2025 Winter Issue
Booking Deadline Dec. 18, 2024
Material Deadline Dec. 29, 2024
2025 Fall Issue
Booking Deadline Aug. 20, 2025
Material Deadline Sept. 1, 2025
All advertising accounts must be paid in full before more advertising is accepted. Payment of accounts can be made by cheque (payable to the Saskatchewan Hereford Association), Visa or Mastercard. The Saskatchewan Hereford Association reserves the right to accept or reject ads.
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Half Page
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Business Card Ad Yearly
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All advertising rates are subject to 5% GST
For editorial content, contact: Saskatchewan Hereford Association Box 12 Raymore SK S0A 3J0
Phone: 306-570-1717
skhereford@sasktel.net www.saskhereford.com
President James Hordos Raymore 306-835-7492
Vice President
Jeremy Brooks Alameda 306-485-8003
Office & Admin Coordinator
Sarah Hordos Raymore 306-570-1717
Rob O’Conner Vibank 306-550-4890
Carmen Milham Outlook 306-867-4231
Tyler Arthur Alida 306-485-8996
Trevor Airriess Wadena 306-338-7753
Kaitlyn McMurphy Jedburgh 306-641-5278
Kristine Just Yorkton 306-621-9874
Jillian Just Yorkton 306-620-8583
Roger Procyk Fillmore 306-722-7701
Julie Mortenson Nokomis 639-907-7010
To advertise, contact: Today’s Publishing Box 2330
Warman, SK S0K 4S0
Phone: 306-933-4200
Fax: 306-934-0744
Editor: Bryan Kostiuk
Marketing: Chris Poley, Ben Wright & Shane Michelson
Accounting: Treena Ballantyne & Donna Boyle
Circulation: Debbie Thiessen, Kristi Knutson
Production: Katie Serhienko, Jessica Engele, Emma Lees, Emmaline Usselman Janessa McKay
Chelsey Mitchell
Vibank, 306-541-6620
Jesse Procyk (SJHA Rep.) Fillmore 306-722-7702 CANADIAN
Lance Leachman Maidstone 306-903-7299
Chad Nicholas Milestone 306-436-7300
Kozlinski Ranch
Red Water Ranch (3)
D.and A. Northrop (2)
Alcott Creek Cattle Co. (2)
HHH Cattle Co.
Bowie Ranch
SNS Herefords
Gary Lehr
Jarett Lehr
Grant Tallieu (2)
Kusler Ranch
Glen Lepard
EZ Ranching
Brad White
Oddan Ranching
E & A McKee
Bob Herman
Miles Johnson
Dave Moffatt
Williamson Ranch
Brad Cole
VT Feeders
Gary & Susanne Cairnes
Chase Bannerman
Ed Lavasseur
HMS Hi-Cliffe 646 Juniper 3J & Matador 33M
Supreme Champion Female - PA Exhibition
HMS Hi-Cliffe Luna 23L
Champion Junior Yearling Heifer - Bonanza 2024
HMS Hi-Cliffe Luv Potion ET 25L
• Champion Senior Heifer - Bonanza 2024 • Finalist in the Elite Bred Heifer Supreme - Calgary Stampede • Grand Champion Female - Saskatoon Stierwalt’s Beef Expo
Glenlees AXA Evolve ET 112J
Supreme Champion Bull - CWA’23 – Member of the Evolve Group. Progeny for sale and in dam.
MJT 15C Royal 608H
Walking herd sire. Progeny for sale.
40th Annual Production Sale
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2024 - 1:00 PM
70 Bulls
50 Commercial bred females
FREE DELIVERY within 350 miles on all cattle
• Bulls guaranteed unconditionally for 3 full breeding seasons
• All yearling bulls have passed a semen test
• We would be pleased to winter bulls at cost
Our catalogue and a 1 minute video on each animal will be available in November at... www.stromsmoeherefordandangus.com The catalogue includes:
• Feet scores on the mother of every bull (foot claw set and foot angle)
• Udder scores on the mother of every bull taken before the newborn calf has had a chance to suck (teat size and udder suspension)
• Docility scores on the dam of every bull taken within hours of birth
Nyle & Vicki 403-666-3957 Cell: 403-878-3957
Vicki’s cell: 403-502-6372 nstromsmoe@yahoo.ca Clint Ph/Fax: 403-666-2186 Cell: 403-647-6088
& Rachel Jett, Knox 403-928-3168 Box 505, Etzikom, AB T0K 0W0 www.stromsmoeherefordandangus.com
Hosted LIVE at the Red Coat Reception NOV. 27TH 2024
Reception 7 PM - 10 PM at The Atlas Hotel
All Hereford Association members, exhibitors, and guests are invited to the Atlas for a meal, drinks, and a casual evening of fellowship and comradery.
