Natural Mumma Magazine May 2019

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Issue 22 May 2019

Buy Better, Buy Less, Build Communities A New Agenda Climate Change

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Natural Beauty Transformative Skincare Milky Goodness? How Do You Buy Yours...?

BE THE Change

NMM May 2019


A totally natural sleeping bag, designed to help your babies sleep

Little Earth Baby’s hero product is their unique natural fabric all-season sleeping bag. The pioneering wadding in their bags is organic bamboo. Bamboo’s unique qualities make it truly thermoregulating. On hot nights, the natural micro-holes in the fibres wick away up to three times more moisture than other fabrics, creating a cooling system around the body and reducing sweat build up on the skin, and on cooler evenings they trap warm air. And as they are all-season, unisex and sized 0-2 years, they reduce the need for multiple bags per family, making them a great eco option.

About Little Earth Baby

The company was founded by Emma Bianco, a mother passionate about the health and wellbeing of babies, and of the planet. They also make organic toys and baby blankets, and will be launching a number of new products to their range this year. Little Earth Baby bags are available from £98 (including the attached comforter, which helps babies self settle safely). For further information and to purchase visit

Natural foam play mats

By popular demand, this month Little Earth Baby are launching totally non-toxic and biodegradable foam play mats, made from natural and sustainable materials. These mats are shock absorbent, antibacterial, wipe clean, non-slip and super light so can be stored away easily. They come in neutral colours to blend in with grown up living spaces.

Welcome To Natural Mumma Magazine Contents 4

Community Voices on Extinction Rebellion and climate change, plus reports from Be The Change Awards and Ethical Brands For Fashion Revolution


Different Life UK Life Insurance that lets you be the change


Transformation Our pick of the top natural transformative skincare


Beyond Business As Usual by Sian Conway of #EthicalHour


Short Change Interview with Fiona Klonarides of The Beauty Shortlist


Food For Thought Milk - wonder food or eco disaster?

Contact: Photo by Gerard Hughes


Holly wears ethical bamboo leisure/active wear by Asquith Makeup by Ere Perez, Ilia and MiA Hair by Green People

he theme for this month’s issue is Be The Change/Transformation and we’ve met some incredible changemakers at the Be The Change Awards, Ethical Brands for Fashion Revolution and the Critical Extinction London Climate Change protest village. Another group who are set to make a positive impact are Different Life UK who are kindly sponsoring this issue so that you can keep reading it for free. They also do fantastic work by giving back with every insurance policy they sell. It would be

great if you could repay the favour and have a look at what they are all about on their website – you can read their story in this issue too. We’ve had some changes of our own this month, we picked up a couple of secondhand bikes and have been having a real blast getting back in the saddle (it has slowed down trips such as nipping to the sorting office, but we’re enjoying that pace too). We’ve also rethought how we buy milk, which you can read more about later. The magazine has gone through some changes too, we’re focusing on buying better, buying less and building communities. Let’s do what we can to lessen the impact of climate change together and educate those around us, especially our children and their passionate and powerful generation. The time has come for us all to Be The Change! Read my practical tips on reducing the impact of climate change here. NMM May 2019



Talk About A Revolution Extinction Rebellion London Climate Protest


e know we have disrupted your lives. We do not do this lightly. We only do this because this is an emergency.” In a statement, Extinction Rebellion thanked Londoners for “opening their hearts” as they demonstrated to urge ministers to act in order to avoid “a sixth mass extinction of species.” We paid a visit to the site during the period of protest and were moved by the sense of community, the serenity and the creativity. It was a non-violent protest with

no drugs or alcohol on site, and an open identity policy - so no masks. Facilities within the camp included catering, training and workshops. All participants went through an induction process. After ten days of activity, Extinction Rebellion paused their protests on 25 April. The feeling of community continued as protesters gathered to clean up

graffiti from the streets. Despite holding a ‘closing ceremony’ – in which Vision Coordinator for XR and protester, Skeena Rathor thanked the “beautiful beings” saying that their actions were “enormous” and “beyond words” and urged them to “begin a process of reflection” – XR stated that the public should expect action very soon.

“In motivating people to love and defend the natural world, an ounce of hope is worth a ton of despair.” George Monbiot

UK Parliament Declares Climate Emergency


ollowing weeks of protest from Extinction Rebellion and UN warnings of a future ‘catastrophe’ a climate emergency has been declared. The proposal was approved without a vote and demonstrates the will of the commons but places the government under no legal compulsion to act. Although this state of emergency has yet to be clearly defined, many local areas are


May 2019 NMM

aiming to be carbon-neutral by 2030 with plans to build more sustainable housing and more electric car hubs forming part of the plan. The UK government’s target is to reduce carbon emissions by 80 per cent (compared to 1990) by the year 2050. Labour’s motion also outlines the delivery of a ‘zero waste economy’ within six months. You can sign up to Extinction Rebellion here for more info and action in your area.


limate change is the biggest issue of our time, and it must be a part of our education if our generation is to understand it and help us to combat its effects. That’s why we want climate change to become a core part of the national curriculum.” On Friday 15th February they walked out of school along with thousands of other students throughout the UK to protest against the government’s lack of action in tackling climate change. “It showed society that we have a voice. We don’t want to be left with flooding, wars, famine and climate breakdown just because our governments value economic growth over the wellbeing of our planet. If young people like us are going to have any kind of future, the climate emergency

Izzy Lewis, Kamila Chamcham, Rasha Alsouleman and Lucy Gibbons - Cheney School,

#youthstrike4climate School students are taking action following their concerns about climate change. must be a central, core part of our compulsory curriculum. We strongly value our education, and that’s why we desperately need you to help us make a change in the way things are run.”

