Texas Architects 2011 Annual Report

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2011 Annual Report

Texas Society of Architects

The Voice for Texas Architecture 500 Chicon Street Austin Texas 78702 tel 512 478 7386 fax 512 478 0528 www.texasarchitects.org

Photography throughout by Thomas McConnell, Acme Brick, Istock, Elizabeth Hackler and Julie Pizzo.


President............................................................... 3 Membership.......................................................... 4 Financials.............................................................. 5 Leadership............................................................ 6 Awards................................................................... 8 Advocacy..............................................................10 Member Resources.............................................12 Texas Architectural Foundation ........................14 Operations ..........................................................16

The Voice for Texas Architecture 1

The Texas Society of Architects is the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.


Dan Hart, AIA 2011 Texas Architects President

Balance This has been a year of high-stakes balance

I believe our most meaningful pivot in

for the Texas Society of Architects, includ-

mindset as an organization involves this last


point—our discovery of what it means to be “The Voice for Texas Architecture.” The

A transformational legislative session

potential for us to convene public discourse

• Kicked-off by the Society’s first Advocates

and become the recognized authority on

for Architecture Day at the Capitol with

issues dealing with architecture in Texas is

more than 200 architects participating

only limited by our own shortsightedness.

• Culminating with the passage of several

We find our realm where human behavior

favorable bills including HB 2284, which

intersects with the natural world. We must

we hope will forge the way to collaboration

publicly lay claim to that realm. I believe we

with engineers in Texas;

have charted a course to do just that.

An invigorating opportunity to sustainably

live in our new headquarters in East Austin;

Our mantra in 2011 has been one of balance: “ENGAGE the IMMEDIATE|EXTEND the CONTEXT.” We have striven to handling

A smooth transition for James Perry’s first

the business at hand while going about it in

year as Executive Vice President;

a way that pushes us beyond here (place) and now (time) and beyond those we now

A catalytic new focus on our message as

know (relationships) and what we now have

“The Voice for Texas Architecture,” resulting


in • The redesign of our website as the go-to

It has been my distinct honor to serve as

source for architecture in Texas for mem-

your president. We are “The Voice for Texas

bers and the public


• The refreshing of our brand as evidenced

in the new Texas Architect and all our other printed materials • The creation of the Voice Committee to

carry the banner for our overall message.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 3


2011 was a balancing act for Membership.

2011 Member Count

The Society gained a third AIA Regional Director in 2010 and had to maintain 8% of



the National membership in 2011 to keep the



position – even while National membership



totals declined.



With help from members and chapter execu-



tives, the Society managed to maintain its

Allied Members


third director, which will help strengthen Texas’s voice at the National level for the months to come.

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


2011 Chapter Count








Lubbock NE Texas










SE Texas






El Paso


West Texas


Fort Worth


Wichita Falls


4 Texas Society of Architects

San Antonio





J. Mark Wolf, AIA 2011 Treasurer

2011 Assets

Texas Architects approached 2011 with

The Board, Executive Committee, Finance

Operating Checking


another conservative budget in response

Committee, and staff remain committed

Board Designated Reserves


to the trend line created by the recession

to monitor income and expenses care-

Unrestricted Reserves


and insight from the 2010 financial perfor-

fully throughout 2012 and wholly respect

Total Cash


mance. That discretion along with additional

membership dues and investment in Texas

Accounts Receivable


on-the-fly expense reductions mitigated a

Architects. Challenges may remain, but

Other Current Assets


deficit outcome in a very challenging year for

much was accomplished in 2011 to reposi-

Total Current Assets


Texas Architects. On a cash basis relative to

tion the Society’s financial position – under-

Building & Land


the 2011 budget, Texas Architects had a loss

pinned by better forecasting and reporting,

Other Fixed Assets


(less depreciation expense) of slightly more

better tuning of income to expenses, and

Total Fixed Assets


than $80,000 (unaudited). The 2011 out-

further alignment with the Strategic Plan. We

Other Assets


come was driven by reoccurring challenges

remain fortunate to be in Texas, a region that

Total Assets


as all the primary revenue sources fell short

continues to experience positive population

of budget including member dues, Allied

and employment growth and one that still

dues, advertising sales for Texas Architect,

fosters one of the best business climates for our profession.

Liabilities and Fund Balance

Deferred Revenue


exhibitor revenue (convention), as well as an

Current Liabilities


increased commitment (expense) to advo-

Mortgage Payable


cacy in an active legislative year.

