SENT - Taking it Personal, Issue No. 3

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SENT Issue


R 201

E VEMB O N | 3

Some take it

PERSONAL page 8 —



CALLING page 26 — 1









INDIA PG 20-23



MALAYSIA PG 34-35; 39






Sending of Mission Teams Delegate, Deep Calleth Deep Conference 2012 Short term training

CHINA PG 10-13



VIETNAM PG 24-25; 31-32




PHILIPPINES PG 16-19; 36-38





PG 45

Learn Chinese








Dialect PG 46


2014 PG 47-49 HOW TO TAKE




$247, 361


TJ Sponsored Mission Trips












$209,246 80.4% FOREIGN MISSIONS








Nilai Church Johor Bahru Church Antioch Joy Haven Foundation Bangladesh Youth Camp Philippines PIMs & Bible School Support 8 full-time workers (Tuao) 2 PIMs (Pastors formerly from Joy Fellowship) 5 Bible School students


OFFERING Sis Genny Miller









If we do W not give to the mission field, God will shut the womb of the church.

hat is missions? Missions is all about sharing the “cure” that we have been given. Let’s imagine if a man had the cure to cancer, would not everyone expect him to perform his humanitarian duty and share it? Similarly, we Christians have the cure to a deadly disease called sin, and it behooves us to share it with everyone on earth. Our cure is Jesus Christ. We have a responsibility to every nation on the face of this earth to share this cure. We are saved because someone else sacrificed. Be it money, time, or effort, someone made it possible for us to hear the Gospel. We have been abundantly blessed because of the sacrifices someone else made. In turn, it is now our responsibility to give back so that others may share in the Gospel. What do we give back? Well, the Scripture says in Matthew 6:21, “where a man’s treasure is, there his heart is also”. Let us start with our resources (a.k.a. the S-11). Suppose you say that what you have may not be enough in light of all that needs to be done to spread the Gospel. In John 6:1-14, the Bible mentioned a little boy who gave up five loaves and two fishes to feed thousands. It may be meager in light of the needs but it represented all that the boy had. It also must have hurt the little boy to have to give away his food, but it was through the sacrifice that a miracle was birthed. With God, the “meager” sacrifice fed the crowd with leftovers to spare. Perhaps a dollar is not enough to buy a fried chicken wing in Singapore. However, in a third world country, the same amount gets you three chicken wings.

Four hundred dollars may not get you half an iPhone 5 in Singapore, but the same amount will support a pastor and his family for a month – and your returns in investment will be eternal. So tell me… which is the better option? I’ll leave that for your digestion. Besides finance, we can also give in our time and effort to spread the Gospel. Do consider signing up for a short-term mission trip this year. Better yet, bring your family with you. There is nothing like a family vacation with a mission. When you enter the mission field, you will be transformed, you will see your gifting released and your heart ablaze with compassion and zeal for the lost. Go on a mission trip, your worldview will be different and bigger than what you have seen before. 2013 has been a year of equipping leaders, and our focus is on church establishment. There is a reason why there is only one book in the Bible (the Book of Acts) instructing on salvation and 21 books (Epistles) instructing on how to stay saved and do the work of God. As much as we want to see people saved, our mission is not just about going overseas to pray for people to receive the Holy Ghost and rejoice when we see the numbers. It is also to establish these churches and teach them how to sustain their own revival and disciple Christians. I am excited about 2014. We are ready to move into the next phase as an Apostolic Hub. We are another step closer to seeing the plan and vision of God for Tabernacle of Joy fulfilled. As the Antioch of the East, we are doing what Antiochs do — giving, sending and impacting Millions of lives. `

— More on regional centers, flip to page 42.





Many see the need, But Few

Take It Personal P

ilots often use ‘attitude’ to inform of the plane’s horizontal relationship with the runway before they land. If their ‘attitude’ is not aligned properly, the plane will make contact with the ground at the wrong angle and it will cause them to crash. Likewise, our attitudes in the mission field are what goes before our actions in the unpredictability of our surroundings. Taking it personal means aligning our attitudes towards God, God’s people, authority, circumstances, duty, disappointment, tragedy, success, misunderstanding and the lost. The result of all these — unity, signs and wonders, miracles and revival. It all starts with me. In this feature, our saints from Tabernacle of Joy share how God worked in their hearts to birth a burden and heart for the souls around the world. Enter their world as they pour their hearts, share their burdens and show how one saint can make a difference in the world. `



magine with me.You are born as the only child in the family. For the first 18 or so years of your life, you are told to study as hard as you can to get into a good university — only to become, probably, the first person with a degree in the family. If you are lucky enough to be born in a family that has a steady stream of income and your parents are genuinely concerned about your future, they will invest much of their money and effort in you wishing you would be able to compete with your peers — needless to say, that’s a really huge group of people. If you happen to be born in a poor family living in a small village, and if you ever happen to get a chance to go to school, the sole purpose of your education is to give you a chance of having a better life, one that is away from the village. The next “big thing” in life after getting into a university is to find a good job.


Besides educational qualification and experience, another important thing that you need which will allow you to get a good job is connections, which make it unfair to many people. Often, you are told that a good career helps to build your marriage and family. And yes, the next thing on yours and your parents’ list is to find a good spouse. At the end of the day, you find yourself lost in the journey of pursuing a better life. This is what a typical young Chinese of my generation goes through.

Jesus said: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26) Sadly, majority of the people in China never get a chance to know who Jesus is and what He has done to save us. Going to church, or any other religious gathering, is never part of the lifestyle. And many even live to have not met a Christian in their lifetime. Spiritual darkness abounds.They are simply not given a choice, despite it being God’s desire for us from the beginning so that we can choose to worship Him.

Fruits of the Trajectory

How I landed in Singapore

Over the years, the Chinese government’s drive for economic growth has improved the standard of living tremendously, yet it has resulted in the people’s excessive pursuit for materialism while their emotional and spiritual needs are neglected.

I remember my worldview was completely changed when I was six years old after my mother came back from her first overseas trip to the USA. Back then not many Chinese women were open to the idea of traveling abroad. Seeing

FEATURE | Taking it personal


Being brought up in Chengdu, Sis Zeng Shu Qiao relates how she had been that typical Chinese only-child with pounds of expectations set over her, doing anything that can satisfy a craving for freedom — all until God revolutionised her life and reformed her idea of freedom. She firmly believes that God can reach China, one soul at a time.

One soul AT A TIME the things she brought back from the States and photos taken there, I was amazed by everything my mother shared with me. I made up my mind to go overseas when I was thirteen years old. My naive thinking, I thought was my one step closer to freedom back then, away from home. I immaturely believed that going abroad was a getaway from all the responsibilities and expectations that were shouldered on me. And I was blessed that I did not have to wait long before it came true. At the age of 15, I was accepted into Tanjong Katong Girls’ School after taking the entrance examination which marked the official start of my student life in Singapore. On hindsight, it was all part of God’s plan to bring me to Singapore. It soon became clear that I was set free not because I was away from home, but because of His blood and the truth that was presented to me. I was offered the freedom to be able to see, spiritually, and

worship my Creator. And before I knew it, my heart became very much bothered. How can I keep all of these to myself when millions in China have no clue of it? I’ve tried to ignore this feeling, tried to distract myself with other things. I even went to the extent of excusing myself. But my soul was not at peace. Until one day, the unsettling feeling in me reached a point whereby I could no longer live with it, I knew I could no longer run away from it and I finally came to understand that that feeling was a burden from God.

Opportunities for Great Returns My professor, who has studied China economics and politics for years, said in a lecture: it may seem that corruption, misuse and mismanagement of resources are the causes of many issues in China; the

complexity of the country is staggering, but with proper strategies, venturing into China means opportunities for great returns. Of course she’s talking from a business point of view, but whatever she said got stuck with me. Well, if the natural reflects what is in the spiritual realm, God has opened my eyes to see exactly why they need God. Because the thought of the number of people that are lost and the state they are in is overwhelming, the harvest is wide and white. Light, indeed, shines brighter in darkness. All God is calling me to do now is to abide in Him so that I can gather the maximum amount of light, exposure and experience — be it the power of God’s Word or His loving presence on a typical Sunday — to bear good fruit that can be used to bless the millions in my motherland. Yes. I also came to realize that my time here is limited, but it does not mean that I


WHAT TOSAY Welcome Hello Good morning What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you? Where are you from? Pleased to meet you Have you eaten? Long time no see Thank you Sorry Goodbye See you again! Jesus is good Praise God! Jesus loves you


Huan Ying Ni Hao Zao An Ni De Ming Zi Jiao Shen Me? Wo De Ming Zi Jiao ____. Shi Bu Shi Ni Hao Ma? Ni Shi Cong Na Li Lai De? Gao Xing Jian Dao Ni Ni Chi Le Ma? Hao Jiu Bu Jian Xie Xie Dui Bu Qi Zai Jian Xia Ci Zai Jian! Ye Su Zhen Hao Zan Mei Zhu Ye Su Ai Ni

Just this early November, Pastor Anthony Mangun (extreme left) and Sis Mickey Mangun (left) with Bro Marshall were in China, ministering to a group of 100 leaders. Pastor Timothy Lee tagged along with a Singapore team to help with the harvest.

cannot do anything about my burden here in Singapore. In fact, God requires us to put our hands to our burden and vision, however we know how to, wherever we are.

Chinese are everywhere You do not need to go to China to find a Chinese. Each year, thousands of Chinese leave the country seeking education and job opportunities abroad. In the past few months, God has orchestrated many opportunities for me to get to know many Chinese students who have come here to study. It’s another act of God that completly amazes me. I remember it was during DCD last year, God spoke to me specifically to start with where I am and start with those Chinese students that are in Singapore. I truly believe God is able to save those students in this end-time revival, but when I ran through the number of Chinese friends

God, I want to be part of your plan. I do not have much to offer, but whatever You want to use, I give it to you.

that I know of in Singapore, I again turned to God acknowledging I did not know how to begin. The truth of the matter is, God does not want me to come out with this grand plan of how to save millions of souls. All He needs us to say is “God, I want to be part of your plan. I do not have much to offer, but whatever You want to use, I give it to you.” I did not know this simple commitment

I made to God during DCD was what God asked for until I crossed paths with all these Chinese students. It is such a privilege to know them and share the love of Christ with them. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing my fellow countrymen seeking God and His Word, being baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and being filled with the Holy Ghost.

