The Sysco Ct Advantage

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Focusing On Your Needs



Simplot Potato Baby Bakers Whole Roasted

Sysco Classic Pacific Chef Cut Vegetable Blend

6/2.5 lb | 8461089

6/4 lb | 4742599

(4 oz. = $0.53)

(4 oz. = $0.35)

Connecticut provides comprehensive foodservice Business Reviews for customers who are looking for Fresh Ideas and better business strategies. Through Menu Analysis and Menu Engineering, we can help identify opportunities to increase your sales and profitability.


MENU ANALYSIS Using menu analysis, we can help maximize your profitability by providing exact plate cost information on existing menu items or on any new recipes specifically developed for your needs.

Sysco Imperial Demi Glace Sauce Mix (W&S) 4/20 oz | 3769353

Certified Angus Beef Flat Iron - Beef Chuck Top Blade

(2 oz. = $0.17)

18/2 lb avg | 6510265

Sysco Imperial Green Peppercorn Spice

(8 oz. = $2.63)

1/6 oz split | 4086096

(.25 oz. = $0.09)


FLAT IRON STEAK with green peppercorn sauce



Suggested Menu Price - $12.95 Approx. Operator Cost - $3.77

When it’s time to change your menu, let our

Profit - $9.18 per serving

Culinary Specialists be your number one resource. They can create new recipes and eye-catching plate presentations, in addition to showing ways to increase profits, reduce labor and streamline ordering.

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