Featuring a $5000 Canada-Wide Sale Credit towards a Hereford Bull or Female, as well as over $25,000 in other sale & service credits.
*Tickets can be purchased from any SHA Board Member prior to and during Agribition week. Grand Prize Draw will be announced just before CWA National Sale. Secondary prizes to be announced Friday, during the show.
THE ATLAS HOTEL || HEREFORD HEADQUARTERS A block of rooms is reserved until October 24, 2024 HOSPITALITY ROOM || THE ATLAS HOTEL
Hospitality Room will be open to Hereford Exhibitors, Visitors and Guests at The Atlas Hotel Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29, 2024.
this year and more available on auction with proceeds going to the World Hereford Conference Young Breeder Contest Canadian Teams
Charlton Farms Ltd. , Weyburn, SK.
Q: Introduce yourself! What is your name, age and a little about yourself
A: Hello, I’m Matthew Charlton. I’m 20 years old and live 15 minutes outside of Weyburn, SK. We have a mixed grain and cattle operation: Charlton Farms LTD that was established in 2006 when my mom and dad bought the farm.
Q: How many years have you been a part of the SJHA?
A: I have been a part of the SJHA since I was 4 and showed at my first Bonanza in Medicine Hat, AB in 2008.
Q: Are you in 4-H? What club are you a part of?
A: I have been in 4-H since I was 7 and belong to the Arcola-Kisbey 4-H Beef Club.
Q: What is your favourite thing about 4-H?
A: I really enjoy the learning aspect of 4-H, alongside Emma and Kyla Lees, we have been helping and teaching the younger members as they become more involved and engaged with the cattle industry.
Q: Have you attended Bonanza or Beef A Rama? What is your favourite memory from these events if you have?
A: I have attended many Bonanzas through my years as a junior. Still to this day, my two favorite Bonanzas were Fredericton in 2015 and Lindsay in 2022. I also have been to a lot of Beef A Rama’s as well that are favorites, being back when it was joint with Glenavon Fair and 2018 at Lone Pine.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies or interests?
A: In my little free time, I enjoy playing or coaching hockey and lacrosse, as well as helping our neighbors with their cattle and working on my own cattle. I also enjoy flying my drone and getting some cool videos of the cattle or during harvest.
Q: Are you attending post secondary education? If so- where and what are your plans after school?
A: I graduated from Olds College in June with a Diploma in Agriculture Management with a Production Major. I learned so much and enjoyed working with many Hereford people, including the Latimer’s, who were like my second home. Now that I’m home, I am planning on taking over the farm as I have fully managed the cow herd for the last 5 years. I just have the grain side to take over now, once dad is ready.
Q: What is your favourite thing about Hereford cattle? What do you think more people should know about the Hereford breed?
A: My favorite thing about Hereford cattle is they’re versatility and docility. I think more commercial producers need to recognize the cross breeding advantages of Hereford cattle in our bulls and females.
Q: Who is someone in the breed you look up to? What about them is inspiring to you?
A: Two people in the breed I look up to are my Grandpa Duncan and Uncle Jeff Lees. They have both taught me so much and shared so much knowledge as well as help me make so many connections. I couldn’t be where I am in the cattle industry without them. I am so proud to be a part of this industry and can’t thank all those who have helped me enough. I hope to be a Hereford breeder for a long time and help younger generations to come as many have helped me
Congratulations to Aiva Beiber & Summer Arthur for being recipients of the 2024 SHA Scholarships
twenty twenty four
Gavin Fleck completed his second year of studies at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, with intentions on becoming a rural mixed animal veterinarian focused on beef cattle health, genetics, and animal welfare. At a young age, Gavin gained an interest in cattle joining the 4-H, the Canadian Junior Hereford Association, and competing in numerous junior stock shows and judging competitions.
Gavin states, “My goals as a future veterinarian are centered around improving beef cattle genetics, reproductive health, and animal welfare contributing to a more efficient, economical, and sustainable beef cattle industry.” His long-term goals include expanding his veterinary expertise into the fields of advanced bovine reproductive medicine and companion animal domains such as dogs, cats, horses, and exotic species. “I believe that veterinarians should be well-rounded and have a multi-faceted skillset allowing them to tackle any medical problem with critical thought and accuracy. By expanding my horizons in companion animal medicine, I will be able to offer more options to my clients and serve my community to a greater extent.”
