chr$(169) NB 530 printl2,m$ FP 540 printl2, "m-e"chr$ (0) chr$ (3) AD 550 inputl2,x, x$, t ,s:printx:x$;t;s:stop
There are two ways to do single-sided formatting on the 1571. First. you can do double-sided formatting, and then tell the BAM that you really did a single-sided format. CP/M does it this way. This isn't too slow, but it destroys flippies. Of course, the Aligner General has determined that flippies may be dangerous to the health of your system. but there are some programs which come on tlippies and are inconvenient to use in any other format. On the other hand, you could do what GEOS does - you can go into 1541 mode before you format. This is less dangerous to flippies. However. 1541 formats are notoriously slow. Here is a third method: you use exactly that part of the 1571 format routine, in the disk ROM, which formats side 0. GI OE OP DO OK HN OG OM PI MG NF BL OJ BA EA
100 printchr$(147)chr$(14): 110 print"Format a single-sided disk using the 1571 format routine 120 print"(c) 1989 Joel M. Rubin--comercial rights reserved 130 open1,0 140 fori=1to30:e$=" "+e$+chr$ (157):next:d$=chr$(17)+chr$(17) 150 u$=chr$(145}+chr$(145}+cbr$(145) 160 printd$"Insert disk to be formatted. "d$ 170 printd$"Drive Nlllr.ber: "e$"8"chr$ (157);:inputtl,dn:print 180 if (dn<8)or(dn>11)thenprintd$e$u$u$ :goto170 190 open2,dn,15, "m-r"+chr$(103) +chr$(254) : ret:~ irq at $fe67 should be jmp () 200 getl2, a$:ifa$<>chr$ (108) thenclose2 :printd$"NOT AC' 1571! ''u$u$ :goto170 210 printd$"Disk name: "l$"new"chr$(157)chr$(157)chr$(157);:inputll,dn$:print 220 if(len(dn$)=0)or(len(dn$)>16)thenprintu$; :goto210 230 print:print"Insert disk to be formatted'" 240 x=rnd(-ti):id$=chr$(65+26•rnd(O))+chr$ (65+26*rnd(0))
Volume 9, Issue 6
Ultra-Fast Disk Operating Systsm for the C-64, SX-64 & C.128 • Speeds up all disk opel'ltlons. Load, Save, Formal, Scratch, Validale, access PRG, SEQ, AEL., & USA files 14> to 15 timn faller! • UMs no potU, memory, or txtll cabling. The JiffyOOS ROMs !4)grade yw computer and dtMI(s) internally lor maxim1.m speed and compatbiity. • GuarantHd 10~ compatibltwlth autoftwar. .nd hanlwa,., JilfyOOSspeeds 14> the loading and lrtemal file-access opera!ion ol Yirtualy all commercial software. • BuiK·in DOS Wedge plus t 4 add~ional commands and convenience features ilcludi~J;~ one·lley loali'save/scralch, directcxy menu and screen durrp. • Easy dcMI·yourself lnstaftllion. No electronics experience or special1008 ,. quinld. lnustrlll8d step-by·step instruc1ions included. Available for C-64, 64C, SX-64, C-128 l C-1280 (JllyOOS/128 speeds 14> bo1h 64 and t 28 modes} and 1541, 1541C, 1541-1, 1571, 1581, FSD-1&2, MSO SD-1&2, Exctf2001, Enhancer2000, Am tech, SWan,lndusl Bluachipdiskdrives. System includes ROMs for comptAer and 1 disk diM!, stock/Jifyi)OS swlching sys18m, ilustra!ed installation instlUCiions, User's Manual and Morwy·Back Guarantee.
The One Megabyte C64! Activities for a rainy afternoon: C512
by Pa ul Bosacki Copyrip,/11 © 1989 by Paul Bosacki
In Volume 9. Issue 2, Paul showed us how to expand a C64 to 256K imemally and hal'e GEOS recogni:e the extra RAM as a RAMdisk. At that time we .wated that Paul was using a IMB C64 5 12K intemal and 512K in an REV. As you now know, this project generated a lor of interest amongst the readership and the Commodore community at large. The machine became the subject of various speculations and mmours. Well. the time has come to lay those rumours to rest. The first half of the I MB C64 was covered last issue when Paul showed how to expand the 1764 to 512K. This is the second part. This article will show how a C64 can be expanded internally to 512K. Etvoila. the 1MB C64. As you might expect, this project is more complex than the two previous ones - in the sofrware as well as the hardware. If you· re not comfortable with a soldering iron in your hand you may want to have someone else do it. The usual disclaimers apply: you undertake this projecr at your own risk and goodbye the warranty.
and every letter and that's why. in part. thi update is so late in getting out to you. Also, I'd like to thank two people in part ic ular: Ric hard Curcio and George Hug. Althoug h this article might have appeared without their comments, s uggestions and interest, writing it wouldn't have been as much fun.
Now, into the meat As I pointed out in Care and Feeding of tlte C256, the limiting fac tor in a n MPU's addressable memory space is its number of address lines. The C64 's 6510 has sixteen, a llowing access to 65.000 or so bytes. Adding two pseudo-address lines. as the last project demonstrated. bumped that to 256K. Four banks of 64K were made avai Iable through a simple POKE to $0 I. However, a small amount of memory had to remain 'common' to each bank. Specifically, me mo ry below $0400 was a lways available. This was necessary because the s tack and os vectors must (within limits) remain constant. Change them wi thout proper setup and the machine crashes.
On rhe software side of things. GEOS v2.0 has made significanr changes in the way that the operating system handles drives. The 512K project offers significant improvements over the Consequenrly. it was necessary for Paul ro modify some of prev ious design. In order to take our mac hines to 512K, it's Berkeley Softworks' own code to enable the banked RAM used necessary to add a third pseudo-address line. In the previous in the C512. Accordingly: art ic le, the two needed lines were found at rhe MPU VO port. Specia l Note: Portions of Driver1571.src Co pyright © 1986- 1989 by Ber keley Softworks. All r ights reser ved. Used with permission. Our thanks to Berkeley Softworks for their kind indulgence in this regard a nd to Matt Loveless at Berkeley for his support and assista nce.
* * * Whe n I claimed a few months ago that an Amiga needed a meg of memory to really s how, I never imagined that anyone would want a 512K 64. Nor did I expect the overwhelming response the article generated. So first, before I get into anything, I want to thank a ll the people who took the time t.o write. Considering the vagaries of postal offices, you all should have long ago received my reply. Yes, I answered each
Needing three lines in this case, the MPU I/0 port is no longer adequate. IJo is found el ewhe re. Unfo rtunately, the 64 uses its resources to the fullest, and this necessitates some additional work. But the extra work y ie lds some nice returns. Un like the 256K versio n of this project, a ll o ptions can now be controlle d throug h software. Options like OK common memory to 16 K and control over where the VIC chip finds its data. Well worth the extra effort!
The modification An e ight bit read/write la tc h is used in the 5 12K system to allow control over system memory configurations. This latc h, called the Bank Control Register (BCR) for lack of a better Transac tor
name, is accessable at $dd80. The astute among us will realize that this space usually contains phantom CIA2 images. But that problem is worked around by remapping the CIA's 256 bytes into four unique and separately selectable 64-byte sections. The first 64 bytes still belong to CIA2 keeping its base address valid. However. the third 64-byte block belongs to the BCR. Read from or write to $dd80 and the system memory configuration will either be returned or set. The second and the fourth 64-byte sections are open for user expansion. The BCR is the most significant improvement over the previous design. And the most powerful aspect. Through a little bit twiddling, the memory configuration can be changed at wilL What follows is the bit function layout of the BCR: bit0-2: bit 3:
The three pseudo-address lines needed to access the addtional memory. Bank 0 on power-up or hard reset. AEC enable. When this bit is set to 0 (default power status), the Video display matrix is drawn f rom BankO.
The following three bits affect the amount of common memory (CRAM) available to the system. bit 4 : Ma s k AlO ($0 400) bit 5 : Mask Al l
bit 6 : Mas k A12 & A1 3 ($1000)
banked memory appears until $0800; there a CRAM hole opens that continues to $0fff. Then banked memory reappears. So, unless you know what you're getting into, stick to the four CRAM configurations above. They are th e most useful. Let's take a closer look. Clear all three bits and CRAM widens to include the bitmap at $2000. Not using the bitmap? Then how about a large (16K ) area for machine language or BASIC programs that need to easily take advantage of an additional 384K of memory (that 's (64-16)*8). T he next option is similar to th e first except that CRAM narrows to $0fff. This excludes the bitmap, and the work space is smaller. B ut some interesting possibilities open here. For example, rapid cycling through up to 64 different bitmaps becomes a reality. Imagine, the REU globe demo done totally from within system RAM! Option 3 narrows CRAM even further. leaving only the default screen matrix within CRAM. All banks could, therefore, draw their character screen matrix from the same place. And the fi nal op tion banks out the screen matrix as well. A ll banks now share only os vectors, the stack, and zpage; in short, anything below $0400 is drawn from Bank 0.
Then there 's bit 7. By setting this bit, the CRAM option is disabled. In other words. there is no common memory. On a bank switch, the machine moves into a whole new domain; a place with it's own stack. OS vectors, zpage etc. Thi s option is really exciting because it allows us a kind of task switching. With proper setup, a bank switch might drop us into a radically different design philosophy machine. More on this later....
This takes a little explaining. When the MPU accesses a particular memory locaPart of the tion. a combination of ones and zeros are placed on the address bus correbehind the 512 K board was that sponding to the desired address. In the Arguably, th e BCR is th e most difficult switches were to be done away aspect of this modification. both from case of $03ff. AO through A9 would have the hardware and so ftware side of ones while AIO through At5 would be with altogether and that all things. When it comes time to build it, zeros. Decoding CRAM simply become options should be controlled and later on, to program it. take your a maner of monitoring A9 through A IS. I f time looking over its specifications. It they should equal zero, then CRAM is through software ... being accessed and Bank 0 is switched wi 11 save a lot of fru stration later on. in. However. if any of those lines equal â&#x20AC;˘ one then the bank selected is enabled. Unlike the 256K version, the 5 12K modification has no switches. Two of the three switches have corresponding funcEach of the above bits masks the corresponding address line. ti ons available through the BCR outlined above. The third Simply put. if the bit is set, then the address line cannot signal switch was a ' master disable' switch necessary because some that a selected bank should enabled. CRAM is effectively software and hardware is incompatible with the 256K modifiwidened. If all three bits are clear (the default power-on sta- cation. However. because the BCR is mapped into phantom vo, tus), CRAM stretches to $3fff. However as each bit is set, CRAM and because every sane programmer reads from and writes to the BASE address of CIA2, the BCR should never be inadverspace narrows: ently accessed. Consequently, the mod board cannot be option bit 4 bitS bit6 CRAM disabled; nor, really, should such action be necessary. a lO
al2 ,13
= $0fff
Four other CRAM combinations are possible. but some open CRAM ' hole ¡. For example. % 101 has CRAM to $03ff. Then
Volume 9, Issue 6
The 5 12K modification requires one step unnecessary to the 256K version: the installation of an additional 256K. Rather than building an additional board with all its attendant difficulties, it is easier to 'piggy back' one bank of DRAM on top of the other. Then all that needs to be done is bend up pin 15 of each chip on the top bank and solder the rest to the corresponding pin below. A somewhat simpler operation with little opponunity for mistakes.
~~~U~ -
Paul Bosacki revised 61/11/89
411 ID6ID1 ~ZID310~1ID5ID6IID7l
y +5V
r, .....
lnl 1â&#x20AC;˘ ~ n
11 ~
" ~ 151- ,.
" I-
.-----t-~ oc
r--= 12
' oI
'L?f2 5-
512k ~~ 256k
Ul - o
UJ- b
I AEC 10,
luc ~
IC U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7
+5v 20 20 14 14 14 16 16
G,-d 10 10 7 7 7
11 .
20 2C2 21 21
1C3 1C2 U6 7<1LS153
8 8 2Y
\ 'Lsa) IIZ
2.2k -
Sl L6 S L1
IPin 1
leA'S> L
Notes: T his b oo,-d ollows expansion th,.ou9h to 512k. The jumpe,- block (J81) is not nec e ssonj. If 512k i s to be installed simphj wire the 2 Y o utput of the "LS153 directll.j to the "LS139. If 256k. pull t he opp,-op,-iote A input of the "LS139 to 9,-ound. On s ome c64 "s it mo~.J be n ecesso,-'ol to ,-eploce the followin9 c hips o s f o llows: i) 74LS03"s with 74F03"s ii) 74LS153 with 74F153 In bonks whe,-e bit 1 is s et, o ""spo,-klinq"" effect mot.~ b e visible in hi,-es mode. The obove c hip c hon9e s s o l ve this p,-oblem. See text
function outline of 8 bit lotc h .
C ir cuit theory The firs t 5 12 K board was a patch on the orginal 256K board. With a little (read : a lot) of wiring and rewiring and an additional six ICS. it was possible to access even more memory. Twelve chi ps is a lot of chips. So the board was redesigned and the chip count reduced to seven. Good and bad. Bad because if you buill the 256K mod, it's necessary to build and install another board. Good because the fewer chips. the less likely mistakes are, and the easier it is to troubleshoot any
problems that may arise along the way. If you did buiJd the 256K board , I offer this consolation: install ing the DRAM is the hardest. touchiest part, and you don 't have to do that again! Part o f the design philosophy behind the 5 12 K board was that switches were to be done away with altogether and that all options s hould be controlled th rough software. When the wish list of options was drawn up. an 8-bit latch was pretty much demanded. The problem became where to map it into system memory. For better or for worse, I chose C IA2. Because CIA2 Transa c tor
occupies 256 bytes of memory starting a $dd00, it was necessary to ' rema p' 110 in tha t area. This was acom plis hed through the use of an 'LS 139 Dual 2-to4 Line Decoder. The CIA2 select sig nal is intercepted and used to e nable one half of the 'LS I39. Address lines A6 and A7 serve to select whic h of the fo ur 64-byte sections is accessed. If both A6 and A7 are low, then the 'LS 139 'selects' CIA2 allowing it to continue its exsis te nce at $dd00. If however, A6 is low and A7 hig h (i ndicati ng address $dd80), then a low is gene rated o n pin 10 of the 'LS 139. This s ig nal. with a little additional qualify ing, selects the two compone nts that make up the BCR: a n 'LS273 Octal ' D Type ' Flip-Flop is the w rite portion of the register, while an 'LS373 Octal 3-State ' D ' Latch forms the read. That signal, • NEWIO on the sche matic, is then OR'd with GR/*W at o ne gate of an 'LS32, and OR 'd with G•R/W at anothe r. On a read operation (GR!•W is hig h, G*R/W is low)), the output buffer of 'LS373 is enabled and dumps to the data bus. On a write, the 'LS273 is clocked and the contents of the data bus a re latc he d into the c hip and immediately present at its o utputs. These o utp uts serve the variety of functions o utlined in the BCR bit function map. Bits 0 and I, the low address bits, are presented to two inputs of one ha lf of an 'LSI 53 Dua l 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexor. De pending upo n the state of CRAM (a s ig na l whose gene ration we will discuss shortly), a 2-bit code is then strobed out to pin I of the 4 I 256s. Ignoring bit 2 for the moment, bit 3 is used to qualify the AEC sig na l from the vrc c hip. If bit 3 is high, the o utp ut of the 'LS32 OR gate will be high regardless of the state of AEC. If low, the state of AEC is present at the o utput of the OR gate. The output of the OR gate is the old • VID s ig nal and dri ves o ne of the select pins on the 'LS 153. T he 'LS 153 is wired in s uch a manner
that s hould •VID go low, a pair of lows are strobed out to the 4 1256's. This occurs o n the rise a nd fall of *CAS which is used to drive the other select pin on the 'LS 153. The e nd result is that when bit 3 is high, AEC cannot force a CRAM call, and the video matrix is drawn from the curre nt bank. The next three bits serve to mas k address lines and function muc h as bit 3 above. First, each of the address lines A10-A 15 is presented to one input of an open-collector dua l-input NAND gate (the two 'LS03's of the schematic). [Each 'LS03 contains f our such dual-input NAND gates. - PB] In the case of A15 and A14, the other input is pulled high, the immediate resu lt being that the inve11ed s tate of A14 a nd A 15 is present at the output. The other address lines are handled in a diffe rent fashion. To the o ther input of the gates shared with A10 and Al l, bits 4 and 5 respective ly are presented. If e ithe r bit is high, the corres ponding output s hows the inverted state of that address line. lf e ither bit is low, a hig h is gene rated. Consequently, ne ithe r of these lines can affect a CRAM call. A 12 and I 3 share bit 6 and are affected as above. The output of the NAND gates are g ro upe d and pulled up with a 2 .2 K resistor. Should any output go low (indicating that the corresponding add ress line is hig h), the grouped output is pulled low e nabling the 'LS 153 to pass a 2-bit bank select code to the 41256s. However, should a ll lines go high indicating a CRAM access,, the gro uped output goes hig h, forcing a default to Bank 0. This output is the old *CRAM signal, now active high and re named CRAM o n the schematic. It is g ro uped with o ne othe r NAND output. At this gate, bit 7 and a high are decoded. Bit 7 is, as noted above, the CRAM disable functio n. If high, the g rouped o utput is forced low, permanently enabling the 'LS153 until that bit is cleared. All that's left now is to expla in how the new address line is hand led. The third address line does something wonderful. It
Po1ts Placement Logout C512 - Revision 4
Ports List 08-08 DD DD A15-A18 DD A6 ~~ A7 DD
1: 'HCT373 1: 'HCT273
'HCT139 'LS32 'LS83 'LS153
2: 1: 2: 7:
62.n resistors n .n resistors 2.2k.n resistors 8.1 }Jf copocitors
Mise: solder ringed PC boord, ribbon cob1e, connectors, 38 quoqe wirewrop, 22 quoqe wire.
Volume 9, Issue 6
1: 1: 2: 1:
2: 26 pin sckts 2: 16 pin sckts 3: 14 pin sckts
allows us to select which 256K bank of DRAM is accessed. Bit 2 is pre en ted to the other half of the 'LS 153 dual 4-to- 1 multiplexer. Depending again on the state of CRAM and • VID above, the other Y output of the ·LS 153 generates either a high or low. A low is generated w hen either a CRAM call has been generated or when bit 2 i low. A high is found only when bit 2 is high. This signal. LAt 8 on the schematic, is passed to the other half of the 'LS 139. The 'LSI 39 is enabled whenever *CASRAM goes low. * CASRAM is the same signal used by the VIC to actually select system DRAM over other system resources. Here we are using it to do the same thin g; however, dependent on the state of bit 2. either •RAML or •RAMH will go low selecting one of two banks of DRAM. L At8 does not act as an address line in the truest . ense of the word. but ra1her help to generate a select for one of two banks of DRM-t. That's pretty much it. The key signal here is the CRAM signal. It plays the part of the master controller. When high, the ·Ls 153 is disabled and defau lt bank 0 is switched in; when low, the contents of the three low bits in the BCR are free to set the bank accessed. * V ID when low. has a sim i lar effect, but thi s is acheived in a slightly different fashion.
Installation Before you attempt installation. I suggest you read and reread the section above. It ' intended to familiarize you with the function of the board and how the various components relate. Kn owing how the board works can only help you later on if there are any problems. Now. if you've already installed the 41256s, all you' re really concerned wi th is the construction of the new mod board. If you have yet to install the DRAM. let' go over it briefly (for a more complete descripti on, see Transactor. Volume 9. Issue 2). First. disassemble your compu ter and locate the eight 4164 DRAMS on the system board. They're located in the lower left hand corner of the system board. I f you can ·, fi nd them , don' t worry. Just keep reading. There's interesting news ahead. Once you 've located the chips, turn the board over and carefu lly note their posi tion . Now. using a combination of desoldering braid and a vacuum desolder. remove them. Another option is to cut the pins away from the chip. heat the pin and remove it wi th a small pair of pliers (Richard Curcio ·s RAMiftcariom from Volume 9. I ssue 4 offers some valuable advice here). M ake certain that each of the holes is as free of solder as possible. With all chips removed, install 16-pin sockets in their places. Once installed, use a fine guage wire to link pin I of each socket to the nex t. Connect the fin al one to a convenient ground (pin 16 of that socket, fo r example). Now. install the 41256-ISs. A lthough I've never had a problem here, these chips are static-sensiti ve. so be certain to ground yourself first. Mistakes wi th DRAM are expensive and. at thi s stage. difficult to uncover. ow reassemble as much of your computer as necessary to power up safely. But before you do. check the
orientation of each DRAM. An upside down DRAM equals a dead DRAM. If everything checks out, connect your power supply and your monitor and turn your machine on. M ost likely. you ' II see the familiar power-up screen. Generall y, the only other possi blities are a blank screen or one that changes randomly then ' freezes'. If you' re conf ronted with either, don ' t panic. Tum your machine off, disconnect everything and examine your work . Check your solderi ng for bridges, try reseating the chips. Are they installed properl y? Did a pin get bent beneath a chip when you installed it earli er? Check your pin l work. Is it properly grounded; is each socket in the chain linked? If you have a logic probe. power your machine back up and test each of the pins. Pins I and I 6 should show low. while pin 8 shows high. All others should pulse between high and low. I f a pin does not renect the proper state, there is probably a problem with the solderin g at that point. Resolder that pin of the socket and any other that might show a problem. Check everything and try again. And don' t worry: You probably won' t have to go through any of this. With the chips installed , move on to constructing the board. Once again, I used point-to-point solderin g and all my suggestions from the previous article still apply. Check the pans layout diagram for the layout I u ed. Something I did this time round, wa use 16-pin connectors for all interfacing. The pans layout shows the male connectors to the left hand side of the board. The result was a board that could be easily removed if troubleshooting indicated a problem. And there were problems - an incorrectly wired 'L-S273 for one! A s Richard Curcio once told me. ha lf jokingly: "If it work s ri ght the first time, don 't tru st 11.
• 'H
With the board fini shed. it ' time to interface (I've always wanted to say that). There are two distinct places to go for the various signal required by the board: either the cartridge port or the MP . I suggest the MPU only if it ill socketed, and then r suggest you carefu lly remove it from its socket while doing thi s. Take a length of ribbon cable 16-conductor wide and make the fo llowing connections: A1 5-A IO, A7, A6, DO-D7. Do thi s by heating the pin, gently pushing it to one side with the tip of your so ldering iron and carefully insertin g the conductor. Whether you use the cartridge port or the MPU socket. follow the appropriate diagram. [See page 50 - MO] Both diagrams show the layout from the solder side. Determining the final length of the ribbon cable is up to you but keep it short. Now, if you used connectors. attach the other end to the connector. Otherwi se. so lder AIS-AIO to the appropriate inputs of the 2 'LSOJ sockets. A6 ·and A7 go to pins 14 and 13 of the 'LS 139 respectively. T he data bus is tricky, and if you're going to make any mistakes it's here. Follow the schematic carefully and make the appropriate connections. With that fini shed (easier said than done). take another length of ribbon cable. thi s time si x-conductor wide. ow we hunt.
The first sig nal we want to locate is *CAS. Locate pin 1 of eithe r 'LS257 (U 13 or U25) on the system board (they' re to the right of the DRAM you re moved earlie r. Follow the trace away from the pin until you reach a tiny s ilver dot. This is a passthrough to the other s ide of the board. Heat the dot and install the first of s ix conductors. Re member this procedure because we're a bout to repeat it. Look to the DRAMS, a nd locate pin 15 with a trace moving away from it (only one DRAM will s how this). You 've just found the *CASRAM signal generated by the PLA. Again follow the trace away from the c hip until it comes to a resistor. On my board, this resis tor was labelled R42. It may not be on your board, so fo llow the trace instead. Re move the resistor. Into the opposite solde r pad, install the second conductor.
moved earlier. Into the o the r hole install one conductor. This will become the new *CASRAM signal, labelled *RAML on the schematic. Depending on how you dealt with the *CIA2 s ignal earlier, another conductor connects to the othe r side of the cut trace, or to either the bent up pin on the CIA or 'LS139. That's the wors t of it. Two more lines go out to the syste m board, but we'll save them for a bit. Now, you can fix the board into place and install the ch ips ensuring correct orientation and placement. Connect the +5Y source and g round to the mod board. Both a re availabe at the cassette port. Again, reassemble as much of your computer as necessary and powe r up. With any luc k, you' re staring at the power-up screen! If not, let's go over the possiblities. Check the inte rface wiring. Are we getting the rig ht s ignals up to the •mod board, is there any s loppy solde ring? Using a voltmeter o r a logic probe c heck for the following conditions: pulses on all data and address lines. Fixed hig hs indicate a crashed bus and the problem is probably in the interface wiring. Pulses on *CAS, *CASRAM, *RAML. Fixed hig hs or lows are a problem. Check al l associa ted wiring. The same holds true for AEC and GRJW. CIA2 will show hig h; otherwise, there's a problem eithe r in the inte rface wiring or the mod board itself.
The next two s ig nals are easier to locate. The firs t, AEC is avai lable a t a number of places. The fi rst is pin 16 of the VIC chip (U 19), the second is the MPU, pin 5. Both offer passthroug h jumpe rs which can be found by following the trace. Or. if yo u wish. heat the pin and insert the third conductor. The next s ignal , *CIA2. offers us a s pecial case. Again. I' ll offer you two choices. Locate the 'LSI39 on the system board (U IS). Pin II is the *CIA2 select line. Cut the trace leading away fro m the pin, scrape away the g reen insulating material and carefully solder the fourth If you choose to install the One trick that might help you locate a conductor he re. Or, if CIA2 (U2) is in a second hank of RAM , you will problem is turning off your computer, socke t, bend up pin 23 of C IA2. Th is is the c hip select pin. Now, heat the need a stronger power supp ly pulling a c hip from the mod board and powering bac k up. If you get a powersocket's pin and insert the conductor. I than the one that came o n message, then you just narrowed did neither. I removed the ·Ls 139 and your field of search. The only chips installed a socket. Whe n I reinstalled originally with your C64! that you can' t do this with are the the 'LS139, I bent up pin I I and sol'LS 139 and 'LS 153. Pull either of these dered the conductor to pin l I of the chips and yo u will not get the power-on message. socket. Any of the above will work: l leave the method to you. Next locate pin 8 of the 2 114 Colour RAM (U6). The fifth conductor attaches there. And lastly, pin 40 of the MPU allows us easy access to the *RES signal. Solder the last conductor to this . ptn. Now on the mod board, make the following connections: • CAS
t o p in 14 of the ' LS 153 socke t
• CASRAM to pin 1
of t he ' LS139 sock et
• CIA2
to pin 10 of the ' LS32 socket to pin 15 of the ' LS139 sock et
to pin 2
to pin 9 •RES
to pin 1
of the ' LS32 of the ' LS03
sock et and
s ocket (U4 ) of the ' LS273 sock et
Again, if you used connectors, you've had it somewhat easier. Just install the connector to the othe r e nd of the cable. The above are the required sig nals from the system board. The re are four s ig nals that go the other way. Turning our attention again to the syste m board, go back to the res istor we reVolume 9, Issue 6
However, if yo u 've been careful and me tic ulous with this, you were confronted with the power-on message. Great! Now, turn off you r compute r and ins tall the second bank of RAM. However, if yo u choose to do so, you will need a stronger power supply rhan th e one rhat came orig inally with your C64! A 128 powe r s upply or the one that comes with the 1764 will do just fi ne. But you will need a stronger power s uppl y. Th ings might work fine for a while, but you ' re courting disaster. To install the second bank of DRAM, carefully bend up pin 15 of each chip. Then piggy bac k the second bank atop the first a nd solder the uppe r pin to the lower. Again using a fine guage wire, link pin 15 of each c hip o n the uppe r bank and run the conductor o ut to pin 5 of the 'LS 139. Now, disconnect pin I of the 41 256s fro m the convenient ground and run it out to pin 7 of the 'LS 153. Connect the keyboard a nd again power your mac hine back up. The power-on message s hould greet you. Now type this: poke 56704 , 1 2 4 <cr>
The screen should fill w ith garbage. If any of the garbage characters are randomly changing, then one or more of the DRAMS on the top bank is not connected properly. Locate the problem and try again until the problem is solved. If you choose not to install the additional bank of memory at this time, that's fine, just connect the keyboard and power-up as above. Now, instead type: poke56704 ,121
~ G >
oa > ~ ~
41464 GRD
~ N <. ~
~ ;,
A6 2 AS : A4 ~ +SV
03 CAS
02 A6 A1 A2 A3 A7
ls l? l~ ls l4 l3 l2 l1 l0
Modifyng the ' E Board ' If you opened your computer and had trouble finding the the eight DRAM chips, there might be a good reason for this: you're the proud of owner of Commodore's latest line of revisions for the C64. The 'E board' has two 41464 DRAM's (also labelled LH2464) rather than eight 4164's. As well, the board layout itself is significantly different from earl ier boards. There are two different E revi sions that l'm aware of. T he first maintains the old layout and logic except for the 41464s. The second one is radi cally different, with one large chip handling all the select logic and timing. Gone are the PLA and the 'LSI39 decoder and 'LS257 multiplexers. But it is not difficult and certainl y not impossible to modify either of these revisions to 5 12K. ~
All that is mentioned in the above section still applies with the following changes: i) *CAS is available at pin 19 of the VIC chip. ii) *CASRAM: Use the same technique as above, follow the trace back from the DRAM, but instead of pin 15, fo llow pin 16 to the resi stor.
iv) Some chip designations have changed. The 65 10 is now an 8500 and in generally socketed. The SID and vrc both have new 85xx prefixes. The VIC is the larger of the two. The pin layouts have not changed, however, just the designations. All the rest of the signals are available as indicated in the above section and don' t present a problem.
As above. your screen should fill with garbage. You won't have the random charcters problem though. If nothing happened. however. there is a problem. Something is wrong in the new VO decoding, or the CRAM generation ciruitry. T ry PEEKing the above location. If you get 121 or 127 for the 512K machines, then your problem's with CRAM generation. If you get a 0, then check out the write half of the BCR. A value that changes with each PEEK. indicates a problem w ith both halves of the BCR. Check the wiring carefully and try again. With that done, it's over. Your machine now contains 5 12K of user installed banked memory. Give yourself a pat on the back. What you've done is just short of amazing. Congratulati ons! Now, reassemble your computer. Fair warn ing. if you installed the extra bank of memory, the top RF shield wi ll no longer fit. Don ' t bother with it. It's not a problem.
iii) *CTA2: use the cut trace method from above. Cut the trace off pin 23. The trace opposite the CIA goes to the 'LS139.
Because the DRAM used in the E board revisons are such different beasts from the 4164, the mod board, as presented, is incompatible. This leaves us with two options. The first of course, is to modify the board so th at it will work. But attendant with this strategy is laying in 14 additional 41464 DRAMs. The second strategy invol ves forsaking the 41464's altogether, and installing 41256 's. Using this strategy, the mod board does not have to redesigned, although 16 41256's must be ' laid in '.
