1990 Goodwill Games Baseball Guide

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Uniting The Worlds Best


Baseball Media Guide

The Goodwill Games -- 20 July - 5 August, 1990 Baseball Competition -- 26 - 31 July Cheney Stadium Tacoma, Washington


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1990 Goodwill Garnes Overview

····· .... ··· · · ···· ... .....


. " .. 2

United States Baseball Federation

.. ...... . ... ...... .. ... .. .. . ......... . . 2

Competition Schedule • .. ....

. . . . . . ........ . ... ................... 3

1990 Outlook • • • . • • • • . .... . .

...... . ..... .. .. ..... . . ...... .. ..... . . . . . 4

Key Matchups .................................. .


. ................. 4,

Part1c1pams Canada _ ... . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . � . _ .... s 9 a1pe1 . . • • • • • • . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . .... . .. Ch1nese T' Cuba. • • • • . . . • • • . . . . .. . . .... .. ..... . . . ... .... . ... . . .. Unavailable Japan • • • • • • • . . • . . . • . . .. . . .. ... ... ... ... .. . ...... .. ..... . . . ... 13 Mexico . • . • . . . .. .. • . .. . . ...... . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . ...... . .. . .... . . .. 17 20 Puerto Rico • • . . • • • • • • . . .. . ...... . . .. . .. . ........ .... . . ... ... .. . Soviet Union . . • • • ... . .. ....... . . ....... . . .... . . .. . ... . .. . . . . . 24 • . . • .. . .... . ... . ... . .. .... ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . .27 United States... Numencal Rosters

..... ......... ......... ..... ... ........ . ..

Goodwill Games Notes , , .. A Guide 10 Understanding Baseball


....... .... .....


.. ...-...-.

36 . .. 40



MEDIA LIAISONS This guide was preparedlor news media personnel covering lhe 1990 Goodwill Garnes. It was prepared by Mike Stamus, media Ualson appointed by lhe Unlled Stales Baseball Federallon, the nalional governing body ror baseball In the United States. The team and roster information in !his guide Is, In many cases, Incomplete due to the uncertainty or lhe staUJs ot several compelltors from various ,countries al press time. Addendums will be prepared on site to assist the media In acquiring more complete data, Additional lnformalion aboul Unlted States Baseball Programs may be obtained by contacting Bob Bensch at the USBF. lnformalion about lnte matlonal baseball programs or athte1es may be obtained from the U.S. tederallon·s media liaison or each country•s media contact listed below. Mike Stemus. Media UaJson 404/894-5445 Mr. Stamus will help racliltale all lnlerview requests with baseball players, coaches or olllcia.ls, and provide Information on all competing teams. Bob Bensch, Communiatlons Director, USA Baseball 609/586-2381 Mr. Bensch will help facilitate any Interview requests with United Stales baseball players or coaches. and help provide Information on other competing teams. Rick Spooner, ln!erpretor/Consullant, USSR team Mr. Spooner will help facilitate requests tor Interviews and Information ror the Soviet National team. 1

THE GOODWILL GAMES Toe 1990 Goodwill Games uniles the world's best a!hletes for 17 days of competition in 21 top-rated spans, July 20 through August 5 In Seallle and other ciUes throughout the stale of Was/linglon. Launched as an extraordlnary v,slon of lnlernallonal goodwill through world-class competition, the first Goodwill Games were held fn Moscow In 1986. After only 11 months of planning, Iha inaugural Games brought together more than 3,000 athletes from 79 countries lor 182gold-medal events In 18 spans. In all, six world, eight contlnenlal and 91 international records were broken. The 1990 Goodwill Games, with Its new "Top 8" format, Is even more exciting. Under the system, the Games unile the world's lop eight compelltors In each spon or event for annals-only compelllion. All events are finals: no trials or heats wlll be held. In principle, the 'Top 8" format includes the top American and Soviel competitor and lhe world·s next best six athletes or teams. The Seallle Organizing Commlltee (SOC) Is responsible for lhe planning and staging of the Games. Toe respective United Slates spans federatl 011 Issued lnvltallons 10 what each considered to be the world"s best athletes and teams based on results from the 1988 Olympics, 1989 World Championships and other major inlemallonal oompellllons. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS) holds the worldwide broadcast rights lo the event. Domestically, TBS Is providing 86 hours of cable-exclusive coverage, 68 In prime lime. In add1tion, II ls distributing the Games intemallonally to an estimated one billion viewers. Toe 1990 Goodwlll Games are jointly presented by lhe SOC, the panicfpating U.S. Spans lederalions, TBS and the USSR Slate Committee for Physical Culture and Sport (Goskomspon) and the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio (GoS1eleracllo).

UNITED STATES BASEBALL FEDERATION The United States Baseball Federalion (USBF), lhe naIlonal governing body for amateur baseball In the United Slates, Is responsible lor Issuing rrwltations to the baseball cornpelillon In lhe Goodwill Games under the new "Top 8" lormat. Under this system, lhe Games has united the nallonal teams ol the United States and the Soviet Union, along with Canada, Chinese Taipei, Cuba, Japan, Mexico and Pueno Rico. RankJngs were based on results from the 1988 Olympics, the 1989 World Championships and olher major lniernational compellllons. In principle, the "Top 8" is defined as the lop compelllor each from the United Stales and the Soviet Union and the next six best teams In the world. Due lo an act of Congress In 1978, lhe USBF Is the national governing body for the sport representing au amateur baseball In the America on the Unlled States Olympic Committee and on the International Baseball Association. This accounts for the USBF governing more than 19 mllDon amateur aIhle1es In this counlly. Vlr1ually every major nallonal amateur baseball organlzation lnAmerica has been united as a naHonal member of the USBF. The USBF ls lhe sole organization responsibfe"lor the selecdon, training and nelding of USA teams for international competition annually, The USBF Is responsible for promollng and developing Iha game al baseball as well as lans and players for the sport. both nallonally and, 10 some extent, Internationally. Also, the USBF Is required to protect the rights and stalus of amateur baseball players and provide lhe opponunity for athletes lo pursue excellence In lnlernauonal compellUon. The USBF t,as been ins1rumen1af In working with the SeaUle Organizing committee in organizing fhe baseball competition from scheduling to Issuing lnvllalions to recruiting many of the venue staff members 10 organizing travel arrangements and accomodallons for competllors and officials from compeling nations. The Task Force from the USBF Involved In Iha organlzallon ol the baseball competition Includes Nell Lantz, task force chairman and USBF flalson: Paul Fernandes, field coordinator; Dick Naylor, adrnlnlsltatlve Ualson: Wanda Rutledge, travel liaison: Mike Stamus, medla Dal.son: amd Ray ValOere, umpire coordinator and lechnlcal commiuee chairman.



July 26·31, 1990


Cheney Stadium, Tacoma, Washington




Eight teams; divided into two groups of four; 20 games total. Each team plays a round-robin competition within its own group (three games each). First and second place finishers from each group advance to the medal round to determine places one through lour. Third and fourth place finishers from each group advance to the classification round to determine places five through eight. In all, each team will play five games.

DIVISIONS: Group A-Canada, Chinese Taipei, Cuba, Puerto Rico

Group 8--Japan, Mexico, Soviet Union, United Stales

Thursday, July 26 Friday, July 27

5:30-8:30 p.m.

United States vs. Soviet Union (Group B, Game 1)

9 a.m.·12 noon Canada vs. Puerto Rico (Group A, Game 1) 12:30-3:30 p.m. Mexico vs. Japan (Group B, Game 1) 6·9 p.m. Cuba vs. Chinese Taipei (Group A, Game 1)

Saturday, July 28 9 a.m.-12 noon 12:30-3:30 p.m. 5:30-8:30 p. m. 9 p.m.-12 midnight

Mexico vs. Soviet Union (Group B, Game 2) Japan vs. United States (Group B, Game 2) Puerto Rico vs. Cuba (Group A, Game 2) Chinese Taipei vs. Canada (Group A, Game 2)

Sunday, July 29

9 am.-12 noon Soviet Union vs. Japan (Group B, Game 3) 12:30-3:30 p.m. United States vs. Mexico (Group B, Game 3) 5:30-8:30 p. m. Chinese Taipei vs. Puerto Rico (Group A, Game 3) 9 p.m.·12 midnight Canada vs. Cuba (Group A, Game 3)

9 a.m.·12 noon Group A-3rd vs. Group B-4th (classification round) 12:30·3:30 p.m. Group B-3rd vs. Group A-4th (classification round) 5:30-8:30 p.m. Group A· 1st vs. Group B-2nd (medal round) 9 p.m.-12 midnight Group B•1st vs. Group A-2nd (medal round)

Monday, July 30

Tuesday, July 31

9 a.m.•12 noon Final (7th vs. 8th places) 12:30-3:30 p.m. Final (5th vs. 6th places) 5:30-8:30 p.m. Final (3rd vs. 4th places; Bronze medal game) 9 p.m.-12 midnight Final (1st vs. 2nd places; Gold medal game)


1990 OUTLOOK As nas been lhe case during lhe last lwo Olympic Games and the 1987 Pan American Games, lhe race for the gold medal In the 1990 Goodwill Games may come down lo a showdown between the United Stales. Cuba and Japan.

The U.S. look home Ille gold in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul Korea, the first lime baseball was conducted as a medal spon. and also In the , 984 Los An11e1es Games, when baseball was a demonstralion spon. Cuba, despite being upset by lhe U.5- In Iha rou nd-robm portion of Iha compeUlion on a dramaUc ninlh•l nnlng home run byTy Griffin, came back to win the gold medal in the 1987 Pan Am Games in Indianapolis. Japan exened some muscle lasl laU by taking the gold medal al Iha Presidential Cup Toumamenl In Taiwan, leaving the U.S. to capture lhe si111er medal. then beat the U.S.four times in five games in June on its home turf. Japan lea1ures an outstanding pitching slall. The United States will battle wilh Japan and Mexico. which it swept In a July three-game series in Texas, as well as the fledgling Soviet Union learn In the group B round-robin. Cuba, regarded by many as the top national team in the world, appears to be the team to beat In group A. which also lnoludes Canada, Puerto Rico and Chinese-Taipei. Puerto Rico has finished third In ihree recent inlernational events. Including me 1987 Pan American Games, lhe 1988 Olympics and lhe 1989 Intercontinental Cup. Chinese-Taipei and Canada. which features an oulslanding hilling team, are perennially compelllive. and should battle wllh Puerto Rico for second place ln Group A.

KEY MATCHUPS The United States, gold medaQsls at the , 990 Olyrnplcs. and lhe fledgling Soviet Union team open the Goodwill Games in lhe compellllon's only scheduled game on Thursday, July 261 but the USA learn will be looking hard at its next game. Japan, on Saturday July 28. Japan upended lhe U.S. at nome lour times In nve games In June. and this game will be Crill cal to both learns· hopes for making the medal round. Japan was the sliver medalist in lhe last Olympics, bul beat out lhe U.S. for lhe gold in last November's IBA Presidential Cup. The t.J.S., which won 13 of Its Orsi 18 games in its summer tour. has swept Mexico, a Group B competilor. in a lhree-game series lhls summer. The USA team is led by do-everything performer Jorge Fabregas, who leads the team in home runs and has played third base. rirsl base and has caught alter making lhe team as an unlnvlled walk-on. First baseman David McCarty leads the club In hitting, while Darren Bragg has taken over the right field spot and Is lied wllh Fabregas for lhe Team home run lead. Doug Bennett appears 10 be the team's top slartlng pitcher along wilh Mike Hosteller, and Pihllllp Stidham has been outstanding as a closer. All are right-handers. Japan features an outsianding pilching stall, led by !ell-handers Hideo Keiko and Yoshltaka Mizuo. Koike pilched a six-hitter-a , .o shu10u1-wilh 11 strikeouts over the U.S. earUer In the summer, while Mlzuo Pmited the U.S. to five hits and struck out nine In 71/3 innings in a 3-1 Japan triumph the next night. Mexico boasts a strong niddle or the order in catcher Recne Duarte, third baseman Manuel Ronquillo and lirst baseman Juan Gonzafez, !he Nos. 3-4-5 hitters, but needs better pilching than it got in its series wllh lhe Unlied Stales. The Soviet Union, which ls participating in 11s first major international compelilion, look a beating from U.S. college teams1n 11s first U.S. tour in the spring or 1989. Cuba, which appears to be the class of Group A, opens wl1h Chinese-Taipei and Puerto Rico, then will have to silence the bats or Canada In lls :second game. The Cubans boast two players whom many scouts and obseivers believe could play in the ma !or leagues now. Omar Linares, lhe third baseman, is widely regarded to be the best amateur player In the wor d. Linares. who 1.s 22 years old, is in his llllh year with the nallonal team, and hlls for average and power lo go wilh outstanding speed and throwing arm. He bats third in the order. He wlU be lhe most leared hiller in lhe Games. The second baseman, Antonio Pacheco, bats second and has outstanding speed and an excellenl bat. Canada·s potent offense is led lily third baseman Gary Van Tot, a diminutive (5-8) but outstanding delenslve player and an excellent conlacl hiller. The power man Is firs! basernan Randy Curran, a 6-3, 220pounderwho hit three homers In Iha recent Great Asian American Challenge Cup. Flrst baseman Angel Morales ,1nd outtlelder Efrain Garcia are Puerto Rico's top hitters, while infielder Huan Chung-YI and p1tcher Lin Chao­ Huang are players to watch from Chinese-Talpel.