Brian has completed his second year of studies at the University of Calgary School of Veterinary Medicine. Upon graduation he plans to enter the industry as a large animal/bovine practitioner. His longterm goals involve a commitment to mentorship, community, and the Canadian cattle industry. He explains, “These goals have been greatly influenced by my upbringing and ever-growing passion for agriculture. From growing up on a beef cattle operation to working at a dairy farm, performing bovine-oriented research, and getting involved in the feedlot veterinary industry, I have learned that I want to continue to be immersed in the cattle industry.”
Brian is committed to continue growing his own beef cattle herd as his veterinary career progresses, “I think it will be important for me to maintain my passion for agriculture by being involved outside of my role as a veterinarian. As a result, it is a long-term goal of mine to grow my current herd. Currently, I have 15 breeding females, with 10 of those being Purebred Hereford and 6 registered with the Canadian Hereford Association (CHA). An ideal scenario would be to grow the herd to 20-30 breeding females. I take pride in my determination. Working hard is something that brings me joy, and I hope to continue this throughout whichever career path I may end up in. The ultimate goal is to acquire my DVM and develop a cattle herd with strong genetics and growth while supporting the community and agriculture industry.
Megan currently serves as President of the CJHA. She has been an active CJHA member from the age of 6 and has recently held a variety of positions within the Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association, and has served as one of the Saskatchewan delegates for the CJHA for the past 3 years.
Megan grew up on a farm outside of Milestone SK, where her family runs a three hundred head Hereford operation. Megan recently graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Education. While at University, she was involved with the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team, where she judged countless competitions and won the Agribition National 4-H and Youth Judging Competition in 2021 and judged the First Lady Classic the following day. In the 2022-2023 year, Megan served as the President of the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team. She has recently taken a job with Agriculture in the Classroom for the summer of 2024, where she shares her knowledge and passion for agriculture with others.
At home, Megan is active in the marketing of McCoy Cattle Company as she runs the social media pages and merchandise purchasing. She is interested in EPD’s and breeding plan strategies and uses both AI and embryo
transfer technology to introduce new genetics to the herd.
She has always been an active member of her community, participating in all sorts of sports and community organizations. Megan was an active 4-H member for 14 years and held many executive positions. 4-H gave her excellent opportunities and skills in terms of public speaking, leadership, and collaboration.
Filmore, SK.
Jesse was raised on the farm and loved spending time with the cattle. She joined 4-H at the age of six and has owned cattle ever since. Through 4-H, Jesse was exposed to purebred Herefords and showed her first purebred in 2013. Her showing expanded to every Hereford program she could enter, like Beef-aRama, Brandon Ag Ex, and Agribition.
Jesse attended Filmore School from kindergarten to grade 12, graduating in 2020. She then attended Parkland College and graduated as an Ag Tech Mechanic.
Jesse has been involved in many SJHA activities and held positions on the executive. She has attended 5 Bonanzas and was awarded Aggregate in Weyburn, SK in 2019. She is preparing a large string to attend her last Bonanza in Brandon this summer.
Jesse is a dedicated Hereford breeder, using her 4-H steer profits to buy Hereford females. As she continues to grow her herd. Jesse has taken her AI course to allow her to use new genetics in her herd. She has also flushed some of her animals to use for embryo transfer. Jesse is often studying EPDs and sale catalogues to improve her herd. She participates in any Hereford opportunity available, whether it be a Beef-a-Rama or a field day. She has developed her own
logo and signage to promote her ranch. She also uses social media to promote sale cattle.
Jesse has participated in a variety of shows including Beef-a-Rama, Weyburn Regional, Agribition, Brandon Ag Ex, Creelman Fair, and more. She has also had many opportunities through 4-H as she participated in many shows, attended provincial judging and was a 4-H SK delegate. Jesse attends as many female and bull sales she can and watches online frequently. She also had the opportunity to assist with the Speckle Park show at Agribition.
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association held its AGM on June 15th at Bovigen near Moose Jaw, SK. This year we elected for one vacant spot on our board of directors. Congratulations to Chelsey Mitchell for joining us on a 3-year term.
The Southeast Hereford zone held their field day August 17th at Blair-Athol Farms near Arcola, SK. Over 100 head of cattle were shown on a beautiful day. Pictures and results available in this issue.
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association launched a Scholarship program for SK Hereford youth attending post secondary school, trades, or educational seminars or courses. Summer Arthur of Alida, SK and Aiva Beiber of Wolseley, SK received $750 scholarships towards their education. Congratulations Ladies!
