Cheers to 10 years of the midwestern bull and female sale that has provided the opportunity to share our genetics with cattlemen and women across the globe. Bulls from this very sale and sale ring have serviced cows in over 40 countries around the world and have stood the test of time from producers who need functional and profit driven cattle. Whether you are a producer looking to purchase your first bull or are one of our long-standing customers who is looking for your 50th bull from us we have bulls to service each customer and their needs.
Once again this year we are offering an outstanding set of open yearling females from both ourselves and our good friends at Harprey Angus. Year after year they bring the goods and this year being the 10th anniversary might just be the best set yet!
An Anniversary is not just a celebration it’s an opportunity to reflect on our commitment to the industry, the progress we’ve made, and the friendships gained. It is an opportunity to cherish the past and everyone who has helped us get here and a chance to look forward down the road that’s been built.
We would like to invite everyone to join us March 30th at Gilchrist farms as we celebrate the past and look forward to an opportunistic future.
Brad, Kristie and Peyton GilchristAUCTIONEER
Carl Wright
Ben Wright
Chris Poley 306-220-5006
Shane Michelson 403.363.9973
Brad Gilchrist 519.440.6720
Adrian Rehorst 519.357.7077
Kristie Gilchrist (French speaking) 519.998.5696
Allan Hargrave
Jamie O’Shea
Billy Elmhirst 705.761.0896
Jack McCoubry 519.671.2776
Sommerville Court Motel Bed & Breakfast
Lucknow,ON 866-863-2557
SureStay Plus by Best Western Kincardine,ON 519-396-8242
TownePlace Suites by Marriot Kincardine,ON 519 395 2665
From Lucknow head north on County Road 1 to 2nd corner (Grey Ox Ave) turn left or west 4th place on the left. Address: 1269 Grey Ox Ave., Lucknow, ON
Mark Shologan, DLMS 780.699.5082
Brad Gilchrist
1269 Grey Ox Ave RR 5 Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
Kristie Gilchrist (French speaking contact) 519-998-5696
brad@gilchristfarms.com www.gilchristfarms.com
Adrian Rehorst
412 Con 8 RR 3, Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0
Allan Hargrave, Don Hargrave and Jarrett Hargrave
307483 Centre Line A, Proton Station, ON N0C 1L0 519-923-5192
Allan: 519-375-5541 Don: 519-375-1500
Jarrett: 519-374-5516 harprey@gmail.com
2024 is a landmark year for the Mid-Western bull sale, as we celebrate this event supplying the largest offering of Black Angus bulls east of the Manitoba border for one decade. The cattle that go through the ring in Lucknow have undergone strict culling processes and are bred with customer success being the goal of utmost importance. Increasing production and efficiency down the line is a non-negotiable, as the people behind the livestock in this sale fully understand the importance of increasing the bottom line in today’s day and age in the cattle business. These people aren’t part time ranchers, they live and breathe the livestock industry, you won’t find a better bunch to do business with.
I believe I state in most welcome’s just how busy and keen the young Gilchrist family is, with this 10-year anniversary being no different. With their new venture, The Beefway, going into it’s second year of business on highway 21, Brad and Kristie are truly seasoned in every facet of the livestock industry. The knowledge they have and continue to gain on the ultimate end goal of the beef production system is hugely valuable, and something that is truly unique to this program. The bulls in this offering have been on the same feed program since Thanksgiving to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout. The large majority of this offering are AI sired by cutting edge bulls on the forefront of the industry, have exceptional numbers, look, and hair. Whether you are looking to inject pounds or are looking to get some extra sleep when calving heifers, your man is here. Always a feature in the Mid-Western sale is the heifer offering from the great people of Harprey Farms, with them digging deep into their offering for the 10-year anniversary and bringing what is potentially their most outstanding group to date. Leading the charge is a Colossal heifer that commanded a lot of attention under the bright lights of the RAWF show barn. These girls can continue to compete in the show ring, and more importantly go on and make front pasture donor females. New this year is a stellar female offering from Brad and Kristie Gilchrist. The GF prefix has become synonymous with outstanding maternal quality and competitive made females, this is a program to dig into.
