Texas Society of Architects | AIA - Strategic Plan

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TSA is the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.

Strategic Analysis/Action Plan adopted by the TSA Board of Directors October 22, 2009

Introduction The Strategic Planning Steering Group of the Texas Society of Architects met in a called session for the purposes of creating a strategic plan for the organization. Several meetings were held to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization together with a review of the vision and mission of the organization. Subsequently the TSA Board had an opportunity to review the progress of the group. The SPSG identified five critical success factors to be discussed in the creation of the plan. This document contains a summary of the action at all meetings.

C o nten ts Strategic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The TSA Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TSA’s Core Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TSA Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 critical success factors Professional Development/Education . . . . . . 8 Research to Aid the Profession . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Advocacy/Legislative Effectiveness . . . . . . 10 Collaboration/Resource Sharing . . . . . . . . 12 Outreach/Public Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Strategic Analysis St r e n gt h s »» Advocacy »» Annual Convention »» “The Shape of Texas” and Texas Architect »» Awards programs »» Cooperation between educators and practitioners »» Value of membership »» Execution of existing programs »» Strong chapter relationships »» TSA brand recognized by Texas architects »» Staff is experienced, service-oriented, creative, balanced and tenured »» Board and volunteers are engaged and committed »» Texas Architectural Foundation »» TSA is a national leader among counterparts »» TSA is a resource for all-volunteer components »» Ability to advocate and educate on sustainability »» Often proactive »» Provides enriching environment for volunteers

We a k n esses »» Clear mission but unclear strategic direction »» Communicating TSA’s value to membership »» Not diverse as a profession »» Occasionally reactive »» Challenge of recruiting volunteers due to demands of profession »» Direction/purpose of some committees is unclear »» Limited public awareness of brand (although AIA brand is relatively strong) »» Continuity: leadership succession/committee transition/initiatives »» Member appreciation of advocacy efforts and contributions to TAC »» Lack of collaboration with allied organizations »» Member perception that facility and staff represent TSA rather than membership


O ppo rtun ities »» Texas is dynamic and opportunities abound for architects »» Historical way of designing/building is changing »» Energy and conservation trends toward “green” »» Preparation to benefit from integrated project delivery, evidence-based design »» Digital innovations »» Potential to develop a tagline and increase public awareness »» Utilize AIA resources and marketing campaigns »» Tell the TSA story »» Technology advances lowering meeting costs; increasing member penetration

T hreats To the Society »» Complacency of profession and lack of community involvement »» Younger groups are more nimble »» Developers and engineers may have greater influence »» Firms lessening their support for TSA membership »» A membership that asks “What have you done for me lately?” »» Competition with USGBC, DBIA, CMAA, CSI, ULI/barrier to entry »» Member diversity »» Member geography/services »» Volunteer involvement To the Profession »» IPD has unknown legal implications »» Statewide interest in high tech »» Failure to meet societal needs »» Fewer entering the profession »» Overseas documentation services


T he TSA V isi on By 2012, TSA will be: »» the principle resource for creative legislative initiatives that advance the profession, the industry and sustainability; »» among the top 35 trade association or professional society PACs in Texas, having doubled the number of current donors to the Texas Architects Committee (TAC); »» leading the collaboration of Texas’ 17 AIA chapters to grow membership in its architect, associate and student classifications by 2% per year, or to 4732, 1556 and 156 respectively; »» sustaining its annual convention and trade show with special emphasis to involve emerging professionals; »» financially strong by growing designated reserves to $920,000 toward its stated goal of one half of one year’s annual anticipated revenues; »» an established resource for members for pertinent information and selective research that benefits the membership and industry as a whole; »» leading the collaboration of all stakeholders in creating safe, beautiful, sustainable, built environments; »» and a place where lifelong friendships are made and strengthened with every project, meeting, conference and contact.

T S A’ s C ore Value s »» Integrity »» Competence »» Collaboration/Consensus Building »» Innovation »» Education/Knowledge Sharing

T S A Mi ssio n Statem ent TSA is the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.


Action Plan The need to develop an action plan is driven by several factors. While TSA is perceived by many members to be doing what it should be doing in large measure, member expectations and the value received from their TSA membership can and should be increased. Further, TSA’s current and future leadership, along with staff, need tools and techniques to measure progress and effectiveness in implementing the plan.

c r i t ica l su cce ss factor s Several critical success factors (discussion topics that are critical to the organization’s future success) were identified by the SPSG at previous sessions (listed below). The group confirmed that an action plan should be developed for each and the group set about to develop the following goals, and project tasks to address each. »» Professional Development/Education »» Research to Aid the Profession »» Advocacy/Legislative Effectiveness »» Collaboration/Resource Sharing »» Outreach/Public Awareness


Pro f essi on al Developme nt/ Edu cat io n Goal Enhance the potential for members’ professional development and maximize learning and fellowship opportunities.

Project/Task 1. Conduct a survey of members’ professional development needs to uncover emerging needs/trends 2. Improve function and relevance of Web site to address identified needs (encourage blogs) 3. Continue programming convention to address diverse membership 4. Be clearinghouse for program sharing between chapters and repository for programs available 5. Explore incentives for emerging professionals to attend convention 6. Identify and remove obstacles for those who historically have not participated in convention (survey)

R e s e arch to Aid the Pr ofess ion Goal Be a champion of research; serve as a facilitator between practice and the academy to create applied research that advances the profession.

