22nd Annual
Ten Cents
CS.Otllol !Ah 10 right. Jro.nt rowt Jimmy £nal., Aul.tl.cml Cooe.b.: • Art Wa.ke, Jimmy McGoorqe, George Reah.n.er, "Tommy Mc:Geo,90. Second row: Jim Nock.lebmJ, f111I Norgo.ord. •Bob Peek. Dtclr Patt•raon. Bock: Row! 'Samm1' WhUe. •Tom Watd., Coach 11111 Jialla.n.. CAiled.ile moon• It.Otting lineup).
Welcome For many yaars It bas been my privllega to eir• ind greetings lo the par11cipants In tho annual Stoia High School Basketball Toumom&nl, This year It Is especially pleaslnq lo extend the welcome ,1 the Unlvetslty ol
Woalunglon lo you young athletes In the first peace lime toumamenl In live years. All of us at the University are happy to have you here and we all wish you tb9 bes1 or luck,
.l P. $� President.
STATE TOURNAMENT HISTORY The flra1 of the Stale fllgh School Basketball Toumamenla waa held on the University of Washington campus, In the old gymnas !1.1.m; Jn 1923. The Toumamenl bets been hEild annually since then with the exception of 1933 and 1943. Since 1927 all ol lhe toumamenta have been played In the Universit y oJ Waablnglon Pavilion. Walla Wall a won the l!n,1 tournament Jn I 923, defeating ProSlier, then wenl an 10 win three more limos lo hold the tournament reeord wllh !our VIOtOliee..
Last year's tournament WQS s!gn1/lc,cm1 with the S&atlle Schools, repra sented by Uncoln High School, .com:peting for the llrsl lime. And Lin.coin c:aptw'ed the 1945 title. Since Iha tournamont was slarled I IS enlrlas and about 3300 lndlyidual partldpan!s have battled lat the title. Thia year onl y the Class ''A" Hl<,h Schools are compaHnq- !or the title hEll'9 wllh the smaller Ola=, "B" acboolll vying ln a separal a Class "B'' ToumamenJ at Cheney.
TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Mcmager of Athlellca. Univarelty of Wcxahlnqto�--·-·-··-···-Harve-y Cassill Managar-----------·--··--..·······-··-·····-··Wendell H. Broyles Hoel Coacb""·------�w Ul!brlckson, -Rol ph Welch, Roy Sandberq, Rec l:dmundson. Tubby Graves ScoN,r...____ ·-··-···-·······.Spencer Reeves, No1man Templo, Don Hanson, LaDon Henson. Dlci: Brooks. Jack Pomfret I!men. __________.__.... .AuQUSt Aurenhaimer, Bill llelshaw Loc:bn and Equlpme,wa�t ---·-....- ........... .Harry Hofmann, John Hessemar S-.board........ ___..�....Roland McKee, Dave Brougham, Seib J01Qensen 1'Mlnam............. ____.., __________C1Jck Clark. Percy Egtvet l.ool mu! Foand L...________ ,
.TO\lfflC'tM.nt Olfic:o. Room 228, Pavilion
GAME RESULTS 19'5 TOURNAMENT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Walla Wall.a ·---.. -·-- 39 South Kilsap --- --·-- 5� Bellingham - · ··-····-· -· _ 48 Centro! Valley ......... ... .. ...... ... 37 John Rogers ···-··.. ···....................... 36 Kalama ··- __ ·- - 31 Snohomish . .... Longview ..... _
32 30
L!nooln ... -- ..-···-·-···--··.. 48 Wenatchee ... _ 'l:l - -15 �S
Stadium .._.._ North Kitsap ... Everett ___ Yakima ...._.
