SENT - Because of the Harvest

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Issue 4 | November 2014

SENT because of the harvest






All photos reproduced with permission Š Tabernacle of Joy Singapore, All Rights Reserved Published in November 2014 Tabernacle of Joy, Singapore 205 Henderson Road #07-01 Singapore 159549 +65 63344022 @tabjoyantioch @tabjoy Hashtag your social media posts with #TJSENT 2

SENT. Save. Every. Nation. Today.


ear new readers, SENT may look like another buzzword or catchphrase splashed on big projectors and Tabernacle of Joy’s social media this season. But there is more, here is the story behind it. Coined by the winning team of an in-house event planning workshop held in 2005, we adopted the acronym to represent our mission endeavours to bear the burden and responsibility that every soul hears the gospel message and comes to the saving faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. To “Save Every Nation Today”. That was the heartbeat of the church in a terse line, one simple word. Our vision was never bigger than before. Then 2011 came, people were coming and going, and there came a need for us to consolidate what we’ve done into an annual missions report. Naming the publication was a no-brainer… and our first issue of the S.E.N.T. magazine materialised. And dear seasoned readers, this is our fourth issue of S.E.N.T., and we bring an even more urgent message. As God’s time-clock ticks, we are perhaps just years, days, hours or minutes away from the closing and the opening of a new chapter in the plan of God. Let it not escape you that, more often than not, the saving of “nations” begins with one soul. That one soul could perhaps be found in our “Jerusalem” – Singapore – our “Judea and Samaria” – neighbouring countries – or perhaps even in the “uttermost parts of the earth” where only YouTube videos and an online version of this magazine can travel to. But to that very soul, that might be all it takes to start them on a journey of seeking Truth. So if you are reading this foreword and do not know Jesus, please know this basic truth: Jesus loves you and there is hope. If you would like to find out more, email We will be more than glad to help you along your journey of knowing Christ. To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, remember this: One Soul, Not Difficult.




window Between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator is an belt where over 5,000 of the world's unreached groups live. About three billion souls live there. More than a billion are completely untouched. We list six of the most unreached.


Uighur, CHINA

North Korea is one of the most highly controlled societies in the world. The government has officially banned Christianity from North Korea. The people of this nation are in need of political and spiritual freedom.

The Uighur people group are from Xinjiang in China. Most Uygur follow a folk Islam mixed with superstition, with almost none having heard of the name of Jesus before.

> 24 million people, 1.5% christians

> 11 million people, 0.01% christians

Musahar, India

Madurese, Indonesia

The Musahar are considered one of the lowest Dalit (considered as “untouchable�) groups within India and suffer tremendously because of their status, both economically and socially.

The Madura are the third largest people group in Indonesia. The majority of the Madura people are known to be very devout Sunni Muslims.

Hazara, Afghanistan

Karakalpak, Uzbekistan

The Hazara are a people of distinctions - set apart from fellow Afghans by religion, mixed ethnicity and an independent nature. They have suffered persecution over their beliefs for the last 200 years from the Mughals, Pashtuns and other ethnic minorities.

The Karakalpaks are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafite branch. Very few Karakalpaks have ever heard and let alone responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

0.1% christians

> 2 million people, 0.03% christians

> 8 million people, 0.2% christians

500,00 people, 0.01% christians

*Information for this article was taken from The Joshua Project website.



Jolee Wee, 16

These are the thoughts of first-timers made extraordinary by an extraordinary God on an extraordinary mission.

Faith Factor Youth Camp, Malaysia Student

“I believe that no one is ever too young or too old to be in the mission field. Even if we think that we are not spiritually ready for missions, God is able to use us as long as we are available. Missions is not about ourselves or our agendas. It’s about helping out with His Kingdom.”

MAR 14

Joshton Tang, 5

Santi Choo, 40 FOAM, Philippines Stay-home mom with two young children

"Our mission was to bless the children there with food. Our children learnt to give. They now understand that there is greater blessing in giving of what they have than keeping it to themselves As a family, we grew more united."

Chris Tang, 33

FOAM, Philippines Dinosaur Expert

"There were really nice cars and a really nice hotel. Nice food and some nice fishes too! We also played some games there. But we saw many children. They wore torn clothes. Their clothes were torn and had holes in them."

MAY 14

FOAM, Philippines Executive

Initially I felt apprehensive and uneasy. This was out of my comfort zone. I was bringing my family and my youngest son was only two and a half years old! But it turned out more fruitful than I imagined. Missions allows me to do my part for the glory of God. There were many people there who had less than us but their hunger for God exceeded ours. They spurred me on to be just as hungry too.

Rachel Thangam, 14 Sabah Family Camp, Malaysia Student

"I was sponsored by the church to go for a mission trip in Sabah. I've had a burden and vision for Sabah since I was a little girl. I wanted to reach out to the people there. I was excited knowing how many kids would be there, and was touched to see how hungry they were for God. I left Sabah very thankful."

Daniel Heng, 27 Sabah Family Camp, Malaysia Metrology & Testing Engineer

"Although I wasn't feeling very prepared, I flowed along with Pastor and acted under his authority. I prayed for people to receive the Holy Spirit and it was a beautiful sight seeing so many receiving it and worshipping God. That stirred my faith. I also got to see what it was like in the Malaysian church and I saw a need. One day I hope to donate solar panels to them!"


Don’t know what to listen to on the way to your mission trip? Here are some songs to prepare your heart for the journey ahead.

THE SENT PLAYLIST 10 MISSION SONGS TO GET YOU PUMPED UP -----------------------------------------------------------My nation healed by Israel Hougton Starts with me by Tim Timmons Give us your heart by William Dowell SenD me out by Steve Fee Lord of the harvest by Fred Hammond Wake up by ALL Sons and Daughters Go in by Urshan College Follow you by Leeland We speak to nations by Israel Hougton Fresh Anointing by Will Banks



Not into music? Pick up a book instead. Here are some of our top picks.

Through the Gates of Splendor

Entering the Restricted Zone

The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole

Elizabeth Elliot

Bishop Steve Willoughby

Doug & LaDonna Joseph

Through Gates of Splendor tells the bittersweet story of five missionaries who came together with the common mission of spreading the gospel to an unreached tribe in the deep jungles of Ecuador. Five, who sacrificed everything they had on earth, in the hopes of bringing someone new to God. The passion and zeal of the five men is contagious, stirring our hearts and strengthening our faith to believe that we all have a part to play in reaching the lost in every tribe and tongue with the true Gospel of Christ.

Many admire the man and worshipper that he is, but few know the difficult paths he took to bring Apostolic truth to the shores of Singapore. Known to many as a humble, God-loving, promisebelieving apostle to Singapore and Asia, Bishop Steve Willoughby has spent a lifetime in the Restricted Zone challenged by insurmountable situations. Each time God would move the mountain and teach a principle. Now, these principles are placed into our hands to empower us for the harvest.