On hindsight Two things I have learnt: One, all it takes is a mustard seed of faith and a willing heart. God can do things exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think. One year ago, I would never imagine or believe the number of Chinese people that we got to know in recent months. If we pray for souls, God will open the door. Two, never underestimate the power of team work. Working with brothers and sisters in Christ has allowed me to see how we can reach these souls together as one body. I like how Mark Batterson put it in his book saying “Uniqueness is God’s gift to you, and uniqueness is your gift to God”.There are areas of someone’s life only you can touch, so I want to encourage you to just be yourself. The very fact that you, a Singaporean, who is willing to show love and care for these foreigners speak volumes. Personally, the love of Christ and support you have shown me deeply touched me when I first came to TJ. I believe God can use that to draw those Chinese people as well. Sometimes God uses us in a way that maybe is not what we would expect.This is probably because God sees our potential but we often focus on our limitations.

Never Inadequate in God Inadequate.That’s how I felt when Pastor asked me to translate materials for PI orientation. I understand the importance of translating these materials accurately and I felt I was not professional enough to do that. It was Pastor who helped me to see the power of investing in translating God’s word. We will never know the number of people

that are going to be blessed by the translated materials. How wonderful it is to know that even though I am not physically in China, what I have done is able to make a difference in someone’s life. There is so much translation work that need to be done, what is my excuse of holding back when God has already given me this bilingual ability? Leadership training materials and discipleship materials are in the process of being translated. I truly believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give to people is the Word of God in the language that they understand. And the Word is much needed for the Chinese people. It is my heart’s desire that every Chinese would have a chance to know who Jesus is and the wonderful plan of salvation. 1.3 billion may seem impossible but our God is a God of possibilities “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15) I often remind myself: start today, start with one soul, and after all God is on our side. `

RECENT TRIP BROTHER Marshall and sister Vani have started a work in POA to reach out to Chinese students who are studying there. Many lives have been touched by their ministry. Around 70 of those Chinese souls have returned to their homeland. One of the objectives of this trip is to connect those students to the local church body ensuring they will continue to grow spiritually. Teaching sessions are conducted in the Beijing church pastored by Pastor Asaph, where leaders from various parts of China are gathered.


FEATURE | Taking it personal


Akolut (Greek for “unrestrained”, “unhindered”)



Video games are what occupied Soe Moe Swe’s mind just five years ago, but in a seemingly accidental turn of events, he is now engaging himself in a war off the screen, in the prayer closet. Here, he pours his desire to become an unhindered army for God.


yanmar,“That’s the country I’m called to”. It’s a blessing and a privilege to be able to say that we have a burden for something as big as a country. But there is something deeper than just having a burden for a country. Just last week during a Purpose Institute lesson Bro Alvin Tan of Tabernacle of Joy received a word that is mind blowing. He was told “Don’t assume you are a missionary to India, you are a missionary to Indians”. I’m convinced that we don’t need to be so fixated on the geographical image of the country and try to “win” or “convert” a country; it’s souls we need to be winning.

By Accident, Not When I walked into my first UTB lesson in 2008 “by accident”, it was after a discussion and a prayer between Bishop Richard Steve Willoughby and Bro Lionel Dabbs. It was about how the country of Myanmar is rigid and strict and “white” people will not be able to minister freely when they are there. They prayed for someone who can minister to them freely — they prayed for one of them. Next thing, I walked into his bible study class. After I got baptised, Brother Lionel had told me three times “God’s gonna use you”. Bro Wesley Chan also walked up to me on a Sunday service not long after I got baptized, and said: “Are you Brother Soe Moe? God’s gonna use you”. Quite frankly this is how it started, people just started telling me these things. Did I want to be a witness and save people from hell? No, I just wanted to play video games back then. In DCD 2012, after Bro Lionel spoke to me again on the way back from DCD, I accepted

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that God wants me to be a part of His revival in Myanmar. This is now a burden I take ownership of, a burden that I will bear. Now that I know I did not walk into the Church by accident. I believe it is because no one can get closer to God and not realise His burden for souls. As I read the bible and listen to sermons, it is evident that it is His will for all of us to be

soul-winners. So God indeed has a purpose for everyone one of us in the Church.

Unity in Doctrine There is a dire need for unity and doctrine in the Church during these last days. Any country that will be changed will only be changed thoroughly if there is unity in

Did I want to be a witness and save people from hell? No, I just wanted to play video games back then. doctrine amongst the “Christians”. How are “Christians” suppose to win the world for God when they are arguing about the Deity of their own God? It is working against us that doctrine is not solidified amongst “Christians”. There is a very real need for a God given revelation on scriptural truths to be established within these days. It is important for each and every one of us to understand and have the ability to defend our doctrine — and this is very biblical.

Akolutos For now we have to study God’s word, be grounded in doctrine and also pray for souls. Prayer is important. Sometimes we can teach the best possible lesson but if we do not bind the “strong man”; it is pointless. I can also pray till I am blue in the face but if I don’t study God’s word and ground myself in doctrine, I might end up teaching false doctrine. It’s God will for everyone to contribute to the harvest. Some will plant the seed, some will water it and God will give the increase. If we all storm the gates of hell in unity under the same Name and doctrine, the gates of hell will not prevail against us. We will become an unrestrained, unhindered army. Akolutos. `



Hello (Well wishes) What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you? Where are you from? Pleased to meet you Have you eaten? Thank you See you again! Jesus is good Jesus loves you

Minglabah Name bar leh? Jer nowt name _____ Hokat Merhot POO Nay Gaung lar? Burma mar bear nar mar nay leh? Tway kaung neh naung Sar pee bee lar? Jay zu bear Pyan Tway meh naung Yesu Kaung neh Yesu _______ cit teh

FEATURE | Taking it personal




To date, Sis Ma Pat Tatel has already been to (a record) eleven mission trips to different parts of Philippines. Sis Grace Hui speaks to her to find out what keeps her going. How long have you been in TJ? Gaano ka na katagal sa Tabernacle of Joy? I was baptised in 1996. Pastor Dodjie was my Pastor since then. Nabautismuhan ako noong 1996. Si Pastor Dodjie na ang naging Pastor ko mula noon. Which part of Philippines have you gone to? Saan parte na ng Pilipinas ka nakarating? I started going on mission trips in 2004. Since then, I have been going at least once every year mostly to the Philippines. I’ve been on trips to Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, Luzon, La Union, Tuao, Mindanao. In total about 11 mission Trips so far. Nagsimula akong sumama sa Mission Trip noong 2004 at magmula noon

nakakasama na ako isang beses sa isang taon. Ang mga lugar na napuntahan ko ay: Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, La Union, Nueva Ecija at Tuao. There is a lot of sacrifice required to go for a mission trip, in terms of time and money. What makes you want to do it? Maraming kinakailangang isakripisyo para makapunta sa Mission trip. Katulad ng oras, pera at iba pa... Ano ang nag-udyok sa iyo na gawin ito? It is my heart’s desire to be a part of a mission trip. Last time, I did not know much about missions. All I knew was through the videos played in church and it was my desire to go one day. Finally God made a way for me to go. So I went. Although financially it was a lot of

sacrifice because I had to pay for the trip using my own money, and of course with the help of the church, but nonetheless, God provided all those finance. He is so faithful. Because of His provision, I can go for mission trips now! And I am happy to go, because I get to see people receive God in their lives, see them respond to God when you pray for them. All these, no amount of money can buy. Sa puso ko matagal ko nang hinangad na makapunta sa mission. Noon, wala akong gaanong alam tungkol sa missions maliban lang sa mga videos na napapanood ko. Gumawa ang Diyos ng paraan na akoy makasama. Kahit malaking sakripisyo sa pera, gayunman ang Diyos ang tumostos ng aking pangangailangan. Hindi mababayaran ng kahit gaanong kalaking halaga ang kagalakan sa puso ko pag nakita ko ang mga


taong tumanggap sa Panginoon. Maraming nababautismuhan sa tubig sa Pangalan ni Jesus at sa Banal na Espiritu. Please share your most prominent memory from your mission trips. Maari ka bang magbahagi ng mga alaala mo sa Mission Trips. There was this once, we prayed for a lady who was drunk (on alcohol) to receive the Holy Ghost. She came drunk for the service and came down the altar to be prayed for and God filled her with the Holy Ghost! A drunk person can receive the holy ghost you know?? (laughter follows). It taught me that even when they pray and surrender to God, they too can receive the Holy Ghost. May isang pagkakataon na may ipinanalangin kaming isang babaeng lasing at siya’y nakatanggap ng Banal na Espiritu. Alam mo ba na kahit ang isang lasing ay nakakatanggap pa rin


ng Banal na Espiritu? (tumawa). Natutunan ko na kahit lasing kung manalangin at susuko sa Diyos ay makakatanggap din ng Banal na Espiritu. What makes you want to keep going? Ano ang naguudyok sa iyo na gustunggusto mong pumunta? Firstly, God gave me a passion for souls. I feel the burden for the lost souls and being able to pray with those seeking for God while being on a mission trip is a tremendous experience for me. It especially touches my heart when I see big strong men lifting their hands and crying for God. I can literally feel them surrendering their hearts to God and I am able to witness them being filled by God. Una, binigyan ako ng Diyos ng pagkahumaling at kabigatan sa mga kaluluwang hindi pa nakakakilala sa Kanya na maipanalangin sila. At ito ang napakagandang karanasan sa pagpunta ko sa Mission Trip ang

nakikita kong pagsuko ng mga tao sa Panginoon at kung paano Niya sila pinupuspos ng Kanyang Espiritu. God also gave me a dream once. In that dream, I was on a mission trip with Pastor Willoughby and Sis Barb where I also attended the biggest evangelistic service ever! I saw thousands and thousands of people, so many that I could not see the preacher by looking even though I was standing on a bench. I took photographs for Pastor Willoughby and Sis Barb and then I woke up. Even though both of them have passed away, but my dream is still fresh. I still believe that one day I will be in a crusade with a few thousand people in it even though it hasn’t happened yet. I know that God will one day show me my dream. May isang panaginip na ibinigay sa akin ng Panginoon. Pumunta daw ako sa mission trip na kasama sila Pastor Willoughby at Sis. Barb. Ito daw ang pinakamalaking evangelistic service na napuntahan ko na may

mga libo-libung tao. At dahil sa kadami ng tao hindi ko makita ang mangangaral kahit ako’y nakatayo sa bangko dahil malayo. Kinuhaan ko daw ng litrato sina Pastor Willoughby at sis. Barb at doon ako nagising. Kahit paman sila’y pumanaw na, ang aking panaginip ay buhay parin sa aking ala-ala. Naniniwala ako na isang araw ipapakita at ipaparanas ito ng Panginoon sa akin. What will you tell a new convert about Mission Trips? Anong masasabi sa mga bagong convert tungkol sa mission trip? It is the most fulfilling thing a Christian could ever experience. Ask God to give you the desire to be a part of a mission trip. Work on your walk with God to mature spiritually, and keep trusting God that He will make a way. Patuloy lang na maghangad, manalangin at maging matapat sa paglilingkod sa Kanya. Siya ang gagawa ng kaparaanan. `