They are also campaigning for schools across the country to be run sustainably and for this to be a part of school inspections. Sign their petition to help give them with their cause here.

Extinction Rebellion - A Personal Account


xtinction Rebellion (XR) has brought something new and healing into our lives. For the International Rebellion we made banners and paired up with my yoga teacher and her son and were offered space in her friend’s house. We were a little nervous, until we saw the Pink Boat in Oxford Circus. People from all different backgrounds, ages, ethnic groups all focused on the one aim of acknowledging and responding to the Ecological and Climate Emergency. We had decided to be ‘non arrestables’ and were really pleased to find how easy it was to spend hours together with rebels waiting to be arrested without feeling we would ‘accidentally’ be arrested. A few days later we returned with my husband. Waterloo Bridge was incredible, the gentle singing of heartfelt words even as peaceful protestors were being taken away, such as

“Police. We love you. We’re doing this for your children too” was deeply moving. Chris Packham jumped up onto a bus stop to offer support and it completed the picture: from celebrity to student, young to old we all love people and planet too much to do anything other than act now. We have been making personal changes for a while such as how we travel (no flying), what we eat (organic and plant based) and what we buy (no new non eco clothing) but this no longer feels like enough. We must now become activists: talking change, sharing ideas and calling the policy makers and companies to account. We need to move around and cause a ripple effect. The bonus turns out to be that facing this challenge has actually boosted our wellbeing in many ways. Dr Linda Thomas Eco Fashion Design and activist NMM May 2019


Be The Change Awards 2019 Ethical Businesses Celebrated At First Be The Change Awards


ith a focus on “recognising ethical and sustainable brands with a powerful impact story to tell,” the first ever Be The Change Awards was a true celebration of the ethical community and the brilliant work that is being done to help create more sustainable solutions. Founded

by #ethicalhour hero and Natural Mumma columnist Sian Conway and Jo Salter of Where Does It Come From? the awards ceremony was packed with inspirational changemakers such as fellow judges Sabine Harnau from From Scratch, ethical stylist Roberta Lee and children’s author and founder of Ethical Brand Marketing Jessica Lohmann. The whole event

was fuelled by Adnams, who provided the free flowing drinks – even Ghostly Pale Fairfield Farm crisps flavoured with Adnams’ pale ale were on offer. It was a wonderful evening full of laughter, inspirational conversation and a genuine atmosphere of support and mutual encouragement.

“The impact of climate change is serious but there is hope! Happy Pineapple aims to publish books in a manner that prioritises people and planet. Using recycled paper and vegetable-based inks and minimising plastic waste are central to Happy Pineapple’s approach. It was an amazing surprise to have our ethos celebrated at the Be the Change Awards! There is more to come from Happy Pineapple as we begin using a biodegradable laminate on our new book later this year Brilliantly, many other people are also working to bring about positive change. Be encouraged – we can all make a difference!”

“At Suffolk Babies we support our clients to think about ecological issues when having a baby, by providing a home for our local cloth nappy library and sling library, but there is definitely more we can do. We cannot ignore ecological issues, and even though


May 2019 NMM

having a baby is not an ecofriendly thing to do, us parents have the strongest motivation to do something about it. We don’t want to leave our children a world that is on its knees. We don’t want them to face a much lower standard of living than we’re used to, or a shorter life expectancy. The more attention we can bring to companies working towards a sustainable future, through events like the Be The Change Awards, the better.” Katie Mackenzie, Operations Director, Suffolk Babies (Finalist of the Babies and Children Award)

Steve Bownds, children’s boo author and publisher, Happy Pineapple (Winner of The Babie and Children Award)



Winners of Be The Change Awards 2019 Accessories Retrospecced Babies & Children Happy Pineapple Beauty White Rabbit Skincare Brands That Give Back PALA Eyewear Business Services Offset Warehouse Changemaker Of The Year The Turtle Tribe Community Organisations & Campaigns Street Factory CIC Fashion Y.O.U Underwear Food & Drink AUARA Home & Gift Vida Natural - Toockies Travel One World Women CIC Tech For Good Tech Dump Much love and gratitude to Ronke from Love ur Look for the beautiful dress which received a lot of compliments on the night. It felt fantastic to wear. NMM May 2019


Ethical Brands For Fashion Revolution 2019 A Celebration Of Slow Style


he UK’s leading independent ethical fashion showcase was back for a day of connecting, learning and considered purchases. Offering you the chance to talk to the people behind the brands and experience the products first hand, there were also panels with industry experts and demonstrations. Following on from the Be The Change Awards the night before the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly.

