President Brad Gilchrist
Vice President Kelly Somerville
Past President Don McNalty
Brad Gilchrist, Gilchrist Farms
519-440-6720 1269 Grey Ox Ave RR 5, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 brad@gilchristfarms.com
Don McNalty, Rob Roy Angus
705-446-4740 634514 Road 63 RR #2, Singhampton, ON N0C 1M0 robroyangus@gmail.com
Amy Reinhart, Reinstone Farms 226-920-5559 1359 Trussler Road, Kitchener, ON N2R 1S7 reinstonefarms@gmail.com
Don McArthur, Heatherlea Angus 519-927-5902 17049 Winston Churchill Blvd, Caledon, ON L7K 1J1 don@heatherlea.ca
Paula Cornish, Whiskey Lane Livestock 705-341-3220 2295 Hwy #7, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 paula.cornish@td.com
Scott Honey, Loval Farms 705-924-3809 127 Honey Line Rd, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 lovalfarms@gmail.com
Ottawa Valley
Shane Reid, Rolling Meadows Cattle Company 613-812-8974 109 Miller Lane, Perth, ON K7H 3C6 rollingmeadowscattle@gmail.com
Kelly Somerville, Twin Valley Cattle Co. 613-889-4568 1042 South McNaughton Rd Renfrew ON K7V 3Z5 kellygailsomerville@gmail.com
Andrew Richardson, Cairnlee Acres 519-830-7088 6193 Walkers Drive Strathroy, ON N7G 3H5
Blair Chowen, Clear Brook Farms 226-377-1326 22567 Nissouri Rd RR# 1 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 bchowen@theandersons.com
Directors at Large
William Jackson, Tullamore Angus 905-843-1236 260 Regional RD 39, Zephyr, ON L0E 1T0 tullamore.angus@gmail.com
Kyle Pethrick, Worth-Mor Cattle Co. 705-768-3560 1082 James Rd., Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 worth-mor@hotmail.com
There are currently five regional clubs within Ontario:
Encompassing Grey, Bruce, Huron, Perth, Simcoe, Dufferin, Algoma, Manitoulin, Sudbury, Temiskaming counties and Nipissing District
Brittany Dickert
649-240-9342 101030 Conc Rd 6 RR# 2 Ayton, ON N0G 1C0 gedickert@gmail.com
Encompassing Halton, Peel, Wellington, Waterloo, Brant, Haldimand, Wentworth, Welland and Lincoln counties
Calum McGaffin
905-749-1988 8189 Guelph Line Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
Will Stoneman 587-873-7257 560 First Line, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 centralonangus@gmail.com
Encompassing York, Ontario, Muskoka, Peterborough, Victoria, Haliburton, Durham, Northumberland, Hastings and Prince Edward counties
Sandra Honey
705-931-3810 127 Honey Line Rd, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 lovalfarms@gmail.com
Encompassing Renfrew, Lennox & Addington, Frontenac, Leeds & Grenville, Lanark, Carleton, Stormont, Dundas & Glengary E Prescott & Russel counties
Keitha Donovan
613-257-2617 529 Glenashton Rd, Ashton, ON K0A 1B0 donovandale_simmentals@hotmail.com
Encompassing Essex, Kent, Lambton, Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin and Norfolk counties
Bonnie McKeller 519-287-5120 24067 Dundonald Rd., Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 westernontarioangus@outlook.com
Aitchison, Allan & Joanne - A-J’s Acres 905497 Highland Rd, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
705-563-2478 | 705-676-6657 (Cell) aitchison@ntl.sympatico.ca
CAA #: 5252624
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black 20 Red Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1999
Albrecht, Floyd 4374 Line 64, Milverton, ON N0K 1M0
519-595-7628 rrhonda.1234@icloud.com
Anderson, Chris - Willow Top Angus 675 1st Conc Rd ENR, Langton, ON N0E 1G0
Andrew, Warren & Eric - Andrew Holdings Ltd 35934 Zion Rd RR 3, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
CAA #: 5294914
519-395-3322 (Eric) warrenandrew@hurontel.on.ca
Argue, J. Albert - A.D.A. Cattle Co 2480 Old Second Line Rd, Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0
Ball, Bill & Jacob - JWB Cattle Co. 4511 Line 12 N, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0
Banks, Liam - Laurel Lea Farms 107 Templeton Crt, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Barfett, Scott - Barfett Farms 31439 Walnut Line, Wallertown, ON N0L 1M0
519-395-3699 (Warren)
CAA #: 5286591
CAA #: 5302630
CAA #: 5304606
226-376-2012 barfettscott96@gmail.com
CAA #: 5306076
Bates, Matthew - South Shore Farms 1096 Settlers Rd, Lindsay ON K9V 4R6
705-341-9510 matt.bates1@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5284863
No. of Brood Cows: 6 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2006
Bearder, Cory - Bearder Angus Farms 824 Conc 6 West, Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0
CAA #: 5305339
Begg, Brian, Michele, Caitlin & Brooklin 10869 Nelson Rd RR 3 Windchester, ON K0C 2K0 613-989-1586 michele.begg@bell.net
CAA #: 5295200
Begg, Caitlin - Caitbrook Farms 10869 Nelson Rd RR 3 Windchester, ON K0C 2K0 343-262-1885 caitlin.begg20@gmail.com
Beharrell, Brad 36699 Third Line, Southwold, ON N0L 2G0 keystonelimousin@hotmail.com
Beretta, Lieschen - Beretta Farms 4400 15th Sideroad, King City, ON L7B 1K4
CAA #: 5297962
CAA #: 5296981
519-227-1611 lberetta@berettafarms.com
Black, Adam & Tayler - Irvineside Cattle Co 6794 Hwy 6 N, Fergus, ON N1M 2W3 cattle@irvineside.com
CAA #: 5279960
CAA #: 5285924
Black, Brent, Vicky, Byron & Jean - Loyal Line Farms
36879 Gore Rd, Goderich, ON N7A 3Y3
519-529-7979 82509 Loyal Line, Goderich, ON
CAA #: 5286295 brentblack204@hotmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 1 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2001
Blake, Paul
36422 Belgrave Rd RR 7, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
519-529-7126 pfblake@hurontel.on.ca
Bolton, Denver - Polestar Angus 814 HWY 2, Lansdowne, ON K0E 1C0
No. of Brood Cows: 3 Black
CAA #: 5302592
CAA #: 5277623 Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2008
Bolton, Gary - Trent Ridge Farms 4131 County Rd 32, Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0
2 kms South of the Village of Lakefield, ON
705-772-4232 (Cell)
CAA #: 5267674 gmb44@live.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black 30 Red Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2004
Bolton, Jodee - Polestar Angus 814 Hwy 2, Lansdowne, ON K0E 1C0
No. of Brood Cows: 3 Black
CAA #: 5277623 Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2008
Bond, Mervin 10056 Hwy 2 Rd 2, Coburg, ON K9A 4J8
905-372-1609 mtbondfarms@gmail.com
CAA #: 5292885
Borth, Jeff - Borthview Farms Inc 147 Conc 4 RR 3, Mildmay, ON N0G 2J0
519-367-5708 borthview@gmail.com
CAA #: 5289113
Boutilier, Bob - BCL Genetics 3635 Wilton Rd Harrowsmith K0H 1V0
613-372-2276 bclfarms@gmail.com
Bowman, Belinda - BB Cattle Co 34089 Stonehouse Line,Graton, ON N0M 1V0
Bridge, Dennis & Donna - Bridgehaven Farms 1273 Southline RR 4, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X5
CAA #: 5284412
CAA #: 5294047
519-270-3318 | 519-386-6887 Go 5 miles east of Kincardine on Hwy 9 to Cty Rd 7,
CAA #: 5191049 turn right into Cty Rd 7 for 1¼ miles then turn right to 3rd farm on the left bridged@hurontel.on.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1983
Broadfoot, Dean & Jenny5712 4th Line RR 3 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
519-856-0737 w_deano@yahoo.com
CAA #: 5302650
Broek, William - Broekland Farm 731 Allore Rd RR 3, Tweed, ON K0K 3J0
613-813-0929 ON1694987 East Central 613-478-3505 gailwm@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5270069
No. of Brood Cows: 175 Black Club: Ottawa Herd Started: 2006
Bronn, Roger - Bronnwood Acres 2773 Holland Rd RR 1, Fonthill, ON L0S 1E6
905-892-2769 rogerolgab@gmail.com
Brook, Laurie & Lars Deleeuw - Double L Angus 325 10th Conc RR 1, Harley, ON N0E 1E0
CAA #: 5263970
CAA #: 5257071
Brooks, Kevin - Weavercroft International 72 Pinehurst Dr, Dorchester, ON N0L 1G2
519-203-2570 (Office) kevinmbrooks62@gmail.com
CAA #: 5236630
Broomfield, Grace - M. Grace Broomfield & Sons 263 Earl Rd RR 2, Baltimore, ON K0K 1C0
905-373-0133 broomfieldconstruction@yahoo.ca
CAA #: 5286618
Brown, Chad - Clarke Ridge Angus 34356 Clarke Road, Granton, ON K0K 1C0
519-852-8655 chad@sfe-sales.com
Brown, Garry & Eileen - 7 Towers Farm 111334 11th line, East Garafraxa, ON L9W 7A5
CAA #: 5305084
519-928-3083 111334 11th line of East Garafraxa
519-928-9972 (Fax) 1st Farm North of Dufferin Rd 3
519-993-1028 (Cell) seventowersfarm@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5242181 No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black, 2 Red Club: Central Herd Started: 1999
Brubacher, Ron - Serenity Livestock 7780 Side Rd 10 RR 1, Fergus, ON N1M 2W3
519-831-1147 rbf2000ltd@gmail.com
CAA #: 5264105
Brubacher, Karen & Steve - One Oak 204117 Hwy 26, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4
519-497-0863 skbrubacher1@gmail.com
Bruce, Bradley - Burnside Farms
5273 County Rd 125 RR 3, Acton, ON L7J 2L9 bbruce@uoguelph.ca
Burnbrae Farm Co 19 Inc.