Here I am I

f there was a word to describe this mission trip, it would have to be - different. Different not just because my preparation for this trip was different, not just because God used me in a different manner, but different because it made a difference in my life. This was the first mission trip where we were all required to be trained as counsellors. The two evangelistic events in Filipino Joy Fellowship (FJF) before the mission trip was our practice grounds where we put to test what we have learnt in Spiritual Midwifery. Armed with two events under my wing, I went for that mission trip to Bacolod anticipating to pray people through to the Holy Spirit. However, for once, labourers were aplenty, and therefore I was reassigned to being the modern day scribedocumenting the acts of God in the service through a camera lens. I dutifully carried out my assignment. As I roamed to the back to extend the coverage of the event, I found myself stuck behind the crowds as there were just too many at the altar. This gave me an opportunity to observe those that were behind. I observed local saints praying for those seated, but the response from them lacked what I was hoping for. I thought of how spiritual midwifery was taught in Singapore and the abundance of materials we have available to us. I realised that the Bacolod church did not have what we have. Then it dawned on me the double

The phrase “expect the unexpected” rang truest in Sis Em Joie Gregorio’s eighth mission trip. purpose of a mission trip: to win souls, and to equip and edify the local church. An experience I would never forget is also how God used me in a way I did not plan. I led Sunday Service worship for the first time on a mission trip. Supporting equipment was sparse, there was no projector, nor lyrics. To make things worse, the local people did not speak tagalog let alone sing English songs for praise and worship. I could not imagine how the worship service can be more than just a “sing-and-dance” session. As we were singing the last fast song, it started raining and the thin roof started giving way. People were starting to get distracted. I was expecting us to end the service, but we did not. Soon, water was dripping everywhere, and the local saints scattered, trying to fix all the leaks. But the mission team continued worshipping. Soon, the mission team started praying and laying hands on the congregation. The Spirit of God soon swept through the place in a mighty way. Although Sis Merlita was scheduled to sing next, she was no where to be found. I knew that God wanted me to continue. At that point, I knew then that God was in control; he has always been. God is just needing vessels and it is up to us to choose to say “I don’t know how it’s going to work so count me out” or “Here I am, use me”. I went there one way, and I went home another way just because I chose the latter. `

WHAT TOSAY Welcome Hello Good morning What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you? Where are you from? Pleased to meet you Have you eaten? Long time no see Thank you Excuse me Sorry Goodbye See you again! Jesus is good Praise God! Jesus loves you

Maligayang pagdating Kamusta Magandang umaga Ano ang pangalan mo? Ang pangalan ko ay... Oo Hindi Kamusta ka? Taga-saan ka? Kinagagalak kong makilala ka. Kumakain ka na ba? Tagal na ah! (Informal) Salamat Paumanhin Paumanhin Paalam Sanai mag kita tayo ulit. Si Hesus ay mabuti. Purihin Ang Diyos Mahal ka ni Hesus/Mahal ka ng panginoong Hesukristo (The second one is more formal, with Jesus Christ.) 19

FEATURE | Taking it personal


India To

Desi J After getting in touch with God’s burden for India eight years ago, the statement “Jesus For India” always served as a frontlet between his eyes, so much so that he named his email after it. Alvin Tan shares what has kept his passion burning ever strong for the Indians, also collectively called the Desi people.

PHOTOS | Lindsey Renton, Paulus Veltman, Sachin Khona, Jaan AlBalushi

esus for India. This is my simple slogan that intensifies my vision by the day. This is a vision that involves not less than 1.2 billion people. And this number still dosen’t include those that formed the indian diaspora to lands abroad. Spread over parched lands and deserts in the north, tropics in the east and sea coasts of the south, Indians of different states hold drastically different cultures and traditions, a myriad even wider than that between Singapore and Malaysia. According to the Joshua Project, 2,614 people groups have not heard of the name of Jesus to date. Not surprising, because the Bible has not been translated in their dialect yet. Despite the constant restructuring of constitutional policies, millions of people today still live in slums and poverty, destitution and purposelessness.

Steeped in hope The Gospel of Jesus Christ first set foot in Kerala, a coastal state of India when Apostle Thomas came in 52 A.D. However, the power of the Gospel quickly became diluted and steeped in man-made traditions. For one, the caste system stubbornly remains a discriminant factor in the church— it is common to see Indians who are of the


dalit caste being shunned entry into church. There, the people are deeply religious. House altars are not just devoted to one god, but many of different colours and jurisdictions that play significance to individuals’ lives, be it mercy, love or death. In the streets, it is not a rare sight to see people crowding around the feet of giant idols in the hope of a blessing. In one temple, devotees share milk out of a

When I spoke in Hindi, the looks of amazement on their face were priceless. same plate with thousands of rats. The rats are supposed to be an incarnation of an Indian deity. Gurus continue to attract followings by the hundreds of thousands. It is no wonder that many eastern religions, namely Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism and the Bahai faith retrace their roots to the Indian sub-continent. But the desperation of the people in Kerala,

evidenced by how they are always reaching out to the supernatural and the invisible for signs, is my spring of hope. Knock and it shall be opened, isn’t it? My prayers are that they will start to knock at the right door. And I am only left to pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened that they can even find the door that will open them to the one true God. My journey of discovery began in 2005 when I embarked on a week-long exchange programme to Delhi, the capital of India. A short stint turned out to be gradually lifetransforming.

Taking it personal Gradually, because nothing spectacular stood up during the trip and God’s tug on my heart was gentle. Life-transforming, because I received God’s burden for the people of India during Deep Calleth Deep (DCD) Conference that year, so much so that eight years on, it is still deeply etched in my heart. Since DCD 2005, I took steps to allow myself to minister more effectively to the Indian people. I realised that it was important for me to be able to communicate with the people in their native language. And so I proceeded to learn their languages,

starting from Hindi. Immersing myself into the Indian culture has been nothing short of “exciting”. During a bilateral training exercise in India, I was asked to be the emcee for the opening ceremony which was to be attended by high ranking commanders of both nations. I was honored at being given the opportunity to speak at such a prestigious event but honor turned to trepidation when I realised I was supposed to emcee in both English and Hindi. Fortunately, I was able to seek help from the Indian soldiers who aided me in correcting my vocabulary, grammar and tone. The Indian commanders were expecting a routine opening ceremony when I spoke in english. When I spoke in Hindi, the looks of amazement on their face were priceless. They came to the conclusion that the Singapore Armed Forces had trained their soldiers in the Hindi language. At that moment, those commanders scrambled to learn a Singaporean language. It was hilarious when I found out that a Singaporean commander had taught them the phrase, “Selamat Pagi” and the Indian commanders were literally saying it to every Singaporean soldier that they met. Locally, Little India has become a fruitful fishing pond. I praise God that I have been able to make contact with the people.


I had established contact with an IndianMuslim family who had been going through some marital issues. By listening to their problems and showing patience and God’s love to them, I was able to have a voice of influence in their life. God opened the door for me to pray for the head of the family. The table at which I prayed was directly opposite a mosque. I praise and thank God because, the family’s four children came for the recent Children’s Day party. Truly, God is working in ways we cannot see.

A Mountain-top Experience Last year, I was given the opportunity to go to India to train with the Indian army for a month. It was a wonderful experience interacting with the people. Despite their poverty, they are a happy and contented people who are willing to share and learn. When I was in India, I was able to mingle

The challenge for us is to go up and greet the Bengali construction worker who works next door.

They too are in need of a savior. How will the multitude hear without a preacher? The onus is on us, we who are called to be soldiers in the army of God, to declare adamantly, “Here I am, ready for service!”

One Realisation If we will open our eyes and allow ourselves to feel God’s burden for these souls then we will come to one realisation. God sees the potential of salvation in each and every soul that we come into contact with. I came to that realisation when a man of God said these words to me during a mission trip to Sabah, “You are not a missionary to India, but you are a missionary to Indians.” These words came like the Balm of Gilead and healed my tunnel/limited vision (or Glaucoma, as Pastor Timothy calls it). A quick Rhema word from the Lord and I became open to the staggering potential to minister to Indians wherever I am. I became aware to wherever there is a new construction project — because there will be migrant construction workers working there from India. In cosmopolitan Singapore, many of them also work in the MNCs, SMEs and in almost every other industry. And not to forget the born-and-bred Singaporean Indians that take up nine per cent of the Singaporean population. After all, beyond their roots, culture or skin color is a soul that Jesus loves. Realities of being a Young Singaporean

with the village children who lived nearby. In my interaction, they asked whether I was able to teach them English. In the month that I was there, I was able to see a marked improvement in their command of English. During the month long training stint, I experienced their generosity despite poverty. Being a rather picky eater, I was rather displeased with the food served by the SAF cookhouse. I voiced out my displeasure to my Indian counterparts and they invited me daily to their quarters where they prepared simple yet tasty traditional fare. This is the harvest field that is yet to be reaped by the labourers of Christ. During the trip, I remember countless occasions, when I had to sprint to the top of a hill to obtain a dominant view of the current geographical location. From that height, I saw vast sand dunes, crop plantations, cattle grazing and the villages. I picture bound and captive lost souls residing in every of the sprawling villages. In my mind’s eye, I saw the industrialisation of modern India and remembered the one week exchange program to Modern School in New Delhi. I saw the faces of students who were wrapped up in the pursuit of knowledge and science.


I am Singaporean.The temptation for many young adults would be to pursue an education, eke out a career for oneself, get married and enjoy a comfortable life. But God is challenging us today, to look up and out into the fields. This field does not yield crops but a harvest of souls. The challenge for us is to go up and greet the Bengali construction worker who works next door. When we see these souls in the MRT, will we shun away from them or show them graciousness and the love of Christ? They may be different from us but that does not deny them a chance of salvation. The seeds are in our hands, the love of

Christ is in our hearts and the word of God must be in our mouths. I am bold in my declaration that God wants to save the entire Indian sub-continent. India is not a nation, but is a group of people comprising of Nepalese and Pakistanis in the north, Bengalis in the east and Sri Lankans in the south. `

PRAYER POINTERS Jesus for India. • We must pray that there will be laborers who have been prepared to go forth into the vast harvest field. Truly, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. • Pray for persecuted Christians in all of India that they would stand strong in the face of death threats to them and their family • Bind the spirit of division and loose the Spirit of unity upon the body of Christ in the entire Indian subcontinent • Pray that the missionaries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka would come together in one mind and accord to strategize to reach the souls in these last days • Pray that the government would institute and enforce policies that supports the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Apostolic doctrine • As Apostolics, we believe that the Bible is the infallible inspired word of God. We believe the only way that people can be saved is when people obey the plan of salvation. • As such, the church has to send materials out into the villages in every language and dialect group. The focus is not to be on church buildings. • Empowering the nationals is the strategy of the hour, because no one can reach the people of India better than Indians themselves. • When a soul is born again into the Kingdom of God, the onus is on the people of God to equip them as soul-winners and churchplanters. This is with the knowledge that they will one day return home bringing the fire of God and His word to a people in darkness. • Revelation 7:9 “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.”

