-LeadCon (July 16th - 18th) - SumBo (July 24th - 26th) -Miracle Treat Day (July 30th) - Monthly Reporting Assignment Due (August 5th) -T-O Kiwanis DCON (August 6th - 8th)
~ “There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient.” - Swami Sivananda ~ Hey T-O Board!
While you’re reading this message I will be one of two things: I will either be asleep, or I will be back on my way from Indianapolis so that I can sleep as soon as I get home. This past month has been an INCREDIBLE experience between Independence Day, our STAR meeting, and LeadCon. You have now officially been in office for a quarter of your year. If things haven’t started to feel real and you haven’t gotten into a rhythm yet, you will very soon. Summer Board is LITERALLY next weekend and I couldn’t be more thrilled to get to see you all again and make decisions about our upcoming year. Here are some thins to look forward to at SumBo: • ParliPro and Bylaws test • Recap on International Convention • New District Project • Face-to-Face committee meetings • Redcoat Reunion with your Regionals • Whataburger Runs • The 2016 District Convention Theme My most exciting news to share with you is that I got the call on Wednesday, July 15th, where Ian MacDonald introduced himself as our new International Trustee. He will be the communication with each of you throughout the year and will be working to make sure that our District gets updates from International about what the International Board is working on. He will present a report to us at SumBo and I will be posting an official announcement on the website this week.
Yours in Service, Rachel Iselin
~ Inform clubs of news from the division, district, and international levels. - Make sure to direct them to our district website
(tokeyclub.com) for updates, we will be updating it very frequently and using it a lot more this year. Make sure your newsletters are in graphic standards, are grammatically correct, and are worth reading. Try to use one social media account in order to keep your Key Clubs up to date by putting all the information in one central location.
~ Obtain all new officer contact information and contact them at least once every two weeks. - Check-up on how they’re doing- don’t be afraid to actually
call them! Make sure to turn in your Divisional Roster before SumBo! A personal visit in your spiffy red polo and shiny name badge really does make a statement. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the rest of the District Board or your Regional Advisor!
~ Plan a Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Binder. - The criteria serves as a great checklist for a productive year! ~ Work diligently on the committee assigned to you throughout the year. - Chairpersons keep in constant contact with your staff
member and regionals. Make sure to be working between committee meetings so that you are getting things done efficiently.
~ Enhance K-Family Relations! - Kiwanis, Circle-K, Builder’s Clubs, K-Kids, Aktion Club! - Attend as many Kiwanis Club meets this summer as possible! - Promote the Governor’s Project and send out the Governor’s Project Survey to clubs.
~ Reply to all staff emails to acknowledge you received them. ~ Turn in your newsletter and monthly report on time. ~ Encourage membership growth to reach our goal of 18,500 members so that we can contribute more service hours to the K-Family! ~ Make it your goal to not only maintain but improve your division!
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You are all wonderful and fantastic, and thank you all for doing a great job at making sure lots of your clubs report to me! I have been receiving lots of reports recently and hope to send out the feedbacks soon. I have begun distributing feedbacks in a document, rather than just in the email, to make it easier for you all to see which of your clubs have reported. I hope this helps and that you thank Rachel for the great suggestions!
Secretaries Remind101: I have created a Remind101 group that I would like you all to please make sure your secretaries join! All other officers, advisors, and even you guys can join if you’d like! Just text “@to1516sec to 81010”. I can’t wait to see you all at Summer Board!
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Yours in Service Crystal Loh
I hope your summer has been going splendidly so far. Don’t forget to enjoy this time and don’t be too pressured by everything! Inactive Clubs: This month we will be focusing on inactive clubs. i will/have already contacted LTG’s on the statuses of their inactive club to see if there is any way possible we could get them activated again! New Club Treasurer Resources: Please be sure to check out the T-O District Website for new and more resources. I have already updated the content under the “Resources” tab for club treasurers, so be sure to check those out! There is information on YOF, Fundraising Ideas, MUC, and more. You can find the documents here: tokeyclub.com/resources/ treasurer/ YOF (Youth Opportunities Fund): The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) provides grants for service opportunities to Key Clubs and Key Club members. You may request from $100 to $2000! This is an excellent opportunity for you or your club to earn the funds to help kick start a service project. The deadline for the application is October 15th! Apply here: keyclub.org/service/ fund/yof/yofgrant.aspx As always, please let me know if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns! I would love to help you out in any way that I can!
Yours in Service, Emily Zhao
JULY ARTICLES Amber Liu Bailea Branum Dajah Brooks Ian Sims Jacquelyne Hernandez Laura Carter
Lexi Durbin Macy Riley Mason Woods McCrey Guillory Ruben Enriquez Samantha Hull
AUGUST ARTICLES Avalon Wolfe Bethany Malcom Bryson Perkins Cheryl Li Hailey William s Hardi Patel
Jagger Stingley Noah Robbins Priyana Rikhy Sabrina Palma Tyler Thompson Vanessa Castaneda
Who else is super pumped to take the Bylaws and ParliPro test? Anyways, please be sure to encourage all of your club editors to go to the District Website and download the new Brand Guide and updated Color Pallet. Also, if you don’t already, please be sure to send your LT. G newsletters to me as well. From now on I will start sending feedback to you guys about your newsletters. You can’t expect the editors in your Division to follow the brand guide if you don’t!
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Yours in Service, Matthew Riley
FROM MEGAN REYNOSA Greetings Magnificent T-O Board!
I hope everyone is having a great summer that is filled with service and smiles (I’m cheesy, I know). There is only S I X days til’ SumBo! I cannot wait to meet everyone and talk to you all. Although summer is the time to relax, we all have duties to uphold. As you all know, the District Board is required to sell $500 worth of ads. ALL District Board members and Staff need to sell $500 worth of ads by WinBo (January 8th). If each District Board member and Staff members sell $500, this will come to a goal of $20,000 that will go towards DCON 2016. The District Staff wants to go above and beyond to enhance the DCON experience for our attendees. We are doing this by setting a challenge for all of you and ourselves, if we sell $21,000 by WinBo, District Staff will dye their hair red! REMEMBER, if anyone submitted a forum application, the presentation regarding the T-O Bylaws is due by SumBo! ANYONE working on their presentation at SumBo will not be eligible to present and their application will not be applicable anymore. Lastly, if anyone has still not signed up the Ad Sale Phone Call sheet, please do so. I would like to have all phones calls completed by SumBo. I hope everyone continues to have a great summer and keep up all the hard work!
Yours in Service, Megan Reynosa
District Treasurer Emily Zhao
Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com
District Editor Matthew Riley
Email: Editor@tokeyclub.com
District Administrator Walt Roetter
Email: Administrator@tokeyclub .com