“We are helping combat climate change by refurbishing materials once destined for landfill instead of using new materials formed from crude oil or toxic substances. We are also educating our workers in Brazil about climate change and what small changes they can make to create a difference.” Charlotte, From Belo

“I am constantly making sure that whatever choices I make for mi apparel has to have a good impact for our people, our planet - otherwise I am not interested.” Kate Auguste, Mi Apparel


May 2019 NMM

“Train travel everytime, keep flights to a minimum, eat locally sourced food where there is a choice. But what is key is cutting consumption- so buy barely anything ‘new’ unless it is recycled or upcycled and I spend time giving workshops and talks about the Circular Economy: to influence everyone else to do the same!” Jo Godden, Ruby Moon

“We are now in a climate emergency – it’s official. At last it’s been recognised that big change is needed to combat the effects of our over consumption, reliance on fossil fuels and deforestation. As a DEFRA Global ambassador in their ‘Year of Green Action’ campaign, I’m actively writing and speaking on the needs to make changes in our daily lives – my 13 year old told me yesterday that he has cut beef and lamb out of his diet following the David Attenborough documentary – a really big deal for him!” Jo Salter, Where Does It Come From?

“I also believe we should buy quality clothing that can be passed down rather than fast fashion. Buy well and keep longer. “ Masato

“Experiencing environmental damage first hand motivated me to start an organic cotton lingerie brand. I think consuming responsibly and less waste are essential to tackle climate change. I hate wasting food and single use plastic. I am a big fan of buying organic and local food.” Lara Miller, co-founder of AmaElla, Ethical Premium Organic Cotton Lingerie

“Regarding climate change, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by the fear of not being able to do EVERYTHING, all at once. Personally I work on making a few small sustainable changes at a time. It’s so much better to just start somewhere, even if it feels small, rather than panicking about trying to save the world single-handedly in one afternoon!” Ruth Roberts Varghese, Gold Is A Neutral

“Plastic is a big thing for me - going to all means to avoid it. From reusable water bottles, shopping bags to avoid one use plastic and eco-toothbrushes. From a company perspective we try to be plastic free, we do not use any materials or trims that contain plastic and all our packaging is made from recycled paper. Out postal bags are bio-degradable and are made from recycled plastic and are recyclable also. “ Esther Knight, Fabric for Freedom NMM May 2019


Buy Better, Buy Less...

Yours Sustaina Eco-friendly Bamboo and Cornstarch Bowl, Plate and Cup – Whale £17.75

Smithers Of Stamford Miami Reclaimed Dining Room Table £780

Domu Brands VonShef Cheese Board with Knives £17.99


May 2019 NMM


Wearth London Ceramic Bowl £30 Ceramic Mug £28


Lapuan Kankurit Niitty Table Runner and Tea Towel From £16


Vintage Folder Indoor Outdoor Table £210

Caroline McGrath Indigo Drop Serving Bowls £21

NMM May 2019




CHANG Nigel Bradshaw and Mukesh Mittal are the founders of a life insurance company with heart. In a sector which has gained an unfortunate reputation for lack of transparency and accountability, this company is setting out to change this. Why did you choose to start this company and how did you get to this point? Mukesh: I was working with the founders of Different Life South Africa at concept stage. They were building a company with a clear purpose to “maximise impact” - making a real difference to society. This is not an idealistic concept but something that we have put into practice. Offering life insurance not only makes an important social impact but gives us the funding through the “Different Donation” to make


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a charitable impact. The social impact is to provide some level of protection to families when they lose a parent, breadwinner or loved one. With the Different Donation, one month’s premium every year is donated to charitable causes. Our customers get to choose a charity that they would like to support from a number of charities that we are partnering with. This comes at no additional cost to them as the donation is paid from the premium which otherwise would have gone into the company

bottom line. Our customers become instant philanthropists. Different Life South Africa has raised nearly R13 million in 4 years. This is a significant sum in local terms that has enabled the funding of over 80 charity projects. We find this encouraging and look forward to creating the same kind of impact in the UK. We’re currently partnering with Rosemere Cancer Foundation, CLIC Sargent and CRMI Children of Hope, and are eager to bring on board a few more charity partners. We want to partner with at least one charity focusing on



GE Joyce Munyai’s story is an example of the power of the Different Donation. She lost her sight due to cataracts. But she refused to believe that she would die blind. Against all hope, she believed. Her belief paid off - her sight was restored by volunteer ophthalmologists. Photo credit: Ryan Sobey NMM May 2019


One of our current charity partners in the UK is Clic Sargent, which provides specialist support across the UK for children with cancer. Image credit: CLIC Sargent

“Understand what you are buying, understand the need for it and buy in a way you want. And on top of that, allow you to make a difference to the world...” one of the following areas: animal welfare, economic development, educational, health care and humanitarian. Nigel: I was introduced to Mukesh when he was first considering bringing Different Life to the UK. The idea of doing good through a business drew me in and I wanted to see it succeed. From where do you draw your inspiration to put in hours and months of hard work to make this concept real? Mukesh: We truly believe in the purpose of this organisation. We have seen the tangible difference it has made in South Africa and believe that we can make a similar or even deeper impact here. To make insurance more accessible, we’ve designed our products with the customer in