Hoquiam ··-·· _. Kldtlaru:I __
___ -· 45 --· . .. _.... 31 ····-
_.. 36 33
THURSDAY, MARCH 15 Centro! Valley .. ---- -- SI Walla Walla ----·- -···· 50
Llnco1n _______ 33 Stadium _______ 29 Lake Washington _____ 40 Yaldµia -�-·-·--··-- 28 £'Varel! ------·- 29 Hoquiam Tl FBIOAY, MARCH 18 Scuth Kltsap ···-·····-····-..-· ...... _ 39 John Rogern .................................... 28 Longview ··----··-..- -S, Centrcil Valley _____ 30 Lake WC!llhington ··-·--·-··-··-- 33 North Klleap -·--- .....____ 11 Hoquiam -·--·---- ZS 24 Stadium ______ Bellingham ···--··---····-·- 34 29 Snohomish ······-·····- __ Uncoln ............ ·-·----·- 4S Everett �----·-- 37
Lonqvtew ··········-····-----· 36 31
SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Lab, Washington _______ 39 Longview --··---··---·· 28
- 4J -· 32
Hoquiam ________ 41 South K:llsap ... --..-···-·-..-···· 38
.... 32 Snohomish John Roqers �- -----· 30
Evorell .................·-····-·..····-·-·-·· 28 Snohomish ·--··-····-·····-·-.. -·•• 21
North l(jtsap --·-· .. _ 42 Wenatchee .... ... . 34
Lincoln - �--- --- SO Belllngham --·--·-- 38
Kalama ·····-··-·········· ...
Belllngham ·-····--· South K:llsap -- ..----·
Flmt-Llncoln (Seattle) Second-Bellingham Third-Everett Fourth-Hoquiam
flflh--Lake Washlngton SJxth--Snohomish Saventh-South Klisap Elghlh-Longvjew
Eel Gayda_ (Hoquiam) ..------·---lorward Jud Healhcoate (South KUsapl-----·-·.. -·--··-···---1arward Sammy While IL!ncolnl.-···-··..·-··--··.. ··--·-·... ••••·••••·•.. •..····-···oenler Hal Amaaon (Belllnghaml ----.quard Merl Wallet 1Evere1.,______________ quard
Notil>...,•I EVEIIETT mas aCHOOJ. fllea.CuTuo) Bluo and Gold am Gowen. Coa:ch l'nce,llm Dl<:l:oy, Ho,-lan Nowland. Bon Bemmd, Bob • llogncm, John Sc:odolhn, Req,;,lo fervuaon. tAurmy _______ F•-• Noal Hlnohaw, loq,mn Benoon. Bob MO1111T IIAKEl! mas SCHOOL °""'1Aq, Wcnh. CMou.nlalri•anJ B_-.:1 mid IJCIUJONph M. lll>v•lo. Coa.h Rauer, G.c,:,ge -·..-···· -- Roue,,, Dan l'lllu, David ·-- Jciluloon. Percy·- -·Zandar, u,wronc,, - -1:oer:., Loron :-:- - - - Tollum. Ronald· - - ____ Naab, l.owell ----·--_ _ ___ 'Zender, John __,,.._,_ , Pootlowut� Ja,:l; ---- -A111lCOll?!8 filGH SCHOOL CS.a Hawbl Pu,pu, wd Wlulo llldurrd M, Woo,.._ Coa<·b Bcreomon, Duano_______ Twelan, Dick -------WolhJuolor, fOtteat _ _ ____ Dowar, Rodney -------· Sullhan,.Don ---- - - - Uan. Tom ... Luno;md. G!!ne Brodle, Robon )urkovlch, John Mc,,:Ooady, llobori ---DISTBlCT TWO BIIEMEBl'ON HlllJ! SCHOOL I\Ylldadal .Blue =d Gold ho WW.. Coad>
W0a11U, Son_, King, Ru1ty Ccn,y, Dao Gilchd,� Darwin H�Jeh, Don Wall, Cub .. Lo<;uo. Frank R,- Sld Elllii, Doo
II 22 23
