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By Bruce Holmquistt Directeur général - Association Simmental du Canada

Beef Improvement Federation 2023 Convention

L’organisation « Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) » a été fondée en 1968 en tant qu’organisme voué à la coordination, à l’avancement et à l’amélioration de tous les segments de l’industrie bovine. Au cours des cinquante-cinq dernières années, le BIF a établi des liens entre la science et l’industrie pour améliorer la génétique des bovins de boucherie partout en Amérique du Nord et dans le monde. Avec sa croissance, le BIF attire chaque année des producteurs et des universitaires de nombreux pays et est devenu l’un des principaux organismes d’amélioration génétique au monde. Bien qu’ils n’établissent pas directement de politiques, ils élaborent des lignes directrices que la plupart des associations de races utilisent dans leurs évaluations génétiques.

Bien que le BIF organise principalement ses conférences annuelles aux États-Unis près de l’une des nombreuses universités d’états, c’était au tour du Canada d’accueillir leur convention cette année à Calgary par l’entremise du Conseil Canadien des races de boucherie (“CBBC”). L’événement a attiré beaucoup de participants et a offert un mélange intéressant de sujets et de conférences présentées par des producteurs et des chercheurs de renom. Un vaste auditoire représentatif de l’industrie bovine a été réuni, toutefois il aurait été formidable de voir plus de producteurs y assister. L’Association Simmental Canadienne était représentée par son comité exécutif de l’ASC soit, Shane Williams, Byron Johnson et Scott Matthews. Barb Judd, Sean McGrath et moimême étions également présents.

Certains des sujets abordés au cours de l’événement portaient sur plusieurs domaines de la production de bœuf, y compris la gestion des ressources, la santé des animaux et la réponse à l’immunité, ainsi que l’environnement, avec un accent mis sur les gaz à effet de serre et le méthane. La durabilité demeure un sujet important dans l’agriculture et la production alimentaire, surtout en ce qui concerne la production animale. Il est très clair que les associations de races doivent non seulement se tenir au courant des attentes envers la production bovine, mais aussi qu’ils fassent preuve de leadership lorsque d’autres ne le font pas. Nous sommes les leaders de l’amélioration génétique de l’industrie bovine.

L’un des plus importants changements récents dans la production bovine est l’utilisation de la génétique de races de boucherie dans les troupeaux laitiers nord-américains. L’une des visites en marge de la convention a eu lieu à Rimrock Feeders, un parc d’engraissement de 35 000 têtes qui compte un très grand nombre de bovins laitiers croisés boucherie, soit environ quatre-vingts pourcents. Ces veaux sont entrés au parc à un jeune âge et regroupés et nourris en conséquence. Rimrock Feeders est l’un des nombreux parcs d’engraissement qui complètent leurs inventaires de bovins grâce à des animaux d’influence laitière.

La tournée de visites du jeudi s’est terminée à Hamilton Farms près de Cochrane avec un copieux repas et une présentation de Troy Drake, ainsi qu’une démonstration de découpe de viande qui a montré comment on peut facilement ajouter de la valeur en utilisant des coupes de muscles spécifiques.

L’organisme “International Genetic Solutions (IGS)” a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la promotion et le parrainage de l’événement et il y avait un contingent complet de leurs représentants présents. C’était formidable de rencontrer une fois de plus et d’échanger ensemble sur nos efforts communs pour l’amélioration et la promotion du bœuf en Amérique du Nord, et pour renouveler les relations avec le personnel de l’Association Simmental Américaine et les éleveurs de Simmental de la Nouvelle-Zélande et de l’Australie.

Ce fut un honneur spécial pour Sean McGrath et moi-même d’être récompensés par le BIF avec un Prix du service continu. Félicitations à David Bolduc, qui a reçu le prix de pionnier du BIF, et au ranch Douglas Lake pour avoir reçu le prix de producteur commercial de l’année. La convention 2023 du BIF a finalement été un grand succès. Pour obtenir la liste complète des lauréats, allez à : https://beefimprovement. org/2023-symposium/2023-awards/.

Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont organisé la convention 2023 du BIF. L’Association Simmental Canadienne était fière d’en faire partie.

March was a month of firsts, it was the first time that I had ever been a part of cowboy curling at the CrowsNest Pass skijoring. This is something that was a highlight for me. For those of you that have not watched cowboy curling it is quite entertaining. One person that is on a horse pulls another person who is on an inner tube (the curling rock) around a corner and launches them at the curling targets on the ground. Whoever is closest to the center target wins like curling. I must have made a pretty good rock as my team ended up winning first place! Only one pylon was harmed during the launch.

March was also the first time that I got to visit the team at CFCW. It was so cool to get a tour of the radio station and see all of the behind the scenes of Alberta’s Country Legends station and Miss Rodeo Canada’s longest running sponsor. Thank you so much to CFCW for having me and allowing me to be a part of the team for the day.

Later on, in the month our Miss Rodeo Canada Alumni Association hosted our annual clinic where we had some incredible young women come to enhance their skills in becoming rodeo queens. The future is bright, and I am so excited to watch each and every one of them continue to grow and run for their desired titles and hopefully Miss Rodeo Canada one day! During the clinic we touched on important aspects of being a rodeo queen such as sponsorship, goal setting, social media, photography, makeup and hair, impromptus, public speaking, modeling, horsemanship, and rodeo history. We were so lucky to be able to have this clinic hosted in my home away from home at the Red Deer Baymont Inn and Suites. During my time in Red Deer I got the opportunity to cheer on the Red Deer Rebels at the Peavey Mart Centrum at Westerner Park, which is the location our Canadian Final Rodeo also calls home. Thank you so much to ATB for having me be a part of this event in your box suite, it was a great game to come and watch! Lastly, before I headed back home, I visited my local Peavey Mart to pick up some gardening supplies and film some spring content.