The SHA committees are busy putting together details for Hereford week at CWA in November. The Red Coat Raffle will continue under the same format as last year. This raffle is the SHA’s annual fundraising initiative that brings in funds used to support the association’s various programs, as well as the youth in our province through our scholarships and sponsorships at youth shows and events around the province. Tickets are available from any SHA Board member with the chance to win a $5000 Canada wide Sale Credit and over $20,000 in other sale and service credits from breeders across the country. We are hosting The Red Coat Reception on Wednesday, November 27th at The Atlas Hotel. The committee looks forward to building
on the success we had with the event last year. We look forward to hosting exhibitors, their families, show crews and other visitors and guests in town for the week.
A new addition to the reception this year is the National Select Sale. The proceeds from this sale will go to the CHA to help send 2 Canadian teams to the World Hereford Conference Young Breeder competition in Kansas City in October 2025. Tyler Arthur has been working tirelessly to put this new fundraising initiative together with an exclusive offering of frozen genetics, a pick of the herd flush and other exciting lots! Watch for a catalogue online and in the October Digest. Thank you to all the breeders who stepped up to help make this sale possible. We are excited to have this addition to the reception and it is sure to make it an exciting event!
Make sure to follow Saskatchewan Hereford Association on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with Hereford news in the province. There are some exciting things coming down the pipeline for 2025 and I look forward to visiting you all at the many Fall sales and shows before the end of the year.
Until next time,
James Hordos
SHA President.
The Southeast Hereford Zone held its annual field day on August 17, 2024. Thank you to Blair Athol Farms – Duncan, Val, Jeff and family for hosting the field day and serving us lunch. Thank you to Weir’s Catering for preparing supper. It was a great day!
Class 1: April 1 - March 17
1st: ANL ACDT 36 UNITED 115 ET 151M
Class 2: March 3 - March 1
Junior Bull Calf Champion: ANL ACDT FRONTIER 115 ET 110M
Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: GLENLEES 112 ESSENCE 84M
Class 3: February 24 - 17
2nd: BROOKS 313J 36D VIKING 34M
Class 4: February 16 - 14
Class 5: February 13 - 10
Class 6: February 8 - January 29
1st: M-R 24E KINGS COURT 41M
2nd: ANL 71D MCADANS X38H 38M
Class 7: January 28 - 6
1st: M-R 24E ROYAL 38M
2nd: M-R 183F CARUMBA 20M
Senior Bull Calf Champion:
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: M-R 24E KINGS COURT 41M
Grand Champion Bull:
Reserve Champion Bull
Class 8: March 18 - 11
1st: ANL ACDT 174 JADA 115 ET 134M
Class 9: March 7 - 1
Junior Heifer Calf Champion: GLENLEES J030 STARMAKER 85M
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: HAROLDSONS LADY 12K 54M
Class 10: February 28 - 18
Class 11 - February 16 - 13
Class 12: February 12 - 6
2nd: M-R 9H AIMEE 84M
Class 13: February 5
2nd: BROOKS 313K 134 MAPLE 5M
Class 14: February 4 - 1
2nd: ANL 4K NADEAN 25K 16M
Class 15: January 31 - 26
1st: M-R 57J SANDSTAR 33M
Class 16: January 24 -17
1st: M-R 36G HILARY 17M
2nd: M-R 137J 420Y AIMEE 26M
Class 17: January 16 -1
1st: M-R 35H AMY 11M
Senior Heifer Calf Champion: HAROLDSONS JANE 254G 15M
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: BLAIR-ATHOL DJ YES LADY 74M
Class 18: April 2 - March 16
1st: BROOKS 131J 8D ARMANI 54L
Class 19: MARCH 15 - FEBRUARY 2
1st: BROOKS 3H 15J KATE 3L
2nd: ANL ACDT 24E JADA 115 ET 148L
Class 20: January 26 - 6
1st: MHPH 8300 CAMEO 106L
Champion Yearling Heifer: BROOKS 3H 15J KATE 3L
Reserve ChampionYearling Champion: ANL ACDT 24E JADA 115 ET 148L
Cow/Calf Grand Champion Female
ANL C 36G MAPLE 34C 60J with calf ANL CCL 254G RIDGE 60J 74M
Cow/Calf Reserve Champion Female: GLENLEES BNC 27C STAR MAKR 190F with calf GLENLEES J030 STARMAKER 85M
Grand Champion Female:
ANL C 36G MAPLE 34C 60J with calf ANL CCL 254G RIDGE 60J 74M
Reserve Grand Champion Female: BROOKS 3H 15J KATE 3L
Congratulations to Don Kreuger on his CHA 50 year pin that was presented at the field day!