SS67 77 78 99
3 ◄ 5 B 7 8 9 10 II 12
11 Zl 'l5 33 35 ◄◄ SS 66 88 99
3 7 _ 10 11 l'l 15 . 18 19 20 2◄
PUYALLIJP mae SCHOOL (Vlldovo) Purple oaul Gold C...I S-b, Coaoh 20 lhom!IJO, Ralph 21 .Neeley, Jim - - ---21 Whlli> Dick __ _____ __ abuUoh, Jack _ F 2J lltoulll•� Bwtor 24 25 W:Stot� !m:lt - ---�--- Nom,,a, Paul -,. ------ -25' ,. l!orna:d ... Hoo .. 27 lloo, Motlo 28 Rlcbrt, Glon .. 29
MT, SI IIIGH Bc:HOOt. (Wlld=ta) Sc<rtlet emd a,_,. t.ewlJ<ill.c..ad> &199>. ,_ __ _ _ _ _ Bonomi, Dan_ _ _____ _ _ Carieon. Ja,:l; 'thoro.100. T°'n ..•- - --Alm. Cl<mmoe _ _ ___ _ .l.!apand. Dklt - - - -- -Po<:h. em ____ _ _ _ Snydor, Allen____ Gaub, W-ayru, --Jon,,0, Delo _ _ _ _ _ __
QO 11 22 3-' 55 68 n ea 99
t=a STADlllM Hlal! SCHOOL ffl9en) Bue l and Gold V. G. Lowman, Coacb Rod llluo Ii'! Warier, Do,, --·---- - - - ◄0 Tulllo, Ron 63 43 w.,tlln. 0wayne ◄4 74 66 £..,.land, Waltot i5 Baoodl4t, fa,:l; 71 <B llol■tod, Gano <9 68 Nalley, lid 62 $0 5I 64 �paldlng, R,:ry 72 53 Maitland, Dan Hupe, Gecrqe 69 5◄
Sou.lhwut LOIIGYll!W mall SCIIOOL U.omhezJacb) Red aod Blodr h,moll, 0. -··· Coocb 3 Dao, Q.wty ---·---Gambold. Bob ---- - - - 4 WIN..,, Cml _ _ _ _ ___ 6 7 tloalh, Jack _ ______ FoneU. Gmdon _____ _ _ _ 8 8 Stowori, Don --------10 Yoaoor, la<lt------.ane ON•IQ. Jim------ - - 11 Golden. Jim ---- - - - - 12 Buru, Geno _ _ _ _ __ ...___ 13
March 13, 14, 15, 16, 1946
.._ ......_ ..____ ........................ ......................... __._......,...........
=· !lo.
'1--, .,._,,, .... I ·l ,� /
.. ......._...... __ .._.._...........r.. ............ '.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1946 ?Imo
I. ll:10 a.tn. McCullou9h Scheyer
2. 12:10 p.m. McCullough SchEl}'er p.m. Mltchall
1> 1 0
2:10 p.m. Wells Mitchell
3:10 p.m. McCullough Scheyer
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
9:30 p,m.
McCullough Scheyer Salatino Helndclc
llirlru:ick Sala\Jno
Walin Walla. Longviow ML Si Anacortes
W£Jal Valley Ellensburq
ML Baker Bremerlon
10:10 a.m. Mllohall Wells
10. 11:10 a.m. Wells Mitchell
Salatino Helnrlc:i:
2:10 p.m.
3:10 p.m.
4:10 p.m. Scheyer McCullough
IS. 16.
Helmick: Salallno
_:;u_ -�.,f>
____,__'!,. -· --�--
___y-3_ __!:Ll,_
Roosevelt Hoqulam
Stadium Gonza90
Evarell Battleground
-· ..!J..!L.
Loser of l:�aY..aJd..1'.L.Le_ Loser ol 2:__d..1:__s ,·
Loser of 3:_�-<:._aj__!,__ a!J._r._y lose,: of -4;-A.r��&-�--Winner of I: t...�.,, u. C'Y---··· W.lnner of 2:.. B:.iv....a..�.�J:'.i
Winner ol S:_€J._L���...\'l..'!.. � .P...r..M..1?'..,S.! Winner of 4:_.i;',I.. Loser of S:..__d.t ..J.3..t!L_ � Loser of 6:..
-�±.. �tl-4-_
.-5..L. •...!l:.!f--
___If. ,z __
-�..'JI ......!:i.£ ...
.3 _1.