More people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit under Billy Cole’s ministry than anywhere else. This book offers insights on biblical principles and demonstrates what God can do through us as long as we willingly submit to His leading and Lordship. Looking for other books? Do check out: Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur by Frank Houghton or Unseen Hands: The Story of Revival in Ethiopia by Nona Freeman



WHat does A FLOOR-KISSING RITUAL, A WEDDING PROPOSAL, and a water festival have in common?


“Hitched” on a Mission by Joen Chiang Our mission trip to China began with experiencing Beijing, which we could not do without climbing the Great Wall. As we ascended, my then-boyfriend attempted to hold a meaningful conversation but I was struggling to hear him clearly because of the climb. Suddenly he half-knelt on the steps and proposed to me! I was not expecting this deviation from plan - we were there on “serious business”, not leisure. This would go down in history as TJ's first mission trip proposal. Nothing beats embarking on the next phase in life while doing God's work! And in case you were wondering, I said yes.

Burmese Supersoakers by Alvin Tan Our trip to Yangon, Myammar was unforgettable because we happened to be there at the start of the Burmese Water Festival. Not knowing this prior to our journey to church, we dressed up in our Sunday Best as we loaded into the vehicle that was taking us there. As we headed out onto the streets, people were engaged in major water “warfare”. We soon realized that being dressed smartly made us stand out. We became prime targets! Thankfully, some of the team members had umbrellas with them.

First Kiss by Brenda Lee As zealous first-time mission trippers to the Philippines, we were determined to stay in step with our spiritual leaders and do anything the Lord required of us. As soon as we stepped out of the Manila airport, Sis Nancy Cargando, wife of the pastor of FJF, looked at us with the most deadpan solemn face and said “It is a custom for every first time visitor to kiss the ground of our homeland. It’s a sign of respect.” In a spirit of reverence, I got down on my knees with several other members and kissed the warm concrete floor. Suddenly, we heard sniffles of laughter that quickly turned to hysteria. That was when we realize that we were tricked into performing a non-existent ritual! 11






ingapore - a tiny red dot on the map, with just a hundred saints in 1994. Yet we believed God could use us to impact a million lives. Sporting an ambitious faith, a world view and trusting in a big God, we have prayed big prayers and dreamed big dreams of revival in Asia. Every soul counts. Over the past 20 years, Tabernacle of Joy has given selflessly to missions, placing God’s business as priority over our own because we know that He is more than able to provide for all that we need. After two decades of faith-giving and faith-going, we have witnessed the faithfulness of God. He provided for our

needs miraculously and we now own a church premise! However, the ultimate privilege and reward is to be His earth-partners. Him working through us to usher in His kingdom upon the earth. Through the years, He has opened and closed doors, directed and re-directed our mission efforts for maximum impact. God has since enlarged our vision to be Antioch of the East, Impacting Billions of Lives. We now have our mission footprints in 13 nations with nine daughter works overseas and we will continue impacting the billions in Asia... because the harvest awaits.

“If we help others build their church, God will help us build our church” – Bishop Steve Willoughby


1994, Taiwan

1994, Myammar

1996, Ethiopia


1994 saw five of our men from Tabernacle of Joy step into the mission field. That was the church’s first mission trip to Taiwan. Since then, we have not stopped sending out mission teams. We started with one country and now, 20 years later, we have reached 13 nations and counting.

2004, Zambales

2005, Sri Lanka

2006, Chennai

2006, Malaysia

2011, Bacolod

2011, Thailand

2012, Dumaguete

2001, China

2002, Fiji

2003, Sabah

2005, Jakarta

2005, Kolkata

2005, Pakistan

2009, Philippines

2009, Sri Lanka

2010, Myammar

2012, Vietnam

2013, China

2014, Sabah

MILESTONES God has blessed Tabernacle of Joy with various plans and strategies to impact the region beyond crusades and camps. Here are the various milestones in our 20 years of missions going and giving.

“From the birth of our church we had a vision of helping the 10/40 window are of the world and now it became a reality” TJ

News Magazine VoL. 2.1, Pg 15, 1st Quarter 1995

WE MADE our first mission

trip in 1994 to Taiwan and have never looked back since.


• Translation of materials in Bahasa, Chinese, Hindi, Tagalog and more • Next Steps Asia • Collection Drive for Clothes, Stationery & Toys


been in our DNA and over the years, we have employed many means to help bring in the harvest.



was started in 1994, with the first collection amassing S$3,227. In 1995, the figure rose to S$35,285. In 1996, it was renamed Faith Promise.

SENT our first missionary overseas in 2009




been left all over the region through our mission trips and giving. COUNTRIES WE REACHED:

• Malaysia • Indonesia • Vietnam • Myanmar • Thailand • China • Taiwan • Sri Lanka • India • Fiji • Philippines • Ethiopia • Pakistan • Nepal • Bangladesh


the formula of the Bible and though we are not here to carve a brand, many Filipino sisters returned home to set up home churches in TJ's name, because of the harvest in their villages. TABERNACLE OF JOY'S DAUGHTER WORKS:

• Tuao (Antioch Joy Haven Foundation) • San Antonio • Panan • Santa Cruz • Bacolod • Bunawan • Munoz



he world today is a small place. We are no more disconnected by bodies of water and mountain ranges. Technology has broken all physical barriers in connecting with a world on an unimagined scale facilitating the exchange of ideas, cultures and experiences.

“Because of the harvest!” should be our battle cry. It is clear that both the Old Testament and the New Testament anticipate the globalisation of the world through Christian mission. With technology, it seems that everything is all set for us to evangelise to the world. This is a prospect that must be seized with faith and courage. None of us are individually responsible for the entire world, but at the same time we are collectively responsible for the world. We live in a world where the conveniences of travel outweigh the inconveniences.

“Because of the harvest!” should be our battle cry. Someone once told me, that we may find a million reasons for not going on a mission trip, but if we find even one reason to go, then we should go. The world is crying out for Jesus. The potential for outreach in this global interconnected world must excite us. Let’s use the technology that has been placed in the hands of this generation. If you have a smartphone, tablet or a laptop, you can reach the world. You can book a plane ticket, creatively present the Good News or reach out to someone whose status update shows they are hurting.

IF YOU HAVE A SMARTPHONE, TABLET OR A LAPTOP, YOU CAN REACH THE WORLD. It is time and God is waiting on us to step up. Let us go make disciples of the world. Because of the harvest. ◆





REACHING THE BILLIONS in asia Asia is the last continent that has yet to see revival. On the verge of the largest spiritual awakening the Earth will see, God has positioned us to be in the center of the action. Called to be Antioch of the East, Impacting Billions of Lives, this massive vision requires every labourer to get into the harvest fields competently. In the past one year, our network has been expanded and trips multipled. There is a call for equipping in the region, to prepare the labourers for harvest. In this section, we bring you reports from our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and yonder.


