Welcome to the all new Mt Index Reporter using Microsoft Publisher 2002 for Windows XP!
The Mt Index Reporter 2004
1st Festival a success
Index Arts
Festival Congratulations!
Inside this issue: Town Calendars Index, Baring, Skykomish
Hubbitats By Bob Hubbard
Local Historical News from Gold Bar
How to reach us. And the important small print
Ads! — We couldn’t be here without these folks
Pasado Spay Van Schedule for our area
Wild about Wildlife Back next month!
You will see many more changes in the next couple of months by Thom Boullioun
This month someone purchased and donated Microsoft Publisher 2002 for Windows XP with digital imaging to us. This upgrade will drastically improve our entire publication. In the next two months you will see the changes. We just installed this newer version of the software. Previously, we were using Publisher 2.0 to put out the paper for the last year. During the transition you will no t ic e many changes. Because I have already prepared 70% of the October’s issue, I will use a combination of the old style and the new one. So bear with me. I am learning all the time
with this stuff! We will still have the same writers and hopefully attract new ones too, maybe you! The goal all along was to do stories that are taken from around the area. Written by locals in the nearby towns of Gold Bar, Index, Baring and Skykomish. (Grotto too) We received the rights and have installed this much needed upgrade. The older version was built on an older 16 bit system and the new one is working with a 128 bit system. It can be likened to a 5 lane highway versus a 128 lane highway. Now we will be able to put together a much better and cleaner
Why is this Eagle not smiling? Ans: page 9
looking publication for the same cost I hope to eventually be able to burn a CD and then I will be able to take it to a professional print shop. I would love to find a new kind of paper. We hope that you like the changes and stay with us. We are very grateful for this wonderful gift.
Skykomish gets new Superintendent From the Skykomish ‘School News’
The New Superintendent is Desiree Gould and she and her family are moving here from University Place, Washington, a suburb of Tacoma. Desiree along with her husband Bill
and her children say they are thrilled to be here. She will be living in the teachers cottage next to the school. Her background began as an army officer, a public school teacher and a pri-
vate school administrator. Hert main pastime is anything that involves the family. She is excited about the work ahead, and says all students will succeed—No Exceptions, No Excuses.