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Chautauqua; October


lilttorical Sodolr

TrQ9»l fblUltr Premou. Pro*p«ri»T Und Pro.porltr Prodao

NO. 2







Three Joyous Days Promised For Next Week—First Chautauqua insurance Board Says Pressure Meeting of Citizens Is Called for This Evening To Respond To Ever Held in Gty—Highclass Entertainment Country’s Call For Financial Assistance Too Low, Alto Tw Ho Slow S

and6eoerai lick

Columbia Falla' first Chautauqua j WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Concert prelude by the Waikiki opens next Monday, when three days j of the best class of entertainment Hawaiian Quintet, Inspirational lecture by J. Sher­ ever offered the public will be given by the Ellison-Whtte Chautauqua man Wallace. "The Salvation ol? company. Programs will be given America." Admission 50 cents. ' each afternoon' and evening on Mon­ EVENING day, Tuesday and Wednesday, each Grand concert by the Waikiki one different ami by different people. Hawaiian Quintet. "An Evening in A total of 25 performers will appear Hawaii." The South Sea Islands in during the six 'performances and Song and Story. Admission 75 each la guaranteed to be of high cents. class. Tlie Comus Players This first Chautauqua has been A feature attraction daring the made possible by a group of local three days will be the play, “Carson -business men and - a few farmers, of the North Woods." presented by wbo have signed a guarantee which the Comus Players under the direc­ pledges the expenses ol the Chau­ tion of Janet Young. The drama la tauqua. They are doing this with­ rich In humor, pathos and of strong out tho hope of a cent of financial moral tone. In the hands of the Co­ reward, .but so oty to bring to. the mus 'Players it takes Its rightful people bore a class of entertainment Place among the classics of the stage that will result-In up-bulldlhg .and and platform. The action of the play improving conditions In the com­ the quaint and picturesque munity. country around Quebec. Miss Youn£ Season tickets are on sale in al­ known as “The Sweetheart of the most any business house, and if Northwest," Is the . charming little purchased befoii tho fitst program FtrencM?anadlan herefine. Moron commences can be had for $1.50, Olsen Is the central character and but after the first day they will cost the rest of the cast Is proportionate­ $2.00. So It-behooves those who ly strong. expect to get the lull benefit cf the nic Orioles Chautauqua to buy season tickets The Orioles company Is composed early. Children under 12 years may of. three vivacious girls of real secure a season ticket for $1. charm and talent, who just walk out Other cities In the state, many of and make good. An Oriole program them smaller than Columbia Falla, la always enlivening, their ensemble have had the ElUaon-Wtolte Chau­ and individual numbers packed with tauqua this' season and In every In­ surprlaes. Miss Grab Harkness has stance they have signed for another rare ability as a .reader and Imper­ one next year. All have proved 11- sonator and Is probably unequalled narelally successful and the .pro­ In the West" as a child delineator. grams have given complete satisfac­ Miss Electa Felt recently finished a tion. six weeka' engagement at the AudiMerchanta are working on a plan torlumh theater In Chicago as solo­ to close every business place In the ist with the production of “Ha' city during the performance Mon­ mono." She has a rich mexxo-so day afternoon, which will Insure a prano voice of unusual quality. Miss Gertrude Willey, whistler, wIlMrana. crowded house find Will praet! io woodland. Ser taking. A canvass of -Whltefish and are aa pure and pleasing as the birds. The Waikiki Hawaiian Quintet Kallapell Is under way and many This number will bring to you the from out of town will be In attend­ same plaintive haunting melodies ance. Following is a complete program, that are sung, etrlng-plcked, croon­ toget’ er with a short description of ed and chanted In the native huts of each namber: old Hawaii. Their music breathes MONDAY AFTERNOON the languor of the tropics, the mur­ Opening exercises and announce­ mur of the night winds In the palms, the “swish-swish" of the waves at ments. ' Waikiki. There Is u melodious Concert, by TOe Orlolfs. Impersonations by Miss Grab sweetness In the strains of the ukelele, steel guitar and taropatch found Harkness. Admission 50 cents. EVENING-^-. in no other music in the world. Its Concert prelude by The Orioles. soft carcasing notes go straight to Popular lecture by Dr. A. D. Car­ the heart. A. Alohlkea. member of one of penter, “Worlds In the Making." An evening of music and educa­ the old Hawaiian families,' will give tional entertainment. Adnllsslon 50 a short talk on the life, custotna and cents.. music of the Hawaiian Islands. MORON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Entertainment, by Moron Olsen, '■Moron Olsen, dramatic reader, dramatic readings and character comes to Chautauqua on the second afternoon. We are enthusiastic sketches. Admission 35 cents. about Olsen. We know you will be EVENING French-Canadtan drama by The too the first minute you hear him. Comus Players, "Carson of the He la complete master of hia art and North Woods." Dramatisation of his record In Lyceum and Chautau­ Sir Gilbert Parker’s romance, "The qua is one of highly pleased audi­ Right of Way." Admission 50 ences everywhere. His readings are virile, but full of Imagination. His cents.



presence is commanding, but simplic­ ity. la one of his atrongsat character­ istics. His voice is powerful but full of'beauty. He will present at the Chautauqua Festival among other selections Chas. Kann Kennedy’s one act play. “Tho Terrible Meek." Moron Olaen ranks among the best dramatic read­ ers on the platform. Dr. A. D. Carpenter Dr. Carpenter, sciential, astrono­ mer, lecturer, brings to Chautauqua one of the most f^clnatlng lectures of tho platform. With the aid of his Matllck Tellurian machine, a revolv­ ing miniature of the universe, he presents a glowing panoramic unfoldment of the endless wonders of creation. J. Hherman Wallace J. Sherman Wallace, the western orator, comes direct fi»m a success­ ful tour of the large Canadian Chautauquas with a message of Inspira­ tion and good cheer. . With brilliant mind and clearness of vision he treats a big subject. "The Salvation of America." in a vigorous and schol­ arly manner.

South Fork Hooter Seriously Injured Full details In connection with the hunting accident that happened la the South Fork country last week when C. A. Dunslall of Geraldine, Mont., was seriously Injured, Were obtained the first of tho week from Jack Opalka, the gulde_for the party. Hie party ^ad Just reached theh camfcjng spot" near Spotted Bear river and on tho,following morning. Oct. 2, Mr. Dunstall sat' up a target and attempted to try out tala gun. which was a now "280" Roes and had never been fired. The flraf’tlme the cartridge did not explode, but the second time the firing block was forced back entering his head Just below the right eye and penetrating nearly to the brain. Several bones In the head were broken and he bled profusely. Jack Opalka at once went to Spotted Bear ranger atation and tel ephpned Range/Jack Kruse at Cor­ am to send a physician and they would meet him af the .Coal Banka The injured man tried to ride to the Coal Banka, but after going, a half mile became so weak that It waa necessary to carry him back to camp. Dr. Greuael of Kallapell arrived at the Coram atation and In company with Mr. Kruae started horseback for Coal creok, leaving at 4 p. m. of Oct. 2 and arriving at 1 the follow­ ing morning, after riding all night. After a short rest they proceeded and arrived at Spotted Bear at 1 p. m. the same day. After attending the Injured man a start was made with Mr. Dunstall In a stretcher, one end of which waa tied to a saddle stirrup and a man at tho other end. Thd men worked in relays and reached the Goal Banka after two days of killing work. On the following morning Mr. Dunstall felt strong enough to ride a horse Into Coram and from there took a train to Kallapell. m •Reports yesterday •’were that he was In a very serious condition and little hopes are held out for hls re­ covery. His wife arrived Tuesday night from Geraldine. The others in the party were Chas. Pratsman, F. W. McGIven. L. P. Thornqulst. iFred Twltchell and Reah dwell, all of Geraldine. LECTURE PLEASES

Try Our

Stationeiy atationeiy—it is a mark of good taste, h is just as necessary to use styW* stationery as it is to wear stylish clothes. Your letters are judged just as much by the paper you use as by the words you write. You want proper stationery don't you? We have it for you.

The Illustrated lecture given In the Theatorinm Friday evening prov­ ed a decided treat for the fair-sized audience In attendance. The views were the' most beautiful and strik­ ing ever seen in this ally and the fact that they were mostly of nearby places added interest , Mr. Dowler delivered a very pleas­ ing lecture, partly in verse and prose and he waa applauded liberally at the concluelon of . the lecture. The fact that he hat gone to considerable trouble and expense to obtain the photographs waa recognised, and this section of the state owes him a debt of gratitude (or hls efforts to let the. world know of onr scenic at­ tractions.