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mind. They are engaging, simple and meaningful. Customers can buy them when they want and how they want. The most important thing for us is to truly listen to our customers and then to apply those lessons. Nigel: It’s not too hard if you’re working with great people, for a good cause, doing things you enjoy. It does however take a lot longer than you ever think it will. With many years of experience in the life insurance industry, what are some of the things you’ve set out to change with Different Life UK? Nigel: We’ve tried to make understanding and buying insurance easy. This has proved to be surprisingly hard. We had to question everything and why we do it - it was like going back to school. We’re very pleased with

the results. Mukesh: I think life insurance is largely misunderstood due to unnecessarily complicated products on offer. It becomes somewhat of a grudge purchase. We are trying to change the customer experience so that you understand what you are buying, understand the need for it and buy in a way you want. And on top of that, allow you to make a difference to the world. Let’s talk about life insurance: why have you devoted your life to working in this industry and what makes it important to you? Should others care more about it more than they do? Nigel: I didn’t set out to work in life insurance for over 30 years. I became an actuary because I was good with numbers. I always

Joyce Munyai is pictured with two siblings who would help her run her errands before her sight was restored. Photo credit: Ryan Sobey

NMM May 2019


“Although I think people who work in life insurance are generally quite ethical, the difficulty comes when it gets too big and complicated for people to see the whole picture.”

thought that it was a good thing to do, but it took a charity carer to put it into words: “we love insurers, because they mean at a time of crisis loved ones don’t need to worry about money, but can focus on the important things”. So yes, I think more people should care more about life insurance, though maybe not for as many of their waking hours as I think about it! Mukesh: The impact of life insurance is profound. The importance of providing money to families when they have lost their breadwinner cannot be overstated. So yes, anyone with family responsibilities should care about life insurance. What do you love most about what Different Life UK offers?


May 2019 NMM

Nigel: The geek in me loves that our regulator-prescribed essential information document for customers is all of two pages long. Other companies do the same in 26 pages. It’s evidence of our commitment to simplicity. Mukesh: The fact is we are essentially starting from a clean slate and building something that we believe is the right thing. Everything we do has been designed with the customer in mind. Added to this is the fact that we’re making a difference to society - it’s hugely rewarding. How do you see Different Life UK fitting into the ethical business category - especially given the financial services’ reputation as being anything but ethical? Mukesh: With everything we do, we ask the question of whether

we are maximising impact and if we are not, we don’t do it. Living our purpose makes it far more fulfilling for all of us involved in the business. I think a great test is whether I would sell our product to my 76-year-old mother and whether she would buy it. Thankfully she has - without any assistance from me! We must’ve gotten something right. Nigel: Although I think people who work in life insurance are generally quite ethical, the difficulty comes when it gets too big and complicated for people to see the whole picture. It’s easy to limit your responsibilities to what you’ve been tasked with and disregard the rest. That’s why we’re about keeping Different Life as simple as possible so we can run it ethically and as transparently as possible.

Different Life South Africa supports a number of environmental charities. Projects focus mainly on the conservation of endangered species such as rhino, wild dog and turtles, and also environmental education for children. Photo credit: Ryan Sobey

Society for Animals in Distress provides pet care education and affordable pet care in under-resourced areas in and around Johannesburg, South Africa.

How do you see Different Life UK impacting the UK? Mukesh: By donating to charities through our Different Donation, we’ll make a charitable impact to society. By offering life insurance, we‘ll make a social impact. And we hope to inspire other corporates to do something similar. The money being donated is essentially coming from Different Life’s top line. We are getting our customers involved when they buy our products, letting them choose where they want to contribute and keeping them informed of the difference they’ve made. Nigel: I would very much like to positively impact the lives of a breadwinner’s loved ones at a point of crisis by helping them alleviate the financial demands that could typically arise.

Have you learnt anything surprising since starting work on Different Life UK? If yes, what was this? Mukesh: We are learning all the time and get continuous feedback from our customers and our partners. We’ve been reassured by people’s desire to make a difference, and to support companies that enable them to do so. One of the main things that we have learned is to be responsive to changes and feedback, and to abandon the things that don’t work. Another important learning is to keep the language and process as clear as possible. We are mindful of the fact that time and convenience are prized commodities so have worked hard to avoid jargon, complicated products and cumbersome purchase processes. While these

learnings aren’t necessarily surprising, they are challenging to execute. Nigel: Making something simple is really hard. What words of encouragement do you have for others who may want to start an ethical business venture? Nigel: If you have a good business idea then have trust in it. Mukesh: It is important that we always live by the ethical values that we are trying to portray. Customers must feel these values and then they will become part of the movement.

Learn more about Different Life UK: NMM May 2019



Our pick of the top transformative natural skincare.

Lavera Detox Effect Mask & Hydro Effect Serum

This range is ideal for combatting the effects of pollution. The serum offers quickly absorbed hydration, leaving you with soft and luminous skin while offering protection from environmental factors. The mask contains algae and mineral clay for a truly deep and refreshing cleanse.


May 2019 NMM

Green People Fruitful Nights Night Cream & Fruit Scrub Exfoliator

The perfect way to slough off dull skin cells and unleash your inner glow, this scrub contains orange blossom, bamboo and hibiscus and is free from nasties. The 91 per cent organic night cream is rich, balmy and soothing, leaving you with rejuvenated and refreshed skin upon waking.

Lena Wild from Origins of Beauty Harmony Bloom Oil & Rescue Mask

Origins of Beauty is a one-stop online shop for all of your natural beauty needs. The Bloom Oil is a Beauty Shortlist 2019 winner, with its stylish recyclable packaging and exquisite floral scent it truly feeds the skin and boosts radiance. The mask leaves your skin deeply cleansed and soothed.