____'t-.!l .....-AL .....!i..L
7:30 _p.m. Mc:Cullough S<:hsyer 8:30 p.ltL Scilatlno
Winner ol S:..�.ll..:1-L.1..LLL Winner of s,g_...._..._.. _p�.S...-
9:30 p.m. Welts Mllchell
Winner oi 7:. . r?.��-l�!!.+- J....2.7..... Winner ol 8: � . --�---r--lf._._,_� ..�.(,..-
Loser of 7:_S...!:.L�_.h____ Loser of 8:.. E ..,, i:::fl,..i:...T.f .,...
3:i; ...-3..l..
=· Jfo.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1946 Ollldula
10:10 a.m. McCullough. Scheyer 18. 11:10 o.m. McCullou gh Sche.yer 2:10 p.m. Mitchell 19. Wells 3:10 p.m. Welts 20. Mitchell 21. 8:00 p.m. Salallno Heinrick 22. 9:00 p.m. Heinrick Salotlno 17.
. ··--I s ' Winner of 9: •••Lt-�-·Winner of 10: . ..u.1�.£.T..h'.B.J.,uy Loser o.f 11 :-�..�..ll<.i.!:_ Y_._ Loser of 12: ...§;_t.L�.:...fu-'L\'l1···· Winner of 13:. . .!i'.'.,�/..�.l'I!....... Winner of 15:..e.... .L.R.e.lC�Loser o( 14:_.!k.�-4.?-iL . .._ Loser of 16· ··--··----·
Winner oi II : ..'1.1'!..fl..&.,s,�!!:d_
Winner of 12:.J:!.£.Lca..<""..rl. ".....! Winner of J-4:_�4 i..ft.•�-�..Lr.: Winner oi 16:-··-----..··-··-
SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1948 23. 24. 25. 26.
Salotlno Winner of 17:_____ ..__ _ __ Heinrick Winner ol 19: -···-·--·····-··--(Wlnner takes 5th place: loser 8th p lace) Winner of 18:.._.. ______... 3:10 pi. n. Wells Winner oi 20:.·-···:---:---:-Mitchell (Winner ralces 41h place; loser 7th place) 8:00 p.m. Salatino Loser of: 21:........ _··-·---Helrutck Loser ol 22:... -� _,,--,(Wlnner takes 3rd place; loser 6th place) 9:00 p. m. Welts Winner of 21:-...·----····Mllchell Winner of 22'---··-··· ..···.... _... !Winner talcalJ 1st plqce: loser 2nd place) 2:-10 p.m.
19'6"WJNNEIIS ·----First place Second Place._ __ ·----Third Ploce•••-•• ----·····----····--Fourth Pio""�--········........._.. ___
Fifth Place___ ·------Sixth Place... . .. . _., _______ Seventh Place_ ··----El.ghlh Plooo. ••---·-------
HOQIJIAM mGB SCHOOL IGdzslletl Cdm'® Olld Ota., Maude• Wood. Coach Cuibortooa, Don ----- Shandnca. BUI --·---- Sa:mpotr. Gena ------- P--, lanr----- - Sbanclera, Gootgo ------�- c.owmt -------
5 8 9 9 JO 0.btet, Loonard LI Scot� Bob --------- I? Tayler, Con. _________ 14
""'"' � �--------IATTtEGl!OUIII> WGH SCHOOL mgttl) Otango cmd lllaclc Pat hHlchotd. Coach
10 II U 13 14 15 Pull:.....,,, Mi �l Dwu,h.l 1s ____ I7 Couch. llllJ Marlin, &l ---••····------ 18 f'.ci� Sid - --------- 19 I.IJ!oh.U. Jun Gllmon,, Dewey ___ ____ Meo<le. Ru11 . ·-------Hoalh, Bob
3 Mileham, Bob ---Shock?ey, DalJm; ------ ◄ -Lahll, l,vlruj -------5 tmmon,, Ari _ _______ 6 7 Compbo_U. /ln, - - - -Barl!tll&, wmJ. _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Salaiaon, tmll ------·-9 JCIIUl1, Don •...•_..__ .., -i 10 Sicc9y. Ems -------- 11 �m!!h, Orlind ---l::l
WEST VAUET maH SCHOO}. Q!avlnj Otang, and 8Iack WettdMo:unr.� ,_ _ _ Riggin. llm . Ruohoo. Wall ________ Campion! )OTJT -------Macko. rock __..,.... _., ...-......,____ Janlcok. LlonolJ ------Redlin. lcunolh -· ·--Dolphin, Howard ------Marl.no,. T9rn ---- ---Bllllp-. John ---- ____ Tr<>y Ramld ___ ··---