Later on in the month I made my way to Lammles in Old’s and got to hang out with Melissa and Geoff as they got me all ready for the upcoming rodeo season. I also was pleasantly surprised by Dan Post Boots Company as they sent me a pair of new boots to keep me trendy during my time as Miss Rodeo Canada.

From there I headed to Innisfail Chrysler and got to pick up my beautiful new Dodge Longhorn 1500 truck! I am so thankful for Innisfail Chrysler’s continued support of the Miss Rodeo Canada program, and I am so excited for all of the places “Stickers” and I will go! April was an exciting time for Canadian Professional Rodeo as this month started off with the first CPRA rodeo of the year at the Medicine Hat Broncs and Honky Tonks indoor rodeo! During the three days I attended, I got to catch up with my Medicine Hat sash sisters, as well as I got to help with the Princess for a day program. This month I had the opportunity to attend both the Grande Prairie Stampede, and Calgary Stampede tarp auctions. Both events were extremely successful, and I can’t wait to see those wagons fly this summer! During my time in Calgary, I made a quick stop at Smithbilt to get my hat touched up, and then I was off to Airdrie to visit the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association office. It was wonderful to get to know the team behind the scenes better and watch them all in action.

Later on in the month I made my way back up north to the Dawson Creek Exhibition and Stampede Spring Rodeo. Here is where I got to pack the Canadian flag on Canadian soil for the first time as Miss Rodeo Canada. This is definitely a memory that will last a lifetime. In addition to the rodeo in Dawson Creek, I got to spend a day at the Longhorn Oilfield Services office and was able to meet some of their great team members. I am so honored that I get to be an ambassador for this incredible company this year, and I appreciate everything Dan and the Longhorn team do to enhance the Miss Rodeo Canada program. Lastly when I was in Dawson Creek, I had the opportunity to share about the sport I love with multiple schools. One of the smaller rural schools even had every student write a letter to me which was so kind and I enjoyed reading each and every one of them. After Dawson Creek I made my way back to my hometown rodeo the Ponoka Stampede for the Miss Ponoka Stampede selection day where we chose our new 2023 Miss Ponoka Stampede Kaylee Shantz. In the last weekend of

April I headed back down south for the Taber Spring Classic Rodeo. During my time in Taber, some other rodeo queens and I had the opportunity to go bowling, and I might not be the best bowler, but it was incredibly fun. To finish off this month, I spent my last day of April in Red Deer, at the Red Deer Horse Expo where I got to watch multiple trainers and shows, as well as I spent my time mingling with people throughout the trade show and in the Canadian Professional Rodeo booth. In the month of May, I was at my home town and visited my old elementary school. It was so wonderful to be back in my elementary school and talk to all of the wonderful teachers that taught me when I was there. Later on in the week I visited my favorite radio station, CFCW to do some rodeo ads and promotions, and then attended the Ponoka Stampede tarp auction where I crowned the new Miss Ponoka Stampede Kaylee Shantz. Something really cool about Kaylee is that I have had the opportunity to crown her three times! In addition to Ponoka, she was the RIMBEY Rodeo Queen, as well as Miss Rodeo Sundre the year after me. I am so proud of her and know that she will represent Ponoka well this year! From there, I was off on another adventure attending the Canadian Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame banquet. Congratulations to all the inductees for 2022, Rob Bell- contestant, Dusty LaValley- contestant, Bill Reeder- contestant, Mike Copeman- builder, VJV Slash/ Vold Family - animal, and Greg Rumohr - legend. Mid month I had the opportunity to announce at the Rimbey Interclub 4-H show and sale it was a really wonderful experience as this was the 4-H interclub I was a part of for 12 years. It was so much fun to catch up with everyone, and to watch and cheer on the next generation of farmers and ranchers. The next day I spoke at the FCSS general meeting in Ponoka alongside Miss Ponoka Stampede, and got to help Brenda Vold tour the meeting participants though the Canadian Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. Staying in central Alberta, I made my way to the home of the CFR, Westerner Park for the Cowboy Kicks charity auction. The attendance of the night went to support the modernizing of the Canadian Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame and further the Westerner Foundation’s objective of promoting, fundraising, and investing in initiatives that will support the future sustainability of Westerner Park.

From there I attended the Miss Rodeo Edmonton public speaking and crowning. Throughout the day the Miss Rodeo contestants and I went and visited some mutual sponsors such as CFCW and Lammles at West Edmonton Mall, where we got to do some radio interviews as well as pick out and style an outfit at Lammles. Congratulations to your newly crowned and first ever Miss Rodeo Edmonton, Codi Wilson! Codi will do an excellent job representing this year and I am excited to see what the future holds for her!

Nearing the end of the month of May, I attended another school visit, but the new Humble School is quite unique compared to some of the other school visits I attended this year. This rural school only has 114 students and was reopened by the community in 2021. This school focuses primarily on agriculture and food production alongside the kids’ regular studies. With this the kids learn about caring for the land and livestock through having animals on the school grounds that they take care of alongside a garden and other hands-on agriculture learning experiences that relate to the real world. From there I headed to the Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement for their first ever Pro Rodeo, and the Rodeo that kicked off this year’s SMS Pro Tour! I had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people that are a part of this community, and it was an honor to be a part of the meet and greet with C5’s F13 Virgil. I got to talk to so many of Virgil’s wonderful fans and was able to watch this two time World Champion bareback horse in action at his hometown rodeo! As May comes to a close, I am off to Grande Prairie for the Grande Prairie Stompede! Be sure to tune into the next Simmental Country as I continue with my Miss Rodeo Canada travels.

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