Total Liabilities


Fund Balance


2011 was also the year that Texas Architects

Excess of Revenues over


finished-out and took occupancy of its new


home at 500 Chicon. The purchase and

Depreciation Expense


Total Fund Balance


Total Liabilities & Fund Balance

improvements were made possible by the Building and Grounds fund and the Designated Cash Reserve fund. Subsequently,


additional O&M costs were funded by 2011 revenue (creating further pressure on that

Statement of Financial Position for Year 2011 (unaudited).

budget). However, commencing with the 2012 budget, O&M expenses are budgeted and any near-term capital improvements will primarily be made possible by sponsors and in-kind contributions until such time as the Building and Grounds fund is recharged.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 5


Board of Directors Officers Daniel S. Hart , President; Craig Reynolds, FAIA , President-elect; Ruppert Rangel, Secretary; J. Mark Wolf, Treasurer; Elizabeth del Monte, FAIA , Vice President-Advocacy; Charlie Burris, Vice

President-Member Services; Lawrence Speck, FAIA , Vice President-Outreach; Robert Hanley, Vice President-Practice Directors Gabriel Durand-Hollis, FAIA , AIA Regional Director; Bill Wilson, FAIA , AIA Regional Director; Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA , AIA Regional Director; Cesar Gallegos, Assoc. AIA , AIA Regional

Associate Director; Adam Reed, Assoc. AIA , Associate Member Director; Morris Brown, AIA , Educator Member Director; J.D. Granger, Hon. TSA, Public Member Director; Steve Ellinger, Abilene; Jim Williams, Amarillo; Alan Bell, Austin; Thomas Hayne Upchurch, Brazos; Johnny Cotten, Corpus Christi; Todd Howard, Dallas; Hector De Santiago, El Paso; Sandra Dennehy,

Fort Worth; Caryn Mims Ogier, Houston; Diana Bravo Gonzalez , Lower Rio Grande Valley; Gary Ferguson, Lubbock; J. Michael Leinback, Northeast Texas; Robert Lopez , San Antonio; J. Robert Clark, Southeast Texas; David Nisbet, Assoc. AIA , Waco; Melina Cannon, Assoc. AIA,

West Texas; Jackie Lebow, Jr., Wichita Falls Ex-officio: James Perry, Executive Vice President/CEO

6 Texas Society of Architects

Committees and Task Forces Driven by the Society’s Mission Statement


and Strategic Plan, the Texas Architects

The Society is organized into five Commis-

Board of Directors oversees and directs

sions: Advocacy, Member Services, Practice,

the work of committees and task forces.

Operations, and Outreach. Within the com-

Committed volunteers give time, talent, and

missions, numerous committees and task

energy to move the organization forward.

forces worked to achieve Texas Architects’

The work of the committees and task forces

mission to be “the voice for Texas Architec-

is the key component that supports a rel-

ture, supporting the creation of safe, beauti-

evant and thriving professional community.

ful, and sustainable environments.” Below are a few highlights from 2011. Please note other sections of this report where programs and activities of other committees are emphasized. • Following a yearlong Website Task Force

effort, texasarchitects.org was launched in October to much acclaim. Austin firm Elemental Blend was hired for the redesign after the Task Force issued an RFP, interviewed candidates, and made its recommendation to the Board in June. • The Continuing Education, Convention,

and Convention Futures committees collaborated to bring members and related professionals together in Dallas for the Society’s 72nd Annual Convention and Design Products & Ideas Expo. • The Voice Committee was established

to oversee the Society’s refreshed brand (developed by Dyal and Partners), helping to ensure a consistent “voice” and key messaging.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 7


2011 Honor Awards Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Honor of

Citations of Honor

Llewellyn W. Pitts FAIA

Brownsville Historical Association

Tommy Neal Cowan, FAIA – Austin Sundance Square Management, Fort Worth Architecture Firm Award

Richter Architects – Corpus Christi

Artisan Award

Principals: David Richter, FAIA; Elizabeth Chu

Kathleen Ash –Studio K Glassworks, Man-

Richter, FAIA; Sam Morris, AIA

chaca – Austin

Award for Young Professional Achievement in

Brad Oldham, Sculptor – Brad Oldham Inter-

Honor of William W. Caudill FAIA

national – Dallas

Melissa C. Brandrup, AIA – El Paso – Building Solutions

Honorary Membership

Rosemary Castillo, CEO, Bienvivir Senior Award for Community Service in Honor of

Health Services – El Paso

James D. Pfluger FAIA

Sinclair Black, FAIA – Austin – Black +

Jim Walker, AICP, Director of Sustainability,

Vernooy Architects

University of Texas – Austin

Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions in Honor of Edward J. Romieniec FAIA

Diane Berry Hays, FAIA – University of Texas at San Antonio College of Architecture Award for Excellence in the Promotion of Architecture through the Media in Honor of John G. Flowers Honorary AIA

Richard Payne, FAIA – Architectural Photographer – Houston Associate Member of the Year

Yesenia M. Blandon, Assoc. AIA – Dallas – Perkins + Will 8 Texas Society of Architects

