eMindful Product Catalog

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Contents Stress Less, Live Moretm Weekly


Stress Less, Live Moretm Monthly 7 Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery™


QuitSmart® Mindfully


Weight Balance for Life™ Weekly


Weight Balance for Life™ Monthly


Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management™


Living Fully with Diabetes™


eMindful Life


Pricing 15

eMindful Inc. 1880 82nd Avenue Suite 204 Vero Beach, FL 32966 eMindful.com 772.569.4540 eMindful.com 772.569.4540


A breakthrough wellness company eMindful is a leading provider of evidenced-based mindfulness programs for advancing the health of your employees and your company. Our wellness programs have improved health, medical costs, and productivity for thousands of employees and their employers since 2007. Participants in our programs have experienced measurable results including 20 percent improved sleep, 29 percent decreased stress, 55 percent reversal of metabolic syndrome, and 40 percent success in smoking cessation.

Through our live, webinar-style classroom participants can see, hear, chat, and interact with each other and their expert instructor. Employees can join from anywhere with an Internet connection or from their mobile device. The eMindful promise: accountable wellness. Teaching your employees the skills that bring lasting results, improving their wellbeing and your bottom line.

eMindful.com 772.569.4540


Stress Less, Live Moretm Weekly eMindful stress management training improves resilience and helps people feel better. Their focus and concentration improves. Their energy increases. So does their creativity. People find they are better able to handle stress and roll with the inevitable challenges of life. As a direct result, their productivity improves significantly, allowing for an impressive return on investment. Stress Less, Live Moretm is taught live, in a Webinar-style online classroom. Participants learn how to tune into their physical and emotional state, and identify automatic patterns that undermine their success. This new awareness improves their interpersonal relationships. They enjoy significant success in weight management and in overcoming

addictions. Their sleep improves, as does heart function. People become healthier, feel happier and are invariably more productive. Each session offers a range of learning experiences. The class overview defines the session content and the objectives for that day. The instructional segment delivers facts and information, the direct knowledge each participant needs to understand the important concepts. The experiential exercises allow each student to internalize the information and actively engage in what they have learned. Finally, participants share in a facilitated interactive discussion, further reinforcing the class content.

Stress Less, Live Moretm Weekly Ten (10) class sessions offered weekly Each class is 1 hour, plus a 2-hour experiential workshop Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes Weekly reinforcement of mindfulness and stress management skills


eMindful.com 772.569.4540

Stress Less, Live Moretm Monthly Stress Less, Live Moretm Monthly delivers the same powerful mindfulness and stress management skills, but is an option for those whose schedule won’t allow for a weekly commitment. It’s also a great choice for people who have completed the weekly program and want a chance to review and reinforce what they learned. This format offers maximum flexibility. Each class is designed as a free-standing unit, with a beginning, middle and end. Regular attendance is encouraged, of course, but it isn’t mandatory to have attended the month before or after. In fact, a participant could even catch a class on a different day of the week.

Like our weekly course offering, each class is presented in four connected learning experiences. The class overview defines the session content and objectives. The instructional segment delivers facts and information each participant needs to understand the important concepts. The experiential exercises allow students to internalize these concepts and actively engage in what they have learned. Finally, participants share in a facilitated interactive discussion, further reinforcing the class content.

Stress Less, Live Moretm Monthly Twelve (12) class sessions, offered once a month Each class is 1 hour Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes Full course content delivery in a highly flexible format

eMindful.com 772.569.4540


Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery


Within all stages and types of cancer, those with the disease commonly experience anxiety, distress and mood disturbance. Studies show that mindfulness practice increases immunological functioning, improves the quality of life for cancer patients, and provides better focus and decision-making skills. Yet many people under medical care for cancer cannot access support programs due to geographical distance, transportation issues, cancer-related illness or limited mobility. That’s why eMindful created a 12-week cancer class for patients facing these barriers. Our Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) program is the only mindfulness-based cancer support program available in a live, online interactive classroom. Anyone with an Internet connection can participate. Our program has received growing attention and has significantly helped those with the disease. Research conducted by a major university cancer center found MBCR to offer significant benefits to men and women with diverse types and stages of cancer.

These benefits include:

• A reduction in stress and mood disturbance

• Improved spirituality and post-traumatic growth, which have been linked to increased positive affect, psychological adjustment, quality of life and decreased physical discomfort and dysfunction

• An ability to act with greater awareness

These results from our program were seen among men and women across diverse cancer types and stages. The benefits were as effective as those measured in mindfulness programs delivered in person. The MBCR program is not just clinically effective; participants have a positive experience in the class. One-hundred percent of participants in the university study reported that the course met (41 percent) or exceeded (59 percent) their expectations. And 100 percent said they would recommend it to others.

Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recoverytm Twelve (12) classes offered weekly Each class is 1 hour, plus a 2-hour experiential workshop Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes


eMindful.com 772.569.4540

QuitSmart® Mindfully It’s likely that 15 to 20 percent of your work force smokes cigarettes. That’s costing your organization dearly. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that smoking costs more than $97 billion in lost productivity. This debilitating habit is costing your people, too. Cancer, heart disease, stroke and lung disease force $96 billion in medical spending. In 2010, the CDC found that nearly 3 out of 4 smokers wanted desperately to quit. More than half tried. But most cessation programs just didn’t work. As a result, Dr. Robert H. Shipley, Director of the Duke University Medical Center Stop Smoking Program, created QuitSmart®. In studies at five US Air Force bases, this program proved up to four times as effective as other methods.

Impressive success rates were also reported in Veterans Health System Journal and Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. eMindful collaborated with Dr. Shipley to develop QuitSmart® Mindfully. It combines the best of Dr. Shipley’s program with the added component of mindfulness training. And it works. Mindfulness practice dovetails with powerful behavioral treatments to help your employees leave cigarettes behind once and for all. Every QuitSmart® Mindfully course is taught by a certified leader, who bases instruction on strong scientific research. Using the power of the mind, your employees can finally succeed at breaking this tenacious and dangerous habit. A QuitSmart® Stop Smoking Kit is provided to each participant.

QuitSmart® Mindfully Twelve (12 ) classes – twice per week for 5 weeks, then once per week for 2 weeks Each class is 1 hour, plus a 2-hour experiential workshop Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes Behavioral and mindfulness techniques to enable long-term success

eMindful.com 772.569.4540


Weight Balance for Life Weekly tm

Lots of people are overweight. And they hate it. Companies hate it, too — and no wonder. The estimated cost of obesity to a 5,000-person company is $1 million a year. That outranks both smoking and drinking in terms of healthcare costs. For those with Class III obesity (BMI > 40) worker’s compensation claims are twice those of recommended-weight employees. Medical costs are up to seven times higher. Lost workdays up to 13 times higher.

The solution is to treat the whole person. In Weight Balance for Life, we consider an individual’s overall emotional state, their motivational level, and their knowledge of nutrition and exercise. With our holistic approach, people learn how to increase selfesteem and develop a more positive outlook on life. They use diet and fitness to lose the weight, but more importantly they gain the tools and skills needed to maintain that success.

Losing weight is both passionately desired and economically essential. But it’s incredibly hard —unless people get the right kind of help. Research has repeatedly shown that conventional approaches to exercise and diet management don’t work in the long run — if they work at all. Why? Because people often habitually eat to deal with stress, difficult emotions, depression and boredom. Overeating may be compensation for a lack of sleep. A social crutch. Even an addiction.

Mind-body practices help them cope with the triggers that lead to overeating. They learn to manage stress, reduce binge eating, and reconnect their mind and body in determining hunger and fullness. Our mindfulness techniques help people manage depression, reduce insomnia, and deal with difficult emotions in more healthful ways. There is no magic solution for weight loss. But this program teaches the skills it takes to finally achieve long-term success.

Weight Balance for Lifetm Weekly Twenty (20) sessions offered twice per week for 10 weeks Each class is 1 hour Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes A holistic approach to weight loss and weight management that treats the whole person


eMindful.com 772.569.4540

Weight Balance for Life Monthly tm

This program offers the same powerful techniques for weight management as our highly effective 20-session course. It delivers the combination of nutrition, fitness and mindfulness practice that leads to long-term success. In Weight Balance for Life Monthly, your employees learn to manage the frustrating challenges of weight loss, but in a more flexible, convenient format. This course option is great for people who cannot attend class every week. It’s ideal for those who have already completed the weekly program and want to review and reinforce the weight management skills they learned. The curriculum has been designed so that each one-hour class works as a stand-alone session.

Although participants are strongly encouraged to take part every month, they aren’t required to do so. Each class delivers important material that does not rely on attending the previous class. That means people can join at any point in the program, giving them the flexibility that helps increase motivation. Like our weekly offering, this course uses a holistic approach to weight loss and weight management. To enable true, long-term success, training must go beyond diet and exercise. We treat the whole person, helping them manage emotional triggers like stress, lack of sleep or depression. This course teaches the mindfulness techniques that are fundamental to wellbeing and a more positive outlook on life.

Weight Balance for Lifetm Monthly Twelve (12) sessions offered once a month Each stand-alone class is 1 hour Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes Flexibility to join at any point in the program

eMindful.com 772.569.4540


Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management tm

The Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management (MBCPM) program is based on work started 30 years ago at the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Stress Reduction Clinic. MBCPM was developed by Jackie GardnerNix, M.D., an internationally respected leader in chronic pain management.