3356 County Rd 27 RR 1, Lyn, ON K0E 1M0
CAA #: 5293449
CAA #: 5154463
613-341-2029 apoelstra@burnbraefarms.com
CAA #: 5258162
Burnett, Meghan
51 Taylors Rd, Oakwood, ON K0M 2M0
705-953-2085 burnetthillholsteins@gmail.com
CAA #: 5299383
Burrill, Peter - Burrill Family Farms
691 4th Line, Caledonia, ON N3W 2B2
905-308-4078 burrillfamilyfarms@gmail.com
CAA #: 5297224
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black
Buschbeck, Matthew - Buschbeck Cattle Company 636093 Fire RR 3 Markdale, ON N0C 1H0
519-986-4727 mattbuschbeck@gmail.com
CAA #: 5275675
Cain, Mark A. - Double J Farms 10699 Conc 4, Zephyr, ON L0E 1T0
CAA #: 5292924 4 farms North of Ashworth Rd on the east side of Conc 4 cainer379@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2016
Caldwell, Charles - Four C Farms 2015 Marchurst Rd, Kanata, ON K2W 0G7
613-761-0848 bccaldwell@goldiemohrltd.ca
Campbell, Jeff & Frances 747278 Twp Rd 4 RR 2, Priceton, ON N0J 1V0 jeffran.campbell@silomail.com
Campbell, Peter J - Bellbrook Angus 6219 Rokeby Line, RR 7, Alvinston, ON, N0N 1AO
CAA #: 5285935
CAA #: 5291261
CAA #: 5052156 15 km south of Hwy 402 at exit 34 which is exit for Hwy 21, North to Forest and Lambton County Rd 8 or Forest Rd which goes south No. of Brood Cows: 5 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1972
Carey, Howard & Sharon - Carelea Farms Inc.
7646 Side Rd 10 Nichol, RR 1, Elora, ON N0B 1S0
519-843-1749 carelea@ehtel.ca
Carrier, Bernard
263761 Southgate Rd 26, Durham, ON N0G 1R0
Cavanagh, Dale - 5th Line Cattle
3572 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd, Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0
CAA #: 5272108
CAA #: 5264337
613-227-5790 dalecavanhill@gmail.com
CAA #: 5281432
Cavanagh, Kathy, Ray, Colin & Kaitlin - Cavanbrook Farms Inc.
2875 Breezy Heights Rd, Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0
613-222-6090 cavanbrook@live.ca
CAA #: 5291232
No. of Brood Cows: 20 black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2010
Chalmers, Evan William - JPD Farms
2550 Line 4 N, Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2L0
705 720 0075 (Cell) lori@chalmersinc.ca
705-431-2736 (Fax) Club: Bluewater
Chalmers, Lori & Darryl - JPD Farms
2550 Line 4 N, Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2L0
CAA #: 5268308
705-720-0829 (Lori)
Just north of Barrie off Hwy 400 705-720-0085 (Michaela) lorichalmers@gmail.com
CAA #: 5275578
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1993
Chowen, Blair & Paula Ray & Mary - Clear Brook 22567 Nissouri Rd RR 1 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0
519-461-1214 | 519-857-6014 (Cell) pchowen@gmail.com
CAA #: 5191089
No. of Brood Cows: 12 black Club: Western Herd Started: 1992
Churchin, Zoran Bora - Uhthoff Severn
296 King Summit Rd, King City, ON L9B 1A3
416-620-7705 zoran.churchin@gmail.com
CAA #: 5304833
Clarke, Darryl - Clarke Family Farms Inc.
342 Chatham St, South Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0
519-359-1315 cdrainage@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301066
Cleary, Monique - Cleary Ranch & Cattle Co. 2362 Drummond Line, Keene, ON K9J 0G6
705-749-8897 monique@clearyhomes.com
CAA #: 5305787
Clysdale, Jack - Clydevue Farms 4101 County Rd 2, Keene, ON K0L 2G0
705-295-6540 clyd@nexicom.net
CAA #: 5294581
204824 Hwy 26, Owensound, ON N4K 5W4
519-573-4293 cobercow@gmail.com
Coburn, Ean & Beppy - Burnhaven Farms Inc.
CAA #: 5279067
7342 Wellington Rd 34, Guelph, ON, N1H 6H9 519-763-9724
Location: 7342 & 7316 Wellington Cty Rd 34
CAA #: 5050920
No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 1977
Coburn, Jeffery - Burnhaven Farms Inc.
7342 Wellington Rd 34, Guelph, ON, N1H 6H9
Location: 7342 & 7316 Wellington Cty Rd 34
No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Central
CAA #: 5090488
no one ever regretted buying
Don & Jeanette Currie
P: 705-445-1526
These Glen Islay cows are all out of Glen Islay cows and almost all are sired by Glen Islay bulls.
For over 50 years we have been supplying our unique Straight Canadian Angus to all provinces and 11 other countries.
Our Straight Canadian Angus cattle provide a balance of calving ease, performance, superior fleshing ability and eye appeal, and are genomically selected for tenderness.
Cochrane, Ron & Nancy - Willowside Angus
6706 10th Line RR 3, Thornton, ON L0L 2N0
Location: Simcoe County Rd 21 to Line 10 South ½ mile of Cty Rd 21 willowsidefarm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5242975
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1999
Cole, Brian - Boyne Valley Angus
5116 Conc Rd 3 RR 3, Everett, ON L0M 1J0
Location: 7km west of Alliston on Hwy 89, CAA #: 5096802 north 1 km on Conc 5 | Adjala-Tosorontio/twp (#5116) bvaangus@zing-net.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1984
Conley, Hailie - Vos Vegas Farms
1585 Thrasher Rd, Plainfield, ON K0K 2V0
613-921-9335 amym@millfab.ca
CAA #: 5285303
Cook, Douglas - Otter Creek Farms 3480 Hwy 38, Odessa, ON K0H 2H0
613-549-6666 Ext. 3696 dj.cook@me.com
Copeland, Brian C. & Janice - Lochlea Angus 54 Station St, Alton, ON L7K 0E2
CAA #: 5292927
Location: 19100 Main St Alton south entrance near red buildings janice@izane.ca
CAA #: 5297153
No. of Brood Cows: 22 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2017
Cornell, Kim - Cornell Farms
327 Lavallee Rd North, Devlin, ON P0W 1C0
Location: Rainy River District 4hrs west of
CAA #: 5192463 Thunder Bay 1 mile north of Hwy 11/71 cornellfarms@cornellfarms.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Red Herd Started: 1992
Cornish, Paula & Scott - Whiskey Lane Livestock 2295 HWY 7, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0
Location: 1 hr East of Toronto, 3 hrs West of Ottawa CAA #: 5192348 paula.cornish@td.com
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1992
Coukell, Gordon - Alcoma Farms
6093 Con 7 RR 1, Stayner, ON L0M 1S0
Creighton, Jonathon - Creilen Acres 2396 Conc 10, Brechin, ON L0K 1B0
CAA #: 5291179
705-345-8799 bigjeah@gmail.com
CAA #: 5305053
Curraghdale Cattle Co.
