JUNE 2013
UPDATE Hey, T-O! I hope everyone has enjoyed a wonderful end to the school year. Now that summer is here, it’s a time to relax but also to complete some truly fulfilling service. School may be over, but our community still needs us. Express your devotion as a year-round Key Clubber! Also, as many of you may know, the new article/newsletter policy was implemented this past month. The guidelines were posted to the T-O website in early May. If you’re still not familiar with the changes, be sure to read the article or contact me. As a quick explanation, quality newsletters, articles, Letters to the Editor, answers to Monthly Report Opportunities, and recognition in the Top 5 Service Projects are all redeemable for monthly report points (upon the editor’s discretion).
CLUB CHECKLIST ü Submit articles, newsletters, and bulletins by July 5 ü Locate the month’s article topics at the T-O website on July 15 ü Check the T-O website regularly ü If necessary, schedule a call with me to clarify new policies, etc. ü Learn and use graphic standards Don’t hesitate to contact me at editor@tokeyclub.com or 713-505-2252!
Tashrima Hossain T-O District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com 713-505-2252