I highly encourage you to make time to come to Lucknow and partake in some of the ample GF hospitality and view some outstanding Angus genetics! These consignors not only know how to raise livestock to the highest degree, they are a fun bunch to be around. All of us at T Bar C are very knowledgeable regarding the offering and would be happy to assist in any way we can.
See you at the GF sale barn,
Box 2330
Warman, SK S0K 4S0
Ph: 306.933.4200
Anyone buying genetics from us and feeding their cattle to finish, we will purchase their cattle at a premium over market
We are so incredibly grateful for the community we live and do business in! This past October the Kincardine Chamber hosted their annual community achievement awards gala. We were humbled to be considered for the Miller Insurance Brokers agricultural business award among all of the exceptional candidates. All of these businesses make our community a better place and we thank them for all that they do. Bruce county is Agriculture, and to be named the agricultural business award winner means a lot to us as we continue to provide quality service and exceptional product. As a local family owned business our community and customers mean the world to us and today we say THANK YOU!
The Jena cow has done it again creating a maternal brother to the $40,000 GF Lucknow 905 bull. This cow consistently raises calves that have performance and push down the scale. Ranking in the top 1% of the breed for both WW and YW this bull is sure to add dollars to a calf crop when they go across the scales. With cattle prices at an all time high watch added performance bulls like this become critical to generating revenue that will compound in a herd!
A front pasture cow that makes front pasture progeny consistently year after year. We love this Natural Law female that possesses the power and presence few in the breed achieve and her unique ability to consistently translate that into her calves. Her natural calf born in 2023 weaned off as our heaviest bull and the only two direct daughters that we have ever sold averaged $17,000. these next five powerful outcross sons selling in this sale are ready to go to work and infuse these great genetics into the next generation. Great bulls are all backed by great females and here is one who has earned her spot into the donor pen.
Herd sire alert! A pedigree that is not available in Canada, yet one that has been proven highly maternal in the US this bull sired by Tahoe might just be the breeding piece breeders are looking for. With Tibbie 4c as the direct dam and the bold sprung rib shape there is no doubt that he will raise sons and daughters that will excel. Ranking in the top 10% for performance traits while still being heifer safe we are excited to use him in our own program as well. Heifer pen approved.
If there was a cow in the program that I hold in very high regard it is the Natural Law daughter Tibbie 4c. This cow raises exceptional calves year after year and looks like a powerful front pasture donor while doing it. Sired by Capitalist 316 this extra age bull has herd sire written all over him. Data, phenotype, raw power and a maternal beast behind this bull makes him one that will command attention. Heifer pen approved.
This group of sons by Tibbie 4C is as consistent as they come. Depth of rib, muscle shape and a strong sense of maternal ability is what comes to mind when I look and think about these sons. With a sire of Blacktop XXL this son presents an interesting pedigree that will match up well with both purebred and commercial pedigrees currently in the market.
One of two full brothers in the sale this year coming from our ET program. Tibbie 4c has made a name for herself by generating in demand cattle of both sexes. This bulls maternal sister just sold last month in the February freeze sale for $10,000 to Lee Shologan. This family is about to make waves and if you want a part of it in your herd one of these 5 sons selling will certainly cover your bases.
Outcross pedigree, calving ease and has broken the curve maturing into one of the high performing bulls of the test. We love his masculinity, depth of rib and stout features. Produced from our 2yr old pen where we used Raven Nevada heavily this bull has excelled since being born at just 68lbs. Heifer pen approved.
Ever since we purchased the original blackbird cow from Tambri this family has year after year made progeny who weigh like lead. Starting out at a modest 68 lbs birth and now ranking in the top 15% of the breed for YW this bull will work well in the heifer pen and not sacrifice the performance at sale time. Heifer pen approved.
This one checks all the boxes! A son of the great Mercedes Cow family and carrying the name well with his depth of rib, easy fleshing and stout features. A maternal sister to this bull and her calf at side sold last fall in our IN IT TO WIN IT sale demanding $20,000. Elk Ridge is featuring the maternal sister in their donor program now and we look forward to working with Osterndorff Farms as they build their program with a Mercedes! 942L boasts breed leading performance data and a herd bull look from an ultra consistent female in our program
Looking for an Angus sire with added frame, and length of spine? 189L certainly fills the description. Sired by Upgrade he boasts breed leading performance ranking in the top 1% of the breed for both WW and YW. With cattle prices on the rise once again creating cattle with growth and performance will always generate great returns in the sale ring.