TEAMS Canada lil2. MJlmJl 1 Gaiy Van Toi 2 Jason Schwabe 3 Barry Pelrachenko Rob Buller 4 6 Jim Andryahuk 7 John Leonard 12 Dave Croy 21 Fred Matsubara 24 Jim Kolkas 27 Mike Ross 28 Dave Ryplen 30 Mike Jones 31 Martin Lavigne 33 Jamie Wolkosky 34 Nell Szeryk 39 Dave Krug 40 Rex Hayes 42 Chns Smeeton 43 Mike Keenan 44 Randy Curran 37 17 49

Bernie Beckman Jim Chapman Brad McArthur Jim Ridley




5-10 5-7 5-11 5-11 6·0! 6-0 6-0 6-2



ss ss

C p OF p C p p

p 1B p

OF p p




6-0 6·2 6-1 5.9 6-0 6-1 6·5 6-4 6-3 6-3


175 170 150 185 185 165 187 185 205 190 205 205 180 160 175 175 200 205 180 220



Ag_e 23

21 23 20 24




25 22 22 22 19 19 19 20 22 24 20 22


Pincher Creek, Alta. Winnipeg, Man. Welland, OnL EasI York, OnL Hazlet, Sask. Oakville, Ont. Kelowna, B.C. Winnipeg, Man. Lelhbridge, Alla. Calgary, Alta Spokane, WA Camlachie, Ont. Quebec City, Que. Surrey, B.C. London, Ont Qakvllle, Ont. Surrey, B.C. Windsor, Ont. SL John, N.B. Kitchener, Ont.

Scb11111 Gonzaga, WA Mayvllle Stale, ND Ronda Soulhem NB! NBI Mayville Stale, ND NBJ Gonzaga, WA Mesa Slate. CO NBI Mlddte Georgia JC Oi(tal\oma Stale NBI NBI NBI

Miaml Dade-North, FL

Head Coach Asslstani Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach

COACHES BEANIE BECKMAN - HEAD COACH Coaching career - Coached for nine years ...Led Team Canada In the 1988 Olymplcs...High performance director for Baseball Canada .. Bom Nov. 4, 1950 ...Hometown: ottawa, Ontario. JIM CHAPMAN-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career -Six-year veleran In coaching In Canada...Me.mber of the staff on the Canadian Junior Championship team ln 1988...Bom March 28. 1950 ... Hometown: Tsawwassen, Brillsh Columbia. BRAD McARTHUR-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career-Has been coaching for six years...Coached Canadian Junior Championship team in 1988, and served as pllcnlng coach for the Canadian nalional team In 1989 ...Bom Sept. 17, 1956 ...Homelown; While Rock. British Columbia. JIM RIDLEY-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching Career- Has been coaching baseball for elghl years...Also coached the Canadian Bronze Medal Youlh learns in 1984 and 1987...Bom Sept. 19, 1944...Homelown: Milton, Ontario.


ATHLETES JIM ANORYCHUK -SHORTSTOP Height:5-11 Weight: 165 Hometown:Hazlet, Sask. Coll.age: Florida Southern

Age:24 Blrthdate; May 31, 1966 Years on National Team: 2 BatS/Throws: Lelt/Rlght

Career Hlghllghls - PartJdpated In lhe Pacillc Cup In 1986. ROB BUTLER -OUTFIELD Height: 5-11 Weight:165 Hometown: East York, Ont. College:-

Age:20 Blrthdate:April 10, 1970 Years on National Team: 4 BatS/Throws: lelVLetl

career Highlights -Member or the Canadian Olympic team In 1968. DEAN CROY - CATCHER Height:6-0 Weight: 167 Hometown: K.elowna, B.C. College: NBI

Age:22 Blrthdate:December28. 1967 Yearson National Team:3 Bats/Throws:RlghVRight

RANDY CURRAN - FIRST BASE Height: 6-3 Weight: 220 Homatown: Kitchener, Ont. College: Miami-Dade North cc, Fl

Age:22 Blrthdate:Feb/\Jary 23, 1968 Years on National Team:4 BatS/Throws: lelVRight

career Highlights-Memberol lhe Canadian nallonal team In the 1987 Pan American Games and the 1968 Olympics. REX HAYES -OUTFIELD Height: 6·5 Weight:200 Hometown: Surrey, B.C. College: NBI

Age:22 Blrthdale: August 9, 1967 Years on National Team:1 BatS/Throws: Rlghl/Rlght

MIKE JONES -PITCHER Height: 6-2 Weight: 205 Hometown:Camlachle, Ont. College:Mesa Stale, CO

Age: 22 Blrthdate:March 29, 1966 Years on National Team:1 Bats/Throws:RighVRfghl


MIKE KEENAN - PITCHER Height: 6-3 Weight: 180 Hometown: St. John, N.B. College: NBI

Age:20 Blrthdate: November 27, 1969 Years on National Team: 1 Bats/Throws: RlghVRlght

JIM KOTKAS -OUTFIELD Height: 6·2 Weight: 205 Hometown: Lethbrldge, Alia. College:-

Age: 25 Blnhdate: November 1, 1964 Years on National Team: 6 Bats/Throws: RlghVRlght

career Hlghllghts- Longest active member of the Canadian nallonal team, having participated In lhe 1985 Intercontinental Cup, 1986 Pacific Cup, the 1987 Pan American Games and Iha 1988 Olympics. DAVE KRUG- PITCHER Height: 6-1 Weight: 175 Hometown:Oakville, Ont. College: NBI

Age: 20 Blnhdale: December 23, 1969 Years on Natlonal Team: 2 Bats/Throws: RighVRlghl

MARTIN LAVIGNE- PITCHER Height: 6-1 Weight: 180 Hometown: Quebec City, Oue. College: NBJ

Age: 19 Blnhdale: May 15, 1971 Years on Nallonal Team: 1 Bats/Throws: LelVLelt

JOHN LEONARD-SHORTSTOP Height: 8-0 Weigh!: 165 Hometown: Oakville, Ont College: NBI

Age: 23 Blnhdale: August 20, 1966 Years on Nallonal Team: 3 Bals/Throws:Left/Righi

FRED MATSUBARA-PITCHER Heigh!: 6-0 Weight: 165 Hometown: Winnipeg, Man. College:Mayville Stale, ND

Age: 22 Blnhdate: Augusl 26, 1967 Years on National Team: 1 Bats/Throws: RlghVRight

BARRY PETRACHENKO-SECOND BASE Height:5-7 Weigh!: 150 Hometown: Welland, Onl. College:-

Age: 23 Blnhdate: Seplember 2, 1966 Years on Nalional Team: 2 Bals/Throws: LelVRighl


MIKE ROSS-PITCHER Height: 6·0 Weight: 190 Hometown: Calgary, Alta. College: NBI

Age: 22 Blrthdate: December 27, 1967 Years on Natlonal Team: 3 Bats/Throws: RighVRighl

Career Highlights-Played on Canada's Pan American Games team in 1987. DAVE RYPIEN -CATCHER Height: 6·0 Weight: 205 Hometown: Spokane, WA College: Gonzaga, WA

Age: 22 Blrthdate: September 15, 1967 Years on National Team: 4 Bats/Throws: RighVRight

Careor Highlights-Has been a member of the Canadian leam in lhe 1987 Pan American Games and lhe 1988 Olympics. JASON SCHWABE-SHORTSTOP Height: 5·10 Weight: 170 Hometown: Winnipeg, Man. College:Mayville State, ND

Age: 21 Blrthdate:December 23. 1968 Years on National Team: 1 Bats/Throws: LelVRight

CHRIS SMEETON -PITCHER Height: 6-4 Weight: 205 Hometown: Windsor, Om. College:-

Age:24 Blrthdate:September 12. 1965 Years on National Team: 2 Bats/Throws: RighVRight

NEIL SZERYK- FIRST BASE Height:6-0 Weight:175 Hometown: London, OnL College: Oklahoma State

Age:19 Blrthdale: June 26, 1971 Years on Natlonal Team: 1 Bats/Throws:LelVLeft

GARY VAN TOL-THIRD BASE Height: 5-8 Weight: 175 Hometown: Pincher Creek, Alla. College: Gonzaga, WA

Age: 23 Blrthdate: February 3, 1967 Years on National Team: 2 Bats/Throws: RlghVRlght

JAMIE WOLKOSKY- PITCHER Height: 5-9 Weight: 160 Hometown: Surrey, B.C. College: Middle Georgia JC

Age: 19 Blrthdate: September 10, 1970 Years on National Team: 1 Bats/Throws: RighVRlght


Chinese-Taipei l!ll2. 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 21 22


25 26 27 32 36 37 29 30

� Chang nan-Un Liao Mlng-Hslung Tsai Ming-Hung Liao Chun-Ming Wang Chuan-Chia Vang Chang-Shin Chuo Kun-Yuan Shu Wen-Chien Chang Yaw-Taing Lo Kuo-Chong Lin Kun-Han Chen Wei-Chen Uu Chin-Shin Kuo-lee Chien-Fu Chiang Tal•Chuan Lo Chen-Jung Ku Kuo-Chian Tseng Kuel•Chang Huan Chung• Vi Lin Chao-Huang Pai Kun-Hong Wang Kuang-Shih Chang Cheng-Hslen Chang Wen-Chung


Lee Lal-Fa Kao Ying-Chleh Yang Hsien-Mlng Chang Sheng-Cheng

Manager Coach Coach Coach


5-10 5-11 5·11 5.9 5-8 5.9 5·8 5.9 5.9 5-10 5.9 5·11 5-7 6-0 5.9 5-9 5-7 5-9 5-8 5-10 5-8 5-10 5.7 6-0


172 174 165 172 158 158 150 165 156 169 167 183 152 194 167 163 150 185 163 176 154 161 165 172



AgJt 22 21 23 24 20 24 20 22


24 22 24 23 21 29 29 21 23 22 20 20 22 23 22


Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Talpel Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Talpel Talpel Talpel Taipei

COACHES LEE LAl•FA-HEAD COACH Coaching career - Seven-year veteran as head ooach ol Iha national team... Led his team in the 1989 Intercontinental Cup In Puerto Rlco... Coaches the Rsea Construollon Company club team. KAO VING-CHIEH -ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career - Second year as a coach on the national team... On Iha stall or team which appeared In the 1989 lnterconllnental Cup In Pueno Rlco...Coaches baseball al T aipei Physical Educallon University. VANG HSIEN-MING-ASSISTANTCOACH Coaching career-Nine-year coaching veteran who has been wilh the national leam rwo years...Member of stall which led Chinese-Talpel In the 1989 lnterconllnental Cup... Coaches at the Taipei Physlcal Education University. CHANG SHENG-CHENG-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching Career -Five-year coaching veteran who has been W11h the national team two years. TncWCIJng an appearance In the 1989 lnterconlinenlaf Cup in Puer1o Rico_.Coaches In the Chinese-Taipei Army.


