End-of-Term Report 2018–2022

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End-of-Term Report 2018–2022

The APPSPGHAN Council during the Council Meeting held on October 24, 2018, have unanimously elected the following for the Executive Committee (Execom): Dr. Suporn Treepongkaruna – President Dr. Juliet Sio Aguilar – Secretary-General Dr. Yen-Hsuan Ni – Treasurer Dr. Kyung-Mo Kim – Next Congress President Dr. Way Seah Lee – Next Congress President Prof. Akira Matsui – Immediate Past President

PRIORITY PROJECTS Among the priority projects of the Society to thrust forward, the council through its Execom deemed it prudent to focus on the following: 1. Creation of the APPSPGHAN website 2. Official registration of the Society to establish the legality 3. Review of the Constitution and By-laws

Creation of the APPSPGHAN Website (www.appspghan.org) •

The APPSPGHAN website, created in 2019, contains important sections and is maintained by an IT company in Thailand under close supervision by the APPSPGHAN Publicity Committee.

Among the significant features are online membership registration and an online educational platform. The website has an online e-learning system for the members. Lectures from past congresses, masterclasses organized by the Society, and the rerun of the collaborative webinars with the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

The website also promotes all APPSPGHAN academic activities and those of sister societies when relevant as well as other important developments.

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