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TabeaSchwei zerová DolníKouni ce626,66464 Phone:+420732102525 Emai l:tabea@seznam. cz

curri culum vi tae TabeaSchwei zerová DolníKouni ce626,66464 Phone:+420732102525 Emai l:tabea@seznam. cz Educati on: 2002-2011 Hi gh schoolj anablahoslava,I vanči ce 2011Uni versi tyofTechni cs,Facultyofarchi tecture Addi ti onaleducati on: 2012

-Hueber -German languageschoolTopLanguageCenter-conversati on

Employmenthi story: 2006-2011 -A-poolswi mmi ng poolsand saunass. r. o,Potocká7,Brno 62300 -partti mej ob -J obposi ti on:secretary,warehouseman, -J obdescri pti on:customeracceptance,arti clesearch,facturati ng,reporti ng, 2012–now -TopLanguageCenters. r. o -partti mej ob -J obposi ti on:teacherofGerman language -J obdescri pti on:teachi ng employeesofHoneywellto bemore communi cati vei n German language,vocabulary,readi ng,pronounci ati on 2012–now -TheMoravi an Gallery–J urkovi csvi lla( archi tecturalmonument) -partti mej ob -J obposi ti on:gui de -J obdescri pti on:gui di ng vi si torsfrom Germanyand Austri ai nJ urovkovi csvi lla Languageski lls: Czech –motherlanguage German –motherlanguage Engli sh –B2( upperi ntermedi ate) Dri vi ng li cence: 2008 -Bcategory( personalvehi cle) perfecti on: -Flexi bi li ty,communi cati veness,responsi bi li ty,reli abi li ty,resi stantto stress, computerski lls: -good knowledgeofmsword,msexcel,autocad,photoshop -averageknowledgeofdt+,googlesketch up,maxdesi gn hobbi es: -Sports,travelli ng,li terature,culture,nature,musi c,archi tecture

recommondati ons i ng.arch.j i říhloušek: translati on: Mi sstabeaschwei zerová,born on apri l21,1990,resi di ng i n kouni ce262e workswi th mefrom thebegi nni ng ofher studi esattheuni versi tyi n brno -archi tecturesi nceoctober2011forthe processi ng ofarchi tecturalproj ectsfor fami lyconstructi on.shei sverydecent, consci enti ous,meti culous,fastlearner. brno,29. 3. 2013

associ ati on fori nterpersonalrelati onshi ps: translati on: Mi ssTabeaSchwei zerováworksasavolunteer i n ournonprofi torgani zati on -ci vi c associ ati on Fori nterpersonalrelati onshi ps i n DolniKouni cefortwo years.sheregulary coorgani zesoureventsforchi ldren,young peopleorparentswi th chi ldren -tri ps, chi ldren' scarni val,musi caland vocal performances,adventworkshops, chi ldren' sbi rthdayparti es,etc.Sheserved asachi efchoi rmasterwhi lepracti ci ng fortheeventforparentschi ldren -musi cal bri cked " Thenun and whathappened next" , i n prepari ng thi syearaschi efmusi cali n nature-" Brave" . Mi ssTabeai sveryconsci enti ous,punctual and reli ablewhen worki ng wi th chi ldren sensi ti veand responsi ble.Shehasgreat organi zati onalski llsand shei screati ve i ni nventi ng programmeaswell. Ourassoci ati on i spleased to recommend Ms.Tabeaforfurtherworkwi th chi ldren Forgeneralquesti onspleasecontactour associ ati on on thephone:420603869293 vi cechai rman Lumi rKonečnyoremai lat dolni kouni ce@muj domov. cz, DolniKouni ceon 2. 4. 2013

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