ATHLETES CHANG CHENG-HSIEN -CATCHER Age:23 Blrthdale: February B, 1967 Years on National Team: 2

Height:5-7 Weight: 165 Hometown: Taipei

career Hlghllghts-Played In the 1989 lnterconUnental Cup In Puerlo Rico. CHANG TIAN-LIN-OUTFIELD Age:22 Blrthdale: December 14, 1967 Years on Natlonal Team: 1

Height:5-10 Weight: 172 Hometown:Taipei CHANG WEN-CHUNG-FIRST BASE

Age: 22 Blrthdate:Ap�I 17. 1968 Years on National Team: 2

Height: 6·0 Welgh1: 172 Hometown: Talpel

ca.rear Hlghllghts -Member of Chinese-Taipei's Intercontinental Cup team 01 1989. CHANG YAW-T EJNG-THIRD BASE Age:25 Blrthdate: March 28, 1965 Years on Nallonal Team: 2

Height:5·9 Weight: 156 Hometown: Taipei

Career Hlghllgh1s - Played in the 1969 lnlercontinental Cup in Puerto Rico. CHEN WEl•CHEN -OUTFIELD Age: 24 Blrthdate: May 24, 1966 Years on National Teem: 2

Height: 5-11 Weight: 183 Hometown: Taipei

career Highlights -Played in the 1989 lnteroonlinenIat Cup In Puerto Rico. T

CHIANG TAJ-CHUAN-CATCHER/OUFIELD Height:5·9 Welgh1: 167 Hometown:Taipei

Age: 29 Blrthdate: October 26, 1960 Years on National Team:7

career Highlights-Played in the 1989 Intercontinental Cup in Puerto Rico ... Oldest member ol lhe Chinese­ Taipei team and has lhe longesl length ol service. CHUO KUN-YUAN-PITCHER Height: 5·8 Weight:150 Homelown: Taipei

Age: 20 Blrthdate:October 12, 1969 Years on National Teem: 1


HUAN CHUNG-YI-SECOND BASE Height: 5-8 Weight: 163 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 22 Blrthdate: October 12, 1967 Years on National Team: 2

Career Hlghllghts -Played In the 1'989 lnterconUnenlal Cup. KU KUO-CHIAN -SECOND BASE Height: 5-7 Weight: 150 Hometown: Taipei

Age:21 Blrthdate:November 10, 1968 Years on National Team: 2

Career Hlghllghts-Played In the Intercontinental Cup in Pueno Alco for Chinese-Taipei In 1989. KUO-LEE CHIEN-FU -PITCHER Height: 6-0 Weight: 194 Hometown:Taipei

Age: 21 Blrthdate:March 24, 1969 Years on National Team: 3

Career Hlghllghts- Three-year member of the nallonal team who participated in the 1989 Intercontinental Cup In Puerto Alco. LIAO CHUN-MING -PITCHER Height: 5-9 Weigh!: 172 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 24 Blrthdate: December 24, 1965 Years on National Team: 2

LIAO MING-HSIUNG - OUTFIELD Helghl: 5-11 Weight: 174 Hometown:Taipei

Age: 21 Blrthdate: November 5, 1968 Years on Nallonal Team: 2

Career Hfghllghts -Member or the 1989 tnterconlinental Cup team. UN CHAO-HUANG - PITCHER Height: 5-10 Weight: 176 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 20 Blrthdale: August 17, 1969 Years on National Team: 2

Career Hlghllghls-Played in the 1989 lnlerconllnental Cup In Puerto Alco. LIN KUN-HAN - THIRD BASE Height: 5-9 Weight: 167 Homelown: Taipei

Age:22 Blrthdate: January 5. 1968 Years on National Team: 1

LIU CHIN-SHIN-PITCHER Height:5-7 Weight: 152 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 23 Blrthdate: April 21, 1967 Years on Natlonal Team: 1


LO CH.EN.JUNG -PITCHER Height: 5·9 Weight: 163 Hometown: Taipei

Age:28 Blrthdate: November 30, 1961 Years on National Team: 3

LO KUO-CHONG-SHORTSTOP Height: 5-10 Weight: 169 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 24 Blrthdate: September 16, 1965 Years on National Team: 4

career HlghJTghts -Played In lhe 1959, fntercontlnentat Cup ... Wllh ihe national team lour years. PAI KUN-HONG- CATCHER Height:5-8 Weight: 154 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 20 Blrthdate: January 6, 1970 Years on National Team: 2

career Hlgltllghts -Member of Cnlnese-Talpel team In lhe 1989 InIercon1lnemaI Cup In Puerto Rico. SHU WEN-CHIEN -SHORTSTOP Height: 5-9 Weight: 165 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 22 Blrthdate: September 22, 1967 Years on National Team: 1

TSAI MING-HUNG -PITCH.ER Height: 5-11 Welghl: 165 Hometown: Taipei

Age:23 Blrthdate: September 2, 1966 Years on National Team: 2

career Highlights -Participated In the 1989 lntercomlnental Cup. TSENG KUEl•CHANG -OUTFIELD Height: 5·9 Weight: 185 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 22 Blrthdate: August 1, 1967 Years on National Team: 2

career Highlights-Played In the 1989 Intercontinental Cup in Pueno Rico. WANG CHUAN•CHIA-PITCHER Height: 5-8 We.lght: 158 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 20 Blrthdate: January 26, 1971 Years on Nallonal Team:1

WANG KUANG-SHIH-INFIELD Height: 5-10 Weight: 161 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 22 Blrthdate: August 2, 1967 Years on National Team: 3

career Highlights- Three-year veteran with the nalional leam, played In the 1989 lnlerconlinenlal Cup. YANG CHANG-SHIN -OUTFIELD Height: 5·9 Welghl: 158 Hometown: Taipei

Age: 24 Blrthdate: JUiy 7, 1966 Years on National Team: 2 12

Japan lilL. 2 6 7 8 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 26 28



t:la!M Hiroshi Narahera Chihiro Hamana Shinichi Okumura Teruhiro Yano Kazuya Saltoh Shingo Takatsu Yoshitaka Mlzuo Katsuhito Osaka Eiji Ochiai Hideo Koike Shigetoshi Hasagawa Shigeo Kapta Koichi Sekikawa Kojiro Machida Terunobu Seto Kazuhiko Miyakawa Kazukl Mochlyama Kengo Nakamura Shinichiro Kawabaia Takayuki Yoko!


Toshio Uchida Hidekazu Kobayashi Akio Tsuchiya Kiyoharu Yamamoto

Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach



5-7 5-11 5-9 5-11 5-9 5-11 5-10 5-10 5-11 5-9 5-11 5-6 5-10 5-11 5-9 5-11 5-9 5-11 6-2 5-10


143 158 165 163 165 161 158 163 165 161 165 156 169 183 176 154 152 172 189 167

Ji[[ AIR R/l R/L R/R R/l R/R lll R/R R/R LJL AIR lJl All R/R R/R R/L R/L R/R R/L R/R

w 22

20 22 21 22 21 22 22 20 21 21 21 21 20 21 21


Aoyamagakuln Tohokulukushl Kink! Tohokulukushl Asia Asia Fukulkou Tohokulukushl Nihon Asia Ritsumel Tstukuba Komazawa Senshu Hosel Tohokulukushl

ATHLETES CHIHIRO HAMANA- SECOND BASE Height: 5-11 Weight: 158 University: Tohukulukushl

Age: 20

Career Highlights - Third-year player lor Tohokulukushl university team. .. Was batting .390 (16-lor-41) prior to the U.S. series wl1h six RBI. SHIGETOSHI HASEGAWA- PITCHER Height: 5-11 Weight: 165 University: Rltsumel

Age: 21

CS re er Highlights- Four-year player for the Ritsumel universlty club... Had 7--0 record with a 0.74 ERA at the time of U.S. series... Only 40 hits and 13 walks allowed In 73 lnnings,_.Struck out 51.


SHIGEO KAJITA - OUTFIELD Heigh!: 5-6 Weight: 156 Un lverslly: Tslukuba

Age: 21

career Hlghllghls-Fourth-year player al Tstukuba...Hilling .319 (15-lor-47) at Ume ol U.S. series. HIOEO KOll<E - PITCHER Heigh!: 5-9 Weight: 161 Unlverslly: Asia

Age: 21

career Highlights- Top pllcherlor Japan nalional Ieam...Posted a 7-2 record and a sparl<Ung 0.94 ERA ru lhe lime or the U.S. series...Struck out 111 and walked j\Jsl 25, and allowed only 40 hllS In 88 lnnlngs...Fourth-year player at Asla .. Pltched a five-hit shutout over the U.S. learn eanier lhls summer... Fourth-year player lor Asia University team. KOUJIRO MACHIDA-INFIE1.0 Height: 5-11 Weight: 183 Unlverslly: Senshu

Age: 20

Career Highlights - Third-year player at Senshu Unlverslty...Prior 10 U.S. series, balled .310 (13-lor-42), with lwo homers and three RBI. HIROSHI NARAHARA - SHORTSTOP Height: 5-17 Weight: 143 Uillverslly: Aoyamagakuin

Age: 22

career Hlghllghls- Fourth-year player for the Aoyamagakuln universily team... Al the tlme ol the U.S. series, was balUng .409 (18-for-44) with nlne RBI. EIJI OCHIAI- PITCHE.R Height: 5-11 Weight: 165 University: Nihon

Age: 20

career Highlights- Third-year player at Nlhon Unlverslly...Had only a 2-5 record al the lime ol the U.S. series, bul an oulstanding 1.29 ERA.. Walked only four batters In 62 213 Innings while fanning 48. SHINICHf OKOMURA- INFfELD Height: 5-9 Weight: 165 Un lverslly: Klnkl

Age: 22

career Highlights - Third-year player for Klnkl university squad...A .318 hitter (14-lor-44) In pre-U.S. series games, with four RBI.


KA TSUHITO OSAKA -PITCHER Height: 5-10 Weight:163 University: Tohokufukushl


Career Highlights-Fourth-year player at Tohokulukus hl University ... Posled 4-0 record and had nol allow a run In 24 innings at the time ol the U.S. series In June... Gave up Just eight hits and five walks, Slruck out 27. KAZUHIKO MIYAKAWA -OUTFIELD Height: 5-11 Weight: 154 University: TollOkulukushl

Age: 21

Career Hlghllghts -Fol.lJ'lh-year playerfor Tohokulukushl university club...One ol team·s honest hitters al time ol U.S. series, batting .472 (17-tor-36) ...Led learn With 10 RBI. VOSHITAKA MIZUO -PITCHER Height: 5-10 Weight: 158 Unlverslly:Fukulkou

Age: 22

career Highlights - One ot top two pltehers lor Japanese team... Fourth-year player lor Fukulkou unlverslty leam ...Had 3-0 record and had nol allowed a run In 24 Innings, Slriklng out 35, walklng sbc and allowing only nlne hits ar rho Ume of the U.S. series. KAZUYA SAITOH -OUTFIELD Height: 5-9 Weight: 165 UntversJty: Asia


Career HlghJlghts- Fourth-year player at Asia University...Hittlng just .212 (1 Hor-52) at the time of the U.S. series. but led team with two homers and 11 waJks. ..Slx RBI. KOICHI SEKIKAWA -CATCHER Hefght: 5-10 Weight: 169 University:Komazawa


Career Hlg hlfghts-Fourth-yearplayer at Kornazawa Unlversity,_Balled .378 (14-lor-37) with one RBI In games prior to lhe U.S. series. TERUNOBU SETO- CATCHER Height; 5.9 Waight: 176 University:Hosel


career Hlghlfghts-Fourth-year player at Hosel Unlversily.. .A .372 hiller (16-lor--43) wfth one homer and three RBI al the Ume of lhe U.S. series.


SHINGO TAJ<ATSU - PITCHER Height: 5·11 Weigh!: 161 University: Keio

Age: 21

Career Hlghllghts-Fourth•year player at Keio Unlversity...Was 3·1 with a 0.82 ERA In games prior lo lhe U.S. series... Pilched 33 innings, giving up Just live walks and 21 hits while fanning 21. TERUHIRO YANO - THIRD BASE/FlflST BASE Height: 5-11 Weight: 163 University: Tohokulukushl

Age: 21

Career Hlghllghts- Fourth-year player at Tohokulukushl...Was hltUng .419 (13-lor-31) wllh seven RBI at the time of the U.S. series.


Mexico tlsl. liilmlt 2 3 4 5 7


9 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 28 44

Carlos Palacios Hector Castaneda Rene Duar1e Rober1o Gonzalez Sergio Rlchkarday Leonardo Ovies Ale/andro Luna Ramon Pacheco Manuel Ronquillo Leodegario Longoria Rodotto Velazquez Francisoo Acosta David Trejo Sabino Loaiza Jose Sepulveda Roberto Machorro Victor Gaxiola Moises Congo Roberto Garza Juan Gonzalez Norberto Aguilar Jesus Avilez Mar11n Garcia Eduardo Mon1es Jorge Soto Jesus Valenzuela

Jose Luis Garcia Salomon Parra German Guzman

fa OF


p p



p p






6-1 6-1


5-11 6-1


5-11 5.3 6-0 5-11 6-1 5-10 6-0 6·2 5.9 6·0 6·2


6-4 5-11

198 178 183 180 165 172 191 143 207 172 180 172 180 154 163 187 198 165 198 211




23 18 23 22 21 21 23 23 28 24 24 23 21 20 28 21 24 21 19 29


Mexico City Mexico City Chihuahua Mazatlan Me.xlcall Los Mochls Monterrey Ensenada Chlttuahua Casas Granc!es Monterrey Monterrey Pachuca 11/uana Los Mochls Monterrey Tecate Mexico City Monterrey Juarez

Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach

ATHLETES FRANCISCO ACOSTA-SHORTSTOP Height: 5-10 Weight.: 172 Hometown: Monterrey

Age:23 Birthdate: May 12, 1967 Years on National Team: 1

Played In the Jayhawk League of the Na1lonal Baseball Congress In the U.S ....PJayed four years for the Tarkio College ONls...One year each wllh the Clarinda (Iowa) A"s and the Red Oak (Iowa) Red Sox. HECTOR CASTANEDA - CATCHER Height: 6-1 Weigh!: 176 Hometown: Mexico Cily

Age: 18 Bir1hdate: November 7, 1971 Years on National Team: 1

Played In three junior championship tournaments In Japan (1986), San Diego, Calif. (1987) and Ouebeo, Canada (1989) ... Flrst year on national team.