WHAT TOSAY Welcome Hello Good morning What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you?




Vanakkum Vanakkum Kalai Vanakkum Unggal peyaru yenna? Yenakku peyaru... Aama Ellai Yepadi irrukirigal?

Swagatam Halo Shuprabhat Aapnar naam ki? Amar naam ..... Haan Na Kemon acho? Kemon achen?(to an elder)

Swagat Namaste Subh subha. Aapka naam kya hain? Mera naam ____ hain. Haan Nahi Aap kaise hun?

Tumi kothaye thako?

Aap kahan se hain?

Where are you Ninkal enke iruntu varufrom? girirgal? Pleased to meet you

Ongala sun-dee-tha-thil romba son-tho-sum

Dekha kore bhalo lago.

Aapse milke khushi huee!

Have you eaten?

Neengal Saapteengala?

Aap khana kalia?

Long time no see

Rumbe nalla parkalay.

Tomar khawa hoye geche?

Thank you Excuse me Sorry Goodbye See you again! Jesus is good Praise God! Jesus loves you

Nandri. Mannikavum Bye Mindum parpom. Yesu nallavar. Kartherke sostiram. Karther unggalai naysikirar.

Onekdin dekha hoini Dhonyobaad Khoma korben Dukhito Bye (No translation) Abar dekha hobe. Jishu khub bhalo. Ishwar ke prashongsha korun. Jishu tomake bhalobashe.

Bahut dino se aap nazar nahi aaye Shukriya / Danyavaad Maaf karo. Maaf karo. Alvida. Phir Milenge. Yeshu accha hai. Prabhu ki stuti karo! Yeshu aapko pyaar karte hain. 23



PREFERE Sis Carol Tan shares how fulfilling the call to missions sent her out of her comfort zone many-atimes, but God never fails to work with availability.


ctually I have been to Vietnam on a holiday years ago, and I didn't like the culture or the people. In fact, I had already made up my mind and said: “I will never go back to Vietnam unless God called me to”. And lo and behold, God has a sense of humor. I was eventually asked to go for a mission trip in Vietnam. To date, I've been there thrice since November 2012.

Breaking the fallow ground The first time I was there, Frances had just returned to Ho Chi Minh City for work and I was sent to scout and survey the ground.The stark reality is that there is no work there. No Apostolic church. On my free time after the activities, I walked past a street with many elderly people sitting by the side of the road and that was when God spoke to me like He did to Bishop “You have Me, but all these people have never felt what you have felt before and have never had a chance to know Me”. This was when I realised that this country has a people who do not know God and there are souls who need Jesus. I could not help but feel the tug on my heart. The second was in March 2013. By then,


FEATURE | Taking it personal




After her university education in Singapore, Sis Frances (right) has since returned to her city, Ho Chi Minh City. She is now offering English language lessons (on top of her day job) to some of her contacts there in an effort to reach out.

Frances had just started teaching English — what she’d learnt in Singapore under the Dabbs that got her saved. And my mission was to baptise someone, and two were filled with Holy Ghost. There were others who were close to receiving it and one who received it a few weeks later. The third was in June 2013, in which we were tasked to follow up with the souls from the second trip and to meet other contacts that we were given.

But what I saw when I stepped out of my comfort zone is that hearts are opened up. Harvest is white Jesus never said pray for the harvest but pray for the laborers because the harvest is already white. When Frances held Matthew Parties and taught English lessons, I saw the investment of many saints’ investments in her. The chairs she used came from our giving. The way Frances made the food for the parties and the way she taught the lessons were all credited back to those in Singapore whom have poured into her in one way or another. I’ve come to realise that while there are some who would enter the mission field in person, these efforts to equip one another in the Singapore base are equally significant. We are all labourers in the same field.

Out of the comfort zone


It was really out of my comfort zone to go on these trips and meet people I did not know. I’m not comfortable befriending people on first sight and small talk is not my thing. But what I saw when I stepped out of my comfort zone is that hearts are opened up. I didn’t have to break the ice anymore for the second and third trips, so much so that I could even meet up with them when Frances was busy. We are still in touch till now via email and Skype. However, such long distance learning is not effective, and they really need someone who can spend time with them and ground them in truth. There are those who are truly hungry and it is painful to know that we have so much resources but so little time and space. It is not as easy to reach them as we hoped it would be.

They are very friendly, and Singapore has a good reputation among them so they are very open to us. The Vietnamese like to speak English with us because it is a form of practice for their English. They would even go to the tourist areas to practice their English. They like games, it is a good form of ice breaker and they find it as a way to learn new words. We went bowling and visited theme parks with them, and the laughter and fun together really help us to bond with them. Eating with them also opens up their hearts, especially when we ate street food with them. The assimilation into their culture really made them feel special. Also, when we treat them to meals they are very grateful. We also learnt that when we allowed them to treat us, it also opened up their hearts to us. Skype and Facebook enabled us to keep in contact with them. Small gestures such as cards we wrote to them also touched their hearts. `


• Raise up leaders to start a work who are truly hungry and trustworthy. • Pray for the ones whom we are sowing seeds in, that the cares of this life will not choke them up, and those with true hunger will “affect” the others. • Faith to be built up in these souls. • Pray for Frances, for wisdom and discernment. • Vietnam is the most bombed country in the world, the people need healing. Pray for healing for the land.


And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. Genesis 15:5 (KJV)

Once night falls, it is hard not to be reminded of the Abrahamic promise in lands abroad. Charting the heavenlies, claiming ground and unfolding the Gospel plan to the hungry and the lost, mission teams returned with insights over their brief but deep encounters. `


mission noun |miSHən|

a body of persons sent to perform a service —The Timor-Leste Sky


Barren Lands 28



This October, Sis Wong Pei Ting was given the opportunity to go on a sponsored trip to Timor-Leste with a group of Singapore-based journalists. Having surveyed the land, she brings to us this report and some good tidings from people behind the Apostolic work in Dili, the new nation’s capital.


ourteen years ago, when Timorese Paul Remedios, 54, touched down from a Macau-inbound plane the first time after being away for law education in Portugal shortly after Indonesians invaded, he could not believe his eyes. Buildings were still burning. The smoke overwhelmed. And unrest was evident. When the Indonesians surrendered, any good left was destroyed. Other than the boundless mountains that still sprawl the land, Dili, the newly-independent nation’s capital, simulated ground zero. But if you still hear of such tales today, it is probably time to quell them as rumours. While conditions are still far from posh, even the worst-hit city, Dili, is now functional. And life has moved on, but certainly with some baggage from its past predicaments.

Hundreds-year-old Baggage Faced with over 400 years of Portuguese colonisation, much of the land’s tribal culture is lost. The original animistic beliefs (belief in the spirits of the animals) and totemism (creation of crocodile-shaped idols) had been replaced by a strong presence of Catholicism. Tetum language slowly get mixed with Portuguese terms and statues of Mother Mary dot the island and its shores. About 20 years of Indonesian occupation puts aside the villagers’ healthy staple of corn and beans, and introduces rice and SuperMi or Pop Mie (cheap instant noodle brands from Indonesia). Children often get fed uncooked instant noodles with MSG sprinkled over the dry and raw noodle squares—a great contributor to widespread malnutrition of both city and

village kids. Its following 10 years saw the entry of the United Nations, but it was reported that its peacekeepers could have been the cause of the AIDS epidemic in year 2001, as 10 aid workers were tested HIV-positive.

All these trials are while flowers are still fresh in every of its cemeteries.

Dr Dan Murphy, who set up the free Bairo Pite Clinic, observed how he started by treating emergency gunshot wounds, but now deals mainly with cases of severe malnutrition, Tuberculosis and HIV. Well, the doctor has spoken, and you can be rest assured that everyday street violence and the Balibo Five scare (five Australian journalists were killed when covering the Santa Cruz massacre that won the country international acclaim) is a thing of the past; peace is here to stay in Dili. The UN forces had since left last year. However, today, a war of a different kind is being fought over at the southern Timor Gap where oil and gas reserves are worth billions—attracting unwanted attention from neighbouring Australia that shares the border and encourages corruption from within. Today, 40% of the Timor oil reserves have

been exploited by other countries without permission. All these trials are while flowers are still fresh in every of its cemeteries—as fresh as the memories of living hell two-third of the Timorese population has endured, while onethird of its population got wiped out over the time of the Indonesian occupation.

Divine Appointment The night I met the missionaries, Bro Michael Perry and Sis Diane Perry, and pastors, Bro Sylvester Guterres and Sis Olinda Guterres, in Timor-Leste was the special night they finalised their land lease for a house that will house Vida Abundante. Language is a big problem there because locals speak Tetum, but the government still uses Portuguese and the secondary school kids have to pick up Portuguese. This is while the older generation speaks Bahasa Indonesia under the occupation. Imagine the communication mess, so the literacy work of Sis Diane Perry and Sis Olinda is so vital. Vida Abundante serves as a base community literacy activity centre. It had been a three-month work in progress that empowers Tuberculosis patients and persons with disabilities to speak the English language. But securing a quarters for the organisation had been hard.This is partly also because there are not much land laws, so if you want to set a work somewhere, you need to have the backing of the “village chief ” or the ambiguous “owners” of the land to ensure you are “protected” from gangs and groups that will disturb your work either by literally burning your work down or throwing stones into your windows to stir trouble.


I thought this only happens in Church History books, but it is a real reality in TimorLeste that they are grappling with now. In a land where land laws (that are actually practiced) are negligible and where children commonly eat raw instant noodles with the packet MSG seasoning as staple meals, the night was a special one. I happened to be at the celebration dinner in a Portuguese restaurant by the sea, and the best of fish, steak and squid were being served alongside nutritious carrots and beans. It is probably one of the few “expat” meal they will enjoy this year.

How it got started The Timorese (especially people living in the capital of Dili) have a strong distrust of foreigners, so it had been a challenge for the Perry(s) to gain trust. Initially, they made contact with the Timorese people by volunteering at Dr Dan Murphy’s free clinic. And Pastor Silvester and his wife Sis Olinda are the fruits of their labour of their 10-year constant contact with people of the land. Thus, missionaries Bro Michael Perry and


Sis Diane went way back in maintaining contacts and preaching the gospel to the Timorese, despite them being only able to gain a long-term special visa only a year ago with Bro Michael’s job at the Dili National Hospital as an emergency nurse. His contract will allow him to stay there for three years. Bro Michael was an ex-President of South Pacific Bible College. He was doing some fundraising for the college’s practicum that eventually became a fund for East Timor. He had intended to mobilise some graduates to start the work in East Timor, but eventually went to start the work there himself. The locals were taught bible lessons and it was only till three years after she was taught that she decided to be baptised. Her father, Senior Pastor Belado also got baptised shortly after. Now, they are receiving Reverend Margaret Bellette, missionary to Indonesia, early next year to help with the work there. Timor-Leste is a young independent country with strong Catholic political power (98% Catholic) and so people will be excommunicated with the Catholic church when they associate themselves differently with “Protestants”. Thus the work there is sensitive.

