T-Dome Sports Museum booked to open in April
By Stan Farber A treasure trove of Tacoma-Pierce County sports memorabilia and history will be unveiled when the Tacoma-Pierce County Sports Museum opens in April, 10 years after the Tacoma Dome was opened. The museum, a major project sponsored by the Tacoma Athletic Commission, will be a two-story, 1,300-square foot facility with exterior and interior entrances which will allow sports fans to visit during sporting and other events as well as non-event times. It's being funded through private donations at a cost of $400,000. A permanent "Wall of Fame" for donors following the stairway to the second level will list all contributors. Major funders include: Cheney Foundation; Elbert Baker II; Puget Sound Bank (now Key Bank); Pacific First Bank, FSB; Bill Gazecki of Precision Machine Works; Louise Nordi family; Herb Bain of National Distributing Company; George and Sue Foster of Tacoma Tigers baseball; Fuchs Foundation; and Murray Foundation. Nearly 30 sports - amateur, recreational and professional will be recognized. Memorabilia will include donations from sports sponsor Ben Cheney, pro bowler Earl Anthony, swim star Kaye Hall and coach Dick Hannula, golfers Jack Walters and Ken Still; baseballers Roy and Bob Johnson, Ron Cey, Gaylord Perry and Tacoma Tigers; skier Gretchen Kunigk Fraser; and boxers Pat McMurtry and Freddie Steele. The museum also will house the Washington State and Pierce County Sports Halls of Fame. Both halls have been initiated and maintained by Clay Huntington. If you would like to help reach the goal of $400,000 to fund the museum - and have your name on the "Wall of Fame" - send a contribution check to: Tacoma-Pierce County Sports Museum, P.O. Box 11304, Tacoma, WA 98411. Make your check payable to: T/PC Sports Museum.
The Tacoma Athletic Commission wishes to thank the three corporate sponsor members listed below whose generous contributions have meant so much to this organization:
ALPAC CORPORATION 3101 S. Pine, Tacoma SIMPSON TACOMA KRAFT CO. P.O. Box 2133, Tacoma TACOMA-PIERCE COUNTY ASSN. OF REALTORS 3939 S. Orchard, Tacoma To find out how your business also can become a corporate sponsor of the Tacoma Athletic Commission, see the membership application form elsewhere in this program.
Minimum contribution $25 each 'Wall of Fame' listing
Please find enclosed my tax-deductible contribution of $ to suport the Tacoma-Pierce County--Sports Museum. Names : ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________ City ________ State __ Zip ___
Phone I have sports memorabilia to contribute. Please contact me.
Make checks payable to: T.A.C. Sports Museum. SenQ to: Tacoma/Pierce County Sports Museum, P.O. Box 11304, Tacoma, WA 98411.
1993 Bouts 106-POUND DIVISION 1. Martin O'Malley 2. Ron Purcell
Seattle Portland
112-POUND DIVISION 1. To be announced 2. 3.
119-POUND DIVISION 1. Jerry Lazar 2. Tony Casteneto 3. 4.
Seattle Vancouver, B.C.
125-POUND DIVISION 1. Graydon Britton 2. Tres Richards 3. Aaron Walton 4.
Bellevue Seattle Yakima
132-POUND DIVISION 1. Travis Rodgers 2. Bobby Joe Credit 3. 4.
Tacoma Seattle
139-POUND DIVISION 1. 2. 3. 4.
Jason Rodgers Steve VanDcWalle Robert Linton Paul Sims
Tacoma Bellevue Tacoma Spokane
147-POUND DIVISION 1. Eugene Washington Jr. 2. Alphonso Masa 3. Lyman Cheney 4. Jason Marquoit
Tacoma Yakima Spokane Portland
!Fami[y C[eaners
Athletic Recognition
Athletic Tacoma The Commission is proud of its role of leadership in Tacoma-Pierce County athletics. Athletic recognit10n by the T.A.C. in area high schools has allowed our membership to become involved with school athletic programs and students. Students are selected by their school for contributions as citizen role models and their achievements in athletics. T.A.C. liaisons to the area high schools meet each month of the school year to select the most deserving male and female athlete for recognition. On the third Thursday of each month, all selectees and their coaches are invited as guests of T.A.C. to attend our awards luncheon and receive awards and certificates. We attempt to have a speaker at those luncheons to inspire the students to continue the good work which has caused them to be recognized and to understand that leaders of the community are aware of their efforts and stand behind these young men and women. At the end of each school year, T.A.C. holds an annual athlete of the year banquet to select the most outstanding high school athlete, and we sponsor and invite representation from all Pierce County high schools. were 1991 winners The Lincoln High School football player Lawyer Milloy (male athlete) and Lakes High School basketball player Kate Starbird (female athlete). Athletic Tacoma The Commission believes athletic recognition and the support we show to students is a step in the right direction giving young persons an alternative to drugs and gangs.
TAKIKEDA 815 South J Street Tacoma, WA 98405 627-2068
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4013 RUSTON WAY TACOMA, WA CJl402 P�ON( 7�,_?165
DASH P'OINT: 927-1513 RU�JON WAY: 759-2165
Pacific Transportation Group 2503 20th St. E. Fife, WA
Good Luck Golden Gloves Boxers
GCA&BK Gaffng, casseW, Allen & Bocklg. Kmg_ FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Yakima at �nth, lacoma, Washington 98405 (206) 572-6003 Buckley King (206) 272·2 I 66.
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