2015 40th Annual Scholar-Athlete Awards Banquet

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2015 Scholar-Athlete .Back Candidates

Bea.mer Bellarmine Bethel Bonney lake Cascade Christian Charles Wright Clover Park Curlis Eatonville Foss Gig Harbor Graham Knpowsin Lakes Life Christian Lincoln Mount Tnhoma Orting Peninsula Puyallup Rogers Spanaway Lake Stadium Sumner Washington 'Nilson

Phillip Quach Erik Glueck Bryce Misser Dane Wagner Joshua Seaton Desmond Jones Via Lake Dunnell Diego Jacoh McCormic Ki'l Hutcheson Davis Alexander Mike)' Reg.in Robert Reiten W ra tl Dunlop Darien vVillinms Jr. Shayne Carpcnt.:r Jackson Bell Chance Stolz Tyler Torgerson Jordan Bishop Zachary Aube Jacob David Josh Rile)' Tariq Ellis Noah Hill


DonneU Diego Back

Curtis High School

Ecik Glueck Back Bellam,ine High School

Noah Bill

.Bryce Missey



Wilson 1-llgh Sd1ool

Bethel High School

Past Tacoma-Pierce County Scholar-Athlete Award Recipients Lincmc:n 1977

Mike Bo�. Peninsula,

Kurt Gegner Community Service Award Wmners

Bnck, Miln- M.1rti11, Oo'<r Park


Tum Cross


DJVC noitano, Fire

Rob Ct>rbin. SL1111ncr


I.Alden Woodworth

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

Russell Stockdnk, Curtis

,lndrew Kyllo, Washington


U.A. Gunye.1

h>hn Dupp<nthJltr, Curli,

I, D,iug.,l Agan. Swnner

Kurt Gegner

Robert HW, EatonvWo

KevinScou. Rogers

Edward lloss,Sumner

fames lleckmnn. Hoger>

1981 1982 19l!J

Edwin TingstnJ, [\c1hd

Hcmmn Hori.lL�c. Enton1•lllc


Willie Ste\Y.ir1

}.�irk Ting;rnll. llcthd

ChrL, Pederson. Mt. T.1homa


}.1011 Burlanpme.Smd1um

111111 S. Kim, ML Tohom•


J oe Stortfui Dan hween

Ronald Uomkamp, Lnkc,

Oiristopho:r W,1llocc. l..1kes


Paul WaUr<1r

,\lich.1cl Gray, Fife

David ·nngsind, R<thcl

Scou Nami:s

DJn Licari, Sumnl'r

M.auhcw Ness. Franklin Picrcr

Oarm Johmon, Frankli11 Pierce

Larry Bellinger. l.1n,oln

llr'<'nl Hyden, Fo1<

lo• l'iscatella, ildlarminc

Ddvitl Prrbvlu, Roger>

Arron WUkiru,ML TJ.homJ

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

R. Frnnklin TI1umpson Doug McArthur

Rl11· l-lighsn11th Clny HuntingJon George Nordi Bob Robertson

l)av1d Williams, Wilson


Stun Noccaruto

10h11 W. t..,e, do,-u l'ar�

AnJms C. lloyd. l'cn111,ul11


11ick Wcbsu,r

Alllh<ll1)' Pa.<lnclll. l'ifc

l\rock l-luard, Puyallup

foltn Woo<lwortll

fncob Meyers, Tacorno f3optm

Amhony Newmon. Tacoma llapust

lohn Elswick. lldlurmin<

Scan Cum1mngs. l',mitt1t.ul:,

1995 1996 1997

fell N,1th1

A.iron M,·yc�. Tacttma 8.apJi<I

lason lahnson. Rogen<


llrad Chene)