“Our missionary activities here are of necessity discrete in this quite fiercely Catholic and culturally traditional nation,” says Sis Diane. “We need to aggressively guard those cover identities [nurse and literacy instructor], highlighting them over mission aims, including on any internet postings.”

Undercover My visit to this country had been surreal, cause they are not very welcoming of foreigners but they favour and respect journalists—especially because journalists are who made their oppression known internationally and uncovered massacres that were brutal to their land despite the risk at that time. Moreover, their Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and his wife Kristy Gusmao were both journalists. In a land where journalists are esteemed, I had an inroad to them opening up to me candidly in conversations. I resolutely believe that this will not be the last time I visit Timor-Leste. Especially when Changi Airport is the second airport (next to Australia’s Darwin that provides flights to East Timor). This is how strategic Singapore is. `

Mission Report


DISTRICTONE T here are currently only a few people in Vietnam (to the best of our knowledge) who have experienced the full gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and even among those who have experienced baptism in His name, and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, few have come to the understanding of the Oneness of God. To put it in short, there are no Apostolic oneness churches in Vietnam that we know of today. Oppression against those who preach the gospel is common. I met a pastor a few years ago who has been throw in jail many times (they may spend up to weeks in jail) for preaching the gospel. Perhaps what’s permitted in Vietnam is the Catholic church, which has it roots back in the 17th Century. Against all these backdrop, it began an interesting and exciting mission trip for us to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC),Vietnam, to teach and baptise two seekers in Jesus’ name, and to hold our first Vietnamese Apostolic church service! Thus began an amazing book of Acts experience in HCMC in our three day mission trip. Our first night together (four in the mission’s team) ended up like an upper-room experience as we prayed together. The Spirit of God moved and some prophesied for this country. On our second day, we met up with a small group of seekers, around 5 of them, who had very little knowledge of the gospel. So we talked, shared jokes, and spent time getting to know them and them getting to know

us. After an hour or so, we sang a few songs then shared the gospel, and resulted in one person receiving the Holy Spirit and got water baptised! It was truly amazing! We were overjoyed!

What drove into our hearts were, they were genuinely praying. They were sincere. They were real. On our last day, we had our first church service, and the same small group of seekers we’re so opened and hungry to know moreone more received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, while the rest were so close to getting it. All these were mighty works of God, but the key moment of this trip for me, was when we split into pairs to go prayer walking in the second day. My partner and I was assigned to prayer walk in the financial and commercial hub of the city (know was District 1). This was a life changing experience for us. We chanced upon a Catholic church and entered the premise and prayer walked on its grounds,

Australian-Vietnamese Bro Danny Lee reports the insights of Ho Chi Minh City after being there for a brief weekend mission last March. and upon completing our walk, we saw a few people gathered in a small room that caught our attention, “what are they doing?” As we approached, we saw a group of elderly people kneeing and praying, but what drove into our hearts were, they were genuinely praying. They were sincere. They were real. Both of us, just took a step back and began to weep and cry out to God for their salvation. This sight has made a strong imprint on my heart—it has taught me that there are always people hungry and thirsty for God, looking for answers regardless of their faith, and yet there are so few labourers, so few preachers of the gospel. Would you therefore pray for HCMC, pray for Vietnam, pray for more preachers? The people of Vietnam has gone through a great deal of lost: The Vietnam war separated families, killed thousands, brought many into poverty, and in spiritual bondage. The people of HCMC have spent the last three decades rebuilding their lives, and their city. Today, it is a vibrant city, full of economic growth potential, yet Christianity is strongly opposed by the government, and preachers are persecuted! But all things are possible for God! If He showed He could set people free in this mission trip, then He can surely do it again. It is the will of God to set this nation free from oppression and blindness and captivity from satan. If you believe that, would you join me in prayer for Vietnam? Rememeber “When the people of God pray, God will move!” `


Mission Report




By Bro Bryan Ong

SHARON and I have been to mission trips together, but this was the first time we went as husband and wife. Before the trip, we didn’t know what to expect as it was not the typical big church building but just a small house gathering with a group of hungry souls. Nonetheless, God did a great work and we saw how He filled people with His Spirit.

Discovering Gifts Being on a mission trip as a couple has been enriching for both of us as we discovered more of each other’s gifting. Sharon was my helpmeet as she managed to break down every complicated concept and communicate them in layman terms for the group. I saw how God uses both of us to complement each other perfectly. I shared the Word and she prayed for the group to receive the Holy Spirit. I played the guitar and she kept the beat and sang; I cracked lame jokes and she tried to laugh along to lighten the atmosphere. We formed a deep connection with the people and received burden for the salvation of souls in Vietnam. We are thankful that God used us in to minister as a couple and gave us a story and legacy to pass on to our future generations.


Jak new


outheast Asia is a region that I am in love with — the rich diversity and cultural heritage fascinates me. One of the first few encounters I had with this region was my trip to the Indonesian youth camp. It helped me see beyond the superficiality of culture and heritage of these countries, but as a group of people that needs Jesus.

Surveying the land Indonesia has the largest country in the region of Southeast Asia with land area 1,904,569km2 , 922 inhabited islands and a population of 244 468 000 people and houses the largest number of Muslims in the world (87%). Travelling from the airport, we saw “Save Maryam” banners hanging from lampposts along the roads and outside of Mosques, jolting in me a sense of urgency for the lost in this land. The “Save Maryan” campaign was started in efforts to encourage the Indonesian people to become increasingly pious and devout Muslims. There is much to be done in this land to reach the lost. For the rest of the journey I enjoyed peering into houses and observing the Indonesian way of life as I watched children selling items by the roadside. My serenity was broken when suddenly Bro Samuel Zhu turned and made a statement that resounded in me. He said: “Look, there are so many people

who have not heard about Jesus.” It stopped me in my tracks. I have never consciously thought about strangers, passerbys in this manner before. I saw those people as Indonesians, as people with cultures and lifestyles different from mine. But I failed to realize that they are group of people who have yet to hear the gospel. Although those people living on the hill work hard in an attempt to piece their lives together, they will never really be fulfilled until they have an encounter with Jesus.

Youth Camp The theme for this year’s youth camp was “We Are Ready to ROCK (Revival of Christ Kingdom)”. There were about 60 youths from Pastor Amin’s church at that camp, some whom we already knew through our Combined Camp previously. We didn’t understand most of the songs they were singing, yet it was an incredible experience worshipping with them. It reminded me of how it would be like in heaven one day, when every tribe and tongue will stand before God and worship Him. In addition, as most of the youths spoke Bahasa Indonesian, we couldn’t really



This July, Sis Jolene Wee embarked on her first mission trip to karta and returned with w lenses to see the world.

communicate with them. We only knew simple key words such as ‘Puji Tuhan’ (Praise the Lord) and ‘Roh Kudus’ (Holy Ghost). However, this also provided an opportunity for us to partner with the Indonesian Youths to work the altars and pray for those desiring the infilling of the Holy Ghost. It was an unforgettable experience. Although I was initially a little afraid due to my inexperience and also due to the language barrier, nonetheless, we stepped out of our comfort zone and did out best. By the end of the camp, 16 received the Holy Ghost and three were water baptized. As we left Indonesia, it made me realise that we all need God, and we cannot reach our world with our own human efforts. My God is able and His hands are not too short to save those people. In fact, it is God’s desire to reach those people, and He is calling us into a partnership with Him, to be His hands and feet that would reach out to the lost. Beyond the boundaries of this little red dot, there are communities, tribe and nations waiting for us to rise up. No matter what age we are, we can rise up and take on the mantle and responsibility to share the gospel. Availability is key. `

WHAT TOSAY Welcome Hello Good morning What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you? Where are you from? Pleased to meet you Have you eaten? Long time no see Thank you Excuse me Sorry Goodbye See you again! Jesus is good Praise God! Jesus loves you

Selamat Datang Selamat Sejahtera Selamat Pagi Siapakah nama kamu? Nama saya... Ya Tidak Apa khabar? Kamu dari mana? Baik berjumpa dengan kamu. Sudah makan? Lama tak jumpa Terima Kasih Maafkan saya/ minta maa Maaf/ Maafkan saya/ minta maaf Selamat tinggal Jumpa lagi Yesus (sangat) baik Puji Tuhan Yesus cinta mu. 33





This July, Bro Alex Toh went on a mission trip to the Kuala Lumpur church — not as a frontrunner praying people through the Holy Ghost, but as a faithful supporter at its sound chambers.



ast June, I was invited by Sis Carol to a mission trip to Kuala Lumpur (KL). “Sound” in particular is what she said. Ambiguous as it sounds, I knew the moment I heard it that I wanted it. The only barrier now: my ongoing internship at NUS. Logically, it sounded pretty unlikely that any scientific research center supervisor would allow a four-day leave for an intern, for a “PA system practicum” (that was what I reported), in Malaysia. Science and audio engineering — two completely different fields. But I thought again that if I am available, why not be a part of it. I will be able to play a part in the Kingdom and expand my interest in sound engineering. So, I just went ahead to ask for permission to go for that trip. Against all odds, my leave was approved smoothly and quickly. The mission was to give aid in the sound ministry in the church in KL and also impart some of the skills we developed ourselves during our time serving here.

They had been facing several audio-related issues that can be very distracting. The unruly cracking sounds became a hindrance for worshippers to focus in during services. I am amazed by how something as technical as this can be considered missions. My mind is just opened to possibilities now because there are many more sound systems in Apostolic works overseas that are facing similar problems. Every Sunday, when we move things in and out, assemble the sound system, only to tear them down again hours later, we are actually preparing ourselves for the harvest field that is far and wide. All God requires for us is just to be faithful over the little things. Not only was our mission accomplished together with the sound team in KL, I was also personally doubly blessed by Rev Woodward’s teaching and the fellowship in KL in return. God can use your technical skills, little or much, in the mission field too, if you make yourself available. `


FIRST TIMER Bro Clifford Kee Malaysian Youth Camp

AT FIRST going into the mission field, I did not know my role or what to do. Nonetheless, I had a quiet confidence that if I just stayed in submission to Pastor Timothy, Bro Wesley and Sis Carol, I would do fine. God soon became my teacher. One of the most impactful things that happened was how God used me in being a friend to the Malaysian youths. I remembered Pastor Leow’s cousin was there for the camp. As it was his first time being in a church setting, he didn’t know anyone there. I noticed that he was trying to find his way around. So I just hung around him to make him feel comfortable. I knew that he appreciated it by his small gestures.