Another bull from the famous Evening Tinge cow family. Check out the multiple generations of females who are phenotypic standouts that are in the forefront of this bull’s pedigree. Not only does he posses the phenotypic attributes of his maternal lineage but he also has some impressive figures with a top 15% ranking for YW and the added growth we have come to expect from the Upgrade sire
Year after year we continue to populate our herd and bull pen with outstanding ET calves through our focus on our embryo and donor program. GF Anne 600E might not be as well known as some of our other cow families but don’t be mistaken, she made her way into the donor pen for good reason. Ultra smooth in his design and structurally sound we feel this bull has a lot of years in him as a breeding sire
We sold GF Barbara 600E privately as a heifer calf as the pick of the herd a number of years back with the understanding that we would be able to flush her when the time was right. We have three full brothers in the sale this year as a result of the extensive ET work we have done Heifer pen approved.
This extra age bull is one who never looked back since birth, 109K is long sided, has added growth and performance and an exceptionally balanced overall design. Bulls like this can go out and cover cows with ease and produce value in the next calf crop. Heifer pen approved.
From the blackbird cow family this extra age bull has masculinity and look all in one package. Added length of spine, added bone and an ideal skull this bull will be able to get the job done year in and year out.
The highest calving ease ranking bull in the offering. This extra age son of Blackstock will be an excellent option for producers who have a decent number of heifers that need to be covered by one bull. With performance ranking him in the top 35% of the breed not only will the heifers be covered safe but the progeny will also push down the scale at sale time. Heifer pen approved.
Our fall bull program doesn’t get much time spent with them. These bulls are born on pasture, developed slowly over the winter and out on pasture all summer. With limited handling only the exceptionally docile ones become as quite as this bull has. Take him home and service a group of heifers and get ready for soaring fall prices Heifer pen approved.
Stemming from the great Mercedes cow family, the cornerstone of our program! Generation after generation these cattle get it done and the mass and depth of rib we see in GFA 4L is exactly what we expect. These powerchip sons have calving ease and low birth built into them with calf vigor like you have never seen!
Everyone likes feeding cattle with good hair, easy fleshing and a balanced look. 1947L is without a doubt that kind of a bull. Ranking in the top 20% of the breed for YW and starting at a modest BW this sire is a jack of all trades keeping the breeding options vast Heifer pen approved.
This long spined individual combines our rock solid herd sire 5T Powerchip 4790 with a past sale feature selling to Lyndon Manor. This combination of maternal excellence is expected to yield similar results. Lots 2-6 are all maternal brothers to GFA 2440L dam and of course the maternal matron PM Tibbie 4’15 as his granddam. We love the added growth this bull possess and expect to see that in the progeny as well.
2337640 // GFA 76L
We love seeing these bulls come out of our 2yr old group. They are bulls you know will be calving ease, and when they look like this one you will get the muscle shape and performance to go with it. 76L ranks in the top 15% of the breed for YW and backed by the highly productive Barbara cow family. Heifer pen approved.
Over the past couple years I have had the opportunity to see a lot of these Atlantis cattle and they are consistently solid cattle that will steady any program. Muscle shape, balance and rib are all attributes of a good herd sire and this one checks all of those boxes.
Heifer pen approved.
We always talk about the females behind these bulls and it is because we truly believe the most valuable bulls are backed by a maternal line that is able to get it done. The Barbara’s are one of those families we have hung our hat on for years. When you see the dams pictured in the support photos you can understand why. Ranks in the top 25% of the breed for YW
The benchmark sire raised some really valuable cattle for us this past year bringing structural integrity, growth and data into one package. This bull ranks in the top 15% of the breed for YW and in knowing what some of the other bulls we have sold in the past from this family we expect him to make really functional cattle with as strong of a maternal base as you can build.
The Rita cow family has long been part of the herd and for good reason. They have impeccable udder quality and produce highly marketable cattle both males and females. This son of Cash Advance is one who will follow in those same footsteps. Whether you are looking for replacement females or a solid set of steers to sell in the fall this bull ranking in the top 20% of the breed for performance will guild you in the right direction
The dam of Pride 308L ,is a 3/4 sibling to the great SAV America and was the #1 indexing female in the 2018 SAV sale . This bull is Royally bred with Capitalist 028 as a very high performance sire with calving ease . Note Sire is a son of Final Answer!
