Texas Society of Architects 2012 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report

Texas Society of Architects The Voice for Texas Architecture 500 Chicon Street Austin Texas 78702 tel 512 478 7386 fax 512 478 0528 www.texasarchitects.org



From the President......................................... 3 Membership.....................................................4 Financials......................................................... 5 Leadership.......................................................6 Awards..............................................................8 Advocacy........................................................ 10 Texas Architectural Foundation................... 12 Member Resources....................................... 14 Operations..................................................... 16

The Voice for Texas Architecture 1

The Texas Society of Architects is the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, sustainable environments.

From the President

Craig S. Reynolds, FAIA 2012 President

Influence For the Texas Society of Architects, 2012

in the general public are recognizing the

was a year of “Influence,” a theme that was

beneficial attributes of safe, beautiful and

emphasized and reiterated in all aspects of our endeavors. Refining our purpose and

sustainable design. • The Society hosted our first-ever Design

directing our actions and architecture to be

Conference, which brought architects from

more impactful in our communities became

across Texas to Midland to consider the

the protocol for achieving our mission.

challenges of producing top-flight architecture in a place far removed from the state’s

Highlights of the Society’s accomplishments

larger urban areas. It was extremely well

in 2012 include the following:

received by participating members and will

• The words within the pages of Texas Architect magazine now better tell the

become an annual event. • The Texas Architects office, under the lead-

stories of our profession, expounding

ership of Executive Vice President James

upon architects’ impact on the everyday

Perry, continues to establish efficient and

lives of those that live, work and play in

effective member support mechanisms to

and around the buildings we design.

accomplish our Society’s mission.

• Our members took the forefront in educating our civic leaders on the benefits of

Throughout 2012, our board, committees

sustainability and how the International

and staff continued exploring what it means

Green Construction Code (IgCC) can be

to be “the voice for Texas Architecture”

used as a tool to transform the thinking on

and how best to focus our initiatives and

energy conservation and as a long-term

influence to fulfill that mission. With 2013

strategy for preserving the environment.

now upon us, our leadership is poised to

• Texas Architects maintained our pres-

complete a “Transformation.”

ence in the state legislature to ensure that the progress made in recent ses-

Serving as your 2012 president was a privi-

sions was retained, and to enhance and

lege and an honor.

increase opportunities for continued dialogue in 2013. • We celebrated an increased awareness and appreciation of the influence of design on the livability of our communities. More and more, civic and business leaders, campus administrators, and individuals The Voice for Texas Architecture 3


Members of the Texas Society of Architects

2012 Member Count

play an incredibly vital role in maintaining



and supporting Texas architecture. They also



receive exclusive access to our publications,



legislative support, annual convention, and



invaluable resources at the local, state, and



national levels.

Allied Members


honor awards programs, and many other

In 2012, the Society had a total of 6,387 members. This total represents just over 8% of the AIA National membership, which

6500 6000 5500

allowed us to hold on to a third AIA regional


director for the second year in a row. In


addition, we had 200 student and allied



4500 3500 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

2012 Chapter Count 30






NE Texas







SE Texas







West Texas


El Paso


Wichita Falls


Fort Worth


1738 103

4 Texas Society of Architects


Houston LRGV


San Antonio



Charles A. John, AIA 2012 Treasurer

Cautious optimism — a term we hear a lot

The surplus noted above will be distributed

Operating Checking

2012 Assets $789,249

lately — aptly describes the Society’s finan-

among our various reserves in order to

Board Designated Reserves


cial approach in 2012, for which we adopted

replenish them to pre-building purchase

Unrestricted Reserves


a budget very similar to 2011’s but with a

days. Once they are at a comfortable level,

Total Cash


slightly higher bottom line. The new figures

those funds will be available for capital

Accounts Receivable


were set in anticipation of increased revenue

improvements as well. A portion of the

Other Current Assets


expected from the slight dues increase

surplus will also go into the Society’s “rainy

Total Current Assets


adopted the previous year, and new sales

day” reserve.

Building & Land


and marketing strategies for our Annual

Other Fixed Assets


Convention and Design Expo.

Accumulated Depreciation


Total Fixed Assets


Diligent work by our executive vice presi-

tion is solid, with a healthy cash position.