~ ~
AS GRD l 01 412S6 CAS 1s ) 4 N DO 1 ~ RRS A6 l 3 ~ Aa A3 l 2 ~ A2 A4 11 2 A1 AS 1Q ! +5v A7 ~ iio
Of the two strategies, the second makes the most sense. The 41464 DRAM was in itial ly designed for systems that would be using less than 256K of RAM. In that case, their use becomes more economical. When 256K is reached, however, it makes more sense to go with the 41256, and that's what we'll do here. •
The method is actually fairly straightfoward, but it requires a lot of additional work on your part. First, remove the 41464s using the techniques outlined earlier and install 18-pin sockets in their place. Now, install eight 16-pin sockets on a small board. Take a look at the attendant pin layout for the 4125615. For each of the eight sockets, link together each address line to the next in the chain. Do the same for *CAS, • RAS, •W, pin 8 and pin 16. 41256s have two data lines, a data in (Dl) and data out (DO). For each socket, l ink these two pins together (pins 2 and 14). Now, direct your attention to the pin layout for the 41464. Ignoring pin l (•G) and pin 18 (GRD) altogether, each pin corresponds to another on the 4 1256s. The data pins offer a special case. Each 41464 has four data pins. With two chips, that gives us eight data lines. Each data line goes to one 4 1256. The new DRAM board is inteifaced to the system using two 16-pin dual-in-line connectors plugged into the sockets installed on the system board earlier. Plug the connector into the lower 16 holes. You can find this item at Radio Shack. It's made up of two connectors joined by an 18-inch stretch of ribbon cable. Cut th e cable in half, each piece consisting of a
Transac tor
connector and nine inches of cable. At the other end, solder the corre ponding line from the 41464 sockets to the 41256s. Do thi s with one of the pieces. With the other. it is only necessary to connect the data lines. ow make a suitable ground connection between the system board and the DRAM board. With th e signals out to the board. install eight 41256s, and ground pin I of the 41256s again paying attention to the suggestion ~ above. Power up your machine and the usual poweron mes age should appear. If it doesn' t, check your wiring, and chip orientation. Check with logic probe or voltmeter that each pin shows a pulse condition (except for pin 8. high, and pin 16, low). If you find a pin that i sn't offering the proper condition, check the pin out diagram and th at ' II give you an idea as to the nature of the problem. Follow the above instructions if you intend to install a second bank of DRAM.
Before poking one of these values, it is necessary to set up the bank's zpage, tack and OS vectors. Key in the program task switch to see this option in operation. Call it with poke2,b:sys828 where b is the bank you want initialized. I encourage you to become fami liar with the operation of the BCR. POKE away! The results you get may be strange (even confusing) but, I assure you, yours is a 'few of a kind' machine. Have fun!
Of RAMdisks and GEOS
One of the nice things about things about the 256K project wa s that it allowed the additional memory to be configured as a RAMdisk under GEOS. For those of us lacking REU's, t hat do-it-yourself RAM expansion project offered an alternative route to a souped- up GEOS. A s so many sources have Once you 'vc have the DRAM installed and operating properly, stated. an REU is an absolute necessity for the serious GEOS proceed as above. Pay special attention to those areas where user. In fact, REU routines are now an integral part of that signal locations differ. There are two additional notes in this operatin g system. Where it was once possible to fool GEOS area. The first is that output Yt from the 'LS I53 goes to pin l of wi th out consquence that an REU was present, it now seems th e 41 256s on the new RAM board. The second: â&#x20AC;˘ RAML and (at least at thi s point ) impossible. What exactly does thi s â&#x20AC;˘RAMI I go to pin 15 of bank I and pin 15 of bank 2 respec- m ean? Well, first the good news: The program that follows ti vely. And that. as they say. ladies and gentlemen. is that. allows the configuration of a 256K or 512K RAMdisk under GEOS 2 .0 and the co-existence of an Getting aquainted REU. ow the bad news: you must have an REU (either a 1764 or 1750) To make certain our RAMdisk for it to work. Saying th at your C64 is a rad ically different beast would be a gross underacted like a RAMdisk, statement. The Bank Control Register Some background. When you boot Berkeley's RAMdisk driver was GEOS. it searches for any programs of up at $dd80 gives you access to total control over how your sy tern 's unassembled and then rebuilt ... the auto-exec file type. Configure is one of these. Confit:ure, as you know, memory is configured. Study the above tables, and the resu ltant configsearches out, and initializes the drives urations. Some of the results might be on your system. If you have an REU, suprising - even disconcerting - if you don' t understand the the disk drivers are stashed in the REU. When you switch implications of a particular configuration. And, although there drives. the driver is fetched down from the REU and the other are 256 possible configurati ons. not every one of them useful. drive is accessed. I f you don't have a REU, there are two possiHowever. none of them arc tragic. bilities. If your drives are the same type (ic .. two 1541 s), you don't have a problem. If they are different , you must have a But to get you started, here are some values to try and the copy of Configure on th e work drive. The reason for this being resultant configuration. Just POKE the value to $dd80 (56704), that the DeskTop wi ll load the appropriate driver and get when you press Return the new configuration will be in effect. things going. i) 0-7: These are the base values. Each corresponds directly to one of the eight banks of memory. In each case memory above $3fff is replaced wi th the select bank. i i) 120- 127: These values are interesting in that CRAM has been set to its lowest amount. As well, screen data is drawn from the current bank. This allows eight eparate work space~ for BASIC or machine language programs. However since all OS vectors. the stack and zpage arc shared. be careful of programs that modify those areas- especially the interrupt vector. On a bank switch. your machine is sure to crash. iii) 248-255:These values disable the CRAM option. Poking one of these values wi thout proper set up will cause a crash. Volume 9, Issue 6
This seemed to be a glimmer of hope. It seemed possible to splice a new driver into Configure. The idea was this: your system consists of a 1541 and 1571. Great , we 'II overwrite the 158 1 driver with th e new one and then configure a 1581 as part of the system. Now, when we open the RAMdisk, the DeskTop will think it 's a 1581 , fetch our driver and we'll be in business. o way! U nfortunately, the DeskTop is fairly picky about drivers and the number of tracks and sectors a disk should have. As well, it doesn't aJways use th e standard routin es for fetching its information about a particular disk or driver. The DeskTop is smart! It knows a 158 1 has its directory at Track 40, Sector 0 and if it isn ' t found th ere, the DeskTop tells you thi s with an error. The bottom line was: the scheme described above didn't work. 31
But with an REU on the system, we've a different situation altogether. All we need do is make certain that the right driver is in the REU and that our RAMdisk confonns to the expected fonnat. In other words, all that was necessary was to make certain our RAMdisk acted like a RAMdisk. I n order to accomplish this. Berkeley 's R.At\lldisk driver was unassembled and then rebuilt to support the banked RAM. The program that handles installation of the BRAMdisk is C5121nstall. Like Configure, it is an auto-exec program. Because auto-exec programs are executed in the order they appear on your boot disk, C5121nstall must be placed after Configure. What happens is this: after Configure installs the drives on your system. control is returned to what I call the 'BootTop ·. II then searches for other auto-execs. F inding C5121nstall. the BootTop executes it. C5121nstal/ does very little error checking. It simply searches out an empty drive slot and, on finding one, i nstalls itself (uploading the BRAMdriver to the REU). Depending on the amount of expansion DRAM, either aBRAM 1571 or '41 is installed. It then ex its. Now you're asking: what use is it. After all , you already have an REU. Imagine thi s: two shadowed 1541 s (if you've a 5 12K REU and two 1541s) and a 1571 BRAMdisk. ow that's a fast, powerful configuration. And if you don't have an REU? Well. I'm still working on the problem and you ·ve got a little incentive too. M aybe between the few of us, we can figure it out.
How to get there from here
.byte $8010SR .byte AOTO EXEC .byte VLIR .word $0400 .word $03ff .word $0400
.byte "C512Install Vl.l", O,O,O,O .byte "Paul J. Bosacki •, o .block 43 .byte "Installs banked RAM as RAMdisk. •, 0 .endh
Listing 2: C512/nstal/.src '••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
' .if Passl
.include geosSym .include geosMac .endif BCR =$dd80 DoBankRAI«)p =$02a7
.psect lda cmp bne
version l$20 Quit
; if not V2.0 then exit
;if REU not present then exit
ram!xpSize Quit
LoadW lda sta . JSr txa bne
rlO, CS12Install ;get diskdriver ;second VLIR record 11 which.Driver GetDriver ;exit on error Quit
lda I received many letters after Care and Feeding of the C256 appeared in Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 2. In letter after letter I had the unique pleasure of reading how people had pushed their C64s into domains that would have been impossible for us to imagine just a few years ago. Throughout writing this article, a phrase from an old movie has been runn ing through my head. I 've been looking for a way to work it in. When I think again of what people are doing to and wi th their 64s, the phrase becomes suddenly appropriate: Something wonderfu l is about to happen!
ldy 2$ : lda beq bcn.i
18 $8486,y 1$ 1$
1ny cpy
;branch on empty drive slot or ;REO drive ;otherwise, continue search.
Enjoy it! And thank s!
1$: sty JSr txa bne
Listing 1: C5121nst.hdr
drivellua InstlllDriver
;save drive number ;and install driver
•t t tt t ttt ttttttttt tttttt t tt t tt t tttt
'·• '·•
.* '
* *
; * for C512Instlll.
;* This is the header declaration * · t t tttttttttttttttttttt t ttt ttt tttt t
.header .byte 3 .byte 21
Quit :lda C curDrive jsr SetDevice jmp EnterDeskTop GetDriver: LoadW r6, fileNmBuf LoadB r7L, $0e LoadB r7B, 1 JSr FindFTypes txa bne 1$
;restore configuration ;and return control to BootTop ;locate filetype auto-exec ;with permanent filename "C512Install"
Transa c tor
LoadWrO, fi1eNmBuf jsr OpenRecordFi1e
; open that file
1da jsr
whichDriver PointRecord
;open second record
LoadW LoadB sta JSr txa pha JSr p1a
r7, diskBuf r2L, $ff r2H ReadRecord
;and load that record into ;diskBuf
2$ : lda sta
;tidy up
1$: rts StashDriver: LoadW rO, $848e ;update drive vars . in REO LoadW r1, $7900+$048e ; so system can be RBOOTed LoadW r2, 4 LoadB r3L, 0 JSr StashRAM 1dy driveNum LoadW rO, diskBuf 1da REUHstash-8, y sta r18 lda REULstash-8,y sta rlL LoadW r2, $0d80 LoadB r3L, 0 JSr StashRAM rts InstallDrive : php se1 JSr MoveTransfer JSr FindRamSize t xa bne 1$ jsr
;stash newdisk driver to REO
1$: plp rts MoveTransfer : LoadWrO, moveRoutine LoadWr1, DoBankRAMOp LoadW r2, routineSi ze JSr MoveData rts FindRamSize: Move8 CPU_DATA, t empA LoadW CPU DATA, IO IN
;move transfer routine to CRAM and ;GEOS free ram ;because of its location, this is the ;only free ram under GEOS
;map in IO
ldx 1da sta 1da bne
;if not bank 0, then ;error-don' t instal l !
LoadW LoadW LoadW LoadB LoadB
rO, rl, r2, r3L, r3B,
;source ;destination ;tlength ;bank 4 ;bank 0
$c006 buf $0009 l %01100100 0
Volume 9, Issue 6
ldy ldx lda jsr bne lda sta bne
;do BankOp
lr1 lrO 19 CmpFString 2$ 1$40 size 3$ l$80 sue
3$ : ldx 10 ;return no error 1$ : MoveB tempA, CPU_DATA rts FormatDrive: MoveB CPU_DATA, tempA LoadB CPU_DATA, l$35 ldy lda sta lda sta lda bvs
driveNum f$8 1 $8486,y IO $88b7,y sue 1$
lda sta sta ora sta lda sta
1$80 Beadert3 $88b7,y 12 $8486,y l$37 driveModel
;update drive vars. to indicate ; a ram5171
LoadW LoadW LoadW LoadB LoadB JSr
rO, lhead1571 r1, $8800 r2, l$0100 r3L, 0 r3B, l%01100101 DoBankRAMOp
;dump track $35, sector $00 header
LoadW LoadW LoadW JSr
rO, fix1571 r1, Beadert$dd r2, 35 MoveData
1$: LoadWrO, IBeader LoadW r1, $8800 LoadWr2, l$0100 LoadB r3L, 0 LoadB r3B, 1%01100010 jsr DoBankRAMOp 1dy IO tya
;drive type=ram1541
; fix header title to reflect change
;bank 5
;dump track $18, sector $00 header
;bank 2
10$ : sta disk81k8uf,y dey bne 10$ lda l$ff sta disk8lk8uftl LoadW rO, ldisk8lk8uf ;dump offside dir track to $19, $08 LoadWrl, $9c00+$0800 LoadWr2, l$0100 LoadB r3L, 0 LoadB r3B, l%01100010 ;bank 2 jsr DoBankRAMOp LoadW LoadW LoadW LoadB LoadB JSr
rO, ldiskBlkBuf ;dump $18,$01 to expansion ram r1, $8900 r2, l$0100 r3L, 0 r38, l%01100010 ;bank 2 DoBankRAMOp
MoveB tempA, CPO DATA
.byte $12, $ff, $ff, $03, $11, $ff, $ff, $01 .byte $11, $ff, $ff, $01, $11, $ff, $ff, $01 .byte $11, $ff, $ff, $01, $11, $ff, $ff, $01
to to
lda 1c1x
rts 110veRoutine: PusbB CPO DA1'A LoadB CPU DATA, IO IN ldy r2Lldx r38 1$: dey lda r3L sta BCR lda (rOL) , y stx BCR sta (r1 L) , y tya bne 1$ beq
PusbB ldy 2$ : dey ldx stx lda sta lda sta lda stx l dx stx
beaderfitle: .byte "BRam 15' driveMode1: .byte ' 41' .byte 160, 160,160,160,160 .byte 160, 160,160, 160 .byte "PJ' ,160, ' 2A' .byte 160, 160,160, 160 .byte 19,8 .byte ' GEOS format V1 .0" .block 256-188 fix1571 : .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $13, .byte $12, .byte $11, headl571 : .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff, .byte $ff,
(rOL), y CPO DA\'A
$15, $15, $13, $12, $11,
$15, $15, $13, $12, $11,
$15, $15, $13, $12, $11,
$15, $15, $13, $12, $11
$15, $15, $15, $15 $15, $15, $15, $00 $13 $12
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$1f, $1£, $1£, $1£, $lf, $07, $03, $03, $01,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $00, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $00, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$lf, $1£, $1£, $1£, $00, $07, $03, $03, $01,
.block 152
3$ t$30
; internal variable space t rails code
3$: sta (rlL},y tya bne 2$ ldx 1$35 stx CPO DATA
C512Install: fileNmBuf : REUHstash: REULstash: driveNum: whichDri ver:
Done :sta BCR PopB CPO DA'I'A rts
spacer :
.block 8
.block 1
buf: tup.A:
pla tay pla tax pla NMIVEC: rti
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$lf $1£ $1£ $1£ $07 $07 $03 $01
=e moveRoutine-moveRoutine
'* I
'* I
$lf, $lf, $1£, $lf, $07, $07, $03, $01, $01
Header: .byte $12, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $15, .byte $11, .byte $13, .byte $13, .byte $13, .byte $12, .byte $12,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
Listing 3:C512lnstall.lnk
e 1110veRoutine:
C curDrive:
.byte "C512Install' ,NOLI .block 16 .byte $83, $90,$9e .byte $00, $80,$00 .byte 9 .block 1 .byte 0 .block 9 .block 1 .block 1
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$01, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $fc, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$41, $ff, $ff , $ff, $ff , $ff , $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$00, $lf, $1£, $1£, $1£, $1£, $1£, $1£, $1£, $07, $07, $07, $07, $03, $03,
$15, $15, $15, $15, $15, $15, $15, $15, $15, $12, $13, $13, $12, $12, $12,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $fe, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff,
$lf $lf $lf $lf $1£ $1£ $1£ $1f $1£ $07 $07 $07 $03 $03 $03
; * These are the l ink
* * file directives *
;* for CS12Install ' driverl571.
' .output CS12Install .header CS12Inst.hdr .rel .vlir .psect
$0400 CS12Install . rel
.!llod 1
$9000 driver157l .rel Transac tor
Listing 4: Driver} 571 .src •'**********************************
RamDisk Driver (geos)
. if Passl .noeqin .noglbl .include geosSym .include geosHac .eqin .glbl .endif BCR
C GetDirRead: jsr jar txa bne ldy lda st a bpl jar jsr lda sta rts
DirlGet C GetBlock
1$ :
l$08 interleave
lda sta rts
1$ curDrive $8203 $88b7, y 1$ Dir2Get C GetBlock l$06 interleave
2$ :
sec rts
1$ :
clc rt s JSr txa bne jsr txa bne
;tnis is tne Bank Control Reg .
C RdBlltDsltBuf: LoadW r4, diskBlkBuf ; Four banks of 64K are available. The regi st er is lild out l ike t his : C GetBlock: jsr EnterTurbo . bit 0: bank select txa '. bit 1: bank select bne 1$ '. bit 2: bank select php •. sei bit 3: video access forced bankO=O '. bit 4: consider alO=l jsr ReadBlock '. bit 5: consider al1=1 plp '. bit 6: consider al2 & 13=1 1$: rts ' bit 7: CRAM Inhibit ; C PutDirHead: php ; Portions of the following code are Copyright (C) 1986-1989 by sei Berkeley Soft worlts. All rights reserved. Used with permission. JSr Di r1Get Special tnanks to Matt Lovel ess at Berkeley for his support. JSr WriteBlock txa bne 1$ .psect ldy curDrive lda curDirHead+3 OSJumpTable : sta $88b7, y .byte [C_InitForiO, ]C_InitForiO bpl 1$ .byte [C_DoneWithiO, ]C_DoneWithiO jar Dir2Get .byte [C_ExitTurbo, ]C_Exit Turbo jsr WriteBlock .byte [C_ExitTurbo, ]C_ExitTurbo 1$: plp .byte [C_EnterTurbo, ]C_EnterTurbo rts .byte [C_ChangeDsltDev, ]C_ChangeDsltDev .byte (C_NevDislt, ]C_NevDi sk C WrBlkDskBuf: LoadW r4 , disltBlltBuf .byte (C_ReadBlock, ]C_ReadBloclt .byte (C_WriteBlock, )C_WriteBlock C PutBlock: jar Ent erTurbo .byte (C_VerWriteBlock, ]C_VerWriteBlock txa .byte (C_OpenDisk, ]C_OpenDislt bne 1$ .byte [C_Get Block, ]C_GetBloclt pnp .byte [C_PutBlock, )C_PutBlock sei .byte [C_GetDirRead, ]C_GetDirHead jsr WriteBlock .byte [C_PutDirHead, ]C_PutDirHead txa .byte [C_GetFreeDirBlock, ]C_GetFreeDirBloclt bne 2$ .byte [C CalcBlocksFree, ]C_CalcBlocksFree JSr VerWriteBlock .byte [C_FraaBlock, ]C_FneBloclt 2$ : plp ] C_SetNextFree .byte [C_SetNextFree, 1$ : rts .byte [C_FindBAMBit, ]C_FindBAMBit .byte [C_NxtBlkAlloc, ]C_NxtBlltAlloc Dir1Get: lda t$12 .byte [C_BlltAlloc, JC_BlltAlloc sta rlL .byte [C_ChkDkGEOS, ] C_ChltDkGEOS lda t$00 .byte [C_SetGEOSdisk, ] C_SetGEOSDislt sta r1H sta r4L jmp C GetlstDirEntry lda l$82 jmp C GetNxtDir!ntry sta r4H rts GetOffPgTS jmp C_GetOf!PgTS SetLink: jmp c_setLink lda l$35 Dir2Get: DsltBufRdBlk : jmp C_RdBlltDsltBuf sta rlL DsltBufWrBlk: jmp C_WrBlltDsltBuf lda l$00 nop sta rlH nop sta r4L rts lda l$89 nop sta r4H nop rts rts ChackTraclt: lda l$00 jmp C_AllocateBloclt sta tempe jmp C_ReadLink ldx l$02 MoveTransfer : jmp C MoveTransfer lda rlL disk'l'ype: .byte $82, "Vl.O",NULL beq 1$
Volume 9, Issue 6
cmp bee ldy lda bpl lda cmp bcs
1$ :
l$24 2$ curDri ve $88b7, y 1$ rlL l$47 1$
NevDi sk 1$ GetDirHead 1$
LoadW j sr LoadW ldx jar ldx ldy lda JSr ldx rts
C BlkAlloc:
ldy sty dey sty C HxtBlltAlloc: PushW PushW lda sta • lda sta ldx 1dy jsr lda beq inc bne lnC
1$ :
jsr jsr pla st a pla sta ldx lda cmp bne lda cmp
rS, curOirHaad ChltDkGEOS r4 , curDirHaad+$90 l$0c GetPtrCurDltNm lr4L lr5L l$12 CopyFString l$00 l$01 r3L r3B r9 r3
l$00 r3H l$fe r3L lr2L lr3L Ddiv r8L 1$ r2L 1$ r2H
GetCurDirHd CalcBlksFree r3L r3H 1$03 r2H r4H 2$ r2L r4L
beq 3$
bcs 4$ 3$:
lda sta lda sta lda sta lda sta
r6H r4R r6L r4L r2H r5B r2L r5L
jsr SetNaxtFree txa bne 4$ ldy l$00
1da sta iny 1da sta clc lda adc sta bee inc
r3L (r4L). y r3B (r4L), y l$02 r4L r4L 5$ r4B
5$ :
lda rSL bne 6$ dec rSB
dec 1da ora bne 1dy tya sta illy lda bne 1da
8$ :
jsr DskBufRdBllt ldy l $00 Loadll rS, diskBlkBuf+2
C_GetOf!PqTS : jsr txa bne Loadll jsr bne ldy bne
(r4L). y
C ChltDitGEOS :
$12 8$ tsfe
2$ :
1dy 1dx 1da sta 1da cmp bne iny i nx cpx bne 1da sta lda rts
Popll r9 rts Loadll rS , curDirHtad rts format iD:
C_Gttlst.DirEntry: lda sta 1da sta jsr Loadll 1da sta rts
cmp bne lda cmp 2$ :
bee ldy lda sta lda sta bne lda bne lda sta jsr txa bne tya bne
1$ rS , curDirHead ChltDitGEOS 2$ l$ff 3$
Movell curDirHead+$ab, r1 1dy to
c1c adc l$01 sta (r4L), y 1dx l $00
C GttNxtDirEntry: ldx ldy clc lda adc sta bee inc 1$ : lda
2$: rSL rSL rSB 7$ l$00
1$ : GetCurDirHd:
l $12 rlL l$01 rlB DsltBufRdB11t r5, disltBlltBuf+2 l $00 tempf
3$ l$ff diskBlk8uf+1 r1B disltB11tBuf r1L 4$ t ""''f 3$ l $ff tempf GetOf!PqTS 3$ 3$
l $ad l$00 l $00 isGEOS (rSL). y formatiD , x 1$ l $0b 2$ l$ff i sGEOS i sGEOS
.byte "GEOS format Vl. 0", NULL
C- GetFretDirBlk: php sei lda r6L pha Pushli r2 ldx r10L
1$ : C1earB1ock:
lda tay 1$: sta lllY bne dey sty jmp C SetNextFree: lda clc adc sta lda sta Cll:p
cmp beq
1$00 disltB11tBuf, y 1$ diskBlkBuf+1 DskBufllr8lk r3H interleave r6B r3L r6L l$12 2$ l$35 2$
l $00 l $00 l $20 r5L r5L 1$ r5B r5B l $80 2$ rSL ISff
C SetLinlt:
illy sty r10L cpy l $12 bee 3$ pla sta r2L pla sta r28 pla sta r6L plp rts Pushll r6 ldy 1$48 ldx 1$04 lda curDirBead,y beq 1$ Novell rlL,r3L jsr SetNext free Movell r3L, diskB11tBuf Jlr DsltBufllrBlk txa bne 1$ Movell r3L, r1L JS< Clear8loclt Popll r6 rts
1$: 2$:
5$: 6$:
stx r6L lda l $12 starlL lda l $01 sta rlB jsr DsltBufRdBllt txa bne 7$ dec r6L beq 5$ lda diskBlkBuf bne 4$ jsr SetLinlt clv bvc 2$ sta r1L lda diskBlltBuf+1 sta r1B clv bvc 1$ ldy l$02 ldx l $00 lda disltB1kBuf, y beq 7$ tya c1c adc l$20 tay bee 6$ lda l$01 sta r6L ldx l $04 ldy rlOL
1$ :
1da r 6L cmp l$12 beq 4$ Clllp l $35 beq 4$
2$ :
cmp l $24 bee clc adc tax lda bne
3$ l $b9
curDirRead, x 5$ beq 4$ 3$ :
ula asla tax lda curDirHead,x beq 4$
lda jsr lda sta tay
r6L ChecltStctor NuaSectors, x r7L
jsr beq inc dey bne
SetAllocBlock 6$ r6B 7$
bit $8203 bpl 8$ lda r6L Clllp l$24 bes 9$ clc adc 1$23 sta r6L bne 10$ sec sbe l$22 sta r6L bne 11$
8$ :
inc r6L lda r6L
sec sbe r3L sta r68 asla adc l$04 adc interleave sta r6H bne 1$
6$ :
l$24 bcs 12$
lda sta lda sta 1dx rts
r6L r3L r6B r3H l$00
12$ :
1dx l$03 rts
pha l$24 bee 1$ sec sbc l$23
ldx l$00
cmp SideAScVals, x bee 3$ inx bne 2$
pla rts
.byte $12, $19,$1ÂŁ,$24
.byte $15, $13,$12, $11
2$ :
lda eor and sta
ldx r7H dec curDirHead,x ldx l$00 rts
ldx rts C- FindBAMBit: lda and tax lda sta lda cmp bee sec sbc sta lda lsr lsr lsr c1c adc asl clc adc tax lda clc adc sta lda and rts 1$:
bitMask :
lda cmp bee sec sbc clv bvc sta
r6H r7L 2$
l$06 r6H 1$07
bitMask, x r8H r6L l$24 1$ l$24 r7B r6H a a a r7H r7H
r7H r6L l$b9 r7H dir2Head, x r8B a a r7H r6H a a a r7B curDirHead, x r8B
lda r8B eor curDirBead,x sta curDirHead, x
ldx inc ldx rts 1dx rts
r7H curDirBead, x 1$00 l$06
lda clc adc sta bee inc tya clc adc tay cpy beq cpy bne lda sta 1da sta bit bpl ldy lda clc adc sta bee inc
l$00 r4L r4H 1$04 (r5L) , y r4L r4L 1$ r4H
l$04 1$48 1$ 1$90 2$ l$02 r3H l$98 r3L $8203 3$ l$dd (r5L), y r4L r4L 4$ r4B
1ny bne 5$ LoadW r3, $0530
3$ : rts C SetGEOSDisk: jsr GetDirHead txa bne out LoadW r5, curDirBead jsr CalcB1ksFree ldx 1$03 lda r4L ora r4H beq out lda l$00 sta rOL lda l$13 sta r3L
1$ r6H
Volume 9, Issue 6
C_CalcBlksFree:lda sta sta ldy
3$ :
C AllocateB1ock: jsr FindBAMBit beq 1$ lda r6L Clllp l$24 bee 2$ lda r88 eor f$ff and dir2Bead, x sta dir2Head,x clv bvc 3$
asl asl sta lda lsr lsr lsr sec adc tax lda and rts
r8H l$ff curDirHead, x curDirHead, x
.byte $01, $02, $04, $08 .byte $10, $20, $40, $80 jsr FindBAMBit bne 1$ 1da r6L Clllp l$24 bee 2$ lda r8H eor dir2Head,x sta dir2Head, x clv bvc 3$
C FreeB1ock:
SetAllocBlock: 1$:
lda sta jsr txa beq lda bne lda sta sta bne
l$00 r3B SetNextFree 2$ rOL out l$01 r3L rOL 3$
lda sta lda sta JSr txa bne KoveW ldy ldx
r3H rlH r3L rlL ClearBlock out r1L, curDirHead+$ab l$bc l$0f
lela formatiD, x sta curDirBead, y dey du
out : C InitForiO:
c Enter'l'urbo: lda curDrive jar SetDevioe ldx l$00 rts
bpl PutiDString jsr PutDirRead
C bit!'urbo:
rts php pla sta templ sei
C_ChangeDakDev:sta curDrive sta $ba ldx 1$00 rts
C Newllisk:
lei& $02b0 bne 1$ jsr Move'fr&llsfer
jar rts jar bee jar ldy rta
Check'rrack 1$ Do_Fetch l$00
C Readl.ink :
jar bee ldy jar
CheckTrack 1$ l$91 LoadLink
C Reac!Block: 1$:
lei& sta lei& sta lela sta lela sta ldy sty sty lei& sta sta sta LoadN LoadN lela sta lela sta sty sty . 1ny sty lei& sta lei& sta ldy
$01 tellp3 1$36 $01 $d0la temp2 $d030 tempO l$00 $d030 $d01a 1$7! $d019 $dc0d $dd0d $0314, $02!6 $0318, $02fb l$3! $dd02 $d015 temp4 $d015 $dd05 $dd04 1$81 $dd0d l$09 $dd0e l$2c
lei& cmp beq sta dey bne rts C DonellithiO: sei lei& sta lei& sta lei& sta lei& lei& sta lei& at& lei& pha plp rts
$d012 $8f 2$ $8f 2$
tellpO $d030 teap4 $d015 l$7! $dd0d $dd0d temp2 $d0la teap3 $01 te~~pl
C WriteB1ock : jar CheckTrack bee 1$ jar Do_Stash 1$ :
C VerWriteBlock: jar Checkrrack bee 1$ ldx l$00 1$:
Do retch :
ldy 1$91 bne LoadPage
Do Stub:
ldy l$90 bne LoadPage
; .. the code most heavily modified to support the banked ru beqins here ** LoadLink:
1$: 2$:
lda l$08 sta iDterleave rta
lda bne jsr
$02a7 ; quickie is trlllafer routine iDstalled? 1$ ; if not, then do so. Move'rransfer ;this routine should be unnecessary, but ;one never knows. PushW r2 LoadW r2 , $0002 ; fetch links only bne SavePs
lda bne jar
$02a7 ;as above 1$ Move'rransfer
PushW r2 LoadW r2 , $0100
;fetch page
SavePs: PushW PushW Pushll tya and pha lda cmp bee sec 2$:
rO rl
r3 1%00000001 r1L l$24 2$
out high bits ;and save ; ~sk
;track request>35 ;if .cs then do some math to access ;correct page values
tay dey lda c:lc ade
R&IDiskTab, y ;RAM page translation rlB
Transac tor
sta txa ldx cpy bee cpy bee
l \01110001 I ll 3$ 123 4$
;base value for BCR=bank 1, CRAM set to $0400 ;work out the bank ;value based on ; sector requested
PushB CPU DATA LoadS CPU DATA, IO Ill ldy r2Lldx r)B dey lda r)L sta BCR lda (rOL), y stx BCR sta (rlL), y t ya bne 1$
1$ :
lda cmp bee
rlL 1$24 5$
; if sector>35 t hen ; increase bank value ;by 3 the hard way .
inx inx
beq Done
stx LoadS sta Novell
r)L r)B, 0 rOL r4L, rlL
;source ;destination
;set up for fetch ;get back coaaand value ;on .ne = fetch
pla bne
PushB Hovell Hovell HoveB PopB
r3B rOL, rlL r4L, rOL r3L, r3B r3L
lda beq
r3B 11$
lda bne
rlB 12$
lda and cmp
;determine whether page requested ;lies under IO block ;if .eq then do slowtransfer, otherwise . ..
rOB l$f0 l$d0 13$
jsr bne
$02a7 14$
;do fast t ransfer
;do under IO t rans.