MOISES CONGO-INFIELD Height: 5-9 Weight: 165 Hometown: Mexico Cily

Age: 21 Blrthdate: August 29, 1988

RENE DUARTE-CATCHER Height: 5·9 Welghl: 183 Hometown: Chihuahua

Age: 23 Bl11hdate: Years on NaUonal Team: 4

Began playing baseball at age 6... Founh year on the national team... Ptays t>aseba.11 for the University of Chlhuahua...Has par1Jclpated In the 1987 lntercontlnental Cup, 1987 and 1988 Torneo Mundial Taiwan. 1969 J. Antonlo Huefga, 1969 Cayasso Nicaragua, 1988 Ableno USA, live national championship teams.. .lBA All-Siar. ROBERTO GARZA-PITCHER Height: 6-4 Waight: 196 Hometown: Monterrey

Age: 19 Blrlhdate: June 20, 1971 Years on National Team: 1

Pitches for the Carnlceria Canto club team. VICTOR GAXIOLA- PITCHER Height: 6-2 Welghl: 198 Hometown: Tecate

Age: 24 Blrthdate: July 28, 1966

JUAN GONZALEZ-FIRST BASE/THIRD BASE Height: 5-11 Weight: 211 Hometown: Juarez

Age: 29 Blrthdate: July 21, 1961 Year on Natlonal Team: 4

Played In lhe lnterconlinental Cup In Cuba, and In 1967 and 1966 In Taiwan. SABINO LOAIZA- PITCHER Height: 6-2 Weight: 154 Hometown: 11juana

Age:20 Blrthdate: AuguS1 7, 1969

LODEGARIO LONGORIA -PITCHER Height: 5-11 Weight: 172 Hometown: Casas Grandos

Age: 24 Blrthdate: July 6, 1966 Year on National Team: 3

Played on Mexican nallonal team In two Wor1d Championships (1987-88) as well as the 1987 lnteroonlinental Cup...Ptays for the Cesas Grandes club team


ROBERTO MACHORRO -PITCHER Height: 6-0 Weight: 187 Hometown: Monlerrey

Age:21 Birthdale: February 23, 1969 Vear on National Team: 4

Fourth year on nallonal leam... Four national championship Ieams... Played In lhe 1987 lnlercontfnenlal Cup, the 1987 and 1988 Tomeos Mundlales In Taiwan, and a 1986 Junlor Championship in canada... Play college ball for Laredo Junlor College. CARLOS PALACIOS-OUTFIELD Height: 6-1 Weight: 198 Hometown: Mexico Cily

Age: 23 Blr1hdete: April 6, 1967 Vear on National Team: 2

Plays collegiaIely aI Brigham Young Unlversily In lhe Uni led Stales, where he Is a junlor... Hopes lo enler the field of man<eUng for a 1T1.Jltlnallonal corporation upon graduation. SERGIO RJCHKARDAY -OUTFIELD Height: 6-2 Welgh.t: 161 Hometown: Mexicali

Age: 21 Blr1hdale: December 12, 1988

MANUEL RONQUILLO-THIRD BASE Height: 6·0 Weight: 202 Hometown: Chihuahua

Age: 28 Blr1hdate: July 1, 1962 Vear on National Team:◄

Has played on Mexican champlonslillp learns In Cuba, Nlcaruagua and Memphis in 1989, Taiwan In 1988, and Monterrey In 1986 ... Plays on lhe Dorados, Chihuahua club Ieam... Marrie with a son and daughler. JOSE SEPULVEDA -OUTFIELD Height: 5-9 Weight: 163 Hometown: Los Mochis

Age: 28 Blr1hdate: October 2, 1961 Vear on National Team: 1

Took up baseball at age 13... Flrst year on national learn despite being 28 years old. DAVID TREJO -OUTFIELD Height: 6-0 Weight: 180 Hometown: Pachuca

Age: 21 Blr1hdate: November 15, 1988 Year on National Team: 1

RODOLFO VELAZQUEZ - PITCHER Height: 6·1 Weight: 180 Hometown: Monterrey

Age: 24 Blr1hdale: March 6, 1966 Year on National Team: 1


Puerto Rico till. t:lilD.A 2 3




9 10 11 12 17 18 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34


Ablmael Rosario Albert Bracero Jorge Aranzamendl Elraln Nieves Jose Lorenzana Edwin Cuadrado Heracuo Mendoza John Melendez Charlie Alvarez Anlhony Garcia Angel Morales Slgfredo Rivera Roberto Lopez Elraln Garcia Gulllenno Gonzalez Josue Salva Ralael Sanllago Helson Rodriguez Ariel Robles Jose Sepulveda Javier Espina Jesus Feliciano Jimmy Flgueroa Luis Diaz Mariano Ouinones Sanllago Melendez Willredo Velez


Jose Carradero Olonell Velez Jose Burgos RogeUo Negron

Manager Coach Coach Coach




p p p


p p


5-7 5-10 5-8 5-11 6-2 5-10 5-7 5-11 5-2 5-10 5-6 5-9 5-9 6-0 6-4 5-11 5-9 5-10 5-7 6-0

Yi!. 145 175 140 165 185 180 160 175 145 175 142 155 150 190 180 188 160 190 130 170



� 24 23 26 22 30 25

23 29 24 27 25 22

18 27 25 26 21 28 20 27

l:l!l!D!ll!lWD Cayey Toa Baja Ponce Toa Atta Toa Baja Carolina Cayey Ponce Vega Alta Cayey Bayamon Bayamon Bayamon Bayamon Cayey Vega Safa Arroyo Sabana Grande Vega AJta Bayamon

ATHLETES CHARLIE ALVAREZ - OUTFIELD Height: 5-2 Weight: 145 Hometown: Vega Aha

Age: 24 Blrthdate: November 22, 1965 Years on National Team: 1

JORGE ARANZAMENDI - INFIELD Height: 5-8 Weight: 140 Hometown: Ponce

Age; 26 Blrthdale: July 30, 1964 Years on Nallonal Team: 2

career Hlghllghts - Played in the 1989 Intercontinental Cup in Puerto Rico. where his team won the bronze medal.


ALBERT BRACERO -INFIELD Haight: 5·10 Weight: 175 Hometown: Toa Baja

Age:23 Bll1hdale:September 8, 1966 Years on Natlonal Team: 2

Career Hlghllghls-Helped Puerto Rico win a bronze medal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics...Also has panidpated In the 1988 World Championships in Italy. EDWIN CUADRADO -OUTFIELD Height: 5-10 Weight: 180 Hometown: Caronna

Age:25 Blrthdate:March 11, 1965 Years on Natlonal Team: 2

career Hlghllghts-Membilr of lhe Puerto Rico team which won 1he bronze medal al the 1987 Pan American Games In lndlanapolls. ANTHONY GARCIA-INFIELD Height: 5-10 Weight: 175 Hometown: Cayey

Age:27 Blrthdale: June 7, 1963 Years on Natlonal Team: 3

Career Hlghllghls -Membilr ol the Puerto Rico bronze medal-winning Olympic team at SeouJ ln 1988 ... Also earned a bronze medal at the lnterconnnental Cup in 1989 in Puerto Rico, and partldpated In an tnvltatlonaJ tournament In 1988 In Taipei. EFRAIN GARCIA-OUmELD Height: 6-0 Weight: 190 Hometown: Bayamon

Age: 27 Birthdate: December 7, 1962 Years on Nallonal Team:6

Career Hlghllghts - Member ol Puerto Rico's bronze medal team al the 1988 Seow Olymplcs .. .AJso played on Puerto Rico teams in the 1986 Caribbean Games In the Dominican RepubOc and the 1987 Pan American Games in lndlanapolls...Partidpaled in the World Championships In Holland (1986) and llaJy (1988) ...Balting champion of lhe 1987 Pan Am Games, and was the balling champion or the 1990 Puerto Rico national champlonshlp... WIII be on the Weslern Hemisphere roster tor 1he first Work! All·Star Game, Aug. 22 in Allanta. GUILLERMO GONZALEZ-PITCHER Height: 6·4 Weight: 180 Hometown:Cayey

Age: 25 Blrthdate: December 31, 1964 Years on National Team: 1

ROBERTO LOPEZ-OUTFIELD Height: 5 .9 Weight:150 Hometown: Bayamon

Age:18 Blrt hdate: November 15, 1971 Years on National Team: 1

Attends the lmeramericana UnJverslly ln Bayamon.


JOSE LORENZANA - CATCHER Height: 6-2 Weight: 185 Hometown: Toa Baja

Age: 30 Blrthdate: Sep1ember 13, 1959 Years on National Team: 7

careerHlghllghts-Member ol natlonal team since 1979 ...Regularcatcher since l 985... Memberol the Weslem Hemisphere team in World All-Star Game to be played Aug. 22 In Atlanla... Member of bronze medal teams at the 1988 Olympics In Seoul and the 1987 Pan American Games In lndlanapolis.•.Played in lhe lnlerconlinenlal Cup In 1979 and 1989, as well as lhe World Championships In Cuba (1984), Holland (1986) and llaly (1988)...Twlce won besl delenslve catcher awards In lnternaltonal compellllon... Oldest member or the Pueno Rican team. JOHN MELENDEZ-PITCHER Height: 5-l 1 Weight: 175 Hometown: Ponce

Age: 29 Blrthdate: July 24, 1961 Years on National Team: 2

Career HlghUghts - Playing in only his second mafor lntemallonal compeUtlon••• Helped Puerto Rico win a bronze medal at the 1989 Intercontinental Cup In 11s home turf. HERACUO MENDOZA-OUTFIELD Height: 5-7 Weight: 160 Hometown: Cayey

Age: 23 Blrthdate: Seplember 19, 1966 Years on National Team: 1

ANGa MORALES - INFIELD Height: 5·6 Weight: 142 Hometown: Bayamon

Age: 25 Blrthdate: February 6, 1965 Years on National Team: 6

career Highlights-Bronze medalist on lhe Pueno Rican team al the 1988 Seoul Olympics... Has participated In Iha 1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis and the 1989 lnlerconlinental Cup In Puerto Rico, winning bronze medals at each...Also played lor Puerto Rico In the 1986 Central American Games In the Dominican Republic and lnvllallonalloumaments in Taipei im 1986, 1987 and 1988 ... Mosl valuable player In lhe 1989 Puerto Rico nallonal championship. EFRAIN NIEVES-CATCHER Height: 5·11 Weight: 165 Hometown: Toa Alta

Age: 22 Blrthdate: October 23, 1967 Years o n National Team: 1

SIGFREDO RIVERA-PITCHER Height: 5·9 Weight: 155 Hometown: Bayamon

Age: 22 Blrthdate: June 7, 1968 Years on National Team: 1


ARIEL ROBLES - PITCHER Height:5-7 Weight:130 Homntown: Vega Alta

Age: 20 Blrthdate: August 19, 1969 Years on National Team: 1

HELSON RODRIGUEZ -INAELD Height: 5-10 Weight: 190 Hometown: Sabana Grande

Age: 28 Blrthdate: April 2, 1962 Years on National Team: 7

Career Hlghllghts -Bronze medafisl on the Puerto Alco team al the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 1987 Pan American Games In lndlanapons and the 1989 lntercontlnental Cup Jn Puerto Rlco... Played in the 1986 Central American Games In lhe Dominican Republic, and the World Championships In Cuba (1984), Holland (1988) and llaly (1988)...MVP ol 1he Puerto Rico national toumamenl In 1987. ABIMAEL ROSARIO-OUTFIELD Height: 5-7 Weight: 145 Hometown: Cayey

Age:24 Blrthdate:February 18, 1966 Years on National Team:6

Career Hlghllghts-Member of national teams which won lhe bronze medal In the 1988 Seoul Olymplcs and the 1989 lntercontlnemal Cup In Puerto Rlco... AJso participated Jn the Central American Games In 1986 In the Dominican Republfc, lhe Pan American Games In Indianapolis In 1987 and World Championships In Holland (1986) and Italy (1988). JOSUE SALVA -PITCHEf l Height: 5-11 Weight:188 Hometown: Vega Baja

Age: 26 Blrthdete: March 11, 1964 Years on National Team: 3

Career Highlights - Played ln one lnte mallonat event, the 1989 lnlerconllnental Cup In Puerto Rico, where his country eamed a bronze mee1a1. RAFAEL SANTIAGO-PITCHER Helghl: 6-9 Weight: 160 Hometown: Atroyo

Age: 21 Blrthdate.: April 1, 1969 Years on Nallonal Team: 1

JOSE SEPULVEDA-PITCHE.R Height:6-0 WeJ(jhl: 170 Hometown: Bayamon

Age: 27 Blrthdate:October 6, 1962 Years on Nallonal Team: 2

Career Highlights - Member of Puerto Rican team which won a silver medal In a 1985 Pan American competition.


