2013 38th Annual Scholar-Athlete Awards Banquet

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Scholars & 2013 Scholar-Athlete Lineman Candidates

Brandon Kilstrom Lineman Bonney Lake.Higl, School

Brett Carter Lineman Franklin Pierce J-ngh School

Trent Nivala Lineman Puyallup High School

Bcllarmine Bonney Lake Charles Wright Clover Park

Matthew AaUis Brandon Kilstrom Robert Luke Tyler Delgado Curtis Tanner Amell Eatonville Charles Robert-Ray Trinidad Franklin Pierce Brett Carter Gig Harbor Owen Taylor Graham Kapowsin Luke Asbjornsen Lakes Nick \Vebstcr Life Christian Kevin Breen "Orting Jake Elder Peninsula Ben Smith Puyallup Trent Nivnln Rogers Riley Stelign Spnnnway Lake Joe Martin Stadium Kevin Gross Sumner Austin Striplin Todd Beamer Colton Throsher White River Austin Ross

Nick Webster Lineman Lakes Hi_gh School

Athletes 2013 Scholar-Athlete Back Candidates Bellarm.ine Bonney Lake Charles Wright Clover Park


Eatonvrnle Emerald Ridge Franklin Pierce Gig Harbor Graham Kapowsin Lakes Life Christion Orting Peninsula Puyallup Rogers SpanawayLake Stadium Sumner Todd Beamer White River Wilson

Garrett McKay T.J. Potts Alexander Moore Scan Hayes Fritz. Fiatalio .Back Scott Wismer Whitt River High Sd1ool Joe Evans Ryan Knowhon Daniel Wheelock Conor Scanlon Chase Beyer Johnny Weeks Taylor Roelofs Connor Rose Jan Hodge Levi Jordan Austin Hardin A.J. Pere� Trevnughn Scou DejonLynch Cody Rousseau Ryan Knowlton Sean Hayes Back Brandon Montgomery Emerald Ridge High School

Connor Rose Back

Orting High School

Alexander Moore Back

Charles Wright Ac.1dcmy

Past Tacoma-Pierce County Scholar-Athlete Award Recipients Linemen

Kurt Gegner Community Service Award Winners



:Slikc llo,, Fcnin,ula,

� like Mortin, Clo,.,, Park



Da\'c Doitono. Fife

Rob Corllln, Sumner


J, Alden Woodworth


ltu,,ell �tocl<dnle, Curtis

Andn._"'... Kyllo, \V,tshmgtnn


l).A. G,myca


luhn Duppc111h,ucr, Curiis

I Pougul Ag.m, Sumner


Kur1 Gcgner


ltctbc11 Hill. Eatonville

Kcvi11 Scoll, Rogers


ll Franklin Thnmp.san


l;c,lw.irJ Has:,, Sumner

Jnmcs Heckman. Roger)


D11ug MMrlhur


Edwin Ting,,l,1d, llcthd

I l<r,nau Hnrdtk.:, 1!!110,willc


Willie Stc,vJrl


Mark l111g.s1ad. Bethel

Chris Pederson, M1. Tuhoma




M•II ll11rl1nl)llme, Stadium

linn S. Kim, Ml Tahoma


1).111 ln\«11


Honold llomkamp, l.1kc;

Chrl<tnph« W,11l.1cc, l•kcs


l>auJ W;tlrof


.\'lkhod GrJ}'· Fife.

Da1 id Tmg,1.1d. Bethd


Scon Nnmes


l)m1 Lacon , Sunlner

�fatthew Ness, Fr.mkJin Pierce


Rur Hlsh;mlth


Darin Jnh1t,on, Frnnklin l'im<

l.1rr)' Bolllnscr, Lincoln


Clu)' I hliltlnj)tOu


Brenl Hrdcn4 FoS)