But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8


M E L A S U R E J R nity. U u m m O cal co each out o l r e r id

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G N I H C A RE EA & D A I U J R A M A S 26



amilies are the building blocks of society. It is through the family that values and traditions are passed down to the next generation. As seen in scripture, there is no better way to teach the next generation than to demonstrate and impart. FOAM is the only overseas trip in Tabernacle of Joy’s Mission Calendar that has a tailored itinerary for this very purpose. There is no limit on the age of its participants yet the experience is not diluted, allowing participants to be exposed to the grit and grace characteristic of an Apostolic mission trip. Each experience is

an opportunity to learn and give. We were elated that 6 families (consisting of 23 participants, age ranging from three to 55 years old) rose up and ventured into the mission field this year. Their testimonies can be found in Acts 29 and Sent for the First Time. Make this annual mission trip a precious landmark in your family’s life-long endeavor towards Christlikeness. ◆

F.O.A.M 2015: Philippines 13 - 16 March

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HAILED WITH the titles of “Worst Philippine Typhoon” and “Strongest Storm recorded at Landfall”, the Islands of Leyte received Typhoon Yolanda with all her fury and gave a lashing to the land that still bears the scars of her scourging today.Armed with the funds and clothing collected from our new Disaster Relief Initiative, Pastor Dodjie embarked on a lone journey to Philippines to distribute amongst the churches the gift given from the church in Singapore. Meeting up with Rev. Ceasar Pestano in Cebu, they journeyed

by boat to the region of Leyte. Battered homes, ruined churches and a devastated people greeted their eyes. They resided at a church while Pastors from the region came to meet them. Prayer was made and funds was given to the Pastors. The presence of the brethren comforted those that were in need. Today, the people of Leyte are still in the midst of rebuilding and regaining normalcy in their lives – a new normal – and the work of God still goes on as souls continue to be added to the church. ◆ REACHING BILLIONS


Combined Youth Camp

Bacolod, The Philippines

Bacolod, The Philippines

Combined Youth Camp

P.I. Summit Asia

Bacolod, The Philippines

Next Steps Malaysia Combined Youth Camp

P.I. Summit Asia

Next Steps Penang

Sabah Family Camp Combined Youth Camp

F.O.A.M. Indonesia Missions Trip with Caleb & Elizabeth Hill



Sabah Family Camp

F.O.A.M. Sarawak, Malaysia

Jakarta Family Camp


Sabah Family Camp Tarakan, Malaysia Pampanga, The Philippines



Purpose: Facilitate a leadership conference Audience: 100 Leaders & Pastors Dates: 12 - 14 May 2014


his year, we collaborated with the churches in East Malaysia to a greater measure. In May, we were invited by Bishop T.A. Leow to facilitate a leadership conference in Sarawak. We embraced this opportunity to be the Antioch of the East, by equipping leaders to carry out God’s work in the mission fields beyond the shores of Singapore, giving back as God continues to bless Tabernacle of Joy. We conducted equipping sessions for pastors as well as leadership sessions for pastors and their leaders. Many of the participants had journeyed long distances to be there, an evidence of their hunger

for revival in their God-given area of influence. A member of the TJ mission team, Bro. Dennis Tan reflects, “I was seated in front in a vantage position throughout the meetings and was able to witness how leaders and pastors responded. It is my fervent belief that we need to continue to help our brethren to equip themselves in order to be effective in winning souls for Christ.” The scripture is true, “...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required : and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more” Luke 12:48. ◆

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE TARAKAN, INDONESIA Purpose: Connect with leadership Audience: Leaders & Pastors Dates: 17 - 21 March 2014



There was no masking their eagerness to be taught and it is evident that every member benefitted from the conference. Bro DENNIS TAN

INDONESIA is the largest Islamic country in the world and spreads across a wide expanse of land and sea. We were given an opportunity to minister in Tarakan in March this year. Tarakan is an island next to Kalimantan that is virtually unknown to the rest of the world. Most people do not even visit Kalimantan. Our mission was to speak to the leaders over there and connect with them. The education level in Tarakan is not very high. Though there is a branch of Borneo University there, it is questionable as to what percentage of the population will have the opportunity to receive higher education. As a result, the opportunity for good jobs, education


PAMPANGA, THE PHILIPPINES Purpose: Establish contact through the school system Audience: 1,100 students / 300 adults Dates: 6 -12 August 2014

WITH A military airbase and an international airport nearby, the Pampanga province is on a journey towards urban development. But however compelling the plans of men, it is not what there is but who there is that makes it investmentworthy in the eyes of God. Pastor Dodjie and Sis Nancy Cargando became acquainted with Pastor Sam Embalsado in 2007 when they invited him to Singapore for their annual Singspiration. They took to each other immediately and spiritual bonds were formed. Seven years later, Pastor Sam has now embraced the Apostolic DNA imparted through the leadership here. Because of the harvest, Pastor Sam felt compelled to leave Acts Bible College and start a selfsupporting church in the Pampanga province, operating out of his own

home. Gleaning from previous experiences in joint mission efforts with TJ, he started feeding the children in his area a simple meal of porridge and eggs. In a short time, the congregation grew and sprouted five other daughter works that rent facilities around the Pampanga province. This spiritual revival was accomplished without external financial support. It is a testimony that God equips the called and supplies the resource. Tabernacle of Joy’s maiden trip to Pampanga had one goal – to create spiritual shockwaves in the area. This was accomplished by a method that has proven itself effective in the Philippines - providing help and community services. As part of the giving programme, 1100 students received food and school supplies and 300 adults received food. The influence of the church

and professional growth appear slim. This trip solidified the relationship between TJ and Sabah. The time spent deepening relationships served to clarify common visions for Apostolic growth and revival. As our partnership is still in its infancy stage, the impact on the churches in Tarakan and Kalimantan is yet to be seen but a great connection has been established. Much prayer, support and nurturing will be needed in

order to bring future returns on this initial investment in Tarakan. Pastor Daniel Matthews, the zone leader of Kalimantan under the leadership of Pastor Lie Amin, has a vision of God bringing revival to Kalimantan - a vision that we want to see come to pass! The people are hungry and the leadership in Tarakan have an opportunity to respond to this hunger. ◆

"I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land." EZEKIEL 22:30

in Pampanga has greatly increased because of of what the church has done. The church has become a household name and many doors of opportunities that were previously closed have now been opened. Now, the church is ready to draw in her nets to receive the harvest. ◆

Tarakan 2015: 6 - 11 April REACHING BILLIONS



A 300 percent drop in salary. A concrete ceiling to a metal roof. A vibrant church with a solid foundation to a church start-up with zero foundation. A supported ministry to a remote effort. These Joy Fellowship sisters had come to Singapore to carve out a better life, but God called them to a higher purpose -– to return to Philippines as church planters and leaders.


hile being in Singapore many of them, like Pastor Linda Delacruz and Pastor Nida Fallorin, had recurring physical dreams of being used by God. Now, having planted churches in their hometowns, they remember how their time in Singapore was preparation for the call of God.