Champion Heifer Calf
JAC LL4J Hope 30M exhibited by Andrew Charlton
Reserve Champion Heifer Calf
JAC 1J Connie 14M exhibited by Jade Charlton
Champion Junior Yearling Heifer
Haroldson’s JCC Jessica 75L exhibited by Curtis Hewitt
Reserve Champion Junior Yearling Heifer
ANL ACDT 24E Jada 115 ET 148L exhibited by Rowyn Shier
Champion Senior Yearling Heifer
Glenlees Cameo Girl ET 30L exhibited by Emma Lees
Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Heifer
Brooks 3H 15J Kate 3L exhibited by Hudson Brooks
Champion 2 Year Old Cow/Calf Pair
ANL ACDT 36G Jada 115F ET 141K exhibited by Rowyn Shier
Champion Mature Cow/Calf Pair
Blair-Athol 124E Sassy 145J exhibited by Hannah Lees
Reserve Champion Mature Cow/Calf Pair
JAC 24C Lisa Lees 4J exhibited by Andrew Charlton
Champion Bull Calf
Blair-Athol AD 1G Mahomes 25M exhibited by Hannah Lees
Reserve Champion Bull Calf
PLA Inferno 403M exhibited by Jayk Mitchell
Champion Yearling Bull
JAC 173D Endorse ET 10L exhibited by Matthew Charlton
Reserve Champion Yearling Bull
PLA Icetime 132L exhibited by Jayk Mitchell
Pee Wee Champion Speech
Wyatt Wood
Junior Champion Speech
Jackson Lees
Junior Reserve Champion Speech
Hannah Lees
Intermediate Champion Speech
Alannah Wood
Champion Pee Wee Showmanship
Marshall Brooks
Reserve Champion Pee Wee Showmanship
Josie Lees
Champion Junior Showmanship
Hannah Lees
Reserve Champion Junior Showmanship
Cole Hewitt
Champion Intermediate Showmanship
Becca Lees
Reserve Champion Intermediate Showmanship
Curtis Hewitt
Champion Senior Showmanship
Emma Lees
Reserve Champion Senior Showmanship
Kyla Lees
The Better Your Beef Strategy continues to be the guiding document for the CHA at a board and operational level as the roadmap to move the breed forward. There are six Must -Win Battles that cover advancing our youth development programs, selecting for carcass and efficiency, connecting with the commercial cattle sector and uniting the Canadian Hereford breeders with a common set of goals.
The World Hereford Conference will be held in Kansas City in October 2025, which will feature multiple tours, the International Genetics Sale, the American Royal Show, Educational Sessions, and a youth competition. Planning is underway to select participants for the Young Breeder Competition, with the selection process open to Canadian Hereford youth ages 18-26 and will begin later this fall. This opportunity will require funding and other support, which the CJHA and CHA have committed to leading those efforts. Contact the CHA office for more information or to express your interest in participating.
The CHA engaged Telus Agriculture to develop a new animal registry program, titled “Hereford 365”. It is anticipated that this program will be available to Hereford breeders in late 2024 or early 2025. This program will fundamentally change how the Association interacts with members and commercial breeders. It will be mobile friendly so you will be able to work from your phone in the field or from your computer in your office. Our goal is to make it easier to complete registry services and record data when it works for you.
The CHA is also offering a new program titled “Hereford X” which is powered by Telus Animal Record Management, which is an on-farm herd management program. This service will allow producers to track animal information on their Hereford, Commercial or other breed of cattle in one place. The data will integrate into the Hereford 365 system to allow easy registering and transferring of animals but also provide advanced data analytics that will help you manage your herd based on your own herd’s data. It also comes with the full support of the CHA Member Service Team, which you are already familiar with.
The CHA has partnered with the Canadian Angus Association in the development and delivery of the ‘Heifer Select Project’. The goal of this project is to develop a genomic replacement heifer selection tool trained on the Canadian seedstock and commercial data. This is a fouryear project with a total project valuation of $3.8 million that was funded by RDAR (Alberta based funding consortium) through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. This initiative is an opportunity for the CHA and its members to directly interact with commercial producers, many of which have already purchased Hereford genetics. This engagement will further demonstrate the value of Hereford-Angus (Baldy) cross cattle, and their value in the beef production system, and allow them to identify genetically superior replacement females. This is a key deliverable of the “Better Your Beef Strategy” by strengthening connections with the commercial cattle sector.