Weleda Skin Food

Skin Food not only soothes and relieves, but it also supports the skin’s protective barrier. Ideal for dry spots, Skin Food instantly transforms the look and texture of the skin. Weleda uses Terracycle packaging for a zero waste solution. New Skin Food Light and Lip Butter are now available.

Lola’s Apothecary Body and Massage Oil and Body Soufflé

Rose, spices, rosehip oil and argan oil – this Delicate Romance oil has a seductive aroma and feels incredible on the skin. The Body Soufflé has a soothing scent and offers intensive hydration, ideal for nourishing sundrenched skin during the summer months. We love the glass packaging too. NMM May 2019


Buy Better, Buy Less...

Sails & Canvas Flight Bag ÂŁ68



Homeless Grey Twisted Cotton Ankle Socks ÂŁ9.99 With each pair sold a pair of thick, antibacterial socks is gifted to a homeless person. May 2019 NMM

Active Wear

Atlas & Ortus Stainless Steel Water Bottle £12


Reflect Jumpsuit in Navy (NEW LAUNCH) Blissful Wrap in Sunset Pink (95 per cent bamboo) £65

Veja Wata Trainers White Blue £75

NMM May 2019


by Sian Conway, Founder #EthicalHour


he UK Government has become the first to declare a climate emergency, a symbolic move acknowledging the real and urgent need to combat climate change and prevent potentially irreversible destruction to the environment. Hopefully this will be the catalyst for faster progress towards a ‘zero waste economy’ and net-zero emissions, but to achieve the ambitious targets we need to create a more sustainable future and empower nature to regenerate, we need systematic and sustained change from the Government, business and individual consumer action. In the face of alarming figures, scientific reports and corporate greenwashing, it can be easy to wonder what we, as individual consumers, can really do. We’ve been encouraged to become ‘conscious consumers’ and vote with our wallets by supporting the ethical and sustainable businesses that share our values. But we also know that our current rate of consumption is unsustainable. We are depleting natural resources,


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over producing and filling up landfills - and the planet can’t cope. So is conscious consumerism really enough? Despite the mounting pressure on the environment, large corporations continue to invest millions in advertising to create demand for the latest trends, whipping consumers into a shopping frenzy and increasing their financial bottom line, while the planet pays the price. We’ve been manipulated into believing that the next purchase will make us happy - from fashion, to tech to holidays, homeware and beauty - corporate marketing plays on our deepest insecurities to sell us more stuff. Last month, before the climate emergency was declared, Sadiq Khan faced criticism after encouraging climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion to allow London to go back to “business as usual” - but business as usual is what got us into this mess in the first place. Fortunately, for some businesses fighting climate change and campaigning for social justice is

all in a day’s work. Around the world independent, ethical and sustainable brands are having a positive impact on communities, people and the planet by sourcing products sustainably, paying fair wages and giving back to good causes. To truly heal the planet, we need to heal our own relationship with consumption so we buy less and buy better. We can start by supporting the impact driven businesses committed to solving problems for their consumers, their community and the planet. Consumer capitalism creates a deficiency cycle. Alternatively, conscious consumerism creates a sufficient cycle where everyone is empowered to make a positive impact. Individually, our actions may be small, but collectively they are powerful. Responsible consumption alone won’t save the world, but it’s a place where all of us can start. Twitter: @EthicalHour and @SianEConway Instagram: @EthicalHour

Natural Mumma Baby Book Offer This gentle guide starts with planning your pregnancy and then takes you on a week-by-week journey through a holistic and healthy pregnancy, an active birth and the precious early months of being a parent. With chapters dedicated to caring for a newborn and looking after yourself both before and after birth, it offers personal insight, instruction and advice from Holly and Samantha who specialize in pregnancy yoga, massage and active birth. The Natural Baby covers all you need to know before, during and after your pregnancy: *how to prepare for pregnancy *a week-by-week description of your baby’s growth *exercise and complementary therapies *natural remedies *how to have an amazing birth experience *tips on breastfeeding The Natural Baby A gentle guide to conception, pregnancy, birth & beyond *naturally nutritious weaning Samantha Quinn & Holly Daffurn (Green Books, 2017)

SPECIAL NATURAL MUMMA OFFER: £10 (including postage) (RRP £14.99)

*home-made organic beauty preparations for the mother *delicious and healthy recipes for before, during and after pregnancy

Natural Mumma Magazine

Next Month In



May 2019

NMM Team Editor: Holly Daffurn

Creative: Gerard Hughes

Cover Image by Gerard Hughes Natural Mumma Magazine

is produced by T5 Publications. Contents may not be reproduced, stored or distributed in any form without prior written permission. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure all information contained in this magazine is accurate but the publishers can accept no responsibiilty for effects arising therefrom. All rights reserved. We only work with companies whose ethos reflects the intention of this publication. All of the written content is copyright Natural Mumma Magazine (unless stated otherwise) and full rights to this material belongs to Natural Mumma Magazine (or any other named authors).