Because of circumstances connect­ tnformatlon concerning the bond and can only be completed on According to the following report ed with naming a district manager this offering, and from which'the 16, and with accrued Interest, on from the board of lire underwriters, received by the jetty council last tor Flathead and Lincoln counties, sutomenta on thla page are summar­ December 15. and January 15. pre­ week, the new water system in this the second Liberty loan campaign ised. Copies of sold circular, may be vious installments having been duly In this part of the state Is slightly obtained from the treasury depart­ paid. city falls far ahortj of providing ade­ Allotment.—Subscription* for 13.quate fire protection for this city. behind schedule, but word was re­ ment or through any federal reserve 000,000.000 of these bonds are In­ The report also aays. that the new ceived Tuesday sr-nlng that H. B. bank. Denominations.—Coupon and reg­ vited, the right being reserved to fire auto truck' Is not fast enough Keith,-manager of th» K. M. Co. of and fault. Is found with the location Kallapell, had bven appointed to the istered bonds, ISO, $100, $500,$1,- allot additional bonds up to one-half of some of the fire hydrants and of position and he has called for a ransa 000, 15,600, $10,000; and registered the amount of any over-eubscripttoo: Every tubecrlber for an amount of the condition' of ialns. The last meeting In thla city at the opera bonds of $60,000 and 1100,000. Exempt as to principal and Inter­ bonds not In excess of $1,000 will paragraph contain* a small spark of house tonight, to which all men. hope that In spite of all these de­ women and children are Invited. est from all taxation by the United receive the full amount of bonds sub­ fects it Is possible that a slight re­ There will be speakers from both Statee, or any atate, or any of the scribed for. Other applications are duction In Insurnj^e rates might be Kallspell and Whltefish and it Is possessions of the United Stotes, or received subject to allotment. granted. The rep<§t follows In full: hoped that the opera house will bo by any local taxing authority, except estate or Inheritance taxes, and Uni­ Board of Fire Underwriter^ of the filled. Columbia Falla more than ful­ ted State* graduated additional In­ Pacific, Butts. Mont:', Sept. 24, Honorable Mayor and City Council, filled Its share of the loan In the last come taxes (commonly known as campaign, having to Us credit about surtaxes) and excess-profits and war> Columbia Falls, Mont. Gentlemen—After making an ex­ $9,000 dollar*. Thla time It will profit* taxes. The Interest on an amination of thu watej system and be asked to do still better aa the loan amount of bonds and certificates aut­ At the meeting horised by said act the principal of lira department In your; town," Mr. Is much larger. Mills. Inspecting Engineer, makes thla evening committees will be which does not exceed In the aggre­ C. L. Dean, proprietor of the Co­ the following suggestions for Im­ appointed to canvas* the city and gate $5,000, owned by any Individ­ lumbian hotel bar. was refused a farming districts. ual. partnership, association, or cor­ proving and making them more ef­ In view of the fact that the public poration, shall be exempt from the license to continue selling liquor by ficient for the purposes Intended. has become more throughly kroused taxes provided for In the second •he city council at a special meeting 1— The water- pressure It much Monday evening and as a result he too low to be eoneldored serviceable to the situation and fully realize the clause above. Convertible upon the term* has-.turned tho place back to the", In event of a fire of large proportion. danger the coudtry Is. in,', it ,1s be­ If It Is not possible to obtain at lieved that It will require lea* work and condition* stated In circular In­ owner, John Schander, who will take wanlion at ooce. least 60 pounds pressure by con­ to secure loans this time than prev­ to higher rate bonds if and When Complaint was made by Marshall structing a new supply rseervolr at iously. • The bonds are not only safe higher rate bonds are next Issued Nelttling that Mr. Dean has not been a higher elevation" on Cedar creek Investments but they give opportun­ during the war. Applications must reach the treas­ conduotlng a desirable , place for than the present one. then a pump ity to Investors to prove their loy­ Mayor Grist was eflishould be luxtailed In a suitable lo­ alty and patriotism. Not a man In ury department, Washington, D. C., •gm tlm* that the officer's views were cation on the main entering town Flathead county, except possibly in a federal reserve bank or branch ahd issued Inst ructions to the which will “boost” , the pressure to most extreme case* of misfortune, thereof, or some incorporated bank1 etty treasurer to refuse to renew Mr. but what can afford to buy at least a or trust company within the Unlp that amount. i&liMMe when It expired, wbifib $50 bond. It la not a question of States (not Including outlying terri­ 2— There apteara to. be many «• Friday leaks In" the main supply line, which self-sacrifice, for you gain, when you tories and possessions) on or before At the apodal meeting Mr, in connection with (he friction, cuts buy the wisest, safest and best of the cloee of business October 17, down the pressure appreciably. All Investments; U’a better than putting 1917, subject to the right reeerved was represented by Attorney money In a savings bank for it Is ab­ by the secretary of the treasury to’ Erickson of Kallapell. Evidence 1 leaking pipes should be removed. —The present dkm . at reservoir solutely safe and bring* «• per cent dose the subscription at any earlier given by both sides of the' ■ verer. after which the com date: Ys well constructed for one of 1U Interest. . ■Here are a few facta about the new Terras of payment: 2 per cent wiife Into secret session and discs jtind, but entire earthen ones are bnlloC.W. not always 6bjg;. to'^ope wUh flood Liberty loan. Read them, carefully, In a vote of four to one In' waters as would concrete reinforced then go to the local Tjaak or the Viet her 15, 1917, 40 ijer cent on January upholding the mayor in refusing to '' ones. Especially' at overflow flume office and make yo«r application: Bearing Interest from November 16, 1918 (with accrued Interest on Issue a license. should reinforced concrete be uted, Mr. Dean has decided to leave the and this work should be extended 1*^1917. Due November 15, 1942. both deferred Installmenta.) from time to ti ne to Include .the en­ Redeemable at the option of the —Payment In full of any subscrip­ city and Mr. Schander will resume" United States, at par and accrued tion for an amount of bonds not In the business, but has determined to tire dahL 4— The hydrant at the JordanInterest, on and after November 16. excess of $1,000 at face value, or discontinue the saloon business, de­ Lumber company plant appears to 1927. Interest payable May IS. without interest, may be made with voting his time to the dining room be connected direct to supply main and November 15. Authorized by the application, K the subscriber pre­ and rooms. He alto contemplates without a ahut-off valve, or if one an act of Congress approved Sept- fers, In which case prompt delivery Installing a soft drink parlor. This cuts the number of saloons Offered for of a bond or bonds dated and bear­ Is used In present location It cannot ember 24, 1917. be Judged of value. This hydrant aubscrlption In department circular ing Interest froin November 16, 1917 In Columbia Fulls down to four. Mr. Is exposed by the mill building and No. 90. dated October 1, 1917. will be made. Except In such eaaea Dean has not announced Just where can. without a shut-off valve, or to which reference la made for full payment for the amount allotted he expects to move. with one near present location or hydrant, In case of fire seriously Interfere -with city supply. Thla hydrant should lie moved to a point at least 40 feet from building and have a ahut-off valve installed where accessible even In event of a fire in mill. 5— Building ordinance should be enlarged to Include regulations for handling' and storing of explosives, and highly combustible liquids such THE LOT OF aa gasolene. A pamphlet covering the latter Is enclosed. An ordinance adopting the National Electric Code for wiring and prescribing penalties for violation is needed. 6— Hydrants should be examined and tested frequently and repaired when neceaaary. If they were paint­ WE HAVE JUST UNPACKED ed a distinctive color, they would not only he more readlly_ found for immediate use, but would be pre­ Few women are ever satisfied with anything else and they have found served as well. their individual “Henderson Model Coraet". There’s a reason: Hendot 7—Two additional play-pipes son style, service, satisfaction. In t&i lot are several new numbers fog should be purchased and It Is urged that a larger electric motor be used Fall 1917, correctly reflecting the style changes now in vogue. on fire alarm tipper. 8— The auto truck, while much better than hand-drawn equipment, In No. 666 front lace, many women No. 391—We cspeclall recommend la very alow li going to fires. It have told us they found the moat fhto number to girls and young may be that this can be geared high­ comfortable corset they ever Med. er In high speed so as to obtain bet­ ladles for athletic wear, being a Designed for average figure, has ter r.'suits. tow elastic topped model of The extremely low pressure does 1 low boat and ventilating section great comfort ........................... *1.60 not entitle the present system to back and front; pair............... g&OO giueh consideration In giving In­ surance rate credit*. . Thirty-seven and a half pounds static pressure No. 904—For slight figure, and No. No. 234—Is a new model for aver­ ould bo practically worthless In 969. for full figure are top-notchattempting to subdue a fire bt fair age figures at a popular price that proportions onto started In the era: at...................................**** will suit many .f------ -------- *UM> ranges of which there are a number.