Other Recognitions 2011 Design Awards

2011 Studio Awards

25-Year Award

Out of 257 entries submitted in the 2011

Four unbuilt projects were selected to

Since its completion in 1986, Fountain

Design Awards program, 12 were selected

receive 2011 Studio Awards from 50 entries

Place in downtown Dallas has been praised

for awards. Jurors were David Salmela, FAIA,

in the annual competition.

for both the geometrical precision of its

of Salmela Architects in Duluth, Minn.; Steve

60-story tower and the extraordinary six-

Dumez, FAIA, of Eskew+Dumez+Ripple in

Marlon Blackwell, FAIA, chaired the jury,

New Orleans; and James S. Russell, FAIA,

which met in Fayetteville, Ark. Blackwell is

Originally known as the Allied Bank Tower at

architecture critic for Bloomberg News in

principal of Marlon Blackwell Architect and

Fountain Place and designed by I.M. Pei &

New York City.

teaches at the University of Arkansas’ Fay

Partners with landscape architect Dan Kiley,

Jones School of Architecture. Complet-

the project received the 2011 Texas Society

Recipients of 2011 Design Awards were:

ing the jury were Chris M. Baribeau, AIA, a

of Architects 25-Year Award.

Arizona State University Polytechnic Aca-

principal of Modus Studio in Fayetteville,

demic Building (Mesa, Ariz.) by Lake/Flato

and Santiago R. Perez, who leads the new

The 25-Year Award recognizes one building

Architects with RSP Architects; Armstrong

digital fabrication studio at the University of

completed 25 to 50 years earlier that has

Oil & Gas Heaquarters (Denver, Colo.) by


stood the test of time by retaining its central

Lake/Flato Architects with Bothwell Davis

acre urban space that unfurls at its base.

form, character, and overall architectural

George Architects; Arthouse at the Jones

The jury selected the following projects for

Center (Austin) by LTL Architects; Brock-

Design Awards


man Hall for Physics (Houston) by Kieran

Bat House Visitor Center by Matt Fajkus,

Cornerstone Award

Timberlake; Brown Residence (Scottsdale,

AIA, Jesse Rodriguez, and Bo Yoon; Living

The annual award is given to a member of the

Ariz.) by Lake/Flato Architects; Cabin on

Module Deployable Housing by Andrew Bell

public to recognize outstanding contribu-

Flathead Lake (Polson, Mont.) by Andersson

and Noah Marciniak, graduate students at

tions that enhance the quality of life by

Wise Architects; Cutting Horse Ranch (Cross

the University of Texas at Austin’s School of

elevating architecture and the arts, promot-

Timbers Region) by Lake/Flato Architects;

Architecture); OutHouse by Andrew Daley,

ing the value of community, or preserving

Full Goods Warehouse and Il Sogno (San

Jason Fleming, and Peter Muessig, gradu-

the natural environment

Antonio) by Lake/Flato Architects with DHR

ate students at Rice University’s School of

Architects; Rainwater Court (Mahiga, Kenya)

Architecture; SEEPZ Mumbai by William

Walter Humann, WJH Corporation, Dallas

by Dick Clark Architecture in association

Truitt, assistant professor in the University

In recognition of his ongoing, positive influ-

with Architecture for Humanity; Sam Hous-

of Houston’s Gerald D. Hines College of

ence on the quality of life in Dallas and North

ton Tollway Northwest Main Lane Plaza and

Architecture, with assistance from former

Texas by facilitating improvements in the

Exit Toll (Houston) by RdlR Architects; Sing-

students Marsha Bowden and Brijal Gandhi.

transportation infrastructure.

ing Bell Ranch (Hunt County) by Max Levy

Architect; Sisters’ Retreat (Austin) by Mell Lawrence Architects The Voice for Texas Architecture 9


Advocacy: Year in Review In January 2011, the Society held its

ment Code. It also provides that money

inaugural “Advocates for Architecture Day”

received as the result of a construction-

in Austin. Staff coordinated face-to-face

defect lawsuit be spent to fix the problem

meetings between 200+ architect-advocates

for which the lawsuit was filed.

and State Representatives and Senators at

• HB 51: requires future state buildings to

the Capitol. After a general training session

be designed and constructed to achieve

led by staff and our contract lobbyists in the

High Performance certification. It included

morning, architect-advocates were armed

language that says a design professional’s

with information to discuss with legisla-

services to achieve this certification are

tors the issues that affect our profession.

not “basic services,” and protecting tax

By all accounts, from both architects and

credits available to architects.

legislators, the event was an overwhelming success.