Popll Popll Popll Popll ldx lda rts
r3 rl rO r2 tO
;restore psreg.' s
.byte .byte .byte .byte .byte
$04, $b4, $72, $18, $ae,
Pushll Pushll Pushll Loadll Loadll Loadll jsr Loadll Loadll PopW PopW Popll rts
rO r1 r2 rO, mvRoutine rl, $02a7 r2, routineSize M oveData $0314, $02ÂŁ6 $0318, $02fb r2 rl rO
11$: 12$:
;stash, then do flip
Volume 9, Issue 6
CPU DA'lA r2L IIO Ill CPU DA'lA r3L BCR 1$30 CPUDATA (rOL), y
stx CPU DATA ldx r)B stx BCR beq 3$ lda 1$30 stx CPU DA!A sta (rlL), y tya bne 2$ ldx l$35 stx CPU DATA
Done :
sta BCR PopB CPU DA'I'A rts
pla tay pla tu pla rt i
NMIVEC: e mvRoutine:
;and return no errors
C- HoveTransfer:
PushB ldy dey ldx stx lda sta lda sta lda
$la, Sea, $88, $2b, $cO,
$30, $eO, $9c, $3e, $d2,
$46, $04, $b0, $51, $e4,
$5c, $la, $c4, $64, $00
$72, $30, $dB, $77,
; IRQvector ;NMivector
$88, $46, $ec, $8a,
$9e $5c $04 $9c
= e mvRoutine-mvRoutine
;internal variable space trai ls code tempO: templ: temp2: temp): temp4: tempS: temp6: temp7: tempS: temp9: tempa: tempb: tape: te!llpd: te.pe: tempf:
.byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0
Ramfinder Identify, stash and f etch
by Ian Adam Introduction Adding an external RAM cartridge to a Commodore 64 or 128 can greatly increase its power and s peed. For example, program overlays and disk files can be held in RAM, for nearinstant access. A word processor or s preadsheet can now handle vastly larger documents or tables, rivalling those on any other personal computer. Another of my favourite uses is to prepare a number of graphics images, either high-resolution or low-res, and stas h them in the RAM cartridge. When these are fetched rapidly, some pretty good animation can be created. Many other kinds of programs can use that extra capacity for a variety of different purposes, if only they know it's there. The speed of the RAM cartridges is truly amazing. The RAM Expansion Controller is a special-purpose Direct Memory Access chip: it has a very limited instruction set, and is optimized for just one purpose - moving data. As a result, the data transfer rate is one byte per c lock cycle, or one million bytes per second. This is far higher than with any other method, even much higher than you could achieve with hand-crafted machine language (a maximum of 70,000 cycles per second). Compared to loading data from a 154 1 disk drive ... well, there's just no comparison. When programming an imation with the cartridge, I find that it's actual ly necessary to introduce delay loops in order to keep the animation down to a reasonable speed! The RAM cartridge can load high-resolution images about twice as fast as the video chip can dis play them, and four rimes as fast as the human mind can perceive them. With all of these capabilities at hand, it fo llows that the thorough programmer w ill take the time to write programs in such a way that external RAM is taken advantage of. After all, there's no sense in the user buying a caJtridge, if programs for the computer don 't make use of the fac ility. Besides, your programs wi ll look so much more impressive when they use all of the power at hand. Right away, though. you run into the little problem of finding out how much RAM, if any, you have to work with. The standard Commodore operating system doesn 't test for external RAM. and the cartridge itself doesn' t go out of its way to tell yo u that it's present, so yo u have to devise a way to find out
for yourself. What's more, while the cartridge does ha ve a status byte to tell you how big it is, unfortunately two of the three avai lable cartridges can have the same status byte! That's the bad news. The good news is that all three cartridges use the same ten instruction registers, so they can all be controlled with the same commands. Furthermore, they are all located at the same address in the 1/0 block, at $df00 to $df0a, regardless of what computer they are installed in. Here are the cartridges Commodore has made available for the 64 and 128:
1 76 4 1700
1 750
2 8
Status Byt e
25 6K 128K
Bank #S
c c c
0 to 3 0 a nd 1 0 to 7
64 1 28 128
----------------------------------------------Check the larger accompanying table for further details on the meaning of the various control registers. In theory at least, the status byte (at $df00) should be a s ufficient signature to identify the cartridge uniquel y, once you know which model of computer it's installed in. After all, there is no duplication of the byte within each computer model. The 64 is not s upposed to use a 128-model cartridge, since its meager power suppl y is barely capable of powering the computer itself, let alone any RAM expansion. The 1764 comes with an upgraded powe r supply, and so would not be of interest to an owner of a 128. In the real world, however, you must remember that hardware could be combined in ways that your program might not have anticipated. For example, a Commodore 128 could be running a C64 program in 64 mode, and still have access to either of the 128-model expansion cartridges. You could also encounter a 64-model cartridge being operated in a 128. Thus, there is no guarantee that the cartridge will be the one yo u expect from its signature byte. What's more, there still remains the problem of sorting out whether a cartridge is present at all. A genuine status register can take on many different values at different times. as a glance at the table will illustrate. However, if there is no Transactor
cartridge present, a read of the address of the non-ex istent status register g ives a random value, which could mimic the status byte of a cartridge. All in all, an interesting programming challenge. The Ramfinder prog ram To the rescue rides the Ram.finder program. The challenge of detecting RAM isn't all that difficult to deal with, and any experienced programmer could tackle it reasonably well. However, I've always fe lt that the programmer should be freed to deal with important matters like making his or her program work properly. and not have to spend time and energy worrying about little details like what sort of hard ware is attached. To help out with this, 1 prepared the Ram.finder program. which has several usefu l advantages. This compact program wi ll run in either the 64 or the 128, with no preference for either. As a further advantage, it is fully re locatable to any available start address (SA), so it will be compatible with just about any program you may want to write. What's more, it has three handy entry points: sys sa sys sa+4 sys sa+7
identify RAM cartridge & report STASH to expansion RAM FETCH from expansion RAM
All of this usefu lness is packed into just over I 00 bytes of machine language. Of the three entry points, the fi rst entry is the key one, because it will check whether or not a RAM cartridge is present. If none is found, it will return a value of zero. If it succeeds in finding external RAM , then the program will perform a couple of additional tests to identify which cartridge is present. It will retum a result of 2. 4. or 8. representing the number of banks of memory available. The result is stored in zero-page memory. where it can be retrieved with a simple Ida $tb, or a peek(251) from BASIC. T he result is also held in the accumulator on departure. T he second and third entry points wi ll perform very simple STASH and FETCH operations. Because the 64 and 128 manage the ir memory in such different fashions, these operations wil l not deal with subtleties like data in hidden memory banks. However, they are ideal for my favourite task, pulling graphic screens in and out of memory. To use these operations, put the number of the external RAM bank that you want to use in $fb (from BASIC: poke 251, bank#. For example, if you have a fo ur-bank cartridge. select a bank number of 0 to 3). Load the microprocessor registers as follows: accumulator X register Y register
high byte of expansion address high byte of computer address high byte of length of transfer (all low bytes will be set to zero)
If you are working in machine language, this is very straightforward . If you are working in BASIC 2.0 on the 64, just POKE Volume 9, Issue 6
these three values into memory locations 780 through 782, then sys sa+4. With BASIC 7.0 on the 128, the values can be transferred directly by the extended SYS command (as an example: sys sa+4,8,4,4 to stash a low-res screen in the cartridge at $0800), but be sure you are in Bank 15 when you use the program. If you find you need a more comprehensive STASH and FETCH
capability, see Dale Castello's wedge commands for the 64 in Transactor, Volume 8 Issue 2, page 38 or use the built-in commands in BASIC 7.0 on the 128. Starting Ramfinder How you use the Ramfinder program is at least partly dependent on what you want to do. If you are doing machine language programming and want to deal with the expansion cartridge issue painlessly, then type in the source code and add it to your library of useful routines. Again, note that the code is fully relocatable, so you shou ld find it most accommodating in getting along with other routines. Its only requirement is for one byte of space in zero page, at $tb. A JSR to the start of the code will identify the expansion RAM available, and on return the accumulator will contain the number of 64K banks available. You can use the stash and fetch commands if suitable to your needs. For you non-ML progran1mers, a BASIC loader is al so supplied. Type the program in, being especially careful with the DATA statements at the end. Be sure to save a copy of the program before running it. When you do run the program, it gives a brief description of itself, then asks for the address to load the machine language into. Enter the address of any suitable free RAM (in the 128, you must be in Bank 15 , so the load address must be less than 16270 in order to stay in non-banked RAM). If you are unsure, j ust press Retum and the code will be loaded into the cassette buffer automatically. The program will then give further instructions for each of its routines. If you want to incorporate the routine into other BASIC programs that you write, you have my blessings. Of course, you won 't need to include all of the detailed instructions- just the DATA statements and their loader. How it works
The only way to detect a RAM cartridge reliably is actually to command it to work, then find out whether it performed as expected. As I mentioned, the status byte should tell you about the cartridge, but unfortunately it cannot be relied upon. Reading this when a cartridge rs not installed may yield a phantom random number, leading to the erroneous conclusion that extra RAM is avai table. To get around this problem, the program puts a known byte in zero page (the seed value 1 in its storage location at $fb), then commands the cartridge to save the page in expansion RAM. The value in $tb is changed (to #$b5, a convenient alterna41
rive). then the page is fetched back. By checking what value remains. the presence or absence of a cartridge can be deduced. If none. then a value of zero is reiUmed. With the knowledge that a RAM cartridge is present, the status byte can be read reliably. If bit 4 is clear. then the cartridge must be the 1700. and the task is finished. Otherwise. there are still two possibilities. so one more test is required. This depends on the characteristic that the bank addresses 'wrap around'; that is to say. access to a bank beyond those in place will be decoded into the existing banks. To make use of this. remember that zero page has already been stashed in bank 0: this page will now be verified agajnst bank 4. In the 1764 (the 256K cartridge) bank 4 i read as bank 0. so the verify operation succeeds. In the 1750. bank 4 is distinct and different from bank 0. so the verify fails. Thus. the detection is complete.
There are two beneficiaries of this process; one is the user, whose investment in an expansion cartridge is rewarded with programs that offer more power and speed. The other benefic iary is you. the programmer - your programs will be slicker and more popular when they take advantage of all the resource available to them. Ultimately. that reflects favourably on your ability as a programmer!
Listing I : ran!finder.bas
MD Table of REO Registers
bits 0-3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 1
FB 10 MI
bits 0, 1 bit 4 bit 5 bit 1
transfer type 0 = $FFOO trigger 1 = reset parameters execute
1 = verify error 1 = c0111plete interrupt pending
$DF02 $DF03
R/W R/11
lowbyte, high byte
computer address
$DF04 $DF05
R/11 R/11
low byte, high byte
expansion RAM address
Read Only
RAM bani: I , low bits only
$DF07 $DF08
low byte, high byte
length of transfer
bit 5 bit 6 bit 1
IRQ on verify error IRQ on completion enable interrupts
bit 0
0 = increment RAM addrs 1 = fix RAM address 0 = increment host addrs 1 = fix host address
bit 1
----------------------------------------------------------------The benefits a re yo urs
How you use this program is up to you. It is most useful when combined with other programs, whether in BASIC or machine language. Ran(flnder is compatible with both: its length and transportability make it easy to incorporate with other programs of all types. {If you' 1·e ever plugg ed in your REU and booted G£0S only to discol'er that the R£U wasn't seated properly and thus was not seen by the system. you'll recogni:e another use f or the program as published. - MO/
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400
print chr$(147) :print••• ramfinder ••• print :print"(c) ian adam" print"vancouver be 1988" : print:print"tbia short program will identify an• print"external ram cartridqe attachtd to• print"the cocputer, and indicate its size" print"in 64k banks. the program will operate• print "without modification in either• print"the 64 or the 128. " : print :print "the program is fully relocatable to• print"any start address, for compatibility. " print"qood locations are 828 in the 64," print"and 2810 in the 128. " : print :input•your start address";&$ sa=val(a$) :if sa=O then sa=828 -2000*(pttk(46)>27) : for i=sa to sa+ll7 read a:pokt i , a next : print chr$(147) :print"identifying ram: " print:print"sys•sa print:print"this cOI!IIIand will locate a ram• print "cartridqe and indicate the nUIIlber of" print"banks in location $00fb (251) .• print"a value of 0 means no expansion ram .• print"options are 2, 4, or 8 banks of 64k." print :print"number of banks installtd now:• n o sys n 420 print :print"ptek(25l) =• peek (25l) 430 print :print"press return to continue• 440 input a$ 450 : 460 print chr$(147) :print•stash and fetch:" 470 print:print"to start, set these parameters; all" 480 print "others will be set to zero :" 490 print:print"poke 251, external ram bank I" 500 print"accumulator =msb external ram address " 510 print"x register = msb computer addreu" 520 print"y register = msb length to transfer• 530 : 540 print :print"on the 64 , poke these three values• 550 print"into locations 780 to 782, then ... •: print 560 print"sys•sa+4" to stash" 570 print"sys•sa+7" to fetch" 580 : 590 print :print"on the 128, use the extended sya• 600 print•command. for example, to save this" 610 print"screen at the start of external ram: " 620 print :print"poke 25l, O:sys•sa+4",0,4, 4" 630 : 640 end 650 : 660 data169, 0, 240, 6, 24,144, 80,56,176, 77,120, 162,10,157, 0, 223, 202,208 670 data250, 232, 142, 8,223,134, 25l, l69, 180, 14l, l,223 , 169, 1Bl, l33,25l, l4l, l 680 data223, 197, 251, 240, 40, 173,0, 223, 4l, l 6,208, 4, 169, 2, 208, 3l, l69, 4 690 datal41 , 6,223, 169, l , l33 ,25l, l69, 183, 14l , l ,223, 173,0, 223, 41, 32, 208 700 data4 , 169, 4, 208, 6, 169, 8,208, 2, 169, 0, 133, 251, 88, 96, 141, 5, 223 710 datal42, 3, 223, 140,8, 223, 166, 25l, l42, 6, 223, 169, 0, 141, 2, 223, 141, 4 720 data223, 141, 7, 223, 105, 180, 14l, l , 223, 96
. .'
Listing 2: ramfinder.src ·****************** '
' .* '
external raa . * identifier '
t t
'. '
trial sei ldx l$0a clear sta rec, x dex bne clear
·• '·• '·•
* * for the c-64 * '·• and c-128 * .* * ' .* * '
;clear rt9isters
. .'
lda l$b4 sta rec+1
; (c) ian adam . may 1988 ' ; vancouver be
; ; ; ;
zpbank = $00fb rec = $df00
' ; ' jump table'
. ' ; start address = test exram ; sa + 4 = stash ; sa + 7 = fetch
. '.
;control byte ;execute
the value 1 was saved as a test . if the stash was successful, then that seed value will be restored when the same page is fetched back. thus, this sequence will detect a working external ram cartridge:
' '
. '. '.
; code is fully ; relocatable, ; and executes on either the 64 ; or 128 (bank 15)
lda rec and l$10 bne more
;entry for stash
. ;entry for fetch
. '. tUttttttttU '. t * '. t trial * . stash * ' • .t '. ttttttUttttt*
. ' ; move zero page fro. computer ; to external raa bank 0, as ; a test of cartridge operation: Volume 9, Issue 6
noram lda 1$00 exit sta zpbank ;leave message eli rts
; the I of expansion banks vill ; be left in zpbank ($00fb) . ; 0 banks llll!ans no external rill . ; options: 2, 4, or 8 banks . .
'. ********************* '
.* *
; ; ; ;
stash and fetch
* * *
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
a = high byte expansion address x = high byte CODipllter address y =high byte of length bank nu:llber in zpbank all other parueters set to 0
lda l$02 bne exit
sec bcs stash
; error = 8 banks
. **************•
;check I of banks
clc bee stash
;no error, 4 banks
'. '. '
;entry to test ram
lda 1$04 bne exit
; if bit 4 is clear, then there must be 128k of external ram, in 2 banks:
lda l$00 beq t rial
; check status ; for error
* = $2000 .
. '
cmp zpbank ; check it beq noram ;exit if no exram found
; dummy start address:
lda rec and l$20 bne 110st
*************** .' * * ; * exit vith * ; * message t
= fetch
lda l$b5 ;control byte sta zpbank sta rec+l ;execute
; external ram located ; find out how much:
• '
. .'
sta rec+l
most lda l$08 bne exit .
stx $df08 ;move 1 page stx zpbank ;plant seed
' . *******************************' '•
'. '
••••••••••••••••••• '
. ' . '
****************************** if bit 4 is set, then there are either 4 banks (256k) or 8 banks (512k) . test for this by verifying bank 4. if there are only 4 banks, bank 0 will read as bank 4, and verify ok. if there are 8 banks, a verify error will result :
stash sta $df05 ; external ram address stx $df03 ;set computer address sty $df08 ;set length ldx zpbank stx $df06 ;set bank . ' lda 10 ;set lov bytes to 0 sta $df02 sta $df04 sta $df07 . '. ; build control byte and execute : I
; the carry bit will increment the ; control byte by 1, when a fetch ; was specified in the jump table
more lda sta lda sta lda
l$04 $df06 ; set bank 4 l$01 zpbank l$b7 ;control byte
= verify
. .end
adc l$b4 sta rec+l
;build control byte ; execute
;all finished
Encryptor Password Protection for C64 by Jim F ros t Firs t, le t me set the record s traight. I belie ve in neither copy protection nor stea ling programs. Wh y the n d id T write Encrypror? Computing at my house is a famil y pastime. Mother does word processing and neatens documen tation so no o ne can fi nd it. Jim (Grandpa is James R., I'm James S. and he's James T.) plays games and writes music. My daughter, Summe r, writes BASIC games that she def initely does not want he r olde r brothe r to touch. Jim naturally delights in analyzing, modifying a nd c ri ticizing Summer's latest effort. With S ummer 's work e ncrypted, I spend less time preventing fights and more time writing programs.
If you have s imilar problems and wa nt to protect BASIC prog ra ms from unau tho rized use, with Encryptor, it's easy! To use Encryptor. load and run the BAS IC loader. Nothing a ppears to happen; howeve r. BASIC's LOAD and SAVE vectors are c hanged 1.0 access e nc ryption routines. A password prompt appears whe n LOAD o r SAVE is requested. For normal (plain-text) loading, simply press return. To save an e nc rypted program , e nter a password in the s paces immediately fo llowing the prompt. Any password will work - provided it does not begin w ith a s pace and is not longer tha n eleven c haracters. Loading enc rypted programs involves the same procedure as saving the m. Type yo ur password, the n press return and let the compute r work. Unless you use the correct password, loaded prog rams wil l be hope lessly scrambled, and the operating system may even lock d ue to confusion while relinking gibbe rish. Encryptor works by exc lusive-ORing the ninth and eleventh password c haracters wi th the firs t byte of your BASIC prog ram . To prov ide additional confusion, the password is then rotated and the process repeal.ed byte by byte until the e ntire program is e nc rypted. Because XORing zeroes changes nothing, a password consis ting of 11 @ characters (screen code 0) will not e ncrypt. More accurately, the e ncrypted ve rs ion will be identical to the plain text. l have s lowed the encryption processes so that you can watc h it work. If yo u prefer lig htning speed, c ha nge the last data element fro m zero to one. While Encryptor wi ll make breaking into your programs difficult, no e ncryption me thod is infallible. With ti me and effort, any protection can be overcome. For those who savour the
challe nge of overcoming any obstacle, I have included data s tateme nts to create an e ncrypted BASIC program on disk. T he password is my middle name. Listing 1: encr yptor.s ********************************
* * * * * * * * *
• •
rev 4MAY89
* * * * * * * * *
= $0330 = $F5ED = $F4A5 = $FFD2 = $A560 =$FD
; change LOAD and SAVE ; pointers to encrypt code
; encrypt addresses
* Encrypted
load Routine
; save load/verify flag (i n A) ; get password
; recover load/verify flag ; do normal load ; if load error
; else save end of ; load address
; mess things up
; then recover end of ;load address ; carry i ndicates faul t
• Encrypted save routine
; get password ; scramble ; then normal save ; unscramble ; carry indicates error
CPX Ill BNi TEST LOX l$00 TES'l'
• print password message then input password
; get text character ; zero flags end of string
;non-zero - print
; input password
93 ' password:', OO
; and loop
; if space unencrypted ; LOAD/SAVE requested ; skip encryption
LOA l$00 STA COUN'l'
; count rotations
; copy start of BASIC ; address from 143
; to $FB
LOY J$00
; zero pointer
LOA ($FB) , Y
; fetch program character
EOR $0411 EOR $0413 STA ($FB), Y
; XOR with 9th ; and 11th password character ; and replace character
; advance character pointer ; low byte
; and high i t needed
• scramble password for next pass
LOX $041 3 LOY l $09
; save last password character
LOA $0409, Y STA $040A, Y DEY BPL ROTl
; rotate 10 password characters ; to right one bit
STA $0409
; and rotate l ast ; to first
; do it fast? ; if non-zero, hurry
LOX I $DO LOY l $00
; else time delay
IWC 00
• advance count and test for end of BASIC LOX INX
Volume 9, Issue 6
; password centred? ; loop until it is
; any nonzero speeds encryption
100 rem places encryptor in cassette buffer 120 nd=180: sa=827 : ch=21121 130 for i=1 to nd: read x:pokesa+i, x 140 ch=ch-x:next 150 if ch then print "data error": stop 160 print "data ok, encryptor installed 170 sys 828:end 260 : 270 data 162, 3, 189, 72, 3, 157, 48, 3 280 data 202, 16, 247, 96, 76, 3, 99, 3 290 data 72, 32, 113, 3, 104, 32, 165, 244 300 data 176, 12, 134, 45, 132, 46, 32, 141 310 data 3, 166, 45, 164, 46, 24, 96, 32 320 data 113, 3, 32, 141, 3, 32, 237, 245 330 data 32, 141, 3, 24, 96, 162, 0, 189 340 data 130, 3, 240, 6, 32, 210, 255, 232 350 data 208, 245, 32, 96, 165, 96, 147, 80 360 data 65, 83, 83, 87, 79, 82, 68, 58 370 data 0, 173, 9, 4, 201, 32, 240, 90 380 data 169, 0, 133, 253, 165, 43, 133, 251 390 data 165, 44, 133, 252, 160, 0, 177, 251 400 data 77, 17, 4, 77, 19, 4, 145, 251 410 data 230, 251, 208, 2, 230, 252,17 4, 19 420 data 4, 160, 9, 185, 9, 4, 153, 10 430 data 4, 136, 16, 247, 138, 141, 9, 4 44 0 data 173, 239, 3, 208, 10, 162, 208, 160 450 data 0, 200, 208, 253, 232, 208, 250, 166 460 data 253, 232, 224, 11, 208, 2, 162, 0 470 data 134, 253, 165, 252, 197, 46, 208, 188 480 data 165, 251, 197, 45, 208, 182, 165, 253 490 data 208, 196, 96, 0
Listing 3: makescra m.bas
• Encrypt loop - One cycle with a password will scramble . • A second pass with the same password changes encrypted to plaintext.
; else test low bytes
• return to BASIC if no encrypt or when finished
Listing 2: encryptor.bas
• encrypt/ decrypt routine ENCRYPT
; reached end of prograa? ; high bytes match? ; no then keep working
LOX l$00
;last password character? ; test end of BASIC
; advance count
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 265 270 280 290 300 310 320
rem transactor standard program generator n$,."scrambled.bas" nd=43 : sa=2049 : ch=2875 for i:l to nd: read x cb=ch-x:next if ch then print "data error":stop print "data ok, nov creating file ." restore open 1, 8, 1,"0:"+n$ hi=int(sa/256) : lo=sa -256*bi printll, chr$(lo)chr$(hi) ; for i=1 to nd:read x printll,chr$(x) ; :next close 1 print "prg file"' ; n$; '"created . . . " print"this generator no longer needed. " print "program created wi ll not run" print "unless you have the password" data 21, 8, 253, 48, 138, 37, 70, 93 data 64, 5, 103, 87, 79, 4, 126, 76 data 75, 69, 65, 18, 15, 59, 111, 3 data 189, 18, 39, 76, 84, 53, 65, 5 data 96, 69, 65, 115, 115, 87, 65, 34 data 18, 18, 37
Pop-ASCII For The Commodore 64 A handy pop-up utility
by Peter M.L. Lottrup Here路s a programming aid that you won 't want to be without once you've given it a try. With Pop-ASCII installed, you' ll have immediate access to a pop-up window, displaying a list of ASCII codes in decimal and hexadecimal, along with the character corresponding to that code (or a three-character code, representing non-printable characters, like colours, reverse, cursors, etc). And you won't even lose the screen beneath P op-ASCII, as the utility will restore it for you once it is done. Say goodbye to programming manuals and charts forever!
jump to life. If, for any reason, Pop-ASCII ceases to function, you may reactivate it by simply typing sys 49152. RUNSTOP/RESTORE will not deactivate Pop-ASCII.
Using P op-ASC/l
To make customizing easy, a loader program has been included. It is written in BASIC. Type it in and save it. To customize PopASCII, simply change the values in the DATA statements in lines
When you call P op-ASCII, using the ' hot-key' combination Commodore-RESTORE, P op-ASCII will spring to life on the centre of your current screen. Pop-ASCII is a 3-D window, where ASCII codes are displayed in decimal and hexadecimal, along with the corresponding character codes. Fourteen characters are shown per screen, and you may quickly shift through all characters using the up and down cursor keys to move forwards or back. The program starts by displaying character 32, the default starting point, but you may shift through all 255 characters. is an all-machine language program, which loads in the following address space:
Start Addre ss: $COOO End
Ad d r e ss : $C3 2E
Once you have typed in the program, save it. If you plan to use it with the customizing loader program included, use the name ml-popascii for the save. To install the program in memory without using the loader program, type:
The customizing loader You may customize Pop-ASCII to your own preferences. Colours and activation keys may be changed. Any control key (SHIFT, CONTROL, CBM, CBM+SHfFr, etc.) plus RESTORE may be used to activate P op-ASCII.
Line 100 selects the background colour of the Pop-ASCII window. The current colour is cyan (print code 159). Replace this value for the ASC!l print code value of the colour you wish to use. Line I 05 selects the shadow colour of the window (currently black) in the same way. Line 110 determines what combination of keys (in conjunction with RESTORE) will activate P op-ASCII. A value of one selects a SHIFf key, a value of two the Commodore key, and a value of four the CTRL key. You may combine more than one of these keys, by adding the values. For example, a value of 3 selects the SHIFT+CBM+RESTORE keys to activate P op-ASCII. Line 120 selects the character used to scroll the list of characters a screen forwards (currently cursor down). Line 130 selects the backward shift key (currently cursor up). Line 140 selects the P op-ASCII ' quit' key (currently q).
