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VCO 1 – Fine

VCO 1 – Fine

 Finding the Audio Plugins folder:

The plugin folder is nested in the Mac intosh HD Library. There are usually a minimum of two Libraries on your Mac , one in Mac intosh HD and another in your user ac c ount. You should only plac e the plugins in the Mac intosh HD Library so that it c an be ac c essed by all users on the c omputer. The usual loc ation of the folder should be: Mac intosh HD/Library/A udio/P lugIns/


 Restart your Mac

If the rec ently installed Audio Unit plug-in isn't available in GarageBand, Logic Pro or MainStage, restart your Mac .

1. Choose Apple menu > Restart. 2. Open GarageBand, Logic Pro or MainStage. 3. Clic k the Audio Effec t, slot to see if the plug-in is available in the pop-up menu. If the plug-in still isn't available, resc an the plug-in.

 Uninstall the Audio Unit plugin on your Mac

If you need to manually remove the Audio Units plug-in, you c an find the files in the Library folders on your Mac .

When installed, Audio Units plug-ins appear as individual c omponents in the Library folders on your Mac :

In the Finder c hoose Go > Go to Folder, enter /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/ Compo nents into the Go to Folder field, then c lic k Go.

You c an also c hec k the Library in your Home folder. In the Finder c hoose Go > Go to Folder, enter ~/Library/Audio/ Plug-Ins/Com pone nts into the Go to Folder field, then c lic k Go.

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