Arcola Kisbey 4-H Beef Club
Arcola Kisbey Club won Champion Group of 5 Hereford steers
Arcola Kisbey 4-H Beef Club
Arcola Kisbey Club won Group of 5 Females
MEMBER: Chole Wagner
Chole Wagner won Reserve Champion Steer at District 10 Regional
Arcola Kisbey 4-H Beef Club
Arcola Kisbey Club won Champion Group of 5 Fed Steers
Champion Female & Champion Heifer won by Mia Mackie of District 10
MEMBER: Dakota Van Metre
Dakota Van Metre won Reserve Champion Steer at St Walburh Regional 4-H Show
MEMBER: Emma Lees
Emma Lees won Grand Champion Female at Weyburn Regional
MEMBER: Faith Collins
Faith Collins won Grand Champion Female at
MEMBER: Kenzie Airriess
Kenzie Airriess won Best Hereford Steer Melfort Regional
MEMBER: Ethan Brooks
Ethan Brooks won Grand Champion Steer at Alameda Regional
MEMBER: Joss Pittman
Joss Pittman won Reserve Champion Heifer
MEMBER: Korbin Martinson
Korbin Martinson won Reserve Champion Female in the Cymri 4-H Beef Club
MEMBER: Kyla Lees
Kyla Lees from the Arcola Kisbey 4-H Club won Grand Champion Steer at Weyburn
MEMBER: Rio Mackie
Rio Mackie won Grand Champion steer in the Maple Creek club.
MEMBER: Ty Airriess
Ty Airriess won Grand Champion Steer at Tisdale Achievement Day
MEMBER: Marshall Brooks
Marshall Brooks won Grand Champion Cloverbud Steer at Alameda Regional
Tisdale 4-H Beef Club MELFORT REGIONAL
Tisdale 4-H Beef Club won Group of 4 Heifers
James Hordos, Box 12 Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 James.hordos@gmail.com C: 306-835-7492
Jeremy Brooks, Box 241, Alameda, SK S0A 0C0 Jeremy_16@hotmail.com C: 306-485-8003
Office & Admin Coordinator: Sarah Hordos, Box 12 Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 skhereford@sasktel.net C: 306-570-1717
Canadian Hereford Director: Howard Crittenden, Box 158 Imperial, SK S0G 2J0 h.s.crittenden@sasktel.net C: 306-963-7880
Canadian Hereford Director: Lance Leachman Box 922 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 biggullyfarm@gmail.com C: 306-903-7299
Canadian Hereford Director: Chad Nicolas, Box 479 Milestone, SK S0G 3L0 cnicolas@sasktel.net C: 306-436-7300
Rob O’Conner, Box 158 Vibank, SK S0G 4Y0 roconner@aginmotion.ca C: 306-550-4890
Carmen Millham, Box 382, Outlook SK S0L 2N0 Carm.dvm@sasktel.net C: 306-867-4231
JAN 1 - DEC 31, 2023
Presented at the June 15, 2024 Bovigen Moose Jaw, SK
Tyler Arthur Alida, SK tashaarthur12@gmail.com 1-306-485-8996
Trevor Airriess Wadena SK S0A 4J0 airriessacres@hotmail.com 1-306-338-7753
Kaitlyn McMurphy Jedburgh SK sfclandandcattle@gmail.com 1-306-641-5278
Kristina Just, Box 1084 Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3 justacrefarms@gmail.com C: 306-621-9874
Jillian Just, Box 1084 Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3 Jillian7.just@gmail.com C: 306-620-8583
Roger Procyk, Box 157 Fillmore, SK S0G 1N0 r.procyk@sasktel.net C: 306-722-7701
Julie Mortenson, Box 154 Nokomis, SK S0G 3R0 juliemortenson@hotmail.com C: 639-907-7010
Lexie Girodat, Box 766 Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 girodatlexie@gmail.com C: 306-672-3986
SJHA Representative Jesse Procyk, Box 157 Fillmore, SK S0G 1N0 Cattlerancher6@gmail.com C: 306-722-7702
Saskatchewan Hereford Association Members, Another calendar year has passed, and as President looking back at last years report and seeing some things that have happened since then has made me believe it has been a good and successful year. As always, it has been a privilege working with the board of directors and many members throughout the province.
The SHA was pleased with the turnout of our 2023 AGM. It is never easy planning events for this time of year, but it is something that we will continue to work on doing to help get membership out to our meeting. Again this year, hard copy invitations were mailed out to the membership and was also posted on our social media pages.
The SHA launched our new scholarship program, this year two, 750 dollar scholarships will be awarded to young well deserving individuals in our meeting today. Our hope is to continue to grow this program for youth in the province looking to either further their secondary schooling, or utilizing other workshops that will benefit their future.
The SHA hosted our new formatted red coat event at Agribition last fall. I believe it was a huge success, thank you to Tyler Arthur, Jeremy Brooks, and Carmen Millham for planning the majority of the event, they will touch on this further in their committee report.