780 HWY 47, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
905-904-1211 antonio@curraghdale.com
CAA #: 5173724
Curran, Murray 36227 Glens Hill Rd, Dungannon, ON N0M 1R0 519-524-5361 murf@hurontel.on.ca
Currie, Don & Jeannette - Glen Islay Angus
2234 Conc 11 RR 1, Nottawa, ON L0M 1P0
CAA #: 5300988
Location: 1 km south of Nottawa, & 2½ km west on Rd 33/34 100 miles North West of Toronto
CAA #: 5051405 doncurrie@glenislay.com
No. of Brood Cows: 55 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1968
Daly, Liam
481 North Russell Rd, Russell, ON K4R 1E5 liam3850@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5301072
Darraugh, Sarah & Derek Black - Bar-J-M Farm
5392 HWY 60 Douglas, ON K0J 1S0
613-334-1992 sarahdarraugh@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5286761
Davidson, Rob - Downlea Farm 9118 Hwy 542 Spring Bank, ON P0P 2B0
705-968-1777 downlea@hotmail.com
Dawson, David 152 Joshua Rd, Orangeville ON L9W 4W5 a.trudeau@hotmail.com
Debus, Abby - Debus Cattle Company
4606 Line 49 RR 1, Brunner, ON N0K 1C0
CAA #: 5305269
CAA #: 5257856
519-595-4878 adebus@cyg.net
CAA #: 5276431
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Bluewater
Debus, John & Allison - Debus Cattle Company
4606 Line 49 RR 1, Brunner, ON N0K 1C0
519-595-4878 adebus@cyg.net
CAA #: 5276208
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2006
Denison, Julie & Ross Giles - Fusion Livestock 3282 9th Line Rd, Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0
613-218-5181 fusionlivestock10@gmail.com
CAA #: 5278325
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2010
Deslippe, JJ & Katie - Meadow Bridge Angus 922580 Rd 92 RR 4, St Marys, ON N4X 1C7
519-275-1739 meadowbridge14@gmail.com
CAA #: 5290792
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 2014
De Vries, John & Alice - Willdina Farms 3323 Lambs Rd, Bowmanville, ON L1C 6J7
289-671-5180 jdevries58@ilcloud.com
CAA #: 5290878
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Herd Started: 2015
Dickert, George & Brittany - Dickert Cattle Co 101030 Conc Rd 6 RR 2, Ayton, ON N0G 1C0
647-240-9342 gedickert@gmil.com
CAA #: 5304775
Dillabough, Tim - Hollow Tree Farm 189 Barker Side Rd, Napanee, ON K7R 3L1
613-331-5920 avanderwey@live.ca
Dockendorff, Anne & David - Silver Rapids Farm 1162 Pioneer Rd, Powassan, ON, P0H 1Z0
Dockendorff, Sarah - Silver Rapids J & S 1221 Pioneer Rd, Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0
CAA #: 5306506
705-499-5247 sarahdock@gmail.com
CAA #: 5306129
Donovan, Gerald & Keitha - Donovandale Farms 529 Glenashton Rd, Ashton, ON K0A 1B0
613-257-2617 donvandale_simmentals@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5275026
No. of Brood Cows: 5 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2007
Dudgeon, Brian, Kim, Owen, Grace & Sadie - Dudgeon Cattle Co. 1128 Bruce Road 40, Dobbinton, ON N0H 1L0
Location: 3 miles north of Paisley and 3 miles east on Bruce Road 40 dudgeongroup@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Club: Bluewater CAA #: 5232656 Herd Started: 2016
Dudgeon, Lyle & Heidi - Dudgeon Livestock RR 2, Dobbinton, ON N0H 1L0
519-353-5156 dudgeonlivestock@gmail.com
CAA #: 5232060
Dudman, Jerry - Dudman Farms
2433 County Rd 121, Burnt River, ON K0M 1C)
705-344-4748 dudmanhomeandproperty@gmail.com
Duivenvoorden, John & Pat - JPD Farms 1672 10th Line, Innisfil, ON L9S 3P3
Duenk, Peter & Emily - Duenk Farms 25425 New Ontario Rd RR 3, Denfield, ON N0M 2A0
CAA #: 5304913
519-851-4776 pduenk@outlook.com
CAA #: 5305083
Earley Brothers - Earley Bros Angus 2211 Napperton Dr, Kerwood, ON N0M 2B0
519-661-8713 mike-earley@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5050343 No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1936
Eisses, Luke - Redemption Farms
3676B Hwy 124, Sunridge, ON P0A 1Z0
705-816-5967 redemptionfarm2023@gmail.com
Elliott, Charlene 85213 Sideroad 8 RR 1, Meaford, ON N4L 1W5
CAA #: 5270042
519-848-5563 elliott.angus2016@gmail.com
Elliott, Kevin
85213 Sideroad 8 RR 1, Meaford, ON N4L 1W5
CAA #: 5295457
519-829-6100 elliott.angus2016@gmail.com
Harry Ellis
96 Old Norwood Rd RR 2, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0
Elmhirst, Billy & Juanita - Indian River Cattle Co.
1870 Settlers Line RR 1, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0
CAA #: 5263617
CAA #: 5280336
705-295-2708 juanitaelmhirst@gmail.com
Enright, Sean & Barry - Enright Farms
70 Kennelly Rd RR 2, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5
Location: 1 hour NW of Ottawa
CAA #: 5294640
CAA #: 5264986 enrightfarms@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2005
Erb, Conrad 6603 Rd 124, Milverton, ON N0K 1M0
519-949-4778 cowcrazy86@gmail.com
CAA #: 5302466
Ernewein, Sean & Ronda - Gravel Lane Livestock 252 Conc 14 West, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
519-881-8669 srernewein@hurontel.on.ca
CAA #: 5166943
Evans, Christopher Russell - EvansRidge Farm 2308 Drummond Con 2, Perth, ON K7H 3C3
613-264-5356 christopherrussellevans@gmail.com
CAA #: 5302206
Fallis, Mike & Lisa - Fallis Land and Cattle 1273 6th RR 4, Selwyn, ON K9J 6X5
705-740-4878 sunsetacres@nexicom.net
Ferguson, Barry G. - Skyward Acres 92 Calnan Rd RR 1, Grafton, ON K0K 2G0
CAA #: 5288931
Location: South of HWY 2 at the end 92 Calnan Road (East of Grafton) 60skywardacres@gmail.com
CAA #: 5278732
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2008
Ferrier, Jim & Brenda - Scotch Line Red Angus
2488 County 10 Scotch Line Road, Perth, ON K7H 0E7
Location: 2 miles from Perth on Scotch Line Rd
CAA #: 5118661 drferrier@sympatico.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Red Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 1985
Finch, Terry & Nancy - N7 Cattle Company
230 Seronia Rd, North Bay, ON P1B 8G4
705 492 9639 n7cattlecompany@gmail.com
CAA #: 5304179
Findlay, Chad - Elm Holme Cattle Company 4045 Limestone Rd, Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0
613-832-1443 chad_findlay@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5279661
Flaharty, John - Elmbank Farm 5716 Winston Churchill Blvd, Erin, ON N0B 1T0
519-870-8800 elmbankfarm@gmail.com
Foran, Gerald & Sharon 5446 Road 106 RR 2, Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0 geforan@hotmail.com
Foubert, Megan 6832 Dalmeny Rd, Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0
CAA #: 5286208
CAA #: 5302070
613-601-4373 meghanfoubert.07@gmail.com
CAA #: 5285942
Four Mac Farm Box 288, Beachburg, ON K0J 1C0
613-582-3450 nathanlatchford@gmail.com
CAA #: 5261105
Fox, Rodney & Annie 2725 River Rd RR 5, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
905-772-5669 sweetannies2724@gmail.com
Frame, Cliff & Catherine - Curraghdale Cattle Co.
780 HWY 47, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
Location: HWY 47, 3 Miles east of Uxbridge Gate 780
CAA #: 5297293
CAA #: 5173724 antonio@curraghdale.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1988
Fraser, Andrew & Karen Mansfield - Glenlovat Angus
6003 1st Line RR 1, Orton, ON L0N 1N0
Location: 2 miles from Perth on Scotch Line Rd
CAA #: 5252169 andyfraser0779@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 6 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2000
Frieburger, Kevin - Sandy Ridge Ranch
Fire 767 RR 1, Elmwood, ON N0G 1S0
Location: Walkerton
CAA #: 5247813
No. of Brood Cows: 300 Black 20 Red Herd Started: 1980
Frieburger, Nick
Conc 8 730 RR 1, Elmwood, ON N0G 1S0
519-379-0713 frieburger_nick@msn.com
CAA #: 5303751
Frijters, Peter, Karen & Family - Premier Livestock
5164 Line 58 RR 2, Milverton, ON N0K 1M0
519-595-4311 pfrijters@genex.coop
CAA #: 5237203
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1998
Fulton, Tyler - Cedarview Angus
378 Conc 7, South Pakenham, ON K0A 2X0
Location: North of Chesley on County Rd 10
CAA #: 5234022 towards Tara. Turn west Conc 2 of Arran 3rd farm on southside tyler_cmc@hotmail.com
Herd Started: 1998
Gatchell, Terry - Cedar Springs Farms 69 Bethany Hills Rd, Bethany, ON L0A 1A0
705-308-8677 cedarspringfarms2012@gmail.com
CAA #: 5293327
Genex Cooperative Inc.