Truly I was blessed to bless others. NIDA FALLORIN

Their time in Singapore taught them to follow the will of the Lord no matter the circumstances without which, they would have missed their calling. When Sis. Gina Cuison went home to Zambales, she met and married a pastor there. Initially she was hesitant to get married because of the responsibilities of being a pastor’s wife. She enjoyed serving others but was uncertain of having a public ministry. Eventually she yielded to the will of God. She recalled, “I’m grateful for my leaders in Singapore. If it weren’t for their teachings and corrections, I would not have been equipped to follow the call of God despite the difficulties. Now I want to do the same for the 32


people I am leading now.” Pastor Bing Teotima Gamutin was called to a region that she was unfamiliar with. She did not know anyone so she started to do prayer walks in the area. It was during one of those prayer walks that she ran into a sister who also used to live in Singapore. Through her, she met a few hungry souls. The Lord expanded her network and through the Partners In Mission scheme, she was able to rent a two-storey house to have church.

I was able to apply what I learnt in Singapore in the Philippines. GINA CUISON

These sisters never imagined that they would one day be pastors in the Philippines, but because they were faithful to serve and study the word of God in Singapore, God promoted them. They who were part of the harvest - now become harvesters themselves. God made the way for these sisters to be in Singapore, so that they could eventually be a blessing to the Philippines. ◆

PARTNERS IN MISSIONs Partners in Missions, or PIM for short, was started to help full-time ministers start a new work while they are not able to receive a source of income. PIM gives two years support of P2000 monthly (now revised to P3000/monthly).

FOR THE first time, we teamed up for a youth camp that had around 100 attendees from Singapore and Malaysia. The goal of the camp was to give the youths of Singapore and Malaysia a unified purpose and vision, creating networks for them to be able to work together to minister to people in both countries. They are not just part of a local church but a part of the global body of Christ. ◆


Sustainability is a way of living that ensures the next generation will have the resources needed to survive. As the body of Christ, we need to operate productively and effectively. Many have poured into the missions field. However as it matures, it must go beyond being a recipient and become a productive member of the body to sustain itself. WE STARTED Antioch Joy Haven Foundation with the hope that the missions work in Phillippines will eventually be able to generate income and support itself. With the foundation, we did not build a church but a farm. Land was purchased in Pampanga under the vision of Pastor Sam Embalsado, the current project manager for the foundation. He recalls, “Our environment here is inclined towards farming. Years ago, I prayed a simple prayer that God would grant us farms or lands. So, whenever I passed through a field, I would whisper ‘The Lord will give us land’.” And He did. In April this year, some goats

TO see so many zealous youths from around the region worshipPing God together was VERY ENCOURAGING. ROBERTA LEO


and cows were acquired for this land. A few months later, fruit trees and organic vegetables were added. Pastor Sam mentions, “These are the raw materials for a great move of God in Pampanga, the Philippines and beyond.” Other plans for a farm restaurant and a multi-purpose hall to generate more income are in the works. The farm in Pampanga will be a great blessing to sustain the growing work in the Philippines. It may not make sense to build a farm instead of a church. But by planting the seed of a farm in Pampanga, we will reach a harvest greater than what the building of a single church can ever contain. ◆ REACHING BILLIONS




REA UTT CHING E OF T RMO THE HE E ST P ART ARTS H the world? o f o ² m k 0 ,00 dt all 510,072 om one en r f h c t a e e g r o e t w km ins How do ravel 6371 thousand miles beg and t o t e v a h es fa We may e journey o ith a new pair of sho ing h t t u b r, e w av the oth p - possibly eparation is key to h ar e t s le g in s r with a aining. P d. This ye r n t a e h c t n a a r is u l lots of end rers because reviva ip every saint to u ou trained lab de it a priority to eq a we have m e harvest. h gather in t




he idea of “Next Steps” was birthed in 2009 because of a need for an in-house Apostolic discipleship plan and a desire to train teachers. In 2010, we put together a sketchy plan, rented a photography studio and started designing our posters with hopes of a launch in 2011. But God had other plans and we had to put Next Steps on hold for a season. Finally, we were able to launch our Next Steps in July 2012. We started with only 6 classes and 5 teachers then, but now have 36 courses and 15 teachers ready to answer the call of God. With systems in place, we rejoiced that we finally had a plan for discipleship in Singapore. Little did we realise how myopic we were. As a missions church that exists because

brethren overseas shared and gave, it is hardwired in our DNA to do the same. Others had seen the fruit of Next Steps and wanted to use it as a tool to establish churches and train future leaders in their nation. After much planning, we programmed a new database and translated existing materials so that we were able to share Next Steps with the leaders in this region. In August this year, we had our first Next Steps Training Session for leaders and administrators in Malaysia, with many more inquiries for Next Steps coming our way. By the start of 2015, we will have seven more congregations implementing Next Steps in their churches. God’s plans are higher than our plans and His thoughts higher than

WE STARTED With 6 classes and 5 teachers, we now have 36 courses and 15 teachers ready to answer the call of God.

our thoughts. Our investments in Singapore are no longer merely for ourselves - not because of who we are - but because of the harvest. ◆

Purpose Institute Summit Asia Two years of planning. 100 leaders across Asia gathered. Four days together. One sole purpose to train and equip leaders to reach the billions in Asia. THE INAUGURAL “Target 100” Purpose Institute (PI) summit Asia was designed with this objective in mind. With 168 participants and 8 speakers involved - the results far exceeded its original conception. Those present could testify that the Holy Spirit had indeed weaved divine connections among the leaders, creating an invisible network across

the churches in Asia. This network, combined with trained leaders, This network, combined with trained leaders, will become a net that can reach the billions in Asia. With a multiplication effect set to take off in the Apostolic churches after the summit, we are on the brink of the latter-day rain in Asia. The tipping point lies in our hands. ◆ REACHING BILLIONS




The story of the Church ends seemingly abruptly at chapter 28 of the book of Acts. Could it be that it was intended to be an ever-evolving chronicle of the Church as it contends to complete the Great Commission? Church members from different walks of life share how they live out the next chapter.




Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. - Proverbs 31: 30 40

NO BARRIERS Low Siew Luan, 64, Clerk I am envious when I see young people go on mission trips. My physical condition limits

the places I can visit, but God reminded me that I could go on a holiday and still be missionsminded.

I FEEL THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE our missionaries function overseas. It is a lonely path and when visitors from the home church drop by, our fellowship brings them encouragement. Each time I go to China, it is a new experience. It is not just for leisure. There is always something that God will use me to do.