Soviet Union till. twni 2 20

21 21 21

22 23

24 24 24

25 25 25 25 26 27 29 30 33 35 44 31

30 36 74

Igor Makambltov llya Onokov llya Bogatyrev Koba Kavelashviti Yevgeny Puchkov Stepan Rubanov nmur Tritonenkov Omitry Shtyapnikov Nugzar Popkhadze Viktor Kernen Alexander Buyanov Andrei Popov Sergei Zhlgatov Vadim Kuiakov Andrei Kuzich Alexander Krupenchenkov Sergei Korolev Yuri Neskoromny Leonid Komeyev Gherman Gulbil

Vladimir Bogatyrev Alexander Ardalov Andrei Borodin Rick Spooner Bunny Mlcl<

� OF




ss p 3B


p OF


p p

28 OF C 38 OF C p

p p


Balashika Moscow Moscow TbiOsi Moscow Moscow Balashika Balashika TbiBsi Odessa Vladivostok Balashlka Balashika Balashlka Slmleropol Moscow Moscow Kiev Moscow Moscow

1Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach/Consultant 11J.S. Coach

COACHES VLADIMIR BOGATYREV-HEAD COACH Coaching career-Nallonal team seC¥etary general for the USSR Baseball Federatlon...Prevlously coached Soviet cycllsts. Including the nalional leam... Has worked more than 15 years In the USSR Sports Ministry. Goskomsport. ALEXANDER ARDATOV-ASSISTANT COACH coaching career-Coach on lhe nallonal team since 1987...Currently manager ol the Arury Sports Club team lrom Balashlka, near Moscow, which was cha"l)lon ot the USSR In baseball In 1989. ANDREI BORODIN -ASSISTANT COACH coaching career - Coach of Moscow·s Mendeleyer Institute learn, lhe Red Devils, who are the USSR champions ot 1990...Coach on the USSR national team since 1989. RICK SPOONER - COACH/CONSULTANT Coaching career -An American bu slnessman worklng In Moscow ...Helps several clubs with coaching and In organizing exchanges between Soviet and American teams.


BUNNY MICK-U.S. COACH Coaching Career-Special hilling Instructor ror the SI. Louis Cardinals major league club since t 988, specillcally tutoring Vince Coleman and a few others...Former bunting coach rorthe Houston Astros rrom 1976-85...lnvlted by the USSR in 198910 help coach the naUonaJ team and lmprove playing condllions.


IL YA BOGATYREV - SHORTSTOP LeadoU hilterand shonstop !or lhe Mendeleyer lnslilule Ieam, USSR champions In 1990... A former rower, among lhe first baseball players In Moscow...HomeIown: Moscow. ALEXANDER BUYANOV -PITCHER Member of the Vladivostok Tlgers ...One of lhe lop pllchers on the Soviet league this year... Or!glnally from Unlngrad ... Now auends Physical Education College In VladivosIok ... Former deca!hlonlst. GHERMAN GULBIT-PITCHER Ace ol lhe Mendeleyer stalf...A rormer Javelin Ihrower. KOBA KAVELASHVILI- PITCHER Member ol lhe Meranl Club In Tbilisi, Ge:orgla. VIKTOR KEMEN-PITCHER Pitched ror !he Odessa Dockers basebal I club In lhe USSR. LEONID KORNEYEV-PITCHER Former team handball player ... Talented alhlele... Used as designated hiller In adclllion to being a pllcher...Plays lor lhe Moscow Red Devlls...Second tour ol the Unlled States...Has played left field and third base. SERGEI KOROLEV-CATCHER Slrong armed calcher who joined Iha Me ndeleyer team In 1988 ...On his second tour ot the United Slates. ALEXANDER KRUPENCHENKOV -OUTFIELD Captain ol lhe Mendeleyer team...Oulfielder wllh strong arm and good speed... Former rower. VADIM KULAKOV-CATCHER Among the first baseball playersInMoscow...One ofI/le tlrst to followmajorleague baseball...Formerwrestler...Plays tor Iha Balashika club. ANDREI KUZICH-THIRD BASE Plays for lhe Slmferopol Pholon leam, lh!n:l·place finishers in lhe Soviet league in 1990.

IGOR MAKAMBITOV - OUTFIELD Plays torlhe Balashlka cfub...One 011110 more pro ml sing players on the Soviet national team In allphases...Second tour of the United States...Atso has played firsI base. YURI NESKOROMNY-PITCHER Leader of the Kiev team ... Pltchlng and balling hero of the firsI baseball Ioumament held In the Soviet Union, in Kiev in the spring ol 1987...Second lour ol Ihe United Slates... Also has played the oullield. tlYA ONOKOV-FIRST BASE Youngest player on lhe leam ...Good-looking hltter...Nlcknamed "the vacuum cleaner" for his work around the bag al first base...Member ol lhe Mendeleyer team. NUGZAR POPKHADZE- FIRST BASE Good defensive llrsl baseman...Member of the lveria Club In TbiOsi. ANDREI POPOV-SECOND BASE Former Sambo wreslfer who plays for the Balashika club... Darfng on the besepaths...Among lhe first players In Moscow ...Second tour of Iha United StaIes ...Also has prayed shortstop. YEVGENY PUCHKOV-THIRD BASE Perhaps the best hiller on Ihe national Ieam... Former tennis pIayer wMo Is a member of the Mendeleyer club. STEPAN RUBANOV-SECOND BASE Feisly baserunner and fielder who plays for the Mendeleyer Red Oevils... Former tennis player. DMITRY SHLYAPNIKOV -OUTFIELD Captain of the Bafashika club...Han:l-workfng ouWetder who enjoys nunUng_ TIMUR TRITONENKOV -PITCHER Former waterpolo player and one of the original starsfrom lhe first season in 1987 ...Pilcheslor Balashlka...Second tour or the Unlted Slates. SERGEI ZHIGALOV -OUTFIELD Orfglnauy played In Tashkevt, moved to lhe Balashika Ieam In 1988 ... Second tour ol lhe Unlled Slates.


United States


li2. tl.WnQ Pookle Wilson 2 Jim Austin 4 Darren Bragg 6 Chris Gomez Sean Gavaghan 9 Brent Gates 11 Paul Byrd 12 Phillip Stidham 15 Roger Burnell 17 Phil Nevin 20 Troy Tallman 21 Joe Ciccarella 23 lim Ftannelly 24 Doug Bennet! 26 Aaron Sele 28 JoJo Smith 29 Darrin Paxton 31 David McCarty 32 Damon Mashore 33 Mike Hosteller 34 Mike Harrison 35 Joey Hamilton 37 Danny Melendez Jorge Fabregas

1B 3B-C

3 14 16 10

Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Pitching Coach

Jim Morris John Anderson Augle Garrido Rick Jones


ti!.. 5-8 6-0 5-10 6-2


p p

6-1 6-1 6-0

3B-2B C 1B-OF 3B

6-0 6·3





p p p p


6-1 6-1


6·2 6-4 6·4 6·4 OF-1B 6-5 OF 5-11 p 6-2 6-2 C 6-4 6-3

WI. 170 171 185 175 180 175 170 170 185 170 195 195 195 175 190 185 215 210 183 195 205 212 185 205



� l:l!:ima1own 20 Sylacauga, AL 20 Coto de Caza, CA 20 Plymouth, CT 19 Lakewood, CA 20 ft. Washington, PA 20 Grandville, Ml 19 Louisville, KY Tulsa, OK 21 20 Broken Arrow, OK 19 Placentia, CA 20 Napa.CA 20 Los Angeles, CA 19 Ocean, NJ 20 Springfield, MO 20 Poulsbo, WA 20 Ardmore, AL 20 Wichita, KS 20 Houston, TX 20 Tucson, t.Z. 20 Marietta, GA 20 Moraga, CA 19 Statesboro, GA 19 Los Angeles, CA 20 Miami, FL


Auburn-Montgomery Arizona State Georgia Tech Loyola-Marymount Richmond Minnesota Louisiana Slate Arkansas Stanford Cal State-Fullerton Stanford loyola-Marymount Michigan Arkansas Washington Stale Vanderbilt Wichita State Stanford Arizona Georgia Tech California Georgia Southern Pepperdlne Miami

COACHES JIM MORAIS -HEAD COACH Coaching Career-NamedNationalTeamCoachlnAugustol 1989...CoachedUSAselect teamtoa sllver medal at the IBA Presldemial Cup Tournament 1.n Taiwan ih November ol 1989 ...Served as pitching coach lor the 1987 USA team which won the silver medal lrl the Pan American Games In lndlanapolls...Head coach at Georgia Tech tor the pasi nine years, complfing a record or 370 wins, 185 losses and one lie ...Twlce named Atlanllc Coasl Conference "Coach or lhe Year", In 1983 and 1987 ... Coached Tech lo four ACC championships (1985, '86, '87, '88) and lo six consecuUve NCAA Tournament berths (1985-present) ...Aecelved bachelo(s degree In physical education from Elon College In 1972, and a maste(sdegree lnphyslcal education from Appalachian State In 1975. JOHN ANDERSON - ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career-Served as an asslsta nt to Jim Morris as theUSA look the silver medal al the IBA Presidential Cup Tournament In Taiwan Last Novem!J.er ... Completed his ninth season as head coach al lhe Unlverslly of Minnesota In the spring, leadlng lhe Golden Gophers 10 a 36-24-1 record... Has a career marl< or 305-204-3, with Big Ten Conference championships In 198 2, '85 and '88 and four NCAA Tournamenl appearances (1982, '85, '88 and ·a9) •..Attencted Hibbing Communlly College belore graduating trom Minnesota


AUGIE GARRIDO-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career-Was an asslslant to Jim Morris on the USA team at the IBA Presidential Cup Tournament In Talwan last November... Had previously taken a group pf high school players on a barnstorming tour ol Spaln... Head coach at ttie University of Illinois for the past three years, pi loling the Fighting Illini to a 43·21 mark In 1990 ...Led Illinois to back-t�ack Big Ten Conference titles in 1989 and 1990...Head coach at Cat State• Fuller1on for 15 years prior to movlflfl to Illinois, leading the Tilans to 13 conference titles and two College World Series titles (1979 and '84} ... Has an 888-425-7 record in 21 years of coaching, and ranks among the top 10 wlnnlngest act1ve Division f coaches... Named NCAA national coach of the year three times (1979, 79 and '84) ... Graduate of Fresno State. RICK JONES-ASSISTANT COACH Coaching career-Served as pitching coach for the USA team in the IBA Presidenlial Cup Tournament in Taiwan last November...Jolned the Georgia Tech stall in January as pitching coach. and helped the Jackets to a 46-25 record In 1990 ... Pitchlng slalf po sled a 3.99 team ERA. a 17-yearlow...Prior to coming to Tech, was head coach at Elon (N.C.) College from 1985-89 ... Posted 174-60 record, a .743 winning percentage which was the best on Etori hlstory... Guid&d the Fighlln' Christians to three NAIA World Series appearances... Head coach at Ferrum (Va.) College from 1982-84, compiling a 102·31 record-Overall head coaching record is 276·91 (.752)...A 1975 graduate of UNC Wilmington, earned masler's degree in 1979 lrom Nor1h Carolina A&T.

ATHLETES JIM AUSTIN -OUTFIELD Height: 6-0 Weight: 171 Hometown: Coto de Caza, CA College: Arizona State

Age: 20 Bltthdata: December 12, 1969 Years on National Team: 1sI Bats/Throws: RlghVRlghl

Career Hlghllghls -Hit .443 with four homers and nine RBI as Arizona State particlpat&d In an interna1ional toumamenlln Taiwan In January or 1989-AJI-Pacllic 10 first team selecllon In 1990, finishing In the top 1 o in the oonlerence In balling (lied 10th), hits (8th), runs (5th), lrfples (lied 4Ih), home runs (lied 5Ih), walks (lied 7Ih) and steaJs (lied 3rd) ... Had six triples and 19 steals to lead leam...Balted .358 in 1990 with 17 home runs and 57 RBI...Has a .329 career average with 24 lhomers and 78 RBI In two seasons... NCAA West II Regional all• tournament cholce... Drarted by lhe Kansas City Royals out or high school In 1988...Rislng junior In college. DOUG BENNETT-PITCHER Height: 6·0 Weight: 171 Hometown: Colo de Caza, CA College: Arf:tena State

Age:20 Blr1hdate: December 12, 1969 Years on Nallonal Team: 1st Bats/Throws: LelVRighl

career Highlights-Led Arkansas pitching stall with a 10·2 record and a 3.47 ERA In 16 appearances during 1990 season...Pltched tour oompiele games and 96 innlngs...Aanked third In the SouthweS1 Conlerence with 86 slrikeouts, and his ERA ranked among the lop 10...Has a 17-Scareer ma/k at Arllansas, with 140 str1keouls In 156 213 Innings, covering 30 appearances (28 starts)...Member of Ihe Nor1h team at Ihe U.S. Baseball Federation's National Junior Baseball Championships In 1988 ...Drafled In Iha 12th round out o1 high school In 1988 by the New York Mets ...Rlsing junior In college.