If the pressure Is Increased to the suggested amount and other recom­ mendations are crflhplied with. Co­ lumbia Falla wonld be entitled to a credit of approximately 10 per cent In present rates on mercantile build­ ing* and a tariff recognising protec­ tion could be applied to dwellings. In view Of the auto .' equipment and chffifcni and the water system as It Is at present, a nominal reduc­ tion In rates on all buildings within 300 feet of a fire hydrant on a sixinch or larger main is being suggest­ ed. We must ask that wlUi thla credit given the town will regulate gasoline, etc.. In keeping with en­ closed pamphlet. Respectfully yours, J. H. BRAN9COMB. Several news letters were received , Secretary, last night, too late for thL issue.

Columbian Saloon License Revoked


We Want You To Investigate NEW MODEL HENDERSON CORSETS - -

New No. 532—Is a low bust design

In No. 956, elastic reducing coraet, la combined sensible, scientific

for average figure with graduated

correctton of ugure without Injury

clasp, effectively supporting abdo­

or discomfort, pair.............. W-00


Vf •f AS

men, and being made of striped


HENDERSON Faahlon fbret Corsets

Pekin coutil: will give extra wear; pair .......... ..................... *2.00

If you’ve been vaiting for the fall they are here.





Abc-Ut once -overbear some dlly-tdngu^^sharlrtllps~ Into our loeaut- afid- leathers h'la nest with the other fellows’ money and leaves him a stock certificate with a nice Kilt seal In one corner. Now, let us cut out all of that rot and get together and stick together. 4 f♦♦♦♦♦+ HI H »MM 11IM. -Lot us spend our money right here, or else bent li. If no one here has A striking Incident of loyalty and nerve enough *.o spend his money here, let us advertise elsewhere nnd patriotism as found among the old ladles at the Soldiers', home was Il­ perhaps we may find a live wire. lustrated recently when m delegation THAT TAXPAYER. of local Red Cross ladles visited the institution to enlist the assistance of THINGS!BY THEIR RIGHT NAMES the women there In knitting for the soldiers la France. There seems to be a disposition One quite old lady was approach­ In some quarters and by some people ed and asked if she felt able to do to whistle softly In the presence of some knitting and she promptly an­ >(, jr«< Kcutral! Sam A’or fier- peopje, of German parentage, lest swered: they become offended at aspersions rnwe. not Qlory Ite PURDY "Well, I knitted for our boys In upon their people and their prac­ '61 and I guess I can do as much for r Physician and Surgoon COLUMBIA PALLS, the Coming city ot north­ tices. Many will even apologize for ern Montana, li located In tjie moat fertile pari the action of this country in prose­ your boys today." Calk An«Wf red of the Flathead Talley. The town la altualcd cuting the war, and will lightly pass Quite a number of tho old ladles DaxorKUht right In tho Rocky Mountain, and thb iccnory over the atrocities committed by the volunteered their services for knit­ and the climate are unaurpaaaed.: ting and the enthusiasm they dis­ Columbia Palla !■ on the main line of the German forces, that have shamed 3real Northern railroad and a branch Hue girea the right-thinking peoples of the play In the wprk makes an Inspiring the county eeat connection* with Columbia earth. example for the younger generation. DR. J. N. REYNOLDS Fail* and tho outalde world. It la but a que*Following Is the 'second article through 1st stitch of front knitting •F-F4--F + + + 4.4. * + + * + + + + 4. + + 4.'+ This weak-kneed, pussy-fooling tion of a abort time before Columbia Falla will attitude la unworthy any American. which Red Cross workers Will work needle os If knitting and slip stitch hare another tranecontinentat road. Deputy State Veterinarian Our principal ludualrlea are lumbering, fruit First, because every intelligent per­ upon and the directions for knitting: off. Pass through 2nd stitch as If * ralalug and farming. Several large lumborconColumbia Falla. Mont. son who has |;lven the question even Medium-Sized Man’s Mock purling, leave stitch pull thread + cerna are located In and around Colombia Falla which employ many men the year round. Fruit the most casual study must know Four Red Cross needles No. 1, or through 1st stitch of b*ck needle + of all kind* and farm product* grow here to al­ that this country Is in tho right, nnd steel needles. No. 12; i lb. or 2 as If purling, slip ’Itch off, pull + Wholcaale Vnd Retail Dealers In most tropical proportion,. that her quarrel is the quarrel of hanks of yarn. Set up 60 stitches, thread through 2nd stitch of back Our atreama are lull of flah andourforeau are the people of th.- earth. The United 20 on each of three needles. Knit needle as If knlttlngHeave stitch on. Mecca for the hunter of big game, * FRESH and SALT MEATS, BEEF. VEAL, PORK II yon are looking for a growing town; a State* could nmer look the world 2 plain and 2 purl for 35 rows, 4| Repeat from 1st stitch until all the + town with a future; a beautiful place to live: a In the face had she refused to take HOME-CURED HAMS and BACONS inches. 36th row. Knit 4 plain stitches are off the needles.. leal thy climate and pnto water, come to Col- up the guage of battle #nen William * stitches, K 2 together—repeat this Socks when finished Should mea­ uruble Falla, MonUna, and you will find all Fiah, Oysters and Poultry of Germany cast It at our feet. theae Ihlngaand more. until the round is completed. There sure: Foot, from tip of heel to Up + Loyal Americans will condemn are now 50 atllches on the needles. of toe, 11 Inches; leg, from tip of + FINE WINES, LIQUORS the practices of not only the German Knit 60 rows plain until leg' meas­ heel to top of leg, 14 Inches. HAILEOAD TIMS TABLE 4* Kaiser, but of his troops as well. MAIN MNE ures 11 Inches. 6J Inches of'plain AND CIGARS The world Is a unit In the condem­ t CHAS. and JACOB MOTICHKAPROPRIETORS No. 4, east bound, arrives 8:20 a.m. ANOTHER FISH STORY knitting. Take half the number of No. 3, west bound, arrives 12:02 p.m. nation of the ruthless submarine ac­ stltch4s, 25, on first needle for tho A. B. Purvlance, the well known 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4-4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4*4-4-4*4*4«4*4*4*4*4« No. 2, east bound, arrives 6:05pm. tivity. The ferocity with which this heel, leaving 12 and 13 stitches on traveling man, has returned from an A good place for a drink, a prosecuted Is unworthy the dark­ No. 1 west bound, arrives 10:66 p.m. tho second and third needles for the outing spent at the "QUly" Adair smoke and a social chat 43, west bound, arrives ll:50i>.in. est days of the middle ages. instep, add on the 25 stitches K 1 place In the North Fork valley, and Tho world condemns the savagery 44 oast, bound, arrives 11:60 p.m. row, purl 1 row alternately for 26 as might be expected, he has a story of th'e German attacks on hospital times, or 3 Inches, always slipping to tell on his friends. This time tt ships, on field hospitals and on In­ Kallspell train meets all these trains, the first stitch. Begin to turn heel is a fish story and, strange to say, nocent non-combatants generally. . 1 OF COLUMBIA FALLS.... but milk on but one trip to meet on the wrong side, slip-1 purl 13, "Purvy" disclaims any credit or ,1m1 There is no other name for their acts trains 1, 43 and 44. plication In the episode. save inhumanity. Be It said to, the purl 2 together, purl 1. Turn work It seems that Mr..;Adalr. and an­ over, slip 1, K 4 slip 1, K 1, and KALI8PELL BRANCH everlasting credit of the allies, no other guest. Tom Lacher,- a loweV pass It over slipped stitch, K 1. such actions have stained their rooMeets all Main Line trains at Col­ Turn, slip 1, purl 6; purl 2 to­ valley farmer, were fishing with ords. umbia Falls and leaves at once. gether. purl 1. Turn, slip 1, K 6, "wobblers" near the Adair store. We repeat that there Is no call for All trains run into the Union Depot slip 1, K 1 and pass it over slipped Suddenly Mr. Lacher let oqt a Co­ pussy-footing when thess things are A PLACE FOR manche Indian yell for help and his mentioned because, forsooth, your stitch. K 1. Continue working to­ •GENTLE MENcompanion started to his rescue An ■♦♦WMfMHIIIIIMM hearer may have German blood In ward the aides .of the heel in this BANKING HOURS 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. argument then ensued between tho hla veins. German blood Is plenti­ manner, leaving 1 more stitch be­ \&IjJ ‘ ' two men, "Billy’’ clalmtagthe hook Cigara, Candies, Confection­ ful in America, and much of It Is tween decreases on every row until was snagged, and "Tom" declaring Foreign'and Domestic Exchange all the stitches are worked In. There ery, Pipes and Tobaccos among the most loyal. That part that he had a "moose" hooked. which Is not loyal Is simply disloyal, Should then be 15'stitches on thej Ice Cream, Lunches Served. Meanwhile the critter at the end of Profit Sold jfvaitablo in any Pari of tka World and that Is all there Is to the matter. needle. Pick up 13 stitches on side the line had Mr. Lacher headed for Soft Drinks. And furthermore, this country has of heel—now knit the .25 stitches Editor Columbian.