143 Dennis St Unit C, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
888-354-4622 plasby@genex.coop
CAA #: 5129644
George, Dean - George Family Farm
2070 Blezard Line, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 deangeorge_8@hotmail.com
Gerber, Jesse & Emmalene Leis
1093 Manser Rd RR 2, Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0
CAA #: 5305163
519-616-4586 willowbrookblackangus@gmail.com
CAA #: 5286990
Gibson, Emily - Gibson Farms 2148 Conc 4, Ripley, ON 519-440-9907
Location: 2 roads South of Ripley, ON, Conc 4 519-395-3646 emilygibson0707@gmail.com
CAA #: 5278744
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2010
Giffen, Dale and Debbie and Family - Riverview Farm 3913 Hwy 26, Minesing ON L9X 0A8 705-728-7734 katherine_giffen@hotmail.com
CAA# 5253731
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2003
Gilchrist, Brad, Kristie & Peyton - Gilchrist Farms www.gilchristfarms.com 1269 Grey Ox Ave. RR #5, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 519-440-6720
Location: 2 roads North of Lucknow, turn west, brad@gilchristfarms.com 4th farm on the south side of road
CAA# 5257681
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2003
Gillham, Kevin & Kathy - Gillco Farms gillcofarms@gmail.com 8699 Con #3, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R1
Location: 8 km West of Uxbridge
416-795-7199 (cell)
CAA# 5245615
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2000
Grier, Todd & Kathy - Grier Family 1045 Eden Grove Rd, Lansdowne, ON K0E 1L0
613-659-3095 tkgrier@1000island.net
CAA #: 5289327
Grist, Dave - Grist Farm 6031 4th Line, Orton, ON L0N 1N0
519-589-2619 dave@gristfarm.ca
CAA# 5275650 No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2009
Grotenhuis, Maaike 117379 Cty Rd #3 RR #1, Inkerman, ON K0E 1J0 613-989-5490 dmgrotenhuis@xplornet.ca
CAA #: 5277568
Haight, Adam - Braemar Cattle 23883 Heritage Road, Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 519-871-3911 ahaightdvm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301671
Herd Started: 2020
Hall, Sandra - Lazy 8 Stock Farm
232035 Conc 2 WGR, Ayton, ON N0G 1C0 lazy8stockfarm@gmail.com
Hambly, Christopher - Edge View Acres Ltd 1057 2nd line, Churchill, ON L0L 1K0
CAA #: 5293148
905-953-6628 chrishambly06@outlook.com
Hammell, Steve & Amanda - Lorncliffe Livestock
335 Conc 2, Dobbinton, ON N0H 1L0
CAA #: 5285945
Location: North on Chesley on County Rd 10 towards Tara hammellgirls@gmail.com Turn west Concession 2 of Arran 3rd farm on southside CAA# 5274890
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2008
Hargrave, Allan & Donald - Harprey Farms
307483 Centre Line A RR 2, Proton Station, ON N0C 1L0 519-833-7009
Location: 6.5 km S of Maxwell on Grey Rd 2, 1 km W
CAA #: 5052186 harprey@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Black, 20 Red Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1975
Hargrave, Jarrett
308028 Centre Line A, Proton Station, ON N0C 1L0
519-923-5192 harprey@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284087
Hasson, Jim & Wendy - Hasson Cattle Co. 351355 17th Line, East Garafraxa, ON L9W 7E1
519-942-3391 whasson@gayleafoods.com
Hasson, Regan - Hasson Cattle Co. 351355 17th Line, East Garafraxa, ON L9W 7E1
Hasson, Rob & Karen McMaster - Hasson Livestock
5536 Guelph Township Rd 3, Guelph, ON N1H 6J4
CAA #: 5236797
519 826 1537 (Cell)
CAA #: 5297463
416-817-7339 (Rob)
Location: North/West of Guelph 416-433-5595 (Karen) hassonlivestock@live.com
CAA #: 5181603 No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2000
Hawkins, Jordan - Tri Hawk Farms 11781 Smokeline, Thamesville, ON N0P 2K0
Heaslip, James
1878 Haldimand Rd 9, Caledonia, ON N3W2E4
CAA #: 5303844
905-765-3322 jamieh112009@hotmail.com
Hedley, Byran - Hedley Farms 6552 HWY 3, Canfield, ON N0A 1C0
CAA #: 5299215
Location: 10 km East of Cayuga right on HWY 3, CAA #: 5279109 North/South sides of the road
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2008
Hickey, MJ - Hi-Valley Farm
1260 Center Rd, Douro-Drummer, ON K0L 2H0
705-742-6931 mjhickey8@gmail.com
Hickey, Thom - Cedar Hill Stock Farm
1280 Frankhill Rd RR 1, Omemee, ON K0L 2W0
Location: 10 km North of Fowlers corners
CAA #: 5288949
CAA #: 5236883 just north of Frankhill Rd/Yankee intersection
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1998
Hicks, Riley - Pocket Change Farm 501350 10 NDR Conc RR 3, Elmwood, ON N0H 1S0 riley.hicks@live.ca
Hill, Cameron - Hillbrook Cattle Company 137603 Grey Rd 12 RR 2, Meaford, ON N4L 1W6
CAA #: 5301241
519-373-6993 cdl.hill@gmail.com
CAA #: 5278981
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2009
Hodges, Andrew, Julianne, Taylor and Tanner - Knockout Cattle Company 2222 O’Toole Rd, Cumberland, ON K4C 1N3
613-833-2002 andrewhodges49@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5268286
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Red Herd Started: 2005
Hoffarth, Robert 221166 Grey Rd 9, Neustadt, ON N0G 2M0
519-799-5335 advancedconcrete@hotmail.ca
CAA #: 5272290
Hollingsworth, Terry & Brandon - RMF Angus 4240 Conc Road 4, Orono, ON L0B 1M0
905-718-2185 brh_eggman@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5285946
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2019
Homes, Shelly
3802 Mountainview Road, Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2 sholmes@etw.ca
CAA #: 5300825
Honey, Scott & Sandra - Loval Farms
127 Honey Line Rd, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0
705-924-3809 lovalfarms@gmail.com
CAA #: 5289803
Hudson Family - Burnbrae Farm Co 19 Ltd
3356 County Rd 27 RR 1, Lyn, ON K0E 1MO
613-341-2029 apoelstra@burnbraefarms.com
CAA #: 5258162
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Herd Started: 1977
Hunt, Steve - Hunt’s Valley Farm
918 Fairfax Road, Lansdowne, ON K0E 1L0
613-329-9838 huntscabinets@1000island.net
CAA #: 5301731
Hunt, TaDomi - Carlsruhe Cattle Co.
90 Conc 14E, RR 4, Hanover, ON N4N 3C1
519-373-1798 bar3c@hotmail.ca
Hunter, Kenneth E. - Stonehedge Angus
203 Acton Drive RR 1, Smith Falls, ON K7A 5B8
CAA #: 5306314
Location: 3 miles (5 km) east of Smithfalls, Hwy 43, North of Acton Drive ken.hunter@ucdsb.on.ca
CAA #: 5272035
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2005
Ianuzzo, Erik & Sandra - Grazie Hill Farm
385 Scugog Line 14 RR 3, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R3
416-508-0290 graziehillfarm@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 5 Black Herd Started: 2015
Irvine, Jeff, Dana & Lauren - Jade Livestock
33 Linke Pl, Guelph, ON N1E 0G2
Location: (Cows) 5712 4th line Rockwood, ON
CAA #: 5292929
CAA #: 5292946
No. of Brood Cows: 3 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 2015
Jackson, Bill - Tullamore Angus
260 Regional Rd 39, Zephyr, ON L0E 1T0
Location: South of Zephyr, ON Regional Rd 39
CAA #: 5051133 between Conc 3 and Conc 2 on the North side
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1923
James, Adrian - Relaxing Acres 1561 Hwy 96, Wolfe Island, ON K0H 2Y0
James, Norman & Jo-Anne - Jamesview Farms
2644 County Rd 10, Perth ON K7H 3C3
Location: 6 miles NE of Perth on Cty Rd 40
CAA #: 5291074
CAA #: 5230969 jamesview30@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Club: Ottawa Herd Started: 1992
Janmaat, Darren 41461 Huron Rd, Clinton, ON N0M 1L0
519-233-3665 darren_444@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5292805
Jewell, Luke, Matthew, Joe & Carl - Cambray Livestock Co. 1153 The Glen Rd, Woodville, ON K0M2T0
703-934-2853 luke.jewell@fcc.ca
CAA #: 5282572
Jones, Brian - Green Tree Angus 13841 6th Line, Limehouse, ON L0P 1H0
905-999-9870 Club: Central
Kailis, Alex 1279 Old Hwy 24 RR 1, Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0
519-802-6373 alex.kalis96@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5281834
Karalisha Cattle Company 34 4th Conc Rd RR 1, Burford, ON N0E 1A0
519-732-2774 shirley@rjwilson.ca
CAA #: 5268341
Grey, Bruce, Huron, Perth, Simcoe and Dufferin Counties and the Districts of Algoma, Manitoulin, Sudbury, Timiskaming and Nipissing
Keating, Kyler - Keating Bros. Livestock
183 Emily Park Rd, Alvinston, ON N0N 1A0
Kellett, Mike & Julie - Ty Ry Farms
183 Emily Park Rd Omemee, ON K0L 2W0
CAA #: 5294856
705-934-4628 julie.kellett0@gmail.com
CAA #: 5300411
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2019
Kellington, Benjamin - Long Lane Cattle Ranch 18179 Dufferin St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9
289-926-6873 longlanecattleranch@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5299382
Kelly, Thomas J. 864 Dundee Ave, Ottawa, ON, K2B 5T1
613-828-3492 thomaskelly@bell.net
Kemp, Dave & Jeff & Families - Kemp Bros Farms
3340 Byers Rd, Blackstock, ON L0B 1B0
Location: South out of Blackstock on old Scugog Rd
CAA #: 5282616
905-404-6490 (Dave)
705-928-6204 (Jeff) west on Byers Rd first farm on the south side
CAA #: 5268559 jeff.kemp@fcc-fac.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2000
Kennedy, Ted - Kennedy Farms 1245 Lake Rd, Enterprise, ON K0K 1Z0
CAA #: 5284090
Kerr, Steve & Pam 058134 Church-Hewittson, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N7 519-292-9547 pamelavanloo@hotmail.com
Kettlewell, Larry & Mary Ann - Kettlea
5412 Olde Dr RR 3, Appin, ON N0L 1A0
CAA #: 5305620
Location: 5412 and 5778 Olde drive RR#3 Appin Southwest Middlesex makettlewell@xplornet.com
CAA #: 5258584
No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black 21 Red Club: Western Herd Started: 2004
Kidd, J R & Kayla & Lucas Romano - JC Farms 705 Mount Horeb Road, Reaboro, ON K0L 2X0
Knight, Chris - Clear Creek Farm Box 191, Highgate, ON N0P 1T0
Koshel, Mike - Rocking K Ranch Box 40, Oxdrift, ON P0V 2J0
705 308 4841 (Kayla)
CAA #: 5302385
CAA #: 5260252
807-216-7917 mkoshel@yahoo.com
CAA #: 5279087
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Herd Started: 2005
Koyle, Dwight & Martin - Koyle Farms 33429 Sixth Line RR 3, Iona Station, ON N0L1P0
519-670-8314 cdkoyle@gtn.net
Kraus, Larry & Terri - KLT Angus 6310 Line 89 RR 1, Gowanstown, ON N0G 1Y0
CAA #: 5295101
Location: North of Listowel 3 miles West on line 89, 2 miles on right 6310 kltangus@sonicwaves.ca
CAA #: 5178238
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1989
Ksonzek, Carla - La Ferme Tabouate Inc. 1438 Greenlane Rd W, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 2R2
514-452-1347 carlaksonzek@gmail.com
CAA #: 5306466
Lamont, Ann 9497 Lamont Dr Komoka, ON N0L 1R0
519-666-3745 ablawson2003@yahoo.ca
CAA #: 5216567
Lasby, David & Shirley & Family - JDL Cattle Co.