hie Pi,cntclla. Bcllormine


George �ordi


Dm rid Pn,h>•ha, Hos;er�

Arron Wilk-i,u, Mt. Tobomn


lluh Robrruon


:Sl•rk �lillcr, lfatom•illc

D.- Id \l�llian,�, WIison


Stun Nucoua.LO


Jnhn W. Loe. Cln1•er f'ork

Andrew C. Boni, Pcnmsula


Dick Wehs1<r


Anthm1r l'ilsmc111, Fife


John Wood1,·,1rth


la cob Me) er,, Tacoma llapli'1

Ame� Huard, l'ur,,Uup Anihvn>' Nc\-. 1mlm, lbc:om11 ll:1p1ist


Ru�• �1ngnuson


tnl111 Elswick. Oollurmfnc

Scan Cummings.. Peninsula


J,ff Nach1


Aaron Mcrc:rs, Tncom11 Jfa111,s1

Jason Johnson, lfog<>rs


ltrad U1<nc)'


Trnl'i, C.Jlm,·•y. Wil11<111

lll>till M.trti11, Fife


Bill Philip


Ar,tJ1t11t>' Klnkd.1. liclhel

)nrtl,m Whedrr. Curtis


Clarence L!eiru;ong_


l)w1gh1 Donuldscm, Stn<l1urn

Rr,m Fn,,;ler,ck, Co=de Christian


Greg l'lnnckh


Tra1•L1 l\obln><•1, Be1hcl

larol, W,tshbum, C....«::1dc01risti.1n


Morris l-kCollum


Scw1 Md.lmitl1, OriIn�

Daniel Brusser. Foss


C.I. Johnson


Hwoc K\11mg �won, 1-ranklm Piem.·

Cm1t1t.N1 h)le,·, UJn.lS


Frna� Wrighr


lo11a1h• 11 l'.1rkhur<1, l1riing

,\IJU WUkia,, Spanm"")' lnkt


Jcrr) Plun<kh


.Micah J foanu.m, Pc11lnsuL,

Drew M-'1.mhout, \\fihon


lun Wolcott


And.rtw K:angJ�er, Bdlormmc

JnmL's Nc:umc1.!iltr, Pe-nu l�l-1t


Tuny Ander"'"


Dumini1..1uc Fi1s,1!lu1trn, LJneoln

hmin Erlck.,M, Eotcmvlllr


l,111rlnwc,_ ltuo>tr

Chnrlcs O,1lc. Charl« Wrl�11


Tony Mjlnn

luy Uhhcn, Gig Harbor·


Cnrl l.n111bcrt


Nidwb J11hn,11n, Grnhn111 K•po1vs111

l.),1•1m llal<>, Grnham K.1pnwsu,


Arddl lluffington


Mkhucl Sly, Peninsuhi

111nu J'ricbml. Clrwer 1•,1rk'


Tern• Mnnkl'


Dillon Berrey, Curth'

\Ves.ley !,nlyer, Rogers· !Oil

Joseph to,·cjuy, Bdlarminc

lo,hun Mlllrr, W hile River


Luell.S Hu1tou, Entcmvllfo

Ch.rislinn Yoro, Orting





Master of Ceremonies Bob Robertson Boh Robertson is a homegrown aorthwest currently sporLsca,tt'r and a National with the works Football Foundation Hall of Tacoma Rainiers famer. Spokane Indians. and the Bob gradunted from Blaine High as wdl a, broadcasting Cougar 1 School, w1d attended college ut Football and Pacific Lutheran We.iemWashi 1gton until he games. Baskethall passed up a professional baseball Bob has , been inducted into a number 1 career 10 accept a Job as n baseball rndio announcer nl of Halls of Fame for hi, sports cns1lng. the age of 19. I-le is a member of the Smte ofWashington His pin)' by play work brought him to Tacoma in J 950. HnU or fame, the Northwest Football Hall or Fame, Roh has resided here ever since. <xcepl for 3 ;1ln1 a:, the Washington Stnle Unil,ersity Hall of Fame, the rhc television voice for Notre Dame Football and Inland Empire H1ill ofFame and in 200•1, the Nntionnl Basketball in the fi�ies. Football Foundaiion & College Hall ofFnnw. He Bob is best known n, the voice of theWashing10n received the prestigious ''Chris Schenkel Award" for State Cougars, wbere he has called 508 Cougar football sports casting nt ceremonies held in South !lend, games plu, ahnoM TOO Cougar haske1ball _games □Ver Indiana. Buh was the first spor15caster west ofthe the lost 45 yea rs. Mlssissippi lliver LO receive this award. He has don!.' pla}' by play for almost every spor1 in the I-le s;iys it has nothing to do with sport, casting, but he Pacific Nt1rthwest. Bob hos broadcast Husky football is very proud of being honored ns che "v\lSU Dad of and basketball games, pro hockey and served a� the tJie Year in 1978-79." radio -TV voice for the original Scatllc Sounders. He Boh is best known for dosin� bis broadcast with his wns named the State ofWashingron "Soccer Man nf signuture line: "Always be a good sport a.nd be n good the Year" for hi:. co11trlbutloa. Boh has also broadens! span all ways." baseball in the Seattle -Tacoma area for more thon u T his rear our chapter will present Bob with n ring for quarter centw-y, and in Spokane ror the lns1 12 )'ears. bcing honored wllh the 2004 Chris Schenkel Award.