In addition to helping pass important legislation, the Society also helped in defeating:

During the 82nd Regular Legislative Session

• Attempts to weaken Qualifications-Based

in 2011, the Society fought for the passage of

Selection (QBS) process for architects,

the following legislation –

which would have allowed bidding of

• HB 2284: an A/E “Peace Accord” bill that

settled 20-year scope-of-practice disputes between the professions. Language

rized engineers to practice architecture

was added to the Engineer Practice Act

without a license, or severely limited

saying an architect must prepare plans

TBAE’s ability to enforce the Architectural

and specifications for buildings intended for human use or occupancy, as well as “the practice of engineering does not include the practice of architecture.”

Practice Act effectively; • A plan to propose that the Texas Educa-

tion Agency have Stock School Plans available for local school district use; and,

• HB 2093: making broad-form indemnifica-

• Changes to the Sales & Use and Margins

tion clauses “void and unenforceable” in

(Revised Franchise) Tax laws adversely

design contracts. Most contracts will now

impacting profitability.

require each party to be responsible for its own acts as a matter of public policy. • HB 628: consolidates Alternative Project

Delivery method language in multiple codes into a single chapter of the Govern10 Texas Society of Architects

services; • Numerous bills that would have autho-

Texas Architects Committee The Texas Architects Committee (TAC) received $132,244 in contributions during 2011 from

2011 Executive Trustees

837 individual, company, or chapter contributions, which represents approximately a 13%

Mike Butler; Mary Crites, Chair; Eric Hahn-

participation rate. A special acknowledgement is due to the 401 Century Club members who

feld; Todd Howard; Chris Noack; Terry D.

contributed at least $100 during the year, especially the 117 Silver Century ($250-$499), 57


Gold Century ($500-$999), and 25 Platinum Century ($1000+) donors. 2011 Advisory Trustees

Texas Architects publicly noted the extra effort of the 10 chapters (Amarillo, Austin, Brazos,

Paul Bielamowicz; Charles Browne; Mike

Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Lubbock, Southeast Texas, West Texas, and Wichita Falls) that

Butler; Bruce Carlson; Matthew Carrell;

met or exceeded their local monetary goal. In addition to monetary goals, goals were also

Michael Cowan; Cynthia De Hoyos; Jim

set for the number of individuals contributing from each chapter. The Abilene, Austin, Dallas,

Doche, FAIA; Jacqui Dodson; Brian Eason;

Lubbock, Northeast Texas, and Wichita Falls chapters all met or exceeded this goal in 2011 as

Gary Ferguson; John Grable; Anthony Haas;

well. In 2011 TAC reached 98% of its goal for both monetary and contributor goals.

Barry Hand; Michael Hellinghausen; Julie

Platinum Century Club Members ($1000+)

Hoyle; Dallas Hughes; Brian Keith; Ted Kol-

Hendricks; Jeffrey Hill; Michael Hovar; Terry Austin Tommy Cowan, FAIA; John Nyfeler, FAIA; Larry Speck, FAIA Brazos Charlie Burris;

laja; Donald Kubala; Eric Kuehmeier; Dohn

John Only Greer, FAIA; Jim Singleton Dallas Craig Beale, FAIA; Nunzio De Santis, FAIA; Mattia

LaBiche; Leonard Land; Andy MacPhillimy;

Flabiano; Todd Howard; Stephen Hulsey; Ted Kollaja; David Lind; Robert Morris, FAIA; Craig

Tim McClarty; Richard Munoz; Federico

Reynolds, FAIA; Mark Watford, FAIA Fort Worth Bruce Carlson; Eric Hahnfeld; Christopher

Perez; Philip Ramirez; Glenda Ramsey; Craig

Huckabee; Tommy Stewart Houston Lonnie Hoogeboom; Ian Powell; Perry Seeberger Lub-

Reynolds; David Robinson; Perry Seeberger;

bock Mike Moss West Texas Dan Hart

Jim Singleton; Terry D. Smith; Tommy Stewart; Dean Strombom; Allen Swift; Chris

Gold Century Club Members ($500 - $999)

Upton; Darrell Vickers; Michael Voit; Derek

Amarillo Thomas Lavin Austin Sally Fly, Hon. Aia; Randy Fromberg; David Lancaster, Hon.

Webb; Ed Werth; Al York; David Zatopek

Aia; Heather Mckinney, FAIA; Tom Oehler; Richard Weiss Brazos Andrew Hawkins; Eva ReadWarden Corpus Christi Chuck Anastos; Raymond Gignac; Jack Rice Turner Dallas Wayne Barger; Ralph Bauer; Joe Buskuhl, FAIA; Tamara Chambless; Dawn Chisholm; Gary Devries; Duncan Fulton, FAIA; Brian George; Eric Kuehmeier; Lisa Lamkin; Ralph Hawkins, FAIA; Dan Noble, FAIA; Shade O’quinn; Thomas Powell; Kirk Teske; Mark Wolf; David Zatopek El Paso Bert Mijares Fort Worth Tom Batenhorst; Tod Hanson; Charles Nixon; Gerald Schwarz; David Stanford; Leesa Vardeman Houston David Calkins, FAIA; Jeffrey Choyce; Kurt Hull; Allen Swift Lubbock Mary Crites; Liz Lonngren Northeast Texas Mike Butler; Alan Roberts San Antonio