667019 20 Sideroad, Mulmer, ON L9V 0V5
519-925-1681 jdlcattleco@sympatico.ca
Leeflang, John & Harry - Leela Farms 673 Drummond Con 1, Perth, ON K7H 3C3
Location: East of Perth 5 miles
CAA #: 5166518
CAA #: 5191364 leelaholst@ripnet.com
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Ottawa Herd Started: 1992
Lehman, Adam
154 Berger Rd, Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
613-628-5474 a.lehmanlogging@hotmail.com
Leslie Farms Ltd.
6089 Wellington Rd 26 Belwood, ON N0B 1J0
CAA #: 5265251
519-994-2441 jay11leslie@gmail.com
CAA #: 5299156
Lindsay, Jim and Julia Lindsay - Burnside Farms Red Angus 6235 Guelph Street, Elora ON N0B 1S0
Location: 1 km south of Fergus
CAA #: 5260235 julia.a.lindsay@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 85 Red Club: Central Herd Started: 2004
Linn, Fred & Danielle - Innes-Brae Angus
442 Petherick Rd RR 5, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
Location: 442 Petherick Rd, Campbellford
CAA #: 5250502 fred.danielle@hotmail.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2002
Logan, Sarah - Wind Ridge Farm 957 Tatlock Rd, Almonte, ON K0A 1A0
613-812-1002 dcslwindridgefarm@gmail.com
Luckhardt, Jim & Nancy - Luckhardt Angus 802356 Grey Rd 40 RR 3, Chatsworth, ON N0H 1G0
Location: 3 miles West of Chatsworth on Grey Rd 40
CAA #: 5306016
CAA #: 5235994 jluckhardt@everus.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1999
MacDonald, Donna - Wee-Mac-Lee Angus
15733 Conc 2-3, Finch, ON K0C 1K0
613-662-2646 donnaleemac30@gmail.com
MacDonald, Scott & Elizabeth - SCOMAC Livestock 4169 HWY 6 Hagersville, ON N3W 1E9
CAA #: 5243767
226-971-0015 (Elizabeth) scomaclivestock@gmail.com 519-820-1272 (Scott)
CAA #: 5265231
MacDonald, James & Anita - JAM Livestock 1752 Conc 12 RR 2 Ripley, ON N0G 2R0
266-668-8099 apatchell22@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301187
Macgregor Jack & Shirley - Four Mac Farm 1444 Zion Line RR 1, Beachburg, ON 613-582-3450, 613-582-7383 (Fax)
Location: 1444 Zion Line, Beachburg
CAA #: 5261105
No. of Brood Cows: 4 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2008
Macgregor, Jackie & Nathan Latchford - J-Star Livestock 1444 Zion Line, Beachburg, ON K0J 1C0 613-281-1477 nathanlatchford@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 4 Black Club: Ottawa Valley CAA #: 5274891 Herd Started: 2007
MacIntyre, Brad - Rail Line Farms 221 Bruce County Rd 1 RR 1 Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
519-357-5469 pcmacintyre@hurontel.on.ca
CAA #: 5284314
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black
MacIntyre, Kevin & Tracy - Xcel Livestock
6864 Boundary Rd, Russell, ON K4R 0G8
Location: 6864 Boundary Rd, Russell
CAA #: 5242799 xcellivestock@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 1999
MacIntyre, Morgan
6864 Boundary Rd, Russell, ON K4R 0G8
613-445-0506 xcellivestock.morgan@gmail.com
Mack, Wayne & Jacquie - Mack’s Red Angus 1702 11th Line W Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
CAA #: 5281082
Location: From Peterborough go east on Hwy 7 towards Havalock at lights in Havalock turn right (south) on HWY 30 at the 11th line west turn left (east) and go to fire #1690 mack.wj@nexicom.net
CAA #: 5253226
No. of Brood Cows: 45 Red Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2002
Mackenzie, Troy
2843 Vern Dr, ValCaron, ON P3N 1R3
705-690-5586 troygmackenzie@gmail.com
CAA #: 5295052
MacNeil Farms
Box 215, Brantford, ON N3T 5M8
519-752-7803 hugh.macneil@outlook.com
CAA #: 5152408
Madden, Mike - Thor Farms 7030 10th Line, Thornton, ON L0L2N0
705-791-3247 michaeljmadden@live.com
CAA #: 5299528
Mainville, Lynn & Daniel - Ferme Main-Blanc Farm 3367 Laura Dr, Chelmsford, ON P0P 1L0
705-691-6452 lynnleblanc1970@gmail.com
CAA #: 5306405
Maki, Allan & Kelly
94 Aspen Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7K 0K6
807-626-9561 kelly.maki.28@gmail.com
CAA #: 5286653
Marriott, Doug & Susan - DSMR Stock Farm 38637 Amberly Rd, Wingham, ON N0G 2W0
519-525-2372 gotbeef@rogers.com
CAA #: 5263079 No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2005
Marriott, Rob & Nicole - Sharpes Creek Cattle Co. 81532 Lucknow Line, Goderich, ON N7A 3Y1
519-357-6183 robmarriott90@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284312
Martin, Calvin - Southgate Acres 185333 Grey Rd 9, Dundalk, ON N0C 1B0
519-923-2287 martinsconstruction2011@gmail.com
CAA #: 5292710
Martin, Douglas & Margaret 559 Stone Hedges Rd RR 1, Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
613-628-5466 martinredangus@mwpol.ca
CAA #: 5301155
Martin, James & Birgit 8 Hwy 540A RR 2, Gore Bay, P0P 1H0
705-282-1508 birgit@pureislandbeef.com
Martin, Jonas W. 1881 Hwy 101 East, Matheson, ON P0K 1N0
Martin, Trevor
6780 First Line W, Elora, ON N0B 1S0
CAA #: 5236096
705-273-2790 | 705-273-2425
CAA #: 5305184
519-323-8615 trevormartin93@gmail.com
Massey, David & Janice
895 Matheson Dr RR 1, Smith Falls, ON K7A 5B8
CAA #: 55303842
613-283-6534 djmassey19@gmail.com
CAA #: 5224866
Mastalerz-Dole, Robert - Halcyonia
1609 County Rd 2, Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0 amd@ripnet.com
Matheson, Mark & Janice - College Corner Red Angus
6872 Line 86 RR 1, Listowel, ON N4W 3G6
Location: 7 miles West of Listowel
CAA #: 5306172
CAA #: 5112827 mjmath@cyg.net
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Red Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1987
May, Robert D. - Mayshire
4360 Glendon Dr RR 4, Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0
Location: Halfway between London and Sarnia
518-287-5334 (Phone/Fax)
CAA #: 5279501 robertdmay0505@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 14 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 2010
McArthur, Gordon & Patricia - Heatherlea Angus
17049 Winston Churchill Blvd, Caledon, ON L7K 1J1
Location: Winston Churchill Blvd first farm
CAA #: 5051052 admin@heatherlea.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 1981
McCallum, Richelle - JT Farms
15668 County Rd 29, Campbellford, ON K0K 1L0
226-966-0296 richellemccallum@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5304892
McElwain, Greg
2302 Flos Rd 5 W Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0
705-322-2635 gjmcelwain@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5288041
McFarlane, Michael
501 Melrose Rd Shannonville, ON K0K 3A0
613-438-1498 michael.mcfarlane17@outlook.com
CAA #: 5296361
McFarlane, J.D. - Deer Park Farms 2085 Westwick Walk, London, ON N6P 0A2
519-652-2401 deerparkangus@gmail.com
CAA #: 5264439
McFaul, Kerril & Kevin Kingsbury - Kingsview Farm 1025 Tracey’s Hill Rd, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R5
705-340-3623 kerri.mcfaul@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301609
McGaffin, Calum8189 Guelph Line Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 905-749-1988 calum_mcgaffin@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5299084
McGillivray, Greg & Jayne - McGillivray Cattle Co. 735 Conc 10 RR 4, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
519-353-7294 mcgillivraygreg@gmail.com
CAA #: 5294327
McIntosh, Shawn & Erin Allana - Black Gold Cattle Company 6967 Road 173, Atwood, ON N0G 1B0
McKay, Jeff 125331 SR 13 RR 1, Meaford, ON N4L 1W5 jeffmckay2@gmail.com
CAA #: 5237772
CAA #: 5305376
McKean, John - High Pastures Angus 595264 4th line RR 2, Ravenna, ON N0H 2E0 705-445-9479 johnmckean2014@gmail.com
CAA #: 5051866
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1973
McKinlay, James, Joan and Robert - Silver Springs Farm 609027 12th Sideroad RR 1, Ravenna, ON N0H 2E0 519-599-6236 jmckinlay@bmts.com
CAA #: 5214966 No. of Brood Cows: 60 Red 5 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1994
McLean, Graham & Murray - MelMac Angus Farms
5663 Longwoods Rd, Melbourne, ON N0L 1T0
519-319-1366 (Murray) grahamm@agris.coop
519-808-6511 (Graham) mclean@burnbraefarms.com
CAA #: 5051926
No. of Brood Cows: 45 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1974
McLeod, Neil - McLeod Black Angus
1385 A Burnstown Rd RR 1, White Lake, ON K0A 3L0
613-432-2037 mcleodblackangus@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284151
No. of Brood Cows: 22 Black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2009
McMorris, Darcy and Courtney - Windcroft Farms
573333 Boot Jack Ranch Road, Priceville, ON N0C 1K0 226-203-4506 windcroftfarms@gmail.com
CAA #: 5299321
Herd Started: 2017
McNalty, Don & Betty - Rob Roy Angus
634514 Road 63 RR 2, Singhampton, ON N0C 1M0
705-446-4740 robroyangus@gmail.com
CAA #: 5213076
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1994
Medland, Lindsay - Medland Farms
22609 Vanneck Rd, Ilderton , ON N0M 2A0
519-666-0210 medland11@hotmail.ca
CAA #: 5291787