load " ml-pop ascii ", 8 ,1 new
The abbreviations
s y s 4 91 52
uses a list of three-letter codes for non-printable characters. Most of them are quite direct, like BLK for black or RON for Reverse-On. Here's a list of abbreviations used: Pop-ASCJJ
will then be active and waiting for you to press the CBM-RESTORE keys. When this happens, you'll see P op-ASCJI
WHT - White DIS - Disable SHIFT-CBM ENA - Enable SHI FT-CBM RET - Return LWR - Lowercase OWN - Cursor Down RON - Reverse On HME - Home DEL - Delete REO - Red RHT - Cursor Right GRN - Green BLU - Blue SPC - Spa c e ORG - Orange SRT - Shif t-Return UPP - Upperc ase BLK - Blaclt CUP - Cursor Up ROF - Reve rse Off CLS - Clear Screen INS - Insert BRN - Brown LRO - Light Red GRl - Gray 1 GR2 - Gray 2 LGR - Light Green LBL - Light Blue GR3 - Gray 3 PUR - Purple LFT - Cursor Left YEL - Yellow CYN - Cyan SPC - Space
Programming notes The Ml interrupt vector was selected to ac tivate P op-ASCII, providing the easiest and shortest way of interrupting a program and activating a memory-resident utility. When P op ASCII is called, current cursor colour and address are stored, along with screen and colour memory. This information is restored upon exit from the utility. The memory area below BASIC ROM ($AOOO-$A800) is used for this storage. Aside from this memory, addresses 820-827 are used for mi cellaneous data storage. The program itself resides at memory addresses $COOO-$C32E. I have been using Pop-ASCII for quite some ti me now, and find it incredibly handy. l use it for quick hex -dec conversions, and to find all necessary character codes. Just think about how often you have found yourself searching for that Commodore manual just to find the code for one of the function key or orne special character code. With Pop-ASCII installed. you 'II be able to remain at the keyboard instead of rummaging through your bookshelves. Volume 9, Issue 6
Listing 1: "popascii.src" Nl 1000 open2,8, 1,"0:ml·popascii" DM 1010 sys 700 PA 1020 .opt p2 RP 1030 •= $cOOO NP 1040 ; --- first save screen &color --BF 1050 lda t<newer ME 1060 sta $0318 ; --- new irq low--HG 1070 lda t>newer AF 1080 sta $0319 ;--- new irq high --OF 1090 lda t <setter JL 1100 ldy f>setter LA lllO sta $0302 MI 1120 sty $0303 ; --- make sure newvect. stays GF 1130 rts KF 1140 setter lda l<newer ND 1150 sta $0318 BM 1160 lda l>never CF 1170 sta $0319 HI 1180 lda to DB 1190 sta active AM 1200 jmp $a483 IL 1210 newer pha FG 1220 lda 653 CA 1230 cmp 12 101 1240 beq ours I'J! 1250 ignore pla NC 1260 jmp $fe47 NF 1270 ours lda active IE 1280 bne ignore inc active JF 1290 [Q( 1300 lda 204 CA 1310 sta ctemp ON 1320 inc 204 KN 1330 lda 646 JI 1340 sta tcolor HM 1350 sec PO 1360 jsr $fff0 PD 1370 stx cur GC 1380 sty cur+l JL 1390 ldy IO AP 1400 ;--- store screen and color memory--Ill 1410 loopl lda $0400,y LL 1420 sta $aOOO,y FK 1430 lda $d800,y AG 1440 and 115 FO 1450 sta $a400,y CJ 1460 lda $0500,y AP 1470 sta $alOO,y KN 1480 lda $d900,y CJ 1490 and US KB 1500 sta $a500,y HM 1510 lda $0600, y FC 1520 sta $a200,y lda $da00, y EC 1530 EM 1540 and 115 PE 1550 sta $a600,y MP 1560 lda $0700,y KF 1570 sta $a300,y JF 1580 lda $db00, y GP 1590 and 115 EI 1600 sta $a700,y iny KC 1610 OB 1620 bne loop1 BA 1630 ;--- nov display the pop-ascii window --FL 1640 ldx 13 FF 1650 ldy 112 CP 1660 clc jsr $fff0 FC 1670 NB 1680 lda l"{rvs}" DD 1690 jsr $ffd2
BN 88
1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 loopO 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 loop3 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 entry 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 loop4 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 21SO 2160 loopS 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210 ;--- now 2220 2230 2240 again 22SO 2260 2270 more 2280 2290 2300 2310 2320 notone 2330 2340 23SO 2360 none 2370 2380 2390
1da I" {black)" jsr $ffd2 lda I" {loqo-y I" 1dx 116 jsr $ffd2 dex bne loopO ldxt4 ldy 111 clc jsr $fff0 lda l<prep ldy l>prep jsr $able ldy 114 lda l"{shift-*1" jsr $ffd2 dey bne loop3 lda l"{loqo-s)" jsr $ffd2 jsr black ldx IS ldy Ill clc jsr $fff0 lda l"l" jsr $ffd2 ldy 114 lda I" " jsr $ffd2 dey bne loop4 lda I")" jsr $ffd2 jsr black lOX
cpx 121 bee entry ldy Ill clc jsr $fff0 lda l"{loqo-z)" jsr $ffd2 lda l"{shift-*)" ldy 114 jsr $ffd2 dey bne loopS 1da l"{loqo-x)" jsr $ffd2 fill the window --lda 132 sta 2 ; --- initial char --lda 16 sta line jsr place lda 2 cmp 110 bcs notone lda 1"0" jsr $ffd2 cmp 1100 bcs none lda 1"0" jsr $ffd2 ldx 2 lda IO jsr $bdcd ;--- display number--jsr twospaces
DE 2400 EA 2410 88 2420 HF 2430 BG 2440 LG 2450 FB 2460 MB 2470 DB 2480 EF 2490 BN 2500 BJ 2510 KO 2520 MH 2530 IL 2540 AJ 2550 IK 2560 IE 2570 IlK 2580 MJ 2590 NE 2600 FK 2610 80 2620 BP 2630 GM 2640 JL 2650 DO 2660 LL 2670 KP 2680 LB 2690 MG 2700 NE 2710 PJ 2720 oc 2730 CA 2740 ED 2750 EF 2760 BK 2770 JC 2780 LG 2790 JI 2800 KN 2810 LL 2820 AB 2830 MJ 2840 81 28SO FM 2860 AN 2870 JN 2880 PH 2890 NO 2900 KB 2910 BA 2920 GN 2930 GO 2940 HF 29SO EN 2960 OF 2970 IJ 2980 FO 2990 JL 3000 ON 3010 w 3020 LO 3030 PC 3040 KD 30SO or 3060 LN 3070 GE 3080 lJ( 3090 BG 3100 PL 3110 MF 3120 KJ 3130
;--- nowhex number --lda 2 and 1$ÂŁ0 lsr lsr lsr lsr clc jsr dispnum lda 2 and l$0f jsr dispnum jsr twospaces lda 2 cmp 132 bee speciall cmp 1128 bee normal cmp 1161 bcs normal special2 sec sbc tl28 sta temp asl clc adc temp tay ldxl3 lo1 lda table2, y jsr $ffd2 1ny dex bne lol jmp finish speciall asl clc adc 2 tay ldx 13 lo2 lda table1,y jsr $ffd2 1ny
dex bne jmp lda jsr lda jsr lda jsr lda jsr inc inc jsr lda
lo2 finish #32 $ffd2 2 $ffd2 #" " $ffd2 #13 $ffd2 line 2 place line
cmpt20 bcs
waitkey jmp more ; --- wait for 'q' key --waitkey jsr $ffe4 cmp #"{down) " beq forward cmp i "{up )" beq back cmp l "q" bne waitkey ; --- now restore current screen --se1 ldy 10 lda 1 and 1254 ;--- switch out basic rom--sta 1
3140 ; --- restore screen' colors --3150 loop2 lda $a0001y 3160 sta $0400 y 3170 lda $a4001y 3180 sta $d800 y 3190 lda $a1001y 3200 sta $0500 I y 3210 lda $a5001y 3220 sta $d900, y 3230 1da $a200, y 3240 sta $0600, y 3250 lda $a600,y 3260 sta $da00, y 3270 lda $a300, y 3280 sta $0700, y 3290 lda $a700,y 3300 sta $db00, y 3310 1ny 3320 bne loop2 3330 ; --- restore basic &interrupts --3340 lda 1 3350 ora 11 3360 sta 1 3370 eli 3380 ldx cur 3390 ldy cur+1 3400 clc 3410 jsr $fff0 3420 lda tcolor 3430 sta 646 3440 lda ctemp 3450 sta 204 3460 sta active 3470 lda I"{rvs off} " 3480 jsr $ffd2 3490 pla 3500 rti 3510 forward jmp again 3520 back lda 2 3530 sec 3540 sbc i28 3550 sta 2 3560 jmp again 3570 twospaces lda I" " 3580 jsr $ffd2 3590 jsr $ffd2 3600 rts 3610 place ldx line 3620 ldy 113 3630 clc 3640 jsr $fff0 3650 lda l"{rvs} " 3660 jsr $ffd2 3670 rts 3680 dispnum cmp 110 3690 bee numeric 3700 clc I
EA 3710
adc ISS
3720 jsr $ffd2 3730 rts 3740 numeric clc 3750 adc 148 3760 jsr $ffd2 3770 rts 3780 black lda l"{b1ack}" 3790 jsr $ffd2 3800 lda I" " 3810 jsr $ffd2 3820 lda f"{cyan}" 3830 jsr $ffd2 3840 rts 3850 prep .asc "{rvs}{cyan}{logo-a} " 3860 .byt 0 3870 active = 821
Volume 9, Issue 6
3880 3890 3900 3910 3920 3930 3940 3950 3960 3970 3980 3990
cur = 822 ctemp = 824 line = 825 • temp = 826 tco1or = 820 ; --- data for special characters --tablel . asc " wht disena" .asc • retlwr dwnronhmedel " . asc • redrhtgrnbluspc" table2 .asc • orq fl f3 f5 f7 f2" .asc " f4 f6 f8srtupp blkcuprofclsinsbrnlrd" .asc •gr1gr2lgrlblgr3purlftyelcynspc"
Listing 2: "customizer" EF 10 rem --pop-ascii IG 20 rem --- customizing loader --MD 30 rem JH 35 ifa=Othena=1:load"ml-popascii", 811 IC 40 read bc:poke 497601bc :poke 49766,bc GI 50 read sc:poke 49750, sc:poke 49309,sc JG 60 read ky:poke 49196,ky KE 70 read dw:poke 49585,dw KH 80 read up:poke 49589,up MB 90 read qt:poke 49593,qt ME 95 sys49152 CF 100 data 159:rem --- background co1or :cyan --NC 105 data 144:rem --- shadow color:black --FF 110 data 2:rem --- activation key:cbm --KC 120 data 17:rem --- forward scroll :cursor down --CD 130 data 145:rem --- backward scroll:cursor up --EO 140 data 81 :rem --- quit key:q ---
Listing 3: BASIC generator f or "ml-popascii" EL 100 rem generator for "ml-popascii" HK 110 n$="ml-popascii" : rem name of program FD 120 nd=815 : sa=49152 : ch=83582 {for lines 130-260, see the standard generator on page 5) NK PC CA BC HG CB HE ME KP CB MF KE OF CH NH AK KA JA JJ HA 00 JK
1000 data 1010 data 1020 data 1030 data 1040 data 1050 data 1060 data 1070 data 1080 data 1090 data 1100 data 1110 data 1120 data 1130 data 1140 data 1150 data 1160 data 1170 data 1180 data 1190 data 1200 data 1210 data 1220 data 1230 data 1240 data 1250 data 1260 data 1270 data
169, 25, 3, 24, 0, 173, 76, 238, 230, 56, 55, 0, 0, 185, 185, 218, 7, 15, 3, 18, 255, 202, 32, 30, 255, 255, 24, 255,
39, 1411 24, 3, 3, 169, 21, 160, 140, 3, 3, 96, 3, 169, 192, 141, 141, 53, 3, 76, 141, 2, 201, 2, 71, 254, 173, 53, 53, 3, 165, 204, 204, 173, 134, 2, 32, 240, 255, 142, 3, 160, 0, 185, 160, 185, 0, 216, 164, 185, 01 5, 0, 217, 41 15, 01 6, 1531 0, 41, 15, 153, 0, 153, 0, 1631 185, 1531 0, 1671 200, 160, 12, 24, 32, 32, 210, 255, 169, 1691 183, 162, 16, 208, 250, 1621 4, 2401 255, 1691 101, 1711 160, 141 169, 1361 208, 2501 169, 321 85, 1941 162, 321 240, 2551 169, 1601 14, 1691 32, 1
169, 192, 141 192, 141, 2 169, 39, 141 25, 3, 169 131, 164, 72 240, 4, 104 3, 208, 247 141, 56, 3 141, 52, 3 54, 3, 140 0, 4, 153 411 15, 153 1531 0, 161 153, 0, 165 162, 185, 0 166, 185, 0 01 219, 41 2081 197, 162 240, 255, 169 1441 32, 210 321 210, 255 1601 11, 24 1601 194, 32 1921 32, 210 1741 32, 210 5 160, 11 2211 32, 210 321 210 1 255 1
FP 1280 data FG 1290 data RB 1300 data BO 1310 data liC 1320 data liD 1330 data JB 1340 data HD 1350 data BH 1360 data HE 1370 data HF 1380 data FC 1390 data LP 1400 data BK 1410 data KM 1420 data CP 1430 data FL 1440 data Gil 1450 data 1!!1 1460 data AC 1470 data JO 1480 data IU 1490 data MF 1500 data CD 1510 data BA 1520 data LC 1530 data KP 1540 data HJ 1550 data NB 1560 data DC 1570 data FD 1580 data AD 1590 data JE 1600 data BG 1610 data CD 1620 data BG 1630 data KI 1640 data OG 1650 data CK 1660 data FL 1670 data IL 1680 data Nll 1690 data PI'\ 1700 data KB 1110 data Gl'\ 1720 data BL 1730 data AO 1740 data BP 1750 data AJ 1760 data HK 1770 data GP 1780 data ED 1790 data FI 1800 data EB 1810 data CJ 1820 data GI 1830 data PO 1840 data l!D 1850 data GE 1860 data NB 1870 data BN 1880 data FL 1890 data CI 1900 data BK 1910 data BJ 1920 data HK 1930 data DP 1940 data PO 1950 data PB 1960 data OD 1970 data IB 1980 data DC 1990 data PO 2000 data IN 2010 data
136, 32, 160, 32, 210, 210, 141, 201, 255, 210, 189, 74, 165, 43, 201, 56, 109, 194, 76, 162, 200, 32, 255, 32, 32, 176, 201, 201, 1, 153, 216, 0, 153, 218, 0, 165, 54, 255, 56, 146, 193, 76, 32, 13, 210, 105, 48, 210, 159, 0, 32, 87' 32, 32, 82, 32, 79, 32, 32, 32, 82, 85, 82, 32, 51, 70, 32, 80, 85, 73, 68, 71, 80, 76,
208, 250, 169, 85, 194, 232, 11, 24, 32, 210, 255, 169, 255, 136, 208, 255, 169, 32, 57, 3, 32, 10, 176, 5, 201, 100, 176, 255, 166, 2, 32, 43, 194, 74, 74, 74, 2, 41, 15, 194, 165, 2, 128, 144, 51, 233, 128, 141, 58, 3, 168, 32, 210, 255, 150, 193, 10, 3, 185, 105, 202, 208, 246, 32, 210, 255, 169, 32, 32, 210, 255, 238, 52, 194, 173, 3, 76, 22, 17' 240, 106, 81, 208, 241, 41, 254, 133, 0, 4, 185, 185, 0, 161, 165, 153, 0, 0, 6, 185, 185, o. 163, 167, 153, 0, 1, 9, 1, 3, 172, 55, 173, 52, 3, 3, 133, 204, 32, 210, 255, 165, 2, 56, H, 193, 169, 210, 255, 96, 24, 32, 240, 255, 96, 201, 55, 32, 210, 32, 210, 255, 255, 169, 32, 32, 210, 255, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 72, 84, 32, 68, 73, 83, 32, 32, 32, 69, 84, 76, 32, 32, 32, 78, 72, 77, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32. 32, 32, 72, 84, 71, 83, 80, 67' 71, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 70, 53, SO, 32, 70, 70, 56, 83, 32, 32, 32, 80, 82, 79, 78, 83, 66, 71, 82, 49, 82, 76, 66, 85, 82, 76, 67, 89, 78,
221, 224, 240, 192, 250, 133, 52, 169, 5, 169, 165, 24, 32, 201, 201, 58, 162, 200, 24, 194, 76, 165, 210, 57, 57' 193, 201, 120, 1, 0, 153, 217' 0, 153, 219, 133, 3, 141, 141, 104, 233, 32, 174, 255, 10, 255, 96, 32, 96, 32, 32, 32, 69, 32, 87, 68, 69, 32, 32, 32, 82, 32, 32, 70, 32, 52, 82, 66, 70, 82, 71, 76, 70, 83,
32, 21, 255, 160, 169, 2, 194, 48, 169, 0, 2, 32, 67' 32, 161, 3, 3, 202, 101, 32, 150, 2, 255, 3, 3, 32, 145, 160, 185, 164, 0, 185, 166, 0, 200, 1, 24, 134, 53, 64, 28, 32, 57' 169, 144, 96, 169, 210, 18, 32, 32, 32, 78, 32, 82, 87, 68, 32, 32, 82, 78, 32, 32, 49, 70, 32, 84, 76, 67' 78, 82, 71, 84, 80,
210, 144, 169, 14, 189, 169, 165, 32, 48, 32, 41, 67' 194, 144, 176, 10, 185, 208, 2, 210, 193, 32, 169, 230, 201, 228, 240, 0, 0, 153, 5, 0, 153, 7, 208, 88, 32, 2, 3, 76, 133, 210, 3, 18, 7, 24, 144, 255, 159, 32, 32, 32, 65, 32, 32, 78, 69, 32, 32, 69, 66, 32, 32, 32, 55, 70, 85, 75, 76, 76,
255 222 173 32 32 6 2 210 32 205 240 194 32 35 47 24
204 246 168 255 169 210 13 2 20 255 105 165 160 0 185 162 0 185 205 174 240 173 169 14 2 255 160 32 24 105 32 169 176 32 32 32 32 32 32 82 76 32 32 68 76 79 32 70 32 54 80 67 83 82 so, 76 82, 51 89, 69 67
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Transacto r
Combiner A utility for geoWrite files
bv Nick Vrtis â&#x20AC;˘
Combiner is a program which I w r01e to take multiple geoWrite Ii les and combine them into a single file. It comes in very handy when you have a number of separate documents and wan t to combine them so that you can edit and pagi nate the w hole thing. G EOS can be pretty slow if you are working without a RAM ex pander on a large document, so I found it quicker and easier to work with smaller fil es. This way Tcould key. spell check, etc. each fil e as a small piece. then combine them for final preparation. It also came in handy when someone would write an article for our newsletter and I had to combine that arti cle with the rest of the articles. When you double click on Combiner. you arc presented with the M ain M enu screen. This Main M enu has fou r items to select from: G EOS - This item is a pretty standard GEOS menu item. You
can run any Desk Accessories which are on the same disk that Combiner was loaded from. You can also get information about Combiner. D one - Select this item when you are finished combining documents. It has two submenu items: Quit will quit Combiner, and return you to the DeskTop and geoWrite w ill load geoWrite and l et you edit the last output document you created (as if you had double-cl icked on the document icon from the DeskTop). Note that in order for thi s to work properly, geoWrite must be on one o f the disks currently in the active drives. Hel p - Thi<; item is a short serie of screens which covers the basic operation of Combiner. just in case you have forgotten something and don't have this documentation handy. Begin - This i tem is selected to tart the process of combining an input li le w ith an output file. After you have combined an input with an output. you wi ll be returned to the Main Menu screen w here you can select Begin aga in to repeat the process (ei ther wi th the same output file, or a new one). If you select Cancel from any of the w indows in the process, you will be returned to the M ain M enu screen. The fir t thing that happens after you elect Begin is that you are presented with a eries of windows to identify the output Volume 9, Issue 6
document. The tirst window gives you a choice to Create an new output file. or to Open an existing file and add to it. Create wi ll ask for the name of the new output file. If that file already exists on the disk, you wi II be asked to confirm that you want t.o delete the old version. I f you select Open an existing fil e, you w ill be presented wi th the standard GEOS scrolling filename wi ndow showi ng all the ReoWrite documents on the disk. Highlight the output file you want. and click over the Open box. Once the output file has been determined. the input file needs to be selected. This is done through a â&#x20AC;˘ tandard scrolling filename window (the same way geoWrite lets you select an existing fi le). Cl ick to highlight the name of the file you want to use as input, and click the Open box to use that file. The last th ing Combiner needs to know is where to put the input in the output fi le (in terms of pages). Combiner can pick off any number of pages from the input file (it doesn ' t need to be the whole document). It can also put tho e pages after any page of the output file (or insert them at the beginning). I n order to get this informa1ion. Combiner puts up a window with five boxes. The first box requests the first page of the input document you want included in the output. The second box requests the last page of the input document you want included. Both the first page and the last page are included, so in order to select a single page, put the same number in both the first page box and the last page box. The third box requests the page number of the output document you wan t the new pages placed after. All the pages specified by the first page number and last page number will be placed after thi page of the output. For example, if you wanted to put the first two pages of an input document after the second page of an existing document, 'first page' would be I , ' l ast page' would be 2, and 'afte r page' would be 2. Page I of the input would become page 3 of the output. To insert the input pages at the beginning (before page I ) of the output, use a value of 0 for the 'after page'. When this window is fir t opened. the three numbers are initialized to select the w hole input document and insert it at the end of the output document. I f you are creating a new
output document, the 'after page' shows up as page 00. To get from one number box to the next. click in the box you want to go to. You don't have to fill in the boxes in order. You can exit the window by one of three ways. Hitting Return or clicking over the OK box will close the window and use the numbers currently in the boxes. Clicking over the Cancel box returns you to the M ain M enu without processing any input. T here arc currently three different document versions produced by vari ous geoWrite versions. Version l .x is from the geoWrite shipped wi th the original GEOS (version 1.0 , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). Version 2.0 is from Writer's Workshop, and version 2 .1 is from the Writer's Workshop upgrade or GEOS version 2.0. Combiner will combine different ver ions of geoWrite documents. When you are creating a new document its version is determined by the version of the first input file. Since Combiner will combine a version 2. 1 document w ith a version 1.3 and produce a version 1.3 output fi le, it is conveniently al lows owners of l.x versions of geoWrite to edit files that have been produced originally by 2.x versions. You should be aware that there are features w ithin version 2. 1 (and 2.0) which are unavai lable wi th version 1.3. Combiner drops the unsupported features w hen combining a higher version fi le into a lower version. Any graphics which are referenced in the pages selected from an input document w ill be copied along with those pages. Combiner doesn't bother copyi ng any graphi cs not referenced by the pages selected. Version 2 of geoWrite allows for a header and footer page. Combiner wi ll not select headers or footers from the input as there can only be one set of headers and footers per document T hey are not removed from the output document, so if you need the headers and footers. usc the DeskTop duplicate option to make a copy of the file wi th the header and footer and use it a the first output file.
windows. Combiner will run Desk Accessori es, handles multiple drives, custom cl ick boxes in a window, and multiple input fields in one w indow. I 've tri ed to keep the source code well commented, so I w ill only present an overview in thi s article. The routine labels I' ve used are those from Alexander B oyce's GEOS programmer's reference (except for the genera] purpose page zero locations). {The BSIV labels and hex
addresses are provided in square brackets following the first usage o.f'each Boyce lobel.-MO] I ' ll start wi th how the geos portion of the main menu is setup and hand led. What really happens is tha t the geos item is set up a<; a submenu from the main menu. When the source was coded, the submenu was set up to handle all nine possible items (eight Desk Accessories plus the info item). Then as part of the initialization process, Combiner uses TABLE [FindF7)â&#x20AC;˘pes. $c23b) to get a list of the names of Desk Accessori es. TABLE return s a list of names w hich arc 17 bytes apart, and zero-terminated, so the addresses don ' t need to be changed. A l l that needs to be adj usted in the submenu entry is the number of items i n the list, and the height of the menu. The number of entries left is returned by TABLE. so a simple subtract gives the number used. Each entry takes 14 pixel s, so the height can be calculated easily. ote that one of the reasons for the info option is so that the submenu under geos always has at least one entry. Running desk accessories Running a Desk Accessory from wi thin a program is reall y prett y simple. A ll you need to do is point LOAD [GetFile, $c2081 to the name you want, and GEOS takes care of saving and restoring the piece of your program which is going to be overlayed. lf your screen is not complicated. tell the Desk Accessory not to bother saving and restoring the screen. This can save some di k t/0 if the Desk Accessory has to create a temporary file to save the screen.
Combiner w ill handle multiple drives if they are present on the system. You can also have the input and output documents on different disks (even wi th a sing le drive system). Combiner will ask you to insert the necessary disks as they are needed. Combiner reads as much of the input document into memory as it can and then wri tes it out in order to keep disk swapping to a minimum in a single drive system. Desk Accessories are aJways loaded from the disk that Combiner was on w hen it was loaded from the DeskTop.
Combiner has been tested under versions 1.3 and 2.0 of GEOS, and version 1.4 of GEOS 128. fin tests here at the Transactor offices. it was necessary to exit 10 a 40-co/umn version of geoWrite with GEOS 128 v2.0 - MO] Programming considerations I n addition to being a useful program to have around. Combiner contains a number of example of how to make use of various feature within GEOS. In addition to the nonnal menus and
M ost of the GEOS env ironment is preserv ed during the running of the Desk Accessory. Unfortunately, Berkeley has never published much about w hat a Desk Accessory can and cannot trash. so l would be a little careful. Obv iously, the general purpose registers (rO - r 15) are not preserved, nor are the disk buffers. Strangely. 1 haven' t found anything in GEOS which indicates an open or a closed VLIR file. so I would not count on this being preserved between calls to a Desk Accessory. If you think about it. the e restrictions aren ' t too bad. Since your program controls when the menu entry i active. just make sure that you aren' t in the middle of some complicated update when you activate it. You might be interested in looking at how the geoWrite option of Done is implemented. This is an example of how to tran sfer from one program to another as if it had been double-clicked on from the DeskTop. This avoids the has le of reloading the DeskTop j ust to get to geoWrite to clean up the file you j ust created.
Text windows and custom click boxes There was a little challenge in doing the Help windows. The way text is implemented in windows, each line has to be a separate entry in the window definition. This is because the wrNDOW routine [DoDigBox, $c256] sets the left margin to zero (instead of the left edge of the window) so a carriage return in the text takes you outside the window. Having each line as a separate entry either means a separate window definition for each help screen, or adjusting a lot of pointers for each line.
do all click boxes at once, because GEOS can only handle one set at a time. Any boxes specified in the window definition will replace those you have defined in the setup routine. I wanted to show the default values for each of the page numbers required within a box. But, when CBOXES [Do/cons, $c15a] draws a box, it overlays anything under the box area (it makes sense when you think about how GEOS draws graphics). The first thing WHERESET does is put up the click boxes. Then it displays the default values for the pages within the areas where the boxes are by calling WHEREIN.
Handling user text input I didn't care fo r either alternative. So I cheated and used the 'set next character position' function code ($ 16) within the text. The three bytes after this code specify the absolute x and y coordinates where the following text is to be displayed. The Help window definition has only one text pointer (rl2). This points to one long text string which contains positioning commands to fo1mat the text correctly. The bad part of doing wi ndows this way is that if you move or resize the window, you have to go back and recalculate all the positioning. The Begin main menu entry really starts the combining process. The code in this section is pretty straightforward. The way the Drive option is implemented is that windows which may or may not have a Drive box on them have been designed with that box definition at the end. Unlike menus which start with a count of the number of entries, windows end when they have a func tion byte of zero. So, by putting the Drive box last, it can be included in the window by making the function byte equal to $ 12 (custom click box), or removed from the window by making it equal to zero. Combiner checks NUMDRV during initialization, and sets the
function bytes appropriately for those windows which may or may not have a Drive box. This way, the code which processes the wi ndows doesn' t have to worry about whether there are enough drives. The only way that code will be executed if there was a Drive box in the window, and there will only be a Drive box if there is more than one drive on the system.
Non-standard windows Probably the hardest part of this program was doing the window asking for the staning page, the ending page, and the page to put them after. It is definitely a non-standard window 1 The way I wanted to implement it was to have all three numbers on one wi ndow, and let the user c lick on any of the numbers to get into that box and change it. 1l1is is similar to the way geoWrite implements the search and replace function (in fact that 's where I got the idea). There were challenges though. The trick is displaying text within a click box. The window processor doesn't do any click boxes until the very end of processing (regardless of where they appear in the window definition). So what I had to do was put up and display all the click boxes for the window from within a routine (labe led WHERESET) which gets called after the window is drawn. You have to Volume 9, Issue 6
In order to start the process, one text input function needs to be defined in the window definition. You don 't want to define all three, since INPUT [GetString, $e lba] saves a copy of the carriage return entered vector and replaces it with its own value. If you call INPUT twice, the second call saves the wrong carriage return vector and when you hit return INPUT gets in a loop. Each page value has a control block associated witl1 it. This block keeps the values which are needed to switch between one input area and the other (the input buffer, the number of characters entered, and the text cursor column). When the user clicks over one of the value boxes, two routines get called. S VWHERE takes the necessary ÂŁNPUT values and saves them in the current control block (the current block index is saved in WIDXSAVE). Then NXTWHERE is called to move the new values into the areas where INPUT uses, and finally calls PROMPTON to move the text cursor. As far as INPUT is concerned, nothing ever happened. These rout.ines are not totally general purpose, since there is a lot in common with each area (size, starting column, number of characters, etc.) The whole window is closed by one of three actions: l ) entering a Return in any of the input windows, 2) c licking on the OK box, or 3) clicking on the Cancel box. Cancel takes you back to the main menu while the other two fall through and process the input from the window. One final bit of cleanup needs to be done before error-checking the user 's input. When INPUT is accepting characters, it just keeps track of where the next one will go, but doesn't put the zero at the end of the string until the Return is entered. This works fine if you have only one input area; but with more it is possible to have shortened a fi eld and then moved to another field. The first fie ld would not be properly zero-terminated but. the count of the valid characte rs has been saved, so Combiner makes sure all three fields are properly terminated before checking the values. That is really the end of the major programming challenges (due to the way GEOS works) that I encountered while doing Combiner. There are a number of other details which needed to be taken care of. Rulers need special attention when converting between various revisions of geoWrite (a ru ler is tl1e set of codes which define the margins, tabs, etc.). Version l.x (any of the original geoWrite versions) only has one ruler per 53
page, and they are shorter than version 2 rulers. So whenever Combiner goes from version 2 to version I, it has to shorten the ruler at the start of the page. and discard any rulers found within the page (version 2 allows rulers at the start of any paragraph). Likewise, when going from version I to version 2, Combiner has to lengthen the ruler (and set up a default value for the paragraph indent). There are even some conversions which must be done when going between the two different vers ion 2 documents. Version 2.0 was delivered with the original Writer's Workshop, and is the default version created by the new C64 versions of geoWrite. The difference between version 2.0 and version 2. 1 i that version 2.1 margins can go from 0.2 inches to 8.2 inches. and version ? .0 (and ver ion l.x) goes from 1.2 inches to 7.2 inches. This means that when going between these two versions. the values for the margins and tabs need to be adjusted. A value of zero for the left margin amounts to the 1.2 inches mark on the page for version 2.0 documents, and 0.2 inches for version 2.1. This is a prerty easy conversion, as all early version tabs are available in 2.1 rulers. But, a tab (or margin setting) of less than 1.2 inches (or greater than 7.2 inches) is meaningless (and impossible) in a 2.0 or l.x document, so Combiner has to correct for these. The only 'gotcha路 is that the 7.? inch value used in versions l.x & 2.0 i!> one less than the pixel value needed by 2.1. You wi II notice an odd check for this in the program. Combining graphics
Another minor adjustment which needs to be checked for when combining documents is the way graphics are referenced. In GEOS. graphics are not imbedded directly in the document. They are indicated by a graphic!> e cape character, the size of the graphic. and the VLIR record number where the graphic is actually stored. In order to combine documents properly, any graphic escapes found in the input pages need to have the VUR record number adjusted because graphics from the original document may already be occupying that record. You also need to keep track of what graphics are actually used, ince it would be possible for the user to select pages from the input which don't use all the graphics. The way Combiner doe this is to have a 64-byte table (PICSUSED). This allows one byte for each possible graphic VLIR. This gets initialized to zeros. OLDPICS starts with the first free VLIR record from the original fi le. When a page gets read in, it is scanned for the graphics escape character ($ 10). When one is found, the input VLIR record is saved in the next available table slot (pointed to by OLDPICS). The record number is then changed to the value of OLDPICS. as that is where it will go in the output file. Once all the input pages have been combined. PICSUSED is scanned for any non-zero values. That VUR record from the input tile is read in. and gets written out a a new output VLIR record. 54
Dealing with end of text markers
One other 'adjustment路 needs to be made to text in the process of combining page . When geoWrite stores a document. the last byte on the last page is a zero to indicate end of text. When Combiner needs to insert a new page after the last page of the output file, it needs to read the last sector of the last page. and replace the zero with a end of page character (the ASCII form feed - $0C). For the same reasons, if Combiner has to insert what was the last page of an input file in between pages of the output fi le, the zero at the end of the input page needs to be replaced with the form feed. Maximizing availa ble RAM Combiner reads in as many pages of input into RAM as it can
before writing that data out. This reduces the number of disk change which occur in a single drive system when the input and output disks aren't the same. In order to increase the size of available RAM for the input buffer, Combiner doesn't use the background screen which normally goes from $6000 to $8000. Whenever GEOS closes a window (or menu) it calls the routine pointed to by IRECVR. with the coordinates of the area to be recovered. ormally, IRECVR points to the routine which transfers a box from the background screen to the foreground. Combiner changes this vector to REPAT. The screen for Comhiner is relatively simple, and except for the title area on
the bot.tom, it is simply a pattern fill. So in most cases, REPAT simply sets the pattern to the one Combiner used in the title screen and calls PFILL [Rectangle, Sc 1241 to replace the pattern. The only exception is for the Help windows which extend into the title area. Whenever this happen , REPAT has to redraw the title area as part of the window recovery. REPAT actually gets called twice when a window is closed. Once for the border, and once for the main window. The position of the Help window and the value that REPAT checks for were carefully chosen so that it recovers the title area only once. The method of buffering deserves some explanation. Combiner uses all the RAM from the end of the program to $8000 (the start of GEOS torage) for a big buffer. Each time a page gets read in. the first two available byte are reserved as a pointer area, and then LCHAll\ [ReadFile, $c Iff] i called in an attempt to load the VLIR record into the area available. After the page is processed (remember, the size might have changed if going between version 1 and version 2 type documents), the ending address is saved in the pointer fi eld at the start of each page. The process is then repeated until either LCHAIN says a record would not fit, or we run out of input text pages. In either case, a zero i stored at the end of the last record that has been read in successfully (any record truncated by memory limitations is ignored - it will get picked up in the next pa s). Transactor
Combiner then begins at the start of the buffer area, and writes out pages until it sees the zero pointer. In order to write a page, you need to know the starting address, and the number of bytes. The starting address of the data portion is two bytes past the current address pointer (RA2), and the length is the difference between that and the ending address from the pointer area. After the VUR record is written, the old ending address becomes the new current address and the process is repeated. This continues until Combiner finds the zeros as the new current address. This signifies the end of the data in memory. All that needs to be done is a quick check to see if all the requested pages have been processed in order to determine if we are done. Handling the graphics VL!R records is done the same way. The only difference is that the PICSUSED table needs to be checked to determine which graphics pages need to be read in, and to which record they need to be written.
$0c $0e $10 $12
rS r6 r7 r8 r9 r!O
I ll r12
. ' string = pline = scnflg = mousex = mousey = . ' ra2 ra3 raO ral
That pretty much covers the high points of the Combiner code. The details are commented within the code. I had to break the source into two separate fil es and an include fil e because geoAssembler couldn 't handle it all in one piece.