Debra Dockery; Michael Imbimbo; Kent Niemann; Bill Reeves; Stephen Souter, FAIA Southeast Texas Rob Clark; Philip Long Wichita Falls Dick Bundy; Jackie Lebow; David Potter; Troy

Secord; Richard Sims The Voice for Texas Architecture 11

Member Resources



The 72nd Annual Convention and Design

In 2011, the Texas Society of Architects

Products & Ideas Expo was a huge success!

refreshed its brand, launched a redesigned

Over 2,500 attendees convened in Dallas,

website—texasarchitects.org, and adopted

Oct. 27-29, for continuing education, net-

the tagline “The Voice for Texas Architec-

working, and celebration of the profession.

ture.” As a result of these efforts, the Voice

John Maeda, president of the Rhode Island

Committee was established as an umbrella

School of Design, and Rebecca Ryan, of Next

for all of Texas Architects’ communications.

Generation Consulting, headlined the two

The Committee’s charge is to ensure that the

general sessions.

“refreshed” brand is upheld through a con-

“With stirring keynote speakers, invigorating tours, stimulating sessions, exciting new products and services, and fellowship, the convention was an opportunity for attendees to find balance.” – Dan Hart, 2011 President

sistent voice and targeted messages across all communication platforms. Texas Architect

Texas Architect continued to bring its readers compelling information and news about the profession from around the state based on the combined efforts of members who support the magazine with their time, talent, and

Tours included the Dallas Arts District,

dues, along with a dedicated staff.

Victory Park, Trinity River Audubon Center, Grauwyler Park Branch Library, UT Center

The online version of Texas Architect was

for Brain Health, Philip Johnson’s Cathedral

enhanced with the launch of the Society’s

of Hope and Interfaith Peace Chapel, the

redesigned website, allowing past issues of

SMU campus, and more.

the magazine to be added to the site through 2006. A comprehensive online archive of the magazine is in progress for 2012. The magazine underwent a redesign in late fall to match the Society’s “refreshed” brand, with plans to debut the new look with the Jan/Feb 2012 issue.

12 Texas Society of Architects

The Shape of Texas

Broadcast blasts incorporated into the

Architects to stay in communication with

Although production ceased in 2010 on the


attendees and receive feedback in real time.

500 broadcasts of The Shape of Texas can be


In 2011, activity on the Texas Architects

accessed at texasarchitects.org. Each two-

In October of 2011, the Texas Society of

Facebook page increased. The page features

minute episode is written for a general audi-

Architects launched its redesigned web-

a variety of posts ranging from industry

ence to raise public awareness of the value of

site, texasarchitects.org. The result of a

news and convention information to articles

good design and the benefits of a thought-

yearlong Website Task Force effort, led by

about the profession and pictures of projects

fully designed built environment. In addition,

Chris Hudson, AIA, of Morris Architects in

and events. Over the year, the number of

podcasts of bundled TSOT episodes, specific

Houston, the new website upholds Texas

“likes” for the page increased from 423 to

to particular Texas cities, are available for

Architects’ mission to be “The Voice for

685 and is still climbing today!

download on the website. Twenty volumes,

Texas Architecture, supporting the creation

each with 26 two-minute episodes, were

of safe, beautiful, and sustainable environ-

The Society’s YouTube channel, AIATexas,

produced through an agreement between

ments.” Highlights of the new site include,

continued to gain viewers as Design Awards

the Texas Society of Architects and the

a comprehensive database of members

videos, architect interviews, and other media

South Texas Public Broadcasting System in

called “Find an Architect,” online archives of

topics were produced and uploaded to the

Corpus Christi.

Texas Architect magazine, a robust Search


award-winning radio program, more than

feature, a visually compelling homepage that CheckSet

features news stories with image and video

The Society’s e-newsletter, CheckSet,

galleries, and a library of The Shape of Texas

continued to hold its readership in 2011,


with steady numbers that matched those of 2010 – around 11,000 hits via the website

Social Media

and around 67,000 hits over the course of

The Texas Architects Twitter account con-

the year. In December, discussions arose to

tinued to serve as a good source for news

transition CheckSet (in 2012) into a format

and information about the Society, the AIA,

that echoes the refreshed brand and rede-

and the profession as a whole. With nearly

signed website.