DARREN BRAGG -OUTFIELD Height: 5-10 Weight: 185 Hometown: Plymouth, CT College: Georgia Tech

Age: 20 Blr1hdate: September 7, 1969 Years on Nattonal Team: 1sl Bats/Throws: lelVRight

Career Hlghllghts-Batted .397 In 1990, ranking lounh In the AtlanllcCoast Conference alter leading the league most or the year ...Frrst-team all-ACC choice and thlrd-team all-America by Baseball America magazlne... Played In all 71 games, and estabUshed career highs for home runs (10), RBI (73) and base hits (95)...Career .344 hitter with 23 homers and 125 RBI, along wJth 31 slolen bases...Holds ACC season record lor bases on balls (73 in 1989) and has drawn 150 in three seasons ...Rlsing senlor in college, only one on the USA team. PAUL BYRD-PITCHER Height: 6-1 Weight: 170 Hometown: Loulsvllle, KY College: Louisiana Stale

Age: 19 Blrthdate: December 3, 1970 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: RighVRlght

Career Highlights -Recent addition lo the USA team, replacing Sean Rees from Arizona State, who lell with tendlnills ...Top pitcher on LSU team that reached the College World Series in 1990... Posted a 1706 recordtn 1990, the second most victories or any pitcher in Division I...Second-team all-America selection by Baseball America, and a second-team all-Southeastern Conference plck ...Complled a 3.84 ERA wllh 130 strikeouts In 140 213 Innings, both best on the team ...Has :23-8 career record at LSU, filth on school's all-lime vldory llst...Rlsing lunlor In college. ROGER BURNETT -SHORTSTOP Height: 6·1 Weight: 185 Hometown: Broken Arrow, OK College: Stanlord

Age: 20 Blnhdate: November 14, 1969 Years on National Team: 151 BatsFThrows: RlghVRlght

career Hlghllghts- Competed on the USA Junior National Team In 1988 ...Helped the Stanford Cardinal to a third-place finlsh In lhe 1990 College World Series...Batted .270 with eight home runs and '43 RBI in 70 games in 1990 season ...Named Stanford's Most Valuable Freshman in 1989 when he slugged six homers and balled .308...Former winner of the Jim Thorpe Award as the top prep baseball player In Oklahoma ...Dralted In the 12th round by the Chicago Cubs In 1988...Rising junior In college. JOE CICCARELLA- FIRST BASE-OUTFIELD Height: 6-3 Weight: 195 Hometown: Los Angeles, CA College: Loyoia-Marymounl

Age: 20 Blr1 hdate: December 29, 1969 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: LefVLell

career Highlights-Member of USA national team al IBA Presidential Cup in Taiwan last November...Led team wilh 12 runs scored while balling .297 with two home runs and four RBI ...Second·team all-West Coast Conlerence choice at LMU In 1989 after baiting .339 and helping the Lions to a 45-17 recorcl and an NCAA Tournament berth.. .ln 50 games, scored 45 runs, collected 64 base hits and drove Jn 40 runs...Stole 13 bases In 16 attempts, and hit six homers...Named to lhe Freshman all•America team In 1990 alter batUng .316 with two homers and 37 RBI...Spon Magazine's ffrst-team all-America first baseman ...Dralled by the Phlladelphla Phillies out ol high school in 1988 ...Rislng Junior In college.


JORGE FABREGAS-THIRD BASE/CATCHER Height: 8-3 Weight: 205 Hometown: Miami, FL College: Miami

Age:20 Blrthdale: March 13, 1970 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: Left/Righi

Career Hlghllghts-Second-team all-America selection In 1990 by The Sporting News... Balted .365 In 1990 season with eight homers and 64 RBI In 64 games, leading the Hurricanes to lhe NCAA Atlantic Regional finat...Hlt safely In 32 ol his last 37 games, and posted a team-bes! 16-game hitting streak for Miami this season...Also collected 21 doubles and seven triples... A career .340 hitter with 11 homers and 79 RBI In two seasons at Mlaml... Oratted In the 10th round by the Cleveland lndlans out ol high school in 1988 ... Rising Junior In college. TIM FLANNELLY -THIRD BASE Height: 6-2 Weight:195 Hometown: Ocean, NJ College: Michigan

Ago: 20 Blrthdate:July 25. 1970 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: LelVRighl

Cereer Hl ghllghts-Played on the USA national 10am In the IBA Presidential Cup Tournament in Taiwan in 1989, balllng .344...A second-Ieam, all-Big Ten Conference choice as a third baseman for the University ol Michigan tn 1990... The Big Ten·s seoond•leadlng hitter at .402 wilh five homers and 40 RBI in 56 games...Had two hilling mreaks longer lhan 20 games during Ihe se-ason, and hit safety In 49 o.r 56 games...Led Michigan hitters in baiting average, hils (78), lrfples (3), total bases. bases on balls and RBI... Eamed all-tournament honors In the Big Ten championships and the NCAA WesI II regional In 1989...A career .372 hllterwilh 92 RBI in two seasons... Rising junior In college. BRENT GATES-SECOND BASE Height: 6-1 Weight: 175 Hometown:Grandville, Ml College: Michigan

Age: 20 Blnhdete: March 14, 1970 Veers on Nellonal Team:2nd Bats/Throws: Switch/Righi

Cereer Hlghllghts-Led 1989 USA Ieam ln hitlingwilh a .353 average as Ihe Ieam's slariing shortstop...Led team wilh .350 average at the Intercontinental Cup ln Puerto Rico ... Voted team MV P ot the USA-Canada series... Hit .359 tor USA team In the 1989 IBA Presidential Cup In Talwan ...Hil .333 for the gold medal USA Junior learn al Ihe World Championship in 1988... At the University or Minnesota, set season records In 1990 for at-bats (223) and base hits (82) while battlng .368 with seven homers and 63 RBI...Also had a .953 fielding percenlage... Second• team all-Big Ten Conrerence pick...Fresh man all•Americaln 1989 as chosen by Baseban America magazine... Career .374 hiller ln college with 103 RBI In two seasons... Rlsing Junior In college. SEAN GAVAGHAN -PITCHER Height:6-0 Weight: 180 Hometown: Ft. Washington, PA College: Richmond

Age: 20 Blrthdate: December 19. 1969 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: RlghVRlght

career Highlights-Ace ol lhe pllchlng slall at the Universily or RJchmond, posting an 8·3 re-cord In 1990 with slx complete games among 14 slarts...Had 3.62 ERA while fanning 69 and walking 36 in 87 lnnlngs... Held opponents to a .1n balling average as a freshman, comp!Ung e 5-4 mark and a 2.08 ERA with four complete games...Has completed 1o ol 22 collegialeo starts tor the Spiders, and has a career 2.89 ERA... Played baseball, basketball, football and soccer In high school...Rlsing Junior In college. 30

CHRIS GOMEZ-INFIELD Height: 6-2 Weight: 175 Hometown:Lakewood, CA College: Loyola-Marymount

Age:19 Blrthdate:June 16, 1971 Years on National Team:1st Bets/Throws: Right/Right

Career Highlights-Named 10 the Freshman all-America team In 1990 by Baseball America magazlne ...Second• team all-West Coast Conference performer and conference Newcomer of the Year...Batted .373 In 61 games, second on the club, whlle collecting 100 base hils, eight homers and 62 RBI...Also had 24 doubles and scored 62 runs ...Has played seoond base, third base and shons1op during the USA team's summer tour ...Rlslng sophomore In college. JOEY HAMILTON -PITCHER Height: 6-4 Weight:212 Hometown: S1atesboro, GA College:Georgia Southern

Age: 19 Blrthdate: Sep1ember 9, 1970 Years on National Team: 1s1 Bets/Throws:Right/Right

Career Highlights-Second-team all-America selecl1on by Baseball Ameriaa magazine after leading Georgia Southern to the College World Series ...Named outs1andlng player In the NCAA Midwes1 Regional...Led nation in victories alter posting an 18-4 record and a 3.07 ERA in 25 games In 1990 ...Staned 20 games, complellng 1o of them. and pitched 161 lnnings...Walked only 36 ballers whlle striking out 138...Career record of 23·13 with 16 complete games In 34 starts , and a 3.58 ERA. ..Dratted by 1he Ballimore Orioles out of high school In 1988 ...Rlsing junior In college. MIKE HARRISON-CATCHEl't Height:6-2 Weight: 205 Hometown:Moraga, CA College: California

Ago: 20 B111hdate: November 30, 1989 Years on Natrona! Team: 1st Bats/Throws: Right/Righi

Career Hlghllghts-RrsHeam all•Pacffic 10 Conference choice, and a second-team all-America selection by Baseball America magazine fn 1990 ...Led the University or Call(omla wilh 21 home runs, 63 RBI and 154 Lola! bases while balling .341 In 59 games...Topped team with .664 slugging percentage ...Secondin. the Pac 1 0ln home runs ... Set Californfa season records for homers and RBI...Career .328 hllter with 28 homers (second on all-time Caf Ust) and 105 RBI in iwo colleglate seasons ...PJayed fell neld primarily as a rreshman...Rlsing junior In college... Fa1her was Olympic swimmer at Stanford Universily, won gold medal In lhe 1960 Games, and formerly held wor1d record In 400 medley relay. MIKE HOSTETLER-PfTCH:J:Ft Height: 6-2 Weight: 195 Hometown:Mariella, GA College:Georgla Tech

Age:20 B111hdate:June 5, 1970 Years on National Team:1st Bats/Throws: RighVRlghl

career Highlights- Pitched lorthe USA team in the IBA PresldenUal Cup Tournament in Taiwan last November, togging a 2-0 record and a 1.62 ERA ... Top pitcher in lhe AUanllc Coast Conference In 1990, earning first-team all• ACC honors and leading the conrerence In llictories with a 12-4 reco rd ...Thlrd-t.eam all-America choice by Baseball America magazine... Posted 2.76 ERA In conference-leading 130 1/3 Innings with six complete games in 18 slarts ...Struck out 97 ballers and walked 37...Career record or 15-9 with a 3.36 ERA ...Primarily a reDever as a freshman, earning a Tech-record 11 saves ... Dralted In the 141h round by the Allanla Braves out of high school In 1988 ... Rlslng )uni.or In college. 31

DAMON MASHORE -OUTFIELD Height: 5· 11 Weight: 183 Homotown: Concord, CA College: Arizona

Age: 20 Blnhdate: October 31, 1969 Years on National Team: 1st Bals/Throws: RlghVRlghl

career Highlights-Honorable mention all-Pacific 10 (Southam Division) choice in 1990...Led Alizona squad wilh .352 batting average, as well as al-bals (233). runs (59), base hits (82), total bases (111) and slolen bases (17)...Finished eighth in the Pac 1 0ln hilting, and was among the lop 10In the league on hits, runs and steals...Also had lour homers and 32 RBI...Freshrnan art-America selecllon In 1989 ...Career .333 hitter with 123 runs scored and 39 steals ...Alslng junior In college. DAVID McCARTY -OUTFIELD/FIRST BASE Height: 6-5 Weight: 210 Hometown: Houston, TX College: Stanlord

Age:20 Blr1hdate: November 23, 1969 Years on National Team: 1st Bats/Throws: AighVLelt

career Hlghllghts - Compeled on USA Junior National Team In Japan In 1988...Key player in Slanford's 59· 12 season and third-place finish in the College World Sertes ...Balled .336, wllh 90 base hlls in 268 al-bals. 21 doubles and 12 home runs ...Drove in 69 runs and walked 54 Jlmes ...Staned as a freshman wilh five home runs and 20 RBI and a .297 average ...A career .323 hitter wilh 17 homars and 89 RBI ... Rising junior in college. DANNY MELENDEZ - FIRST BASE Height: 6-4 Weight: 185 Hometown: Los Angeles, CA College: Pepperdine

Age: 19 Blnhdate: January 4, 1971 Years on National Team: 1st Bals/Throws: LelVLelt

Career Hlghllghts -Member ol gold medal-winning USA Junior Nallonal team in 1989 ... First-team all-West Coasl Conference choice at first base as a ireshman at Pepperdlne...Named 10 Collegia1e Baseball magazine's Freshman all-America squad... Only Wave player 10 play in all 80 games...Balled .319 wilh 10 homers and 50 RBI...Walked 51 timas while fanning 31 times in 207 at•bats_.Orafted In seventh round by the Baltimore Orioles out of high school In 1989... Rising sophomore In college. PHIL NEVIN -THIRD BASE/SECOND B.ASE Height: 8-1 Weight: 170 Hometown: Placentia, CA College: Cal State-Fullerton

Age: 19 Blnhdate: January 17, 1971 Years on National Team: 1st Batsrrhrows: RlghVRfghl

Career Hlghllghts-Fresnrnan all-America choloe by Collegiale Baseball magazine ...Second-leam all-Big Wes1 ConJerence choice .. .Led Cat State-FUilerton in al-bats, home runs and runs srored as Iha Trlans advanced to the College Work! Se.rfes... Baued .358 wllh 14 homers and 52 RBI along with 14 stolen bases... Wall<ed 44 Umes and fanned just 29 Umes In 240 al-bals... All-Big West choice as a placekicker and also punled for lhe Joolball team, and e.amed Freshman aU-Amenca honors by The Sporting News ... Rlslng sophomore in college.


