ERASMUS+/eTwinning SCHOOL 21 Project Calendar, 2017 – 2019 YEAR
Autumn – winter 2017
TWINSPACE Task Tools Online introduction (tools: Padlet, Google Slides, ZeeMaps, chart) Teams
Partner school, city and country intro Online quiz on Quizizz as feedback Assessment rubric Logo competition (Tricider)
PÁPA – teachers only (project management)
Initial online questionnaire (Google form) Spring 2018
Collaboration in online groups (forum, Piktochart, chart) Flipped Schwetzingen (EdTed, Google Sheets)
SCHWETZINGEN (destitute people, refugees)
Destitute people Flipped Pulawy (EdTed, Google Sheets)
PULAWY (mentally ill people)
Fake news and hate speech Assessment rubrics ALL YEAR YEAR 2
Autumn – winter 2018
Project newsletters 1 – 5 (Issuu) Volunteering magazine (Padlet) Collaboration in online mixed groups (forum) Flipped Lugoj (EdTech, Google Sheets)
LUGOJ (physically ill people)
Future education Assessment rubric Spring 2019
Collaboration in online mixed groups (forum, Google Docs, Padlet, Autodraw) Flipped Papa (EdTed, Google Sheets)
PÁPA (animal shelters)