4,000 followers, Twitter has become an important communications tool for sharing


timely information with members and allied

The Society’s monthly email blast, Broad-

professionals. The service was used effec-

cast, continued to inform members of

tively at the Dallas convention to announce

upcoming deadlines, advocacy updates,

scheduled events, special activities, and

and recent events, with convention-specific

changes to the itinerary. It also allowed Texas The Voice for Texas Architecture 13

TAF “I was very pleased and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of the TAF Assoc. Administrators & Consultants Scholarship. This greatly offsets the financial burden of graduate school and has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just David Watkins, FAIA

as you have helped me.”

2011 TAF President

Daniel Cancilla Graduate Student University of Texas at San Antonio

Texas Architectural Foundation The Foundation was established in 1952 to

Through the continued generosity of Texas

make possible the dream of an architectural

Society of Architects members, two newly

education to deserving students and to

established funds issued scholarships for

enhance the quality of the academic experi-

the first time in 2011: the AIA Amarillo Chap-

ence at Texas’s universities with accredited

ter Scholarship and the Lonnie Hoogeboom

architecture programs. In 2011 the Texas

Scholarship for Rice University.

Architectural Foundation continued to fulfill its mission by awarding a total of $77,550

In 2011, the Texas Architectural Founda-

in scholarships and grants that included 52

tion reduced expenditures by utilizing the

student scholarships, two grants to school

Society’s staff on a part-time basis to handle

programs, and the Kenneth Lanier Anderson

the administrative and accounting duties.

Prize to a student team.

The Foundation’s total funds grew from $1,457,828 (fiscal year ending June 30,

Funding for the awards came from 43 differ-

2010) to $1,680,447 (fiscal year ending June

ent donor accounts administered through

30, 2011).

the Foundation, established by individuals, firms, bequests, nonprofit organizations,

The Foundation is able to realize its goals

and AIA Components in Texas.

and advance architectural education through the generous support of our members and

Six donors funded two or more scholarships

organizations that recognize the importance

in 2011: Association Administrators & Con-

of investing in both students and the com-

sultants; Hugh M. Cunningham Grant; AIA

munity for the benefit of future generations.

El Paso; San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation; Southwest Terrazzo Associa-

2011 TAF Board of Directors

tion; and AIA Wichita Falls.

David Watkins, FAIA, President; John V. Nyfeler, FAIA, Vice President; David Richter,

The Foundation received a $1,200 AIA

FAIA, Secretary; Richard H. Bundy, AIA, Trea-

matching grant that was applied to several

surer; Jan G. Blackmon, FAIA; Don Gatzke,

scholarships. The Fort Worth, West Texas

AIA; Elaine Petrus, Hon. TSA; Frederick

and Wichita Falls AIA components also

Steiner, Assoc. AIA; Daniel Hart, AIA; Craig

received funds through the AIA Component

Reynolds, FAIA; Tommy N. Cowan, FAIA;

Matching Grant Program that increased their

James Perry, Executive Vice President

2011 scholarship awards.

14 Texas Society of Architects

“Receiving the Hugh M. Cunningham Scholarship encouraged and motivated me to continue to work diligently, maintain my grades, and complete my degrees. I look forward to being able to give back to the community in some way once I am established. I thank you for your confidence and willingness to help me achieve my career goals.”

Wai Ian Tam Architecture Graduate Student University of Texas at Arlington

2011 Scholarship and Grant Recipients Prairie View A&M University Kimberly

Texas Tech University Tyser Robertson,

University of Texas at Austin Todd Michael

Anne Blackwell, Jesse H. Jones Scholarship;

Abilene Chapter AIA Scholarship; Royce J.

Niesner, Association Administrators &

Cynthia O. Ramirez, Jesse H. Jones Scholar-

Perez, AIA Amarillo Chapter Scholarship;

Consultants Scholarship; Megan Mae Mowry,

ship; Richard Gazader, Michael Maraldo, Sr.,

Jesse Bernard, Edwin W. and Alyce O. Carroll

AIA Austin Chapter Scholarship; Kathryn

Southwest Terrazzo Association Scholarship

Scholarship; Luis Velasco, Dennis Cowan

Lee Bedford, Eva and Jay W. Barnes, FAIA

Rice University Ashley Corinne Thompson,

Memorial Scholarship; Richard W. Hentschel,

Scholarship; School of Architecture, Hugh

Lonnie Hoogeboom Scholarship for Rice;

Hugh M. Cunningham Grant; Tsvetelina

M. Cunningham Grant; Salvador Calderon,

Diana Angelica Ang, Charles Lamar and

Ventsislavova Churalska, HD&D Design

El Paso Chapter AIA Scholarship; Alex J.

Verda McKittrick Endowed Scholarship;

CollaborativeScholarship Honoring John L.

