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Call for Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) Director Nominations and Proposed By-Law Amendments
*Nominations for election must be received at the CSA by April 6, 2023
A total of three CSA Director positions will be open in three regions as follows: Terms expiring include:
• Saskatchewan (one seat) Blair McIntosh (serving first term, eligible for re-election)
• Manitoba (one seat) Bill Biglieni (serving first term, eligible for re-election)
• British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland-Labrador (one seat) Jennie Mutch (serving first term, eligible for re-election)
Election Timeline
*April 6, 2023: Nominations for election of Directors shall be received by the CSA one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
May 5, 2023: Ballots shall be mailed to eligible CSA Members by regular mail at least ninety (90) days prior to the AGM.
June 6, 2023: Members must return their completed ballot to the CSA by mail postmarked at least sixty (60) days prior to the AGM.
June 21, 2023: The valid ballots received from Voting Members shall be opened and counted forty-five (45) days prior.
August 5, 2023: Newly elected Directors will assume their responsibilities immediately following the CSA Annual General Meeting.
To be eligible for nomination and election to the CSA Board as a Director, the nominee shall: a) Be an individual b) Be a resident of the region for which the Director is being nominated to represent; c) Be an Active Member in good standing or a representative of an Active Member in good standing;
Nomination Form for Election to the Canadian Simmental Association Board of Directors
Members interested in running for election must file notice of their intent with the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) no later than 120 days prior to the scheduled date of the CSA Annual General Meeting.
The completed nomination form may be mailed to the CSA office at #13, 4101 – 19 St NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7C4, or returned by email to bjudd@simmental.com, or faxed to 403-250-5121.
In order for this submission to be valid, the candidate must sign and date this form, initial all declarations and include a nominator signature and a candidate statement. This document may be completed in handwritten or electronic form.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City/Town: _______________________________Postal Code: __________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________Email Address:_______________________
CSA Member Number _____________________
Each candidate must be nominated by an active member of the Canadian Simmental Association who is not a CSA employee.
Regarding the nomination for election/re-election to the Board of Directors:
________________________________________________ (Candidate Name)
I, the undersigned, nominate the above-named candidate for election/re-election to the Board of Directors:
Supports’ Name (Print)__________________________CSA Member Number:__________
Signature:_____________________________________ Date:________________________
Signature of Provincial President or Secretary if the Candidate is endorsed by the respective Provincial or Regional Simmental Association: _______________________________________
Please initial the declarations below:
_____ I am being nominated for election/re-election to the Board of Directors. I hereby accept such nomination. _____ I acknowledge that the information I have provided is true and factual.
_____ I accept that, should I be elected to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Simmental Association, I will carry out the duties of the said office to the best of my abilities for the term I am elected and will abide by the CSA Director guidelines. To be nominated for election and elected or appointed to a position on the Board as a Director, the nominee or appointee shall:
(a) be an individual;
(b) be a resident of the region for which the Director is being elected to represent;
(c) be an Active Member in good standing or a representative of an Active Member in good standing;
(d) be 18 years of age or older, with power under law to contract;
(e) not be an employee or contractor of the Association; and
(f) be a Canadian citizen.
I acknowledge having reviewed the qualifications listed above, as set out in the By-laws of the Canadian Simmental Asssociation and hereby confirm that I know of no fact or circumstance that would render me ineligible to serve as a director of the Canadian Simmental Association.
Candidate Signature:_________________________Date:_______________________
CANDIDATE STATEMENT (up to 500 words)