—I noticed In no quarrel with German blood or on 2nd and 3rd needle on to one deep water, and Mr. Adair realizing BATH KOOia AMP BARBU SHOP » that it was up to him to lave hb your last Issue of The Columbian, even with German people, except so needle which becomes your 2nd companion from drowning, added needle; with your 3rd needle pick a communication dealing with the far as they uphold and abet the GEORGE/B. WATT, Caahier Columbia Falls up the . 13 stitches on the other side hla strength on the line and drew to German government. subject of hotel accommodations In ■bore a 19-pound bull trout. Every American should get this ot htfel and knit 7 stitches off your Columbia Falla. Whjch goes to show Accoriling to Mr. Purvlance, both Important |f«wt: We are lighting 1st needle fo that you will now have that there are a" few people in'terr fishermen were stricken with. terror for a principle of everlasting Right 41'■stitches dh the lit needle, 25 eetod In tho welfare of the city. upon beholding th'elr catch, arid It and against a practice of everlasting stitches on the 2nd needle, and 20 I some time *go noticed In some was several days before they recov­ stitches on 3rd needle. Wrong. That tho Cferman nation state papers where a small town on happens to be In the wrong is no 1st needle, a. knit to wlthW" 3 ered, but' now they are proudly ■ - Beal.Estate, Insuranoe, Notary the east side of the mountains was reproach to the millions of that stitches of end. knit 2 together knit bo&sUng of their ability to land the up against the same problem that Public. Agent for Surety’ big fellows, and sniff crintemptably blood who are among us, and of 1. 2nd needle, b, knit, plain. 3rd we are, In Columbia Falls In regard at those who attempt to tell a fish Bonds of the us. Once their loyalty Is demqn needle, c, knit 1—slip 1—knit 1, to hotel accommodation. But the story. strated, it should be accepted in full pass slipped stitch over, knit plain people of that little city saw the faith. On' the other hand, If their to end of needle. Knit around plain, great -necessity of having a modem Make Stoppers for Your Oil Cans. loyalty Is of the right brand they d. Repeat a b c and d unUl you hotel, and they got together and A small but by no mean* insignif­ will recognize the faults of their have 13 stitches on 1st needle—26 OF H*W YORK formed a stock company, raised $60 kinsman, and while possibly not stitches on 2nd, 12 stitches on 3rd. icant Item of food conservation 000 Inside of a week and built a disclaiming those kinsmen, they Knit plain for il Inches. 1st need­ might be suggested by the seeming­ hotel. That city at ore time used ly Irrevelant line above. The prac­ COLUMBIA* FALLS, - MONTANA to be a Jumplng off place for a good most certainly will disclaim any le, e, knit 10 sUtches—knit 2 to­ sympathy with them or their am­ gether, knit 1. 2nd needle, f, knit tice of using potatoes to plug the FbowjjCaJhPAnswered Thos. Lee, Jr, Proprietor many people, who when, night came bitions. especially with their acts. 1—slip 1. knit 1, pass slipped stitch spouts of kerosene c&na In some departed for neighboring towns In Let's get this thing right on the oyer, knit 19 stitches. Knit 2 to­ thousands of store* of the nation order to get sleeping accommodation, start. We have no apology to make gether, knit 1. 3rd needle, g, knit must render unfit for food thous­ just exactely os the people do after for our actions This country Is In 1—slip 1. K 1 pass slipped stlch over and bushels of good spuds every they take In the sights In Columbia the right, and those who do not like : knit 9 stitches, knit 2 rows plain, h. year.. In common times this is of Falls. her course are at liberty to take; Repeat e f g and h 5 times, then little moment, and even now In one There are people who would stay themselves and their objections Jo | narrow every other row until you store It means little, but before this iii Columbia Palls In order to get Mnm & liwu. merfeton home other c -untry—which would have 5 stitches on your 1st needle, winter paMes many will feel the that cool and refreshing breeie be the most decent thing they could 9 stitches on-your 2nd needle and 4 need of even such little, and in sav­ from the canyon and a drink of our We Carry Nothing But High-grade Goods in Both ing only a little spud a busy clerk do. < ' stitches on your 3rd needle. Knit sparkling cool water. may do his little bit.—Contributed. LIQUORS and CIGARS the 5 stitches on your 1st needle bn riuaweiser, Pabst Milwaukee, and The time has arrived In Columbia The predicted "dollar eggs” to your 3d. Raineer Bottled Boer Falls when we should have a modern Milwaukee Draft’Beer, 5 Cento a Glass .Prosperity, It Is said, Is causing a hotel. With' all the surrounding should prove a fertile field for . Your work Is now all on 2 needles .-aad.H *. •** •« shortage of one dollar bills. We had All Kinds of Bottled Goods, and n country becoming thickly settled, Brother Hoover’s activities. ' opposite each other. Break off yarn line of High Grade Cigars leaving 12-Inch end. Thread into noticed it, also a shortage of two such an institution is n great neces­ A Respectable Plt-ce For Respectable People We don’t object to the man with worsted needle and proceed to dollar bills, and ten dollar bills, and sity for. any place that wants to keep a hobby. If he won’t Insist on all his weave the front and back together several. other denominations. | on the map. friends riding with him. as follows: Pass worsted needle If the present delapidated building Not the least of the evil effects of I pays to keep running, there Is no this war is the added burden It doubt whatever but what a modern places on the geography class. hotel would quadruple Its business, especially with the genial C. C. Mil­ MASONIC LODGE ler as manager. IN WINES, LIQUORS Stated communications or Colum­ The writer at one time happened AND CIGARS Rate*: SOc ^l.JT^gjde^Tjede Solklted bia Falla lodge No. 89, A. F. £ A. M. to be at the depot when the train Gifted Dramatic Reader and Actor CominJ With Comm are held In Masonic hall on the first arrived and overheard one man say Mrs. Deve Crcvc Proprietress Auto Liveiy In Connection PU,OT and third Wednesdays of each month, to another: "Let us stop off hero Night and Day Service commencing at’8 o’clock p. m. Mem- ( for a few days." The other replied: here of sister lodge* and sojourning ; "The accommodations are not ory brethern are cordially Invited to at­ satisfactory." H. C SELVAGE, PROPRIETOR tend. Oscar M- Junklns, worshipful A RESIDENT. ED. F. MORGAN master; J. T. Hutchinson, secretary Public Administrator of Flat- The^jolumblan— What la the matter with starting $100 Reward. $100 Estatis administered carefully and a local building and loan associa­ The Traders of thti economically. Also assist you wltE tion? It pays good interest: it probate matters In other states. bran able to ctfre In euYts et'arra and HENRY WELTZ. Proprietor keeps your money at home and will that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly 80 W ad_Bt. KajUspell. Mont. build up the town; or, perhaps, you Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment -prefer to buy airships of strangers Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru ~ “ on the Mucous and let them spend your spondullx for you. Think it over, for It is a A Oysters, Fish and Poultry by huUdlng safe, logical and fair proposition. tare la doing Its wort. The proprie­ "There is no place llke*riome." says tors have so much faith'In the curative (Friend Jordan, and If you ever ex­ powers of Hall’s Catarrh Cure that BEST OF SERVICE. YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED they offer One Hundred Dollars for any pect to own a home you must atari. case that It falls to cure. Send for list ■ ^ p. Who Is willing to pay for an ad secret*: T: J. CHBNBT * CO.. Toledo. In a Spokane or Butte paper, telling Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. Tic. of the need and feasibility of a now A««* for the H-ty Bouch Wall P.pcr hotel in Columbia Falla? Who will Lot mo volunteer to gather data relative to J S the business o&u modern hotel? Le' each member ’, of the • Commercial t* club contribute at least one fact— not a guess—taken from hotel men F Moron Olson, the distinguished lete. HU wealth of natural gifts, mag. in other places and this place, and American actor and dramatic In­ nlflcent physique, voice, temperament hand such defiettu Information to • ■ • terpreter. Mr. Leiand Power* of and control Insured quick recognition." the editor of The Columbian. V/c Mr. Olsen U featured with the Como* At 730 *nd &30 o’clock th* famous dramatic school of that Player* In "Caraoo at the North believe that this town can support a name says in commenting on tSe ac­ 3 Notice Wood*’’ at Chaatanqna. In trie attar modern hotel. We believe that no tor’s phenomenal vogue In the Hub: Leave orders at Crum & Zorzi’s one thing will B0 quickly advertise "He came to me like young Lochlnvar noon be will be beard to • dramatic In­ terpretation of "The Terrible Meek.” • . a town as a modern hotel; that no from out of the west He elands six one act punch play by Charles R. Ken­ Cash Store »VVearne' con' j one thing can gjve a town a black f*et two and la built Uke a Greek ath­ nedy. MIKE MAGNON, Dealer oye quicker than-.poor hotel accom-






General Banking Business Transacted

Colombia Falls Billiard Hall

A. Roth

4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4’ 4*4*4"

Columbia Falls Red Cross





Drayage and Transfer


American Surety Co.