I was just being a friend to someone, but this experience was so rewarding and it taught me so much. Being on a Mission trip helped me open my eyes to the bigger picture of what God is doing — making divine connections. Before I went to missions, I had a narrow perspective. However, this trip really opened my eyes to the bigger picture of doing God’s work beyond what we think was possible. There wasn’t anything big that happened, but it was the small things that I learned the most from. I may just be a small dot to the other saints and people, yet I could play a significant role in the Kingdom of God. I am anticipating my next Mission Trip. `



Last July, a team of many firsttimers went on a mission trip to Tuao, Philippines, to organise “Community Day” at a local high school and the Tabernacle of Joy (Tuao) church and be involved in a Holy Ghost Crusade for Sunday School. Over games, puppets, skits, food, song and dance, Sis Hu Li Lin shares how she actually received more from the Filipinos than she had given.



hen we arrived at the Tuao church building, the leaders and our mission team gathered to pray and receive a burden from the Lord for this mission trip. Sister Nancy Cargando exhorted us to have a spirit of excellence and give our very best for the children, as we do not know who we were going to be ministering to. Something she said stood out to me, “You never know who God is going to raise up in this end-time harvest. Some of these children may grow up to be future pastors, evangelists, prophets, apostles and missionaries to different parts of the Philippines and outside of the Philippines.” I felt a holy fear not to be careless nor underestimate the value of my audience whom I was doing Community Day for. Every puppet I raised, every skit I performed in, and every song I sang and danced to, I had to give it my best, because I wasn’t just ministering to mere children. I was ministering to the future generation of apostolic leaders carrying on the legacy of Apostolic Truth and the Gospel to the lost souls in the world. The Filipinos have a hunger and thirst for righteousness, which I think is really attractive to God. It says in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” I left without a doubt of how much the Filipinos hungered and thirsted for righteousness, and here are some of the




Punctuality They literally went the extra mile to be in the fellowship of God. In a rural village like Tuao, public and efficient transport is rare, and people walk by foot to arrive at their destinations. Sometimes, it takes about three hours to travel to and fro their homes to church. However, on the Community Day at the Tuao church that was scheduled to start at 9am, some of the children arrived as early as 5.40am, despite them not taking the chartered bus service we had provided. And yet they were patient in waiting for this event to start.

Joyful despite circumstances Meat is a luxury to the Filipino villagers, and they eat fried chicken once a year. They are poor and do not have many material possessions, but they are contented and are grateful to God. I am very touched by their spirit of thanksgiving, faith, and hunger for God. Travelling to the Philippines was a humbling experience. I enjoyed it very much and welcomed it as a change to my physical environment. Having grown up in a city my whole life, it was such a novel experience spending time deep in the countryside and visiting wooden traditional houses. When we visited a local high school, I loved the rustic feel of walking on sandy

corridors, and seeing old-school classrooms with wooden bulky chairs and blackboards. The students do not possess computers nor high-technology gadgets for entertainment, but they play sports to bond. It was sweltering hot in the Philippines, and in Tuao, be it the church building or saints’ houses, airconditioning is not present. It was a common sight for the Filipinos to tuck hand towels at the back of their T-shirts to wipe away their perspiration throughout the day. I felt humbled as I saw the Filipinos work, praise and worship God, lay hands on each other and pray for each other, pack goodie bags and make preparations for Community Day. These were all done in the midst of the sweltering heat, without any complaints. We did the puppet show three times in three days, and we were soaked in perspiration from our heads to our toes by the end of each puppet show, but it was so meaningful and unforgettable to see the children’s faces of sheer delight and joy. As for me, I would return to a hotel room with the comfort of air-conditioning every night, but for the Filipinos, they live with the heat every day in their lives. I remember participating in a Holy Ghost crusade during the Sunday school service in a small classroom. The children’s spiritual appetite for God was so great, we could literally feel God being drawn to their hunger. They lingered and prayed to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Some of them were weeping as they felt

God’s love even before we taught about how to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Some were drenched in perspiration, but were so fixated on God that their perspiration did not hinder them from reaching out to God, as they continued to pray, tarry and wait on God, and finally, receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Our Cry Some of these children came from the deepest parts of the rural villages in the Philippines, and some came from mountains. Looking at the crowd from the stage, I thought that the Filipinos are so populous and numerous. It is precisely because of the sheer massive number of people present that some may feel forgotten or overlooked. But surely everyone is precious and significant in God’s eyes, with a divine purpose and plan for their lives. I got to feel just a little tinge of the burden God feels for the Filipinos, in early morning prayer before Community Day, as He reminded me that every single child is precious in His sight, and that He loves them very tenderly, and has a destiny for each of them. My cry is for every child to know and realise that God has a special destiny for every one of them. Our simple acts of service for these children, youth and adults over our stint are powerful in a demonstration that they are not forgotten. `


FIRST TIMER Tuao, Philippines

Sis Gaye Ho & Sis Grace Chan BEFORE we went for this trip, we had already heard a lot about Tuao, so it is nothing out of our expectations. But at the end of the day, everyone is taken aback by the fact that we received more than we gave. We’ve came to really appreciate what we have. What we’ve learnt from the Filipinos is family values. Look at a little kid. They already know how to save food for their family. On the whole, from our team itself, we love how our church saints were brought up. We really embody the spirit of submission. It was so beautiful how everyone come into unity and didn’t care about who they are, whether they are an elder (like Bro Wesley) or leaders (like Sis Rachel and Sis Tai Yi), they submitted to each other. `

Sis Sharlin Chan

WE PREPARED the puppet show every night and it was very fun bonding as a team. It was very meaningful seeing people enjoy themselves and yet being able to hear the Gospel message in a simple way. About 20 kids received the Holy Ghost This Mission trip is the first time I’ve ever been in a kids church service. It was also my first time praying for children seeing God fill them with His Spirit. I was frustrated at times when they seem to be unable to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, but Rachel shared with me that it could be because of their wrong perspective of God which can be seen through their posture. I started explaining to the children what God really was like and changed my approach to them. Immediately, the children started receiving the Holy Ghost and we became more effective as a team. `

Sis Jasmine Sim IT REALLY opened up my eyes to see beyond myself. It really exposed me to the big world and opened my eyes to the magnitude of poverty. It tugged on my heart strings a lot. The children didn’t choose it to be that way, but I felt hopeful and honoured to be God’s hands and feet to reach out to the people. There was this one incident where I followed this girl who didn’t finish her food, then I realised that she was looking for her dad to pass it to him. She is only about five years old. They really respect their parents. Here in Singapore, children throw tantrum and choose what they want to eat or don’t want to eat, but their thoughts and the way they live are so mature. It made me reflect on my lifestyle in the way I look at food and my own spending behaviour. `

Sis Lee Shee Ping The team was able to flow. Prayers really work. Before we went to the mission trip, we were fasting for a week for lunch. Me and Jasmine were colleagues, so we fasted and prayed together. It helped us to focus on ministering to the people. Instead of your needs, when you go there, your goal is to minister to the people. There were a lot of God moments. God was really the “part” that connects all of our other parts together. There were times we were just singing praises in the long rides in the jeepney as we prepared our songs. We would sing and then suddenly there will be God moments. There was this day, the jeepney broke down twice in a row (the trip is an hour from the hotel). We were still having a good spirit about it because we know God is with us.Then we sang and God’s spirit just fell and we had a prayer meeting — so intensely that we were still praying when we reached the hotel. `


THE APOSTOLIC HUB is an online resource center for Asia. It is a place where Apostolic Preaching can be made available to people from all walks of life. A place where those who hunger and thirst for God’s presence can be satisfied, a platform where men and women can be transformed through the power of God’s Word. All types and forms of video and audio resources are available here. Use them to teach your spiritual “newborns”, disciple your congregations or equip your leadership team. Teaching, Preaching and “Treaching” are available in a few languages and our library is ever expanding. Our Purpose: Connecting Apostolic Ministries to Reach and Keep the Harvest.

Sign up for a free account today 39





PRAISE the Lord and greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Bangladesh. Many months of prayer, fasting and preparation came to fruition on the month of June 2013 as 220 young people from all walks of life in Bangladesh and India assembled for our youth camp, Aflame of Fire, just north of Dhaka. As we worshipped the Lord and listened to His Word, God began to pour out His Spirit upon these powerful nation changers and 92 received the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Before the Aflame of Fire Youth Camp was concluded, 17 young people were baptized in Jesus name as well. To God be the glory for all of these young men and women of God who are aggressively sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with their communities. Thank you Tabernacle of Joy for helping make Aflame of Fire Youth Camp possible through your prayers and finances. Surely we rejoice in the Lord as we present unto Him the fruits of our labor and our giving in Jesus name. May God richly bless you,

THE JAMES CORBIN FAMILY & the many millions of Bangladesh and India hungry for Jesus



reetings Tabernacle of Joy. I would like to thank Bro. Wesley Whitehead, Bro. Charles, Bro. Samuel Zhu, Pastor Timothy Lee and many others who assisted me in my internship program. I have learned many skills and acquired unforgettable experiences during my stay in Singapore that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Equipped for the harvest Charles and Kieran spent quality time to teach me how to use programs like Adobe InDesign and Sony Vegas to enhance the elements the church in Bangladesh uses to promote the church. Currently, I have made several posters for Purpose Institute that will be posted up to boost the students’ morale and show other church members the importance of the bible college program. In addition, I have used the skills I learnt to edit a website for the church in Dhaka that will allow many to access critical information. This includes the prayer network led by Sister Day. We have also encountered several people who are now attending our English service after discovering a video presentation on YouTube. All these examples prove the need for a website for the church.

Back to sow Brother Sam taught me many lessons on how to lead a youth group and sustain growth in a youth group. Teen Impact, the name for the youth service in our Dhaka church, has already started on the Living Logos series and many Bengalis have been using this as a source to learn English. It has even became a self-directed learning programme for ESL (English as a second language) students in colleges around Dhaka. There has been spiritual remodelling in our youth group as we seek to deepen our understanding in the Word and Spirit of God to further influence the youth in Dhaka. We have been using the A.C.T.S. prayer guide as we open our youth services and my dad, Pastor James Corbin, has given several opportunities to some of the youth members to preach so as to give them experience to the ministry. I would like to thank everyone for teaching me many life lessons on what it is like to live on your own in the real world. The opportunity I was given in Singapore was crucial to my future plans regarding the ministry work here in Bangladesh. Additionally, I would like to thank everyone for being patient with me while working in Singapore. Thank you all so much. `



For one and two months respectively, Bro Stephen Corbin and Bro Zac Klinedinst got busy in the Tabernacle of Joy Headquarters equipping themselves skills needed to be a labourer in the field.



s the child of an international evangelist, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to trot the globe. I’ve been privileged to meet great people and experience the lives of other cultures on the level that many can only dream about. As a photographer, I have tried my best to capture each of these moments as a keepsake to the abundant blessings of God. Yet of all the places I have been, nowhere has captured my heart like Singapore. This tiny island of 274 sq. miles (710 km²) is the home of good food, kind people, and great revival. In early 2013, I had the honor to be able to work hand-in-hand with some of these people at the headquarters of Tabernacle of Joy on a day-to-day basis for a two-month internship.