Guest Speaker Jesse Jones

Jesse Jones joined KTNG 5 in November 2005 ns u reporter 11nd member of the KING 5 Inve:,iigators team. les�e began his career workiag for KSTW-TV in Scatlle as a general nssignment reporter and speci:tl projects producer in J 989. He left Searl le in 199'3, to work as an lnvesLigmive reporter forWMAR-TVin Baltimore, Mnryland. Seven years Inter he joined WLWT-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio. During Jesse's care<r as a rt'porrer he hos enmc<l severnl prestigious awards. In Baltimore, Jesse was honort'd ns Reporter of the Year in 2000 from the Association of Black �lediaWMkers.While working for \•\ILWT-TVin

Cincinnati, Jesse won Emm)' Aw.irds for investigative reporting three years in a row. Jesse is a Foss High School graduate ;1nd multi-sport athlete_ Jesse graduated from Montono State University in Rozcmnn, Montnna. with a B.S. degree in film ;111d tclc\•ision production. Jesse was a scholarship football player who played on the 198� national championship team for Montana Stnte.


rou�nAno-. "Building Leaders Iltrougt, Football"

National Football Foundation and College Rall of Fame Tacoma-Pierce County Chapter For the past 38 ycurs the Tocoma-Picrce County Choptcr oflhc Notional Football Foundotion h°" awarded scholarships to the top Pierce County scholar 01hle1es in high school football. These scholarships have provided suppon 10 help our young men continue their education after high school. Community suppon has enabled us 10 award 111/ nnmi11au1/ .mide111 athl�re.t (two per hlgh school) o minimwn ofS I 00.00 in scholarship funds to the college /technical college of ll1eir choice once fully enrolled. To date we have provided over $260,000 in scholarships. The Tacoma-Pierce county Chapter Board hns sci a goal 10 provide more suppon for our nominees as the cost of education has risen. Our ultimate goal is 10 provide a minimum of$SOO to every scholar athlere. In order to do this, we nre asking for a donation of at lcas1 S1,000 dollars but are requesting $5,000 dollars to achieve this goal, Donruions are a 1ax dcductnhle con1ribution (NFF Ta.x ID# 9i-102n230) With o S5.000 do□lllion we will mllke you a named sponsor, tied to the high school of your choice. With this sponsorship your name will be In our program for 5 years representing your school of choice. In addition you will receive a 5-yl!Jlr membership to 1he Na1ion11l Foo1bnll Hnll of Fame and all hs privileges and invlre you 10 be our guest 10 auond 1he annual banquet for you and your guest We have altached the criteria that each nominee is evalnoted by nnd a couple of summaries to show how impressive these young men ere ocademically, as school leuders, in their community ond 01hlc1ically. Charles Wright's Alexander Moore is o linaliSt this year ond o greni example of I.he 41 nominees 1hn1 will he honored this year_ Six Semi• Finalists will receive $750 scholarships with the Top Back and 1.incman receiving SISOO scholar..hips. The Robbie-Munt Scholarship, $750, will be presented to a nominee for exceplionnl volumeering in bis community and school. We would like to invite you nnd a SlJCSI to our banquet. II wlll be held ot Curlis High School in the cnfetcriu on Sunduy Muy 3, 2015 al 4:00 PM. _____ will be our spenkcr. This letter will be your entry ticket 10 the dinner.

eryou have OO) questions, please call or omall me.