Merchant, Derek - Merchant Cattle Co. 236 Conc 4 E RR 1, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
519-889-0372 dmerchant9@icloud.com
CAA #: 5304926
Miller, Brad & Meghan - Miller Livestock 1672 Mullifarry Dr Kerwood, ON N0M 2B0
519-871-1970 meghanemiller23@gmail.com
CAA #: 5282098
Miller, David R. - Twin Valley Farm 435 Regional Rd 21, Port Perry, ON L9L 1B5
647-300-8200 kamiller@twinvalleyfarm.ca
CAA #: 5239999
Milne-Smith, Doug, Carolyn & Jessica - Rideau Angus Farm 3537 Donnelly Dr, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
613-223-1692 angusel@ripnet.com, jessy40311@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5140593 No. of Brood Cows: 50+ Black Club: Ottawa Herd Started: 1955
Morrison, Micheal & Cindy - Cynthael Farms Box 52 463 Wolsley St, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 226-963-1242 cynthaelfarms@gmail.com
Munro, Curtis & Heather - Edmun Farms 2109 Ramsay Conc 8, Almonte, ON K0A 1A0
CAA #: 5286388
613-301-5324 (Heather) curtis.munro03@hotmail.com 613-978-1360 (Curtis) No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black
CAA #: 5290485 Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2010
Myatt, Colin - Myjoco Farm 1715 Palace Rd, Napanee, ON K7R 3K9
613-561-7811 crmyatt@gmail.com
CAA #: 5276218
Myers, Dan & Kim RR 4 2292 Old Walnut Rd, Alvinston, ON N0N 1A0
519-331-5917 kmyers5492@gmail.com
CAA #: 5305589
Naylor, Stephen - Naylorcroft 156350 7th Line RR 2, Meaford, ON N4L 1W6
519-538-0650 naylorcroft@hotmail.com
Nesbitt, Allison, Ryan and Family - A.D.A. Cattle Co 17501 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0
CAA #: 5305873
705-878-2962 (Allison) allison.nesbitt@fcc.ca
905-242-2046 (Ryan) No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black
CAA #: 5239923 Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1999
Newman, Brian 022629 Grey Rd 16 Chatsworth, ON N0H 1G0
519-477-0459 rosewinfarm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5296577
Nolan, Greg - Bar 5 Stock Farms Ltd. 636077 Holland-Euphrasia Townline RR 3
519-986-1330 Markdale, ON N0C 1H0
CAA #: 5250351 gregsnolan@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2002
Norgaard, Ike (Dwight) - Norgaard NorthFarm 71 Brock Rd N, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0
519-400-6057 norgaardnorthfarm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301705
Nostadt, Tyler - Team Nostadt 3754 11 Conc, Maidstone, ON N0R 1k0
519-562-6781 tylernostadt@yahoo.com
CAA #: 5269445
Oattes, Craig - Oattes Cattle 138 Oattes Rd, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0
613-633-0755 c.oattes@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5303005
O’Donnell, Brian - Topline Cattle Co. 8277 Line 4, RR 2, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0
519-829-5392 brian.1980@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5249597
Ormiston, Brian &Terry - Southview Farms 1594 Courtice Rd S, Courtice, ON L1E 2N1
905-433-4086 terryrormiston@sympatico.ca
CAA #: 5275703 No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2008
Orr, Ethen 1996 Gordon Lake Rd, Desbarats, ON P0R 1E0
705-542-9752 ethan_orr@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5253282
from bulls with OUTCROSS BLOODLINES typically sourced from Ontario & Western Canada
Joel & Irene Thomas 477285 3rd Line
Melancthon, ON L9V 1T5
Cell 519-940-1258 sunriseangusfarm@outlook.com
Osterndorff, Barry - Osterndorff Farms 725 Conc Rd 8, Elmwood, ON N0G 1S0
CAA #: 5253282
519-379-4991 osterndorfffarm@gmail.com
Ostrander, Clinton - CJR Cattle
7153 Mosside Line RR 4 Alvinston, ON N0N 1A0
CAA #: 5258305
519-695-2971 CJRCattle@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5234168
Painter, Scott - Painter Family Ranch 1368 Ridge Rd, Vankleek, ON K0B 1R0
403-805-0944 scottpainter91@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5304693
Parliament, Mike - Harbrae Farms C1295 Brock Con Rd 14, Cannington, ON L0E 1E0
705-432-2488 mw_parliament@yahoo.ca
CAA #: 5274768
No. of Brood Cows: 24 Black 6 Red Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2004
Paradise Farms Caledon Incorporated 25 Park Lane Circle, Toronto, ON M3B 1Z8
Pastink, Henk & Maria - Henria Holsteins Inc 105210 Southgate Rd 10, Conn, ON N0G 1N0
CAA #: 5275533
519-323-3148 henriahlstn@gmail.com
CAA #: 5286433
Pastink, Gerrit
045143 Southgate Rd 04 RR 2, Conn, ON N0G 1N0
519-504-6886 gerrit_pastink@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5286434
Patchell, Bruce, Brenda - Patchell Livestock
402304 Grey Rd 4 RR 1, Hanover, ON N4N 3B8
226-820-0899 bbpatchell@gmail.com
CAA #: 5272533
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Red 2 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2010
Pennie, John
2300 Bidwell Rd, Manitowaning, ON P0P 1N0
249-777-3115 jpennie@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5306398
Perratt, Robert - Cadillac Stock Farms
Box 26 1881 Hwy 101 East, Matheson, ON P0K 1N0
705-273-2206 bobperrattnl@outlook.com
CAA #: 5237301
No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black 15 Red Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1993
Petherick, Kyle, Rachel, Jordyn & Mason - Worth-Mor Cattle 950 County Rd 8, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
30 mins north of 401 exit at Brighton,
CAA #: 5253198 5 mins west of Hoards Station Sale Barn worth-mor@hotmail.com No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2007
Pilgrim, William & Darryl - Rock Creek Farms
1042 South McNaughton Rd, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z7
613-433-4963 william_rockcreek@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5281087 Club: Ottawa Valley
Raddatz, Ron, Tracy & Tyler - Maple Lane Farms 194 Breen Line RR 3, Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
613-281-2859 maplelane.on@gmail.com
CAA #: 5261290
Rainville, Yves - La Ferme Amicale Farm 585 Rainville Rd, Verner, ON P0H 2M0
705-594-2429 yvesrainville1@gmail.com
CAA #: 5303942
Rehorst Farms Ltd Con 8 RR 3, Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0
519-357-7077 rehorst@wightman.ca
CAA #: 5283947
Reid, Shane & Andrea Schweighardt - Rolling Meadows Cattle Company 109 Miller Lane, Perth, ON K7H 3C6
613-200-0105 rollingmeadowscattle@gmail.com
RK Cattle Co. - Reidholm Angus
7647 Wellington Rd 10, Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0
CAA #: 5292968
Location: 7 miles west of Arthur on HWY 109, CAA #: 5050915 30 mins north of Guelph reid@wcl.on.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 60+ black
Renkema, Albert & Nathan - Alstein Farms Inc. 436455 43rd Line, RR 2, Embro, ON, N0J 1J0
519-788-4391 2 roads east of Oxford Country Rd 6 North 1 ½ miles
CAA #: 5245682 alstein@execulink.com
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2000
Renkema, Brian & Charlene - Ridgeview Farm 1021 Hanna Rd RR 1, Toledo, ON K0E 1Y0
Location: Leeds County, 1/2 way between CAA #: 5266100 Brockville and Smith Falls, Frankville area. renkema.charlene@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 12 Black, 2 Red Club: Ottawa Herd Started: 2005
Renkema, Gerald - Spring House Farms 2324 Erbs Rd, Baden, ON N3A 3L9 geraldrenkema@gmail.com
Ribey, Brian & Tammi - Tambri Farm
1060 Bruce Saugeen line RR 5, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
CAA #: 5299372
Location: 6 miles W Paisley on the CAA #: 5143246 Bruce Saugeen Townline tammi.ribey@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1987
A. Cameron McTaggart - Ontario Angus Association Scholarship Program
The Awards are open to a student who: - Is a Canadian student and a resident of Ontario - Is a member of the Canadian Junior Angus Association - Is attending post secondary education (university, colllege, trade school) and will be continuing in subsequent terms
Value of the Award
There are presently two scholarships awarded yearly, each at a value of $400.
An independant awards committee is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Ontario Angus Assocation to administer the scholarship fund and review the applications.
How Winners are Selected
Consideration will be given to the applicant’s involvement in the angus breed, their community and 4-H, including any leadership roles.
Changes in the Award
The Association reserves the right to change the award program but will complete obligations to winners at the time of the change.
How to Apply
Application forms and information can be obtained from the Ontario Angus Association site at: www.ontarioangus.com or by contacting the Secretary of the OAA. Please send your completed applications to cameronmctaggartscholarship@gmail.com
Submission Deadline
Completed applications must be received by the Secretary of the Ontario Angus Association by Dec. 31 each year.