Other Assets


dent and staff kept expenses down in 2012

Challenges remain, of course, but a great

Total Assets


without sacrificing member services. We

deal was accomplished in 2012. Our Finance

had a net income of $140,000 for the year,

Committee, Executive Committee, Board of

Liabilities and Fund Balance

and our overall revenue was up 4.5% over

Directors, and dedicated staff remain com-

Deferred Revenue


projections. This was due in large part to

mitted to monitoring expenses, increasing

Current Liabilities


our convention revenue being higher than

revenue, and streamlining financial account-

Mortgage Payable



ing in order to simplify monitoring and create

Total Liabilities

As the abbreviated balance sheet on this page illustrates, the Society’s financial posi-


even more transparency in reporting.

Fund Balance


Also in 2012, the lease on our previous office

Net Income


space on Congress Avenue finally ended, and

With a continued strong and healthy busi-

Total Fund Balance


this was the first full year that Texas Archi-

ness environment in Texas, we can look for-

tects occupied our new home at 500 Chicon.

ward to another solid financial year in 2013.

Total Liabilities & Fund Balance


Thus, the 2012 budget included a line item for operations and maintenance expenses associated with the new location, as will

Statement of Financial Position for Year 2012

future budgets. Like most homeowners, we have a wish list of desired improvements for the space, and we anticipate that sponsors and in-kind contributions will make these updates possible in the near future.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 5


Board of Directors Officers


Craig Reynolds, FAIA, President; Lawrence

Bill Wilson, FAIA, AIA Director; Elizabeth

Speck, FAIA, President-elect; Tim Rice

Chu Richter, FAIA, AIA Director; John

McClarty, Secretary; Charles A. John,

Nyfeler, FAIA, AIA Director; Cesar Gal-

Treasurer; Elizabeth del Monte, FAIA, Vice

legos, Assoc. AIA, Regional Associate

President, Advocacy; Paul Dennehy, Vice

Director; Adam Reed, Assoc. AIA, Associ-

President, Member Services; Dohn LaBiche,

ate Member Director; Morris Brown, FAIA,

FAIA, Vice President, Practice; J. Andy

Educator Member Director; Bonnie Conner,

MacPhillimy, Vice President, Outreach

Hon. Member, Public Member Director; Steve Ellinger, Abilene Chapter; Jim Williams, Amarillo Chapter; Michael Cowan, Austin Chapter; Darren Heine, Brazos Chapter; Laura Bennett, Corpus Christi Chapter; Todd Howard, Dallas Chapter; Melissa Brandrup, El Paso Chapter; Sandra Dennehy, Fort Worth Chapter; Caryn Mims Ogier, Houston Chapter; Diana BravoGonzalez, Lower Rio Grande Valley Chapter; Gary Ferguson, Lubbock Chapter; Alan Roberts, Northeast Texas Chapter; Robert Lopez, San Antonio Chapter; J. Robert Clark, Southeast Texas Chapter; David Nisbet, Assoc. AIA, Waco Chapter; Melina Cannon, Assoc. AIA, West Texas Chapter; Troy Secord, Wichita Falls Chapter Ex Officio: James Perry, Executive Vice President/CEO

6 Texas Society of Architects

Committees and Task Forces The Society is organized into five commissions — Advocacy, Member Services, Practice, Operations, and Outreach — each consisting of various committees and task forces charged with carrying out specific aspects of our mission. The work of the commissions is overseen by the Board of Directors. Below are a few highlights of committee achievements in 2012: • The Design Committee organized the Society’s first ever Design Conference, which took place in Midland in February. • The Digital Communications Committee was created to assist staff in developing our redesigned website, which debuted in late 2011, to its fullest extent. • The Continuing Education, Convention and Convention Futures committees collaborated to re-imagine our annual convention. The resulting 73rd Annual Convention and Design Expo boasted more tours, more CE sessions, and more attractions for emerging professionals and architectural students than ever before. • The IgCC Task Force completed a “Road Map” to describe how portions of the new International Green Construction Code might be addressed by municipalities. The team solicited the endorsement of the Sustainable Environment, Codes & Standards and Government Affairs Steering committees, as well as the board, for local adoption. • The Government Affairs Steering Committee continued to advise efforts by the Texas Architects lobbying team in preparation for the 83rd Legislative Session by reviewing the Sunset Advisory Commission’s hearings on TBAE, the activity surrounding public-private partnerships, and tax issues. We thank all the members who lent their time, talent and energy to help move the Society and the profession forward in 2012.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 7


2012 Honor Awards The Society’s Honor Awards recognize exceptional members, firms, individuals and organizations for their outstanding

Associate Member of the Year Cesar Gallegos, El Paso Fokus on Architecture

achievements in support of the profession of architecture. Our 2012 recipients were:

Award for Excellence in the Promotion of Architecture through the Media in Honor of

Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Honor of Llewellyn W. Pitts, FAIA Charles R. Tapley, FAIA, Houston Architecture Firm Award Kirksey Architecture, Houston Principals: John Kirksey, FAIA; Wes Good, AIA Award for Young Professional Achievement in Honor of William W. Caudill, FAIA Elizabeth M. Price, AIA, Brenham Upchurch Architects Award for Community Service in Honor of James D. Pfluger, FAIA Irby Hightower Jr., FAIA , San Antonio Alamo Architects

John G. Flowers, Hon. AIA Jerome Weeks, Dallas Art & Seek Program Producer, KERA Reporter Helen Thompson, Austin Writer/editor covering residential architecture and design

Citation of Honor Susan Allen Kline, Fort Worth Historian and preservation consultant City of McKinney Historic preservation and revitalization of McKinney’s Downtown Square

Artisan Award James B. Cinquemani, Dallas Architectural metal design and fabrication

Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions in Honor of Edward Romieniec, FAIA Joseph Mashburn, FAIA, Houston George D. Hines College of Architecture at the University of Houston

8 Texas Society of Architects

Honorary Membership Adelaide B. Leavens, Fort Worth Executive Director, Streams and Valleys Terri Thornton, Fort Worth Artist and Curator of Education, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth

Additional Recognition Design Awards

(Dallas) by Gensler Dallas; UT Visual Arts

Sandfield. Following its completion in 1957,

This program recognizes outstanding

Center (Austin) by Lake|Flato Architects.

Temple Emanu-El was widely acclaimed as

architectural projects by architects practic-

a brilliant alliance of architecture and art.

ing in Texas and promotes public interest in

Studio Awards

More than 50 years later, it remains an awe-

architectural excellence. Jurors for the 2012

The Studio Awards program recognizes the

inspiring modernist masterpiece. The award

Design Awards were Angie Brooks, AIA,

best designs in unbuilt, often conceptual,

jury commented that the building “reflects

of Brooks + Scarpa in Los Angeles; Eddie

architecture. The jurors for our 2012 Studio

an exquisite use of indigenous materials and

Jones, AIA, of Jones Studio in Phoenix; and

Awards were Tony Ames, FAIA, of Anthony

contrasting illumination, and also represents

James Timberlake, FAIA, of Kieran Timber-

Ames Architect; John R. Stephenson, AIA, of

one of the finest collaborations between art

lake in Philadelphia. Brain William Kuper,

Richard Wittschiebe Hand; and Christopher

and architecture in the Southwest.”

AIA, served as committee chair.

Welty, AIA, of Southern Polytechnic State

Out of the 227 entries submitted, 13 proj-

University’s Department of Architecture, all

Cornerstone Award

from Atlanta.

This annual award is given to a member of

ects were honored:

the public to recognize outstanding contri-

Brownwood Park Pavilions (Dallas) by

Out of a pool of 60 entries, five projects were

butions that enhance the quality of life by

Oglesby Greene; Cathedral of Hope


elevating architecture and the arts, promot-

Interfaith Peace Chapel (Dallas) by Philip

FED_Scraper by HKS, Dallas; Fire/Beach

ing the value of community, or preserving

Johnson and Alan Ritchie Architects with

House by James Henry, HDR Architecture,

the natural environment. Our 2012 Corner-

Cunningham Architects; Cotillion Park

Dallas; Gdansk Museum of the Second

stone Award recipient was Liz Lambert. A

Pavilion (Dallas) by Mell Lawrence Archi-

World War by Vincent Snyder Architects,

West Texas native and University of Texas

tects; Haven for Hope (San Antonio) by

Austin; Itinerant Oil Worker Housing by

Law graduate, Lambert was honored for her

Overland Partners; Houston Food Bank

Mike McGlone, Alamo Architects, San Anto-

many ventures that have contributed to the

(Houston) by RdlR Architects; I-35 Makeover

nio; VeloCity: Mapping Houston on the

fabric of their surrounding communities and,

Project (Austin) by Cotera+Reed Architects;

Diagonal by Peter Muessig, Rice University

in many cases, instigated their development.

Kimber Modern B&B (Austin) by Burton Bal-

School of Architecture, Houston.