I’ve had two bouts of cancer in recent years. Liver cancer in 2008, where I had to undergo surgery to remove a tumour and colon cancer in 2012 where I underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy in addition to surgery. THE LORD LED ME TO SHARE how I’ve learnt to be grateful to be alive through all the seasons of my illness. I was able to minister to a sister in China who was worried about her mom undergoing chemotherapy. IT MAY BE A SMALL TESTIMONY but you will never know how God can use it to minister

to people.

Age is not a barrier to missions work, it is the mindset. Whatever age you are, I think there is always a place for you to serve as long as you have a passion and love for the mission. As long as you live the mission is always there, whether it’s home missions or overseas missions. I am grateful when God reminds me that I still have a place to serve in His Kingdom. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR ME NOT TO BE INVOLVED. At my age now I don’t have many responsibilities. There are people in the local church who need help as well. I have the gift of hospitality, and I make it available to whoever needs it. God uses that to bless people.

I WAS VERY HUMBLED to hear that Sis Frances (see p. 46) considers me a role model. She used to be my tenant, so we spent a lot of time together. I consider her a daughter.

EVERYONE CAN BE SOMEONE’S ROLE MODEL. Especially us older woman, we have

more life experiences. As long as we have godly wisdom to share, others will be willing to learn from us.




And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. - Acts 5:42 42

ANTIOCH IN MOTION Christine Kuruppu, 61, UPCI Pastor AS A TRINITARIAN, I thought my husband had joined a cult when he came back to Sri Lanka from Singapore with a ‘new’ doctrine in 2001. Soon after, both my son and daughter also accepted this doctrine and were baptized in Jesus’ name. However, I continued to remain faithful to what I believed to be true. DESPITE BEING ADAMANT ABOUT THE DOCTRINE OF TRINITY my family kept preaching the Word to me and I finally came to know Apostolic truth and was saved. A DEEP ENCOUNTER WITH GOD at Mannafest Conference in Singapore changed my life. I realized God had called me to be a witness of Apostolic truth in Kandy. THERE WAS NO ONENESS CHURCH IN KANDY, SRI LANKA and I was compelled to start a church in order to shepherd the flock that had started in my home church. WE STARTED WITH FIVE BELIEVERS. Today, we have reached our third year with about 40 believers (four of them were baptized in TJ, Singapore). THIS YEAR I was issued a “Local Ministerial Licence” on 27 August by the UPC Board of Directors, headed by Bishop Mathiasz. We are now proceeding to hold services in a new building. God has indeed provided and is continuing to reach out to touch many lives in Kandy.

Maneesha Kuruppu, 28, Freelance Research Consultant When I moved back to Sri Lanka from Singapore in 2012, my mother was having church services in our living room. The “Home Sweet Home” that I remembered from my childhood was not there anymore. It was not comfortable informing others that we have church at home. The idea of a home church took some adapting to.

LIVING IN a home church meant stepping out of my comfort zone

to preach. I was also only 26 years old then and worried if the congregation would take me seriously. However, God changed my perspectives as I started in preach in faith.

Despite my inadequacies, God has been leading me. He showed me that the Great

Commission had to be fulfilled.

God is only looking for a willing vessel. To be honest, that’s all I knew for

God to use me and that is all that God needs to use you.




As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. - Joshua 24:15 44

A FAMILY’S MISSION Nicholas Low, 43, Vice President, Technology My wife and I have always desired to see our children be constantly ready to do

God’s work whenever and wherever the calling may be. We want each child to have their own dreams and fulfill their destiny as designed by God.

As parents, it is daunting to educate our boys about the reality of the world outside the

comforts of our homes. Living in Singapore, I doubt they understand what poverty is (dare I say, to admit overconsumption). The mission trip exposed them to some of the harsh realities of our world.

FOAM (FamilY On A Mission) to Bacolod, Philippines was a remarkably

fulfilling experience for us! It was our first ever mission abroad as a family, with our youngest being only four years old.

Humanly speaking, it was not at all fun to prepare for the whole troop. It was right after the exam period. To top it off, Zechariah had a hairline crack on one of his right toes a week before the trip. God miraculously healed him and the doctor pronounced that he had no fracture just a day before we set off. We invested two days of our lives reaching out to God’s people young and old, traveling

to remote villages sharing His love and His plan for them. It was heart-warming to see a family of three generations wanting to know more about God through Bible studies.

Bacolod City is a land of smiles filled with some of the most friendly and passionate

people we have ever met, especially Pastor Tong and his crew. We were pampered with scrumptious food and hospitality. In the midst of all the visitations, we also enjoyed spectacular views and breathed in the freshest air as we drove through seemingly endless paddy fields.

After seeing some of the villagers who lacked basic needs like clothing, housing and a

working toilet system, our two older boys Seth and Zechariah have learnt to be grateful for the little things that they used to take for granted.

For OUR TWO YOUNGEST BOYS, Ezra and Nathan, everything was really fun, cool and exciting. They loved all the new experiences like riding at the back of a jeep on rocky roads with their friends to the villages, distributing goody bags and distributing hand-sculpted balloons to other children. The best part of this trip was for my family to be surrounded by a group of likeminded families with a united purpose of sharing the Gospel. Our children see their parents and their church family in action, doing missions and making it a priority.




Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. - Mattthew 10:27 46

THIS TREASURE I’VE FOUND Frances Lam, 27, Marketing Development Assistant One question kept haunting me while I was living in Singapore, “Why I am still in Singapore when the Vietnamese people need to hear this treasure I’ve found?” IN SINGAPORE, I received GREAT teaching every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday service. But if I were to fully apply it, I knew I had to go back to Vietnam.

I wanted to work in Singapore but I knew I had to bring the Gospel home to

Vietnam. God’s will prevailed when He put me in a work situation that resulted in me having to move back to Vietnam. On 24 June 2012, I packed my luggage and left Singapore for Vietnam.

Sharing the Gospel in Ho Chi Minh City is an exciting experience. Some people respond immediately without any hesitation. Others however, take a longer time. I learnt to take things slow, one step at a time.

THE First person to receive the Holy Ghost was a girl who came to me for English class. It was just the two of us and at the end of the lesson we sang a worship song and prayed. That’s when she received it. This gift is so real for those who are hungry and sincerely seeking God. God provided a house for me to have church service and that is where I do ministry today.

The people of Ho Chi Minh CITY are a hardworking people. It is common for them to

work seven days a week and do overtime. This is why it is difficult for them to attend service on a regular basis.

I believe in The power of lifestyle evangelism. Jesus has helped me to be the salt and light to the people in my workplace. I have had the opportunity to invite them home and God has miraculously filled some of them with the Holy Spirit. These days I am learning that I am just one of the many laborers in God’s harvest field. We need to work together as a team to reach this world in these last days.





The church in Asia today stands on shoulders of giants. We catch up with a few veteran missionaries – men who have dedicated their entire lives and families for the singular cause of His kingdom – to share their insights on being in the field, so that the likes of you and I can use their ceiling as a floor to start from. Because of the harvest.