© T5 Publications 2019 NMM May 2019


SHOR CHANG Taking responsibility for the planet means making better informed decisions, so we caught up with green beauty expert Fiona Klonarides, founder of The Beauty Shortlist to chat products and share sustainable lifestyle tips. What inspired you to launch The Beauty Shortlist Awards? I kept spotting and buying ethical, natural and artisan brands, including big brands like Weleda and NYR. So in 2012 I decided to honour and shine the light on the products that really stood out, which I’d hand on heart recommend to friends. By Year 3, the Awards had grown fast and naturally, organically in the UK - without any promotion or advertising. They went global in 2017. Which beauty products do you never leave the house without? A natural lipstick (such as Nude


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by Nature), eyeliner and a good handcream (Kinvara’s is in my handbag right now). Also, Tisserand’s Peppermint Oil for public transport. It’s also great if you’re flagging a bit after a long day or to keep flies at bay in summer (apply to a tissue and wipe the lunch table!) Can you talk us through your typical morning beauty routine? It’s a simple one. Cleanse, tone (or splash with cold water), moisturise then lastly a hydrating SPF20-30. I switch products with the seasons, ie I’ll use a creamy all-makeupremover cleanser in winter and a rich facial oil but in summer I prefer more of a foaming or gel

cleanser, plus a good post-sun, plant-based balm (before bed) and an SPF30 or 50 in the morning. What is your longest standing beauty product? Neal’s Yard Remedies’ Wild Rose Balm is a desert island essential for me. It’s a potent, gentle repairer and brilliant multi-tasker. More recently, Jane Scrivner’s Nourishing Cleanser has become my morning sunshine. It’s procollagen, with nine different plant oils and it cleanses, feeds and moisturises - plus it doubles up as a hard-working overnight balm. I wake up with smoother, less tired looking skin.


NMM May 2019


Can you talk us through a day in the life of Fiona? Fiona on holiday would be strictly no social media, no phone, no emails - just beach and walks, local food and chatting to the islanders/villagers. Fiona working is full-on. After I wake up I have 15 minutes of quiet time with a nettle, mint, lemon verbena and rose tea, for example, then later it’s into all the emails, social media, content and awards coordination/logistics. Our 2019 Mama & Baby Awards close on 15 May so it’s pretty busy at the moment. I try and finish earlier now, around 7 (I start early, around 6am to 7am) but it’s still a long day and I need to shorten


May 2019 NMM

these hours! Sitting all day is the new smoking, so I go for walks but I do worry about those of us who are glued to our screens, sitting for much of the day in an office. What’s the best thing about running The Beauty Shortlist? 1) Its independence (and mine). I don’t run ads or accept payment from brands and aside from the entry fee, all our awards - Baby, Beauty and Wellbeing - are completely sponsor-free. 2) It’s been such a useful launch pad for many brands to propel them into retailers or perhaps expand overseas. It is full on but it’s a busy joy. Natural health and beauty are a joy to support,

celebrate and write about. 3) Lastly, sometimes working in my pyjamas on cold winter mornings and occasionally escaping early on Friday afternoons in summer. I worked for a music company years ago and in summer the staff were allowed to leave at 3pm to go surfing every other Friday (we all worked longer hours from Mon-Thurs). We loved that system. It was great, too, if you were going away for the weekend as you could leave earlier to beat the rush hour traffic! Which beauty product do you wish existed but doesn’t? A really good - ie transformative, reparative, rejuvenating - hand serum or treatment. Or lighter

textured soft focus/blur formulas with inbuilt SPF for the face. I still think the perfect natural lipstick hasn’t landed yet. It’s a tricky one - pigmentation, clean ingredients, staying power, hydrating... all in one. Do you have any lifestyle advice for parents who are looking to live a more sustainable life? Thankfully, thanks to Natural Mumma, the eco-driven media, retailers and brands and organisations, there are lots of resources around. Sustainability is becoming mainstream and low waste and zero waste are growing. The biggest - and by far the easiest - is to buy from the ethical retailers like Big Green Smile or Whole Foods or Planet Organic.

And switch to eco cleaners! I do think we need to get toxic cleaning products out of our homes and lives - not least, for the sake of our kids. Growing up with green wisdom and ethical values - that’s a priceless gift to give your children. Which aspect of the beauty industry do you think is the biggest concern to the

environment? What can we do to lessen the effects of this? Enemy No. 1 - plastic. The most hated packaging out there. Yet the solutions aren’t that simple. Glass is heavy and not easily transportable. Paper uses trees. Some cutting edge eco companies are experimenting with new bio-degradable materials for packaging but in the meantime, NMM May 2019


it’s recycle, reuse and put pressure on all brands to do away with plastic where possible. Eco-centric brands get a lot of extra points from consumers. Meanwhile though we can start with buying products in recyclable plastic like REN SKINCARE, who have pledged to go zero waste by 2021. REN uses LOOP’s refillable, returnable bottles for some of their products (the bottles are used up to 100 times) and have partnered with TerraCycle on its 100 per cent recycled containers (20 per cent of this is recycled plastic debris from our oceans). Which newly launched product are you most excited about? Three 2019 Beauty Shortlist Awards winners spring to mind instantly. I’ve fallen in love with AMLY’s new Daylight Super Fine Face Oil, it’s an exquisite “dry” oil. I’ll be wearing MADARA’s