These include the Hotel San José in Austin,

dridge Architects; McGarrah Jessee Build-

the El Cosmico compound in Marfa, and the

ing (Austin) by McKinney York Architects;

25-Year Award

Military Medical Center Addition (San

The Texas Architects 25-Year Award recog-

Antonio) by RTKL Associates; Rice Univer-

nizes a building of enduring significance that

sity Bioscience Research Collaborative

has withstood the test of time by retain-

(Houston) by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill;

ing its central form, character, and overall

Tellepsen Family Downtown YMCA (Hous-

architectural integrity. In 2012, this accolade

ton) by Kirksey Architecture; TM Advertising

was bestowed on Temple Emanu-El in

Hotel Havana in San Antonio, among others.

Dallas, designed by Howard Meyer and Max The Voice for Texas Architecture 9


Year in Review In 2012, the Society had plenty to do legis-

the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

latively including monitoring the develop-

(TBAE) should be continued as a stand-

ment and adoption of the International Code

alone agency, and whether or not it should

Council’s new Green Construction Code

continue to be recognized as Self-Directed,

(IgCC) and preparing for the 83rd Regular

Semi-Independent (SDSI).

Session in 2013. A great deal of preparation and participation IgCC Task Force

went into the Society’s response to the SAC

In 2012, the IgCC Task Force crafted a joint

staff recommendations regarding TBAE and

resolution based on the review and com-

other agencies, including the Texas Facilities

ments of the Society’s Codes & Standards,

Commission (TFC). While our primary focus

Sustainable Environment and Government

is the continuation of TBAE and TFC, we also

Affairs Steering committees. The board of

want to ensure that their enabling language

directors approved the resolution, which

is as clear, strong and consistent as possible

supported IgCC adoption, subject to local

while taking appropriate steps to see that it is

chapters having the opportunity to dem-

also as current and efficient as possible.

onstrate architects’ ability to be “trusted code advisors.” The IgCC Task Force spent

Advocates for Architecture Day

the rest of the year developing “A Road Map

In 2012, the Government Affairs Steering

for the Adoption of the International Green

Committee took the lead in getting members

Construction Code,” a guide to assist the

excited about and registered for the

state’s 17 chapters in educating local govern-

Society’s second Advocates for Architecture

ments about what’s included in the IgCC.

Day, which took place on January 29,

The “Road Map” is intended to relate specific

2013, at the State Capitol. The committee

chapters of the code, which is national in

offered onsite enrollment at our annual

scope, to standard regional practices so that

convention and created materials about

local governments aren’t surprised by any

key positions the Society would be taking

of the initiatives included in this new overlay

(such as promoting energy and resource


conservation, full procurement transparency for government design projects, and

Sunset Reviews

adequate support for key agencies) so we

2012 was the year for the Sunset Advi-

could hit the ground running in 2013.

sory Commission (SAC) to consider staff recommendations about whether or not 10 Texas Society of Architects

Texas Architects Committee The Texas Architects Committee (TAC) received $115,309 in contributions during 2012 from

2012 Executive Trustees

716 individual, company, or chapter contributions, which represents an approximately 11%

Todd Howard, Chair; Mike Butler; Mary

participation rate. While all the personal contributions that TAC receives are appreciated and

Crites; Eric Hahnfeld; Chris Noack; Terry D.

used to promote and protect the business of architecture, a special acknowledgement is due


to the 470 Century Club members who contributed at least $100 during the year, especially the 134 Silver Century ($250-$499), 37 Gold Century ($500-$999), and 22 Platinum Century

2012 Advisory Trustees

($1,000+) donors.

Imad Abdullah; Paul Bielamowicz; Paul Bonnette; Janis Bracket; Charles Browne;

TAC publicly acknowledged the extra effort of the five chapters — Amarillo, Lubbock, South-

Mike Butler; Bruce Carlson; Michael Cowan;

east Texas, West Texas, and Wichita Falls — that met or exceeded their local monetary goal.

Carl Daniel; Jacqui Dodson; Brian Eason;

In addition to monetary goals, goals were also set for the number of individuals contributing

Gary Ferguson; Anthony Haas; Barry Hand;

from each chapter. The Lower Rio Grande Valley, Waco, West Texas and Wichita Falls chapters

Michael Hellinghausen; Jeff Hill; Randy

all met or exceeded this goal in 2012. In 2012 TAC reached 85% of its monetary goal and 80%

Hohlaus; Michael Hovar; Terry Hoyle; Dallas

of its participation goal.

