1 minute read
Way Forward
The connections between the components of public space and systems of the human body were deliberately produced and served the primary function of opening up new perspectives to observe the public space with prompting the revelation of new identities/ relationships/ features of public space from a multisectoral lens.
The work does not attempt to offer a universal anatomy of public space but is rather designed intentionally as a subjective interpretation of three distinct disciplines with shared goals and views of the city. It offers a unique perspective grounded in specific contexts (the three teams are based in Milan, Italy) - even if not directly influenced by it. In addition to this, the scope of the work was meant as an introductory, high-level contemplation of the subject matter: it did not propose solutions or strategies for enhancing the urban landscape. The work offers lessons for practice that could be developed into design principles in subsequent phases of the project.
This research didn’t receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors.