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Arizona is looking for a way to generate income for the capital but is pondering the idea of developing the great canyon into a tourism park . e canyon holds signi cant meanings to the native Americans that may ended up heavily polluted due to tourism.
e government kept exploiting land resources from the native Americans the Navajos since long time ago. By building coal factories in their land that exhale huge amount of carbon dioxide annually that greatly harm the local’s lives.

Meanwhile the Navajo Coal Factory is facing nancial problems and is facing demolition. Can this piece of architecture be reused to generate a more sustainable income and future for the capital and the locals?

#MasterPlanning #Activist #CulturalProject #Sustainable Part 2 | Architectural Association | Diploma 18 | Tutor: Enric Ruiz-Geli generate income for the capital but is the great canyon into a tourism park . meanings to the native Americans that may tourism.

land resources from the native Americans
By building coal factories in their land dioxide annually that greatly harm the e Concept is to reuse the architecture of the Coal Factory and revitalise it with herbal plants that are healing to the Navajo patients and scenic enough to be a botanical garden for tourism. reuse the architecture of the revitalise it with herbal plants the Navajo patients and scenic botanical garden for tourism. e coal eld is now turned into a cemetery, for each Navajo patients who passed away there will be a memorial stone put in place.

Factory is facing nancial problems and is of architecture be reused to generate a future for the capital and the locals?

Patients will live in the typical oors of the silos, those are the rooms of patients.
Upon the last few days prior death patients will move to the top oor, where sky lights are available to allow patients to stay connect to the nature, all their belongings will be moved around the death bed with their family members staying by their sides.
As they passed away the light from the sky will lead the way to their a er life, and their belongings will be burned away.
It will be one of the main destination for tourism on top of the botanicalgarden.Asaneducationofthehistoryandharmfulness of coal factory has on the people.