1 minute read
Delay – Time
from Alphatron Oscillion VST VST3 Audio Unit Subtractive Synthesizer: Leads, Pads, Keys, Basses, Atmos
• Preset Manager sec tion features a ‘Preset Browser’ button to load and save presets and banks, enabling to export to *.fxp (VST2 Preset), *.fxb (VST2 Bank), *.vstpreset (VST3 Preset), *.aupreset (Audio Unit Preset) plus two generic formats (plain text): the *.xmlpreset (XML Preset) and the *.xmlbank (XML Bank), providing c ross-platform presets/banks.
This allows to c ontrol over the loading and saving of presets from disk as well as sharing presets between different plugin formats using the generic *.xmlpreset (XML Preset) and the *.xmlbank (XML Bank).
The 'Preset Name Display' text box will show the ac tive preset name.