Hughes; Brian Keith; Ted Kollaja; Donald Kubala; Eric Kuehmeier; Dohn LaBiche; Alyse

Platinum Century Club Members ($1000+)

Makarewicz; Richard Munoz; Ian Powell;

Austin Tommy Cowan, FAIA; John Nyfeler, FAIA; Larry Speck, FAIA; Brazos Charlie Burris;

Philip Ramirez; Glenda Ramsey; Eva Read-

Dallas John Craig Beale, FAIA; Lyle Burgis; Mattia Flabiano; Todd Howard; David Lind, FAIA;

Warden; Bill Reeves; Craig Reynolds, FAIA;

Robert Morris, FAIA; Shade O’Quinn; Thomas Reisenbichler; Craig Reynolds, FAIA; Mark

Tommy Stewart; Dean Strombom; Matthew

Watford, FAIA; Fort Worth Bruce Carlson; Randall Gideon, FAIA; Eric Hahnfeld; Christopher

Tilbrook; Chris Upton; Darrell Vickers;

Huckabee; Houston Lonnie Hoogeboom; Perry Seeberger; Lubbock Mike Moss; West Texas

Michael Voit; Derek Webb; Ed Werth; Jim Wil-

Dan Hart

liams; Al York; David Zatopek

Gold Century Club Members ($500 - $999) Abilene Rick Weatherl; Amarillo Thomas Lavin; Jim Williams; Austin Randy Fromberg; Stuart Sampley; Cyndy Severson; Richard Weiss; Brazos Andrew Hawkins; Dallas Wayne Barger; Joe Buskuhl, FAIA; Duncan Fulton, FAIA; Heidi Higgason; Stephen Hulsey; Eric Kuehmeier; Kirk Teske; Donovan Wattier; El Paso Bert Mijares; Fort Worth David Stanford; James Nader, FAIA; Charles Nixon; Leesa Vardeman; Houston David Calkins, FAIA; Val Glitsch, FAIA; Michael Horan; Lubbock Mary Crites; Theresa Drewell; Liz Lonngren; Northeast Texas Mike Butler; Alan Roberts; San Antonio Debra Dockery; Southeast Texas Rob Clark; Philip Long; Wichita Falls Dick Bundy; Jackie Lebow; David Potter; Troy Secord; Richard Sims

The Voice for Texas Architecture 11


Dick Bundy, AIA 2012 TAF President

Texas Architectural Foundation 2012 TAF Board of Directors

May 2012 marked the 60th anniversary of the Texas Architectural Foundation (TAF), which was established in 1952 to “make possible the dream of an architectural education to deserv-

Dick Bundy, President; Bryce Weigand,

ing students and to enhance the quality of the academic experience at Texas’ accredited

FAIA, Vice President; Tommy N. Cowan,

schools of architecture.” At that time, only five accredited schools of architecture existed.

FAIA, Treasurer; Chris Hudson, Secretary;

Today, there are eight universities in the state providing the education critical to the profes-

James Perry, Executive Vice President;

sion through excellent architecture programs.

Debra Dockery; Don Gatzke; Kurt Hull; Sharon LeMond; David Messersmith,

In 1953, the first scholarships were issued to four architecture students, and from 1953

FAIA; John Nyfeler, FAIA; Craig Reynolds,

through 2012, TAF has granted 2,042 scholarships totaling $2,093,869. Through the continu-

FAIA; Lawrence Speck, FAIA; Frederick

ing generosity of donors from across the state, in 2012 TAF issued 59 scholarships and grants

Steiner, Assoc. AIA; David Watkins, FAIA

totaling $71,750. Funding is provided through endowments and designated funds established by individuals, firms, nonprofit organizations and AIA chapters in Texas, and through our annual fundraiser, the Texas BIKEiTECTs Tour des Monuments Ride. This year’s ride was held on October 21, and we appreciate all the riders and sponsors who helped make the event a success. Communication with donors was a key focus of the TAF board in 2012, as was strategic planning for growing the endowment to make even more scholarships available for students. TAF’s total funds for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 were $1,585,999, and for FY 2012, total contributions received were $39,497. TAF is able to realize its goals through the generous support of individuals, firms and organizations that recognize the importance of investing in both students and the community for the benefit of future generations. Thank you for your support!

12 Texas Society of Architects

“I express my deepest grati-

“It is an honor to receive the

tude as the recipient of the

[West Texas Chapter AIA

Mattia J. Flabiano Jr., South-

Scholarship] award, and I’m so

west Terrazzo Association

grateful for the financial assis-

Scholarship. I was ecstatic to

tance. Your generosity both

learn of your support for my

eases my load and encourages

education and career ambi-

my continued pursuit of a

tions. Your generous invest-

career in architecture.”

ment in my future has relieved a great deal of financial stress, and has allowed me to fulfill my academic ambitions.”