The Hotel Gaylord Bar


Dave Greve, Proprietor


The Best of the Best

Morpn Olsen at Chautauqua

Selvage Sftar



NEW MEAT MARKET Nothing But the Best in Meats



THEATORIUM Tues., Thurs., Saturday, Sunday





— * ■*

4%*%*wz***'*'*'£*'x*x »*> *♦*♦

Hawaiian Music to Be Feature of Big Chautauqua Program

Make Your; Home Worth Living in We are carrying a complete r.; line of

O-oh Hoo? Skinna i>






All School CUdren In Columbia Falls and Neighboring


Ka-mon Over an* Get a Pencil, Ruler, Blotter



ttr- -.

School. Cheerfully Supplied ___________

- j’:'/


. ‘-fill

A. L. Jordan Lumber Cti •Tk.™'. No. n*ca' trke Home'

TTfurray <£ fankino 9/ews of the State Now bank opens at Frold. Poplar ts now assured of electric light plant. The burned school at Whltetall is to be rebuilt. Poison—Bank deposits here show 65 per cent gain. Work has started on a cold stor­ age plant at Libby. Galata—Forty carloads of cattle were shipped from here. Great Western Sugar Co. of Mis­ soula begins operations. A 2.300 acre ranch sells for'|200,000.

Conrad is to have street lighting system. Nashua—Nashua-Scobey road has been Improved. Dixon—Ralls are being laid on the new Poison line. •i Sweet Grass— A 1X0,000 garage Is going up here. A new grain elevator erected at Ronan. Anaconda—Third nearly completed. n ,

Is being

street. paring

Libby—Big .Cedar camp north of Yahk, established.

near Dillon First National bank at Raymond opens, capitalized at $25,000.

weet Grass—Many new buildings are going up here.

Belt—Old French Coulee Mine Is being developed.


Helena—-Hasting Co. of Chicago Billings— The 3473-acre Broadwat­ are to build a pea cannery here. er farm sold for $109,000. UO.OOO ewes sold .at Billings for Denver ■kew.i------- -Mter4c Railway Co.. may double track on ’Main street. • Billings stock exchange has been Twin Bridges—A new hotel . is incorporated for $200,000. planned for Zelgler's Hot Springs, Dillon—New dormitory for the A new 30,000 bushel, elevator has Normal school hero Is planned. been completed at Fort Benton^ » ---------Bozeman—Tlje Gar Hay & Grain Billings—Work to begin on new Co. has incorporated for $100,000. $100,000 Deaconess hospital. Thbmpson Falls—A contract has Butte—Corbin Independent Min­ been let here for a school tp cose ing company Incorporated at $400,$14,285. 000. Shrlror—Italians establish n fac­ 'A seed Industry Is to -be estab­ tory here to make cheese from ewe's lished in Flathead county near Kalmilk. ispell. Whlteflsh—Water system to bo Lewistown— A strong flow of gas Installed on Columbia and Somers has been found In Fergus county Ave. Held. The Great Northern terminal Kallspell—The new $100,000 fed­ yards at Wolf Point will be complet­ ed Not.- 1. eral building here has been put Into use. / ' Libby—Largo ferry boat to ply The Powder magazine for tho'Duthe Kootenai river at/this point has pont Powder Co. at Libby Is nearing just been completed. completion. Hardin—School - buildings to be erected at Crow agency, Dunmoro Havre—Boiler makers have been Shd North Bench. | given an Increase. Great Northern j will hereafter pay them at the rate Helena—The Northern Pacific Is ' of 55 1-2 cents per hour. planning road from White Horse Tonnage of ore hoisted at mines gulch to Bedford station. of Anaconda Copper Mining Co. con1 tlnucs to show a gratifying increase. - Boston Sc Montana Development Every day finds working force in­ company closed contracts for a flot­ creased. More men now imployed In ation plant with a capacity of 500 Butte district than at any time since tons/dally to be erected at the. Elk- middle of last June, when labor troubles became acute. horn mines in Butte.

/"\NE of the rare treats In.atore for|wallan musicians are flnoly educated Chautauqua patrons la a abort and finished In music. They are prlnaftemoon program and n fulljcipally drawn from the Allsky aud evening concert by the Waikiki Ha-! Tools Pakn Troupes, who aroused so walian Quintet. This group of Ha- i much enthusiasm throughout the Dull­

ed Stales for several years. With ukelelc and guitars they play the beau­ tiful, soothing'aud wistful melodies of the Islands in a manner that grips the hearts of every one In the audleuce.

CARRY HOME PURCHASES to limit the number of saloons as a Uon to contest and secure the can­ WILL REDUCE HIGH COST j “cans of cofubatlng the liquor evil. cellation of your homestead, serial "If the people of today would No. 03450, made July 3rd, 1915, adopt the cash and carry system of for lands covered by List 1-2898, SI In a recent Issue of Collier’s, ap­ purchasing Instead of clinging to the NW1, NEi SW1 and Ni NWi SWJ pears the following statements made credit and delivery plan, It would be and NJ 85 NWj SWJ of section 34, by J. Ogden Armour, the famous a boon to both dealer and consum- township 37 N, range 22 W.. Mon­ packing house operator: tana meridian, and as grounds for “Meat Is such an Important Iteip “In a word, wheu the buying pub­ his contest he alleges that you have on the American table that Its In­ lic permits tho retailor to dispense wholly failed to/establlsh a residence creased cost has 'attracted attention with frequent and costly deliveries, upon said lands and that no cultiva­ and comment somewhat out of pro­ when consumers . pay their bills tion nor clearing of any kind has portion to the rate of advance. promptly so that the merchant can been done: "Meat price Increases are not due meet his obligations before having to You are, therefore, further noti­ to tolg profits, so far aa the meat pay Interest, when the quick moving fied that the said allegations will purveyors are concerned. It Is act­ advertised and standardized food be taken as confessed, and your said ually a fact that.the fresh meat from crowd the slow moving stuff off tho entry will be canceled without furthe steer or hog-or sheep Is sold by' shelves, and when the number of ther right to be heard, either before the packer to the retailer at a fig­ stores Is limited to a point which will I this office or on appeal, if you fall, ure which often falls to pay for the permit of a big business being done. to. file In this office within twenty raw product—that 1^ the animal by each—then, and not . till then, days after the FOURTH publication on the hoof. The profits which en­ will the retailer be able to pass moat'of this notice, as shown below, your able a packer to handle meat at less and other foods along to the con- answer, under oath, specifically rethan cost are due to the utilization sumcr at a price that will not seem' spending to these allegations of conof those portions of the animals blgh when compared with the whole- j test, ■ together with due proof that which until recent years were wast­ sale price thereof.” you havo eerved a copy of your ans­ ed or destroyed. ' ; wer on tho said contestant either In Jl ID UiDL there lUCrC UC "It is Ull.WUDIV necessary that be a peraoa or by registered mail. profit.In raising meat anlmftls if theEducational courses tor all enllstYou should'state In your answer supply is to keep pace with the de­ ed men that desire to Improve their the name of the post office to which time while In the army are being mand.' The world dfemand for food you desire future notices to be sent waa never greater than it Is today. arranged by Army Y. M. C. A. secre­ i to you. Demand, In' short, has run aWay taries wherever the men express a F. O. WILLIAMS. desire for it. In tils way'the sol­ from supply. , Register. diers may fit themsolvee to secure “It Is my opinion, however, that before thq price of meat and other better positions and command high­ Date of 1st publication, Oct. 4. 1917 food products as well can be mater­ er wages when they return to private Date of 2d publication Oct. 11, 1917 ially reduced, there will have to be life after, the war is over. It also Date of 3d publication Oct. 18, 1917 a far-reaching change In the demand gives them a profitable way to spend Date of 4th publication Oct. 25, 1917 made by the public on. the retail their spare tlmeNOTICE TO CREDITORS trade. He, the retailer.- la com­ pelled to charge In the neighbor­ Eve—enchantress—wonder-eyed. Estate of Christian F. Lacuger. hood of 20 per/lent of the cost price Smiled at Adam by her side. deceased. of each article or each pound of Cooed she, “Tell me, Eden's lamb; Notice Is hereby given by the un­ meat to cover the cost of doing bus/ Do you really care, Adam?” dersigned, the administrator of the iness. Tie retailers will welcome estate of Christian F. Laeuger, de­ a change In the national methods of "Casey is mo pertlckeler friend, ceased, to the creditors of and all retailing which will enable them to Ol'd have ye know.” persons having claims against tho reduce the cost of doing business. •O’wan! If he was pertlckler he said deceased, to exhibit them, with "In the first place there are too wouldn't be yer frtnd." the necessary vouchers, within four many stores. It Is obvious that if' months after the first publication of there were only a third as many as NOTICE OF CONTEST this notice to the said administrator now exlst.^each one would do about at Columbia Falls, In the county of three times the volume of business Department of the Interior, United Flathead, State of Montana, the It Is now doing, and a huge amountl States Land Office, Kallspell, Mon- same being the place for the trans­ of overhead andefixed expense would action of the business of said estate. be cut off, making It possible to sell J. T. HUTCHINSON, . . goods on a much smaller margin To David C. Hoover of Kallspell, Mont., contestee: Administrator of the Estate of said than la now the case. Those merch­ You are hereby notified that ants who ire now doing a legitimate Deceased. j Dated at Kallspell, Mont.-this 21st business should be aided, but I be­ Glanes E; Smith, who gives Klntla, lieve the public has the same right Montana, as his postofflre address, day of September. 1917. to limit the number of stores as a did on Aug. 27, 19F7, file in this Foot ft MacDonald, Attorneys for Administrator. means for reducing prices as It has office hla duly corroborated appllcaO.