REV. ROGER BUCKLAND Regional Director, Pacific

When I first became the Regional Director for the Pacific I asked God for direction to fulfill this responsibility. I recognised the massive area that the Pacific covers. I began to feel the need for the works that are existent within the Pacific to be more connected with each other. No one can complete the task of taking the Gospel to this entire area by himself. We all need each other for encouragement and backing. Just within the last several months we are seeing this connectivity between the nations taking place. Singapore has sent groups to the Philippines and assisted in their revival. Australia has ministered in the Tonga Conference as well as in the Philippines and will be preaching the Solomon Islands Conference this year. New Zealand and New Caledonia had a delegation at the General Conference in Vanuatu. This is a real sign OF strength. Together we can do much more than by ourselves. We all need each other for encouragement and backing. It’s very encouraging to know that others are in this wonderful Truth. Sometimes when we think that we are all alone, it tends to weaken us and makes it easier to give in. Knowing

that others are traveling down this same road gives strength during struggles.

The struggles we face are normal challenges that come to everyone. If one is not completely sold out to doing whatever God wants in their life, these struggles will be magnified and can be used as an excuse for not doing God’s will in one’s life. My ultimate dream is that we will one day have a Regional Conference where there will be representatives from each of the island nations of the Pacific as well as those from the continents that are represented within the Pacific. When the trumpet sounds calling God’s children home, I hope to see many from the Asia-Pacific area of the world caught up to meet the Lord in the air. What a time we will have when we get to heaven! Rev. Roger Buckland became the regional director in 2012. His journey began in 1984 where he and his wife, Becky, were appointed missionaries to the Philippines. Nine years later, God transited them to appointments in Czech Republic and Slovakia where they pioneered a work. In their tenure, the first UPC was established in the Czech Republic. He then served as Area Coordinator for the 14 nations of Eastern Europe before this recent appointment.



REV. ALLAN SHALM Missionary, Asia & Pakistan

Every major religion in the world originated from Asia so there is a lot of spiritual activity here. Satan has tried to create deception and false religions to pose as the real thing. The only way to overcome that is to see an Apostolic revival and outpouring of the Spirit.

I have been praying for several years FOR God to give us a billion souls in Asia. I think that is not unreasonable because He is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. For this to happen, we need to prepare nationals for leadership. I learnt from my father’s example. He was the superintendent of the work in India in the early 1970s and had begun to nationalise the work. I was able to see how my dad empowered the nationals to minister to souls and run the work effectively. Political situations will arise, preventing missionaries from being in the country all the time. When the country takes ownership of her own revival, the faith of the people grow and they develop their own ways of reaching out to the locals. Training IS a necessity. When the church in Pakistan started to grow rapidly after a crusade with Reverend Billy Cole, I had to depend upon national brothers to help me in growing the work. I was born and raised in a minister’s home so I learnt many things from “osmosis” and just by being in the environment. The 50


ministers who came to our place and the opportunities to travel with my father were times where I learnt many spiritual truths.

Using this same principle I would always have someone travelling with me when we planned conferences. If I were going to preach somewhere, I would bring some pastors along. Young ministers need to remember that although you expect all Christians to be Christ-like in their conduct and practice, when you step into ministry that may not always be the case. Many times you will find that the greatest obstacles to growth are those who are supposed to be working with you. That being said, I believe that the Lord allows those people into your life to sharpen you. If you can keep a good spirit and come out of it, it will benefit you and make you stronger. ASIA NEEDS TO BECOME A CONTINENT where people are not just Christian but Apostolic. Allan Shalm was born and raised in South India by missionary parents. Asian through and through, he spent most of his life in Asia ministering extensively in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. He had seen thousands receive the Holy Ghost in Pakistan, but it is training has remarkably matured national leadership there. Today, the task of running the churches has been handed over to Bishop Khalid Pervaiz. After a season of deputation, he returns to Kuala Lumpur to impact Asia once again.

REV. PRINCE MATHIASZ Evangelism iS reaching out to the bruised and the hurting.

Missionary, Asia & Sri Lanka

Hit the road running. Start evangelizing from day one. Building buildings and setting up administration are needed, but evangelism is your first and foremost task. Go TO wherE the hurting people are. A church that is confined to the safety of its four walls is an unhealthy church. One day I picked up a man who was collapsed bleeding on the roadside and put him in my car. This was after the riots in the early 80s, so all the bystanders advised me against it. When I took him to the doctor they told me to go the police instead. No one wants to get involved, but the Church cannot be like that. God did not send another person. He came down to this earth Himself. I ended up taking the man to my home and nursing him back to health with the help of my wife. It turned out he had come from a far away village looking for a job. Trust was scarce after the riots, so he wandered around until he collapsed out of starvation and hit his head on a rock. We ended up baptizing him and his wife in the name of Jesus. Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty with missions. Do not be afraid of getting hurt. There’s a lot of work to be done if we want to see revival in Asia. The Great Commission was never to stay but to go. Jesus said to go ye into all the world. We are not supposed to stay within our

four walls of safety, where it is just me and my little crowd. We are to evangelise the world.

Reaching the world requires faith. Two weeks after arriving in Sri Lanka, civil war broke out. Factories were burning and there was bloodshed everywhere. The Global Missions Board asked if we wanted to go to Singapore for safety reasons. I had to consider my wife, who was a foreigner and my 18-month old daughter. After much thought and prayer, I told my wife, “We are not hirelings, we are shepherds”. In faith we decided to stay and I believe God honored that and gave us revival. Planting satellite churches is challenging. We must suffer one of two things: the pain of discipleship or the pain of regret. I chose the former because I can’t reach everyone singlehandedly. I realised the need to multiply myself. Go wherE there is no path and leave a trail for others to follow, not blindly follow the common path. Prince and Suzana Mathiasz arrived as missionaries to Sri Lanka in July 1983, just when a civil war that would last 26 years broke out. As of 2013, they have established 138 churches and preaching points spread across the country. During their time in Sri Lanka, a number of Trinitarian pastors and churches have been baptized in Jesus name. They have worked to establish leadership, develop training programs, and establish a new national training center and family camp project.



REV. JAMES CORBIN I believe that the will of God has not been fulfilled in its totality. There are still billions of souls who are unreached. Bangladesh has a population of almost 160 million and India is set to surpass China in population by year 2050.

Missionary, Asia, Bangladesh & India

Let loose of preconceived notions of what you think God can do. Look to His word and into His face and say, “God, whatever you want to do, however you want to do it and whoever you want to do it through, I say yes and I want to be a part of what you are doing!” I prayed that prayer about 25 years ago while I was working in a construction firm. God then opened up an opportunity for my wife to work in an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Bangladesh. We sold all we had and moved there. Revival is NOT always instantaneous. Just because a preacher shows up somewhere does not mean there will be an immediate harvest. In our early years, revival did not happen immediately. We were frustrated. We knew we were called and empowered by with the Holy Spirit, but we also needed to realize that there was a pseudo-kingdom trying to war against the kingdom of Jesus Christ. We had to learn quickly about the necessity of Apostolic authority. From our experience in North America, we had limited knowledge about spiritual authority and its connection to revival. We needed to combat spiritual forces and soften the ground with prayer 52


and fasting before any form of revival could take place.

