COACH BOB LEVINSON In the driver's seat for the Tiger eleven this year is Coach Bob Levinson. Leaving the Bastille in 1930 after working on the track team, Coach Levinson split, his college time between Pacific Lutheran and the Oollege of Puget Sound, graduating from the latter in 1935: After · this, many schools beckoned to him for coaching positions, but the call to return to his Alma Mater became too strong, and he returned to Stadium in the fall of 1945. Having exceptional ability in analizing situations and knowing how to get the best out of his players both individually and collectively, Coach Levinson's chores here have included coaching varsity track, assisting in football mentor ing, sophomore cage coaching, and now as the final step of his ladder to success, football coach supreme! Mr. Levinson is taking over for Mr. John Heinrich, who is now coaching at the College of Puget Sound. Although the "jinx" seems to have been on the Bengals this season, having chalked up only two wins, you can be sure that this hard-hitting team will be- out battling for the glory of its Alma Mater today.
Lincoln-65 yds.
Stadium-16 yds.
Stadium ------------------------······ 6 Clover Park ------------------ O Stadium .............................. 7 Lincoln ____________________________21
Best Wishes to Both Teams
WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY 808 So. 38th Street, Tacoma Lincoln High School District
,1�. ���'.. '" j
+� ... + ••�. " •• y .. � •••••
For Sweaters of Good Quality conie to
Stadium Stadium Stadium Stadium Stadium
.............................. 0 ..............................13 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .....................-........20
Bellarmine ...................... 7 Bellingham ....................20 Bremerton ......................26 Seattle Prep .................. 6 Everett ............................12
STADIUM BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Dec. 9, Eatonville, here; Dec. 12-13, Hoop-Go-Round at P. L. C.; Dec. 20, Eatonville, there; Dec. 26, Shelton, there; Jan. 2, Walla Walla, here; Jan. 6, Seattle Prep, here; Jan. 9, Lincoln at Stadium; Jan. 16, Seattle Prep, there; Jan. 20, Bella�mine at Stadium; Jan. 23, -Bellingham at Stadium; Jan. 27, Lincoln at Lincoln; Jan. 30, Bremerton, here; Feb. 3, Bellarmine at Bellar mine; Feb. 6, Bellingham, there; Feb. 7, Everett, there; Feb. 10, Bremerton, there; Feb. 13, Everett, here; Feb. 17, Bellar.mine at Stadium; Feb. 20, Lincoln at Stadium; Feb. 24, Bellarmine at- Bellarmine; Mar. 2, Lincoln at Lincoln.
................... .. For the Best in After-Date Eating it's
BUSCH'S DRIVE-IN 3505 So. Tacoma Way
GA. 1513