up yards the Milwaukee la Install­ Ush claim to the land above < ing somlphore block system be­ ed. before register and receiver of tie United State* Land Office at tween Roundup and Klein. Ka'lapell, Mont, on the 30th day of Valter—A new elevator Is being October, 1917. built for the Valler Elevator Co. ' Claimant names as witnesses: Floyd 8. Aley, Hollis Deford, Harry Thompson Falla—Camp opened Deford and Chauncoy E. Beebe, all on Pllgram creek by forest service ol Klntla, Mont. and work started of planting 228,FRA.NK O. WILLIAMS, 000 western white pine seedlings. Register.Non Coal Land Work Is to start Boon In the log­ Within the Blackleet NatT Forest. ging of 1,000,000 feet of white and yellow pine on Borle ranch, jnat NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION west of Thompaon Falls. Culbertson—The new Evans hotel Is now being furnished.

$50 A HEAD REWARD IS OFFERED FOR SLACKERS A price has tjeen put on-tlje head of all slackers. Adjutant General Phil Oreenan wsa advised by tele­ graph by Provost Marshal General Crowder. "A person who . falls to report to hit local board for military service at Uie time specified In hla order to report Is a deserter,” reads the telegram. A reward of $50 will be paid for the. delivery of such per­ sons at the nearest army camp or post. Even ;though it appears, that tie <$ellnquengjr lsv not wilful,' ami no punishment-Is meted out,, the re­ ward will be paid.

The telegram reads, aa follows: “A reward-of fifty dollars la pay­ able tor the delivery at the nearest army camp or post of a deserter. This reward Is In fall satisfaction of all expenses incurred In said deliv­ ery. “A person who falls to report to hfi local board for military service at the time specified In hla order to report la a deserter. A-person who falls to report for military service to the adjutant general of the state by the date apeclfled In the order of the adjutant general to said person Is a deserter." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. 'Land Office at Kallspell, Mont, Sept. 17, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that John H. Nelson, of Klntla, Mont, who on December 1, 1918, made forest homestead entry serial No. 04474. for'Si N$ NWi NWJ, 81 NWi NWJ, Si NWI and lot 8. section 9, town­ ship 87 N., range *2 W., Montana Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to estab-

Department of the Interior, U. ,, S. Land Office at Kallspell, Montana, September 17. 1917. • :■ • Notice Is hereby given that.Hollis Deford, of Klntla, Mont., who on October $4, 1914, made forest home­ stead entry aerial . No. 05189, for List 1-2544 or the NWJ SE1 and lot T, Motion 81 township 36 N., range 21 west, Montana Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make thVee year proof to establish claim to the Jttnd above described, before the register and receiver of the United. States land effico at Kallspell, Mont., on the 30th day of October, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Floyd S. Aley, Jesse Bends, Chauncey B. Beebe and John H. Nelson, all of Klntla -Mont. - ^ FRANK 0 WILLIAMS, • X' r~ .. , 3 Coal hapd Within the Blackleet Nat’l Forest. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION *




Department of tho Interior, U. S. 8. Land Office at Kmllspell. Mont, September 17. 1917. Notice Is hereby given that Floyd 8. Aley, of Klntla, iMonL, who on May 22. 1914, made forest home­ stead entry serial No. 04721, for list 1-849 or the Ni Si. section 17, township 35 N., range 21 W., Mon­ tana Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver of the United States land office at Kallspell, Mont, on the 30th day of October, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Hollis Deford, John H. Nelson, Har­ vey Deford and Chauncey E. Beebe,' all of Klntla, Mont. FRANK O. WILLIAMS, Register. Coal land Within Blackfeet Nat’l Forest Try a want ad In The Colombian.

Be Both Modem And " Economical Install One ol the Best and Latest



-. cjjf

Iriij^a^cH^feng rate Stoves may be rented for $ ’DO a month, and after six months trial rent* may apply to purchase price. A Telephone Call WiH Bring a Salesman to Your Door.


- ~ • vau sfa.-


presenting the Cornua Players to Chautauqua audience* this .season patrons are assured of a competent company, able to giro true expression to the best In dramatic art The play

chosen by the Comus Players as being specially suited for Chautauqua pro­ duction • Is "Carson of the North Woods.” -. It la a stirring drama of tba French Canadians around Quebec. The story of the play Is rich In pathos and

quaint humor. Miss Janet Young, known to theater goers as the “sweet­ heart of the Northweet,” is the heroine of the play. Her support is notably strong. Moron Olsen, gifted reader and actor, stars opposite Miss Young.


They solve the Cap question for particular men.

Made of

die best suitings, overcoatings and Kerseys and perfect fit­ ting.

We Have Just the Cap For You


vea.has’betm in with Mrs. Steve Zorzl visited In Kala no t h or attack of rheumatism. Ispell Monday. Mrs. Julia Horton'-visited friends "Secrets of Thc Swamp" at The and relatlrtss' ln thU^cIty lost week Tlieatorlum tonight. from Marlon, Mont. ' Mrs. John Lewis came down from W. B. McDonald, manager of thc Ijike McDonald Friday on buslneas N. I. & M. P. Co., was in. the city returning Saturday. Tuesday on business. Theatorlum Sunday night. 1-rcels Fred Ebrlg, sr.* is •'< Installing a in all. "Thc Fugitive" and “Llmnew scale platform lot the Carr & berger Cyclone.*’ Elsethsgen public scales.* The work of breaking' ground for Mrs! S. F. Siders returned homo the new Episcopal church was Sunday night from Red Key, Ind- started Tuesday morning. ana, where Mrl Bldere was buried. ■- ■ V ' The regular meeting of the Epis­ George Waterman received his copal guild will .be held In the guild third degree in the local lodge of roonss Friday afternoon at 3 p. m. Masons on Wednesday night of last "Tbo Beckoning Trail" Saturday week. night. A G-reol Red Feather photo Mrs.^ E. E. Fitachen arrived here play. 7:30. Admission 10 cents, Saturday frotrf Butte to visit at the at the Theatorlum. borne of her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. The Episcopal guild will give a Fred Eh rig. Hallow'een dance In the opera house. Mrs. Harry Ernst returned Friday The Chns. Swaney orchestra from from a trip to Kansas-City, where Kwtopeir has been engaged. ■he was called by the Illness of her as reqyrsred. father, who Baa

Mrs. W. C. Berry and sop loft for their home at Butte last Thursday, Mrs. Wm. FHxalfemoM and little after visiting several weeks with her slaughter. Jean, returned .home Fri­ mothir. Mrs. C Rohel. day night from an extended visit Theatorlum. Blue Bird night. 'with relatives In Helena, Mont. "Secret of the Swamp." A ratellng W. E. Arnett, wife and son, Bar­ good 5-reol comedy drama, tonight ton, returned home Sunday from a 7:30 and 9.o'clock. 10 and 20 cents. two weeks’ trip In the-South Fork Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wagner, Mr. country after elk. They were un­ and Mrs. Joe ‘Miller and family and successful. Gub Heller were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. B. J. Murray and daughter Mrs. Richard Heller of the East side Julia, Mrs. David Talley. Mrs. Rich on Sunday of last week. brd Browne and Dan Vaughn made the trip to Kallspell Monday In the Mrs. John Ixieffler and little son of Conrad, Mom, arrived here Tues­ Murray car. day night to visit at the hotae o| An auto party consisting, of Mr. Mrs. Jonathan Loeffler. She was end Mrs. H. Ernst. Jacob Ernst. Rod­ accompanied by Miss Marie Glasgow ney Phillips and Mlsa Bessie Grove of thc same city. made the trip around Flathead lake Sunday in Mr. Phillips* car. Mrs. Wm. Ross entertained the embroidery club Wed., Sept. 26. at work on During the afternoon she served a Carpenters are dainty lunch, assisted by Mrs. D. Hennesy. The club met last Wed. and it is estimated that It will be In at the home of. Mrs. Joe Miller. Its new position within ton days. Herm Selvage, his mother and Manager KUaki' of ttft opera sister, and Mr. Swan returned Sun­ day night from a week’s stay at the Camas Hot springs. Tt)ey report that as yet there has been no move made by . the recent purchasers of the springs to make any Improve­ ments., but It is reported that they he will start in next spring.

