5 minute read
from 2018 | Tabula Rasa
by Tabula Rasa
Arnav Aggarwal (12): Arnav Aggarwal loves to read for pleasure; however, his plans for the future are far from reading and writing. He will be studying Computer Science and Business Administration at Northeastern University next year. He loves sports, concerts, and adventures. His spirit animal is the honey bee, but he’s still figuring that out.
Srinivas Balagopal (10): Srinivas Balagopal is an avid reader who enjoys writing short stories and poetry. He loves watching The West Wing and political late night shows. He contributes to the Perennial, researches for Lincoln-Douglas debates, and practices competitive Kung Fu regularly.
Reilly Brady (10): Reilly Brady loves all styles of writing and artwork. She currently takes an Art Theory class as well as the Journalism elective. She has loved being a part of the Tabula Rasa editing process and would like to thank all of the creative writers and artists for their submissions!
Evelyn Chenye (10): Evelyn Chenye has loved reading for years but is new to creative writing. She hopes you find something that resonates with you in Tabula Rasa.
Katherine Chui (10): Katherine Chui loves art, whether it’s painting, illustrating for the Perennial, or drawing cartoons. Working on Tabula Rasa has been an awesome experience, and she’s thrilled to present to you all of Pinewood’s incredible art and writing! She also participates in cross country in the fall, which is the only sport she is capable of doing.
Skylar Chui (7): Skylar Chui loves drawing and painting. Although she doesn’t take any art classes, she loves to doodle in class and paint at home. This is Skylar’s first time submitting work to Tabula Rasa.
Kassandra Davis (12): Kassandra Davis has always been into photography ever since her father and sister inspired her! She loves to take photos, mostly of landscapes, and hopes to pursue photography more as she travels in the future.
Alex Dagman (12): Alex Dagman enjoys writing and sports. His hobbies include hanging out with friends and playing video games.
Lulu Diffenbaugh (8): Lulu Diffenbaugh is an aspiring writer and artist who is very excited to be a part of the 2018 Tabula Rasa magazine! She is looking forward to Art Independent Study and her writing classes as a freshman next year.
Adam Fallick (7): Adam Fallick enjoys writing a lot, and he feels that he can express himself easily through writing. While he doesn’t have much experience in art, he is practicing through journaling, and hopes to get more experienced!
Austin Farhoudi (10): Austin Farhoudi has loved making digital art for a while now, and it is something he plans on continuing to do in college and maybe even beyond. This is his first time submitting work for Tabula Rasa.
Sarah Feng (10): Sarah Feng enjoys writing (favorite genre: novel-writing) and art (favorite medium: charcoals). Also, she likes running cross country and track & field as well as reading books by Margaret Atwood and Leigh Bardugo.
Giselle Gao (7): Giselle Gao enjoys expressing herself through writing. She has passion for drawing and photography and wants to become a better writer. This is her first time submitting her work to Tabula Rasa, and she is very excited to present her work.
Diego Gómez-Schumacher (7): Diego Gómez-Schumacher greatly enjoys literature, reading, and writing. He also participates in multiple sports such as track and field, cross country, and soccer.
Kiley Haberkorn (10): Kiley Haberkorn loves art. She likes to paint, draw, and create different forms of three dimensional art. Kiley is in Art Honor Society and will be taking AP Art Studio next year.
Katherine Han (10): Katherine Han loves writing and creating her own worlds through stories. She is a staff member of the Perennial, and she hopes to continue to grow her skills. Katherine likes to spend her free time practicing the flute, playing volleyball, and upcycling old t-shirts.
Samantha Kavich (9): Samantha Kavich, known to most as Sam, loves and participates in all forms of art from the performing arts to drawing. Writing creatively for film and television has always been her dream.
Anusha Koshe (8): Anusha Koshe is what you would call a literal bookworm (or a figurative one). Apart from her obsession with reading books, she likes to sketch drawings of people and write in her free time. She is a big fan of writing fantasy and fiction stories, and is super excited to share her story in Tabula Rasa for the second time!
Ajay Krishnan (7): Ajay Krishnan is very fond of writing. From fourth grade, he’s been a journalist and never stopped. He’ll never pass up an opportunity to express his creative juices, whether it’s through writing, art, or theatre.
Peirong Li (10): Peirong Li loves to write and read in her free time. She is also a music enthusiast who conveys her love in music through playing the piano.
Eva Liu (9): Eva Liu has enjoyed writing and art since she was five. Her mom claims that all Eva ever needs are some pencils, brushes, paint, and canvas. She also enjoys horseback riding and playing the guitar.
Neel Murthy (12): Neel Murthy possesses a deep, unrelenting infatuation with beauty in writing and literature and is thrilled to be included in this year’s issue of Tabula Rasa. He is also a math fanatic, and he loves basketball. He wishes you a joyous and fulfilling life!
Arina Oberoi (8): Arina Oberoi has found reading and writing to be her escape. From fantasies to historical pieces, she believes that words can take you to any time or place. Her favorite thing about writing is the stories it can share.
Yonu Oh (7): Yonu Oh loves reading and doing calligraphy for pleasure. She also participates in multiple sports like tennis, golf, and track and field outside of school.
Elizabeth Peters (11): Elizabeth Peters likes to draw and make cartoons. Her hobbies include video games, longsword, and tech theatre.
Esmi Pistelak (10): Esmi Pistelak loves art — whether it be performing on stage or painting on a canvas, she loves using her creativity. She has been taking art classes on the weekends for almost four years now.
Rosaline Qi (12): Rosaline Qi is an aspiring artist who loves creating pieces across all mediums. She hopes you enjoy the magazine!
Micaela Rodriguez Steube (9): Micaela Rodriguez Steube loves to write and is ecstatic to be part of Tabula Rasa this year. She currently writes for the Perennial and wishes to explore visual arts in the future. Micaela also has a passion for theatre and hopes to one day write her own play.
Sasha Sheiba (7): Sasha Sheiba is a seventh grader who adores art, theatre, and reading. She has a deep respect towards books and is always reading, may that be an actual book, a Webtoon, or a graphic novel.
Cecile Smith (11): Cecile Smith is an avid digital artist who occasionally dabbles in writing. She is very happy to have her art featured in Tabula Rasa, as she had to quickly finish the piece just after a concussion. She plays softball as well as guitar and piano.
Niki Taradash (7): Niki Taradash loves to paint on canvas, sketch on paper, and read on the couch in her free time. This is her first time contributing to Tabula Rasa.
Natasha Thompson (10): Natasha Thompson enjoys her writing and literature classes. She likes playing soccer and basketball as well as reading books (especially science fiction).
Adrienne Yue (7): Adrienne Yue has a passion for literature and writing. She has been reading and has recently started exploring writing more deeply.
Tina Zeng (7): Tina Zeng loves books not too much at all. She’s been reading since the beginning of time and started writing shortly after the creation of the universe. She loves writing and is working on improving.
Maya Zhan (8): Maya Zhan likes reading, writing, fine arts, and music. She loves how writing is so vast and how there are so many different genres and styles. She has been attending art classes for eight years.