We also learnt not to quantify the revival by numbers alone but through the lens of His Spirit. Once there were just seven of us during a church service. I grabbed the Pastor’s hands and we got up and danced before the Lord in celebration even before we saw revival. that CHANGE IN mindset resulted in a real shift for the work of God in Bangladesh. Almost immediately, we saw tremendous growth. Today God has expanded our call to India. We had the opportunity to minister in Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal. We met two trinitarian pastors whom we shared truth to. They were baptized in Jesus' name, filled with the Holy Spirit, and took this truth back to their congregation. In recent years, there have been a significant number of independents who have joined the UPCI. We now stand at the threshold of the greatest revival India and Bangladesh has ever seen. The Corbin family are a missionary family who possess a burden for souls in Asia. They first received a call to Bangladesh in 1989. Both Bro. and Sis. Corbin put in large amounts of effort to master the Bengali language. That effort has paid off and Bro. Corbin is able to preach and read in Bengali. Recently, the Corbin family has been appointed to India. Most of the work into India is through Kolkata as the language spoken is the same. Their son, Stephen, has caught on to the missionary vision. He reaches out and shares the gospel in school, also leading a youth group in Dhaka.

VISIBLE OBEDIENCE For many years, we have prayed for a church to sprout on the soil of our nearest neighbour, the state of Johor Baru in Western Malaysia. While prayers went up, unseen hands were working in the lives of Bro. Andrew Surian & Sis. Patima. In 2013, they packed their bags and moved to Johor Baru to pioneer an Apostolic work there. As a young church planter, Bro. Andrew has learnt many lessons and seen God’s provisions as he availed himself for the harvest.


first received the call of God when I was a young man, aged 17. Bro Starks, my pastor then, prophesied over me at the church office at Meng Suan Road, Singapore. I remember God’s promise to me was a great harvest of souls which I did not fully comprehend then. I simply embraced the call and left the details to God.

FOLLOWING CHRIST Over the years, I learnt most while following my leaders around as they ministered and counseled others, This taught me a lesson early on to submit to my leadership and stay under their covering. Following this principle, my wife and I were then redirected to Malaysia. Initially, I had wanted to convert to Singapore citizenship. But God was directing my footsteps further north as I started to translate at rallies and conferences throughout Malaysia. In 1993, my wife and I were directed to start a work in Johor Baru (JB). But the work in Malaysia was in its infancy and resources were limited for the

various church plants. That same year, Bishop Willoughby was appointed missionary to Singapore and so I sought out his advice for our plans. He advised me to move to Kuala Lumpur (KL) to be a help in the work there.

company gave us a rate that was well below the market price and we were blessed with furniture for our place in JB. This taught me to trust God in a new dimension that I would never have known if I had not heeded the call.

PREPARED TO BE SENT Though it might have looked like a diversion from the call of God, God was preparing us. In KL, we started a work among the Tamil community and had a good number of faithful saints. As things started to get comfortable, I felt the need to do more for His kingdom. This was when Bishop Leow submitted the idea of starting a work in Johor Baru.

NO MAN IS AN ISLAND As a new church plant, it is important to have divine connections and networks. As a congregation with predominantly Indian and Sabahan saints, we need help to reach the Chinese community, which is around 34% of Johorians. I can speak Mandarin but there is still a barrier for me to reach them. The network of churches that exist in Singapore and Malaysia is a great aid to us and will quicken the work in JB.

OBEDIENCE SPELT AS SACRIFICE This was a difficult decision to make, as I had a stable income in KL and a home to call our own. To uproot ourselves and our kids, leaving friends and family behind, was a sacrifice. But God always equips those He calls and we started to see miraculous provision in our lives. He helped us sell our house at a good price. A moving

HARVEST TIME There are many lessons to be learnt as a church planter. Though it can be tough, I have seen God work in miraculous ways as we respond to His call. I truly believe that we will reap a harvest in Johor Baru and create a strong Apostolic community for Johorian youths and adults. ◆ 53



ARE YOU MISSIONS READY? Gathering the know-how from those who’ve been there, here are some practical tips to get you ready for when you respond to the call of the harvest.


is it the will of God for me to go on this mission trip? We need to consider our responsibilities and commitments. But don’t let life, however daunting kill your desire. Instead, take baby steps and weigh in with the Word. Here are some indicators to guide you as you make your decision. 1

Elder’s Counsel For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellers there is safety. – Proverbs 24:6

The mission field is a spiritual battle. Walking into the mission field uncounseled and unsubmitted is like walking into war without a shield and a strategy. Surely you need guidance to wage war. Victory is won through many advisers (Prov 24:6). The role of the leader is to discern God’s direction and timing for every mission. We simply stay under cover by aligning ourselves in actions and in attitude. 2

INNER WITNESS And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:7 56


We may be doing something absolutely commonplace, yet feel uneasy and disturbed. Other times, we may be doing something completely outrageous yet feel settled and fulfilled. That inkling is God’s way of speaking to us, which Philippians 4:7 alludes to as the peace of God: “God’s peace is an internal compass, which is clearly experienced, but beyond our full ability to put into words.” Allow His spirit to move you to conviction and guide you in making that decision.


Circumstances do not happen by chance, nor are they coincidental. When the door of opportunity or need opens, answer the call. God’s zeal for us to do His will is far greater than any zeal we can ever conceive. Whether as a sound technician or a Kid’s Church helper, stay faithful and open to being God’s vessel and He will work through you. This is when the God-given giftings and strengths are stirred up and we will operate in a new and deeper dimension.

CIRCUMSTANCES Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. – Ephesians 3:20


Before committing to a trip, here are some questions to ask. Am I financially able to go without incurring debt? Are my family members supportive of my decision? Does the current workload of my job allow me to leave for a mission trip? The disclaimer is of course that if God calls, he will make a way and provide the means. Our wisdom should be mixed with faith. If fear is influencing our decision, let us lean on the counsel of God.

legitimate considerations Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

– Proverbs 3:5-6


personal desires When we worship God and make ourselves available, it unlocks the door for us to walk into His divine purpose. We all have God-given giftings, dreams and desires, placed there because God has a specific plan for each of our lives. They are an indicator to guide us as we work in the harvest.

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

– Psalms 37:4-5 MISSIONS MANUAL


Prepare yourself spiritually

PRAYER POINTERS Bind the spirit of

Loose a spirit of revelation and understanding during all the teaching/preaching sessions

Ask God to give you His burden for the country/ people you will be visiting

For the

deception, fear and doubt or anything that would hinder the work of the Holy Spirit

A mission trip is not a holiday getaway. A mission is a responsibility. Stepping into the mission field is akin to entering a spiritual battlefield. We need to be disciplined in training and be equipped to win the war. This can be done by prayer and fasting.