Born, October 9, to Mr. ami Mrs. j family. At me ago of 93 year* an' other member of the family -bad Harry Doyeraplke. a boy. been the mother of 23 children and Lost—On head of Big creek, a 1220 decendantx. Many of these bay marc branded "J. P. H. on left j lived to bless the day when the orlgahoulder; pack, saddle and halter, Inal Pippin plucked up. courage to on. Notify R. J. Werner. Whlteflsh. "pop'* and became the partner of her and get reward. * lore. ' j Not a few of our .Inhabitants hays Archie .Roth la claiming admission j been in Kallspell during the past to the Big Fish Story club by reason j week attending the county fair. All of the fact that he landed a 12-pound report bot|f pleasure and satisfaction bull trout last Sunday on the North in the exhibit. Fork river. A young man who recently moved _______ to live on the cast side of the river Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lco; sr., re- said to one of the girls at the Home: turned Monday from a vacation trip "I am one of your neighbors now; spent In the North Fork country. ! I live Just across the river.” "InMr. Lm's prise catch was a bull trout (deed." said the miss, “I hope you weighing close to 18 pounds. ! will drop, in some day." _______ ! Under the direction of bh••matron E. J. Prendergast arrived here and with the tsslsUnce of the InMonday night from Alaska, where1 mates, much fruit has been canned he has been doing engineering work : and preserved for winter use. Soon for the government, and will visit the Inmates wll be knitting for the a few days with his wife and family soldiers. before departing again for Seattle. It Is said that Frani Abt received only )20 for his copyright, "When Miss Ettamae Phillips who re­ the Swallows Homeward Fly." A turned last week from several weeks writer commenting upon thU, re­ spent In touring Glacier National marked that Ifjhe talented composer park, was taken suddenly very 111 had teen present at a certain re­ on Thursday while visiting In Kal­ freshment-room recently where hla lspell, duo to Infiamatlon of the lin­ countrymen were at dinner, he would ing of .the bowels. Although very have seen the swallows fly home at 111 she Is Improving at this time. the rate of 60 kegs per hour. One of oui members has gone a Three well known .boys of this prospecting. He Is experienced In city were up In Judge Carroll's court thcV work and we nil sincerely hope on last Thursday morning for driv­ he will not cry "Vein, vein, give ing off with Dr. .Robinson’s car. ore," In vain. They were rofbased with a repri­ The plasterers have finished their mand from the Judge which conveyed task on the Service buildleg. and the Information that If they came now a force of carpenters are en­ up again It would be five years In gaged on the li.aide woodwork. The the reform school. week ending ihc 13th Inst, will see this work well along. Contractor Metier Is making good Contractor Goldschmidt has the progress on hds grading contract on foundation piers of the water tank Nucleus avenue and if weather con­ completed and -as gone to the east­ ditions remain favorable he will com­ ern part of the state to superintend plete the work ahead of schedule. other construction for his company Twelve teams are making the dirt He expects to return here on about fly with plows and scrapers. A the 15th 'nst., when Jbe work on movement Is on foot to build a ce­ the towor and t ink will be resumed. ment sidewalk along the new street to the depot. ^


Dr. A. K. Wearne and wife and Mrs. William Lauson of the State daughter, Adel, returned Monday Mill past away Thursday after a evoking from their outing In the lingering, dllnes-s of four months. North Fork country. The doctor de­ Funeral services were held In Kalclares that although he had heard j iapell Saturday afternoon at 2:30. much about the North Fork country j The rejtiftlns were layed to rest In he was not disappointed and be- | the Conrad cemetery. The bereaved lieves It the finest part of the state | ones have thc sympathy of this !nwith great possibilities ns a dairying tire vicinity. country. Goldie McPheeters purchased a new five-passenger Bulck car last Local people have been enjoying week. elk meat recently’sold by Mrs. Ris­ This vicinity was out In force to ing from her herd at Elk Park. Thg the-county falr the-past week.----- •u— HWd wblcb numbered 21 thlq. sum­ The Cunningham machine'ex­ mer became frightened n few weeks pects to be through for the season ago nnd two broke through the about-Oct.'11: or 12. They will be fence and would not return. Fear­ back In the neighborhood Tuesday ing that hunters would kill them, after two weeks work In' the Helena the owner decided to hunt them Flats vlclnlty.l down and sell the meat to local cus­ It has been reported that Cupid tomers. has been getting busy of late In this neighborhood and that the wedding The new water guage purchased bells are to be heard soon. some time ago by the city, arrived Miss Ethel Olson and Margery the first of the week and was Install­ Leader, who are attending high ed In the city hall. The first day school in Kallspell were Sunday It registered between 15 and 50 visitors at their homes. pounds. It will register the press­ ■Mr. and Mr*. Louis Olson autoed ure every day In the year and a rec­ to Kallspell Sunday evening. ord will be kept for the purpose of E. K. Gregg of the Soldiers home determining whether or not the was a Monday caller at the homo of water service .comes up to the terms his daughter, Mrs. S. Cunningham. proflded for In thc franchise, which Mlsa Mary Barnes Is on the sick requires a pressure of not less than list this week. 45 pounds. Mr. .Barnes dng a well on hla place and struck water at 22 feet. ORCHARD ROBHER.S Upon returning last week from a trip to Helena Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mrs. Weaver and two daughters Linden were very much disappointed to learn that some parties had gone were Kallspell shoppers Saturday. Into their apple orchard and liter­ __Qulte a few froa this vicinity at­ tended the fair. ally striped the trees of the fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Howell and Had they taken the apples that were upon the ground—and there two children were Sunday visitors were bushels of them, nil In good with Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfleld Scott. Mr. and Mrs. £. H. Uosney and condition—they would have been welcome to them, but to steal those daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. upon the trees. Is not appreciated In Coleman Gosney and Robert Gosney the least. Mr. and Mrs. Linden have motored to Echo lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds were always been more than liberal In permitting friends to pick apples Sunday callers at the N. Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank’ Higgins mot­ nnd cherries In the Orchard, but to have the crop practically ruined dur­ ored to Belton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell were ing their absence Is not appreciated, and steps will be taken to apprehend Sunday visitors at Wm. Nuttera*. h*\ and Mrs. Chaa. Seek were vis­ the guilty parties. itors at "Grandview.** Charley Pemble and Homer Hug­ gins have gone to Swan lake to work During the past ten days there on the government road. have been numerous changes In the Dave Leighty la building an addi­ memibershlp here. Several have tion on his house/ been admitted and readmitted and Miss Clara Rusntvold of Kallspell name* of live have been dropped was a Sunday evening caller at “Hill from the oil. Twelve have been Crest.'.* granted leave of absence and eight We are glad to report C. H. Qoamembers have returned from fur­ ney Is getting better. lough. The membership at .this writing la 108 with 21 absent with leave. _____ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee' were visit­ Mr. D. Cupid, whose advent at the Home was noted In your Issue of last ors at the Hensen home, and later week, arrived true to schedule. Un- moved to camp at Coal creek for fortunately',hls good offices came to two days, where they had good luck xero here in at least one Instance. catching 12 ami 15-lb bull trout. Chas. Wise just returned from It seems that a formal proposal had been made and the.lady, wishing to Kallppell after two days at the fair. Dr. Wearne and Ben Henaen and take the matter under advisement, said she would "turn It over In her families bad a very pleasant day at mlnfl**'. Thereupon the girl was In­ Bowman lake. A.1 G. Vance and Bowen Worford formed that If she was going to treat an honest proposition like a flapjack are putting up hay at Bowman. Dgn Doverspikc has Just returned It would be withdrawn, and thus, as ^ tho newspapers say: "Anti bellum, from thc Falls. Dr. Wearne nnd family have re­ status quo." We are much pleased to note and turned to their home Mr and Mrs B. F. Hensen nnd record the return to duty of Doctor Robinson, the Home physician and daughtei are pending a few days surgeon, absent with leave since In the valley. Mr. Harvey of the Kallspell Bank June 17th, last. A member of the Home Is a direct of Commerce and a friend are huntdecendant of the Vermont Pippin th* on the North Fork.