Kevin M. Walsh Architecture Graduate Student Texas A&M University

Carrie Joynton Architecture Graduate Student The University of Texas at Austin

2012 Scholarship and Grant Recipients Prairie View A&M University School of

Victoria Adams; John Only Greer and Wanda

School of Architecture AIA Fort Worth Charles

Architecture Association Administrators &

Knight Greer Architectural Endowment: Lance

R. Adams Memorial Scholarship: Connor

Consultants Architecture Scholarship: Vilma L.

Keoki Kubiak; Mattia J. Flabiano Jr. Southwest

Peirce; AIA Northeast Texas Chapter Scholar-

Gonzalez; Hugh M. Cunningham Grant: Sebas-

Terrazzo Association Architecture Scholarship:

ship: Jamie Michelle Wallace; El Paso Chapter

tian Stuart Niz; Michael Maraldo, Sr. Southwest

Kevin M. Walsh; O’Neil Ford Traveling Fellow-

AIA Scholarship: Uriel Carrillo; Southwest

Terrazzo Association Architecture Scholarship:

ship: Ben Wilde; Texas A&M University Scholar-

Terrazzo Association Architecture Scholarship:

Jordan Margaret Price; Rice University School

ship Endowed by Edward John Romieniec, FAIA:

Carlos Mireles; University of Texas at Austin

of Architecture Association Administrators

Jing Zhang; Texas Architectural Foundation AIA

School of Architecture Abilene Chapter AIA

and Consultants Architecture Scholarship:

Grant: Robyn B. Beatty; Theodore S. Maffitt,

Architecture Scholarship: Chad Scott Bunnell;

Hannah Lee; E. G. Spencer Scholarship: Ryan

Jr., FAIA and Patricia J. Maffitt Scholarship:

AIA Amarillo Chapter Scholarship: Julie Huynh;

Michael Botts; Lonnie Hoogeboom Scholarship

Mario Alberto Salinas; Tyler J. Viney Memo-

AIA Austin Chapter Scholarship: Nathaniel

for Rice University: Ni ‘Jenny’ Zhan; Mattia J.

rial Scholarship: Erica Schneider; Wichita

Muhler; AIA Waco Chapter Memorial Scholar-

Flabiano, Jr. Southwest Terrazzo Association

Falls Chapter AIA Scholarship: Le Phuc; Texas

ship: Barron Whitney Peper; El Paso Chapter

Architecture Scholarship: Tsvetelina Zdraveva,

Tech University College of Architecture A. S.

AIA Scholarship: Diana Margarita Rodriguez;

Hugh M. Cunningham Grant: Rice School of

Megert Memorial Scholarship: Peter E. Purdy;

Eva and Jay W. Barnes, FAIA Scholarship for the

Architecture; Betty R. and George F. Pierce,

AIA Lubbock Chapter Memorial Scholarship for

University of Texas at Austin: Jennifer Anne

Jr., FAIA Fund: Rice School of Architecture

Graduate Studies: Mitchell Lee Fuqua; Dennis

Kerrick; Kenneth Lanier Anderson Prize: Univer-

Lecture Series; Texas Architectural Founda-

Cowan Memorial Scholarship in Architecture:

sity of Texas at Austin Student Team; Michael

tion AIA Grant: Ryan Michael Botts; Texas

Jessica Isabelle Badoe; Edwin W. and Alyce

Maraldo, Sr. Southwest Terrazzo Association

A&M University College of Architecture AIA

O. Carroll Scholarship: Corey Rothermel; San

Architecture Scholarship: Madison A. Dahl;

Southeast Texas Chapter Douglas E. Steinman

Antonio Conservation Society Foundation

Professor Goldwin Goldsmith Memorial Schol-

Scholarship: Amy Whitman; Brazos Chapter of

Scholarship Honoring Brooks Martin, FAIA:

arship in Architecture: Brian Doherty; Ruth

the American Institute of Architects Scholar-

Eric S. James; Southwest Terrazzo Association

Kaigler Goode and D. Rex Goode Scholarship:

ship: Kindall Stephens; Charles Lamar and

Architecture Scholarship: Brett Alan Foutz; Tim

Higinio Turrubiates Jr.; San Antonio Conserva-

Verda McKittrick Endowed Scholarship: Crystal

Terry-Huckabee & Associates Scholarship: Luis

tion Society Foundation Scholarship Honoring

Dyll; Fay H. Spencer Memorial Scholarship in

Martin Medina; Wichita Falls Chapter AIA Schol-

Brooks Martin, FAIA: Rachel Bullock; Walter

Architecture: Jing Zhang; George F. Harrell, II

arship: Andrew Toney; University of Houston

T. Rolfe Memorial Scholarship: Kyle Richard

Memorial Scholarship: Samuel Florance; H. Leo

Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture Gray-

Knaggs; West Texas Chapter AIA Scholarship:

