Keynote Fred van Beuningen CTS 2015

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Clean tech 2.0 Fred van Beuningen

Clean tech revolutionizes how we make, grow, transport and consume things, improving the efficiency, waste profile and manufacturing costs.

Clean Tech Drivers

Population growth

Resource scarcity


Climate change

Hyper cycle of expectations

Peak of inflated expectations Plateau of productivity

Clean tech Slope of enlightenment

Source: Gartner

Trough of disillusionment

The next clean tech wave

Non-disruptive innovations

Clean tech Taxonomy

Source: Kachan & Co.

Clean energy

Energy storage



Air & environment

Clean industry



Clean energy: diverse and decentral

Conventional, renewable and new emerging forms of renewable power. This includes solar, wind, renewable fuels, marine, geothermal and fuel cells.

Clean energy Landscape • • • • •

Wind, solar and biofuels: most viable technologies Geothermal: high investment cost and inherent risk Marine related technologies: increased maturity Varying levels of policy support Clean energy is not exclusively the domain of energy producing utilities

Clean energy Themes • • • •

Distributed generation and management Power grid efficiency / smart meter Utility-scale development Asset management


A fundamental of business is to drive waste out of the cost of goods.


Energy efficiency technologies optimize energy usage by either curbing energy demand or optimizing its allocation.

Efficiency Landscape • • •

Outdated infrastructure Reduce energy use and waste Energy efficient buildings

Efficiency Themes •

Green buildings New HVAC systems Home automation Lighting Insulation


Collaborative consumption

Clean industry

Clean industry

Do more with less

Clean industry Landscape • • • •

Circular economy New generations of industrial equipment New business models Materials innovation

Clean industry Themes • • • •

Green (or sustainable) packaging and materials Supply chain innovation Rethinking product design New industrial processes

Europe EU 2020: Smart, sustainable & inclusive growth through innovation

The Netherlands Knowledge intensive and export oriented sectors

The Netherlands Evolution of cooperation Centrale role for government

Loose cooperation


Knowledge institutes

Triple Helix



Companies Knowledge institites


Knowledge institutes


Our region Sectors

Transport and logistics Energy and petrochemicals Agrifood Maritime and Oshore Security and international institutions

Our region Regional Clean tech themes • • • • • • •

Renewable energy generation Energy Savings & Smart Industry E-Mobility Storage & Smart Grids Conversion Water Technology Urban Mining

South Holland has an extremely rich and diverse clean tech cluster

Energy and petrochemicals




Maritime and Offshore




Our region Green village

TU Delft and industry partners provide a real life testing and demonstration site to accelerate radical innovation for a sustainable future

Our region: innovation potential Based on existing competencies cross sectoral opportunities exist


Lifesciences Security and International institutions

• •

Creative industry

Economic value

Agrifood Maritime and Offshore Cleantech

ICT Financial services




• •

Logistics Energy and Chemicals


Regional clean tech status Full of opportunity

General drivers Clean tech drivers Emerging innovation Commercialised innovation

Regional clean tech ecosystem

Knowledge institutes Universities Independent research organizations Programs

Triple Helix Companies World class engineering Innovative startups Specialized SME’s Multinationals

Governments Clusters Programs Cities

Financial ecosystem for clean tech

• • •

Increasing number of VC funds, but still limited options for B and C Rounds. Business angels more active Availability of grants/soft credits for energy savings demonstration, 
 early stage development, etc.

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