.endm .macro
$HCOMBINER - Headerjilefor Combiner
.endm .macro
; $RCOMBINER - Combine multiple geoWrite files into one - N. Vrtis 1/89 ; Header definition file
$16 $18 $la $24 $26 $2f $3a $3c
;input string pointer
$70 $72 $fb $fe
;pointer to start of a buffer area ;pointer to data part of buffer area (ra2+2)
ldptr lda sta lda sta
; forground/background flag
p,pz l[(p)
I I (pl pz+l
window p ldx II (pl ldy I (p) .JSI Ixywindow movew lda sta lda sta
src,dst src+l dst+l SIC
.header .word 0 .byte 3 .byte 21
;first two always zero ;size of ICON always fixed
.byte .byte .byte .word .word .word
;CBM filetype is USR ;GEOS fi letype i s Application ;GEOS file structure i s sequential ;where to load program ;ending address ;begin execution @load address
$80+3 6 0 start patch+30 start
.byte "COMBINER Vl.l",0,0,0, $00 .byte "Nicholas J . Vrtis",O, O,O .block 160-117
; (40 column only) ;unused in header
.byte "Combine multiple geolirite files into a single file .", $0d .byte "Nicholas J . Vrtis - 1989", 0 .endb ; end of $HCOMBINER
/HCOMBINER -Include file for Combiner ; /COMBINER- Combine multiple geoWrite documents into one. -Nick Vrtis 1/89 ; include file used to define Page zero locations &GEOS routines rO r1
r2 r3 r4
$02 $04 $06 $08 $0a
Volume 9, Issue 6
' bufO bufl buf2 tsbuf direntry dfname ddname curdrv num.drv irecvr cursx cursy wincmd inplen . ' pfill setpat dsptxt a:.enu eramns cboxes movedata drwmnu grphc2 input cmenus read write save lchain follow load lookup dsetup
$8000 ; $8100 ; $8200 ; $8300 ; $8400 ; $8442 ; $8453 ; $8489 ; $848d ; $84bl ; $84be ; $84c0 ; $85ld ; $87cf ;
1st disk buffer 2nd disk buffer 3rd disk buffer Track/Sector buffer directory entry after open double clicked filename double clicked disk name current drive number number of drives in system screen recovery vector used by INPUT to store info "â&#x20AC;˘ command froo window close used by INPUT to store info
$c124 ; $c139 ; $c148 ; $cl51 ; $cl57 ; $elSa ; $cl7e ; $cl93 ; $cla8 ; $elba ; $clbd ; $cle4 ; $cle7 ; $cled ; $clff ; $c205 ; $c208 ; $c20b ; $c214 ;
Rectangle SetPattern UseSystemFont DoMenu RecoverAllMenus Doicons l!oveData ReDoMenu i_GraphicsString Get String GoToFirstMenu GetBlock PutBlock SaveFile ReadFile FollowChain GetFi le FindFile EnterTurbo
pattern fill an area set display pattern display text menu processor erase all menus draw click boxes move a block of data redraw menu inline graphic commands get text input close all menus read in a sector write a T/S save data to file load a fi le chain followdisk chain load desk accessory find file entry disk setup
readl restrt clrrdy delete ~le
rindow opnser clsser vopen vclose ~
"l'f'GII Yl!l'f
pro!ipton opndsk dnset dnnu clsvia
= -
$c2la ; ieadBlocl $c22c ; ErlierileUTop $c2l2 : w~ Sc2l8 ; D!leterile $c2 ~ ; Ficd!Tj-pes $c256 ; DoOlqBox $c25c ; InitForlO $c25f ; OoceWitbiO $c271 ; ~ord!'ile $c277 ; Close.~oord!'ile $c210 ; Poitt.'<eoord $c28! ; ~"'l,eoord $c21f ; irit!F.eccrd $c2!b : FrCllpiOn $c2al ; (.):ecDisk $c2b0 ; SetDevice $c2!8 ; GelPt!ClirDklll $c2bf ; RstrFIIDialoq
• diJk rud sta drvoptl • rtlcad desktop stl dmptl • stq~ tmo colt . • delete a file • ; Sere is tbe pom to p:t t!lflliAIW bid cp • cmte file list table · proem v1cdow c.ands I!!Ul: lt\l(r aaini!Jiu,~ ;® uimlecu · open channel to disk ldl ll ;on' HtLP' • done vith i/o • open vlir file illl aenn • close vlir file do.itlp: 1111 ID • set 'lit c:blin I btlplp: sts btlpilll • at\l rtOCrd to rill • me dlta to rlir rtOCrd Ida bt!Pftn,z • toru tut prCIIpt on tiM positioo) stl rl2 · open disi1n drift Ida hell¢rsH,1 • set drive I sta rl2tl • qet disk nue rindov helpv • close viodor Ida !0 ;c:bk opt ion
; e.ld of /(OO!m
$I COM BINER -First source file ; $1COOI!I!R · C~ine 111ltiple qeoirite files ; Nicholas J. Vrtis ; 5163 Pinetree S.! ; r.entvood, XI 1!508 .!WOO! /OJ!Bim .psect start: Ida l$80 sta scoflq ldptr repat,irecvr jSI opentitle
;Pq rm I G!t\1 defiDih~
; I vi ll be us iaq the badqrOWid scretn ;so tell GEOS not to use it ; set ll'f vector to reeovtr ;do openinq credits ;sm D.l . disk drivt
dal!sidn odsb!rr idskdrv
;also as ia1tal O'Jtplt a.d 1npn drift
ldx ]Sr ldy
Ida sta dey bpi ldptr Ida sta Ida sta Ida sta sta JS!
llrO dnnao
115 [rO) ,y dadsw,y
Ida sbc tax ora sta Ida calcga: clc adt del bpi !h Ida ap bee lda
;save D.A. disk nile
dul,r6 15 rl
;find D.l.'S ;loolicq for D.A.'S
;up to 8
;oo class
riO riOt I table
;calc to¥ uny fCl:ld :8 D.A.'s ! I for 00'0 1m
rHI 1$80 ql(lpts IO
;save cnt ;add verticalll!no option bit ;calc ~eon h¢ ;II for each {!II)
Ill cal. ~
olllldrv 11 rl!l!lll l$11
b:ie 1111 itJ illl
btlprtc belpilll
Ida ltl
;dletk if 2 drim available
; •.drift DOt milal>lt ;else wle -driwe· clid bous
; ..IXlt
;JUt btlp pa:tl
II [whelp·belpptrs) belpip dmmu
; ..110re to sbor ;redrar the menu
®Wo: windov Wll!l liP dnJm
:redru tbe ~t:~o
boc helprtn: illl
doq!orritl. lt\l(r ldptr ldy 115$: Ida sta Ida stl
&!iwie, r2 dfnaDe, rl
;setup pointers to ~W~~/disk o! C~otpnt
116 odskrll,y (r2), y Oltm,y trJ)'J
dey bpi Ill$ ldptr qemite,r6 ;loarl1201GITI proqr11 ;say 'do1ible elided' Ida 1180 sta !0 )II laad jsr error ;j~st in Clse load had 10 error • Jill dmrrl
dodal: Ida .byte $2c dcda2: Ida .byte $1c dcda3: Ida .byte $2c ®dal: Ida .bj'h $2c doda.S: Ida .byte $2c &ida6: Ida .bytt $2c dcdal: Ida .byte $1c ®daB: Ida sta )I!
;offset to start cf lllll!
ldanl-danl ldacl-danl ldacl-danl
IWWcl ldac6-danl ldacl-danl ldacB-danl raO e!IIUS dadskdrY l(dadsia IJdadlir.a chidli dcdauit
Ida ldr ldy jsr beq clc Ida ral aile l[dacl stl r6
;me offstt ;elm off au~ ;rm rue D.l.'Smilahle
;di&l't rant to lllllllt D.A. disk ;e~lc adr of start of o~~e
ldl Ide sta ldl sh sta )II )II
l]danl ID r6tl IO rO riO lead opentitle
;co opticru ;I viii restore screen/color ;mtore screen
Jill rl!l!ll1
;qo plt I!JI' bad tp
lflpw: .byte $01 .byte 11,174 .vord I .vord 301 .byte $0c,2,15,rl1 .byte $01,2,115 ;·ok· .byte $01,3l, ll5 ;·wee!· .byte 0 btlpl: .byte $18, "'JSJm is I proqtll to cx.biJie rutipJe geairite' .byte $16,6,0,13 .byte 'doct:le.:l~s into one.' .byte $16,6,0,63 .byte ' Tbe l!ainllenu options are:' .byte $16, 6, 0, JJ .byte $12, 'CEOS', $13,• ·Lets yon CUD aoy Desk Accessories on the' .byte $16,6,0,83 .byte •disk (OOJm m loaded f!01. • .byte $16,6,0,!3 .byte m,'llote', $13,. - {111! 1M retm to the l:'clfop, 0! 90 to' .byte $16,6,0,103 .byte 'qeoWrite and edit the last ontpct ~t. ' .byte $16,6,0,113 .byte $12, ' Beqin",$13," • Start the process of c~ininq doculents' .byte $16,6,0,113 .byte •(lOre infomatio! to fol101). • .byte $16,6,0,133 .byte $12,'Eelp',$13,' • !his !tlp series of scree:s.' ,$lb,G belp2: .byte $1!, 'After roo Select S!SII, roo fill be pte5et\ed Yltb I ' .byte $16,6,0,13 .byte 'vindov which allows you to:' .byte $16,6,0, 53 .byte $12,'CREA!i', $13, ' a nev qeoWrite output docwlent .' .byte $16,6,0,63 .byte '{a follov oc window will ask for tbt cbmen\ me).' .byte $16,6,0,13 .byte $12,'0BI',$ll.' an wsticq qeolrite &xt.e!il. for ootyrt.' .byte $16,6,0,83 .byte ' [a follcv on windowrill pruent you with tbe' .byte $16,6,0,!3 .byte ' standard filename selection rindcv)' .byte $16,6,0,103 .byte $12, 'CA.~', $13, • and retura to tbe MaioMenQ.',$lb,O helpl: .byte $li, •an.e tbt iqlgt and ODtplt files lim been identified, • .byte Sl6,6,0,13 .byte 'yoa Geed to tell !n@!m hew uny pa;es o! tbt' .byte $16,6,0,53 .byte 'i!ipllt doc1ilent yoo v10t, 1M vhere to put thel in' .byte $16,6,0,63 .byte ' in the output docllll!nt . Avindov allows yon to' .byte $16,6,0, 1J .byte ' specify the stutioq and endinq pages {inclusive) to' .byte $16,6,0,83 .byte 'take Ina Ue itpot, w tbt pa;e t:IW to place' .byte $16,6,1,!3 .byte 'tblise pag!! AmR. Clid Dl'!r the ccal:tr to ~~m' .byte $16,6,0,103 .byte 'the cusor to that value and cbaoqe it. ',$lb,O belpl: .byte $18, 'COMBD!IR viii ooabine different ~ersions of qeoWrite' .bjte $16,6,0,43 .byte 'dociilerlts. ~ttl yon create a new docule:t, tbe' .byte $16,6,0,)3
.byte 'renioo is detmioed by tbt first III?OT cioculeJlt.• ldl .bytt $16,6,0,63 sta byte 'TOll cu allbille a l'trsloo 2.1 (frm GillS 2.0 or• sta .byte $16,6,0,ll I~ .byte ' gtOPl:blisll) dacaltAt ritA a l't moc l.l (frm GmS' viiJdor .bytt $16,6,0,83 ldl .bytt "l.l) . !he result eao tither bt a Version 1.3 ', $0!, 'OR',$0f ~ .byte $16, 6,0,93 beq .byte 'Versioo 2.1. ', $0e, 'Note' ,$0f, • thougb, that Version 1.3 cannot' ~ .byte $16,6,0,103 beq .byte 'blndle sooe l'ersioo 2.1 (2.0 or 2.1) options, so' ~ .bytt $16,6,0,113 beq byte 'tllm ue drqiped oo allb1W9 Vunoc 2.1 lilts" Ida .bfte $16,6,0,123 beq .byte ' toto a Vtrs1oo 1.3 file.", $1b,O l¥ r lelpl: .byte $18,'Graphics iocloded h a:~y of tbt 1arn pages ue' JU .byte $16,6,0,43 cpl .byte 'copied to th! output .• beq .byte $16,6,0,53 jsr bae .byte 'Too W!lot oop? h!aders or footm frCI an input' .byte $16,6,0,63 vil.dt¥ .byte 'l'ersioo 2.x Mnment. • Ida .byte $16,6,0 13 ap .byte •cacsm will iwdle t1tl:u la!tlple drivu, wl/rn' beq .byte $16,6,0,$3 ldptr .byte ' 1np11t and oatput frat d.iffuut d.isls. Teo rill be' jsr .byte $16,6,0,93 ~tid.sk2: .byte 'uied to insert tbe required disi vhen it is needed.• j1p .byte $16,6,0,103 outdn1: j1p .bytt "Out Aoc:essories are llvays la.ded frat th! disi' nmxlsk2: .byte $16,6,0,113 jlp byte ' <lucb va.s in tbe drivt IXICB!lil:R va.s loadtd fraa." re:E';)4: jlrr bft• $16 6,0,133 byte $19 • &ad o! ii3l1 Scrtu1.', $1b, 0 oldcct: 1¥1 . 1¥r • htlpptrs .. word btlpl ; Foioters to uch help screen ldftr ldptr .word btlp1 .word belp3 Ida .word belp4 sta .word helpS windw .W.lp: ;{lalbelp·helpptrs) is higb indel for screeAS ldl liiP .ud beq ; D1l of $liXIC8mR liiP beq
. tq'.J! r~ol:
.pstct r. .a JIP
dobeqin: jsr CID!DQS wiodov begin• ldl rO sta raO 12 Clip btq rflll!la3 Ida odsidrv curdrv ap beq savodsi ootdrv: }It aextdrv savodsi: Ida sta ldx Jl! ldy 101$: Ida sta
C1ltdrv odskdrv I(~
;clcseoenu ;get options ;save selected opt1oo ; .. ·wee!· ; ~ if em~~ drnt is saae u last w.pti ; .. yes ;&:lst be
dri11 (wbich villl:e !lEX!)
Ida sta sta
Ida liiP beq
...til.. rO 12 noenul 16 nevodskl l$80 outm outa noe::l outm,r6 lcohp
·got r.at fer lll¥ file
; .. -disi·
·.. ~
... oo -
:see tf hie mady ubts
15 ~ti<bk2
; .. doesn'T!XIS!
error w.enul r<plv
; ..other error ;uke me can rrpuoe
II rse:::l oata, rO
initidrv cutdrv
...·»; .. tben proceed
:r..:.sg' fmsgl OltCI.6
odskl'.o, fn'GS<j2 17 :applieatioa dlta type files filenv rl1
:get old oatput file na~e
nO 15 oldott
Volume 9, Issue 6
;ao old paqes yet ;or pictures ;get ' 1!!~!1' option ; .. 'Of!J'
old gtOllrite file
12 rene:n2
beq ldptr jsr jsr bot ju bcs su blt bpi
aeridrv inpoa, rO vopeo mer rueou1 qetvso qetidsi ivflag olu 201$
;get iopat file versioo ; .. cu't hlodle tbis ~ttsioo ;Slft lcpct ftrSIOQ ;cbd If oatpot decided yet ; ..yts-tvttythl"' set
sta sty st1 hr
;else 'OLD' vtrsioa is sa.e as 1st input
ovsnl!2 ovfhg oldllev
;clr 'NEW' bit {still need to create one)
cccttrecs olc!:ev 203$
; .. old lilt almdy
sta stJ
frstipqt paqts lutipge
I! ot..:disl
·.. ·dui·
Gtflag =trees o1doax oldpics oldpages 10 old:>ev vclose
; . . -drift·
; .. bad open ;get ftrllOD olllbet ' •• t:r.:p!lO.'Ud ltrsiCG iSilt ft!SiCG flag ;get I paqes I pictrms :save n 1!lls
; ..·dui· ; ..·drift' ;open itput file
;else stt w P19tl frat 1oput l!l't ; 1st milablt graphic page is same fer either
;done for oow
ldftr fpb1i,r10 win®w •hem Ida rO 12 liiP bot JJO$ !!lieU JIP
ldx sta ldx sta ldx sta ldx
f;blil4 fpbli, l lfi>lk+4 Jpb!k, X apbHI4 apbli, l
Ida idsldrv Olldrv
;uit sm last tsed it.;ti drne actift
qetid.si oevidn
; .. yu·r.o cU:qt tteded ; .. need to uit otlltr {lm) driTe romot
JIP oevidn: Jst qetid.sk: ldl sta ldx jsr ldy 1~2$: Ida sta
wtm rordrv idsldrv II~
beq bee fptrr: ldx
;tell to iosut nev disi ; .. go start process orer
:setcp nut drilt ;9et rorreet drilt I ;sart drive I :9et disi Dllll of illp11t dial
jop !pert: ldx .byte aperr: ldx ioc b:e difp: du cp1 bcs st1 ldx
Ida jsr
bcs du
;set defaolt stut/stcp as 1 to I pagu
;deflllt 11 &ltu last P19t
;set 'OLD' file flag
101$ 10
115 odsi:a,y
jsr bit
vritte1 d O
jsr bcs su Jl! su sty sta ldl sta Jlr llllt11!rv:
;get boot drive aaae
beq bne r-u2 : jxp
.lr.pa. rS
;get nd of ongteal
Ida liiP
102$ fniasq, fMsgl
n itecl,r!O idshla, fnmql Ida 17 sta r7 viodov filenw ;get input filtaaAe Ida rO 12 Clip ,. .. ·eaoetl· beq ti!IU'l2
; .. ·wctl·
1~ I~ l~r l~r
; save ahloa disk iofo
;don't klltJII ftrliOII ytt ·this u nrt file
l$i0 beq cutm2 ldptr cutao,rO jsr Topen jsr error
; $200Ka!HtR • CO!bioe IU!tiple geoWrite docuaeots into one . · Nici Vrtis 1/89
;these get dtfioed ill tbt 1st file ;Page tero I GtOS defio1tions
dty bpi
$2COMBlNER -Second source file
.ooeqill .iocl!lde /COO!lil:R
1$11 ovflag ollber
;set pointer for first page ;get 1st/last/after pages ; .. oct wee!
;uie rut 0 afur la.st e:.tutd d.iqit
fpblk fpblktl bOOy
;CCOVIrt TllQtl
; .. Oisbad ; ..go cbd for w ;' io11l id first page'
difp l$83 error ~tvhtre
l$84 $2c l$85 frsti?Je pgerr
;' invalid last paqe' ;BIT
;' invalid after pagt' ;restcre to w!At vas typed in ; .. Ul'CIIXIdiuocal
pages ~II
; .. paqt is toe b1g
frstipge lpbli lpblk!l binary lpm lperr
;save ;sane process for last paqe
; .. 0 is iovaltd iut page
cpz bcs
cpz bet im
ldz 11!1 jsr l:tq bcs des
bel illJ Il l
sta Ida lllc sta
; ..w ' t bt lm tbn first paJe
pagu !pur fllhl'l' lptrr
bloaty 303$ aptrr
;..wtrti.niJ at
oldplgts aparr 1111'91
ldl sbc clc
bet ldx jsr
,_i; ldx ldl 20~; sta
lut1P91 f1'1tlP91
;calc I P"ilt' bti.nq •ildtd
cldplgts olaz
·calc toW rmlti.nt; fll''
•.• tbtywill fit ·· roo wy Pl!ls"
ISIO m or gttldsi 163 ;elm used fliiJS for pictnres 10 picsustd,1
; here to ljlt pagu !roo 1np1rt into bllfftr ma J"llSill: lq,ir b:fbt9,nl ;bolter ma 11 espty Ida idsidrv ldz llld.sllll II1d.sllll lltf )It c!ldsk ;ub n re 1np1rt disk IOClttd ; .. ca:al !roo dlsi ooct r- aS beq ldptr l!llltl,rO ;optll tbt input file jsr .open jsr mor rcenuS ; ..error in open bne
• ; bert for tile start of mb p~ge
pagtloop: ldx jsr
frst1P91 '9QIO
C!" b:t
Ill 211$
jlp jsr
;go get the Pll" in ;cbtcl for oo tmlu spa mor ...act tl:.t ;tb t OHd to octprt J"llS in so far
errc: bnt reeaS ; .. load ftilod ldl 10 sta blckblf ; IUUIIt DO l:ickle'll!! Wilenqts ldx iffllg cpx ovfllq torult rok ; .. no ruler escape fix needed beq bcs tobadhl ; .. need to bicllml tile in~it file ; going froa lonr inpot llftl to bigbu nntput level cpz 12 ;cbtcl for V2.0 u inpot ; .. oo·>Vl.x to 1'2 .1 bot d ll'2l ; ..go ttl. for ll?im~ (2.0 to 2 1) beq cbhlpld 211$:
coro!uli: JIP tcUilltl: jlp It0ell!l5 : ill'
; lllst be fr01 Vl.1 to '12.1 vln2x: IIO'Itv n l, rl :need to txp~nd startioq ruler clc ldl rl Ide 120 ;filii p11t l.x ruler ltl rO ldl rill ti!c II sta rOll de adc
rl 121
;!0 tiert 2.1 ceeds
elc Ida ldt
sta ldi lilt sta JU sec Ida sbc
n~ler e~
(rl), y
Ida ldy sh iny Ida tu illy Ida ldy st• dey tu sta iny iny Ida sta cpy bee Ida ldy sta clc Ida ide sta bee icc
111 IO
;add ruler escape
(rl),y (rl),y
;like paragrph indeot•left a.rgio
sta bcs dec rulerok: ldx Ida cpx bcs Ida
(rl), y
sta Ida adc sta
(rl), y
;0 justification/text color/ reserved
IO (rl), y 116 601$ l$10 Ill (rl),y
cbrloop: jsr
rl 121·20 rl dlkcphl rlll
;set poir.ter past escape
rl ra211
IO rltl lljllv1
rulmk ul, rl
;adjust past start of each page ; IU\llt V2 .1 ; . .Ol ;~~at
bt Vl .x
nl rl raJ+! 10 rill
; .net
•.. ceocard escape
; ..gnpbic escape ; .. ruler ucape cevu~
rl 121·20 rl rulerok rHI ovflag Ill 12 300$ 121
jap tographic:
dlkapld: clc Ida adc sta Ida adc Ita
;blck ap eadlr.q addtm
;here to get input dlaracter ; .. end of input
;add to end of !mftr poUittr
rl 120 rl rl+l 10 rill perboft
qetdlr toendpage 116 toguphic Ill rultr
beq cap ; I don't knov v!iat tbis bit does ;but geoKrite sets it on
;.,,e TO is just past lABS
clc ad!:
; S!e
nevcard: Ida baprl: elc adc sta bee illt
if Deed to cplml the ruler
blcklY! ; ; !lt poillter to start of bcfftr sec ror blcklflf ;set lst bact lm l flaq bit ldl O'l!l•q cpx 12 ;dleck output lew! bes 60l$ ; .. DUSt be 2.1·>2.0 sec backlvlf ;set flag as 2.x·>l.x ror ldl ivflag ;check input version cpx 12 slidetabs ; .. goiog 2.0 to l.x (tabs values are 01:) beq 60l$ : ldy ;Nf''er have l.x input (vould be l.x·>l.x) 11 601$ : jsr lixincbes ;go adjust incll offsets 113 cpy bee E'l$ ;cbecl: bov fu bid lm l blt blckl•lf bvc rultroi ; .. 2.1· >2.0 u dooe ; Cftd to sllde tabs t:p for 2.x to l.x shdetabs: ldy 601$ : ldl (r4), y cley (rl). y sta iny iny ;don't bother vitb paragraph u.rgin cpy 111 bee 601$ clc Ida rl ;oove !'R!J! is jest past V2.x e~ tdc Ill rO sta Ida r411 ide IG stt rOll
ldy ldi Ulf su dey dey
rl rHl 10 rltl pert.:>w 1212·1&-1 (rl), y
!Uier: bit bvs
tm Ida asp beq jsr l01$: Ida bne rulerfix: ldy 301$: jsr cpy bee Ida
;!!!!ICARD skips 5 dlrs
;add offset to rO rl rl chrloop rill dlrloop backhlf rulemt !Uierfix ivflag ovflag 301$ Ul'ivl llH lxrprl 10 fitinches Ill·! 3CI$ Ill·! ~r4
; .. unooaditioaal ;dltcl: blcklml ; .. 2.x to l.x 2.1 to 2.0 ;dltcl: if sue ltvtl
; .. yes ;else uy need to uplevel tlle ruler ;RULER is 21 characters ; ..uncor.diticnal
;have already skipped tbe escape ;see 11 to the end of tabs/""1fins/etc. ; .. acre to do ;all hxtd ; .. go silp it
rulotm!t :
sec Ida sbc sta sta Ida sbc sta sta clc Ida ide sh Ida adc
, blchp to shrt of ruler escape rl
11 rl rl rlt 1 10 rHI rlt l
;that is the !0 ;vlll also be om dlmcter needed
; stan of lllltr 1 leoqth , i1!ll
rO rltl 10 rOll
bcs see ldl
rl 3CI$ rlll wloop
:•ddir.; is tbt mcllle of tbt cngiul
;died tml ; .. 1101 mo, so not tnd of c:Uio
;qt~ lm T/S
;old er.d •2 is !Art DSid cb&io indo ;slide left 2 bytts
see ldl sbc Stl beJ
dee jlp
' qupbic: ldy ldl tll ldl bne ldl
301$. 302$:
; shorteJl e~d of dlta llso
ll (r4), y
;get graphic record nuaber
picmed-64,x ;see if already referenced
; ..yu
bee ldl )It
301$ l$81 trror
su m ldl jlp
;doo't shp Wf 10re W!actm
;amt record 1lSed picn~td-64,1 ;u.p .ten stored (r4), y ;repbet ritb tev record id ;grapluc escape is 5 bytes II·I blpr4 ; ..qo slip it
as! tu
bll!J!l), I
lh idl sta dll des
hcflt2,1 bufltl, l buflt3,1
1:1. sta sta
50» 10 bJ!It2,s bJflt3,1
cps tee
jsr vappend inc xsm bpi 210$ vclose jsr openold: ldptr 011tna.r~ jsr YOptA error )If btq 210$:
btq jlp jlp
ldl Clip
d tpgt oldpqs tOlddllt
Volume 9, Issue 6
rHI to r1+1 IO
;dor.e ritb output for nov ;else set bov ve qot here ; •• we jast finished the last input page ; •• we netd to get 10re pa;u ; •• we ue finis~ ritb tho tut ponion
;cUd lttrt a&lioq ; ..1st paqe added to er.d
... m I:Cil·Cll!I
; •• ll011
; ..savt n s bid ;DIIt page to store to ; ..qo do ll10tbtr Pll!l!
ldx stx
sbc sta ldy
Ida sta btq 1ddlst: li!x btq del til jsr ldptr jsr jsr btq jsr jlp SC5$: li!x !eli
cpl bcs
topicsdollt ; .. Done ased Ida picmed,z beq 305$ ; .. tlliJ one not ased (end test ! 1st used} ldptr bclbeq,rll ;rem to stut of lmlfer area Ida idskdrv ldl l[idsl:a ldy IJic!skna jsr chl:dsl ;we sare 1nprt disk llltlted beq topic:sdnne ; .. CANCII.!d/DOt !Wiy doole ldptr inptll, rO jSr vopen ;open input file JSI error bne picerr ; ..error on open ; here to process each qraphic picture referenced in the iD?"i picloop: inc picinx ;buq> for lltrt pictm area ldx picinx
; .. oo·tben Ol tc vritt ;mrt hln 1 !ltll! It tbt end
rl rl+l 10 rltl
;cUd for out of roc:a in buffu
btq jsr bne
picsout error picerr nertarea picloop
; .. out of roaD, need to write vtat is ll'.ere
IO dovrite l$0c 501$
;set if tbis is hst P'l' to bt added
do tbt write
cpx lx:s
plcilll plCOutl
:tett proc:tss tbe pictms osed froo inp1t ;Sfi. 1Dpllt I output iodeJes to (shrt·l)
Ida btq
beq inc bot inc
picsout ; ..IM of pictms • vnp up last areas picsused-64,z picloop ; .. this etA act ased ; l is ir.p1t YLIR t:e()O rd I
ldl sbc
;replKt cill ritb ~ shp
lutipge todnorrite
; revrite T/S ;get 1'191 to vrite to
; ..oo·tben 01 to write ;elu om to Dike mt Jut cbu is noo·nuli ; here to get input pictures frill input pies in: ldx picinx ;set if any pictures netded 305$: ins
todmite liCe (r1), y
; .. opced ol :error-close ootput lilt
;set il this rill bt tbt laxt 1'191 to ldd
;ope tbe 01:tput file
;stlrt ! ·2 so l iDJ' s = o ; find eJld of clltin
addotb: li!x illl
;extend vlir file to 127 entries
for tbe surt of u cll piqt to output pa;eout : JSr qetuu ;point to a used uea bne 100$ ; .. am bas data in it
ldl sta todovritt: pP tOlddllt:
; .. eottld cot create file
: ~trt
vclose frstipge lutipge 501$
!be Ita
ram6: JI1P
jsr ldl
w in
sbc Ill ldy ldl
tsbuf-2,1 Ida sta rl ldptr bufO,rl write ]II dovrite: Ida aftpge jsr rritepage error JS! beq 303$ jsr vclose rllll!lU Jq> ll3$: lOt aftpge
m or bot r-u6 ldptr ootr.a, ~
sb ldx
tutdane: frsliJilO
; here at the end of mll input page endpage: jsr nutuu ;save eod of tbis am I setup next one inc frstipge ;blliiP to next input page ldl frstipge ap lutipge ;see if done yet btq pagiiO~t ; •. yes·write tbes out jlp pageloop ;tlst ~st 90 qet uo+..bu i!!ptt pigt .
;set tlus 11 .