Ribey, Bruce, Heather, Bryce, Emily, Kent & Taylor - Iris Creek Farms 1073 Conc 12 RR 4, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
Location: 10 minutes West of Paisley
CAA #: 5263763 icf@bmts.com
No. of Brood Cows: 45 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2018
Ribey, Dean & Candy - Deacan Ridge Farms Inc. 911 Bruce Conc 12 RR 4, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
519-389-5753 deacanridge@gmail.com
Ribey, Kelsey - Tambri Farms 1060 Bruce Saugeen line RR 5, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
Location: 6 miles W of Paisley on the
CAA #: 5288888
CAA #: 5277508 Bruce Saugeen Townline tammi.ribey@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1987
Ribey, Kody & Kimberly - K & K Cattle 1163 Conc 6, Tiverton, ON N0G 2T0
519-385-0430 kim_orser@hotmail.com
Ribey, Rodney - Angus Knoll Farm 1163 conc 6, Tiverton, ON N0G 2T0
CAA #: 5272922
Location: 1163 Conc 6 Bruce Twp Bruce Cty Hwy 21, CAA #: 5051195 10 miles South of Port Elgin 15 miles north of Kincardine at Underwood angusknollfarm@bmts.com
No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 1960
Ribey, Terry & Pamela - Empire Cattle Co. RR# 4, Paisley, On N0G 2N0
Ricard, Jonathan 21510 Lochinvar Rd, Dalkeith, ON K0B 1E0
CAA #: 5154811
450-518-1317 dowhatyoulove@hotmail.ca
CAA #: 5305232
Richardson, Victor, Yvonne & Andrew - Cairnlee Acres
6193 Walkers Drive RR 3, Strathroy, ON N7G 3H5
Location: 7 km SW of Strathroy, 1st road south of
CAA #: 5233003 Cairngorm 6193 Walkers Drive cairnleeacres@hotmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1988
Rincker, Eric & Jane - Brockhill 2130 Conc 6 RR 3, Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0
Location: 6 km East on Hwy 7 and 12
CAA #: 5052334 on the 6th Conc of Brock in the town of Sunderland rincker51@icloud.com
No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1975
River Valley Cattle Co. 240 Embury Rd RR 1, Newburgh, ON K0A 1E0 613-378-2701 rivervalleyherefords@kos.net
CAA #: 5284731
Robertson, John - Angus Hills Farm 13200 Cartwright West 1/4 Line, Blackstock, ON L0B 1B0 705-341-3959 angushills@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5052292 No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1956
Robertson, Mary & A. Scott - Tri R Way Livestock 3067 Flos Rd 6 West, Phelpson, ON L0L 2K0 705-279-5151
Location: Near Georgian Bay
CAA #: 5297979 marye.1068@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 14 black Club: Bluewater Herd Started: 2018
Robinson, William Edward 25 Old Hwy 30 RR 1, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 705-653-2566 robinsnestfarm19@gmail.com
CAA #: 5052797
Rocking AS Cattle Co
2736 Hwy 15, Portland, ON K0G 1V0
612-812-1884 aclbullgenetics@gmail.com
CAA #: 5301424
Roffey, Brendan - RRD Limousin
7 Arthur Case Crescent, Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
437-242-9296 rrdlimousin@gmail.com
Rowntree, Wilbert & Darlene - Five Acre Farms
141 Townline Rd W RR 4, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
CAA #: 5306248
Location: East at main stoplight in Hagersville, CAA #: 5204327 take Haldimand Rd 20, turn left on 2nd Rd (Townline Rd) 3rd farm on left 141 blkangus141@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 35 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 1982
Rudkin, Ian & Joy - Maple Line Farm
3320 Bradburn Rd, Blackstock, ON L0B 1B0
905-718-5331 maplelinefarm@hotmail.ca
CAA #: 5117434
No. of Brood Cows: 125 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 1986
Rumble, Chris
4899 Line 16 RR 7, St Marys, ON N4X 1C9
519-639-5496 chris.rumb@gmail.com
Schickedanz, Arthur - A.S. Galten Farms
18010 Bathurst St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9
CAA #: 5294837
Location: 2730 Shirley Road Blackstock, ON CAA #: 5260104 galten.farms@sympatico.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 300 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2001
Schnurr, Kyle
1277 Conc 14 RR 3, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
Seeson Ranch
845040 Morrow Rd, New Liskerd, ON P0J 1P0
CAA #: 5300189
705-648-4274 sgseed@parolink.net
CAA #: 5217863
Semex Beef
5653 Hwy 6 N, Guelph, ON N1H 6J2
519-821-5060 ebain@semex.com
CAA #: 5236775
Shulist, Stas - Shulist Family Farm 2330 Dafoe Rd, Combermere, ON K0J 1L0
613-756-2599 shulistfamilyfarm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5300695 No. of Brood Cows: 24 Red
Sinclair, Paul & Karley - Clair Lane Stock Farm 585 Woodside St, Fergus, ON N1M 2M4
519-787-1570 clairlanestockfarm@gmail.com
CAA #: 5272379
SIVE, Theepan - Vettrii’s Hof & Perrera K9 680 Winchester Rd W, Whitby, ON L1M 1V2
416-272-9719 theepan.siva@gmail.com
CAA #: 5304628
Slaman, Mike & Linda - Nith Ridge Angus 767657 Township Rd 5 RR 2, Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0
519-755-4930 nithridgeangus@silomail.com
CAA #: 5289244
Smelser, Kevin & Lauren
1016 Conc 3, Fisherville, ON N0A 1G0
905-776-2296 kevin.smelser@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5268433
Smith, DJ - Quest Cattle Company Box 407, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0
519-323-8016 questcc@outlook.com
Smith, Glen - Lynden Manor Farm
Box 191, 370 8th Con E, Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0
416-526-5428 g.smith@merit-insurance.com
CAA #: 5052152 No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black Club: Central Herd Started: 1967
Smith, Jim - Tyback Farms 746904 Township Rd 4 RR 2Priceton, ON N0J 1V0
Smith, Melanie 1578A Foy Rd, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5
CAA #: 5295927
613-432-1775 melanie_smith@xplornet.ca
Somerville, Kelly and Holly - Twin Valley Cattle Co. 1042 South McNaughton Rd, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z7
CAA #: 5259975
613-889-4568 twinvalleycattleco@gmail.com
CAA #: 5278777
Sparks, Jason - The Sparks Farm 888 Simmons Rd, Odessa, ON K0H 2H0
613-483-0856 jasonin613@gmail.com
CAA #: 5305322
Squibb, Kevin - Pop-A-Top Farms 6211 Line 84, Listowel, ON N3W 0L3
519-301-0785 kksquibb@gmail.com
ST Genetics Canada ULC 7970 Perth Rd 147 RR 4 Listowel, ON N4W 3G9
CAA #: 5306274
519-291-9916 nicolas.caron@stgen.com
CAA #: 5269616
Stafford, Brady - Stafford Angus 44400 Fruit Ridge Line, St Thomas, ON N4P 3S9
226-378-2549 staffordangus@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5292783
Stanley, Ron - Stonefence Farm 2394 Yorks Corners Rd, Edwards, ON K0A 1V0
613-886-0476 ronedwstanley@gmail.com
CAA #: 5261282
Stanton, Robyn & Sylvia - Little Spring Farm 4100 Hanson Side Rd, Pakenham, ON K0A 2X0
613-762-7808 stanton5@xplornet.com
CAA #: 5290616
Stewart Brothers - Jon-Ern Farms Ltd. 8920 Bisnett Line, Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0
519-365-3695 jonern@xplornet.com
CAA #: 5304976
Stewart, Barry - Hawthorne Farm 11571 Levere Rd, Mountain, ON K0E 1S0
613-989-6038 stellamwiggins@gmail.com
Stirk, John, Andrea & Nathan - Highgrove Farms 351452 17th Line RR 2, East Garafraxa, ON L9W 7E1
CAA #: 5205591
519-940-6668 (Nathan) No. of Brood Cows: 45 Black Club: Central CAA #: 5250010 Herd Started: 2001
Streutker, Harold & Lee-Ann - Hidden Dale Farm 44 Barrie Dr, Slate River, ON P7J 0C6
807-577-8097 hlstreutker@tbaytel.net
CAA #: 5306558
Stull, Rick - Upper Glen Angus 12249 8th Line, RR 1, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4S4
905-703-0503 rickstull93@gmail.com
CAA #: 5252417
Tanner, Richard & Mary - Oak Lane Farms 5862 Parkhouse Dr, Appin, ON N0L 1A0
519-289-5446 rmtanner@execulink.com
CAA #: 5230446 No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1992
Taylor, Chadd, Erin Noonan & Shawn Young - CNS Livestock 188 Taylor Rd RR 1, Warkwork, ON K0K 3K0
705-395-1720 chaddt@gmail.com
CAA #: 5245806
Taylor, Russell & Dustin - Windale Farms
12601 2nd Line, Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0
705-924-3289 windalefarms_taylors@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5251756
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Black Club: Eastern Herd Started: 2002