Here is an easy calving option for Simmental producers looking for a bull who is loose hided and easy fleshing. Loose Cannon has an exceptional hair coat depth of rib and walks out with structural integrity. His maternal sister sold in high demand for $25,000 and we see a lot of similar attributes injected into this bull by the dam. Sired by Hannibal a proven calving ease sire this bull should offer producers a wide variety of options and breeding potential.
This stout featured embryo calf of the Hainsey donor has taken performance to a new level. When we first looked to use backwater jack, we were looking for a Sire that would bring presence and data in one package. The performance that this bull possesses and Backed by a maternal female with a gorgeous udder Branded is going to offer a different Pedegree for producers, looking for progeny with a higher average daily gain.
The mother of this female was selected from Walkerbrae Farms for the IN IT TO WIN IT sale a few years ago. I strongly encourage everyone to make sure they take part in visiting the Walkerbrae program this summer through the Angus Convention, as you will have that opportunity! Their program is focused on maternal ability and at the top of that list is udder structure. Take this one home breed her and brace yourself when you see what she looks like once she calves as a 2yr old.
Hanging above us in the sale ring is GF Black Mercedes 2s, who was the very first purebred female born with the GF prefix 18 years ago. GF Mercedes 104L traces back to this same female and has the attributes to have a similar impact on any programs herd. She is strong topped, great in her lines and out of a 2yr old female who has a gorgeous udder. We showed her dam as a yearling, she’s high on the list to show again as a pair and with a long lasting tradition of the Mercedes name the stars are beginning to align on this young female.
Brood cow alert! Look at her dam, look at the parts and pieces she possesses at an early age, and its easy to see the trajectory she is on to becoming a big time brood cow. The kind of cow that slightly goes about her business bringing home stout functional cattle year in and year out and look good doing it.
Cash Advance, Boyd Authority, Titlest, and McIntosh, a stacked pedigree with value through the maternal line of Crush Maid’s. These cattle have always worked hard for us and proven to be consistent producers.
Femininity combined with a powerful pedigree as this one matures she will develop into what is sure to be a very marketable breeding piece
The first time I saw the dam of this female through my camera lens I just knew I needed to own something out of her. As a 2yr old she looked absolutely beautiful in her design and udder structure. As time progresses I am certain these two ET sisters will gain popularity
If the past can help to predict the future then this one has an awfully bright one. Her dam was our pic of the calendar year heifer calves selling at the record setting JL dispersal and since then she has done nothing but turned into a well oiled factory. Her maternal sister sold last fall through the IN IT TO WIN IT sale as a featured bred heifer and this one has even more power and performance bundled up in a balanced design. Offering these kind of females to producers is what is it all about and we get to see our customers create their own success story
This heifer was one of our favorite calves in the summer last year on grass, this stout featured deep bodied female has performance female written all over her. Her feminity and class matched up with the power and mass has made for a great combination.
GFA 810L Pictured at weaningPure Pride, these females are as easy fleshing as they come; moderate in stature and have udder quality like no other. Don’t go home and put the feed to this one… she will get there on her own and trust me when I say your will absolutely love the progeny she produces on low inputs! Get your ROI calculator out here folks!
GF Anne 600E was an absolute beast when she was working for us in our herd and there is no question why when you look at her pedigree stack. Final product, South Dakota and Widespread being the first three maternal sires in the pedigree and all are known for putting pounds on the ground. Here is your chance to get into our ET program and buy a building block for the future.
Exceptionally feminine female with an extended pedigree of maternal greatness. Give her some time and you will be more then happy with how she matures into a breeding piece
Evening Tinge is everything we can expect from that cow family in terms of look and eye appeal. Owned with our good friends at Grazie Hill Farm, this female and her dam stem back to one of the most phenotypically correct donors we have ever owned, GF Evening Tinge 17Y. Cash advance x Primo x EXT, maternal and look all bundled up in one package.
Every year this sale is one we look forward to and truly try to bring heifers that will go out and work whether you’re looking for 4H projects or the next true brood cow, we have them. As always, our group of heifers are all halter broke, double vaccinated with Express FP10 and Covexin.