Project/Task 1. Determine TSA’s role within Texas Consortium for Sustainability; create TSA structure that will generate a successful partnership with benefits to the Society 2. Assist TCS in the identification of needed research 3. Continue support of TAF by assisting with fundraising event and raising awareness 4. Encourage research-related article in TA and other TSA publications (1 per year minimum) 5. Rework TAF’s connection to and presence on the TSA Web site for creative awareness 8

Deadline/ Completion Date

Responsible Party(ies)

3rd Qtr 2010

Membership Services Cmte.

4th Qtr 2011

Web Site TF


Continuing Education Cmte.

2nd Qtr 2011

Texas CACE, Chapter Presidents


Convention Futures Cmte.


Convention Futures Cmte.

Deadline/ Completion Date

Responsible Party(ies)

1st Qtr 2011

Task Force

1st Qtr 2011

Task Force


TAF/TSA Boards

1st Qtr 2012

Architecture for Education, Historic Resources, Sustainable Environment Cmtes., TF to Coordinate

4th Qtr 2011

Web Site Task Force


Advocac y /Legislative Effe ctive ne ss Goal Influence the passage of laws and regulations that impact the profession, including sustainability; double the number of donors to TAC (to 1,654 individuals and firms). Project/Task 1. Encourage chapters to adopt a program (i.e., “the Fort Worth model”) to encourage firm principals to conduct TAC drives throughout the firm; address “the disconnect issues” between state and local 2. Evaluate and implement innovative programs (e.g. dream vacation raffle) to maximize participation 3. Establish procedure to allow monthly or semi monthly payroll deductions for TAC contributions 4. Host webinar series to increase the understanding and importance of TAC 5. Designate “TAC Month” in which to conduct all drives 6. Regularly and prominently tout TSA’s legislative successes 7. Develop a strategy to engage more emerging professionals in advocacy 8. Within leadership position descriptions, request engagement and support of TAC and advocacy initiatives. 9. Develop liaisons with other stakeholder groups including landscape architects, engineers, contractors, interior designers and others (i.e. psychologists, medical professionals, educators)


Deadline/ Completion Date

Responsible Party(ies)

3rd Qtr 2010

Texas Architects Cmte., Board

3rd Qtr 2010

Texas Architects Cmte.

1st Qtr 2010



Texas Architects Cmte.

3rd Qtr 2010

Texas Architects Cmte.

4th Qtr 2010

Government Affairs Steering Cmte.


Government Affairs Steering Cmte.

3rd Qtr 2010

Executive Cmte., Board

3rd Qtr 2011

Government Affairs Steering Cmte./ Vice Presidents


C o ll aborat i on/Resour ce S har ing Goal Increase member involvement in TSA.

Project/Task 1. Solicit chapters for volunteers and “raise the bar” (process to move members from local to state service) 2. Have a “Call For Volunteers/Find Your Place at TSA” booth at convention 3. Continue review of committees; evaluate and increase committee effectiveness 4. Formalize committee job descriptions 5. Evaluate and increase effectiveness of board

6. Utilize technology to remove barriers for participation; (e.g. conferencing at/from Centers for Architecture) 7. Propose a method for sharing information and research 8. Establish a roundtable of architectural, engineering, contracting and other design organizations to discuss integrated practice


Deadline/ Completion Date

Responsible Party(ies)



3rd Qtr 2010

Board, Committee Chairs


Executive Cmte., Board

3rd Qtr 2010


4th Qtr 2010, 4th Qtr 2011, 4th Qtr 2012

President, Board, Staff

2nd Qtr 2012

Texas CACE, Committee Chairs, Staff

2nd Qtr 2012

Task Force

4th Qtr 2011

IPD Task Force


O u t r eac h /Public Awa r ene ss Goal Raise awareness that “Good Design Makes a Difference” and how architects add value to the built environment and their communities.

Project/Task 1. Increase legislative awareness: create forums, invite legislators to architects’ places of business; ask key legislators to convention 2. Conduct chapter seminar on effective local public relations 3. Provide/train ambassadors to speak for profession/about TSA by creating speakers bureau leveraging National’s efforts (success will be measured by conducting three premiere sessions by 2012) 4. Include a “thought piece” in each issue of TA 5. Evaluate, continue, reshape “The Shape of Texas” (TSOT) program; ensure it follows a proven business model 6. Increase market penetration of TSOT on the Web; increase member awareness by allowing access via social networking sites 7. Evaluate the availability of federal grant money for TSOT; apply if applicable 8. Complete the AIA150 initiative, at least in private schools 9. Increase number of paid TA subscribers; use comp list to fullest advantage


Deadline/ Completion Date

Responsible Party(ies)


Government Affairs Steering Cmte., TAC, Board

2nd Qtr 2012

Task Force

4th Qtr 2012

Task Force

1st Qtr 2010

Publications Cmte.

2nd Qtr 2010

Radio/New Media Cmte., Board

4th Qtr 2012

Radio/New Media Cmte., Staff

4th Qtr 2010

Radio/New Media Cmte.

3rd Qtr 2010

Task Force


Publications Cmte., Staff


Texas Society of Architects | AIA 816 Congress, Ste. 970 Austin, TX 78701 512.478.7386 www.texasarchitect.org

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