On behalf of the SHA, I want to thank our Secretary/Treasurer, Sarah Hordos. I personally see first hand the amount of time and effort she puts in to make things run smoothly. Her passion and dedication makes the entire board easier to sit on for everyone and we just want to make sure that does not go unnoticed.
On behalf of myself, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the board members for the work they have put in over the past year. It makes the president job a lot easier.
Respectfully submitted,
The Red Coat Raffle and Reception was completely redesigned and added a new level of excitement to the CWA show week. Raffle tickets were sold beginning at SK sale weekend and continued through the fall until CWA sale day. The reception and raffle were both received extrmely well by exhibitors and sponsors. Our reception was held at the Atlas Hotel ballroom, where we served 175 guests a burger bar with all of the fixings. Presentations were made to retiring directors and a silent auction took place during the event. Exhibitors enjoyed a low key atmosphere and an opportunity
to catch up with fellow breeders outside of the barns. The raffle was extremely well supported by breeders and businesses across the country donating sale and service credits. The grand prize $5000 sale credit was won by Chloe Wagner of Medicine Hat, AB. The committee has begun preparation and planning for the 2024 Red Coat Raffle and Reception with the goal of increasing the reach of the event and grow the amount of funds earned.
The Ag in Motion committee spent time at our “Better Your Beef” booth at the show again in 2023. Our booth is in an excellent location in the livestock pavilion. HMS Hi-Cliffe had animals on display, as well as a nice booth set up with Hereford signage and advertising. The booth got lots of local traffic, as well as stops from many international visitors.
In 2023, we had an excellent year of Hereford representation in the Saskatchewan 4-H program. We sent 81 promotional items out to members showing Hereford influence animals. We are currently sending out the 2024 gifts, and have sent out 80 to date. Members successful at a regional event will receive a clothing item from the SHA, which will be presented at Canadian Western Agribition. In 2023 many youth submitted photos of their 4-H projects which were shared on our Facebook page.
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association is always focused on developing and supporting future Hereford breeders. In doing so, funds are set aside annually to support youth shows and events across the province. In 2023, we sponsored the Yorkton Spring Steer and Heifer Show, Saskatchewan Beef Expo, Young Ranchman’s and the U of S Range Team.
Respectfully submitted,
The 2023 CWA Show was judged by Trent and Garrett Leibriech of Radville, SK. Entries overall were down slightly on the polled side. There were just enough horned entries to warrant 2 shows after increased effort from the show committee and the CWA office staff for allowing entries to remain open for 2 weeks after the deadline. Looking ahead to the 2024 show the planning committee is expecting an increase in numbers with the hope of more Horned entries to gaurantee the continuation of the 2 separate shows. The judge for the 2024 Agribition judge will be Lance Leachman of Maidstone SK.
A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Atlas Hotel on south Albert St. and are held until October 10, For the block reservation code information, please contact Sarah Hordos.
Respectfully submitted,
Tyler Arthur
The Saskatchewan Hereford Association has continued to remain active on social media. You can find updates on SHA programs and events, 4-H winner photos and bull sale catalogue links among other information on our Facebook page. Today’s Publishing continues to work with us on the Cattle Call, as well as our website and all print media advertising design.
Our Cattle Call publication continues to have 2 issues a year, one in fall and another in early winter. Advertising in the publication continues to be consistent and we are trying to incorporate more
interesting articles and columns within the magazine including a Jr Member Spotlight, Hereford Life column and an outside industry information article to add some value to each issue.
Respectfully submitted,
President: Kyla Lees
Vice President: Mathew Charlton
Treasurer: Jade Charlton
Secretary: Kalla Nicholas
Delegates: Emma Lees
Megan Nicholas
SHA Rep: Jesse Procyk
Adult Advisor: Arden Charlton
Bonanza 2024: 61 Juniors from Saskatchewan are attending Bonanza at Brandon. Team competitions will be organized into Provincial Competitions
Beef A Rama 2024: Will be held at the Arcola Fair Grounds. 52 head entered. Beef A Rama Committee has been working hard to plan for a Beef A Rama show for this year.
If anyone would like to sponsor for this show, please contact Jeff Lees.
Respectfully submitted,
The Better Your Beef strategy will feature prominently in 2024 and the foreseeable future for the Canadian Hereford Association. It is more than a marketing campaign; it sets direction for the breed as a partnership between breeders and the Association. Where it benefits the Hereford breed, we will partner with service providers, industry groups and other breed associations. This is to establish the identity of the seedstock genetics sector as being collaborative, forward thinking, service oriented, and efficient. Canadian Hereford has partnered with Canadian Angus, Neogen, Telus Agriculture and Abacus Bio in a project designed to identify superior replacement heifers through genomic selection. This initiative titled ‘Heifer Select Project’ has received funding from RDAR and is underway. It aligns with several pillars of the Better Your Beef strategy as it provides a platform for direct Hereford interaction with the commercial cattle sector.