J , 5 7 9 10 Jj l2 10 14
GCIIIAGA 111GB SCROO.L lhllpup>) Royul 8lut CJ1cl While Wlllla:m l"NDlor, Coad,
EUJlffllBURQ moH 9CBOOL (llulldogal Whll• and aluo Jonr Ullle. c-11 Woto:-1, Dee 3 Swan9lor, Dem ------- ◄ Fi t lm. Dem 5 MllcbeU, Bob - - ------ e llama, Chuck Par.on., G!!c.e. ------- 8 Wlla� Wayne 9 Joh--. Sob ID Jargon..., I.fol ------- II Watl11,c llay --------- 12
Sl!IJUI IDGH SCl!oot Mlw,gal P"'l'l• and Gold Tom Sltpbena. Coau NoJ.an. lle:b ________ Newman, �y ••-----&nllh, Glonn _________ Wcoclln. Di::k_ -------roll"'""" Wally- ________ Swo:Mon, hannle -· Sporllno, l!Gnn!o ---·---Walton, Lloyd-------Roblnaoa,JU ____ ---Tlhbllnv, !kl, ----- ---
WAD.A WJ\JJ.A moH SCHOO}. l!lua D ..U.I lluo G:ld Whllo lonr l>alllnqu. Coad,_
5andell, Han,Ja _______ Sitter. Leonard ______ Ro!lly, Wllll<mi - ------Coloman, ta,.,,enoo ______ Reardan. David -------Curran. lad: .,..,-----·--Sweeney, Pa.uick _______ 1.av1n. Joeel'h ________ Roamay, E..,..11 _____ Smllh, Jae!, __,,___________
II 13 U I� 91 33 84 35
DISTRICT l'EN 111""4h Rldotal GrM11 aod Gold ftOOSllVEI.T HIGH SCHOOJ. Oltt1il•I Arl Md.amoy, Cocch
3 ◄ 5 6 7 8 ID 11 12 13
Myllanbocl:, Duane Cuirlton. IC. Mooo, 8ob .
G\JtO.rlCtll.; Murray
4 5 6
8 Ramaa. Bob Fdrnann Jtm --------- 9 Ol■on, 8ob --••--• - 10 Pl<>Udloot. Al ii Wl1Uama. lllclc I2 Scott, Bob --·-·--··- 14
METHOD OF DETEBMJNING POSITION OF TEAMS Mosl specfalors al the S1ate Hfah School Toumamenl wonder how the teams am paired for lhe opening games and how the eight fu:st teams are daiermlned. Teams are paired for their first qames on openlnq day through a dn:rwinq by Tournament OWclals lmm.edlotely after all D!str!ct Tournaments are oompleled and all qualll!en! Jcnown, .i.tlually Iha Sunday before the louma• men( opans. 'l'he,>lace wlnners are determined as loUows: l. First and second place are determined by a qame pl ayed belwe&n the two laama whlcb have won all three pl'l!08dlnq games. 2. Tolrcl and Bix:th places are defermlnecl by a game ployed:belwean the two teams which have won their firsl two gamen but lost JhaiI third. 3. fourth and Seventh places are defennlned by a <;iame play ed between the two leamB which won lhalr 1ltst c;iame, Josi their second and won their third 4. Fifth and eighth places are determ1ned by a 9=1e played between_ the two learns which lost the first qame bul won the following two games. 0IAGBAM Place Gam.o I lat _.._,__ ---• W 2nd -----..·---··..--, w 3rd --··--..- __.. - W 4th �-··--------- ·-· W 5th-··---··--··- L 6th---··-..···-···..·····-..••• W 7th ·-··-·-··-··----··-- W 8th . ..............................._ L W Gamea won
Game .2
w w w
Game 3
w w L
w w L
w L w
Game 4
w L
w w w L L L
L Game. lost