Pray for unity of the team

Some mission trips involve a corporate fasting and/or prayer plan for the whole mission team. In such cases, it is best to fast and pray together as a team.


of the trip; that it would be smooth sailing without complications

That the

That the

speakerS will be anointed to speak

hearts of the people there will be open and ready to receive







A fast from media, TV, Internet in order to spend more time studying the Word

A fast from food, for one or more meals.

A refusal to speak any words that hurt, injure or cause fear, doubt, strife, shame or guilt.

A fast from gossip, criticism and negativity while we examine our hearts.



Attend Be there team meetings and briefings

These put everyone on the same page to be of one mind and one accord.

to help carry the load

We can help in the preparation and be a servant to our team mates, whether we are going to be sent or not.

Check out Some books

Read books to help us internalise Godly principles, e.g. submission to authorities, barriers that may prevent unity (see page 9 for a list to start from).

Become a team player


People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. You can care by first understanding the culture of the field. Be observant, do your research, asK questions. This understanding will inform your actions. Acting in sensitivity will open hearts.



Now that you have finally arrived at the mission field, WHAT’S NEXT? REMEMBER YOUR PURPOSE As exciting as it is to be in a foreign country, it is important to remind ourselves that we are not there for food, shopping or sightseeing. 1. Know your stomach! If you have a weak stomach, be mindful of what you consume. 2. Be punctual. Keep track of time and do not get carried away with shopping! Let’s strive to keep ourselves free from distractions so that we can be effective vessels to do God’s work!

“RECEIVE YE THE HOLY SPIRIT” One of the most exhilarating parts of a mission trip is being a part of someone’s new birth! Just as how doctors and nurses are trained to deliver a natural birth, we also have to be equipped with the necessary skills to be spiritual midwives. Here are some general guidelines for how to pray with someone who is ready to receive the Holy Spirit:

1 Take note of any language barriers When praying for someone to receive the Holy Spirit, it is important that they can understand what you are saying! If you notice that they lack an understanding due to a language barrier, look for someone – preferably a church leader – to help you translate.



2 Leading them through repentance In a mission trip, repentance can take place at an individual level or congregational-level (when led by the minister) during altar call. If you notice that a person has not yet repented but wants to receive the Holy Spirit, lead them in a sincere prayer of repentance. Pray for them as you would when you repent for your own sins.

COVER YOUR FAMILY IN PRAYER Do not give the enemy any ammunition to distract us from God’s will on the mission trip, Remember to cover your loved ones in prayer and plead the blood of Jesus over them! Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world... – 1 John 4:4 We can be confident in the truth that when we take care of God’s business, He will take care of ours.



The “gift” analogy

Surrendering to God

Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit is like receiving a gift from someone. We do not have to beg or worry, but receive the gift and express our gratitude. It is ours to receive! Let the person you are praying for know that God wants to give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Encourage the recipient to:

Receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is a powerful supernatural experience. Some people may feel apprehensive about it due to a fear of the unknown. It is good to: •

Reassure them that God is a gentleman and will not come by force

Encourage them to surrender their tongue to God and stop speaking in their native language when they feel their lips begin to stammer (like in Isaiah 28:11)

Lift up their hands to receive

Keep their heads up, for something good is coming

Close their eyes if it helps them to focus on God

Share some verses to remind them that this is definitely a Biblical experience (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:4446, Acts 19:6)!

Thank God for His love and mercy

They may tear unexpectedly or experience overwhelming feelings of love and joy- that is God touching their hearts



As the mission trip comes to an end, you may wonder,

IS THAT ALL? Your next mission is your home country.

This is just the BEGINNING!

Participate in local outreach efforts such as iCare, UTB, netball sessions etc. Let’s make ourselves available because of the harvest.

Keep learning and equipping yourself.

SHARE your experience on the mission field. Your testimony can inspire others to do the same because God is looking for earth-partners! 62


Pick up a new language, learn to play an instrument, join Next Steps, teach UTB, do something! You will soon be ready for your next mission.








17 12 11 10


9 18 5 7 3


6 4 Mission trips are often accompanied with frenzied packing the day (or week, for the ultra-organised) before. Check against our list of essentials of what should be in your bag.

what’s in your bag? 64


1) Bible 2) Pen 3) Small pouch/sling for valuables 4) Hand sanitizer 5) Mints 6) Plaster 7) Small Towel 8) Handphone 9) Plastic bag 10) Insect repellent 11) Anointing oil 12) Tissue paper 13) Wet wipes 14) Sunglasses 15) Watch 16) Deodorant 17) Itinerary 18) Passport *Also a name tag, which should be provided on every mission trip.



Hairstyles 2






1 Section off your side parting and pin it to save for later. Gather the rest of your hair to one side and tie a low ponytail. 2 Create a knot. Wrap the remaining hair around it to make a bun. Pin in place. 3 Take your side parting and pin into place. 4 Pull the middle section, right section, and left section out to give a full poof to create volume.

1 Part your hair to the side. Take a section from the right and twist. Pin in the middle. Repeat with a section from the left. 2 Gather your hair into a ponytail and split into two sections. Twist the sections together. 3 Knot the twisted ponytail and pin it in place. 4 Pull the middle section, right section, and left section out to create a poof.









1 Section off your front side part. Starting from the top, braid towards the end. Gently pull out bits of the braid to make it fuller. Gather the remaining hair into a low side ponytail and braid. 2 Create two knots with the braid to make a bun. 3 Pin into place. 4 Pull out the middle, right and left portion to create a proof.

1 Gather your hair into a high ponytail and secure with an elastic, but do not pull your hair all the way through. It should look like a loop. 2 Gather the ponytail loop and any leftover hair together. Twist. 3 Once twisted, form a round circle bun. 4 Final step, pin the bun in place!

For more step-by-step guides and hairdo ideas, download our tutorials. Scan the QR code OR download the PDF copy: MISSIONS IN STYLE



CHEAT SHEET FOR MISSIONS OUTFIT FOR THE LADIES Avoid flashy accessories (necklaces, flashy hairpieces)

Your top should be no more than a palm width from your collarbone Choose tops that will not turn translucent when you perspire

Elbow length tops




Skirts that cover knees

FOR THE MEN Dress long sleeves shirt for service

Polo/t-shirts can be worn for non-service events

Wear an inner shirt if you are wearing a light-colored shirt



Khakis or slack pants





Is your top too short?

Is your undergarment showing? Is your skirt too tight or short?

Are your armholes too big? Check your overall outfit!






I through my dependance on God, want to be SENT through my giving for the next 12 months.


Please circle your SENT figure below:

$200 $150










I would like to offer a one-time offering of:


*All cheques made payable to Manumissions Ltd. 68

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