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innovative SPF30 Plant Stem Cell Age Defying Sunscreen this summer, and Weleda’s new Skin Food Light, a lighter multi-purpose lotion version of the classic Skin Food is another great arrival. What’s next on the agenda for The Beauty Shortlist? The Beauty Shortlist will be ten years old in June (we’ll be celebrating this milestone during our Mama & Baby Awards on Friday 21 June). As regards “themes” if you like, ecology and wellness are two main areas I’m really interested in, so we’ll be spotlighting both alongside our core passion, eco beauty. As with life, yesterday has gone, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet which means the time to act is NOW. We have to be the superheroes for our own, fragile planet. There’s nothing better than living a green life - and encouraging others to do

the same - it’s a win-win for every human, every plant, every ocean, every animal. For our children, air quality and our future. As the saying goes, the best time to start is yesterday, the second best time is today. Join us for all the excitement and surprises when we unwrap this year’s must-try buys for new mums, dads and little ones...the Mama & Baby Awards are back on Friday 21st June! Natural Mumma editor Holly Daffurn is one of the 2019 Mama & Baby Award judges. You can find out more about the judges, the awards and how to enter here.

BECAUSE MUMS KNOW BEST Organic calendula, from our very own herb gardens, gives your child’s skin the loving protection and support it needs, making it naturally more resilient. It’s the perfect way to promote healthylooking skin from the very first day. Calendula Baby Oil First formulated in 1959 this top quality baby oil is celebrating 60 golden years! One of the few certified-organic and fragrance-free baby oils on the market, it’s a firm favourite for massaging, protecting, moisturising, nourishing or cleansing delicate newborn skin. This great multitasker can also be used to treat dry, flaky scalp and cradle cap.

Calendula Nappy Change Cream Introduced over 30 years ago this multi-award winning nappy cream is made with organic calendula and chamomile to soothe irritation. These plant extracts are combined with nourishing plant oils of sweet almond and sesame, protective beeswax, purest lanolin and comforting zinc oxide to protect your baby’s delicate skin from the very first day. Extracts of organic calendula and chamomile soothe irritation and comfort the skin.

Calendula Shampoo & Body Wash This soothing wash contains the gentlest of eco-friendly plant-based cleansers, made from coconut and sugar. These plant detergents are entirely biodegradable and ecologically-sound even for aquatic life. So this body wash is kind to skin and kind to the environment. Dermatologically-tested on infant skin prone to eczema and dermatitis to ensure it is suitable for highly sensitive skin, this moisturising wash can help improve dry skin conditions.

Calendula Body Lotion This certified organic baby lotion is ideal for pampering little ones at bathtime and protecting against dryness. Like the full Weleda baby range, it is free from mineral oils and artificial additives of any kind, including preservatives or parabens, and is naturally fragranced with pure essential oils including lavender, orange and ylang ylang – calming, warming and nurturing.


baby skincare since 1959 NATRUE-certified natural care no mineral oils or petrochemicals no artificial additives of any kind Top brand

baby skincare


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Available from Waitrose, Sainsburys, Boots, Ocado and independent health stores and pharmacies NMM May 2019 29 To find out more visit


MILK The average person consumes 144 pints of cow’s milk every year, what is the packaging waste doing to accelerate the climate crisis?


ilk in glass bottles has long been heralded as the solution to plastic waste caused by HDPE packaging, and let’s be honest the look, feel and delicious nostalgia associated with glass bottles adds to the appeal. Plastic waste needs to be reduced dramatically, but in this time of climate emergency is milk in glass bottles a truly responsible choice? For many of us, the clink of milk bottles was part of the soundtrack to our childhoods, but the quantity of milk sold in glass bottles declined by a dramatic 90 per cent between 1975 and 2015, meaning that this notion is lost on the younger generation. In 2014, major milk supplier Milk Crest closed its last glass bottling plant and switched to plastic. This was part of a growing wave of throwaway consumerism that marked the changing attitudes in the late 20th century. Lightweight, cheap, disposable packaging is


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very much in keeping with the times. Glass bottles seemed heavy, cumbersome, fragile and even old fashioned by comparison. The reusable element of the glass milk bottle certainly makes it appear more eco-friendly, especially when you consider that you can get several uses out of a bottle before it needs to be recycled. Since Blue Planet II aired in 2017 the public’s thoughts on single use plastics have been challenged, inspiring thousands of people to reconsider their lifestyle choices. In the late 1960s Tetra Pak really took off, but although they are lightweight, durable and technically recyclable there are few places that can actually recycle them due to the bonded paper, aluminium and plastic. This means that HDPE bottles have long since had almost total control of the market. One solution that is popular in Canada and elsewhere, but has

never stuck in the UK, is plastic milk pouches that are used in reusable plastic jugs. Although this uses significantly less plastic than the HDPE bottles that we are used to in Britain, it still contributes to plastic waste and is not a satisfactory solution. In 2017, the Government released a report ‘Turning Back The Plastic Tide’ that identified that British households go through 13 billion plastic bottles every year (this includes toiletry bottles, as well as drinks bottles). That equates to 200 plastic bottles per person. As HDPE bottles are 75 per cent more likely to be recycled than PET bottles (that water and other soft drinks are packaged in), milk is in many ways more sustainable than other options. The reason for this is probably because milk tends to be consumed at home, whereas water is often bought ‘on the go.’ The good thing about recycling HDPE is that is can go back into