; we titbr v'~ lml!u u u u foll, or all i.qm (>l;tS reJd pagemt: )S! Stttob ;sfi. er.d of bcffer fl~qs vdost ·dace vitb itllUt file (for !lllv) )1! • ldl odsldrv ldx l[odskna ldy IJodsknm jll chl:dsk ; we sure output disk 110uoted btq r111111nu6 ; .. CANCEL !roo 110nnt bit oldne• ; see if netd to create ootput file bvc opeliOid ; .. no ldptr writtlnfo, rl :else create one first ldl 10 sta riO sta old:ltY •file 11 tr11 O'..ll
; .. otber pigts •ddtd to tbt e:ld ;ale I cblins to lOTI 502$:
dty bot
; ..roc:a for at least I 110re ; •roo m y pictues'
; ..II rudy onds in null
; •. replace e.'lding P'l' slip vitb oull ;elso extend I cblr
500$ rltl
rl 101$ rltl IO (rO),y &mte oldpaqts dcmte
vqoto tsbuf,r3 follow mer 505$ l't!ose
;set initial T/S ;set buffer for !/S
;close tbt oetpct lilt lt)'Yif
IDdes to lilt du ;replKt w1tb p191 shp ;qt~
IIoc!slr.a c:Mdsl
jsr :we san ootput cbsk IC!:llted beq picsdo~~t ; •.o.uted/ !lllt really dote ldptr O!JtDI, ~ jsr vopen JSI error bne picerr ; .. error ; here to proctSs each picture from b~ffer picout : jsr qetarea ;setu;> pointers for a used area bne 301$ ; ..qot 1011e data to do
; ..error vntlnq ;setup next area ; ..go do another
topicsdone: jq> picsdone ; .. just puaiog through ; here vhen boffer files or tnd of pictures fom lllput picsout: jsr seteob ;set eJld of bcffer I reset pointer to stut JSr vclose ;do:~~ vitb lDput file (for ow) Ida odsidrv ldl I[odsltt
; .. oo adjustllent (oo old p1ges) ;else find Jut good chiD
9f~CS pigt in
picsdone pitsUI
;else see 1f dooe ••.dor.e •1tll ill p1ctuns
· . lOre qraphics to read
iDe li!x Ida beq
picoctx picoctx
;balp ootput collllter
301S rnt~p~gt
;gtt "" rta~rd I ; .. stip to ooe that vu used ;rritt it em
beq pian: Jsr piC$dont:
; .. qo do aootW
; Itt tbe proem start aljtiD
; Start of subrootiots ; ctld to lake san comet disk Is IOUJited clikdst: stz ral ;sm ptr to na.~e sty ralll tu clc
I'1' ·8 svpdstd
sh tu ap beq
ldx jsr ldy ldl ap
l (rO clrvDU
;slvt drive letter ;ct.ed a;uost cnrmt dnn ; •• <bl' t i;etd to q:ea
rtebtdst : c.Jai!xw:
115 (rO), y (nl).y swpdlt
; •. need to svap disks
rts svpdst: rude¥ swpdltv ldl rG ap 12
;comet latl:ted/retcro (IE sti) :pGt up rude¥ to srap !be disk
; •. a.ot ll!aL/rui!y disk we rts ; .. r:tturD vith ~ set if CAm ; advance to mt dril't nlllbtr (8 or 9) nertdrv: ldx C11rdrv ;qet rurent drive I inx ;hUIIp to cext cpx 110 ; .• ok bee Ill$ ;blct to 8 ldx 18 111$: tu )Sf drostt ;lake currut JIP opadsi ;rwl iD we ; all4¥ mr to instrt a w disk oevdut: ldl curdrr ;gtt currct drin de adc 1'1'·8 m addrin ;put drll't letter ill vio®r riodor cevdisiv jlp opndsk ;opeo/qtt disk oame ; calc leoqth of data to 10ve and the call !llWDATA pertaove: SIC ;a le nlllber of bytts to 10ve ldl r1 sbc rO su r1 ldl r111 btt
sta r111 IOYtdlta JIP · cbed: for mor Lld pGt cp vllldov rit.b clecodl!d MSSlfl' ii 14 error: tu ;~ for mor ; .. t~ 1!101 beq mrts sta aiscm ; so 11nys finds !Cittbinq ldptr trlltbl, 112 erlllp: ldy IO Ida miscm (r12),y Clp b!q mfDd ; . .f01lJid it erwtp: lDf ;Dot fOillld/filld er4 of ae.~saqe (rll). y ldl w mutp tyl MC ; Wp Oft! tlld alS4 adc !12 rll sta
bee iJlC bot trr!Dd: iJlC bot i.llC
erllllp rl2+1 erllllp rl2 115$
; ..lool
SOle lOft
; •.m>CDilditiooal ; slip put cede
C!ltpics: Ida ap beq ju tya beq
;aut process with pictures
;up to 61 pies in either
.;nw..:t ;..w of pl<tures Ida llSI:m Itt pies jsr uoi btt atpies stl lisarn! !lldamt: stz liscernlll Ida w riod<lw morr ldy p1es mrts : rts Ida PaiJU ; oomrt binuy nllliltr in Xr!<J to t1ftl ASCII di9its rts deciul : Ida 10 ;tbis is oot 'el!<Jant' , but it is effective ; redraw caGINER screen vbeo W INOOI/II!NU needs to restore it cpz IO b!q ascii ;0 is input repat: Ida openpat ;qtt pattm used frcc openinq screeD 117$: clc l" setpat ;ub C11rmt std )SI pfill ;that rill rutor:t scrltll tic II Ida r1tl ;cbtcl: bott(a cld 01p II (11111) ;to stt if Ulldou.g shaOOY of belp riodov del bcs 100$ ; •• Jt.l·i;etd to rtdrn title IXll bot Ill$ ;fill tbmtp to &SCI! rts ;else jut rttm ; CCCftrt n lllf in l nq to t10 ASCII w cW1tttn (in WJ !GO$: jlp rtdohtlt ;rtdrn tltlelm lKil: pU toucii ) II ; qtt wt character fr01 iopot buffer uu tu ;1st diqit in X qetcbr: ley ;qet nest test cliaracter IO pll Ida (rl), y lsr a IOC r4 ;~ for nest tiDe lsr a ooe 100$ lsr a inc rl+l lsr a 100$: Ida rl+l ;Jet if this was last character t~scii: lllod l$0f l$3, qll rlll Ofl ap till ooe 101$ ; .. w ' t be, rtt~D ritb li! set bee 116$ Ida rl de r1 qll 11'1: rts 101$ rh ; stt poi.Uer f!GI 1/T a:d cill IIDIXI roetw ; t:pjUde raler to '12 .I zrd.ador: ;ciJect for '12.1 cmpat ap!YI: Ida Offlsq sb ~ aop ll sty ~tl bee 611$ ; ••DO ~ rio®r ldy 10 ' (rl). y 610$: Ida ; qtt tbe vmion nllliltr for tbe directory entry I cMct if supported 11(180·1) ;check for old nax riqht (1.2' vas $1df) 011' qtt•sn: IIQVtl di mtt ryl19, rl ;90t t/s of info sector bne 612$ ; .. DO probleo ldptr bufO,rl :set rber:t to rtld it iDto Ida 1(180 ;fudqe to even 1.1 inches )II rtad 612$: cit ;iDVl .z or V2.0, pizel 0 is! 80 in V2 .1 ldx 11 ; iS Sl,llllf 1.1 ad!: ;qet VI 180 Ida baf0!9D sta (rl), y ldy ba£0192 ;qtt Vq ap I'!' i.ty noel · .. VI.x b!q (rl),y Ida i.r.z ; UDe 2.' adc IO ap l'l ' sta (rl),y QO!'JID bot ; ••aot Vl.s or '12.1 b tmr ioy cpy I' I' cpy 11+2+16+111 ;JI!IIIMt8 tahstpl ; ..'12 .0 bee mot 610$ bee inx ;mt be '12.1 or hiqblr 611$: rts vaook: clc ; set C« flaq ; setup the I!IPDT portions of the vind<lv asllo9 for paqe ou:rllers rts rbereset : Wlmn: ldx ;tell bid version l$82 ldptr vboxes, rO jsr error )SI c:bozes jsr vclose ;close file (CtD' t ~It it) Ida l ((apbli·vblk) ;setup the mor portions of vwe window ;nt BAll flaq sec ldx a!tpgt rts )II vhmiD ; =t tbe n!llber of test paqes ' p1cturt pages 1.11 tbe •lu !ilt !da l ((lfiiU·vbli) CCI:ltrecs: ;as!'llt Vl.s (!( w ) Ida Ids lubpgt cpz II vtmio jsr bee lOC~ ; .. VI.s l[(fpblt-vblt) ;actt ~~first paqe is last Ida Ia 161 ;tlst 61 w for Vl.s li!x frstlpqt 2110$: sta IU v~ereiD JIP Ida OOilll!m ;clen IO • sta paqes ; display values in vbtrt window I save pointers Ida 164 vhereio: st& vidxsave ;save for index offset sta pies clc ;calc nal address cntpaqu: adc l(wblt ldl paqes st& rO ;cbed: for full ap IU Ida l)vblt hcs cDtpics ; .. fill adc 10 jsr yqcto su rOt! tya Jll dtciul ;Cillftrt I to ucii ; ••to<! of tut ~ lltq cfltp!CS ld'f ridxsan l.IIC Jlf9'S ; •.ll!ICOOdlti0111l vbll,y bot atpaqes sta II~:
txa vblktl, y sta clc Ida vblkl3,y adc pline rl+l sta ldptr (6HIO) , rll dsptxt JSI Ida rll sta eursx Ida rllll cursxtl sta Ida 12 sta inplen ; save pointers !rem Clltreot widxsave svvbere: ldx Ida inplen rtlHI,x sta CUl'$1 Ida sta rtlk+S,x Ida cursxtl rtlH6,x sta rts ; advance to r•sted input nxtwbere: vidxsave sty vblk+l,y Ida sta inplen Ida vblH5,y sta CU!$1 Ida vblk+6, y sta ClltSXtl vblk+3, y Ida sta Cllrsy tya clc adc llvblk sta string Ida l)vblk adc IO sta stringtl prcaptcn JIP
;calc pixel line to display on
;DEF· DB·Li1"1+8
Ida sta jap ; lwldle click dodrv: Ida sta
;110ve co!UM to wbeze save will find
;have 2 chrs displayed ll!PIIl area in wbere window ;qet offset into buffer area ;save variable staff
area in where window ; save table index for save ;restore pointers frao the table
;calc address of strinq buller
; convert characters in X/ Y to a binary nlllliler ;check if 2 diqits binary: tay bne 150$ ; .. yes ;else 10ve 1st digit to 2nd txa ;and replace 1st vitb 0 ldx I' 0' rl ;save 2od digit for nov 150$: sta ,. 0' cpx ; .. bad digit bee beerr cpx 1' 9'+1 bes beerr txa l$0f aDd ; •2 asl a sta rO :•4 as! a :•8 asl a adc rO ;+'2=*10 sta rO Ida r1 I' o· Clip bee beerr ,. 9' +I Clip bes beerr and l$0f rO adc tax ;return v/ carry clear rts bcerr: sec ;set error flag rts : handle click on first paqe block in where window dopglst: ldy II !fpblk· rtlkl svvbere ;save current pointers dopg: )Sr nxtrhere ;lklve to new area )"!' : handle click on last paqe block in vbere window dopglst: ldy II (lpblk·wlk) ; ..uncooditicnal bne dopg : handle click on after page block in wbere vindow dopgaft: ldy II (apblk·rtlk) bne ; .. uncooditional dcpg ; handle click on Olt box in where window
Volume 9, Issue 6
Ida 11 .byte $2c
12 wioCid elmo 011 DRIVE box l$80 winCid
;set Ol oode
;set CAn!. oode ;close tile Yindot in various rindors ;retom $80 frOG a~stOG box
; lwldle click 011 CRIAI'E box in begin 1lindor dccreate: Ida l$81 riDCid sta
; fix tabl, etc. llllen ~ing fiOil V2.1 to other vusions filinches : Sl!( ;need to shift tabs down Ida (rl). y sbc 1(80 sta rS ;save copy for testing tu iny Ida (rl) , y ;in case of decinal tabl and 1$11 sbc 1)80 bcs 605$ Ida ;if <0, aale 0 IO tu 605$: "'!' 1)180 ;check if still too big bne 601$ lj4!0 cpx ; ..sire is ck 601$: bee 61JS$ ldx 11119 ;else this is Ill sire Ida 1)419 608$: stx r5 sta rill ;put back deci~~al flag if there before Ida l$10 bit backlvlf ;only if result is 2.0 bvc !06$ ; .. 2.0 Ida l$00 ;discard if re1111t=l.x (rl), y 606$: and r5+1 era sta (rl), y dey Ida r5 (rl), y sta ~ny
rts ; reat in a page of text or graphics to next milable buffer area readpage: clc ;read in a data page Ida ra2 ; lem rcall lor pointer to end of area ade 12 rl sta ;wbere to start !cadi"! sta ra3 ; save CO!'Y of start of data portico Ida !i2ll ade 10 sta r7H sta !i3+l ;calc bytes anilable sec Ida l(buler.<i sbc rl sta r2 l(bJ!end Ida sbc r7H sta r2+1 ;load the series of sKtcrs i'l' Ichain ; write a page of text or qraphics fr011 buffer area writepage: vqato ;position to write new page )51 sec rl ;calc bytes ned Ida sbc ra3 sta r2 Ida rl+l sbc rt3+1
sta r2tl lll)vew raJ, r7 vsave ]~ ; advance fma o~e buffer area to the next nextarea: Ida r1 ;get pointer to end of area used ;save at start of buffer area ldy 10 sta (ra2), y tax Ida rl+l 1ny (ra2). y sta ;end be<:oaes start of next area sta ra2tl stx ra2 rts ; set teros at tile end of buffer area used to flag tbe eod ; set end of buffer seteob: ldy 10 tya (ral), y sta iny sta (ra2), y ldptr bufheg, ra2 ; reset pointer to start of buffer rts ; setup pointers for an area to read data into ;set pointer to data portion qetarea: clc Ida ra2 adc 12 sta ra3 Ida ra2+1 adc 10 sta ra31l ldy ;qet eod of am pointer 10 (ra2), y Ida rl sta tax illy (ra2), y Ida sta r1H sta ra2+1 ; set pointer to start of next area n2 stx ;O=end of areas (else oe) rts cpentitle: ;opening screen jsr grphc2 .byte $05 cpeopat: .byte 24 ;pattern used to clear the screen .byte $01 ; erase screen .word 0 .byte 0 .byte $03 .word 320 .byte 199 .byte 0 redotitle: ;done this ny so lliPAT can redrawtitle jsr qrphc2 $05,9 ;pattern fill title area .byte .byte $01 .word I .byte 116 .byte $03 312 .word .byte 198 .byte $06 .word 20 .byte 190 .byte $18,$20,$la, 'Coobiner Vl.l', $lb,$18 ' Coabiae qecirite files. ', $lb,O .byte rts naii\!De.Jlu :
.byte .byte .word .word .byte .word .byte .word .word .byte .word .word .byte
0 14
0 120 I ;I DellU options qecs ;sulllenu $80 qeoSJienU done $80 donenenu begin $00 ; flash I run
.10rd .lOrd .byte .word ·"~!• .b!!e
qto~ :
doot: beqil: .¥e belp: .bytt
dcbl9ill blip $00 dabt!p
.>Old .byte .100rd .byte .byte .byte cttna: .byte opw: .bytt wcel.a: .byte
'liiOS' G 'Ooat',O I
• ••
cancelli $12,1, 6 ;-crtatecrtatebot $05,1,10 ;-ope:~;-a.oc:el$02,1,11 0 $18,'cew qt'Jirite file',O ' existi.nq ~te file', o ' and go to I!Wlluu' , $lb,O
nddri ve : .byte
.byte !Jibqt: .blod .10rd .wor4 910J"ir: .blod .Wllrd .byte .Wllld .lllrd .bytt .ocrd .ICrd .byte .ocrd .ocrd .byte .10rd .~rord
.byte .10rd .10rd .byte .word .word .bytt .ocrd .ocrd .bytt .lOrd .ocrd .bytt .1101'4 .bytt
ill!ow: .bytt .byte .word .bytt .wom .byte .ocrd .bytt .word .byte .byte in!<Ill : .byte illfllll2 : .byte inflllll: .byte iaflllil : .byte
II I 0 15
; rtut below llilloen~ ;belgllt dtpeodr on I D.A.' S
;I D.A.'S I I I $80 illfo 0 doillfo dW 0 dodil dW 0 dodr2 ~3
0 dodr.l dl!ll 0 dod! I dl!l5 0 dodr5
0 dod! I w1 0 doda1 dl.ni 0 dodr8 ' 0011811111. Info', 0 $!1 IOb,IO, U illf<lll $:b,IO,l5 illf012 $:b 10,50 !.:.foal $Db.l0,15 ill!let lOt 0 $11, 'CQIIlnl',$lb, $1S, ' Vl.I' ,O 'Jicbolu J. Vrtis', D '510 Plnttrte S.l . ',0 ' illntiOOd, Ill 19509' ,0
u 11111111 2115 $1)12 ~t
0 rtltrt ; reload dtiliop qtowritt 0 doqtO!tritt ·~it',O
.byte .100td eru teqph: .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte
cru tegph 0 6,16 docreate $05,$ff $82,$fe,$80, $01,$00, $82,$D3, $80 $01,$00,$bS,$0l,$8f,$!0,$00, $0l $00,$03, $S!,$c0, ~0,$00, $60, $0l
$98,$lf,$9e,$lt, $fl ,$tl, $j8,$1c $l3, $56, S63,$33, $9S,$11,$ll, $3t $63, $33, $98, $18, $lf, $66, $63, $13 $98, $18, $30,$!6, $6l, $03, $!3,$d8 $33, $66, $63, $33, $8f,$99, $1e,$le $3!, $e3, $80, $01, $00, $82,$0l,$90 $01,$00,$81, $03, $06,$ff, $81,$1f $05,$ff
doneluo: .b!!e .byte .IO!d .bytt .word .bytt .word .word .byte .10rd .byte
ettatebox: .100rd
.word .word byte word
drvqrapl 0 6,16 dodn
.byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte
$l5,$ff, $82, $fe $80,$01, $00,$82, $03
. '
filtJiw: .byte .byte .word .word .byte fn'o\Uql : .block .byte .word .byte tnvuql : .bloc!: .byte .byte .byte .byte ~1: .byte .byte .word .byte fii06Ug : .byte fnwg: .byte fr.dluq : .byte
$S0, $01, $~0, $b1, $0l
$80,$f8, $00, $cO, $00, $03 $80,$cc,$00, $00,$00, $03 $80,$c6,$fd,$d9, $9e, $0l $80,$c6, $e0, $d9,$b3,$03 $80, $c6,$cD, $d9,$b3, $0l $80,$c6, $c0, $cf,$lf,$03 $80,$c6, $c0, $cf,$30,$03 $90, $cc, $cO, $e6,$ll, $03 $93,$f8, $o0, $c6,$1e, $03 $12,$02,$01 ss~.so1, soo.s~1. soJ
$06,$!! $01, $1f, $~i.$ff ;to~~-std windaY $01 10,115 ;std beigbttiO 12 26) $0b, 2, 9 2 $0b, IJO,19 fotlnsq $0b, IJD,28 2 $05,11, 31 ; -opel!$06,11,52 ;..Usi$~. 11,88 ;-wcel$10,1, II ;filewe list ;$12=-drive· 0 11,10 drivebox 0 $19,$19,'Select geollrite output filt. ", $lb,$19,0 $19,'Select qeollrite input file .', 0 'On disk:',$1b,O
'GIC*Rlt'E' ,0
oewdisb: begiat: -b!!e .b!!e .IC!d .bfte .ocrd ¥e
$11 ;i.llitial options fna 'Sll;ll' $Db, 60,1112
ertlt• $:0,60,10+12 opera $Cb,60,11112
.byte .byte .word .byte .byte .byte
$81 $01>,10,)0 ctlnsq $01,11,18 ; ~t0 $18, ' Itsert ... disi ia drlvt •
0," :", $1b,O
ofmsq1: ofmsq2: odslnl:
.byte .byte .word .bytt .wotd .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .vord .byte .byte .byte .bloc!: .byte
$81 $Cb, l, 15 otasql $lb,8,30 nWq2 $02, 11,18 ; ·CltiCtl· $06,11,12 ; -din $0d,8, 50, rl0, 16 ;$12•-drive0 11,60 drlvebox 0 $18, ' Bnter nllt of newqeoWtite file. ',0 'On Disk: ' ,$lb 16 0
.byte .byte .word .byte .word .byte .byte .byte .byte
$11 $Cb, 10. ~ rtpll $0b, l0,50 out"' $03,11,18 ;-yes$04, I, 18 ;·no· 0 $18, ' File exists, OKto replace file: •,o
errorv: .byte .byte .byte .byte urmbl : .byte .byte .byte .bytt .byte .byte .byte .byte lliseerr: .block .byte llisoertd : .bloc!: .byte
$8012 $0c,I0, 32,r12 $01,11,12 ; -ok0 ;table of error codes and lti~ $80, $11, 'o.b!Jltd flit w too wy ~.", $lb,O $11,$18,'o.b!Jltd file bs too IU.!If qr~cs.", $lb, O $82,$18, ' Cns'fi'Orhd qeointe \'usioo. •, $lb, 0 $13,$11, ' First pl9t aoober 11 iavalid.' ,$lb,0 $91,$18,'wt p~qt n:llbtr b irrfalid.', $lb,O $95,$18,'Afttr paqe n~r 11 iovalid.', $lb,O $03, $18,'Disk full' , $lb, 0 $26, $18,'W rite protect on', $lb,O I $19,'Disk Error : •
swpdili: .byte .byte .word .byte .byte .100rd .byte .byte .byte swpd.siall : .byte swpd.slall : .byte svpdskd: .bloc!: .byte
'tlem: .byte
.byte .word .byte .byte .word .byte .word .byte .vord .byte .word .byte V~~~Sql: .byte wasq2: .btte wasq3: .byte wasql: .byte
. '
liloru: .byte
2 $lb,O
$0b, l0,32
npc!slal $0c, IO,I1, rll $0b, 10,62 swpdJbl $01, 11,18 ; -ot$02, 1,19 ; -cancel0 $18, ' Please insert disk: ' ,$1b, O $18, ' In Drive: ' I
$lb, O $8! ;eall user r01:tille hut $13 wl!mstt ;this sets '!' !Cll bow $0d, IO, H-2,rl0,2 $Db, IJ,20-2 msql $0b, ll,ll-2 wwmsq2 $01>,13,66-2 wwmsq3 $0b, IJ,11
"""' 9' 0 $19,'First P19f of input toase.',O •wt page of 1aput to ose.',O ' Place uprt after this paqe.',O $lb,'(Ose '0' to place at start.) ' ,O 5
;5 bous ia tile table
.word .byte .word .byte .byte .word .word .byte .byte .word .word .byte .byte .word .word .byte .byte .word .word .byte .byte .word
64+16 ;put mouse in OK box 32+88 pgbox 8+1132+8 3, 16 dopglst pgbox 8+1132+32 3116 dopglst pgbox 8+1,32+56 3,16 dopgaft oltbox 8+1,32+78 6,16 dook cancelbox 8+17,32+78 6,16 docancel
.byte .byte .byte
3,$ff 220+4,141128+3,$80,$00,$01 31$ff
.byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte
$05,$ff,$821$fe,$801$04,$00,$82 $03,$80,$04,$00,$b8,$03,$80,$00 $f8,$c6,$00,$03,$801$01,$8c,$cc $00,$03,$80,$01,$8c1$d8,$00,$03 $80,$01,$8c,$f0,$001$03,$80,$01 $8c,$e0,$00,$03,$801$01,$8c,$f0 $00,$03,$80,$01,$8cl$d8,$001$03 $80,$01,$8c,$cc,$001$03,$801$00 $f8,$c6,$00,$03,$801$04,$00,$82 $03,$80,$04,$00,$811$03,$061$ff $81,$7f,$05,$ff
cancelbox: .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte . writecl: .byte . write info: .word .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .byte .word .word .word .byte ovsnl: .byte .byte
$05,$ff,$82,$fe,$801$04,$001$82 $03,$80,$04,$00,$b8,$03,$871$c0 $00,$00,$00,$e3,$8c,$60,$001$00 $00,$631$8c,$07,$9f,$le,$3c1$63 $8c,$0c1$dd,$b3,$66,$63,$8c1$07 $d9,$b01$66,$63,$8c,$0c,$d91$b0 $7e,$631$8c,$0c,$d9,$b0,$60,$63 $8c,$6c1$d9,$b31$66,$63,$87,$c7 $d9,$9e1$3c,$631$80,$041$00,$82 $03,$801$04,$001$81,$03,$06,$ff $81,$7fl$05,$ff
"Write Image",O
outrun 3,21,$80+63 $ff,$ffl$ff,$801$00,$011$8f,$ff $01,$881$01,$011$8b,$ff1$cl,$8a $00,$411$8a,$ff1$fl,$8a,$80,$11 $8a,$8e1$11,$8a1$80,$11,$Ba,$bf $91,$8a1$80,$111$8a,$9f,$11,$8a $80,$11,$8a,$bf1$91,$8e1$80,$11 $82,$bfl$91,$831$80,$11,$80,$80 $11,$801$ff,$fll$ff,$ffl $ff $83,$071$01 0
$ffff 0
"Write Image V" "'• • '• "I 0I 0I 0( 0
"by: Combiner Vl.O", O,O,O
Volume 9, Issue 6
.byte .word .byte .word
"geoilrite 1
V?.?" 10101010 ;used by V2.x
0101768 ;save blocks for each INPUT data
.byte .block .block lpblk: .byte .block apblk : .byte .block dmyx: .block .1nprun: .byte .block outrun: .byte .block idsknm: .block .byte dadsknm: .block .byte
"xx"10,32+14-2 1 ;$87cf 2 ; $84be-84bf "xx"10,32+38-2 3 "xx",0,32+62-2 3 23- (dmyx-wblk) ;padding to 23 bytes 0
16 0
16 16
;di sk name of input disk
;di sk name of D.A. disk
patch : .block 30 ;program patch area . ' picsused: .block 64 ;table to convert input picture t to output idskdrv: .block 1 ;drive I of input disk odskdrv: .block 1 ;drive I of output disk dadskdrv: .block 1 ;drive I Of D.A. disk xsave: .block 1 ;temp save area for x reg picinx: .block 1 ;index into input picsused picoutx: .block 1 ;index into output picsused ivflag: .block 1 ;input version flag (0,112,3=none1l.x,2.0,2.1) ovflag: .block 1 ;output version flag oldpages: .block 1 ;I chains in output file oldpics: .block 1 ;I pictures in output file oldmax: .block 1 ;max I pages available in output file oldnew: .block 1 ;OO=old output/ ff=new output/ 7f=need create max: .block 1 ;used by count recs pages: .block 1 p1cs: .block 1 frstipge : .block 1 ;1st page to start with lastipge: .block 1 ;last page to merge aftpge: .block 1 ;merge after this page helpidx: .block 1 ;help screen index backlvlf: .block 1 ;OO=normal; $80=2.1->2.0; $c0=2 .x->l.x widxsave: .block 1 ;save of where windowindex dan! : .block 17 dan2: .block 17 dan3 : .block 17 dan4: .block 17 danS: .block 17 dan6: .block 17 dan7: .block 17 danS: .block 17 bufbeg: bufend
;start of buffer area $8000-2-(27-20) ;allow room for eob flags+ ruler expansion
.end ; END of $2COMBINER
%COMBINER - Linker statements for Combiner :% COMBINER - Link statements for geoWrite Combiner - Nick Vrtis - 1/89 I
.output combiner .header $HCOMBINER.rel .seq .psect $0400 $!COMBINER. rel $2COMBINER. rel
Clean Machine Language Screens Techniques fo r text output routines
by Bill Brier Displaying text on the screen is the most common of program activitie~ <md is usually one of the first thing!> learned by beginning programmers. Those moving up from BASIC to machine language may initially find it somewhat difficult to print attractive screen d isplays. The handy PRINT statement and the companion TAB and SPC formattin g commands vanish once the realm of the BASIC interpreter has been left behind.
When the assembler parses thi s line it will generate bytes th at are th e PETASC II equi valents of the string. Immed iately following th e string will be the null byte. We can output the string wi th a simple loop: print
Fonunately. the freedom of expression inherent in machine language makes it possible to write custom versions of PRLNT. Using some simple programming techniques, you w ill be able 10 handle text output 10 the screen with ease. and at the same time realize a tremendou s increase in display speed. So, if you are ready to learn. please read on! I n describing some of the techniques I' ve learned. I'll assume th at you know what an assembler is and how to use one. M y examples wi ll be given in the MOS Technology standard assembler syntax supported by the Commodore 64 assembler and the C- 128 Devel oper 's Package IICD65 assembler. Some of this stu ff may be old hat to experienced machine language progammer!>. but even they may find something useful here.
Displaying t ext strings Let 's start wi th somethin g simple. In BASIC. you type the command print " t ext string" and the interpreter obediently prints t ext string for you. BASIC figure o ut where in memory (RA \II ) the text is located. the number of characters to print and so forth. The price for thi s convenience is speed (a lack of it) . ln machine language, th ere isn ' t an interpreter to fi gure out where the string is at and what to do with it. So, you have to make your own PRI T statement. The fi rst thing to consider in designing your own version of PRINT is how to determine the length of the strin g. This is readily handled by terminating th e strin g wi th a zero ($00) by te. Fortun ately. the Commodore screen editor considers the nu ll byte to be... w ell , nothing as far as printin g goes. So, to store the text strin g " tex t string" in memory, you would code as follows in your assembler: 64
. byt ' tex t string', O
ldy 410
; starting string offset
' printl
lda string, y
; fetch byte from text
st r ing
beq prin t2
; the z e ro byte means we ' r e done
jsr b sout
' ; this k e r n a l routine is loca ted
; at $ f f d 2 iny
; point at next chara cter
bne printl
; do it a g ain
â&#x20AC;˘ ; exit
The K ernal BSOUT routine outputs the character in the m icroprocessor accumulator (.A register) to the current output device. BsouT is ¡non-destructi ve' in that it leaves the .A, .X and . Y registers unchanged. It normally exits with the carry bit cleared in the statu s register. By the way, the above routine works because the act of loading .A w ith a zero will make the REQ PRtNT2 instructi on succeed. If .A contains any otl1er value it wi II be passed to BSOUT. The trouble w ith thi s PRINT subroutine is that it will only output the text suing located at STRING. So, to make the routine a little more generi c, we' ll modify it to use some zero-page pointers and we ' ll also modify it to handle text strings that occupy more than 256 bytes of RAM (the above rou tine w ill abort when . Y wraps around to zero at the tNY instruction). Here's our new, improved PRINT subroutine (funny thing about th at name. eh?): print
stx ptr sty p tr+l
; set up ze ro page pointer to ... ; the t ext string to output
ldy # 0
; startin g offse t
(ptr) , y
beq p r int2
' ; fetch a cha racter
; zero byte .. . we ' r e done
jsr bsout iny bne printl
; output via $ffd2 ; next character ; loop
; log cursor position
sec j mp plot
inc ptr+l bne printl
; now in the next page of ram ; loop
print2 rts
; exit
; s e t carry to log position ;located at $fff0
The PLOTS subroutine directly follows the PLOTA subrouti ne (PLOTA falls through into PLOTB). A JSR PLOTA instruction will move th e cursor to the row and col umn specified by the .X and .Y registers. For example:
To use thi s routine you would code the following: ldx lrow ldx l <string ; f e tch lo byte of string address ldy l>string ; f e tch hi byte of string address j sr print ; output the string
ow we can output text by simply giving the subroutine the startin g address of the string. Some programmers like to pass such things as text string addresses via the stack. I personally fail to see why. The PLAs and PHAs required to do that are enough to confuse even the most experienced programmers, gain little in execution speed, and are likely to introduce hardto-solve bugs if everything isn't right. Ok. now that we have a generic PRt T routine. it's time to introduce some more text string output techniques.
