Toronto Arts Foundation
Creative City: Block by Block Connecting every Toronto neighbourhood with the transformative social and economic benefits of the arts.
The arts make Toronto vibrant. They make Toronto beautiful. They make Toronto a more livable city. By giving to Toronto Arts Foundation you will play a vital role in strengthening the arts, turning up the spotlight on our artists and arts organizations, and connecting communities and youth to the power of artistic activity. This brochure showcases the Foundation’s Strategic Initiatives, committed to connecting every Toronto neighbourhood with the transformative social and economic benefits of the arts. Your financial contribution will make a real impact, and will help Toronto Arts Foundation build the creative city of our aspirations. We’d love to welcome you as a Friend of the Foundation this year! ClAIre HopkInSon
Director & CEO Toronto Arts Foundation
S t r at e g i c i n i t i at i v e
neighbourhood arts network angie aranda, Outreach & events coordinator ella cooper, Manager “Our 1,000 members consist of some of the most dynamic community engaged artists and arts organizations in toronto, all committed to building a stronger, more creative city. through our professional development events, tool kits, and awards, we are bridging the arts gap throughout the city, and helping communities become more engaged through the arts. 2014 is going to be an exciting year for the neighbourhood arts network. We’d love to have your support.�
S T r AT e g I C I n I T I AT I v e
east end Arts Cindy rozeboom, Managing Director “So many artists live in the east end of Toronto, and for the past two years, hundreds of locals have worked towards getting east end Arts off the ground. There is tremendous community excitement about what the organization will do to nurture east Toronto’s arts scene in the years to come. It’s a great time to join us and support our work!”
S T r AT e g i C i N i T i AT i v e
North York Arts Laura Copeland, Outreach & events Coordinator Lila Karim, Managing Director
“North York Arts is engaging its community with some of the most exciting cultural programming in the City of Toronto. From Cultura at Mel Lastman Square, to Leaside 100, to animating our new home at the Toronto Centre for the Arts, North York Arts is turning up the spotlight on North York’s artists, and cultural community. 2014 is going to be a special year for North York Arts. Come and visit North York and see for yourself.”
S T r AT e g I C I n I T I AT I v e
Creative Trust research Fellow Jini Stolk It’s a joy to be working with Toronto Arts Foundation to share the experiences and knowledge we developed at Creative Trust with Toronto’s entire community of artists and arts organizations. Toronto Arts Foundation sits at the centre of Toronto’s cultural life; I hope that by working with the wonderful Toronto Arts Foundation team to provide new resources, support and encouragement, we will continue to expand the impact of the arts on the life of our City.
I M pA C T S TAT e M e n T
Winner, emerging Artist Award 2012 Chris Curreri
“I am so grateful to have been acknowledged by Toronto Arts Foundation after many years of making artwork. The award allowed me to put my energies toward the creation of a new body of work, with a kind of focus that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”
The Foundation’s Goals To increase private sector investment in the arts and public sector support. To encourage artistic excellence, and broader recognition of the high calibre and achievements of Toronto artists. To increase access to the arts, from creation to participation to appreciation.
How we’re going to do it The Toronto Arts Foundation plan sets out three strategies that reflect the vision, purpose and goals of the organization, as follows: Connecting Communities to the Arts Toronto Arts Foundation strategic investments will: Convene and connect artists and the public through the neighbourhood Arts network. Transform communities through investment in artistic activity across the City of Toronto with Creative City Funds. Support the development of arts hubs (such as north York Arts and east end Arts) in regions of Toronto lacking in the critical infrastructure and benefits of a centre of artistic activity.
Turning up the spotlight Toronto Arts Foundation awards will: recognize artistic excellence and celebrate Toronto’s creative, business and civic leaders through the Toronto Arts Foundation awards programs. giving voice to the Arts Toronto Arts Foundation research and knowledge will: Increase the cultural sectors’ research and communication capabilities. Build support and champions for the arts in Toronto.
How to give to Toronto Arts Foundation Toronto Arts Foundation is committed to making your giving experience as simple, and as flexible as possible, and accepts donations in a variety of forms: pre-authorized credit programs, one-time donations, as well as through Canada Helps. opTIon one >>> visit and search for Toronto Arts Foundation. Simply follow the online instructions to make your donation. opTIon TWo >>> please fill out the donation form, and mail with your cheque (made payable to Toronto Arts Foundation) to Toronto Arts Foundation, c/o Jason Maghanoy, 200-26 grand Trunk Crescent, Toronto, ontario, M5J 3A9. opTIon THree >>> please fill out the donation form and provide your credit card details. You can mail this form to Toronto Arts Foundation, c/o Jason Maghanoy, 200-26 grand Trunk Crescent, Toronto, ontario, M5J 3A9. For additional information on how to set up your donation plan please contact Jason Maghanoy, Community Investment Manager at or at 416 392 6802 ext.204
This year, target your support: I’d like to support the Foundation’s arts research throughout the City of Toronto.
I’d like to help revitalize north York and east Toronto by supporting the cultural programming of north York Arts, and east end Arts.
I’d like to strengthen community engaged arts and support neighbourhood Arts network.