food for thought

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food grade recycled HDPE (rHDPE) and nowadays it is predicted that around 30 per cent of the plastic milk bottles in use are formed from rHDPE. Although this is positive news in many ways, recycling consumes vast amounts of energy and any plastic use is catastrophic for the oceans. When you consider that it takes 500 years for a plastic bottle of milk to decompose, we have to look for other solutions. According to Friends Of The Earth “Plastic carries such a high environmental threat that its use should be restricted to only the most essential items where’s there’s little or no choice.” Enter the glass bottle. Due to renewed interest, there has been a resurgence in orders for glass bottle deliveries from milkmen, dairies and organic food stores (Milk & More reported that 90 per cent of their milk orders are for glass bottles). Well, firstly, glass production is a pretty energyintensive process. Taking raw materials such as silica, limestone and soda ash and heating them


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to 1600 °C in order to fuse them is going to have some environmental impact. The most popular way to get a furnace to that temperature is to use carbon-emitting fossil fuels, such as gas. The news isn’t all negative though. In the past thirty years research by the glass industry has identified that energy consumption per tonne of glass has halved. New systems allow us to capture and recover heat produced by glass furnaces. This energy can then be used to generate electricity or heat water in other areas. Multiple uses of a glass bottle will decrease its carbon footprint. Glass milk bottles are reused around 15 times on average. In reality, they can actually be reused up to 50 times but they tend to be recycled when they lose aesthetic appeal due to scuffing etc. The beauty of glass is that it can be recycled indefinitely. Reprocessing glass will not damage its structure or affect clarity (providing coloured and clear glass are kept separate).

The other advantage is that when recycled glass is used again the process requires a staggering 25 per cent less energy than forming glass from scratch. When you recycle glass, it gets reformed into glass. When plastic bottles are recycled they may become part of a road surface or a fleece jacket, but the plastic particles will continue to shed and will ultimately find their way to the rivers and oceans. But recycling and manufacture aren’t the only areas to consider. Transportation obviously involves a pretty hefty carbon footprint, especially if you are carting around heavier materials such as glass. Glass bottles are 30 per cent lighter than they were three decades ago, but they are still undeniably heavier than the plastic alternative. The best way is to cut out transportation altogether. There has been a rise in micro-dairies with fewer than 40 cows that allow you to fill up glass milk bottles from their machines which are full of fresh, raw (often organic) milk.

food for thought

Below: Team Natural Mumma try out the raw milk vending machine at the local dairy - with a little thought, this could be an effective way to drastically cut down waste. It is certainly worth seeing if you have such a dairy near you. The most sustainable option would be to take ‘orders’ from friends. To set up a small community where you collect milk in bulk and let people pick it up from you when they are passing. This method would work for other bulk buying shopping trips such as a visit to the farm shop for vegetables or the zero waste shop. Having to drive out to each of these places as part of your weekly shop certainly adds to the carbon footprint, undoing much of your good work, so sharing the journeys makes great ecological sense. It would also be a good idea to ensure that you get your use out of your glass bottles. Go for 50 reuses rather than 15. Who cares if the outside starts to look scruffy or scuffed? This will not affect the taste or quality of the milk. It might be worth making a tally of uses of your bottles to ensure they get well used. One way to eliminate the use of plastic or glass altogether would NMM May 2019


food for thought

be to buy plant based bottles (such as those sold by https:// - they come with spring water in but could be easily reused for milk). These could be used to fill up at the local dairy. The machines have a function that allows you to stop the flow at any point during the process, meaning you could still buy a litre by filling several smaller vessels. We recently tried our local dairy and enjoyed visiting the cows, tasting the delicious ice cream and the novelty of filling up the bottles. The milk is actually very affordable (the bottles cost £3 each but for 50 uses that feels very reasonable, and the milk tokens are bought for £1 a litre with a reduction available if you bulk buy). The milk is wonderful, and we plan to keep using the dairy. It is just a question of combining the journey and bulk buying for ourselves and others when we are there. We like that this supports local


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businesses, promotes sustainable agriculture and reduces the waste going to landfill. It would be brilliant if larger supermarkets would start to use milk vending machines to bring this service to more people. When it is only available in a small number of remote dairies then the question of transportation comes up again. The next big question is do we really need dairy milk at all? The environmental implications of dairy farming are chilling, especially when you consider how the lactation process is ignited and unnaturally extended – but that’s a discussion for another time. These inbuilt practices that we have grown so accustomed to need to be slowly deconstructed layer by layer. Give yourself a chance to make lasting changes that will leave a real impact. Going cold turkey on some environmental issues can set you up to fail, so you may just choose

to limit your consumption instead. As with all of these issues, it is worth buying with consideration and consuming less. If milk is something that you choose to limit rather than completely give up, you can cut back your carbon footprint in other ways. It is all about balance and thought. The current state of the earth is making us all rethink how we do things. These changes won’t happen overnight and it would be unrealistic to think that they will, however we must act quickly, responsibly and as a community. Make small changes, based on hard facts and well-considered research. Talk about your plans and encourage others to find solutions. Your milk consumption might seem like such a small part of your life, but if for every year that you are alive you are adding another 144 pints worth of plastic to landfill then it is time that you considered how you buy your milk.

Issue Twenty One April 2019

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