1 minute read
with cherry tomato, corn, pickled heirloom carrots, cotija & poblano avocado emulsion
TEXTURE: Small rib adds crunch & lift
COLOR: Darker green edges, with light green center
SIZE/SHAPE: 6-9” in length. Cupped leaf ends
Make the Romaine the Star!
This unique head of lettuce is versatile, has a high brix content and is a true money maker. It can be offered as a brunch, lunch or dinner entrée and can be interchanged seasonally on menus ranging from food trucks, upscale casual concepts, or to the first or second course of a plated catered event.
As the Produce industry evolves, the Fresh Press Market Report is an amazing resource published every Friday to help you stay informed ON what's happening each week!
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Fresh Press Alerts Click Here blend of whole crimini, oyster, portabella &
shiitake mushrooms Packed
A Flavourful Classic
Sautéed mushrooms make for a great side dish or an interesting appetizer. Mushrooms are one of the few plants foods that have strong umami flavor. Umami flavors can enhance lowsodium foods, reducing the need for added salt. 7205549 3264918
Consumers rely on social media more to determine where to eat operationsatmosphere diningexperience(indoor& outdoorpatio) location,trendystorefront convenientmobilepick-up &drive-upzones rather than ON what to order Extremely/VeryImportant SomewhatImportant NotVery/NotatAllImportant FoodieMagazineWinter2023 in a 5 lb. box Grown & Handpicked Natural Vitamin D No GMO Click on the item # for more product details