Tucker Scholarship Endowed by Tittle Luther

son Gill Memorial Scholarship: Laura Ashley

Carrie Alice Joynton; University of Texas at

Loving: Duygu (Albostan) Yenerim; Horace

Hollon; Hugh M. Cunningham Grant: College of

San Antonio College of Architecture AIA San

B. McCord Memorial Scholarship: Robyn B.

Architecture; Mattia J. Flabiano, Jr. Southwest

Antonio Daryl Engel Memorial Scholarship in

Beatty; Hugh M. Cunningham Grant: Eryka

Terrazzo Association Architecture Scholarship:

Architecture: Timotei Dudas; Louis & Marcus

Bueno-Zavala; James E. Deininger Traveling Fel-

Roy Delgado; Paul and Katie Stein Scholarship:

Zanchettin Southwest Terrazzo Association

lowship: Ben Wilde; John J. Luther Scholarship:

Nanako Hori; University of Texas at Arlington

Architecture Scholarship: Karen T. Andzic The Voice for Texas Architecture 13

Member Resources


Design Conference


The Texas Society of Architects 73rd Annual

This year, the Society introduced a new

Texas Architect

Convention and Design Expo, held on Octo-

annual symposium organized by our Design

In 2012, the Society’s magazine continued

ber 18-20 in Austin, was a huge hit. Keynot-

Committee. The inaugural Design Confer-

its legacy of publishing high-quality and

ers for the event were Robert Hammond,

ence, themed “Architecture in the Hinter-

innovative projects, as well as news and

co-founder of the High Line in New York City,

lands,” took place on February 17-18 in the

information related to the state of architec-

and Roman Mars, award-winning host and

town of Midland and focused on how signifi-

ture in Texas. A new design complementing

radio producer of 99% Invisible. The speak-

cant design work is created and nurtured

the Society’s updated branding was debuted

ers examined the role of design in the con-

in regions far removed from major urban

in our January/February issue, which

text of the convention’s theme, “Influence.”

centers. The event celebrated the residential

focused on “The Education of an Architect”

design of Frank Welch, FAIA, who practiced

and received great reviews.

Our 2012 convention featured more tours,

in Midland from the 1960s through the early

more continuing education sessions, and,

’80s, and featured a keynote by acclaimed

In addition to refreshing the look of the

for the first time in Texas Architects history,

Canadian architect Brian MacKay Lyons,

magazine, the editorial staff, with guidance

a track of classes specifically for Emerg-

known for crafting graceful buildings in

from the Society’s Publications Committee

ing Professionals, resulting in considerable

out-of-the-way places. It also included a pre-

and Storyboard Subcommittee, undertook a

growth in every single attendee cate-

sentation by architectural historian Edward

new approach to telling the story of featured

gory. Guided by our enthusiastic Convention

Bosley. Attendees came away inspired both

buildings — one that emphasizes the impact

Committee, and working in close collabora-

by the innovative designs they saw, and by

of the architecture on the surrounding com-

tion with the AIA Austin local chapter, we

the warm personal fellowship they experi-

munity. Our November/December issue, for

pushed our Annual Convention and Design

enced. This conference, which was organized

example, included an exploration of how the

Expo to a new level of success. We look

by the Society’s Design Committee, will

conversion of an old fire station into an art

forward to 2013 in Fort Worth!

become an annual event.

center in Lubbock sparked a series of similar projects and created a bona fide arts district in the city. Our new editor, Catherine Gavin, joined the Society in October; she follows guest editor Larry Paul Fuller and long-term editor Stephen Sharpe, Hon. AIA. Under her direction, the editorial team, which consists of Texas Architects staff and volunteer writers, will continue covering current issues in the field, such as development pressures, sustainability policies, and conservation practices.