J ockeying for position Most displays require that text be placed at certain locations on the screen. Such things as menus and columns of numbers look best when neatl y aligned top to bottom and centered between margins. Fortunately. the K ernal includes a use ful cursor positioning function that can be readily called from your program. L ocated at $fff0 in the Kernal jump table is the PLOT subroutine, the primary cursor control mechanism built into the screen editor. (One of the truly unique features of the eight-bit Commodore machines is their flexible. easy-to-use fu ll-screen editors. In particular, the Cl28 editor is amazingly powerful for a m achine that purports to be a 'home computer'!) PLOT actually serves two purposes, depending on whether the carry bit is set or c leared. If carry is cleared when PLOT is called. the cursor wi ll be positioned at the row number given in .X ancl the column given in .Y (row and column coordinates always start at 0,0 and in the CJ 28 editor. locati on 0,0 is relative to the currently defmed window. not the screen) . On the other hand, if the carry bit is set. then th e current cursor position will be returned by PLOT, the row in the .X register and the column in the .Y register. I call such an operation "logging the cursor position". Let 's write some code to avail oursel ves of these functions: ; set cursor position
clc . byt $24
â&#x20AC;˘ ; c a rry clear to set position
; fall thru , call plot routine
Volume 9, Issue 6
ldy lcolumn j sr plota
This sequence sets the cursor position. I f the rerum from PLOT leaves the carry bit set, then the posi tion command was not executed (usually because the coordinates lie outside the limits of the screen). Calling the subroutine at PLOTB will result in the current cursor position being returned in .X and .Y without disturbing the cursor itself (it won't move). This works like the POS statement in BASIC. I know you're wondering about that .BYT $24 business in the PLOTA ubroutinc. It 's a simple method of getting the processor to jump past the SEC instruction in PLOTB. Let's suppose that this lillie routine is assembled at $2000. The resulting code wou ld be disassemble in a machine language monitor like so: .d 2000 2003 .2000 . 2001
18 2 4 38
clc bit $38
. 2003
4c fO ff
jmp $fff0
Hmmm. you say. It doesn't look like what I wrote in my source fi Ie. Actually. all of the bytes are there, but appear different because of the $24 byte (which is a zero-page BIT instruction). When th e processor executes the instructions startin g at $2000 it will clear carry and then execute a hannless BIT operation on location $38 in zero-page RAM (B IT leaves .A, .X and . Y untouched and doesn't affect carry). The byte $38 th at acts as the operand for the BIT instru ction is reall y the SEC instruction that was assembled into PLOTB. Now. let's disassemble the routine at $2002: . d 2002 2003 . 2002 . 2003
38 4c fO ff
se c jmp $fff0
Do you see how it works? Good! The technique of using a BIT op-code to cover some other code is a commonly used one (take a look at the Kernal itself for some examples of this trick). By th e way, even though PLOT is actually a subroutine. the JMP PLOT sequence is correct. When the RTS at the end of PLOT is executed, the processor will return back to the point in your program that called PLOTA or PLOTB.
Now that we can pOSIIIOn the cursor to any location on the screen. we will move forward in our quest for clean screens.
the combination of the look-up table and a simple decoding routine will do just that.
Fetching text strings via a look-up table
Let's write the decoding subroutine:
Ah, yes ... that bane of easy programming: the look-up table! A suprisingly large number of machine language programmers avoid the use of look-up tables. probably becau e they don' t understand them or fail to see any practical use for them. Well , there's really no good reason to avoid the use of look-up tables. Once a few simple principles are understood, working with look-up tables becomes as easy as pressing the Return key. As for incorporating a look-up table in your software; well. I'll show you how to use one. Let's first see what a small look-up table looks like:
sec sbc J1 asl a
; set carry to subtract ;reduce index by one ; double t he value in . a
bcs errext
; the index is out of range
,. tay
; become s a n offset
lda txttab+1 , y ; fetch pointer hi byte l dx txttab , y ;fetch pointer lo byte tay
; qive hi byte to . y
â&#x20AC;˘ errext
; exit
t xttab . wor strnq1 , strnq2 , strnq3 , strnq4
In MOS assembler yntax. the directive (pseudo-op) .WOR (.WORD) causes the assembler to generate two bytes equal to the low-byte/high-byte address of the referenced locations (data words) following the .WOR directive itself. CBM assemblers allow you to assemble several words on one code line by eparating them with commas. Let"s suppose that the referenced strings have the fo llowing addresses: strnq1
- $2000 - $2027 = $2641
strnq2 strnq3 strng 4 - $316a
When the assembler par es the TXTIAB look-up table. it will generate the following output bytes (l 've arranged them in two columns to make it more obvious as to what happens) :
You call this routine by loading .A with the relative position of the string in the table and the routine comes back with the string pointer in .X and .Y (which may then be used in the PR INT subroutine). If you call LOCTXT with I in the accumulator (which means you want the first of the four referenced string pointers, STRNG 1 in thjs case), it will be decremented to 0 and then doubled in the ASL Aop-code. Since zero rimes anything is zero, the resulting offset will be zero and the first and second bytes in the look-up table wiJI be fetched. Thus, .X and .Y will contain $00 and $20 respectively. If you call LOCTXT with 3 in .A (meaning that you want the pointers to STRNGJ), the subroutine wiII rerum .X = $41 .Y = $26. pointing to STR 03. Why? Let's 'single step¡ through the routine to see what happens to the index:
Executed Code $00 $20 $27 $20 $ 41 $26 $6A $31
The .WOR directive results in a series of two-byte pointers being assembled in low-byte/high-byte order. each pointing to a location where a text string is lying in wait. The entire table stan at the address location referenced by the TXTIAB label. The distance in memory between successive text string pointers is always two bytes. even though the strings themselves are scattered all over the map. Incidentally, most assemblers have a directive (usually .DB YT~) that assembles such pointers in high-byte/low-byte order. The resulting addresses are usually used as j ump vectors. Ok. big deal. you say. I've got a bunch of addresses in memory that point to text strings. What good is that? The beauty of this arrangement is that you can fetch the string pointer by passing a one-byte index value to a decoding subroutine, which then leaves the other two processor registers free to do something else (such as position the cursor). In effect. you can say. "Give me the pointers to string #14" and 66
Value i n .A .X .Y
--------------------------------------1octxt sec sbc u asl a tay 1da t xttab+1,y 1dx t xttab , y
$03 $02 $0 4
* *
$04 $26 $ 41
* *
$0 4 $0 4 $0 4
tay r ts
$26 $26
$41 $ 41 $ 41
$26 $2 6
--------------------------------------The asterisk (*) indicates that the registers contain indeterminate values. Can you see how we got the correct pointers with a single byte index in .A? If TXTIAB is assembled at $3000. the LDATXTIAB+I.Y instruction in effect becomes LDA $3000+SOt+S04. So we get the low-order byte from $3004 and the high-order byte from $3005. The above decoding technique will work on a table with a max imum of 128 entries. For that reason, a range check is included to avoid exceeding the 128 entry limitation. If carry is set when the ASL instruction is executed. the supplied index was in the range o f 129 to 255 or was zero (an index of zero is Transactor
undefined and therefore not allowed). Can you figure out why 128 entries is the limit with this technique?
codes and strange keypress sequences. So, let's look at some menu-handling techniques.
Just to show you that the look-up table is a handy thing to incorporate into your software, we'll utilize TXTAB and LOCTXT together with PLOTA and PRINT and make an all-purpose text string printing function. We'll name this routine PRNTXT and call it as follows:
Menus give you an opportunity to make attractive and easy-toread screens. However, in machine language you don 't have those convenient TAB, SPC and cursor movement commands that BASIC provides. Fortunately, the PLOT subroutine (more specifically, our PLOTA s ubroutine) can be used to provide the necessary cursor movements.
lda Itindex
; 1 , 2 , 3, etc.
(te xt string
;index) ;row to print the text on
Le t's design a simple "do-nothing" menu:
ldx It row ldy It column ; column to start printing at
1 . Do Ope ration #1
jsr prntx t bcs error
2. Do Ope ration lt2
;do it ;something went wrong
Now for the actual PRNTXT s ubroutine:
3. Do Ope ration #3
prn txt pha
4 . Do Operation #4
; stash text string index
jsr plota pla
;posit ion cursor ;recove r index
bcs abort
;coordinates are out of range .
JSr l octxt bcs abort
' ;fet ch t ext string p ointe rs ;the index was out of range
jmp print
;output the tex t
rt s
; exit
How's that for an efficient, all-purpose print routine? If the routine ex its with the carry cleared then everything went as expected (upon exiting from the PRINT subroutine the cany is cleared). By the way, because we directly control the cursor position by using PLOT (rather than by utilizing c ursor position characters and spaces) the speed at which the screen display is brought up is dramatically improved. On a C64, the screens will seem to appear like magic. Now for C 128 s peed tip number one: The 128 's screen editor has its own jump table starting at $c000. Rather than outputting to the screen via the BSOUT subroutine at $ffd2, it's much fas ter to go directly to the editor at $c00c. BsouT performs time-consuming checks to determine which peripheral is the designated output device. Tf you already know where you want the display to appear, why get tangled up in a bunch of output device tests? And, while you 're busy bypassing the Kernal jump table, you might want to consider using PLOT at $cO 18, rather than at $fff0 (the code at $fff0 simply jumps to $cO 18). T hese are legitimate jump table entry points (they're documented in the C 128 Programmer's Reference Guide) and thus should be stable even though Commodore may revise the Kernal at a future date.
How to order up menus It's my humble opinion that menu-driven programs are much friendlier than those that make the user remember operating Volume 9, Issue 6
We have several approaches available to us in coding this menu and outputting it to the screen. The first approach would be to assemble four separate text strings (yo u could call them MENUA, MENUB and so forth), enter them into the look-up table TXTTAB and then repetiti vely call the PRNTXT s ubroutine to output them. Each call to PRNTXT would require that you supply the string index and the row and column coordinates. If you had a menu with eight lines, yo u' d have to make eight calls to PRNTXT. That's a lot of code just to output a menu. A second approach, if you have a C 128, is to define a window whose top left corner is in the same location as the top left corner where the menu is expected to start. Then, each line would end with a carriage return and extra linefeed, with only the last line ending with a zero byte terminator. However, not everybody has a Cl28, so not everybody has a window command to work with. Besides, the 128 's editor is relatively slow when it is expected to figure out the c ursor position via the use of carriage returns, c ursor movement characters and linefeeds. A belter way (and the one that I like to use) is to imbed the cursor position coordinates within the text itself. Obviously, that means that we can't use our PRNTXT s ubroutine for such a menu, as it wouldn 't know what to do with the cursor coordinates. We can, however, use PLOTA to position the cursor and LOCTXT to look up the text pointers. The nice thing about imbedding the coordinates in the text is that when examining the source code, it is easy to determine just where on the screen the menu is expected to appear. Knowing that makes it easier to change the menu's location if desired. If we were to utilize PRNTXT and a bunch of individual text strings, we'd have a lot more work cut out for us. So, let's implement the third method by imbedding cursor position coordinates into the text itself. Here is the menu again, but this time with the row and column positions noted:
Menu Title
1. Do Operation 1 1
2. Do Operation 12
3 . Do Operation 1 3
4 . Do Operation #4
The coordinmes shown above center the menu on an SOcolumn display (side to side. as well a top to bottom). The title appears centered on row 6. On a 40-column screen, just subtract 20 from the above column values to center the display.
Yeah, I know... it's a strange-looking routine, but it does work. This is an example of self-modifying code. The "text pointer" is actually the operand of the LDA instruction at CHRGT. When this s ubroutine is called, the text pointers will have been stored at CHRGT+ l (lo byte) and CHRGT+2 (hi byte). After fetching the character the text pointer is incremented. This means that the next call to CHRGT will fetch the next character. Finally, the character is pushed on the stack and then immediately pulled back off the stack. The purpose of pushing and then pulling the character to and from the stack is simply to condition the Z flag in the status register before exiting. ow for the main routine. which we'll call TXTP. It is invoked as follows: lda I index jsr t xtp bcs error
To imbed the cursor coordinates into the text you wo uld code as fo llows: men txt
; index to text string ; something is not right
If you wan ted to display the menu and the look-up table TXTTAB had the follow ing entries:
. byt 0,6,35, ' Menu Tit le ' . byt 0,9,31,'1. Do Operation U' . byt 0,11,31,'2. Do Operation 1 2 '
. wor strng1 , strng2 , strng3,strng4 . wor mentxt , strng5 , strng6, strng7
. byt 0 , 13,31,'3. Do Operation 13' . byt 0,15,31 , ' 4 . Do Operation 14 ' ' 128
Let's look a Iittle closer at this gibberish. Each line is s tarted with a zero byte. followed by the row and column coordinates, which arc then fo llowed by the text itself. The value 128 acts as the terminator for the entire menu ( 128 is not a printing character nor is 0). The trick to this technique is that when we encounter a zero byte we know that the next two bytes are row and column coordinates, not text. When we encounter the 128 byte. we know that the entire menu has been displayed. You are not limited to just text and coordinates with this technique. You can also imbed colour values at any point in the text. You can imbed characters to tum reverse video on or off. In fact. any charcter may be imbedded as long as it will not be recognized as one of the two possible delim iting val ues (0 or 128).
You would code: lda IS
jsr txtp bcs error
M ENTXT (the pointer to the menu) is the fifth item in the look-
up table. Note that TXTP is called in the same manner as the PR TXT routine except that you don't pass any c ursor coordinates. Here 路s the TXTP subroutine: txtp
bcs txtp0 4 ; index out of range
stx chrqt +1
To work with this type of format, we need a character-fetching subroutine and a ubroutine to take care of outputting characters and po itioning the cursor. Fi rst the character fetching subroutine: lda chrgt+1
; fetch a character
inc chrgt+1
; step text pointer lo
chrgt1 ph a pla
; zero byte, cursor coordinates
cmp U28
; f inal terminator
beq t xtp03
; exit
' jsr bsout
; output the character
b ee txtp01
; go get the next one
txtp0 2
' jsr chrgt
; fetch row
t ax
;stash on stack
jsr chrgt
; recover character
jsr plota
; position cursor
bee txtp01
; resume
beq txtp02
; fetch a chara cter
;step text pointer hi
jsr chrqt
; follow
bne chrgt1 inc chrgt+2
; set up beginning tex t pointers
sty chrgt+2 t x tp01
jsr loctxt ; convert index into text pointers
;fetch column
Transac tor
. b yt $2 4
;cursor coordinates out of range
txtp03 txtp0 4
' c lc
;no error
. '
; exit
Looks like a lot of code just to print menus? Not really! Don't forget, this routine takes care of cursor positioning and everything. All you have to do is enter the menu into the look-up table and pass the index in the acc umulator. If you come out of TXTP with the carry set, then something was amiss (either the index or the cursor coordinates were out of range).
Make it easy for yourself One of the thi ngs I do when planning a program where a lot of menus and such will be used is to lay out the screen on graph paper (TOPS form 3304 is perfect for this purpose). I position the text just as I want it to appear on the screen, and I include notes about color, reverse video and so fotth. This allows me to visualize the fini shed product and avoid such contretemps as off-center titles or text running off the edge of the screen.
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Introducing the world's first FULL COLOR! video digitizer for the Commodore C-64, C-128 & 128-0 computer. VIDEO BYTE can give you digitized video from your V.C.R. . 8/W or COLOR CAMERA or LIVE VIDEO (thanks to a fast! 2.2 sec. scan time).
• FUll COLORIZING! Is possible. due to a unique SElECT and INSERT color process. where you can select one ot 15 COl ORS and insert that color into one of 4 GRAY SCALES. This process will give you over 32.000 different color combinations to use in your video pictures • SAVES as KOALAS! Video Byte allows you to save all your pictures to disk as FUlL COLOR KOALA'S. Aher which (using Koala or suitable program) you can go in and redraw or recolor your Video Byte P•c's. • LOAD and RE·DISPLAY! Video Byte allows you to toad and re-display all Video Byte pictures from inside Video Byte's menu. • MENU DRIVEN! Video Byte comes with an easy to use menu driven UTILITY DISK and digitiZI!r program: • COMPACT1 Video Byte's hardware IS compact! In fact no bigger than your average cartridge! Video Byte comes with its own cable. • INTEGRATED! Video Byte is designed to be used with or without EXPLODE! V4.1 color cartridge. ExplOde! V4.1 is the perfect companion. • FREEl Video Byte users are automatically sent FREE SOFTWARE updates along with new documentation. when it becomes available. • PRINT! Video Byte will printoul pictures to mosl printers. However when used with Explode! V4.1 your printout's can be done in FULL COLOR on the RAINBOW NX-1000, RAINBOW NX-1000 C, JX-80 and the OKIOATA 10 I 20. wtry DRAW a car, airplane. person or for lhat matter ... anything when you can BYTE it . . . V•deo,Byte •I mstead. >f'l •
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THE SOFT GROUP, P.O. BOX 111, MONTGOMERY, IL 60538 Volume 9, Issue 6
Ride Your 4040 On The Serial Bus IEEE-to-serial bus conversion for the 4040
by Michael Gilsdorf CopyrightŠ 1989 hy Michael Gilsdmf Ever since I bought my C 128 I always wished 1 could use all of BASIC 4.0 commands. Top on my wish lis t was being able to copy files from one drive to another with the COPY and BACKUP commands. However, since neither the 1541 , 1571, or 1581 support drive I, copying files required loading and running a copy program. A few months ago I had the opportunity to acquire a 4040 dual drive with an IEEE interface. The price was right so I took the plunge. Unfortunately the lEEE interface had some problems. It worked fine in C64 mode. but refused to operate in C 128 native mode. AI o, it would not work with the sx-64 or the VIC-20. Since the interface patched into the computer's operating system via the cartridge pon, some programs would neither run nor suppon it. I was constantly plugging and unplugging the interface, and found myself unable to use the drive when I mos t wanted to. What T needed was another interface - one that would offer the maximum compatibility and operate with my other Commodore computers. Since s peed was a secondary concern, the best interface. I thought, would be one that connected the 4040's IEEE connector to the Commodore's serial bus. However after contacting several Commodore s uppliers and second party vendors, it appeared no one made this type of interface. 1 finally decided to interface the drive to the serial bus myself. My goal wa to connect the 4040 to the serial bus using the minimum amount of hardware. It seemed to me that since the 4040 was an intelligent drive, it ought to be able to be programmed to respond to the serial bus signals. If so, then there would be no need of an external interface equipped with its own CPU, ROM, RAl\11., vo, and other support c hips. I hoped that I could connect the 4040 to the serial bus by having to replace only a ROM chip and the connecting cable. As it turned out, an additional NAND c hi p was required s ince a direct pin-for-pin EPROM replacement was not available for the 4040 ROM. Once having completed the conve rs ion process, I did find the 4040 a little faster than the 1541. But don 't expect the 4040 to work with disk speed-up cartridges or some commercial software. They generally are not written to operate wi th the 4040 disk operating system (DOS).
The following is a list of the items you'll need to make the convers ion - but first, a word of caution. If you are not technically inclined (or don't know what e nd of a solding iron to hold) I strongly recommend you do JlOI attempt the modification yourself! Acquire the ski lls of an e lectronic technician experienced with digital hardware. Should you damage your 4040 through carelessness, you may find it difficult to find an tec hnician experienced in repairing the drive. So be careful and double c heck all your work! Parts List Quantity
2532 EPROM chip
7 4LS00 NAND chip
6-pin male DIN plug
The next mate rial list is recommended , but not absolutely essential to perform the conversion. (More about these items later.) l
14 - pin IC socket for the 7 4LS OO NAND chip
IEEE-488 connector and cable
6-pin female DIN plug
(Note: All parts for this project are available at Radio Shack with the exception of the 2532 EPROM and IEEE connector cable.) One nice thing about this modification is you can still reven back to the original IEEE interface, if you so desire. Simply s wap the EPROM chip with the original CBM ROM (along with a cable c ha nge-out) and your drive is back to its JEEE con_figuration. Removing the NAND chip is nor necessary. By the way, if you' re interested in complete, documented source code for the 4040 drive, The Ana10my of !he 4040 by Hilaire Gagne is an excellent book. [Hilaire Gagne, 4501 Carl St., P.O. Box 278, Hanmer, ON, Canada, POM I YO. For Canadian residems, $39.95 (Cdn) plus $3 shipping and handling; for U.S. residents, $31.95 (US) plus $9 shipping and handling.) Discussions with Hilaire strongly hint that a s imiliar modifi-
cation may be possible for the 8050, 8250, and 9060 drives since their source code is quite simi liar to the 4040. The ROM chips used in these other drives appear to be 8K. If true, modifying these drives for serial operation may involve only a ROM and cable swap! Step I - Software Modification We' ll begin the modification by programming the EPROM. For this you' ll need an EPROM programmer (e.g., Promenade). Begin by unplugging the 4040's AC power cord, and disconnect the IEEE connector/cable on the back of the drive. Next, locate and remove the two screws on either side of the drive. You 'II find them ituated at the bottom near the front face. ow open the top cover to the drive by lifting and swinging up the cover from the front to the back. The motherboard. which we' II be working on, is mounted to the underside of the top cover. Carefully unplug the four cables on the motherboard. Notice that three of the cables are keyed to prevent them from being connected improperly. However, the twowire cable for the error LED could be reconnected improperly. So be sure to label/mark it to show its orientation. Next locate and remove the six Phillips screws used to mount the motherboard to the top cover. Carefully remove the motherboard. ow find the 24-pin socketed ROM chip located near the bottom of the motherboard at position UJI (pan no. 901468-14). Most chips have their locations labeled on the motherboard, but (as luck would have it) UJ 1 is not marked (see Fig. 2). The ROM at UJ 1 contains 4K of DOS code ($d000-$dfff), and is located between the other two socketed ROM chips at ULI ($e000-$efff) and UH1 ($f000-$ffff). Take careful note of the position of the key on the ROM chip. It should be oriented towards the bottom of the motherboard. (The same direction as the other two socketed 24-pin ROM chips on either side.) It indicate which way the ROM is to be reinsened into its socket. You'll need this information when installing the EPROM. After removing the ROM chip, set the motherboard aside for now. We' ll make the hardware modifications to it later. Next, using an EPROM programmer, read and copy the ROM code into the computer 's memory. We' ll be patching our serial bus routines into the original 4040 code. You might want to store the code on disk for future reference. If you're using a Promenade the set-up for the 2532 EPROM will allow you to read the ROM chip. The main difference between the 2532 EPROM and the ROM chip is that the ROM chip has two chip select (CS) lines (pin nos. 20 and 21) as opposed to one cs line (pin no. 20) for the 2532 EPROM. The ROM chip is selected when pin 21 is low and pin 20 is high. After reading the ROM, we are now ready to make the patch. Using the C 128 built-in monitor (or other means) replace sections of the ROM code with the new serial bus code (see listing). After making the patches, run the code check program and verify that the code is error free. If the code is correct, then program the EPROM with the new code. This completes the software portion of the modification. Volume 9, Issue 6
Step II - Ha r dware Modification Fir t, we 'II make up the IEEE-to- erial cable. This cable will be constructed with an tEEE-488 connector on one end and a sixpin (male) serial bus connector on the other end. For this you can use the original Commodore IEEE cable. but you'll need to cut off the flat edge 24-pin connector. Since this may not be desirable (if you ever intend to use this cable again), I recommend you use a different cable. If you're lucky you might be able to pick up a used one at a HAM fest or surplus store. However, if all else fail s, you can purchase a new lEEE-488 connector and cable for about $50. (One possible source is L-com Inc. located in . Andover, MA). Once you've decided on an TEEE cable, solder a 6-pin DIN (male) plug to the end. I also recommend that you solder a 6pin (female) DIN plug alongside (parallel to) the male DIN plug. This will allow you to connect an extra device (e.g., printer) to the serial bus. The table below shows how the pins are to be connected. When finished it's a good idea to check each connection with an ohmmeter (or DVM). Pay special attention when soldering the wires to the DlN plug. It's easy to bridge solder across a couple of pins and cause a short! IEEE Conne ctor
6- pin DIN Connector(s)
Pin 5 (EOI) Pin 6 (DAV)
to to
Pin 9 (IFC) Pin 11 (ATN)
to to
Pin 12 (Shield) Pins 18,23,24 (GND)
(Note :
Pin 5 (Data line) Pin 4 (Clock line ) Pin 6 (Reset line) Pin 3 (Attention line) Shield of DIN plug Pin 2 (Ground)
Pin numbers are usually stamped on the connectors. See Figure 1)
ext install the 74LSOO AND chip. I recommend that you install a 14-pin IC socket for this chip. Thjs will make it easy to remove if the need ever arises. There are few places on the motherboard that can accommodate an additional chip - none have their locations labeled. I chose UA5 located between locations UA4 and UA6 which should be marked (see Fig. 3). Notice that UA5 is designed to accept a 16-pin chip, while the 74LSOO is a 14-pin chip. Be sure the key locator on the chip is oriented in the proper direction, and lines up with the chjp key printed on the motherboard. This will position the chip towards the bonom of the motherboard leaving two empty IC pin holes at the top. Before starting the final wiring, a quick review in pin numbering is in order. To determine pin numbers, look at the top side of the chip with the key up and facing you and pins pointing away. Pin 1 is located directly on the left at the top. The other pins are numbered counter-clockwise around the chip. This information is commonly pictured in many IC reference books. Also a word of caution - remember that IC pin numbers are numbered clockwise when viewed from the bottom of the motherboard - so be careful! Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to proceed with the final wiring. 71
Serial Bus Connector Pins
IEEE Connector Pins Pin # 1
2 3 4 5 6
0101 0102 0103 0104
Description Serial SRQ in (active low) System Ground Serial ATN In/Out Serial Clock In/Out Serial Data In/Out Resets all devices on serial bus (active low)
0 105 0106 0107 0 108
AEN OAV Ground NAFO Ground NOAC Ground IFC Ground SAO Ground ATN Ground Signal Ground
0 0
Figure 1 : Connector pinout diagrams
Figure 2: Locating UJ1 Locate the three ROM chips at the bottom of the motherboard. The one in the middle is UJI. Note that although the article refers to this ROM as part no. 901468-14, the chip is designated as 901468- 11 in the 4040 used by Transactor for this illustration. The white wire is a device number switch.
Figure 3: Chip Location Install a 14-pin IC socket in UA5 (indicated by the pen). This socket will hold the 74LSOO NAND chip. Ensure that the key locator on the chip is oriented in the proper direction and I ines up with the chip key printed on the motherboard.
Once the NAND chip is in place, jumper pins 1 and 2, then separately jumper pins 3 and 4. Next, jumper pin 7 of the 74LSOO to the adjacent empty rc pin hole. This hole, which would normally be pin 8 for a 16-pin socket, connects to the ground bus etching on the motherboard. Now all that is left is to connect the NAND chip to the 2532 chip and socket with wires. Thirty gauge insulated wire-wrap (or hook-up) wire works well for this. Run one wire and connect the 74LSOO pins I and 2 to pin 20 of the empty 24-pin ROM socket (UJ 1). (This is the socket from which we removed the ROM chip.) Run a second wire and connect pin 5 of the 74LSOO to pin 21 on the same empty ROM socket. After double checking your wiring and connections, you are now ready for the EPROM.
Final check-out With the DIN plug not connected, insert the power cord and power-up the 4040 drive. If you performed the modification correctly, you should see the drive's LEOs light momentarily. You won 't hear the familiar head chatter on power-up. That has been eliminated. If the LEOs continue to flash, or didn't momentarily light, remove the drive's power cord immediately and double check all your wiring. Flas hing LEOs could indicate a hardware problem with the EPROM circuit (wiring, connections, etc.). The most likely cause is connections made to the wrong pin numbers. Closely re-check all wiring and correct as necessary. Another possible cause is an error in the EPROM code or wrong checksum.
If the drive initialized correctly, tum off the drive, connect the B efore inserting the EPROM chip, bend out pin 20. T his pin will not be inserted into its socket. Carefully insert the EPROM into the empty ROM socket and check to be sure the chip key is positioned in the same direction as it was for the ROM . (Should be the same as the keys on the other two 24pin ROM chips on either side.) After inserting the EPROM, solder one w ire on pin 20 of the EPROM and connect it to pin 6 on the 74LSOO.
Before final reassembly, you may want to change the 4040's device number. The device number is determined by whether pins 22, 23, and 24 on the 6532 chip (located at UEI) are grounded or open-circuited (floating). For device 8, the pins are all grounded by a tiny etched tracing connecting a pair of adjacent 'half moon ' etchings. These ' half moons ' are located between UEt and UH2. T he device number is changed by opencircuiting the pins. This can be accomplished by cutting the trace(s), or bending out pins 22, 23, and/or 24 (preferred). Another alternative, if you think you' II be changing the device number again in the future, is to install s witches across the cut half moons. The table below s hows how the device number relates to the various pin combinations.
Well , thats it! Hopefully everything went smoothly and your 4040 is riding the serial bus. If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached on QLink as "Mike All". Until .I then ...easy oos 1t.
plug to the serial bus, and power up the computer and the 4040 drive. For now, disconnect any other devices you have from the serial bus. Following initialization, try loading the directory and loading/saving a program. If this works correctly, then reconnect any other devices you have to the bus and check them all for proper operation. (Note: Some devices may cause problems with serial bus operation if they are left connected to the bus while turned off.)
Patch code for serial bus 4040 ; Serial Bus Conversion Code for 4040 Drive ; By Michael Gilsdorf - Copyright (c) Mar 89 Od2a0 eO
;checksum byte
Od2ee 08
;gap same as 1541
Pin 22
Pin 23
Pin 2 4
; You may wish to keep the original gap of $09 . ; If so, change checksum byte to $df.