Diamond, O’Neil Ford Traveling Fellowship;

Lecture Series, Betty R. and George F. Pierce,

Hannon, J. Ray Daniel, and Donald E. Dicker-

Brian Doherty, Professor Goldwin Goldsmith

Jr., FAIA Fund; Diana Angelica Ang, Fay H.

son; Bradley Bosworth, AIA Lubbock Chapter

Memorial Scholarship; Higinio Turrubiates,

Spencer Memorial Scholarship; Jessy Yang,

Memorial Scholarship for Graduate Studies;

Jr., Horace B. McCord Memorial Scholarship

Mattia J. Flabiano, Jr., Southwest Terrazzo

Jose H. Borunda, Shirley E. Megert Memo-

and AIA Matching Grant; Kyle Knaggs, Walter

Association Scholarship; Tsvetelina Zdraveva,

rial Scholarship and AIA Matching Grant;

T. Rolfe Memorial Scholarship; Ian McKenzie

Tyler J. Viney Memorial Scholarship and AIA

Yang Cathy Luo, San Antonio Conservation

Ellis, AIA San Antonio Daryl Engel Memorial

Matching Grant

Society Foundation Scholarship Honoring

Scholarship; Nicole Renee Melzer, Michael

Texas A&M University Mary Margaret Bryan,

Brooks Martin, FAIA; Matthew Reichert Skin-

Maraldo, Sr., Southwest Terrazzo Association

Brazos Chapter AIA Scholarship; Amy Diane

ner, AIA Southeast Texas Chapter Douglas

Scholarship; Constance Claire Rosado, AIA

Kircher, James E. Deininger Traveling Fellow-

E. Steinman Scholarship; Brian Sawyer, Tim

Waco Chapter Memorial Scholarship; Melynn

ship; Francisco Farias, Preston M. Geren, Sr.,

Terry-Huckabee & Associates Scholarship;

Mayfield, Wichita Falls Chapter AIA Scholar-

Memorial Scholarship; Kelsey Aschenbeck,

Winston T. Holloway, AIA West Texas Chapter

ship and AIA Matching Grant

John Only Greer and Wanda Knight Greer Ar-

Scholarship and AIA Matching Grant; Andrew

University of Texas at San Antonio Daniel

chitectural Endowment; Brian Sowell, John J.

Thomas Toney, Wichita Falls Chapter AIA

Cancilla, Association Administrators & Con-

Luther Scholarship and AIA Matching Grant;

Scholarship and AIA Matching Grant

sultants Scholarship; UT San Antonio Student

Peri Arthur, Theodore S. Maffitt, Jr., FAIA and

University of Houston Chan Q. Huynh, Ruth

Team - Professor Sue Ann Pemberton, FAIA,

Patricia J. Maffitt Scholarship; Aaron Higgins,

Kaigler Goode and D. Rex Goode Scholarship;

Kenneth Lanier Anderson Prize; Phongsapatr

Texas A&M Scholarship Endowed by Edward

Alejandro Lara, Mattia J. Flabiano, Jr., South-

Thanomkunlabut, Hugh M. Cunningham

John Romieniec, FAIA; Shima Baradaran

west Terrazzo Association Scholarship

Grant; Shane Valentine, Paul and Katie Stein

Mohajeri, San Antonio Conservation Society

University of Texas at Arlington Jamie

Scholarship; Ellen Rebecca Krohn, Louis &

Foundation Scholarship Honoring Brooks

Michelle Wallace, AIA Fort Worth Charles

Marcus Zanchettin Southwest Terrazzo As-

Martin, FAIA; John Hart, Southwest Terrazzo

R. Adams Memorial Scholarship and AIA

sociation Scholarship

Association Scholarship; Jennifer Sitton, H.

Matching Grant; Wai Ian Tam (Vince), Hugh

Leo Tucker Scholarship Endowed by Tittle

M. Cunningham Grant; Gabriel Rodriguez, El

Luther Loving

Paso Chapter AIA Scholarship The Voice for Texas Architecture 15


James Perry Executive Vice President Staff Jeanette Allison, Kraig Becker, Robert Bennett, Elizabeth Hackler, Noelle Heinze, Ted Kozlowski, David Lancaster, Suzette Lipford, Tiffany Martin, Julie Pizzo, Sunny Spahn

2011 In Retrospect 2011 for the Texas Society of Architects was a year of transitions; change reached into nearly every aspect of operations, as well as

to Texas Architect (as seen in the January 2012 issue). • The Board revisited its committees’

policy. As “The voice for Texas Architecture,

structures and instituted rotating terms

supporting the creation of safe, beautiful,

for members serving on committees, in

and sustainable environments,” the Texas

an effort to keep perspectives fresh on

Architects Board continued to seek ways to

issues, as well as allowing more members

expand the influence of the Society on behalf

to be active.

of its members. Despite difficult economic times, Texas Major transitions and events included:

Architects remained a strong and effec-

• The new EVP assumed his duties in Janu-

tive organization working on behalf of its

ary, meeting both with the Board and the

members. In comparison with other states

Advocates for Architecture on his first two

and chapters across the country, the Society


continued to fare well in every respect: mem-

• Texas Architects moved its office from 816

Congress to 500 Chicon in February.

bership stability, legislative success, convention attendance, and financial predictability.