Tra1•is C,11luwuv. Wilson

lustin M11r1in. l'iic

Hill l'hihp

A111hony Kinkcln, Beihel

lorrum Wheeler, Curti•

Dwigh1 DnnJldwn,S1,1Jium

Ryon Frndcrkk, C:uc,1dc Christian

fr•1•b llobin<on. Octhci

J,1c<1b Wn,hburn, Cnsrndc Christinn

Mark Miller, E.uonville

flu)' � lagnuson

Sean �kllrailh, Ornng

Dame( Llrusscr, fos,

f-11,•uc Kyw,g K,,•on. Frunklln Pierce

C.1111m1n Foley, Cur1h

1999 ?000 2001 2002 2003 2004

lnnuthnn l'nrkhurst, Onlns

;\Iott Wilkins,Sp•na.1v-J)' L.tkc


ferry Plundch


!',1 icuh 1 lnnnnm, l'enmsulo

DrewMncnhou1, \\CilsQn


fan \\'olcott


A11dwv Kltngiser, fltllnrmine

Jame� Neumd�ter. Penimulu


Ton)' Anderson


Dominique Fagmlllt.m, Llncciln

Justin Eri�ksn11, Eatonville


Marlowe Roeser


Olllon llcrrcy, Cums· J,1r Uhben, Gis Harbor·

Clmrk'S 0,1ft. Churles Wright




C.U-1 L.unberi

NkholJs Johnson, Gruh,1111 Kapow,ir,

Devon Bales, Gruhnm K.1po,.;in


,\rddl Buffington

�tichnd Slv. Peninsula

T:imt Jlrichnrd1 Clo\'cr Park·



Wesley Snlycr, Roger,'


tldrin Forber


ldT Wood11orlh

2009 ZJIIII 2011

fo><ph Lowjoy. llellam1int

lo;hua }.IIIJer. While River


l.ueilli Halton, EntonviUt•

Christian Yoro, Orting


Nick \l'ebstcr, L,kes

Connor Rose, Orting


Riley Mill<r, Ronne)' L.tke

Oonnld Wnlkinshnw, Graham K:ipnwsin


Clnronce Leingang Greg Pl.tncich Morrb McCoUUm C.J. lohnson Fr.tnk Wright

Paul Wallrof Chapter Tacoma-Pierce County Scholar-Athlete Awards Banquet Welcome

Jay Stricherz- Mnsrer af Ceremonies

Introduction of the Finalists Guest Speaker-� High School Coach of the Year Presentation

Bob Lucey- President, Tnco111a-Pierce Co1111ly C!lnpter NFF

Kurt Gegner Community Service Award Presentation

Willie Stewart-Tacoma/Pierce County Chap1er, NFF Exerutive Borird member

Jack Johnson Meritorious Award• Lifetime Football Officiating Meryl Hagbo-2014 vYinner

Introduction of Scholar-Athlete Candidates Robbie Hunt Memorial Scholarship

John Hunt - Brother of Robbie and NFF Finalist 1992

Ii;itrodl1!ctioo of Scholar-Athlete Finalists Presentation of the 2015 Pierce County Scholar-Athletes Bob Robertson - Back of the Year Award - Sponsored by the Seattle Seahawks Paul Wallrof- Lineman of the Year Award - Sponsored by the TAC Closing Remarks Bob Lucey- President, Paul l-Vnllrof Clmpter Tacoma-Pierce C01111ty NFF

Sunday, May 1, 2016 4:00 p.m. Curtis High School Cafeteria Quesiion• on redempuons 01 the schol,,rships prresenicd 10Ja) or dnnalinn• can be d,rocied 10 1hc 1ollowini; cm,ul address: nffpw I i5Gl•1tmml .com or 10 our 1rensurer, !\·like W□llmns, work 253-722-192� or cell '.!53·310· 1048

The National Football Foundation and College Football Hall of Fame The Tacoma -Pierce Couo1y Chapter is ooe of more than 120 clrnp1ers of the National Foocball Foundalion and College Football Hall of Fame nationally, whose purpose is the promouon of foocball and the recognition of young people who have excelled bo1h in the classroom and on the field. Since it's beginnings in 1951, the College Football Hall of Fame has grown to become one of 1he world's major sports shrines. Todav, morr than 500 players and ,oacl,es - those whose careers have exemplified the Foundation's basic creed of Scholarship, Citizenship, and Performance -are enshrined in 1he College Football Holl of Fame.

Purpose of the Scholar-Athl.ete A,vards

This program honors ond provides rccognilion to Tacoma-Pierce County high school athletes for their scholarship, othle1ic performance, and leadership ability. The Nn1ional Football Foundn1i.on emphasizes Lhe imporl3.lll role lhnt footbnll plnys in our educational system, ,IS well JS local communities. The :1c:1de111ic and 1110ml lendcrship of these young people is testimony to 1h01 role.

Selection of the Scholar-Athlete

Each ofTncoma-Pierce Counry's 32 !ugh schools is invited 10 selec1 one back and one lineman on the basis of outsumding football nbility and performance, oum,rnding academic applic:uion and performance, and outstanding leadership nnd citizenship 111 both ,chonl and ,ommu11ity ,1ctivilie,. Each nominee 1ha1 attends the banquet will receive a $200 scholarship 1oward 1beir tuition.