Teeple, Hayden
1663 Bruce Rd 20 RR 2, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0
519-353-5516 bigdreamlivestock@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284282
Thaxter, Brandy - Rosewood Livestock 184 Kirkfield Road, Woodville, ON K0M 2T0
705-344-5308 brandythaxter1@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284305 Herd Started: 2019
Thaxter, Brett & Calley - Thaxter Cattle Company 140 Little Britan Rd, Manilla, ON K0M 2J0
705-344-5273 brett.thaxter@gmail.com
CAA #: 5284304
Herd Started: 2020
Thomas, Joel & Irene - Sunrise Angus 477285 3rd Line, Melancthon, ON L9V 1T5
519-925-5661 sunriseangusfarm@outlook.com
519-940-1258 (Cell)
CAA #: 5228480 Herd Started: 1995
Thring, Kate
012251 East West Garafraxa Town Line
519-843-7121 East Garafraxa L9W 6Y5
CAA #: 5298796 kate17.thring@gmail.com
Timmerman, Anthony & Joanne - Timmerdale Farms
3673 Drummond Conc 2, Perth, ON K7H 3C3
613-264-0091 ajtimmerman@bell.net
CAA #: 5103977
No. of Brood Cows: 12 black Club: Ottawa Valley Herd Started: 2012
Tjepkema, Eugene - Tjepkema Family Farm 1706 Hwy 54 E Caledonia, ON N3W 1W3
905-730-4005 eugenetjepkema@gmail.com
Trivers, Colin & Donja - Len Mar Farms
Box 70 14284 Hwy 17 E, Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0
CAA #: 5299486
705-842-3019 colindonjat@gmail.com
705-842-2230 (Fax)
CAA #: 5050500 Herd Started: 1948
Trolley, Laurie & Lana
122 Trolley Rd, Boulter, ON K0L 1G0
613-332-1803 laurie@trolley.ca
CAA #: 5277129
Troyer, Brent 124 Wellington St, Holstein, ON N0G 2A0
519-321-1815 brenttroyer6@gmail.com
CAA #: 5260318
Twiss, Bryan & Melanie - Lisle Livestock 7949 Conc 2 Lisle, ON L0M 1M0
519-404-9035 twissmelanie@gmail.com
CAA #: 5293801
Tye, Justin - Elmgrove Cattle Co. 6 Tower Rd, Lombardy, ON K0G 1L0
613-812-1625 elmgrovecattleco@gmail.com
CAA #: 5145369
Unger, Matthias - Heartwood Farms 1905 Camp Line Rd RR 2, 705-652-1201 Douro-Dummer, ON K0L 2H0
CAA #: 5267980 heartwood@accel.net
Upton, Barry - Boyne River Angus 5081 Simco Rd 10 RR 2, Alliston, ON L9R 1V2
705-435-5325 caryn.upton95@gmail.com
CAA #: 5183131
Upton, Caryn - Boyne River Angus
5081 Simco Rd 10 RR 2, Alliston, ON L9R 1V2
705 435 5325 caryn.upton95@gmail.com
CAA #: 5272821
Vancise Jr., John - Vancise Cattle Company Inc. 1803 Fairgrounds Road North, Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 705-351-2442 johnvancise4@hotmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 100 Red Club: Bluewater CAA #: 5217528 Herd Started: 1992
Vandekemp, Nathan - Barrvalley Angus 834 Dunmore Rd, Douglas, ON K0J 1S0
613-570-0111 natethegr8@live.ca
CAA #: 5303850
Van Esse, Gerald & Family - Dansonelly 23929 Fuller Rd RR 6, Thamesville, ON N0P 2K0 519-352-5620 marlenevanesse@gmail.com
CAA #: 5103977
No. of Brood Cows: 12 Black Club: Western Herd Started: 1982
Van Esse, Matthew/Chantel Peter & Alicia Van Esse - Van Esse Livestock 8101 Cedar Hedge Line, Dover Centre, ON N0P 1L0 519-436-5876 vanesse48@hotmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 25 Black Club: Western CAA #: 5272919 Herd Started: 2007
Van Leerzem, Jake - Van Leerzem Farms 1450 Bruce Rd 86, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
519-525-2145 jake_vanleerzem95@hotmail.com
Van’t Slot, Hank - Van’t Slot Farms 4486 Woodkilton Rd RR 2, Woodlawn, ON K0A 3M0
Velthuis Farms Ltd
3554 Swale Rd RR 4 Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0
CAA #: 5305443
CAA #: 5092579
613-795-6309 info@velthuis.ca
CAA #: 5301223
Versteeg, Eric & Hazel 90242 Tollgate Line RR 2, Clifford, ON N0G 1M0
519-335-3740 henmver@gmail.com
CAA #: 5299081
Vos, Andy & Hailie Conley - Vos Vegas Farms
1585 Thrasher Rd, Plainfield, ON K0K 2V0
613-848-9008 (Andy) amym@millfab.ca
613-743-2939 (Hailie)
No. of Brood Cows: 50 Black Club: Eastern CAA #: 5272657 Herd Started: 2012
Vos, Sandra 97 Queensway Dr, Brantford, ON N3R 4X1
519-753-2077 vos97@rogers.com
No. of Brood Cows: 4 Black 18 Red Club: Brantford, Brant County Herd Started: 2005
Walker, Kayla & Cody - Rosewood Livestock
7127 Wellington Rd 30, Guelph, ON N1H 6J4
519-731-2746 (Cody) kayla_scott@hotmail.ca
519-731-2746 (Kayla)
No. of Brood Cows: 15 Red Club: Central CAA #: 5284583 Herd Started: 2019
Walker, Deb & Scott 5524 Wellington Rd 86, Guelph, ON N1H 6J4
519-763-3256 d.walker@live.ca
No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black Club: Central CAA #: 5248904 Herd Started: 2007
Walker, Katelyn & James 5469 Guelph Township Rd 3, Guelph, ON N1H 6J4
905-876-8756 donaldsonkate@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5285939
Walkerbrae Farms - Walkerbrae Farms 5524 Rd 86, Guelph, ON N1H 6J4
519-994-3256 (Scott) walkerbraefarms@hotmail.ca
519-827-6630 (Cody)
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Central CAA #: 5269241 Herd Started: 2007
Walsh, Jordan - Walsh Farms
2026 Burnham Line, Otonabee, ON K9J 6X7
705-927-2032 jordan-walsh@live.com
CAA #: 5294096
Walsh, Robert - Maple Crest Farm 9236 Russell Rd, Navan, ON K4B 1J1
613-835-2057 20 miles east of Parliament Hill on Hwy 417 to Boundary Rd North to Russell Rd, East to Clayton Rd 5281 No. of Brood Cows: 45 Red Club: Ottawa CAA #: 5242018
Walter, Gerald W - Waltercroft Farms 35856 Huron Rd RR 2, Goderich, ON N7A 3X8
519-524-8879 normawalter@hurontel.on.ca
CAA #: 5204045
Waters, Monica & Curtis - Forest Rock Farm 591 Stephenson Rd 1 E, Port Sydney, ON P0B 1L0
705-641-8674 m.m.terry@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5301401
Weatherall, Shane 2229 Conc 8, Glen Huron, ON L0M 1L0
519-477-0771 swl_2010@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5286883
Weatherston, Craig & Angela 797 Paris Plains Church Rd, Paris, ON N3L 3E2
519-442-2550 Pinehurst Rd North from Paris West onto Paris Plains Church Rd, 1st place on right weatherston797@gmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 40 Black Club: Western CAA #: 5242234
Weber, Ian, Tina, Alyssa & Spencer - Weber Family Farm
786 Reid Crescent, Listowel, ON N4W 0A2 519-710-3300 6031 Fourth line Erin, ON ian@weberfamilyangus.com No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black Club: Bluewater CAA #: 5286051
West, Nancy & Matthew 196466 19th Line RR 1, Lakeside, ON N0M 2G0 nwest@quadro.net
Whitney, Marty - Whitney Angus Farm 51 Balsam Rd RR 7, Ramara, ON L3V 0K8
CAA #: 5301002
705-326-9272 Balsam Rd off of Hwy 12 at Atherley mwhitney@whitneyblackangus.com
No. of Brood Cows: 10 Black Club: Bluewater CAA #: 5183123
Whitwell, Brian, Kasey & Will Stoneman - First Line Angus 560 1st Line RR 3, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 905-768-5148 (Brian) 1 km north of Hagersville on HWY 6, 587-873-7257 (Will) 3 km East on First Line k.whitwell@hotmail.com
No. of Brood Cows: 60 Black Club: Central CAA #: 5083866
Wicks, Emily Dawn & Bowman Simpson - Grasshill Red Angus 2561 Pigeon Lake Rd, Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 705-328-5216 emilydawnwicks@gmail.com
CAA #: 5286898
No. of Brood Cows: 30 Red
Wildwood Cattle Co.
1271 Gorham St Unit 7 Suite 200, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8Y7 905-499-3993 Ext. 2210 ben.momeni@wildwoodcattle.ca
CAA #: 5285397
Wilkins, Brandon & Hillary Bardoel - Wilkins Livestock 916 Annett Rd, Bothwell, ON N0P 1C0 226-456-1091 brandonwilkins_30@hotmail.com
CAA #: 5302453
Williams, Lucas 071455 10th Line, East Garafraxa, L9W 7A1
519-938-6064 Farmerlucas16@gmail.com
CAA #: 5305992
Wilson, Calvin & Matthew3288 Courtright Line RR 1, Brigden, ON N0N 1B0
226-932-6826 wilsonfarms59@gmail.com
CAA #: 5276909
Wintle, Terry Box 190, Oxdrift, ON P0V 2J0
karenmartin1234@outlook.com CAA #: 5251848
Wood, Andrew Russell - Ridgewood Farms 3520 Grandview St N, Oshawa, ON L1H 8L7
905-432-4408 Columbus Road/Grandview St North ridgewoodfarms12@hotmail.com No. of Brood Cows: 20 Black Club: Eastern CAA #: 5272863
Young, Andrew - Lily Rock Farms 018070 Bruce Rd 10, Owen Sound, N4K 5N7
519-375-6084 CAA #: 5306294
Zulak, Gordon Box 232, McKeller, ON P0G 1C0
705-389-3031 CAA #: 529089