I’d like to turn up the spotlight on Toronto’s very best artists and arts organizations by supporting the Toronto Arts Foundation Awards portfolio. last
nAMe first
>>> DonATIon AMoUnT $
>>> CreDIT CArD (check one): vISA
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American express last
You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the maximum amount allowable. Charitable Business #: 88854 7064 RR0001
Toronto Arts Foundation would like to thank all of its friends and corporate partners for their generous support.
Thank you to our Major Partners
Thank you to our Media Partners
Our Friends and Partners FOundatiOn Partners OF tOrOntO arts FOundatiOn Beatrice and arthur Minden Foundation
Butterfield Family Foundation
McLean smits Family Foundation
the Fleck Family Foundation
the John McKellar Charitable Foundation
COrPOrate Friends OF tOrOntO arts FOundatiOn Brett Lamb Graphics & illustration
Humber College
Business for the arts C.J. Graphics inc. Centennial College
td Bank Group
Lacey estate Vineyard & Winery
Lisanne Binhammer
the arts advocate
Mirvish Productions
the Canadian Museum of Civilization
OCad university
City of toronto
the Carpenters district Council of Ontario
Oliver & Bonacini
denise Grant Photography
Ontario Cultural attractions Fund
diamond schmitt architects
the dalton Company Ltd.
Ontario Media development Corporation
downtown Yonge Business improvement area
the daniels Corporation toronto entertainment district
red Bull 381 Projects
George Brown College Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life
toronto Financial district
ryerson theatre school seneca College steam Whistle Brewery
toronto Port Lands Company York university, Faculty of Fine arts
sun Life Financial
Friends OF tOrOntO arts FOundatiOn a. Joel adelstein
rosemary donegan
david angelo
Gino Falconi
Philip anisman
Graham Farquharson
Curtis Barlow
david Ferguson
John Beckwith
Liz Forsberg
Penelope Bell
nathan Gilbert
avie J. Bennett
Jenny Ginder
Jill Black
scott & Krystyne Griffin
Walter M. & Lisa Balfour Bowen
Jennifer Green
the Family of Margo Bindhardt William H. Broadhurst Martha Burns Harold J. Chmara Mitchell Cohen douglas a. davis Michael de Pencier Mary Lou dickinson
Beverly Harris ross Hayball
donald K. Johnson O.C., LL.d. Cathy & Barry Joslin Lila Karim Bentall Kennedy Yvette Lam diana Bennett & spencer Lanthier Linda Lewis Bill L’Heureux Jason Maghanoy
Maggie Hayes
sonia and roger Maghanoy
Peter Herrndorf
sam Marinucci
ruth e. Hood
sean Martindale
Claire Hopkinson
Micheline McKay
Joy Hughes
Vanessa Michela
susan Crocker & John Hunkin
don Moffat Phillip nimmons
Michelle Parson sandra and Jim Pitblado Janice Price Jo ann Pynn sandra shaul david silcox Phillip silver selvam sridas Jini stolk Kimberly Y. stone desmond sue-Chan Kim tomczak M.G. Vassanji Creative Productions Cindy Wan susan Wright Joyce and Fred Zemans anonymous
Toronto Arts Foundation Board of Directors Susan Crocker harold Chmara Cindy Wan
ChAir TreASurer
David Angelo
Curtis Barlow
Jill Black
randy Dalton
Gerald George
Linda Lewis
Janice Price
richard Paquet Karen Tisch
DireCTor DireCTor
Toronto Arts Foundation Staff Claire hopkinson Angie Aranda
DireCTor & Ceo
ouTreACh & evenTS CoorDinATor, neiGhBourhooD ArTS neTWorK
Margo Charlton ella Cooper Laura Copeland
reSeArCh MAnAGer
MAnAGer, neiGhBourhooD ArTS neTWorK
ouTreACh & evenTS CoorDinATor, norTh YorK ArTS
Jennifer Green
ASSoCiATe DireCTor, STrATeGiC iniTiATiveS
William huffman
ASSoCiATe DireCTor
Armen Karapetyan Lila Karim
MAnAGinG DireCTor, norTh YorK ArTS
Jason Maghanoy Dewi Minden
FinAnCe oFFiCer
CoMMuniTY inveSTMenT MAnAGer
SPeCiAL ProJeCTS MAnAGer & exeCuTive ASSiSTAnT To The DireCTor & Ceo
Michelle Parson Cindy rozeboom Jini Stolk
oFFiCe MAnAGer
MAnAGinG DireCTor, eAST enD ArTS
CreATive TruST reSeArCh FeLLoW
Susan Wright
DireCTor oF oPerATionS
PHOTOS Cover UNITY Festival youth performance 2012, photo by Selina Chan Inside front cover and pages 1-5 photos by Alex Felipe Photography Page 6 Abilities Arts Festival, photo by Stece Kean 2012 ; Iryna Gordon, Toronto International Flamenco Festival, photo by Levent Erutku Page 7 Cultura Festival, North York, photo by Markus Fehr; SKETCH youth musicians performing at the Lula Lounge, photo by Sonya Reynolds; St. James Town Mural Project, photo by Ida Sharma Dhungana Inside back cover Ian Leventhal Robots, photo by Ella Cooper
Toronto Arts Foundation 200-26 grand Trunk Crescent Toronto, ontario M5J 3A9