STATE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOARD Hamy DoYounq, l'r!nclpal Vancouver Hlqh SchooL,_____....rresldenl J. D. Meyor. Principal John Rodgers l:l!qh School, $polcona ..Secretary•Tteasurar Wllllam A. Flaher, Supennlendent Lynden. Schools J. V. Holm. Supertntondenl of Cle Elum Sohools Robert BalL Superlntendem of Fife Schools
TOURNAMENT BECOBDS Hl,;ihelrt Indlviduol Scorer for a Towna:ment .-Waller Bila■. Bollin,;iham. 72 points, 1931 Hlghesl Individual Scorer for One Game....Ted Hmuon. Blaine, 30 polnla, 1929 Team wlth Highest Winning Score_____ .,........... Team with Lowes! Winning &:,ore_____
EvereU. 64 points, 1940 Caahmea, 10 polnls, 1926 Vancou..-er, 10 polnls, 1938
'Team w!Ot Highest losin,;i Score,... _______Walla Walla. 52 polnla, 1938 Tsam with Lowes! Losing Scom......___________....Jlotha!L S points, 1923 larqest Mcngjn of Vlctor;, ____ 45 points, 1940 (Evmcett 64-0akvllle 19) Lowest Total Grona Seo"'------·14 Points, 1926 (Cashmere ID-Puyallup 4l Highest Total Game Score-107 Points, 1938 <Anacortu 55--Walla Walla S2l Largest Acoumulative Score In One TournarnenL___EvoreU. 200 points, 1940
Bistnry of Tournament Contestants EIGH'I'EEN ENTRIES: Walla Walla. The Blua Devils have lcrlled to qualify bul thrne limos since the stmi of the lownamenl In 192S. And thEJY'ra In again Ihle year for the 19th llme. They have won the Uile lour Umes, 1923, 1924, l934 and 1937. They have been among the firs! eight learns l2 times. SEVENTEEN ENTRIES: Evan,U. Ju.st one notch below Walla Walla ls Everetl The Seaqul]s won iha1t'. llrsl tttle In 1!140 and placed In the upper bracket 12 times out of 18. fl} IE.EN ENTBJES: Hoquiam and l!elllnghcun. Hoquiam won the Ulle In 1942 and 1939 and has placed In the upper bracket in 11 out of U times. Bellingham, playln,;i as both Whatcom, and Fa!rhoven before being consoli dated Into one h!Qh school, has landed In the upper bracket six out of 13 times. They never have won o Ulla. FOURTEEN ENTRIES: Yakima. Yoklma won the championship twlce, Jn 1925 and 1935, and has placed Jn lhe ltrat eight 10 oul of 13 times. TWELVE .EN'l'BlES: Stadium of Tacoma. Stadium has llnJshed eighth or better eight oul oi 12 Urn"" and won the lltla In 1931.
Former State Champions 1923-Wallo Walla High School 1924-Walla Walla HJgh School 1925-Yal:!mo High School 1926---Lewls and Clark of Spokane 1927-Bothsll High School 1928-Norlh Cenim! of Spolcam, 1929-0lympia Hlg}, School 1930-North Central of Spokane 1931-"A" Stodlum ol T000tna 1931-"E" Eatonville Hlgh School 1932 'A" Ell<>nsbu:rg Blqh School 1932-''B" Costle Rock Hiqh School 1933-No Tournament 1934-Wallo Walla High Scnool 1935-Yakirna High School 1936-Valley High School, Menlo lw7-Walla Walla Hlgb School 1938-Voncouver High School 1939-Hoqu!am HJqh School 1940-Everetl f!lgh School 1941-Bremerton Hlgb School 1942-"A" Hoquiam H1,;rh Schoo l 1942-"B" St. John High School 1943-No Tournament 1944--Lewts and Clark of Spokane l 94-5-Llncoln of Sea:tlle