a special thanks 011r specialtl,a11ks tot/1e followillg fortl1eir gen erous spo1Lsorship of t/1e Pnul Wnllrof Cliapter Tacoma-Pierce Co11nty Sclwlar-Atl1lete Program
Gold Helmet
Gary E. Milgard Family Foundations
Silver Helmet Huard 1=amily Ting.'itad Family Meg & Tom N,1.mes Family Foundation Woodworth C,pilal file. Western WA & Pierce County Pnc-12 Officials Ben B. Cheney Foundation AF Investments LLC- Walt ond Sharon Austin Anonymous
Bronze Helmet Kevin lkedo Ed Menotti Mr.Mac LTD Puget Sound Orthopnedi� - Dr. Spencer Corai• John & Deb Divel)• Vern's Transmission Service Anonymous
Services in Kind Dan Beseu, Photography Joeseppi's Ristornnte The M,rnss Group/Mc_rrill Lynch Pacific Office Automation Superior Linen The Tux Shop University Pince School District
NFF Officers Bob Lucey, President Mike Williams, Treasurer
Executive Board
Spencer Cr•ce llob Hwll MikcMnu� D�rren McKay Mike Miller Mike RobcrL'J Rowland ·•itecl •• Smith Jason Silbaugh Wlllir S1cwar1 I•)' Stricht17
Past Presidents
1hmCross !lob Hunt lohn Miller George Nordi Mike Robcns Pull! W,1tlrof
Pfrase help us irt rlmnking tlrcse sponsors b}' p11tro11i:ing their bt1sintssl
Fur i,,furttwllm1 or to Join. t.l!t.C' 1htum&1...PittC'f' Ccumy Pl.1uJ U}11lrtJ[Clmp1rr 0[1111� Nmlomd foorlmll Faumlmfou
nruil Uoll ofRim, t:tt our turhJltt: WMi•/ootludl/uimdutfou,otJ