While treatments like medication and physical therapy can be enormously beneficial, it’s necessary to take full advantage of the mind’s healing capabilities in order to maximize pain relief. MBCPM offers a new treatment approach that helps harness the mind’s power to quiet pain and regain control. Mindfulness practice encourages:

MBCPM is a 10-week program and has been tailored to accommodate limitations often experienced by chronic pain sufferers. And while the course offers methods that are quite different from medical procedures, surgeries, and drugs, the program clearly is not a replacement for, but rather a complement to, conventional medicine.

MBCPM trains participants to become aware of thoughts and emotions that affect the pain experience and, in so doing, leverage the healing links between mind and body. More than 2,000 students have successfully completed the course, many of whom now experience considerably less disability and suffering.

• Understanding how emotions and thoughts affect physical symptoms • Reversing the debilitating effects of some chronic pain conditions • Preventing pain from becoming chronic or long-term • Lifting the anxiety and depression that may accompany chronic pain

Dr. Gardner-Nix’s research findings from a trial using MPCPM as an intervention indicate that the course significantly improved participants’ quality of life and reduced “usual pain” levels – a widely used measure for assessing pain intensities.

Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Managementtm Ten (10) classes offered weekly Each class is 1.5 hours, plus a 2-hour experiential workshop is conducted the 8th week of class Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes


eMindful.com 772.569.4540

Living Fully with Diabetes


eMindful collaborated with Integrated Diabetes Care, LLC to develop a complete curriculum that pinpoints the key issues for successful diabetes management. The IDC team includes a physician specializing in diabetes care, a Certified Diabetes Educator, and a bi-cultural, licensed clinical social worker. This chronic disease is certainly a daily challenge, but with the right knowledge and skills people can live more active, satisfying, and healthful lives. This course — offered as individual sessions or a 4-part series — helps people feel more confident about living with diabetes by reducing their stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness practices provide superior evidencebased results, including improved HbA1C levels. Taught either in English or Spanish, this course helps people understand why nutrition matters so much and how to eat more healthfully. They learn what kinds of exercise make a difference, and how to easily make movement part of their lives. They identify the behaviors that help them feel better and discover ways to avoid those that slow their progress. Most importantly, they learn mind-body stress management tools that help them fully integrate this learning into their dayto-day lives.

Living Fully with Diabetestm Four (4) 1-hour classes, offered weekly or monthly Classes can be taken individually or as a series Live, webinar-style interactive program with access to an archive of missed classes Nutritional, behavioral, movement and stress management skills

eMindful.com 772.569.4540


eMindful Life Among the troves of feedback eMindful has collected since 2007, a consistent theme emerges: participants ask how they can stay connected to their instructors and classmates, and how they can support their mindfulness practice between and after eMindful’s intensive programs.

instructors are available to answers questions and moderate chat throughout the day. With open conversation around structured topics that support the ongoing practices, eMindful Life provides the scaffolding for an authentic community to flourish.

eMindful has answered the call with “eMindful Life”— a robust new suite of features designed to offer mindfulness in every moment.

Live classes and discussion are supported by a rotating complement of apps and activities. “Chime Time” is a meditation timer where participants can select a beginning and ending chime, and set the duration for their silent practice. eMindful Life also features a section for mindfulness games; the first game in rotation is based on a scientifically validated tool designed to improve working memory, which in turn improves one’s will power and instant gratification bias.

The features are accessed through a personalized, secure dashboard where eMindful Life participants can join live, online classes every day of the week, multiple times per day. The “Mindful Daily” section offers live, online sessions with expert instructors every day of the week, multiple times per day. These 10- and 30-minute sessions deliver convenient, practical tips and skills you can integrate into your daily life. Always fresh, with different topics every time. The daily tips and practices are supported in the Discussion Board, where mindfulness

eMindful Life is an always-on, participatory platform with access anytime, anywhere with an internet connection, on any desktop or mobile device.

eMindful Life Live, online classes available every day of the week, multiple times per day Mindfulness-based games Real-time chat with expert instructors on daily discussion topics Meditation timer Personal wellness assessments and performance tracking


eMindful.com 772.569.4540

Pricing eMindful offers several pricing options based upon the length of the course, how many programs are purchased and the number of employees you would like to commit to the programs. Our options include: • Course-based fees (i.e. one all-inclusive fee for a group of students) • Per Employee, Per Month fees which give all employees access to eMindful’s quality controlled, evidence-based programs – regardless of the employee’s geographical location • Per-participant fees for each employee signing up for a program Our scalable, online courses are cost-effective and offer convenient access to our internationally acclaimed team of experts. With minimal lead time, eMindful can deploy a customized platform and begin offering wellness benefits to your employees. For more information, please contact us at sales@emindful.com.

eMindful.com 1880 82nd Avenue, Suite 204 | Vero Beach, FL 32966 | 772.569.4540 Š June 2015

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