The entire Dudgeon family of Dudgeon Cattle Co. are well known cattle producers that reside just outside Dobbinton, ON in the centre of Bruce County. Their reputation for marketing quality breeding stock has been their way of life for decades. Alongside their notable purebred Angus herd, they annually calve over 200 red and black Sim Angus cows as well as background and feed in excess of 2000 head per year. They are very connected in all sectors of the cattle industry, with this being the 10th year of the Annual Top Cut Bred Female Sale. They welcome you to visit anytime prior to the sale at the farm to view the cattle. Each year they strive to offer the best possible product to the industry. Contact Brian or Owen anytime and they will assist you in any way possible.
BRIAN: 519-270-2500 OWEN: 519-270-2149

It takes a tremendous amount of discipline, knowledge, and passion for the livestock industry to be a consistent producer of bred heifers that offer calving ease, raise a calf, and then come back in the fall bred back and in good shape. Rest assured that the consignors of this sale all have that same mentality and production record to back it up.
1. DOCILE These cattle are quiet and used to being handled.
2. BRED TO CALVE All the bulls used have a proven track record, not randomly selected out of a pen.
3. MATERNAL Buy bred cattle from people who calve their own cows. The problem cattle have been sorted off, with only the best making the cut. Absolutely no one enjoys extra work.
4. VIDEOS The Thursday before the sale we will video every pen on offer. Check them out on DLMS under the Top Cut page.
5. FAMILIARITY Buying is made easy, as between all of the consignors and the sale staff, all are very familiar with the cattle. Rest assured that all your questions will be answered acurately. We are happy to represent you and get the heifers that best suit your budget and needs.
6. LIVE BROADCAST The sale is broadcasted on DLMS with online bidding available if you are unable to make it to the sale. Please contact any of us regarding trucking and we will assist you in getting your purchases to you.
50 Solid Black Sim-Angus and 50 Black White Face Sim Angus All bred to calving ease Black Angus bulls

One of the most popular sections of last years sale, this group of heifers will be suited up by size, shape, and calving dates. Checked safe to start calving end of January to February with some designated for March. These are the kind that make mommas that produce, we love that shot of black Sim to add performance without sacrificing ease of calving.
A past Top Cut high seller purchased by North Huron Farms that sold this past Spring as a 4-year-Old