DARRIN PAXTON - PITCHER Height: 6-4 Weight: 215 Hometown: Wichita, KS College: Wichita Slale

Age: 20 Blrthdate: April 17, 1970 Years on National Team: 1s1 Bats/Throws: RlghVLefl

Career Highlights-Helped Wlchll a Stale 10 a 45-19 record In 1990 by posting a 12-4 mark of his own...Top lefty lor lhe Shockers with a 3.49 ERA-.Star1ed 19 games, completed lour, andstruci< out 116 ballers In 121113 Innings, all learn-high slalisUcs...Helped Wichlla State to the 1989 College Wor1d Serles with a 6-·2 record In 17 appearances and 72 strikeouts In 61 lnnlngs...Eamed Freshman all-America honors ... Named 1988 Amateur Baseball Player of the Year in Kansas ...Career record ol 18-6 ...Oralled In 1988 by the Cleveland Indians oul of high school...Rlslng junior in college. AARON SELE - PITCHER Height: 6-4 Weight: 190 Hometown: Poulsbo, WA College: Washington S1a1e

Age: 20 Blrthdate: June 25, 1970 Years on Nallonal Team: 1s1 Bals/Throws: RighVRlght

career Highlights - FlrsHeam all-America as chosen by lhe American Baseball Coaches Assocfalion, and a lhlrd-team choice by Baseball America magazine In 1990... Led Cougar pitching stall with a 2.22 ERA, victories (12), complele games (9), shulouts (2), Innings pllched (121 213) and strikeouls (121) ...Has 11 complete games In 24 starts In his collegiate career, along wllh an 18-8 record and a 3.06 ERA ...Was 6-5 as a freshman with two complete games and three saves ... Rlslng junior In college. JOJO SMITH - PITCHER Height: 6-4 Weight: 185 Hometown:Ardmore, AL College: Vanderbilt

Age:20 Blrthdate: June 15, 1970 Years on National Team: 1st Bals/Throws: RighVLell

Career Highlights - Successlul star1er and reliever for Vanderbilt Unlverslly...Led Commodore pitching staff wllh a 9-3 record and a 2.67 ERA In the 1990 season, along with 97 213 Innings pltched...Started 13 games. completing five, and also recorded five saves...Plci<ed up vlclorles against College Wor1d Series teams Georgia and Louisiana Slate.••Career record ol 13·6 wilh24 starts and 16 relief appearances... Rlslng)unlorincollege...Pitched five-Inning perfect game In high school. PHILLIP STIDHAM - PITCHER Height: 6-0 Weight: 170 Hometown: Tulsa, OK College: Arkansas

Age: 21 Blrthdate: November 13, 1968 Years on Nallonat Team: 1st BatsfThrows: RighVRight

Career Highfights- Rrst-team all-America seteclion in 1990 by the American Baseball Coaches Assodation, and a third-team pick by Baseball America magazine ...Appeared in 33 games for the University ol Arkansas, all In relief ... Posted a 7-1 record, 11 saves and an outstanding 0,95 ERA (six earned runs In 56 2/3 lnnings)... Fanned 50 ballers and allowed Just 34 base hils ...Nolched 12 saves, a 2-0 record and a 2.68 ERA In 36 appearances as a freshman ... Named to the all-SOU1hwes1 Conference team both years at Arkansas... Has never star1ed a game In college, appearing In 69 games with a 9·1 record and a 1.82 ERA. ..Already holds school record lor saves with 23 ... R/slng Junior In college.


TROY TAU.MAN -CATCHER Height: 6-0 Weight: 195 Hometown: Napa, CA College: Stanford

Age: 20 Blnhdate: March 17, 1970 Years on National Team: 1s1 Bats/Throws: RighVRight

Cereer Hlghllghts-Traveled with the USA Junlor National team In lhe summer of 1988 to Japan, and Jo AustraDa fn Oacember o1 1988...Helped Stanford 10 a 59-12 record and a third-place finish in Jhe College Wortd Serfes.. .Balted .286 with 1O home runs and 33 RBI , and also stole elghl bases ... Ranked amon_g the top efghl catching prospects rn the nation by Baseball America magazlne ... A career .242 hilter ...Orafled by the New Yori\ Yankees out ot high school In 1988 ...Risfng junlor In college. POOKIE WILSON - OUTFIELD Height: 5-8 Weight: 170 Hometown: Sylacauga, AL Coll.ego: Aubum-Mon1gomery

Age: 20 Blnhdate: October 24, 1969 Years on National Team: 1s1 BatS/Throws: Lell/Lelt

career Highlights - Only non-Division I college player 10 make the USA 25-man squad this summer... BaUed .342 and stole 37 bases to lead Auburn-Montgomery to a second-place llnlsh In lhe NAIA World Series In 1990 ... Also hJt three homers and drove In 30 runs, collected 79 base hlls and scored 62 runs ...Struck out Just 18 trmes In 231 al·bats...Career .310 hitter with 50 S1eals In two seasons In college ...Glven first name Is Wilfiam ... Alslng jlinlor In college.


NUMERICAL ROSTERS Canada Wt. 175 170 150 185 185 165 187 185 205 190 205 205 180


175 175 200 205 180 220


tH!. lliline 1 Gary Van Toi 2 Jason Schwabe 3 Barry Pelrachenko 4 Rob Buller 6 Jlm And/ychUI< 7 John Leonard 12 Dave Croy 21 Fred Matsubara 24 Jim Kotkas 27 Mike Ross 28 Dave Ryplen 30 Mike Jones 31 Martin Lavigne 33 Jamie Wolkosky 34 Nell Szeryk 39 Dave Krug 40 Rex Hayes 42 Chris Smeeton 43 Mike Keenan 44 Randy Curran

� 38

37 17 38 49

Head Coach Asslstant Coac:n Asslstanl Coacll Asslstan1 Coaclh

Bernie Beckman Jim Chapman Brad McArthur Jim Ridley


28 OF

ss ss

C p OF p C p p p

18 p OF p p 18

l:il. 5-8 5-10 5 .7 5-11 5-11 6-0 6-0 6·0 6-2 6-0 6·0 6-2 6-1 5-9 6-0 6-1 6·5 6·4 6-3 6•3


w 23


21 23 20 24 23 22 22 25 22 22 22 19 19 19 20 22 24 20 22




om etown School �lncher Creek, Alla. Gonzaga, WA Winnipeg, Man. Welland, Ont. East York, Ont. Hazle!, Sask. Oakville, Ont. Kelowna, B.C. Winnipeg, Man. Lethbrjdge, Alta. Cal�ry, Alla. Spo .ne WA Camlachfe Ont. Quebec Ci1y, Que. Surrey, B.C. London, Ont. Oakllllle, OnL Surrey, B.C. Windsor, Ont. SI. John, N.B. Kitchener, Onl.

Chinese-Taipei t:IS2. lliline 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 25 26

27 32 36 37


30 33 35

Chan 11an-Un Liao �ing•Hslung Tsai Ming-Hung Liao Chun-Ming Wang Chuan-Chia Yang Chang-Shin Chuo Kun-Yuan Shu Wen-Chien Chang Yaw-Telng Lo Kuo-Chong Lin Kun-Han Chen Wei-Chen Liu Chin-Shin Kuo-Lee Chien-Fu Chiang Tal-Chuan Lo Chen�ung Ku Kuo-Chien Tseng Kuei-Chang Huan Chung-VJ Lin Chao-Huang Pal Kun-Hong Wang Kuang-Shih Chang Chen -Hsien Chang Wen- � hung Lee Lai-Fa Kao Ying-Chleh Yang Hsien-Ming Chang Sheng-Cheng

foA. OF OF p


l:il. 5-10 5-11 5-11 5.9 5·8 5.9 5·8 5-9 5-9 5-10 5-9 5-11 5-7 6-0 5-9 5-9 5-7 5-9 5·8 5-10 5-8 5-10 5-7 6-0

Wt. 172 174 165 172 158 158


165 156 169 167 183 152 194 167 163

150 185 163 176 154 161 165 172

Manager Coach Coach Coach 36




w 22

21 23 24 20 24 20 22 25 24 22 24 23 21 29 29 21 23 22 20 20 22 23 22

Mayville Slale, ND

Florida Southern N81 N81 Mayville Slate. ND


N81 Gonz39ia, WA Mesa tate, CO N81 Middle Georgia JC Oklahoma State N81 NBI NBI Miami Dade-North, FL


Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Talpel Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Taipei Talpel Taipei Taipei Taipei Talpel Taipei Talpel Taipei Taipei Taipei

Cuba .till. .t:lllJM

Omar Ajete LuisCasanova Jose Delgado Ramon Fernandez Antonio Gonzalez Lourdes Gurrfel Jose Hernandez Orlando Hernandez Jose lbar Oresles Kindelan Omar Linares Lazaro Lopez Javier Mendez German Mesa Victor Mesa Juan Millan Antonio Pacheco Juan Padilla Pedro Rodri uez ElJclldes Ro f.as Isabel San1ana Luis Ulada ErmldeUo Urrulia Jorge Valdes Lazaro Valle

.till. tlBrne 2

Hiroshi Narahera 8 Chlhlro Hamana 7 Shlnlchl Okumura 8 Teruhlro Yano 10 Kazuya Salloh 11 Shlnqo Takatsu 14 Yoshllaka Mizuo 16 Kalsuhlto Osaka 17 El�I Ochiai 18 H deo Kolke 19 Shigeloshl Hasagawa 20 Shigeo KaUta 22 Koichl Sek1kawa 23 Kopro Machida 26 Terunobu Seto 28 Kazuhiko Mlyakawa Kazukl Moctilyama KenQO Nakamura Shlrnclllro Kawabata Takayuld Yokol Toshlo Uchida Hidekazu Kobayashi Aldo Tsuchiya Klyoharu Yamamoto







m RI


33 29








6-0 6-0

216 196









2B 2B


5-11 5.9

174 158










Japan fQa.


NF NF INF INF OF p p p p p

p OF




5.7 5-11 5--9 5·11 5-9

5-11 5-10 5·10 5-11 5.9 5-11 5.5 5-10 5·11 5.9 5-11 5.9 5·11 6·2 5·10

HeadCoach Asslstan1 Coach Assislanl Coach Assls1an1 Coach



143 158 185 163 165 161 158 183 165 161 165 156 169 183 176 154 152 172 189 167





33 21 24 21 25 22 25



30 24 26 24 29 25

31 26 26 29 27

� 22






22 22

20 21 21 21 21 20 21 21

t111mel11ltt'.a Pinar del Rio Pinar def Alo Las Villas La Habana

Ciego de Avila Las VIiias

Holguin Ciudad Havana Santiago deCuba PalmaSoriano Plnar del Rio SanlaClara La Habana La Habana Sagua La Grande La Habana Palma Soriano Cludad Habana La Habana Cludad Habana VillaClara Cludad Habana Las Tunas Jovellanos VillaClara


Aohamagakuin To okulukushl Klnkl Tohokufukushl

Asia Asia

Fukuikou Tohokufukushl Nlhon Asia Rllsumel Tslukuba Komazawa Senshu Hosel Tohokulukushl

Mexico ril2. 2 3 4

�Palacios Hector Castaneda Rene Duane 5 Roberto Gonzalez 7 Sergio Ric.hkarday 8 Leonardo Olles 9 Alejandro Luna 10 Ramon Pacheco 11 Manuel Ronqt.111lo 12 Leod�a�oLongoria 13 Rodolo elazquez 14 Francisco Acosla 15 DavldTrejo 16 Sabino Loaiza 17 Jose Sepulveda 22 Robe110 Machorro 23 Victor Gaxiola 24 Moises Congo 28 Robel1o Garza 44 Juan Gonzalez Norberto Aguliar Jesus Avilez MartlnGarcia Eduardo Montes Jorge Soto Jesus Valenzuela 1



LlJlsGarcia Salomon Parra Rodolfo Arreguin Gerrna.n Guzman


p p




OF p p




6·1 6-1 5-9 5-11 6-1 5-9 5-11 5-3 6-0 5-11 6-1 5-10 6-0 6-2 5-9

6-0 6-2

5-9 6-4 5-11


198 176 183 180 165 172 191 143 207 172 180 172 180 154 163


198 165 198 211


2 3 4 5

=el Rosario Alben Bracero Jor�e Aranzamendr Elra n Nieves 8 Jose Lorenzana 9 Edwin Cuadrado 10 HeracUo Mendoza 11 John Melendez 12 Charlie Alvarez 17 Anthony Garcia 18 An wel Morales 25 Sl edo Rivera 26 Ro� 110 L�z 27 EltalnGar a 28 GuillermoGonzalez 29 Josue Salva 30 �afael Santiago 32 elson Rodriguez 33 Ariel Robles 34 Jose Sepulveda Javier Es �ria Jesus Fe clano Jim mg Figueroa Luis iaz Mariano Quinones Sanlla� Melendez Wllfre o Velez Jose Carradero Otoneil Volez Jose Bu s RogeOo � egron




24 24 23 21 20 28 21


21 19

Manager Coach Coach Coach

Puerto Rico H2.


ijD�lll!iiD eico lty Mexico City Chihuahua Mazatlan Mexicali Los Mochls Monterrey Enseriada Chihuahua Casas Grandos l,lonterrey Monterrey Pachuca Tijuana Los Mochls Monterrey T ecale Mexico City Monterrey Juarez

� 18 23 22 21 21 23 23

m::· INF C C OF OF p








5-7 5-10 5-S 5-11 6-2 5-10 5-7 5-11 5-2 5-10 5-6 5-9 5-9 6-0 6-4 5-11 5-9 5-10 5.7 6-0

Yll. 145

175 140 165 185 180 160 175 145 175 142 155 150 190 180 188 160 190 130 170

Manager Coao� Coaclh Coaclh 38





24 23 26 22 30 25 23 29 24 27 25 22 18 27 25

26 21


20 27

rC:lUaJa Ponce Toa Alta Toa Baja Carolina Cayoy Ponce Vega Alta Cayey Bayamon Bayamon Bayamon Bayamon Cayey Vega Baja Arroyo Sabana Grande Vega Alta Bayamon

Soviet Union Hg.



