1. Introduction (Origin of the Conservatives) My introduction will consist of roughly 500-900 words and will introduce the Conservative government, their history as well other political terminology that someone with little knowledge of the subject will find confusing. Little things such as 'Member of Parliament (MP)' will also help. It is important that someone with little knowledge of my topic will find my writing welcoming and not be daunted at the prospect of reading my dissertation. Additionally I will pose here several questions that I will answer by the end of the discussion. 2. The Establishment After introducing the Conservatives, I'll explain what The Establishment is and the origin of the term. The establishment is basically a phrase used to describe the powerful pillars of society that control how we live to maintain their power, or gain more. An example of this is the Monarchy despite losing a large portion of it's controlling power the Monarchy still has a large role within governance, which in itself is an affront to democracy. This paragraph will last for about 1000-1200 words. 3. The Overton Window After discussing the main two elements of the dissertation, I'll then move onto the Overton Window, a relatively new phrase which details how politics is manipulated by The Establishment to make left wing ideology appear to be extreme. This is not a one way thing but since the 1980's there has been a shift towards rightwing politics and this would be a good point to explain why etc. I expect there to more data within this point as welfare and such come into play. This will be around 1000-1200 words. 4. The Media Another of the supporting pillars of The Establishment is the media. The media has been used as a propaganda tool for centuries (from the inception of the newspaper in my opinion, but possibly beforehand). I will delve into the history of the Media here (which will tie into my Level 5 essay to a degree) and explain how the Media has evolved over the years. Further more I will explain how it is now used to smear political opposition to the Conservative party e.g. Ed Miliband and Jeremy Corbyn etc. This is a large area of my dissertation and will also touch upon other things such a
social media as a tool to combat politically motivated news stories. I expect this section to be a large one consisting of around 2000 words. 5. Opposition Opposition will have at this point been touched upon a few times within the discussion but this is the best point in my opinion to really flush it out. From the SNP to the Green Party to Labour. These are all parties with different agendas but all oppose the Conservative rhetoric, all three have also been the subject of Media bias. As left wing parties these are the main opponents to Establishment as we know it, but without a unified front their differences are allowing the Conservatives more room to enforce their policies. With such a large area to discuss here I expect the word count for this section to around 1500-2000 words. 6. The Future The political landscape is always changing be it by unexpected means or due to party manipulation. I feel that as my dissertation draws to a close this would be the best point to really delve into this as it will lead into the possible future(s) of politics whilst also taking stock of what I have discussed earlier on, helping tie my work together. There are also other things to consider int his area such as the economic crash that allowed the Conservatives the chance to get back into power and wars, such as the Iraqi war that damaged New Labour's reputation. This potation will be between 1000-1500 words. 7. Conclusion Finally my conclusion. This will repeat the questions that I have asked earlier on, this time with answers. I will also sum up some of the big points whilst also inviting the reader to think about what they have read or something hokey like that. This section will roughly be 500-1000 words.