The CHA understands there is a lot of pressure on purebred producers and their operations. We are developing two new systems that we believe will improve cattle management and the experience of being a Hereford member. The first is a new registry system, Hereford 365. This system will allow you to register animals, submit performance information, transfer animals, and more. It is mobile friendly so you can work from your phone in the barn or from a laptop in your office. The second is an on-farm digital animal management program, Hereford X. This program will have additional features that assist with animal management for purebred, commercial cattle, and even other breeds. These programs will be available soon so stay tuned for more information.
The Delayed Blindness recessive genetic condition was identified in the Hereford population in 2023. The CHA has determined that
it will continue with its policy of transparency and is now posting ‘Potential’ or ‘P’ status online for animals with pedigree linkages to ‘Carrier’ animals for the six known genetic conditions. The ‘Potential’ designation does not indicate an animal is a Carrier or pending carrier, it only indicates that it has an ancestor that is a confirmed ‘Carrier’ with no intermittent testing to break the genetic chain. Identifying ‘Potential’, ‘Carrier’, and ‘Free’ animals is a tool breeders can use to more easily identify what animals in their herd should be tested to manage their herds and breeding decisions. The CHA is not revoking or restricting the registering or transferring of ‘Carrier’ animals. The status will be updated automatically as more testing is completed. Contact the CHA Member Service Team for more information on testing options.
Bonanza ‘Herefords in the Wheat City’ will be hosted in Brandon Manitoba at the Keystone Centre from July 24-27, 2024. The Canadian Hereford Association AGM will be held in conjunction with Bonanza on July 26, 2024. There will be activities for a wide range of interests, so I welcome you to attend whether your kids/ grandkids are exhibiting cattle or if you are just eager to enjoy some terrific Manitoba hospitality.
The Hereford National will be held at Agribition in Regina, SK on November 29, Eastern National at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto ON November 2 and the Western National will be at Farmfair International in Edmonton AB on November 8.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Latimer
Executive Director
Membership shall be effective through the Canadian Hereford Association and shall consist of all members in good standing of said association, resident of the Province of Saskatchewan.
a) A member in good standing is a member who is not in arrears of membership fees or dues or any financial obligation to the association or who is suspended;
b) No member shall hold office or be entitled to vote who is not a member of the association at the time notice was given calling such a meeting;
c) The membership year of the association shall correspond with the calendar year - January 1 to December 31.
a) Members eligible for election – 4-three year terms
b) Those members whose terms have expired in 2023: Jeremy Brooks, Carmen Millham, Jillian Just, Lexie Girodat
c) Members who have indicated to let their name stand for election- Jeremy Brooks, Carmen Millham, Jillian Just
a) Members eligible for election- 1- three year term
b) Those members whose terms have expired in 2024: Howard Crittenden
SHA Board Members Attendance Record 2022-2023
Director June 2023 Aug. 2023 Jan. 2024 Mar. 2024
James Hordos XXXX
Jeremy Brooks XXX
Rob O’Connor XX X
Carmen Millham X X
Kristina Just XX X
Jillian Just XX X
Roger Procyk XXXX
Julie Mortenson XXXX
Tyler Arthur XX
Lexie Girodat
Kaitlyn McMurphy XXXX
Trevor Airriess XXXX
With Proceeds going to fund the Canadian Young Breeder Competition teams at the 2025 World Hereford Conference
NOV. 27. 2024
ANL CATTLE INC. Jeremy, Rachelle, Hudson & Ryker Brooks 306-485-8003 || jeremy_16@hotmail.com Karl & Karen Lischka | Cory, Brenden & Cayden Lischka Box 14, Steelman, SK S0C 2J0 P: 306-487-2670 C: 306-487-7794 F: 306-487-2793 E: lischka@sasktel.net www.anlpolledherefords.com
George & Annette Lees Box 358, Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 P: 306-455-2612 F: 306-455-2177 Corey, Tasha, Emma, Kyla & Becca Lees Box 1, Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 P: 306-455-2714 C: 306-577-9971 tclees@signaldirect.ca www.glenlees.com
FARMS Box 334, Alameda, SK
MCCOY CATTLE CO. Chad, Carrie, Megan, Kalla Nicholas Tyson & Emma Scott Milestone, SK P: 306-436-7300 cnicholas@sasktel.net www.mccoycattle.com BLAIRS.AG CATTLE