� OF 1B


2 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 27 29 30 33 35

l or MakambilOV I� a Onokov �I aB�alyrev oba avela.shvill Yevge Puchkov Slepanl ubanov nmur Trilonenkov Dmitry Shlyapnlkov Nugzar Popkhadze Vlkior Kernen AlexanderBuyanov Andrei Po�v Se el Zh galov Va �m Kulakov Andrei Kuzlch Alexander Krupenchenkov Se eI Korolev Yu ;pNeskoromny Leonid Kome ev Gherman Gui� I

p 3B 28 p OF 1B p p 2B OF C 3B OF C p p p

44 31 30 36 74

VladimirBo aIyrev Alexander �rdalov AndreiBorodin Rick Spooner Bunny Mick

Head Coach Assls1ant Coach Assislanl Coach Ass1sIant Coach/Consultant U.S. Coach



Balashlka Moscow Moscow




Moscow Balashlka Balashlka Tbilisi Odessa Vladlvoslok Balashlka Balashlka Balashlka Slmferopol Moscow Moscow Klev Moscow Moscow

United States Hg.







� OF OF OF INF p 2B p p

Jim Morris John Anderson Augle Garrido Rick Jones

Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Pllehlng Coach

1 Pookie WIison 2 Jim Austin 4 DarrenBragg 6 Chris Gomez 8 Sean Gavaghan 9 Brent Gates 11 Paul B� rd Phillip lidham 12 15 Ro �erBumelt Phi Nevin 17 Troy Tallman 20 21 Joe Ciccarella 23 nm Flannelly 24 DougBenneu 26 Aaron Sele 28 Jo.Jo Smllh 29 Darrin Paxton David McCarty 31 32 Damon Mashore 33 Mfke Hosteller Mike Harrison 34 35 Joey Hammon 37 Danny Melendez 38 Jorge Fabregas

5·8 8-0 5·10 6-2 6-0 6·1 6-1 8-0 6-1 ss 3B·2B 6-1 C 6-0 1B· OF 6-3 3B 8 26-2 p p 6-4 p 6-4 p 6-4 OF-1B 6·5 OF 5-11 6-2 p 6·2 C p 6-4 ,B 6-4 3B· C 6·3


170 171 185 175 180 175 170 170 185 170 195 195 195 175 190 185 215 210 183 195 205 212 185 205




Alli l:lllmlllllWD

20 20 20 19 20 20 19 21 20 19 20 20 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 20

Sylacauga, AL Coto de Caza, CA Plymoulh, CT Lakewood, CA Ft. Washi on, PA Grandville,� I LoulsvlUe, KY Tulsa.OK Broken Arrow, OK Placentia, CA Napa.CA Los Angeles, CA Ocean NJ Sprin lield, MO Pouls� , WA Ardmore.AL Wlchlla, KS Houslon, TX Tucson, JJ:Z. Mariella, GA Moraga, CA Slatesboro, GA Los �eles, CA Miami, L


Aubum•Montgomery Arizona State Georgia Tech Loyola•MarymounI Richmond Mlnnesola Louisiana Slate Arflansas Stanlord Cal Stale-Fullerton Stanford loyola•Marymounl Michigan Arflansas Washington State Vandertillt Wichita Stale Stanford Arizona Georgia Tech California Georgia Southern Pepperdine Miami

extra innings, one (1) additional free trip shall be allowed for each extra three (3) Innings. Only one Infielder may visit the mound with the coach, and this is considered an "infielder's trip" for the inning as stated in rule E. G. Teams are allowed a maximum of three (3) offensive meetings per game. An offensive meeting shall be charged any time a coach delays the game for any length of time to talk with an offensive player-hitter, baserunner, on-deck balter or another coach. II the game goes Into extra innings, one (1) addltlonal offensive meeting will be allowed for each three (3) extra innings. Violation of this rule results in the replacement ol the person involved. GROUND RULES The following ground rules will apply at Cheney Stadium for the Goodwill Games. 1. Behl nd plate area: a. Above green pipe behind screen ls dead (book rule). b. Ball may stick behind mats behind plate (book rule). 2. Flrst and third base dugou!s: a. Bottom ledge and green pipes are In play if ball bounces back onto the field. (If the ball strikes equipment on top of ledge, ball ls dead.) b. Third base dugout helmet rack Is In play. c. All other parts of dugout are out of play (book rule). d. No top-step catch. 3. Bullpens and tarpaulins: a. If ball stlcks or rests under bench, or sticks, rests or goes behind tarps, ball is dead (book rule). b. If ball strikes benches or tarps and deflects back onto playing field, ball is live. c. Players may lean on tarps, but may not go on top of them. 4. Outfield fences: a. Everything above fence is out (i.e.: scoreboard, lights, advertisements and Hag pole above fence.

PRE-GAME TIMING PROCEDURE Time Before Game 3 hrs., 45 min. 2:30

Event Both teams depart village Teams arrive at batting practice fields (Heidelberg Park, University of Pugel Sound) 1 :15 (or 8th inning) U.P. S. team departs for Cheney Stadium lo stage and stretch until prior game has ended. Heidelberg team ends batting practice. Heidelberg team departs for Cheney Stadium. Bottom or 9th 0:45 (final ouV1 st game) Teams enter Cheney Stadium, give copy of lineup to field coordinator. Groundskeeping. Home team infield practice 0:35 0:25 Visiting team inlield practice 0:15 Final field preparation. Umpires and managers exchange lineups. lnlro-ductlon of teams by PA announcer. Teams llne up on 0:10 respective baselines. National anthems played. Gifts exchanged. Teams return to dugouts. 0:03 Home team lakes lield. Honorary "first pitch" to home catcher. First pitch. 0:00 41


A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING BASEBALL BACKGROUND: Baseball is lradllionally considered lo be Iha national pastime In Ihe Unlled Stales. II was once thought lo have been Invented In 1839 by Abner Doubleday In Cooperslown, N.Y., but II ls more Ukely lhat baseball developed from an 181h-canlury English game caJJed rounders. The lnnovallon lhat runners be tagged with lhe ball rather lhan hll with ii was among the rules adopted by Alexander J. Cartwrighl and a group of New Yol1< City players who establlshed Iha modem game. The tag rule made possible lhe lntroduation or a smaller hard ball and a larger diamond-shaped field. During lhe U.S. Civil War (186Hl5). baseball became popular among lhe lroops, and following 1he war proresslonaf players appeared from the ranks ot amateur associations. A Nallonat Assodalion or Protesslonal Base Baff Prayers was formed in 1671 and became lhe Nalional League or Professional Baseball Clubs fn 1876 . A rival American League was taler organiled, comprising clUes ouIside the NaUonal League. Since 1903, the winning learns or each league have played a poslseason champlonship, known as lhe World Series. Mafor league baseball in the Unlled States ls generally considered 10 be lhe apex of lhe sport as an organlled profession, although the game Is also played in Japan and LaUn•American counlries. Organiled baseball was played In Mexico and Cuba from the late 19th cenlury. Cuba, where baseball is the national pastime, was once a U.S. spring-training site. Organlled baseball ls also played in Puerto Rico, Venezuela, the Dominlcan Repubffc, and trequenlly in Panama during the winier monlhs. Baseball was inlroducedto Japan in the 1870s by rTisslonaries and teachers and became a nalional sport. II was organlzed professionally In the 1930s, when U.S. professional teams loured there. Aller the divorce of amateur from professional baseball in 1870. amateur baseball conlinued to thrive In Iha UntiedStates. The first amateur basebaJ.I program was lhe American Legion Junlor league, founded In 1926 , later called Iha American Legion Baseball League. , The American Amateur Baseball Congress, founded In 1935, condue1s baseball programs for youths from the age of eight to 19 and adutts in six divisions. Little League, founded in 1939 and originally for boys eight lo 12 years old, acoounted for more than 2,500,000 players In the Unlled States by the early 1980s. Other organized leagues included the Babe Ruth League, founded in 1952, and PONY Baseball, Inc. By the 1980s more than 1, 600 colleges fielded baseball teams under the governance of the National Collegfale Athletic Association. which In 1963 led in lhe forming of lhe U.S. Baseball Federation, representing all ama1eur groups. From 1972 ii conduct ed a collegiale world series wUh teams selected by Its Japanese equivalent. Arna1eur baseball currently thrives abroad as well, most noIably In Cuba and Japan. Baseball was only recenily introduced In lheSoviet Unlon. which had Its first playing field built In 1989 and sen1 11s first national learn lo the lJnlledStales for lnstrudion cllnlcs and games against U.S. college teams. The 1990 Goodwill Games mali<s the country's first mafor lntemaIlonal compelitlon. Baseball was lntroduce<1as aJ111edal sport In the Olympics In 1988, with lhe UnltedStates winning the gold medal, though it was conducted as a demonstration sport In 1984.


SCORING A CONTEST: A baiter safely reaches first base when he makes a base hll, he Is hit by a pitched ball, the pitcher throws lour balls, a fielder commits an error on a batted ball and lalls to throw the batterout. a llelderthrows out a preceding baserunner, or the batter Is awarded first base because or1nterference or obstruction. A run is scored II the baiter­ runner legally advances past each base to home plate before the defensive team has made the third putout In an Inning. Each players batting record Includes the number or times he batted, the runs he scored, the base hits he made and the runs batted In he was credited with. The baller Is charged with an official lime at bat whenever he completes his tum, unless he is awarded a base on balls, Is hit by a pllch, awarded first base because or Interference, or hits a sacrillce bunt or sacrifice Hy. The number ol bases on balls and strikeouts credited 10 the baller shall also be recorded. In the summary, the numberol extra base hits, sacrifice hits, sacrifice files and stolen bases shall be recorded. A base hit Is credited to a baller when he advances to first base because of his fair hit, bei:ause a runner Is declared out for being hit by a batter ball, or when a llelder attempts to put out a preceding baserunner and Is unsuccesslul though there is no fielding error and he would not have been able to put out the batter. An extra base hit (double, triple or home run) Is credited II his lair hit ls the sole reason for his safe arrival at a base beyond first. II the baited ball clears an outlleld fence In lalr territory. the batter ls credited with a home run. A sacrifice bunt fs credited to the baiter when, with fewer than two outs, his bunt enables a runner to advance, provided no other runner Is put out attempting to advance. A sacrifice fly fs credited when, wi1h fewer lhan two outs, his fly ball, fair or foul, enables a runner lo score. A run batted In Is credited to the batter when a runner scores because of a base hll: a sacrifice bunt or sacrillce tty; any putout (except a doublo play): a forced advance, such as a base on balls or baller being hit by a pitch, or an enor, provided there were fewer than two outs and the action Is such that the runner on third base would have scored even II there ha-d been no error. A stolen base Is credited to the baserunner whenever he advances a base unaided (such as by a base hit, a II eider's choice, putout, error, balk, base on balls, wild pitch or passed ball). A stolen base Is credited when a runner starts for the nex1 base be tore the pitcher delivers the ball. Each player's fie Id Ing record indudes Iha number ol times he put out a runner and the number of times he assisted a teammate In pulling out a runner. In the summary, the record Includes the number of enors and passed balls he committed. A putout Is credited to a flelder who catches a balled ball In I light, tags out a runner or puts out a runner by holding the ball while touching a base to which a runner is forced to advance or return. When a batter strikes oul, the putout is credited to the catcher. An assist Is credited to a fielder when he handles or ettedlvely deflects the ball during acUon1hat ls connected wilh a putout. An error is charged against any fielder for each misplay that prolongs the time al bat or the baller orlhe time as a baserunner, or permits a runnerto advance one or more bases. Each pitcher's record shall Include In the summary, number of Innings pitched, base hits. runs, earned runs, bases on balls, strikeouts, hit ballers, wild pitched and balks. An earned run shall be charged against a pitcher when a runner scores because of a safe hit, sacrifice hll, sacrifice fly, stolen base, putout, fielde(s choice, base 011 balls, hit baiter, balk or wild pitch, provided in each case It Is before the defensive team has had an opportunity lo make lhe third putout. A strikeout Is credited to the pitcher when a third stnl<e ls deUvered to the baller. even il lhe third strike Is a wild pitch or Is not caught or the baiter reaches first base. It Is also a strikeout If the an anempted bunl on a third strike Is a foul that ls not caught. The winning pitcher Is the pitcher of record when his team goes ahead and remains ahead throughout the remainderol the contest. For games ol eight or more innings. a starting pilch ermusl pitch at feast five complete Innings lo receive credit as the winning pitcher. If a starting pitcher does not pitch enough innings, the win is credlled lo a rener pitcher In lhe same manner. No pitcher may receive credll fora victory ii the opposing team ties the score or goes ahead alter he has lelt the game. The losing pitcher ls the pitcher of record when his team falls betiind and remained behind throughout the remainder of the contest. The starting pitcher does not have to remain In the game any specified length ol time 10 be charged with a loss. 45


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