The Great Commission While participating in my short internship, I was challenged spiritually by the

overwhelming hunger for revival in Asia. Tabernacle of Joy does not simply believe in the book of Acts, they live it. Never in my life have I been to a place where the desire for a greater understanding of God is so generally prevalent. It is immediately visible upon observing the

The term Antioch of the East is not just a slogan for them, it is a commission. church that they believe in revival, and they want it for Asia. The term Antioch of the East is not just a slogan for them, it is a commission.

Easing into a new culture

Not only did I learn more about God but I experienced a new culture. The culture of Singapore is extremely diverse and incredibly interesting. Singapore gave me a new perspective not only of my own life but also of those around me. My friends there helped acculturate (and spoil) me with great food and fun. And the food in Singapore is seriously like nowhere else in the world — Chicken/Duck Rice, Black Pepper Crab, Roti Prata, Butter Chicken, to list the least. Being a coffee fanatic, I also received the revelation of Kopi Gau Siew Dai. Incredible memories that I will cherish forever were made during my time in Singapore. I cannot wait to return and once again enjoy the beauty and diversity of Singapore. Words cannot accurately express the profound impact that Singapore and Tabernacle of Joy have had on my life. `


...And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” Apostolic Toolbox is built upon on that very principle. It is a site dedicated to sharing and receiving various materials. Our goal is to share resources to aid the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. So we encourage you to share your Original Teachings, Sermons, Ideas and Designs through various formats such as Word, Powerpoint, Audio and Video files. We also believe in the principle that the harvest is always greater than the seed planted. So for every 1 file you upload, you are able to download 6 files in return from other fellow patrons! ‘The more you sow, the greater you reap’ We hope to also store and streamline valuable data by enabling you to access content and easily send files anywhere using the Web. With Apostolic Toolbox, we hope to improve productivity in your area of ministry. Sign Up for your Apostolic Toolbox account today. 42

Overseas Support


When we help others build their Church, God will help us build our Church.

Gospel Lighthouse Johor Bahru & Gospel Lighthouse Nilai TABERNACLE of Joy has followed that principle for years and has seen God’s blessing on both churches. These 2 churches are daughterworks from Malaysia’s Gospel Lighthouse in Kuala Lumpur. The family on-site are endeavouring to bring the apostolic message to that area, win souls and establish a church as a place where the Gospel can be preached. The Johor Bahru church is pastored by Pastor Andrew while the Nilai Church is pastored by Pastor Sam. We hear from Joanna Andrews (the daughter of Pastor Andrew) on her experience in church planting:

Why and how did your family receive the call of God to go to JB? My father was frustrated because he was not really doing what God wanted him to do in the ministry. As he felt that God wanted him to do more, he met up with Bishop Leow to share his frustrations. Bishop Leow said that there is a need for an apostolic church in JB. After much prayer, my parents felt a burden for JB, and we decided to start making monthly trips to JB to establish a church there. What was the shifting process like and what adjustments did you have to make? God provided a miracle. We got a house in a strategic location that was walking distance to my mum’s work place and also my brother’s school. God also provided the finances and furniture for the house. We only brought our clothes, fridge, and sofa from our house. It was not easy moving to a new location and we had to make some adjustments. For example, my dad had to change his job and start from scratch in JB. I had to shift schools and leave my friends and family to start life in JB. Besides getting used to the JB lifestyle, we also had to adjust to the new church services that were held in our house. `








SAS SCHEME – SOCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME. This scheme was started to meet the social concerns of the church. There are some people whom join the church that are in the “low income” category, some of whom are unable to receive help from the government. As an extended wing of the church in helping the poor and needy, fulfilling the great commission,Tabernacle of Joy tries to offer as much support as possible to these families through financial grants, education bursaries, transport cost and food vouchers. There is a criteria for application. For more information, please approach the Pastoral Staff.





This was started as a means of helping low income families generate some income while putting their youths in a godly environment where the pastoral staff can invest and groom them.






“…IT PLEASED GOD BY THE FOOLISHNESS OF PREACHING TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE” – 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21 If the heartbeat of God is souls, then the responsibility of man is to harness all that we can to reach these souls.The Chinese Service is a point of ministry and outreach towards your Chinese speaking parents and grandparents while at the same time traversing across cultural barriers to reach our Chinese brethren. For our Chinese speaking elderly, we want to create an environment of corporate worship where the presence of God can minister to them in a special way. We also want these services to be a place where they can have good fellowship and grow in grace as they take steps to journey through life with Christ. We also believe in reaching students and workers from China. In tandem with being an Apostolic Hub, we see them as potential missionaries to their homeland, where we can reach them so that they can reach their world for Jesus.


Home-based Ministries

THE REACHING By Sis Joen Chiang



nlocking the Bible (UTB) has been extending its reach this year, crossing boundaries of language and geographical location. This series to discover and understand God’s Word has been translated into multiple languages — Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Tamil and Hindi. When we did our part in translation, God did His part in sending us students from foreign lands. We have been having an influx of students particularly from China and Indonesia, as well as some others from India, Malaysia and even Myanmar (conducted with the help of our very own Burmese saint, Soe Moe). Currently, there is a group of seven Indonesians that grew from one UTB taught to an Indonesian help by Sis Samantha Lee. Bro Danny and Sis Samantha Lee are now coordinating this group. “The love of God never ceases to amaze me. He reaches to the innermost part of a person’s life, struggles, pain and failures and He turns it around,” Sis Samantha said. “During our bible study with the Indonesian helpers, we have seen them come feeling down, confused and lonely. Yet when

the Word is shared, tears of repentance as well as hunger and excitement rise. Many receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost straight after the classes conducted in our home or at their first church service in TJ and week by week,

For the first time this year, we explored teaching UTB to foreign students via Skype. their desire for God grows.” There has also been a surge in the number of students from China. Since March, we have conducted Chinese UTBs with eight students and four are still ongoing. “It’s amazing how God has opened up so many doors for us to know these Chinese

students. Some of them have never heard about Jesus before and it’s really rewarding to be able to share God’s Word with them and see the power of the Word working in their lives,” says Chinese National, Zeng Shu Qiao. Personally, I have a UTB student from Malaysia, Ivy, who goes back to Ipoh frequently, either once or twice a month. God is reaching out to our neighbouring friends, and there is no telling how many people can hear of the Gospel through her; the possibilities are limitless. For the first time this year, we explored teaching UTB to foreign students via Skype. The first Skype UTB was done with a student in Taiwan. Midway, she went for an exchange program to Egypt and lessons resumed once she settled down in Tunis. Indeed, nothing can stop the Word of God from going forth. We celebrated the graduation of 28 UTB students this June and 30 classes are currently being taught. We may be bound by limits of language or geography, but the Word of God is not bound. It will always find a channel to flow through — through a willing vessel to fill a thirsty soul. `

Will you make a channel? Will you be that vessel? 46

9 Unlocking the Bible (UTB) is Tabernacle of Joy’s Bible Study Curriculum used to ground new converts in the Apostolic Truth. Trained Teachers are paired with Students to teach foundational truths found in the Word of God. Its series of 10 lessons cover essential topics such as: • • • • •

Creation of Humankind The Tabernacle Plan The Deity of Christ Significance of Baptisms Church History

UTB has been translated into 6 different languages (Vietnamese, Bahasa, Tamil, Mandarin, Tagalog, Hindi), making truths in the Word of God accessible to these people groups. We know that the Word of God will be preached to every tongue, tribe and nation and we want to partner with God to see His Kingdom come on earth. Email us at for any Unlocking the Bible inquiries.



Home-based Ministries



nd the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. The Bible records in Genesis that the people were so united in purpose that nothing would be restrained from them. One of the reasons why they were so united was because of their unified language. This shows the significant and importance of language. It is God’s gift of communication and the manner in which ideas and concepts can be transmitted. To spread the Gospel, we first need to have a good grasp of languages. Language is not limited to speaking, but also in writing too. To be more specific, we focus on the necessity of translations to further the Gospel. “One of the best investments that we can make for the kingdom of God is in the translation of Bibles and relevant materials,” said Sis Leah Lee.

“To build a church is to first build its people. Yet we cannot build people if they don’t understand. A church building without Christians who are able to properly study the Word of God is useless. Translation of materials and resources is important because it is an enabling tool to ground faith and develop disciples.” Similarly, Pastor Timothy Lee finds that sharing the Word of God (in a language that they understand, of course) is the best way to help people on top of food and clothing. “With a plethora of false doctrines in the last days, the only way to prevent people from being deceived is through the ministry of teaching,” he said. “Investing in proper translation of Biblical resources thus supports the teaching ministry because when we reach a lost world, it is so much easier if the materials are already translated for others to understand.” There are thousands of language groups that have yet to hear the name of Jesus. Truly, the harvest is ripe for harvest but the laborers are few.

The onus is on us to effectively use God’s gift of communication and reach out to these people. We can all contribute to the end-time harvest as we learn a new language, or contribute to translations of Biblical materials. When we give money to aid in translation work, we further the spread of the Gospel. This is the safest investment we can make.The Word of God will not return void. `

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. - Nelson Mandela

THE ORIGINS OF MCUBE The founder of Mcube recollects why he started this ministry that would bless nations around the world. I REMEMBER in our humble beginnings in Tabernacle of Joy, Parkway Apostolic Church would send a box load of cassettes to us every quarter. There was a small cupboard where we could borrow those tapes and those were like “meals” for my spiritual diet. I used to listen to every recording and pray that perhaps Brother Stoneking could come to Singapore one day. We were also blessed by the BOTT (Because Of The Times) videos that Bro Willoughby would bring back from the States. All of these videos were very expensive and

could not be found easily in Asia. For a pastor in a third world country, it was almost impossible to get those recordings. That was why we decided to become an Apostolic Hub to make apostolic media accessible to pastors and churches around this region. As of today, we have about 1,000 videos in our archives, and it is constantly expanding. We offer our videos free of charge because there are others who need to hear the Gospel and other recordings but might not be able to afford it. Mcube was established to serve the purpose of missions. The safety of Singapore has

attracted many speakers here from other third world countries. Therefore, if these speakers are unable to get to other nations, we as an apostolic hub can send recordings to them through the Internet. With the click of a button, apostolic materials are easily available. In that manner, the duty personnel – producer, cameraman, etc. are all answering the nations’ cry for apostolic resources. Our databases - Apostolic Toolbox, Apostolic Academy and Apostolic Hub - are all but tools that we use to send the Word of God to the nations. `


Home-based Ministries


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandi

iCARE is a new ministry of Tabernacle of Joy, officially launched on July 14, 2013, designed to befriend and serve the needy and less fortunate of the Singapore community.