Scholarship Presentation

The Tacoma-Pierce County Chapter of 1he National Football Fotu1da1ion presents a tuition scholarship of S1500to each of the winners ns a conrriburion to lhcir college education. Tuition scholarships of S7SO are awarded to the remaining finalists and the Robbie Munl Scholarship recipient.

Coach of the Year Award

This annual award is presented to the high ,;chool coocl1 who, through his efforts and performance, has brought recognition and honor to himself and his scl,ool.

Kurt Gegner Community Service Award

Each year a community leader is recognized for making distinguished contributions 10 athletics in

Tacomn-Pierce County. This award is named in honor of Kun Gegner, one of the founders of the local d1apter and n person who exemplifies the highest ideals in the sporlS community.

Robbie Hunt Memorial Scholarship

1111006, an award W3S estab!L�hed iJ1 the memory of Robbie Hum. This award is given every year to tbe scholar-athlete that the commiltee determines is involved in community non-school related activities tba1 i.llclude but 1101 limited to employment, church relmed activities. Boy Scouts, Little League or working wilh the handicapped or undcrprivllegct.l. His scholastic achievemenr. leadcrship in school and a1ble1Jc accomplishments c<>ntribute to his selection. Robbie Hunt WllS n special needs football fnn who enjoyed the sport but ne,•er plared a down. Previous Winners 2007 -Nathan Youngchlld, Peninsula 2008-Craig Dammeier. Emerold Ridge 2009-DempSC)' W heelock, Franklin Pierce 2010-Drew Dean, Life Chrisrian 2011 -Beau Glover, Gig Harbor 2012- Faavcvela Fiatalin, Clover Pork 2013-Taylor Roelofs, Life Christian 2014- Jon:11hon Gibson. Emerald Ridge

Jack Johnson Meritorious Award For Lifetime Football Officiating

The aw:ird began in 2008 by this chapter lo recogni1.c local officials for their 0t11s1nnding career. The bo.1rd knows how important officials arc to the game of footbaU. Jack Johnson began officinting in "facoma from little league gnmes to high school nml then to the college level officioting in the PAC 8 { which is now PAC 12). Jnck was the first local 'lacomn officinJ to officiate in The Nntionnl Football League. By rec.ogniz.iag the Jack )l1hnson Award, we would like 10 encourage 1he nomine,'S to consider pnrticipation in officiating locally. If intero.,sted, our local officinls association.Western W:ishlng1on Football Officials Association (wwfoa.com) welcome5 in1eres1ed candido1es to coniact Jan Wolcon, Assigning Secrel:nry 01 (253)590-3010. Previous \\'inners 2009-Jay Strichcrz 2008-[nck Ji,hnson 2011 -J;m Wolcott 20I 0-Anron Pointer 2013 -Stan Srnndifer 20L2-l\,likc Burton 2014-Meryl Hagbo

Paul Wallrof - Founder and 1st President of the Tacoma/Pierce County Chapter The exl!cutive board of the Tocoma Pierce County chap­ ter of the National Football Foundation h onorcd Paul Wnllrorin 2015 by changing Lhe name of Lhe chapl<-'r to the Pnul Wallrof c:hnpter. Coach W'allrof was a long lime football conch at tl1e Uni\'er­ sity of Puget Sound and Lhe founding president of tlw chapter in t9n. Pnul's energy, enthusiasm nnd dedication has made this chapter a suc­ cessful orgnnization for 40 years. Coad1 \>Vn!lrof's teams

were among tl1c most successful in the norllm'<'st and rarely lost in the small ,oll,:gc rnnks against teams such ns Eastern Vlashington, Ct•ntral \\f.\shington, Western Wosh­ inb'lon nod lhe Universities in the northwest conference. Coach Wallro( (also known os Big W.tlly) was regnrded as one of the most popular and respected coaches in Log­ ger football history. lie was honored os an inductee into tbe Logger Sports Hall of Fame and the T.1comn-Pien;e County Sports Hnll ofFame. The chapters main fimdrniser is the Big \.\¾IIJy Open. Held at the Highland Golf Course, this will be a scramble for­ mat TI1is }'ears l'Vent will be held on June 27th 01 4:00 and registration forms are available at this banquet.

