1. The name "___________" was first used to refer to a group of friends in New York. Several explanations have been offered for the famous name over the years. According to one version, the group's original "Den Mother," Lauren Bacall, after seeing her husband (Bogart) and his friends return from a night in Las Vegas, said words to the effect of "You look like a damn _________.""__________" may also be a shortened version of "Holmby Hills ____________", a reference to the home of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall which served as a regular hangout. The original members of the _____________ were: Frank Sinatra (pack master), Judy Garland (first vice-president), Bacall (den mother), Sid Luft (cage master), Bogart (in
2."Oh Yeah" is a single released in
1985 by the Swiss band Yello and featured in their album Stella.The song gained popularity after being featured in the film X. ' As Jonathan Bernstein explains, "Never a hit, this slice of Swiss-made tomfoolery with its varispeed vocal effects and driving percussion was first used by John Hughes to illustrate the mouthwatering must-haveness of Cameron's dad's Ferrari. Since then, it has become synonymous with avarice. Every time a
Ferris Bueller’s day off
• X is a slang expression that is commonly used as a boastful claim of dominance over the intended listener. • An early use of the phrase occurs in Gene Wilder's 1975 comedy The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, Sigerson Holmes grills Jenny Hill, the supposed daughter of the British Minister of External Affairs, in a rather unusual interrogation process. While sitting over her almost naked and rather responsive body lying on a couch, he massages her breasts and repeatedly asks her X. • Denzel Washington playing Coach Boone in Remember the Titans (2000) uses the line to initiate dominance over two student athletes. • In the film Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), Angelina Jolie speaks the phrase after taking down adversary Brad Pitt.
4. • Zamzar is a web application to convert files. It was created by brothers Mike and Chris Whyley in England. It allows user to convert files without downloading a software tool, and supports over 1,000 different conversion types. • What served as an inspiration to name the company so? • Screenshot follows.
Gregor Samsa
• X fashion is thought to have been partly created to react against the growing exposure of the body and skin in modern society. Adherents fight this with modesty, presenting themselves as "cute" or "elegant" rather than "sexy". • "We certainly do not do this for the attention of men. Frequently, female sexuality is portrayed in a way that is palatable and accessible to men, and anything outside of that is intimidating. Dressing this way takes a certain kind of ownership of one's own sexuality that wearing expected or regular things just does not. It's not, as some commentators have suggested, some sort of appeal to men's expectation that women should be childlike, or an attempt to pander to pedophiles. Pedophiles don't like grown women who happen to like dresses with cakes on them. We don't get into it because it is some sort of misplaced pedo complex or anything, and the objective isn't simply
• Their steep nature resembles a hill near Ladysmith, South Africa, that was the scene of the Battle of Spion X in January 1900 during the Second Boer War. A local newsman likened the silhouette of fans standing on a newly raised bank of earth to soldiers standing atop the hill at the Battle of Spion X. In 1906,sports editor Ernest Edwards noted of a new open-air embankment at Y(with which we associate X with): "This huge wall of earth has been termed 'Spion X', and no doubt this apt
• X is one of several uniquely American art forms. The earliest reports of this style of a cappella music involved African Americans. Named after where they began, the first formal men's X organization was formed in 1938,( currently called X Harmony Society). The X Harmony Society provides a highly organized competition structure for a cappella quartets and choruses singing in the X style. • X harmonies remain in evidence in the a cappella music of the black
• Though he was loyal to Indira Gandhi during the Emergency, X resigned in 1977 from the cabinet and joined the Janata Dal. A few days before the elections, on a Sunday, X addressed an Opposition rally at the famous Ram Lila Grounds in Delhi. The national broadcaster Doordarshan allegedly attempted to stop crowds from participating in the demonstration by telecasting the blockbuster movie Bobby. The rally still drew large crowds, and a newspaper headline the next day ran "Babu beats Bobby" Name this luminary
Jagjivan Ram- Lame Pun-Check
Alan Wilkins
• Marxist leader E M S Namboodiripad had once again trained his guns on X, this time for what he describes as the deviant sexuality in her book Y • In an article published in his diary in the Deshabhimani weekly , the Marxist veteran, whose name figures in the novel, denounced the book as representing the literature of a decadent, bourgeois society. He said ''sexual anarchy'' was a major aspect of the literary imagery in the post- modern phase of Western literature and this book. One of the events in the novel is the sexual encounter between Ammu, a divorcee with two children, and Velutha, an untouchable who, incidentally is a cardcarrying Communist. Holding that the character Ammu was evidently modelled after the author's mother, Namboodiripad wrote that "the author has accused her own mother of indulging in deviant
Arundhati Roy, God of Small Things
• There was speculation that X intended to retire before the 1878 season to concentrate on his medical career, but he decided to continue playing cricket and may have been influenced by the arrival of the first Australian team to tour England in May. At Lord's on 27 May, the Australians defeated a strong MCC team, including X, by nine wickets in a single day's play. News of the match "spread like wildfire and created a sensation in London and throughout England". The satirical magazine Punch responded to it by publishing a parody of Byron's poem The Destruction of Sennacherib including a wry commentary on X's contribution: The Australians came down like a wolf on the fold,
• There are theories that suggest that X is named after Arthur Wellesley. Some theories go a step further and suggest this was due to his love of a dish of beef, truffles, mushrooms, Madeira wine, and pâté cooked in pastry, but there is a noted lack of evidence supporting this. In addition to the dearth of evidence attaching this dish to the famous Duke, the earliest recorded recipe to bear this name appeared in a 1966 cookbook. Other accounts simply credit the name to a patriotic chef wanting to give an English name to a variation on the French filet de bœuf en croûte during the Napoleonic Wars. • Still another theory is that the dish is not named after the Duke himself, but rather that the