’ >

Livingston Likes Former Resident

Prepare! Winter it near at handlmd with the present lising '

A copy of the Democrat-News, market it will pay to buy early j| published at Lewlstown, Mont., un­ der date of Sept. 20. contalnes a large two-column photograph of Fred M. Ferrell, formerly of thin city, accompanied by a writeup of his bus­ iness adventure, which will be Inter­ esting to his many friends here. The article followa: "The most Important transaction In the auto business Lewlstown has seen has Just been consummated, Messrs. Fred M. Ferrell and. H. E. Occhsll purchasing the Ford agency and business from E. H. Roohl. The new concern, to be known as The Fergus Motor company. Is now In entire charge. Both Mr. Ferrell and Mr. Occhsll are not new In the motor game. In coming to Lewlstown. Mr. Ferrell disposed of two garages, one at Columbia Falls, Mont, nnd anoth­ er at Whitefish, where he formerlyIt's our fair; we pay a share of the held the Ford agencies. He enjoys a state-wide acquaintance nnd attended expense; why not enjoy Its full -val­ ue. the School of Mines when that insti­ tution was established at Deer Lodge. Following Molt experience In min­ ing. Mr. Ferre'- was. engaged In D. W. Jackson from Alabama ar­ banking for uome seven years and rived here lost week and has as­ has had a wide experience In busi­ The first 'Flathead county fair to sumed the prlnclpulshlp of the Co­ ness. Last winter. Mr. Ferrell made be run as a free admission entertain­ lumbus school In place of Mr. Aiken a record by selling 82 Ford cars In ment proved a success Hi every par­ who has been transferred to the Tal­ 30 days In a very restricted territory ticular,. according to reports from bott school to take charge of the Ho Is to be the resident .manager of those who attended. The attendance manual training work. Mr. Jackson the Lewlstown business and will be was larger by hundreds, tho exhibits will also coacti the boys* bosket ball Joined shortly by his daughter, who were, astounding, considering the team this year. will spend part of her time at the season, nnd the program of races Last Friday was childrens’ day office. was satisfactory.. •Mr. Occhsll who Is now here, re­ at the county fair and school was disThe poultry department aUracted! ',h;'d»'rwnft*'madsTp sides at Spokane where he Is rated as one of the city's very enterprising Its share of attention and proves con this coming Friday which Is a legal elusive!)’ that Flathead county |s en­ and successful business men. He holiday, Columbus day. conducts n garage there that is con­ titled to the front rank In poultryThe seniors* have received live sidered by many to bo one of the dom. From a. list of prize winners new plays from which they will se­ issued the only entries from this handsomest, most complete and most lect one to be given sometime In convenient In the entire northwest. end of the valley were a pen of December. Singlecomb R. I. Reds by Freejnan Mr. Oechsli leaves for gpokane to­ The manual training classes start­ Wedge which drep- down second morrow morning. ed Tuesday under the supervision "It ralghtvtoo remarked In passing prize for cockerel, pullet and young of Mr. Aiken. that Messrs. Ferrell and Oechsli were pen. There will be a program given In The grains, grasses, vegetables boys together and afterwards went and fruit displays were* equal to the high school assembly room Fri­ through thq panic in 1893 together th oae shown In previous years, and.;day afternoon Oct. 12, consisting of In Phllllpsburg. this state? In enter­ proves that there were some sections | the following numbers: Plano solo, ing the local field, their principal of the country where the drouth had Ella Saurey; recitation, Irma MenIdea Is to give the public the very llttle effect, while tho care taken byjgon; paper, "Our Basket Balt Prosbest service possible and with this In exhlbltors In arranging their displays : peels** Andrew Murray; trombone view some Important changes In the was most commendable. The live-j solo. Mr. Aiken; reading, Leo Martgarage building are already under stock exhibit was poor. : In : selection, quartet, -Helen Carroll. way. The aeroplane flights wefe up to vlolln; Miss Reed-plano; Roy Johns, ■The very extended experience ofj Mr. Ferrell and those who will be form nnd the aviator gave the crowd cornet; Mr. Aiken, trombone. two splendid exhibitions each after­ Immediately associated with him In noon. Several extra entertaining the conduct of this big establishment, with the resources of the new con­ features were added to the program The new war revenue tax bill has cern and the proven ability, of them and the people who attended feet hit Columbia Falls and as a result all In the motor field should Insure that the county fair board gave them the saloon. men, patrons of the pol­ the success of the concern and result all that was expected.' and then ished mahogany and on down to the In a potable extension of Its busi­ some. ' The one disappointing featnre In common public are suffering In vari­ ness.” • / , connection with, the county fair la ous-degrees. The government has decided to the absence of displays from the CoNEW RESTAURANT lumbia Falls district. Secretory |-put a tax of 81.50 on every barrel of I have opened a restaurant In the Bernard solicited personally many 'beer sold, hnd the brewery at Kalisbuilding', next to the Bush barber farmers In this end of the valley and ' pell has added another 50 cents, shop, where the public can obtain urged them to send In their sampler.' making a total Increase of 22 a V»rmeals at all hours. Short orders but so far as can be’learned not a jrel to the saloon man. Now the feland regular meals. First class ser­ slngle thing was sent to the fair.' low with a beer thlrat pays 10 cento vice and prices right. All I ask Is This is not because the farmers had \ a glass for the beverage. Kallspell a trial. nothing worth while to exhibit, for! and Whitefish saloons have been ANGELO ANOBLOPUS. It Is said by men who know that the charging the Increased price for the crops In this end of the valley were past two months. The Increase tax on whiskey ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY the best In the county, and vege­ tables-always do better here. There amounts to 12.10 a gallon. On ORDER OF SALE OF REAL seems to be a lack of interest and wines,it runs from 8 cents to 12.10 ESTATE SHOULD NOT pride among the farmers ‘when It a gallon. The tax on soft drinks has BE MADE comes to showing their products at not yet been announced, but it will be made shortly. Cigars have been In the District Court of the Eleventh the county fair, and as a result out­ hit bard, raising from 22 to 27 a Judicial District of the State of siders gain the Impression that the thousand. northern end of the valley Is not Montana,, in &nd for the County of Bio fellow who buys his drinks as fertile or productive as the low­ Flathead. er end, which is positively just the over the bar will pay 10 cents for beer, 15 cents straight for whiskey reverse. In the matter of the Estate of It Is hoped that at the next coun­ and 25 cents for mixed drinks. Kal­ Rose Sellman, deceased. ty fair an organized effort will be lspell bottled beer is raised from 26 Olive Lewis, the administratrix of made by both East and West side rants to 35 cento a quart and Mil­ the estate of Rose Sellman. deceased, farmers, co-operating with the lo­ waukee beer from 36 cento to 60 having filed_her petition herein cal Commercial dub, to make a dis­ cents. praying for an order of sale of all play. A little effort and a little ex­ The new law hits one or two local the real estate of said decedent for pense would rosull In more bene­ saloon men Jianl inasmuch as It ap­ the purposes therein set forth. ficial advertising for this community plies toTll goods on hand, bought It is therefore orders* by the than any other one method possible. and piid for months ago. and in Judge of said court that all peraona We have prize-winning draft horses, some cases over a year on hand. It interested in the estate of said de­ the best thoroughbred stock in the Is estimated that each saloon man . ceased appear before the said Dis­ i county, while a community poultry In this city will pay straight out of trict Court, on Tuesday, the 5th day display could be made that would his pocket at least 21,000 as a war of November, 1917, at 10 o’clock a. create a sensation, for It Is a fact tax ou bis stock. He must make an m. of said day, at the court room of that local people own some’ of the Inventory of his goods and submit It said district court, at the court house best birds In the country, but have to an Inspector, who will be here In in Kallspell, county of Flathead, to never displayed them. As for grain a few days to check up. show cause why an order should not grasses, and vegetables we would Tho only means the dealer has ofi be granted to the said administratrix have easy sailing over the lower recovering on bis Investment Is to to sell so much of the real estate of raise the price to the public, and. as valley people. the said deceased as shall be neces­ Let’a atari now to make plans for usual, the public will pay the price In sary. an exhibit ati the 1918 county fair. one form or another. . And that a copy of this order be published at lesft once a week for four successive weeks in The Colum­ bian. a newspaper printed and pub­ lished in said Flathead county, state of Montana. IT does not pay , Bated this 1st day of October. 1 to exp&i1917. roent in foot­ T. A. THOMPSON. wear, Buy lines •r Judge.

Just In! New Line Rich Bros.* | Famous Woolens Shirts, $5:50 up. Mackinaws, $9.50. Pants, $6. Sox and Gloves

THE CASH STORE Crain & Zorzl, Proprietors

Free County Fair Proves Success



FARMERS’ PHONE MEETING Stockholders of the Columbia Rills Telephone Co. are hereby no­ tified that a meeting will be held at the Commercial club rooms at 2:20 p. in., Saturday, Oct. 13. for the purpose of considering selling the property of the association. We have a bonaflde offer and all members are urged to be present and vote on this proposition. O. M. J UNKINS. President. NOTICE, MASONS. On Wednesday night, Oct. 24, past masters will put on the third degree work^ All members and visiting brothers are Invited to attend.

that have stood the test of time,

i! Cutter



And O’Donnell and you will not be disappointed with die service.

T. V. Kilduff

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