With the Canadian Junior Angus show coming to Ontario we are more than happy to bring heifers back to the farm, assist in getting them bred and ready to go to Showdown. Feel free to reach out prior if you
have any questions. Different heifers suit different levels of showmanship and we recommend reaching out to Jarrett or Allan to discuss what would best fit the juniors skill set. As always we appreciate your interest and invite you to view the offering at Gilchrist Farms or feel free to come view them at Harprey Farms March 16 11am5pm or March 17 11am-7pm. If neither weekend works for you just call to arrange a time to view
Allan: 519-375-5541
Don: 519-375-1500
Jarrett: 519-374-5516 harprey@gmail.com
If you were at the RAWF last year and stopped by our stall you would remember this heifer calf. Stout made, with a massive rib structure and that super nice Angus front end and head. Her dam 224J was purchased from the Deacan Ridge crew, we love this cow for her maternal strength. This is one you should have marked pretty high on sale day!
Brood cow alert here! If you want to make bulls with loads of performance Bellemere is your type. Huge hipped, big middle, with beautiful teat placement we feel 1L will be a big-time cow. The Bellemere cow family always produces top end offspring that consistently top sales. Big opportunity here.
Show heifer deluxe here! This MARCH heifer is about as cool as they get. Super soft made, big hipped, sleek fronted and loaded with performance. If there’s one thing we should’ve done last fall was had her in to drag a halter. She is so comfortable in her skeleton; she moves super free and up headed and always giving you “The Look” in the pen. Mark this one really high!
With the Canadian Junior Angus show coming to Ontario here’s one you seriously need to look at! Super big bodied, sharp fronted athletic female. This Powerchip heifer has a real look to her. Her dam is a beautiful cow with a high quality udder and look at the job she did on her first calf. 2L will show with the best but most importantly will make a really productive cow.
Here is a more moderate, stout made broody individual. Combining the popular SAV Rainfall with the proven Mayflower cow family you can really add a breeding piece to your operation.
Hoffman Thedford daughter here that does a lot of things right. Super balanced in her muscle and rib shape, up headed, nice teat placement and quiet. Combining Thedford with her KR Pacesetter dam she will be able to inject that extra performance into her offspring while maintaining modest birth weights. Unique pedigree to add to your herd here.
Another high quality individual. Her sire is an Alcatraz son that will add some pounds to calves, consistently making high performing, structurally correct type. Her dam 44H is a really good cow with great feet and udder quality. Whoever finds her sale day will get one super productive cow.
If you like females that are more moderate, super balanced and no-nonsense type cattle you’ll mark Lucy quite high. Her sire Hendrix 11H sired the type that come easy with lots of vigor and perform, his dam is one of our top cows with a beautiful udder and loads of performance. The type to buy and build around.
Three words to describe Birdie: Stout, hairy and stout. Maybe that’s only two words but it describes her perfectly. The amount of muscle and top this heifer presents is outstanding, she does it while maintaining structural soundness and nice feminine head structure. Super cool opportunity here.
Youngest heifer in the offering, but no slouch. Echo combines an attractive look with mass and performance to become a super productive cow that will work. Her pedigree is outcross to many of the hot sires now, presenting the opportunity to breed her just about any way you want.
Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Certificate of Registration: Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Angus Association, unless otherwise specified. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
Pedigree Estimates: Pedigree Estimates (PE) are created on the projected mating of the animal’s sire and dam based on averages of the two, creating estimated values that do not hold the same accuracy of actual EPDs issued from the association and should be used as such.
Health: All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements.
Guarantee: Each animal becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set forth by the Canadian Angus Association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness.
Liabilities: All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The sellers, facility owner, auctioneer and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that T Bar C CattleCo. (2013) Ltd. is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on the part of either part to live up to his obligations. Neither does T Bar C CattleCo. (2013) Ltd. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of any monies between parties and any legal action that may in exceptional cases be taken must be between the buyer and the seller. T Bar C CattleCo. (2013) Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder.
Delivery: Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Phone, Mail, Wire Bids: Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
Insurance: Agents will be in attendance to insure your purchases. We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value.
Errors: All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue.
Return Undeliverable
Canadian Addresses to:
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
Box 2330
Warman, SK S0K 4S0