14 Texas Society of Architects

It will also broaden its coverage to include


updates, spreading the word on trending

more articles focused on landscape architec-

In March of 2012, the Society launched an

topics, and gathering feedback on important

ture and urban design.

all-new and rebranded CheckSet, which was


designed to complement the look of our TexasArchitects.org

website and provide a more visually appeal-

Over the past year, our Twitter following grew

Following a successful re-launch of our

ing e-newsletter for our members. The new

to more than 5000, and our Facebook page

website, www.texasarchitects.org, in late

design features a clean, easy-to-read layout

nearly doubled its membership with over

2011, we continued to refine and update

that has been met with an overwhelmingly

1200 people joining the conversation. The

the website throughout 2012. Fine-tuning

positive response from readers. This new

continued growth in social media reminds us

the site’s underlying infrastructure allowed

and improved CheckSet is also more directly

just how valuable these new forms of com-

us to improve its overall ease of use, and

connected to content available at

munication can be in reaching out directly to

addressed such features as search function-

www.texasarchitects.org, resulting in more

our members.

ality, content management, member profile

traffic to our website.

updates, and more. Broadcast Emails Over the course of the past year, the site has

In addition to CheckSet, Texas Architects

grown into an important source of informa-

continued to send broadcast emails on a

tion for both AIA members and the general

monthly basis to further help keep members

public alike. The Texas Architects commu-

informed of events taking place within the

nications staff frequently publishes articles

Society. Topics covered included updates on

discussing the latest architectural news

advocacy efforts, news regarding our Annual

and issues impacting the profession, while

Convention and Design Expo, important

also sharing updates on upcoming events,

deadlines, and other action items.

impending deadlines, and other items pertaining to the Society. These regular updates

Social Media

have made our website an invaluable hub of

In 2012, social media, such as Facebook and

information for members and helped us to

Twitter, continued to play an important role

fulfill our mission to be “the voice for Texas

in our ever-evolving communications plan.


These tools not only help us to quickly share important information with members, allied

As a result of these efforts, traffic to the web-

professionals, and the general public, but

site continues to show steady growth across

also give us the opportunity to have a two-

a variety of audiences.

way dialogue with these audiences. That has proved invaluable in sharing time-sensitive The Voice for Texas Architecture 15


James Perry Executive Vice President/CEO

2012 In Retrospect For the staff of the Texas Society of Architects, 2012 was a year of continued transition and improvement. The purpose of an association staff is to provide the best possible support and guidance for the goals of the board and committees — and we continue to be better each year, focusing on the following elements: Always improving communications Our new website has been in place for a year, and while its design has received universal praise, based on analytics, we’re exploring ways to improve the design to be more interactive. Our social media efforts also appear to be having a positive effect on website traffic and assisting our members and the general public in finding items of interest about the Society and architecture in Texas. Committees’ functions A great deal of the work of the Society originates in our committees — we have more than 20 — and 2012 saw stellar culminations. Other sections of this report highlighted our Design Awards and first-ever Design Conference, “Architecture in the Hinterlands,” both of which were produced by the Texas Architects Design Committee. Other committees of particular note in 2012 include the Convention, Convention Futures, Digital Communications, and New Media committees, as well as the IgCC Task Force. Texas Architect The transition from Larry Paul Fuller, interim editor, to Catherine Gavin, editor, is complete. The magazine staff, including new assistant editor Monica Cavazos Mendez, and contributing members are fully engaged in presenting projects in a new way. They are focusing more on the impact that architects’ work is having on their communities, looking to engage readers not only about the “how” or “what” of architecture, but also the “why.” Financial transparency Our staff continues to adapt our methods so that our Finance Committee and Board receive financial reports that clearly indicate sources of revenue and how expenditures have been made. Our forecasting models for annual planning continue to improve, and we’re pleased that our care has produced revenue at the end of the year to be added to reserves.

16 Texas Society of Architects

Government relations The government relations team continues to be guided by issues brought by members through the Government Affairs Steering Committee (GASCOM). Weekly meetings of the team monitor the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of our state’s government and have ensured that the interests of our members and the practice of architecture are protected.

Texas Society of Architects Staff Jeanette Allison, Kraig Becker, Robert Bennett, Margaret Cathey, Monica Cavazos Mendez, Catherine Gavin, Elizabeth Hackler, Ted Kozlowski, David Lancaster, Hon. AIA, Tod Stehling, Julie Pizzo Wood

Convention planning and implementation The Texas Architects staff produces the second largest architectural convention in the United States (second only to the AIA National Convention). For our 2012 Convention, both the Austin Convention Committee and the Convention Futures Committee were encouraged to be as innovative as possible. The result was an energetic convention featuring a revamped schedule, more tours, and increased attendance by architects, associates, students and exhibitors. 500 Chicon The building owned by the Society continues to be improved each year with continuing goals of improving energy efficiency, as well as improving the function of the building as used by our staff and members. We look forward to building on these successes in 2013.

The Voice for Texas Architecture 17

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