Welcome to the 2024 version of our annual bull sale held with Brooks Farms.
The Brooks family have once again dug deep into their bull battery and are offering a great set of bulls including two show bulls that had a very successful Agribition run. We have in our offering six calves from Jada 115F, different sires, but all carrying their dam’s traits. Our biggest offerings are from ANL 70H and TH Crown Royal 182H offering performance and different genetics. Please feel free to call us or stop in at the farms anytime to view the offering.
- KarlCory, Brenden & Cayden Lischka 306-471-7733
Box 241, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0
Blayne, Stacey, Ethan & Marshall: 306-485-7063
Jeremy, Rachelle, Hudson & Ryker: 306-485-8003
Blake, Amanda, Jack & Brynn: 306-485-8488
Dustin, Haley & Paisley: 306-485-9216
Welcome to the ANL/Brooks Bull Sale on March 17, 2024, at ANL Headquarters, Steelman, Saskatchewan. This annual event has presented high quality Polled Hereford sires for decades supplying both the purebred market and the commercial sector. The Lischka Family is steeped in heritage as this multi-generational breeding unit has been a source for superior seedstock both male and female.
Although Karl and Karen have a large cowherd base, they are strong believers of “quality not quantity.” The Brooks Farms operation is the breeds up and coming high quality Polled Hereford source. This was clear at last fall’s Canadian Western Agribition… that influence is available sale day… you’ll have the opportunity to acquire the National Junior Bull Calf Champion.
The 2024 edition is packed with genetic power and unlimited opportunities! No doubt the sons of the“super cow Jada” will be a feature… rarely can one select from a group of full and half brothers out of a proven predictable donor who has been so dominant in every mating. But let’s not overlook the uniformity of the offering… uniformity in type and muscle shape, full of eye-appeal and very strong maternal traits which comes with each bull. The birth weights are right, the cattle are the right kind, unlimited opportunities are available for all types of operations and budgets.
When studying EPD’s, we find that several key traits are absent… breed identity, temperament, rustling ability and conversion… traits which a Polled Hereford can supply. Over the next decade, as we attempt to rebuild North America’s beef cow herd… the Hereford bull will have a big chore producing baldies.
Feel free to stop by either operation, preview the bulls and the mothers, or give Karl or the Brooks boys a call to discuss the bulls and those that will fit your breeding intensions.
Plan to be with us on March 17th in person, on the phone or online, and do not hesitate to give any of us at T Bar a call as we can assist you with your purchases in a professional and confidential manner.
Warman, SK S0K 4S0 306-933-4200 info@tbarc.com
Chris Poley: 306-220-5006
Shane Michelson: 403-363-9973
Ben Wright: 519-374-3335
Levi Rimke: 204-851-4515
Sunday, March 17, 2024 1:00 PM Steelman, Saskatchewan
(This sale will be live at the farm in our sale facility)
Sale Staff...
Chris Poley 306-220-5006
Shane Michelson 403-363-9973
Ben Wright 519-374-3335
Levi Rimke 204-851-4515
Alameda Agencies 306-489-2258
Bonnie Thompson or 306-483-7311
Please join us for lunch prior to the sale.
Bull Wintering Program...
• You may take immediate possession of your new herdsire or you may leave him with us until May 1, 2024, after May 1 a maintenance fee will be charged.
If you choose to have your bull wintered, he must be fully insured.
• Free delivery is available within a 300 km radius.
• $50.00 discount if your bull is picked up sale day.