Bob Lucey 253 222-9207. hobluccv:IDcotnCJ15l_nct Pierce Counry Chapter Board Bob Lucey. Bob Auni, Darren McKay, Mike Williams, Willie Siewart, Jay Strickert,

Mike Robens, Red Smith, Mike Finch, Mike Mauss


NFF Chapters Nchvork Experiences Another Record Breaking Year IRVING, Texas (Aug. 14, 2014) • The Nutimml l'<K1tball Fouudation (NFF) unnuunced today thot hs chnpter netwQrk distributed more thnn $1 million in scholnrships dunng • record-brooking 2014 nword bun11uc1 S"'1li<ln. which runs fro,n J1t11Ulll) 10 Jul). Covering more tlum 47slat.,., 4,llOO high school. und 50(1.000 s111den1-111hkte.,.the NFF chapters selccu,d J.500 roo1b11II players. who on n,·cragc hoa,stcd 11 3.7 GPA.for rccotu1itlo11 us the best und brigh1.:s1 for tlteir combined cncllcn0e on the gridiron.in 1hc classroom :ind M Icade� In lhc community. NFF chapter b:1nque15 by 1hc nu111bers: Network lnuuehcd In 1959 More lhnn $1 million diSlribulod in 2014 3500 s1ude111-athle1es l1011orcd in 2014 35 .000 in mu:ndance 47 States nnd 120 chapter

l'icn-c Cowuy Chaplcr Fowiclcd J 977 • 38 yrs Pierce County Cllnptcr 1977• 2014 - $170,000 Pierce Cou111y Chapter - 41 Students/Athletes Piorce Coumy Chapter 201-1- lSO in Atundunce 3 Washington SIJlte Cbapt�rs

"The NFP C'hnpter Nemork 01vnrds senson provides us with• chance to honor our nntlon's hrlgh1es1 swdcnL-athlotcs while paying tribute 10 footbull's unique nbillty 10 mold them Into <lur nc�I goncmtion or leaders," ,nid NFF Chalnnnn Archloc Munning. ··our gmssroots network hllS ne1·er be<:n ,1mnger.und the passlun of the lndll•lduals who ltud our crrortll Is truly c>truordlllltr). The)' dl:><ln'c huge pmi,,. for ltdping Ill 1 1romo1c an ;mmzlng group or s1udcnt-othlc1C$ who compete with the same rompctith e fire on lhe field :t.< u,cy do In the clussroom:· The NFI' Chapter Nct1,or1<. spread acn"'s J 20 outposts in -17 s1111CS. serves as lhc pul<o or u Milon" Jdc effort to ouoourngc lcndcrsWp.sportsm.ttru,tlip wtd nendem.ic c.,ceUcncc ruuong young football ploycrs. Encl! YL'nr the chnptcrs collecdvcl) stage more Lhnn 1,000 C\'trnL�.including coochlng clinles.aH�Slllr l!lllllCS, lcndership conrcrences. college nights nnd more 1hun 100 scholur-a1hlc1e banquets. The first olmptcl'S begun operation in 1959, and the network conUnnes to c1p:rnd behind the ltmdcrship or individunls \\1th a pa-.sion for the NFF's mission of building le.odors lhrough footboll, Annually dmwing more thnn .15 ,000 people, the NP!' b:mqucts scn·e as an imponnnr milc,aone for the hunorocs us U1e)' dalm u punlon or SI mllllon In scholnrshiJ>S 10 runtier their educ,ition5. The 11ll-1imc umount rni;cd wid disburi;rd by the chnptcr� rcuchcd the $ I 8 million murl in 20 M.Coupled with lhe nil­ lime nmount or $10.-1 million disbursed from the mttionnl hcndquarters through the NFF Nalloru1I Scltolor­ Alhlctc Program, the NFF has distributed $28A mllllon since Its lnccp1lon in 19-17. �rhe Importance of lhc NFF Clwp1cr Network can1101 be o, crstatcd; said N FF President & COO Steven J. Hatdi,U. "The passion of our chopkr momoors Is strontcr than uvcr uml cnsllfd thul Ute gumc of footb!lli rernnl.ns ill Ute rorcfn,111 ofin.splrlog londcrsWp.ncndcntic pcrforrruJJJCC aod cc1m111unlty service. The suppon we ri:«ive each scnson continues 10 c.,p:,nd. nutl we sincerely npprccintc everyone II ho suppons 11te NFF and our missfon.··