• Society leadership successfully negoti-

ated an agreement with engineers related

The success of the Society is, indeed, a

to the Practice Act (HB2284) and had a

tribute to outstanding, dedicated leaders

highly successful legislative session.

who volunteer to serve the interests of their

• The Society’s staff was realigned and

reorganized over the course of the year. • The financial position of the Society con-

extraordinary and serves to move Texas Architects forward on every front. Coupled

tinued to be strong, having acquired “real”

with a creative and hardworking professional

property and continuing to have signifi-

staff, the work of the leadership and the

cant cash reserves.

successes of 2011 will enable the Society to

• Membership continued to track above

8% of the national membership, enabling Texas to retain its third Regional Director on the AIA Board. • The Society redesigned its website,

refreshed the organization’s brand and sub-brands – and extended the refresh 16 Texas Society of Architects

profession. The work of the committees is

continue to move the profession forward in future years.

Placemaking at 500 Chicon In early 2011, the Texas Society of Architects


relocated from offices in a leased downtown tower to a permanent home at 500 Chicon in

In 1999, 500 Chicon was empty and undefined. Three years later, it was an award-winning building.

East Austin. The Society bought the awardwinning building, which is an adaptive reuse of a 1920s oil storage warehouse. The Society created the Placemaking

at Chicon Program, which is a services


trade program, to allow vendors to donate

Graphic design firm FD2S adapts the 1920s oil storage warehouse in east Austin into its headquarters office.

products that will help the Society live sustainably at 500 Chicon. Participants in the program will be featured in several ways, including a series of case studies about the Stern and Bucek Architects win a 2002 Texas Society of Architects Design Award for the renovation.

building that will be written and posted on the Texas Architects website and published in Texas Architect magazine over the next few years.


Texas Society of Architects purchases 500 Chicon and hires Jacqui Dodson, AIA, for the renovation/interior design.


Texas Society of Architects moves into its new headquarters office in East Austin.


2011 The Voice for Texas Architecture 17

Texas Construction Outlook

Texas construction activity in 2012 will

contribution to offset expected declines in

works construction is beginning to decline

continue to be constrained by the overall

the public sector.

as we struggle with the transportation bill

economic environment. The economic fun-

and the sources of funding become more

damentals in Texas are better than in most

Texas construction will develop within the

states, but the overall economy will set limits

confines of the economic environment.

on the states performance. We are anticipat-

problematic. Apartment construction is the strongest

ing the United States Gross Domestic Prod-

Single-family housing is expected to grow

construction segment of significant size.

uct (GDP) will advance by a conservative

a conservative six percent. Texas does not

New entrants to the job market, along with

two percent in 2012. The U.S. marketplace

have the same level of foreclosures and dis-

dislocated prior single-family homeowners

faces three “weights” that confine economic

tressed homeowners as many other states,

are driving apartment demand. Apartment


but the recession has reduced home values

construction will remain strong for at least

and prices are still a few months from begin-

the next few years. Hotel construction

ning to stabilize. Consequently, the housing

appears to be ready to contribute, as room

years from stabilizing. The loss of wealth

market is heavily weighted toward the first

occupancy has shown sustained improve-

due to housing limits consumer confi-

home buyer.

ment and revenues for existing rooms are

• The housing market is approximately two

dence and spending. • The federal budget deficit will require

increasing. Data centers, assisted living Because housing is soft, construction that

facilities, warehouses, and distribution facili-

contraction in spending and probably tax

derives demand from housing is conserva-

ties are all expected to grow.

increases that in the short run will pull

tive. If a market is building homes, it will

funds from the economy.

build retail, schools, and other services.

Overall, McGraw-Hill Construction forecasts

Retail construction is expected at roughly

the Texas construction industry to advance

in limited increases in employment. If

the 2011 level in 2012. Work is primarily

by approximately three percent in 2012.

employment advances conservatively,

focused in consuming existing vacant space

There is an expectation that the private

demand for products and services will

that serves the housing stock in place. The

sector will offset declines in the public

advance conservatively. Slow advanc-

demand for new buildings is limited because

sector. There is a general sense that we have

ing demand will limit the private sectors

the population has not moved to new loca-

bottomed out and are beginning the recov-

investment level.


ery process, but the rate of acceleration is

• GDP growth of two percent will result

constrained. The “trick” over the next 12 to 24 months

School construction and other public

will be to generate enough private sector

construction will continue declines due to the duress in local and state budgets. Public

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