- Heavily pigmented, short marked and dark red
- Very sound in structure
- Lots of muscle and big topped
- The Jada offspring continue to excel
- Pigment – goggle eyed
- Very balanced
- Lots of natural shape with a herd bull look
- Wide based and free moving
- Pigment- R 90% L 90%
- Moderate in frame
- Low birth weight and short gestation
- A bull that we think will work on heifers
- Pigment R 100% L 100%
- Very soft made with a herd bull look
- Moderate in birth weight
- Sire, Hodgeman, will add performance and maternal strength
- Pigment – R 15% L 80%
- The Jada/Royal cross has really excelled
- His flush sisters are super uddered and very productive
- Will do a lot of things right
- Pigment – R 100% L 100%
ANL 521X AVERI 81B 12D
- 135L is a bull that moves very freely
- A lot of eye appeal
- Lot of turn to his top
- Big square hipped
- Dam is a big middled cow with a good udder
- Pigment R 60% L 0%
- Soft made and big middled
- Short marked and has a very good foot
- Dam is big middled and good uddered
- Pigment – R 40% L 100%
- High performance with a lot of shape
- Dam has great udder and milk flow
- Pigment – R 80% L 80%
- Dam has great udder and high milk
- A calf that is stout made
- High maternal traits stacked in pedigree
- Plenty of performance
- Pigment R 20% L 20%
- A well balanced two year old
- Sound feet and legs
- Moderate framed and big bodied
- Short marked and goggle eyed
- Low birth weight
- Exceptional udder quality
- Pigment goggle eyed BE
- Very balanced set of
- Great udders run deep in this guy’s pedigree
- Pigment goggle eyed BE
- A powerful maternal side to this pedigree
- This is the first set of Crown Royal bulls
- Will add color and pigment
- Pigment RE 100% LE 100%
- Lots of performance and long spined
- Dark red with lots of pigment
- Same dam as our show cow 60J
- Moderate in frame, strong topped, square hipped
- His dam is your typical good uddered Royal 24E daughter
- Pigment RE 100% LE 100%
- Moderate birth weight
- Long sided with plenty of performance
- High milk numbers, hard working dam
- Pigment RE 100% LE 100%
- Pigmented and short
- Should add extra pounds to his calf crop
- Pigment RE 100% LE 100%
- Out of our 80C
- Will add pounds
- Easy fleshing
- Pigment RE 90% LE 90%
- Low birth weight with high performance numbers
- Very athletic when put in motion
- Heifer approved
- Extra frame and long bodied
- Will add performance to his calves
- Very clean in his lines
- Pigment RE 100% LE 100%
- Powerful, heavy muscled, massive made
- He’s got lots of character, big testicled, sound in structure.
- JR Division Bull Calf Champion at CWA ‘23.
- Reserve Champion Bull at AgEx ‘23
- Exceptionally sound, big hipped, strong topped, tons of style and eye appeal.
- Comes out of our largest cow family.
- His mother started our embryo program, that’s how much we think of her.
- Character in his head, stands proud, carries himself with a lot of presence.
- High maternal pedigree, Royal, 71D, Untapped and come out of our largest cow family.
- Maternal brother, a past high seller, resides at Haroldsons Polled Herefords LE 100 / RE 100 Homo Polled
- Deep bodied, loose hided.
- His mother has stood the test of time.
- Moderate framed, sound made. LE 70 / RE 100 Horned
- Smooth shouldered, up headed.
- A Kreed 3H son out of a first calver.
- Like his sire an option for some first calvers.
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance, unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Each animal will sell to the highest bidder... no by-bidding will be permitted. Disputes –Bidding will be reopened between the parties involved in dispute. If no further bidding is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision on all disputes will be final.
All announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to such disclosures.
Should any bull fourteen (14) months of age or over fail to prove a breeder after being used on females known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within six (6) months following the date of purchase or six (6) months after the bull has reached fourteen (14) months of age. The seller will have the right and privilege of six (6) months to prove the bull a breeder. No guarantee is given that semen collected from the bull will freeze.
In cases where the animal is subjected to any hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, this guarantee shall be null and void.
Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Hereford Association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
Pedigree Estimates (PE) are created on the projected mating of the animal’s sire and dam based on averages of the two, creating estimated values that do not hold the same accuracy of actual EPDs issued from the association and should be used as such.
All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on, the part of either party to live up to his obligations. Neither does T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of any monies between parties and any legal action that may in exceptional cases be taken must be between the buyer and the seller. T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder.
The above terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale.
Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, mail or wire their bids and instructions to the sale managers, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
We will assist in arranging transportation wherever possible. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Will be available sale day. We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value.
All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supercede any written material in the catalogue.