Master of Ceremonies: Jay Stricherz Jay is a proud L965 Frallk­ After thc 2013 season, Jay retired From PAC-12 Confer­ li n Pierce High School ence where he was a long time crew chief referee. Jay graduate, and captained has officiated twenty-one bowl games including rwo the football team his Sugar Bowls. two Ficstn Bowls, nnd two Cotton Bowls. W,nior year. After gradu­ )a)' officiated the first 13CS National Championship ation from the Univeristy game in the 1999 Fiesta Bowl between Florido Stote of Puget Sow1tl, he spent and Tennessee. thirty yea rs in the Tacomn Public Schools, initially as Jay is currently n supervisor of officials for the PAC-U a teacher and then as the Conference nnd is on the Notional FootbnJJ Foundation principal of Mcllv-Jigh, Paul Wallrof Chapter Board.He is most proud of his fum­ Baker, and Truman Middle Schools. Jay followed up pub­ ily: wife Wendy. n retired Tacoma Public School ccacher lic educition with eight years as the assismnt principal of and daughters Jodi and Atn)', both teacb�rs as well. St. Patrick School. Tacoma.



Guest Speaker: Mark Tingstad ....;;;....

Guest speaker, � lark Tingstod is a 1985 graduate of .Bethel High School. He was the NFF Tacoma Pierce Count,• Chapter Scholar Athlete lineman recipient in 1984. Mark graduated from Ari1.om1 State University in 1989. He wos also o NFF Collegiate Athlete Scholar recipient in 1989. When Mark TingsU1<l first set foot on the Arizona Stare campus, the y,oung freshman goc co work right away. While success on the foorbnll field may have t;1ken some time, Tingstad began making waves in the classroom from lhe moment his colleg� career began. Tlngsrad was named 10 rhe Ail Pnc-10 Academic team as n freshman aml he earned the snme honors during

his sophomore season. T hat season, Tingstad was named ,1 team c.iptain. He recorded an Arizona State record with 172 tackles. Tingstad also set the Arizona State record for solo tackles with 114 and he is still tl1c only Sun Dcl'il to surpass 100 solo tackles in n season. For his efforts, Tingsrad wqs nnmed nn Honorable Mention All-American b)' the Associared Press and a Second Team All Pac- IO linebacker. As a senior, Tingstad was named a team rnptain for che second consecutive rear and also earned Second learn All Pac­ IO honors yet again. A.� Tingstnd esUtblished his presence on the field, he never dropped olf in the classroom. Ln fact, Tingst.1d is the only Sun Devil football player 10 be named to an Academic All Con!erence team for four strnighl seasons. T hough the teams he played on were not exceptional. Mark Tingstad surelr stood om from the pack.

a special thanks Our special thanks to the following for their generous sponsorship ofthe Paul \,\fallrof Chapter Tacoma-Pierce County Scholar-Athlete Program

Gold Helmet

Banner Baok Seatllc Seahawks Tacoma Athletic Commission Waddell-Reed Financial Gary E. Milgard Family Foundation

Silver Helmet Hu.ird Family Willie Stewart f Jef Woodworth Austin's Pro/M,1x Pcrformnnce Custom Exhaust & Complete r\utomulive Walt & Shnron r\ustln/ AF lnvc�uncnls, LLC Western Washington Football Officials Assodntlon


Bronze Helmet

NFF Officers

MVP Phy;sicaJ Therapy ·r.1coma/Plcrce County Pac-12 Officials Kevin Ikeda, Stadium High School Mr. Mac Vern's Transmission Ed Mnnotti John & Deb Divdr

Services in Kind Joeseppi's Ristoramc Pacific Office Automation Dan Be,ett, Photography Superior Linen The l'-laus.s Group/Merrill Lrnch The Tux Shop University Place School District Plt1ue /,tip us iu 1/1t111kir1g 1/1,sc sponsors II)' pntnmizi11g tlte.ir lmsiu�s!


Bob Lucey, President Mike Williams, Treas11rer

Executive Board Mike t'incb Uob I lunt

MikeMuus. Darren �lcK.,y Mik,Roheru l<owl.ntd "Rct.l• Smitb Willie SIC\V:lrl far Strichc1"7,

Past Presidents

lonl Cr11S5

Linh 1111111

lohn �llll<T CcmJ;C Nordl

Mike Roberts Puul Wnllrof

2014 Finalists

for lnfornumtm or-to join the Tirnmu,-l'itrrr Co•m'T /\ml \\'nllro/Omprtr' of tht Mmmu,l fomlmll Fmuul,,r,11r, rmd Jl�II of Fmmr ffi.' our wrluu�: M'WM�foarlmU/mmd,mr,n.urg

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