Sponsorship Opportunities I. School Table Sponsorship $250 2 x $100 Scholarships 2 Scholar/Athletes & Coach NFF and ColJege Hall of Fame Membership 2. Fund Scholars.hips Paul Walroff Lineman Scholars.hip


Name Scholarship

Bob Robertson Back Scholarship


Name Scholarship

6 $750 Semi Finalist Scholarships


Name Scholarship

Robbie Bunt Scholarship


Name Scholarship

3. 9 Role NFF GutrTournamenl Highlands-$500 DaleTBD I Five some/ hole. Options and Questions • Includes NFF Membership? • Minimum I year eommitmeni? • Combinations School Table Sponsorship /Golf Tournament -$1000 Scholarship Sponsorship/ GolfToumament - S1250 / $2000

Tacoma-Pierce County Chapter National Football Foundation Officers Bob Lucey, Preside/II

Past Presidents

TomCro�s Bob Hunt

John Miller

George Nordi ,'vtike Robens Pau I 'v\lallrof

Mike W]lliams, Trens11rcr

Executive Board

Mike Finch 1v1ike Mauss Mike RoberLq

\NiJJie S1e11•ar1

Bob Hum Darren Md<a)' Rowland "Red" Smith

Jay S1 richerz

Our special tlumks

to tliefo/lowi11gfor tlll!ir ge11ero11s spo11sorsltip of t/1c Tacoma-Pierce Co11111y Sc/10/11r-Athlete Program

Seattle Seahawks

ll'esiern Washington Foo1ball 0ffici11lsAssocia1inn (m.-�foa.urg) The Tux Shop 3827 McriJi,,n /we. �outh, Pur,11tup

Tacoma Athletic Com.tnission

Robor1. Spurling llncoln liigh School Willie S1c,varl

Unh·cnily Place School District Curlis High S<hool

Cope',; 0riing !)rug I �4 Wa.shinglon Mo. S., 0r1ing Uill O,pc

Joescppi's Ris1omn1c 220i Nonh Ptarl, Tna:nna

Ponin,ulu High School FmHhall Vnlimitcd

Pho1ogn1ph<r O;mllese11

Gr•ylum�r Neil Gruv

Superior Linen Grci: .111<1 Jock l l<r><)

Sp•nowoy Loko High School fnhn & Dd,r-• Dil'dy

The Mnuss Group Merrill Lynch Mlke M.iuss

Vcm'sTrunsmission Service Terry Kle<1cr

�AmericanWest Bank

Cnscadio krry Mq..,rhc,11

MVIP Phy.sicnl Thernpy l'ul Garlock

Mike 1Vllllllll1<

Mlllu, Qulnlun & Auler, P.S. In< lnhn Miller

Wodddl Recd Financi•I � lik" MJ)'S

P·Jdfic Office Aulom:lliun Fife

Tocomo/Pierce Onmry Pac-11 Fnoll»II Offici•ls

Ple11se ltclp 11s itt tlu111kiug tlrese spo11sors by pntro11izi11g tl,cir b11si11ess!

for iuformntiou or to join the Ttttomu-Pfrra.i Cmmty Clwptcr of t/,e N11tia11nl Foorlml/ Fcmmlcttiou nml H11II ofFnme se� our website:

WM ,•.footb1111/o 1111d11 tlo 11. o rg

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