Not reinventing the wheel, Bro Eric Yong, who heads the ministry, sought to do this by connecting and collaborating with external welfare organisations who are already in touch with these people on a regular basis. “We are not ready to design and host our own programmes and activities yet,” Bro Eric said. “In fact, as we lead our busy lives, it can even be hard to find time to volunteer. We will need to work it in from our often crowded out schedules, but I assure it will be rewarding.”

For our saints to reach out to the older generation more effectively (especially those in the Chin Swee area), Bro Eric has taught his first conversational Cantonese class in October this year. The following is a taster of what you can say to engage the elderly, compiled from Bro Eric, Sis Leah Lee (Hokkien) and Sis Diana Kie (Teo Chew). Yes, it’s not as complicated as you think. Even if you mess up, at least you can put a smile on an elderly’s face by your very act of trying. `


Welcome Hello Good morning What is your name? My name is... Yes No How are you? Where are you from? Pleased to meet you Have you eaten? Long time no see Thank you Excuse me Sorry Goodbye See you again! Jesus is good Praise God! Jesus loves you




Foon Ying Nei Hou Jou Sun Nei Diam Cheng Fu Ah Ngoh Giu Zou Hai M Hai Nei Hou Ma Nei Hai Bin Dou Yun Ah Hou Hoi Sum Ying Sik Nei Nei Sik Bao Mei Ho Noi Moi Gin Do Jeh (Gift); M Goi (Service) M Goi Yi Si Deui M Ju Joi Gin Dei Yut Gin Yei Sou Hou Zan Mei Zu Yei Sou Ai N

Hoan-eng Le Ho Cha Ki Ho Co Moi Cheng Hu Wa Kai Mia Si Ho Mi Le Ho Mo Le Di Ko Lai Jing Hua Hi Pak Le Chiak Par Boey Hok Ku Bo Ngo Kam Sia Phai-se... Chhia Meng Tui-em-cu Kia lou (Make a move first) Bak jik ngo eh La So Ho O-lo Chu Ia So Ai Li

Hoan-Geng Li Ho Gau Cha Li Kio Si Mi Mia Goa E Mia Si Si M Si Li Ho Bo? Li Si Toh Lo Lai E? Goa chin hoa-hi kup li sek-sai Li Chiak Par Boey? Chin-ku Bo Khoa Tioh Li Kam Sia Li Phai-se... Chhia-meng Tui-put-khi Chai-kian Hor Huey Lu Ki! La-so Chin Ho! O-lo Chu Ia-so Ai Li



Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will the Antioch of the East be. Nonetheless, we are advancing in the plan and timeline of God. God is using us mightily to bridge gaps and sound the call of the Gospel to all corners of Asia! Our focus in the coming years is on Church Leadership and Apostolic Structure. Even as the harvest is white and plentiful, the Kingdom of God requires storehouses where we can contain the harvest. We need the walls and foundation of these storehouses to be strong before we can heave in the next bountiful harvest that God is about to give!



We have been successful as a hub. We have been translating, distributing, networking and growing in maturity as a church and hub for Asia. Now, we want the Gospel’s reach to deepen and widen. Attaining that goal calls for strategies of duplication. To achieve that, our focus and strategy for 2014 to 2016 is to establish and sustain effective Regional Centers.

How will a Regional Center look like? We envision a Regional Center to be a strategic and accessible training and resource station where qualified locals will be trained, and where finances can be easily canvassed. It will be a place where the five-fold ministry can be developed and sent to the local churches to support pastors. It will be a place with adequate technological infrastructure to support the Gospel work. More specifically, it is the place where the translations, broadcast and distribution of the Word and Apostolic materials will take place. 51


Firstly, we aim to raise national leaders to reach their own people. Next, we endeavor to equip the regional centers with the necessary equipment and expertise. We want to equip locals who are well-versed with the language and culture with the technological knowledge to spread the Gospel. In this manner, we hope to enable locals to be more effective than a foreign missionary. To maximize limited resources, Tabernacle of Joy will support these regional centers by providing the training and financial support. These regional centers in turn will support the network of local churches in their region. By duplicating the Hub in the Regional Centers, we will establish a deeper and wider geographical reach for the spread of the Apostolic Doctrine.

OUR ETERNAL INVESTMENTS AN UPDATE FOR SHAREHOLDERS We thank God on all the giving that came in. Through your giving, we raised $209,246 and that has allowed us to support multiple churches, pastors and translate our materials into multiple languages (please refer to infographics). This year, our target is



Main Mission Investment 2014:

Sabah, Philippines China, Vietnam



MALAYSIA Johor Bahru

JB is currently a boomtown with many Singaporeans moving there. Our strategy is to take the opportunity to establish a spiritual stronghold in that area through weekly services there. However, the degree of our investment would be dependent on our faith promise pledges in the coming year.


China has started Purpose Institute using the materials we have translated. We have now successfully facilitated a connection between UPCI Global Missions and Pastor Asaph. We are now investing in national leaders who are like-minded in doctrine and philosophy. Currently, we are working towards a partnership with the church in Beijing where we look forward to establishing a regional center there.





MATTHEW 24:7 “…AND THERE WILL BE FAMINES, PESTILENCES, AND EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES.” As natural disasters increase in frequency and intensity, it is imperative that the church is ready to support our brothers and sisters in affected areas. More than monetary support, Tabernacle of Joy will be embarking on a new mission initiative to send relief workers to assist our sister churches in disaster areas. Such assistance will come in the form of medical supplies, food, clothing and other necessities. Make a difference and join us as we extend love and relief to casualties of disasters. Medical knowledge and skills will be an advantage for such trips, but non-medical personnel are also welcome to sign up.




By embarking on a mission trip as a family, parents can create lasting memories, strengthen familial bonds and develop a mission mind-set and worldview in your children. Benefits: Families are strengthened as they serve God together. Family members see and begin to understand the needs of others. Setting an example for other family members shows God’s love and care. Different generations of the family get to serve the community alongside one another. Young and old alike develop a heart for people to know God’s love. This is more than a typical holiday.This is a vacation that will change your lives, help you build fulfilling relationships and create meaningful memories that will last a lifetime and beyond.




SO NOW you are pumped up to be involved in missions and you are ready to sign up for one. Now, hang in there and do not eject from your seat prematurely. Here’s the biblical strategy, illustrated through a paper plane. This is how you take flight.


“Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts...” So that we will be pure and effective vessels for God’s anointing to flow out of.


Always go in twos (or more). Luke 10:1, Mark 6:7, Matthew 18:20


Continue to submit, but now to authority.




The potential is tremendous now, but the power and anointing remains dormant without you being released into the field by your leaders and elders. With a thumb in the air feeling after where the Spirit is blowing, your leead will steer you in the right and most strategic direction to cruise in an optimal flight time, set for maximum impact.

Pastor Timothy had been reminding us again and again to be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth and take dominion. Now is the time to put action to what you’ve heard!


Be sure to submit to one another.


Take on a godly focus, as you put on the whole armor of God.

Ephesians 5:21. Both sides has to fulfill their part in total submission to start off on the right track.

Colossians 3:2, Ephesians 6:10-18. The burden might be heavy, but just hang in there because this is the perfect time to pray and intercede for the people/ country/ land.


Cruise at rocket speed Take Flight.

S ave E very N ation T oday It is God’s desire for every nation to be saved and it is also His desire to partner with us to see that happen. There are many ways that we can be SENT. We can be SENT on a mission trip to another country. We can be SENT through our prayers. Our prayers take us to places where we cannot go. It transcends languages and boundaries.Your prayers can move mountains and spark revival. We can be SENT through our financial giving. Jesus said,“Where a man’s treasure is, there his heart is also.” When we give financially to the nations, a part of our heart goes along with it too.A part of our heart goes to the people and nations where our giving goes.We are sent where our money is sent.

Projected Mission Trips of 2014


Faith Promise Commitment

Jan 13-15 Sarawak Kuching (Leadership only)

I ____________________, through my dependence on God, want to be SENT through my giving for the next 12 months.

Feb 11-13/ Mar 18-20 Kalimantan (Leadership only) Mar 15-18 FOAM in Philippines (Open to all) Apr14-18 Bacolod Youth Camp (Open to youths and 20/20)

Please circle your SENT figure below.

$ 200 $ 150 100 $ 75 $ 50 $ 30 $ 20 $ _________

May 27-30 Sabah Family Camp (Open to all) Jul17-21 Tuao (Open to all)

$ $ 40 $ 10


I would like to give a one-time offering of:

Dates undetermined:


Prayer walk to Johor Bahru (Open to all) Short trips to Johor Bahru (Open to all) Short trips to Vietnam (Open to all) Disaster Relief (Medical expertise a bonus)

*All cheques made payable to Manumission Ltd.


Projected Mission Trips 2014 (Please note that all mission trips are subjected to Pastoral Approval. This is not a sign up form, it is an indication of interest. All other details will be released sooner the date)

Indication of interest for

Projected January 13th – 15th: Sarawak Mission Trips Kuching (Category: Leadership of 2014 only)

(Please note that 11th-13th all mission trips are subjected Kalimantan to Pastoral Approval. This is not a sign up form, Feb/18th-20th MarThere (Category: it is an indication of interest are more mission trips pending. All other details will be Difficulty level High) released nearing the date.)

March 15th – 18th: FOAM in Philippines (Category: Open to Janall) 13-15 Sarawak Kuching (Leadership only) April 15th – 17th: Bacolod Youth Camp Feb 11-13/(Category: Mar 18-20 Open to Kalimantan (Leadership only) youths and 20/20) May 27th – 30th: Sabah family Mar 15-18 Campin (Category: Open to all) FOAM Philippines July 17th – 21st: Tuao Apr14-19 (Category: Open to all) Bacolod Youth Prayer walk toCamp JB - (Category: Open to all) May 27-30 Sabah ShortFamily Trips toCamp JB - (Category: Open to all) Jul17-21 Short trips of to Vietnam Tabernacle Joy, Tuao (Category: Open to all) ?? Disaster Relief – (Category: Prayer walk to Johor Bahru Difficulty Level High, Medical ?? expertise is a bonus) Short trips to Johor Bahru ?? Short trips to Vietnam ?? Disaster Relief (medical expertise a bonus)

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