Od339 a9 18
Ground Ground
Ground Open
Open Ground
11 12
Ground Open
Open Ground
Open Ground
13 14
Open Open
Ground Open
Ope n Ground
Now, reinstall the motherboard to the top cover using the six Phillips screws. Do nor overtighten the screws or you may crack the motherboard! Carefully plug in the four cables on the motherboard, and install the IEEE-to-serial cable on the back of the drive . Close the top cover and re install the two remaining screws on either side of the drive. This completes the hardware modification. Volume 9, Issue 6
lda l$18
;reset bus l ines
Od468 20 73 d6 jsr $d673
;eliminate head chatter on error
Od492 a9 00
; initialize track
1da l$00
Od49a a2 c1 ldx f$c1 Od49c 4c a3 d4 jmp $d4a3
;eliminate head chatter on pover-up, ;reset, and "OJ" command
; Idl e Loop Patch Od4a6 Od4a9 Od4ab Od4ac Od4af Od4b2 Od4b5
ad fO 78 20 4c 20 20
47 43 lda 07 beq sei a6 d6 jsr 79 d6 jmp 50 d6 jsr 94 d6 jsr
$4347 $d4b2 $d6a6 $d679 $d650 $d694
Od507 4c b2 d4 jmp $d4b2
;command waiting? ;no ;disable interrupts ;set Data lov for future ATN ack ;DOS command execution patch ; if ATN pending then service bus ;no ATN - reset bus lines ;continue idle looping
; Main Serial Bus Routine
Od50a Od50b Od50e Od511 Od513 Od514 Od511 Od5la Od5lc Od5le Od521 Od522 Od524 Od526 Od528 Od52a Od52c Od52e Od530 Od532 Od534 Od536 Od538 Od53a Od53c Od53e Od540 Od542 Od544 Od546 Od548 Od549 Od54b Od54d Od54f Od550 Od552 Od554 Od556 Od5S9 Od55c Od55e
18 20 ad a2 9a 20 2c 10 50 20 aa
sei a6 d6 jsr $d6a6 87 02 lda $0287 ff ldx l$ff txs 97 d6 jsr $d697 80 02 bit $0280 66 bpl $d582 f9 bvc $d517 cO d5 jsr $d5c0 tu c5 Oc aap SOc dO06 bne $d52c 85 Oe sta $0e 84 Of sty $Of fO 08 beq $d534 c5 Od Ollp $0d dO Oe bne $d53e 85 Of sta $Of 84 Oe sty $0e a9 20 lda l$20 85 16 sta $16 85 17 sta $17 85 10 sta $10 dO lb bne $d559 29 60 and l$60 c9 60 Ollp l$60 dO 23 bne $d567 aS 10 lda $10 fO lf beq $d567 Sa txa 85 17 sta $11 29 Of and l$0f 85 16 sta $16 txa Sa 29 fO and l$f0 c9 eO aap l$e0 dO 27 bne $d57d 20 8d f5 jsr $f58d 2c 80 02 bit $0280 30 cO txn.i $d5le 10 22 bpl $d582
;disable interrupts ;set Data line low - ATN ack ;clear interrupt register ;reset the ; stack pointer ;set Clock line bigb - release ;read serial bus ; jump if ATN gone (high) ;wait for Clock line high ;read bus command byte ; save ca!IW!d byte ;LISTEN? ;no
;set listen flag active ;set talk flag inactive ;jump (always) ;TALK? ;no
;set talk flag active ; set listen flag inactive ;set for internal (default) ;secondary address and ;original secondary address ;set primary address flag active ; jump (always) ;mask COIIIUlld byte ;SECONDARY ADDRESS? ;no ;is primary address flag active? ;no ;retrieve Ca!IW!d byte ;save byte as original secondary address ;mask ca!IW!d byte ; save as secondary address ;retrieve command byte ;mask command byte ;CLOSE? ;no ;execute Close ;read seri1l bus ; jump if ATN line low - get next byte ; jump if ATN line high
; Enable Interrupts - Check for Pending ATN
Od58b Od58d Od58f Od591 Od594 Od597 Od59a
58 2c 80 02 30 a4 60
eli bit $0280 txn.i $d50a rts
;enable interrupts ;is ATN line low? ;yes - service bus
; Main Serial Bus Routine (continued)
Od567 Od568 Od56a Od56c Od56e Od570 Od572 Od574 Od576 Od578 Od57a Od57d Od580 Od582 Od583 Od585 Od587 Od58a
Sa c9 3f dO 04 84 Oe fO 06 c9 Sf dO 06 84 Of 84 10 fO 03 20 94 d6 2c 80 02 30 fb 58 aS Oe fO 06 20 a7 d5 18
txa Ollp
bne sty beq
aap bne sty sty beq jsr bit I:Di
l$3f $d570 $0e $d576 I$Sf $d57a $Of $10 $d57d $d694 $0280 $d57d
eli lda $0e beq $d58d jsr $d5a7 clc
;retrieve conmand byte ;ONLISTE!I? ;no ;set listen flag inactive ; jump (always) ;ON'rAL!t? ;oo
;set talk flag inactive ;set primary address flag inactive ; jump (always) ;reset serial bus ;read serial bus ;wait for ATN line high ;enable interrupts ;is listen flag active? ;no ;execute Listen
Od Of 09 9a d6 a3 d6 04 d6 a6 d4
bee $d59a lda $Of beq $d59a jsr $d69a jsr $d6a3 jsr $d604 jmp $d4a6
; jump (always) ; is talk flag active? ;no
;set Data line high ;set Clock line low ;execute Talk ;execute DOS cOIIIWld/ idle loop
; Main Listen Routine Od59d Od5a0 Od5al Od5a4 Od5a7 Od5aa Od5ac Od5ae Od5af Od5bl Od5b3 Od5b5 Od5b7 Od5b9 Od5bb Od5bd Od5bf
20 78 20 20 20 bO b5 6a bO aS 29 c9 fO aS c5 fO 60
cO d5 jsr se1' f8 eb jsr 60 d5 jsr 84 ed jsr OS bes 98 lda ror ec bes 17 lda fO and fO Ollp e4 beq 16 lda 01 cmp de beq rts
$d5c0 $ebf8 $d560 $ed84 $d5b1 $98,x $d59d $17 l$f0 l$f0 $d59d $16 $01 $d59d
; read byte from serial bus ;disable interrupts ;write byte to buffer/disk ;enable interrupts - check ATN ;open channel for writing ; jump if channel not open ;check channel status ;is channel set for writing? ;yes ; retrieve original secondary address ;mask original secondary address ;OPEN? ;yes ;retrieve secondary address ;is secondary address set for Save? ;yes
; Read Byte fr0111 Bus Od5c0 Od5c3 Od5c5 Od5c7 Od5c8 Od5c9 Od5cc Od5cf Od5dl Od5d2
Od5d4 Od5d7 Od5d8 OdSda Od5db Od5dd
Od560 Od561 Od564 Od566
90 aS fO 20 20 20 4c
OdSeO Od5e3 Od5e5 Od5e7 Od5e9 Od5ec OdSee Od5fl Od5f2 Od5f3 Od5f4 Od5f6 Od5f9 Od5fb Od5fc Od5fe Od601 Od603
20 90 a9 aa aS 20 20 90
89 d6 jsr $d689 fb bee $d5c0 ff lda l$ff tu tay 9a d6 jsr $d69a 89 d6 jsr $d689 14 bee $d5eS ca dex dO f8 bne $d5cc 20 a6 d6 jsr $d6a6 c8 iny a2 Oa ldx l$0a ca dex dO fd bne $d5da 20 9a d6 jsr $d69a 20 89 d6 jsr $d689 bO fb bes $d5e0 84 aO sty SaO aO 08 ldy 1$08 2c 80 02 bit $0280 50 fb bvc $d5e9 ad 80 02 lda $0280 Oa asl Oa asl Oa asl 66 18 ror $18 20 89 d6 jsr $d689 bO fb bes $d5f6 88 dey dOeb bne $d5e9 20 a6 d6 jsr $d6a6 aS 18 lda $18 60 rts
;read bus ;wait for Clock line high ;set the ;timer/counter, and ;set BOI status to no ;set Data line high ;read bus ;wait for Clock line high ; is timer/counter still running? ;yes - no EOI yet ;set Data line low ;set EOI status to yes ;set timer/counter ;is timer/counter still running? ;yes ;set Data line high ;read bus ;wait for Clock line low ; set EOI flaq ;set for 8 bits per byte ; read bus ;wait for Data line high ; read bus for data
;save data bit ;read bus ;wait for Clock line low ; read bus for more bits? ;yes ;set Data line low ;retrieve data byte sent
; Main Talk Routine Od604 20 69 ed jsr $ed69 Od607 90 63 bee $d66c Od609 60 rts
; ope.n channel for reading ; jump if channel open
; Send Byte to Bus Od60a Od60d Od60e Od611 Od612 Od614 Od617 Od619 Od6lb Od6ld Od6lf Od621 Od624 Od626 Od629 Od62b Od62e Od631 Od633 Od635 Od638 Od63a Od63c Od63e Od640 Od643 Od644 Od646 Od649 Od64c Od64e Od64f Od651 Od654 Od657 Od658 Od65a Od65d Od65f Od660 Od663 Od666 Od669 Od66c Od66e Od670 Od672
20 89 d6 jsr 08 php 20 97 d6 jsr 28 plp 30 Od tm 20 89 d6 jsr 10 fb bpl a6 15 ldx b5 98 lda 29 08 and dO Oa bne 20 89 d6 jsr 10 fb bpl 20 89 d6 jsr 30 fb bmi 20 a3 d6 jsr 20 89 d6 jsr 10 fb bpl aO 08 ldy 20 89 d6 jsr 10 38 bpl a6 15 ldx 76 bS ror 90 06 bee 20 9a d6 jsr 18 clc 90 03 bee 20 a6 d6 jsr 20 97 d6 jsr a2 Of ldx ca dex dO fd bne 20 a3 d6 jsr 20 9a d6 jsr 88 dey dO db bne 20 89 d6 jsr 30 fb bni. 78 sei 20 a6 d6 jsr 20 a3 ef jsr 20 60 d5 jsr 20 9a d6 jsr a6 15 ldx bS 98 lda 30 98 tm 60 rts
; Set Bus Line(s) High $d689 $d697 $d621 $d689 $d614 $15 $98,x l$08 $d62b $d689 $d621 $d689 $d626 $d6a3 $d689 $d62e l$08 $d689 $d672 $15 $b5,x $d646 $d69a $d649 $d6a6 $d697 l$0f $d64e $d6a3 $d69a $d635 $d689 $d65a $d6a6 $efa3 $d560 $d69a $15 $98,x $d60a
;read bus ;save status ;set Clock line high ;retrieve status - is Data line high? ;yes - byte not sent (EOI) ;read bus ;wait for Data l ine high ;retrieve channel index ;get channel status ; is channel status EOI? ;no ; read bus ;wait for Data line high ;read bus ;wait for Data line low ;set Clock line low ; read bus ;wait for Data line high ; set for 8 bits per byte ;read bus ; jump if Data l ine low- abort ;get channel index ; fetch data bit to send ;is data bit 0? ;no - send data bit 1 ; jump (always) ;send data bit 0 ;set Clock line high - data ready ;set timer/counter (delay) ;is timer/counter running? ;yes ;set Clock line low ; set Data line high ;more data bits to send? ;yes ;read bus ;wait for Data line low ;disable interrupts ;set Data line low- for future ATN ack ;get next data byte from buffer/disk ;enable interrupts - check ATN ;set Data l ine high ;get channel index ;is channel set for reading? ;yes
; No Bead Chatter on Error Patch Od673 09 80 ora f$80 Od675 8d Sc 43 sta $435c Od678 60 rts
a9 8d 8d b8 18 20 4c
00 lda l$00 47 43 sta $4347 f2 10 sta $10f2 clv clc 55 db jsr $db55 b2 d4 jmp $d4b2
;clear the ;command waiting flag and the ; NMI flag
ad 80 02 lda $0280 cd 80 02 cmp $0280 dO f8 bne $d689 Oa asl Oa asl 60 rts
Volume 9, Issue 6
18 a9 a9 80 80
lda 10 bit 08 bit 02 ora 02 sta rts
l$18 $10a9 $08a9 $0280 $0280
;reset bus ;set CLOCK line high ;set DATA line high ;read bus ;set bus
; Set Bus Line(s) Low Od6a3 Od6a5 Od6a8 Od6ab Od6ae
a9 2c 2d 8d 60
ef lda l$ef a9 f7 bit $f7a9 80 02 and $0280 80 02 sta $0280 rts ???
Od8a5 b3
; set CLOCK line low ;set DATA line low ;read bus ;set bus
;Change version no. to 3
; Error Patch ;This patch allows the 4040 to be used with CP/M+. Unlike the 1541, the 4040 ;DOS does not auto-initialize on a disk swap or on receiving a "I" command. ;The error patch initializes the disk (reads BAM ' ID) once 1 when an error is ;encountered. Od949 Od94c Od94e Od94f Od952 Od953
ae fO 48 4c 68 4c
00 43 ldx 52 beq pha 96 d9 jmp pla 49 d9 jmp
; is cmd buffer &disk initialized? ;yes ;save error number ;patch
$4300 $d9a0
; Error Recovery Code (same as original code, but has IEEE code removed) Od978 Od97a Od97c Od97e Od980 Od982 Od985 Od988 Od98b Od98e Od990 Od993
fO aS dO aS fO 20 4c 20 20 bO 20 4c
19 Oe Oa Of 11 69 8b 84 al 03 9f a6
ed d9 ed ed ee d4
beq lda bne lda beq jsr jmp jsr jsr bcs jsr jmp
$d993 $0e $d988 $Of $d993 $ed69 $d98b $ed84 $edal $d993 $ee9f $d4a6
;Listen flag active? ;yes ;Talk flag active? ;no
;back to idle loop
Od996 Od999 Od99a Od99d Od9a0 Od9a3 Od9a6
20 68 8d 20 ad 20 dO
b8 db jsr pla 01 43 sta fa ec jsr 01 43 lda d4 d9 jsr ae bne
$dbb8 $4301 $ecfa $4301 $d9d4 $d956
;initialize (clear) cmd buffer ;retrieve error number ;save error number ;initialize disk - read BAM &ID ;retrieve original error number ;write error no. and msg into buffer ; jump (always)
;execute DOS command in command buffer ;back to idle loop Code Check Program - written to check code residing at $d000 to $dfff.
; Read Serial Bus Od689 Od68c Od68f Od691 Od692 Od693
a9 2c 2c Od 8d 60
; Error Patch (continued)
; DOS Command Execution Patch Od679 Od67b Od67e Od681 Od682 Od683 Od686
Od694 Od696 Od699 Od69c Od69f Od6a2
;read serial bus ;has bus settled? ;no
;Clock bit in Carry - Data bit in bit 17
10 20 30 40 50
bankO: rem for the c128 only - change bank no . as required for i=53248 to 57343: rem $d000 to $dfff - change if needed b=btpeek(i): if b>255 then b=b-255 next: if b=208 then print "Code OK - Program EPROM" : end print "Error in code! Correct and recheck the code before programming the EPROM. "
Colour Coordination Why some combinations work while others don't
The Video Concept
blue; on your Commodore 64, type print chr$(149) (or select brown on the keyboard with Commodore-2) and then try to type a readable line. Horrible, isn' t it? Yet you can rescue that colour by putting it against a background that has a contrasting luminance level. Let's pick green, and poke 53281,5. Even though brown and green are not considered harmonious, except in trees, the washed-out brown characters suddenly become crisp and readable. Simu ltaneously, the earlier light blue text that may be on the screen becomes washed out and virtually unreadable; it no longer has enough contrast against the green background.
Whether your video system is TSC, a u ed in North America. or PAL, as used in much of the rest of the world, it has a built-in anomaly: there is no detail in colour. Any detail you need on your screen must be created with a change in luminance (brightness) rather than a change in chrominance (colour).
T he same thing may be found on the 128. When you tum on the power, the dark grey background is actually a little brighter than 64 blue. Print chr$(28) (or select red on the keyboardwith CTRL-3 and then try to type something legible. Next switch the background to yellow with color 0,8: the red text will now be fine, but the startup-message (in light green) will wash away.
When television systems were being designed. there were sound rea ons for this. Tests showed that people can not see colour within detai l: only the broad area of a picture convey colour information to the eyes. In order to ave channel space, the television system was designed to drop colour information from intricate parts of the picture.
Refer to the chart and pick a colour that has a luminance level one group away from whatever background you are using. Try typing; you' II fmd the characters are readable, but not as crisp as you might like .
To be more precise: the brightness part of a picture (the blackand-white portion, if you like) is sent complete with sharp detail. The colour infom1ation of a picture is sent with much less sharpness. It's easy to demonstrate this on a Commodore Plus/4 or C-16 computer; the HUE command will change the brighme s level of any selected colour, except black. o matter what basic colours you choose on the e machines, you can also pick a hue that will make the text unreadable against the background colour.
If you write a program in which you pick one or more character colours, you should be sure that such colours are separated from the background by at least two groups. That way, you should get good readability.
bv Jim Butterfield â&#x20AC;˘ Computers that use TV sets, or monitors with a "composite video" connection, are often accused of rendering some colours poorly. The accusation is often unfounded: it's usually the video system itself that's at fau lt. In this article, I'll try to give you a quick run-down on why this is. An accompanying chan may help you choose colour schemes with good readabi lity.
Here's the trick in setting up a good, readable screen: c hoose colours with good luminance differences. The chart will help. H orrible Examples Look at the chart, and note that a Commodore 64 starts up with a background colour of blue ( 128 code 7. POKE value 6). Brown happen to have exactly the same luminance level as
Practical Applications
Can you trust the background colours to be the " default" values? Probably not. If you're going to set colours at all, you might as well set the whole thing: background, border, and character. Your program might follow on from somebody else's masterpiece. in which the background colour has been set to something completely incompatible to your colour selection. Then again, you can leave colours alone completely, on the assumption that the user will have set colours to a personally pleasing palette. Side Issues. Keep in mind that the table and the above description apply only to the TV-like signals: television itself, of course, and Transactor
monitors taking composite video signals. If you hook up an 80-column dis play to your I 28 u sing the RGB I cable, the problem will not arise. Colour will be delivered to the same sharpness a blackand-white.
L. Grey
Gr e en
L. Red
L. Blue
Ora nge
D. Grey
Bl ack
Cy an
1-.4. It's interesting to note how we tend to blame the computer for such problems, when the problem is in the video methodology. Quest ions such as ··How can I fix my video chip?"' can 't be answered easily. since the problem is not in the chip. In the same way, inte rlace pictures as seen with some 128 programs and with the Amiga have an unsolvable fli cker problem. The fli cke r is not in the computer: it comes about as a result of the nature of televis ion signals.
Character CHRS ()
Hhi te
All colour combinations will work together. Except, of course. such combinations as blue on blue, which is. as always, very hard 1.0 see.
* Sllm... s de£ aul t background c o 1our of c oMputer. The Table
To get rid of the flicker, you must pursue the same drastic solution a for ·fuzzy colours·: you would abandon the standard TV signal and go to a special monitor.
The table is a convenient thing to keep on hand. Colours are grouped in descending order of luminance, from white to black. The 128 COLOR command numeric value is given. plus the POKE value which is valid for both 128 and 64. lf you're looking at a listing, the symbols that you' II see when colours are selected via ' programmed cursor· are shown. And finally, the CHRSO values are given; I like to use these when setting colour within a program, since they are easier to typeset (and read. and enter) than the reversecharacter equivalents. I don 't mind if your colours clash. But if you' re going to fly that multi-coloured sprite against a s plit screen with both hi-res and text in various colours, I'd like it all to be sharp and visible. The table may help. 11
NewsBRK CompuSer ve expa nding to Europe: We're pleased to see that CompuServe will soon be available to European users. CompuServe has entered into an agreement with Tele Columbus of Baden. Switzerland. This extension to CIS serv ice will begin in the U. K. and Switzerland with other European countries to follow. European users will be able to tap CIS' vast resources in the fall of this year. We would be remiss if we failed to note that the Commodore Programming Forum (GO CBMPRG) and the Commodore Communications Forum (GO CBMCOM) are a part of those vast resources. CBMPRG's data libraries contain a large number of public domain. free ly redistributable and Transactor programs wh ich are provided to support Commodore programmers. CBMCOM is directed more to users of Commodore applications programs, especially terminals. CBMCOM also features an on-line conference each Sunday at 9:00PM Eastem time. The Commodore Arts Forum (GO CBMART) is directed to users interested in games, graphics and music. Commodore itself is also accessible via CIS (GO CBMSERV). Minitel comes to North Amer ica: Also on the communications front. North American microcomputer users will be able to reach Minitel, the French information network, for only a local call. using Mini tel's free terminal software. The soft ware connects users with the infom1ation network used daily by more than four million people in France. Minitel offer a wide range of services - everything from financial and business transactions to electronic chatlines and the French National Phone Directory. By the end of 1989, Minitel will also become the gateway to similar networks in Belgium, Italy, Spain , Germany, and Finland. To get the free software, use your modem to call Mini tel's tollfree BBS number: 1 (800) 999-6163. Set your parameters to 1200 8Nl and enter "Minitel" at the login prompt. You' ll also receive a Directory of Mini tel 's services at no charge. [Yes, there is Minitel software for the C64. Prospecti1•e users should note that charges amount to 17 cents per minute for some serl•ices and 35 cents per min w e for others. There is no sign-up fee and no minimum momhly charge. The f ree software will undoubtedly be available all over th e continent soon via local BBSs as well.- MO}
Free Spirit to ma r ket VizaStar & VizaWrite 128: Yiza Software and Free Spirit Software have entered into an agreement whereby Free Spirit shall exclusively market Vi:aWrite Classic and VizaStar 128 in orth America. Vi:aWrite Classic is described a a high performance, easy-to-use. word processing
program for the C 128. VizaStar 128 is the integrated spreadsheet, database and business graphics program for the C128. Viza Wrile Classic uses page-based WYSIWYG format - word
wraps and fo1mats text, instantly, as you type. Editing features include: copy, move, delete text by highI ighting a character, word, sentence, paragraph, page or by searching; find and replace any sequence of characters; full creen and document scrolling, up to 240 character page width; go to any page instantly; merge almost any other word processing file directly into a document; glossary area for frequently used words or phrase . Mail merge, a full function calculator and a 30,000 word Spelling Checker are among its many features. An SOcolumn monitor is required. Free Spirit will market VizaWrite Classic at a new suggested retail price of $59.95. The spreadsheet for VizaStar 128 contains a ruled worksheet display. a 1000 row by 64 column worksheet, variable column widths. multiple worksheet windows, copy, move, erase functions and more. The database allows full screen design of records (up to nine screens can make up an individual record), up to 8,000 characters per record, unlimited number of records per fil e and more. The Business Graphics function uses data from the spreadsheet or database to draw two- or threedimensional full colour graphs and charts. Free Spirit will market VizaStar 128 at a new suggested retail price of $69.95. For further information, contact: Free Spirit Software, P.O. Box 128 - 58 Noble St., Kutztown, PA, 19530, (215) 6835609. Psygnosis moves into the C64 mar ket: Psygnosis - already firmly established in the games market for the Amiga and ST - is now seelUng a major slice of the action at the top and bottom ends of the computer entertainment marketplace. The company, whose titles regularly feature in the international Amiga and Atari ST charts, has launched a simultaneous two-pronged attack on the PC and 8-bit games areas. Three Psygnosis games will soon be available for the C64. The new versions are to be released under the Psyclapse label. The following material was taken from the Psygnosis press release: • Baal - "An addictive mixture of strategy and arcade action, it features eight way ultra smooth scrolling through three distinctive domains containing multiple levels, over 250 highly detai led screens, superb graphics and sound effects, and more than I 00 monsters and 400 traps." • Ca ptain Fizz Meets The Blaster-trons - " A gripping mixture of high speed play and deep strategy. the game offers simultaneous two player action, split screen view, 20 Blastertron infested levels and a pounding soundtrack. " Transactor
• Ballistix - "Considered the ultimate ball game, it is played on 130 different pitches, with splitters filling the screen with dozens of balls, tunnels to hide them from view, red arows to increase their velocity and magnets to take them out of control. All this and a reverberating soundtrack complemented by crowd applause for every goal." These new versions will have new style packaging with cover illustrations involving lettering from top British artist Roger Dean. The C64 titles carry a suggested list price of £9.99 (cassette) and £12.99 (disk). [Sorry, no dollar amounts were given in the press release.- MO] Jonathan Ellis, Managing Director of Psygnosis, states: "As far as the 8-bit scene is concerned, we are convinced there is a great need for good quality fames. The trouble has been that 8-bit users have tended to be treated as the poor relations of late and so the product they have been offered has not been of a sufficiently high standard. Psygnosis intends to change all that by breathing new life into the market." The ICT Mini-Chief hard drive returns!: Owners of 1571 disk drives will probably be tickled pink to discover that the Mini-Chief hard drive, originally marketed by the now-defunct InConTrol, is available once again. The hard drive is installed inside the 1571 case. Manufacturing rights for the Mini-Chief have been obtained by The Computer Bar, P.O. Box 436, Hagerstown, MD, 2174 J, (30 I) 293-7005. Star Micronics offers 14 resident fonts: Star Micronics America, Inc. has begun shipping the first 24-wire dot matrix printers offering 14 resident fonts, claimed to be the greatest number of internal fonts available in a single dot matrix model. These printers also produce multi-colour output with an optional colour-printing kit. Additionally, the manufacturer contends that the xs-2415 Multi-Font ( 15") and the xs-2410 (10") Multi-Font printers are the quietest models in their price/performance categories operating at 49 and 50 decibels respectively. According to Star, these printers offer exceptional speed, print quality, memory capacity, paper-handling capabilities and an easy-to-use front control panel for optimal functionality in business and home office applications. They offer a super letter quality mode (SLQ) in addition to the standard LQ mode featured on today's 24-wire printers. Each model prints at 240 characters per second in draft elite mode and 80 cps in LQ elite mode. The 14 resident fonts are TMS Roman, TW-Light, Courier, Prestige, Script, Letter G, Orator, Helvet, Optimo, Cinema, Blippo, OCR A, OCR B and Code 39. The SLQ mode is available in two fonts: TMS Roman and TW-Light. In addition, users can expand their font library with optional font cards that will soon be available. The printers also offer superior graphics output by producing 360 by 360 dpi graphics resolution, which surpasses that of most laser printers. The XB-2415 Multi-Font has an exceptionally large 41K buffer which allows the printer to store up to 20 pages. The large Volume 9, Issue 6
memory capacity frees the computer to handle other processing tasks. The xs-2410 Multi-Font has a 27K buffer and holds up to 13 pages. To expand the memory capacity, users can add an optional 128K parallel board and a 32K ram card. The XB-24 15 Multi-Font printer incorporates Epson LQ-1 050, mM Proprinter XL24 and NEC graphics emulations. The XB2410 Multi-Font incorporates Epson LQ-850, IBM Proprinter X24 and NEC graphics emulations. The printers come standard with a Centronics parallel interface, and an optional 8K serial board with RS-232C and RS-422A interfaces is available. The front control panel allows users to conveniently select from 21 frequently-used print functions, virtually eliminating the need for DIP switches. By pressing a button, users can engage the paper parking feature, which permits feeding of single sheets without removing tractor-fed fanfold paper. In addition, users can choose fonts, print quality, print pitch, condensed print, italic print, quiet mode, graphks printing direction, among other functions. When producing output on pre-printed forms and fanfold paper, users can program the printers to skip over the perforation and position the page for a short tear-off. Other printer functions such as page length, lines per inch, automatic line feed and automatic carriage return functions can also be set from the front control panel. In addition, an optional pull tractor and a single-bin cut sheet feeder are available. The XB-2415 carries a suggested retail price of $999, the XB2410 is $749. The colour printing kit has a MSRP of $50. Star Micronics Inc., 200 Park Avenue, Suite 3510, New York, NY, 10166, (2 12) 986-6770. Clip art for your Commodore: Parsec, Inc. is distributing a new series of Public Domain clip art. This package consists of ten disks filled with over I ,000 pieces of clip art. The clip art is available in either Basic 8, Newsroom, PrintMaster, Printshop (Side A) or Printshop (Side B) formats. Also included is a booklet, catalogued by disk, for quick location of the graphics. The clip art series includes everything from hi-tech and cars to nature and sports. The delivered price, including the shipping and handling, is: $13.40 for the 48 states (with a street address); $14.30 for POB addresses, AK, Hl; and $16.80 for Canadian orders. The mailing address is: Parsec, Inc., POB 111, Salem, MA, 01920. Parsec can be reached on-line at: CompuServe: 76456,3667; Q-Link: Parsec; GEnie: JBEE Fourth Annual Commodore Showcase: C.A.S.E (Commodore Association of the South/East) has selected the dates of September 16-17, 1989 to hold the Fourth Annual Commodore Showcase in Nashville, Tennessee. This year's show will be held at the Nashville Convention Center. Educational and fun seminars are given throughout the two days of the show. Last year, Jim Butterfield, R.J. Mica!, Jim Oldfield, Pete Baczor and Andre Frech were some of the 79
personalities that presented topics. Tickets for the Showcase w ill be sold by member clubs at $7.50 each (prior to August 15th. S 10.00 thereafter). good for both days of the s how. C.A.S.E. is a consortium of user groups formed to better serve the souteastern community of Commodore computer users by providing education. communication. product information and fellowship to the members. Currently. there are 35 u e r groups who are members of C.A.S.E. and these groups consist of well over 5.000 Commodore owners and users. For more information: C.A.S.E., P.O. Box 2745, Clarksvi lle, TN, 37042-2745.
Bible Search from SOGWAJ> Software: Bible Search contains the complete King Jame Version ew Testament text. According to SOGWAP, the program is equipped with very fast word search and verse display capabilities. Bible Search includes the full text with a complete Concordance on two Commodore disks. The package comes with two versions of the program: a C64 version (40 columns, 64K) and a C 128 version (40 or 80, 128K). The Concordance references every word to every verse in the ew Testament. thereby eliminating fruitless searching of text. With Bihle Search, the user can perform single or multiple word searches and then display the full text of those verses where the word(s) are used together or separate ly. The manufacturer states that complete verse usage of each search word is returned in about five seconds or less on a C64/1541 and that faster times are possible for less used words and for C 128/ 1571 users. The text is provided with: book, c hapter and verse markings; upper and lower case; full punctuation; italics. and the words of Christ in colour. Display colours and drive usage are configurable - works with one or two drives. Printer output is available for any verse(s).
Bible Search comes complete with User's Guide and is normally supplied on two 1541 f1 ippy disks ( 157 1 and 1581 format available on request; specify when ordering). Both programs are on one disk with the Concordance on the back. The full text of the ew Testament has been com pres ed onto both side of a second disk. The four Gospels are on one side; Acts through Revelation on the other. Bible Search is written by Michael R. Miller (Big Blue Reader) and is not copy protected. The package is available through Commodore dealers or direct from SOGWAJ> at a cost of $25.00. Send cheque or money order to: SOGWAP Software, 115 Bellmont Road, Decatur, I , 46733. (2 19) 724-3900.
The next group of five disks provides telecommunications capabilities to C64 users and supports a variety of modems. Each of the five disks contains the terminal program itself (PCGTERM), a wide variety of fonts and 282 blocks of documentation. Choose the disk that supports your modern: T052 is for the 1650; T053 for the 1660; T054 for the 1670;T055 for the Yolks 6480; and T056 for the Mitey Mo. The disks are $4.00 each or purchase all five as a set for $15.00. Pos's 'disks of the month' sell for $4.00 each and include: April '891C64: calculate Social Security benefits, view the pictures that are provided with the commercial game Strip Poker (user must have the game to use this program), small SEQ file reader, count number of files on a disk, C64 pictures with a fade in/out s lides how program, and a disk cataloging program. May '891C64: powerful sprite editor from Germany, more pictures, Print Shop graphics (3-block), C64 term ina! with VT100 (yes, 80-column) and Kermit protocol. June '891C64: PCGTERM with support for 1650, 1660, 1670, M itey Mo and Yolks 6480 all on one dis k. This version doesn't do everything that the version on the individual disks does since the disk had insufficient space for the extra fonts and some other support files. April '89/C 128: music menu program with many song files, a Star Tre k demo, some 1571 utilities, a side 2 recovery program and some menu programs. May '891CI28: 203-block checkbook program that operates in 80-column mode, the shareware terminal program DESTERM.SDA (wh ic h runs in 80-column mode and support ANSI graphics). All prices are uso and include shipping and handling within the USA. Public Domain Solutions, P.O. Box 832, Tallevast, FL, 342701, (8 13) 378-2394 help and information line, (800) 634-5546 toll free order line. Purrrfec t mouse holde r unlea shed : H&H Enterprises has introduced the MouseCAT mouse device holder. The mouse holder looks like a killen and holds the mouse in its lap with its front paws wrapped around the mouse. MouseCAT comes in either light grey or white with pink ears, nose and paws, green eyes and a curling tail. MouseCAT attaches to the computer monitor or other flat surface with a velcro-type fastener. MouseCAT retai ls for $6.95 (US). For more information, contact H&H Enterprises, 4069 Renate Dr., Las Vegas, NV, 89103. Phone (702) 876-6292.
New PO disks for C64/C 128: Public Domain Solutions is pleased to announce the release of several new Public Domain disks.The first four new disks (E004-E007) are only for the 128 in 128 mode and comprise 12 Physics lessons. There are three lessons per disk (each lesson is about 180 blocks). This collection sells for $ 12.00 (US).
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Transactor 10-85 West Wilmot Street Richmond Hill Ontario Canada L4B 1K7 I
TRANSBLOOPURZ Turning Off Write/Verify, Volume 9, Issue 4, pg. 57: Although it doesn' t affect the program's operation at all, there was an error in one of the comments. The line in question should read: 390 data a2 ,05:
number of job
:rem ldy #5 queues to check
Make 2 Sided, Volume 9, Issue 4, pg. 59: This one is not real ly an error. The missing values in the Drive Table have been found. Thanks to author Dennis Jarvis for supplying them. Drive 1
Zone 2 3
Format Type 4
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Supernumbers Ill, Volume 9, Issue 5: Ric hard Curcio's treatment of indestructible variables fell victim to the old PETSCH to ASCII conversion snafu. While proper British pound signs appear in the text, this character appears in the listings as a backslash.
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