23'td ,4,u«ta/, State High School 'A'
BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT U N I V E B S I T Y of W A S B I N G T O N P A V I L I O N • SE A T T LE MABCR 1-2. 13. 14. 15 ... 1947
Official Program
Flheen Cents
1946 STATE
ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL (Soo111t,1 AbO'\·e It lhe Roo11vc:)1 Hlqh Sc:.lu)ol team th.at wtinl th.rauqb. th.e fout�oy- tou:rnomenl unboal•.n 10 become the 19,Ui Stele Champion-. 'Back Row-. loh to dghi: Boh Sc-on, At P10U!l!oot, lC Cbodlan Muttay Gutleuon and Dlck WUUwu. froni Row. 1eJI to rlqblt .Bob Olson Bob Mo11n Jlm Eclunann Ouon• Mylhwb1c.lt- Bob &mn.ck and Cooch A.rt Mclio:mey
STATE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOARD J. V. Holm. Sup.,rin'.;;nd,m! :,I Cle Elum Schools i're51�n· J. D. M&yer, Prl'!Ctp:tl Ja!-.t: R,j�er?! li.�l:: Scheel. SpokJI11. Se.r tary,Tr.-='":e: Willlmn A. Fisher, Su;rri111End£'rll, L,•nd�n Sci�ol� lienry DeYoung, Prlnc:.;.,;:,l. VaHCOU>fil Atyl, School Robert Hall. Su10=1ln'End�n1 r.l Ftlec S.:h.;0'.,
TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Manager of Athletics, Unlverslly of Waulngton. ._ ..__________.Harvay Cossill Aaalatant ManCtgers of Athlotics.__________Chuclr; Bechtol, Tubby Graves Managani. State ToumamenL.._,_________ ,Wendell Broyles, Roy Sandberg Hoat Coache,�-----------�,ec Edmundscm, Art McLamey, Al Ulbrlckson, Ralph Welch Dnn Hanson, Cl11el; Lee Campbell, Larry Coriander, Bill Scorers Christensen, Kan Fletcher, Roy Funk, Bob Jorgensen, Jim Raley T"imers_____ John Cherberg, Chief; George Bayer, Don Burnell. Harry ChaHee, Whiley King, Mike Kuchera, Dick Otlele, Cliff Peek, Archie Watson Announcers......-··-·····-·-·-····-···-G. Spencer Reeves, Cb.lg(; Wall Younker Lockers cmd Equlpmen,._____________ _ Harry Hofmann, John 1!essemer Trainers. ,._____,____________________ ....-...-····--··-··-Cllek Clark, Percy Ec;rtvm
Here's How The Tournament Receipts Are Used
It Is lhe cL<>sire of Iha State High Scliool Athletic Board and the University of Washington tho1 the public, which hos so long and so strongly supported the S1o1e Eligh School Boskelball Toumamen� be informed of the uses to which lhe rec;;elpts derived from lhe Tournament are devoted. The University al Wcmhlnglon ataqes the event for, and under the direction of lhe Stole HJgh School Alhletic 13oard All of the receipts from the tournament-less only the funds necessary lo meet the actual expenses of the tournament� turned over dlrectly lo the Stale Board 'l'li;, Board, whlc:h ls charged with the large and Important Job of supervising and coordlncrtlng a1hletics In all Washington State High School&-both "A" and "B"- is llnanced for this Important job almost entirely flOm loumament funds. The malor project lo which a larg e share of these toumomenl rece!ols now is being devoted ls the financing of an Athletic Accident lns�oe progrom under which every student toking part in alhlellcs ln any member high_ school Jn th.a State ls Insured against inJury. Several thousand dollars ls necessary io carry on this vitally Important proqram each year. At the same time several lhousand dollars is being set aside each year In antlclpallon of the lime In the near future when a aanlml, full. Ume olllca of tbs State Board wtll be established In order to handle Its Jncreaslng!y large responslbllllles. ll Is expectad lhcrt this will coal dose to llilS,000 per year.
TEAM ROSTERS l>ISTRICT ONE AlfACOBTES HlaH SCHOOL Rlchmd M. Wootan.. Coodu Norman Ray. M.an.091r Colom: Purple and Whll• NJckname-Soo_ Haw.ks A.riocorlot,, Wuab,. S-U BerQe&oD., OleL------------'"'----IB___... 151'1 00 U Banml•on, Du!lna (Cap• 18.-.-1511.----11 22 Twolon, D IB Ji:tS: 5-q 83 SuJJJvao, Don 17·____.sn SJ\ 44 17,____.35. ___ � Um,, T L1mo=rd. Gen 5S -·-·······17 .....-.-..170 ...-••.. --,6-2 66 Houinll, /a,: 1.____.55 5-11 77 Morlodt. la::L-·--· 6-'.l 17____,95 68 Jo,kov1cb. J 11-···········..190. ___ .e .1 S9 Vrchlhualar, farrH ··---16.--,----1"8 s.1. 0 MT. BAKER HIGH SCHOOL Joe..Aavelo. Coadu Wo.Ucrat Rcmll, Mancrq1n Coloa: .Bed and .Black Hldmame How:daia■on .Demln9.. Wm.b.. ""----1.____ !8"'----6-1 3 ll=sar. GBO<g s1e1asuo.,,,•"'-----------L---lL---• 5n . .5-11 5 MoO..ncld.Hurley _J7, ___ 141 1•----.5•7 8 Nam, Low ...C 1 •�• 5-11 Zender, Lc,,,,TBn""7 S,..____.. .S-8 G 8 Kooc. L«on..•.•-11 ____ 1s5 5JI 9 JOt'Oh.f,Ba 16 155 5-� 10 S1elnbnmn1n, 1..____.1�Q 6-Q II 2endar,J l7____ lRS ,;. o IZ Jchnaoo, Percy 17, ___ rns :;.•
DISTBICT TWO Rutcn, W01,h. Wblle Rod 69 9 79 4 68 6
77 73 75 70 79
7 B 9 10 11 12
J!ENTON WGH SCHOOL WUbtu n. (Shorty) tuh. Coa.ch.: Dick Bolla, Mana:qer Nlckcamtt-l.D.dlan• Colors1 Rad cmd Wbht
TEAM ROSTERS 1111£MEBTON HIGH SCHOOL Xen Will&. Coach: Joe:lc W Pag11, Ma.a.a;er Btem.-rtoa., Wa:ah., Nk-.knam.-.Wlld.cata Colon, Dlu• and Gold 4 Hslndd,, "':�---------�'.----� 6•----,J•S 5-11 6 6-0 _£ A!exand=-1\ .B -16 S 1 5::;-----�9 B FlaMogan. Hmry 7 __G lSIJ.., ___ 5.10 11 _G Soriano, Loni.. ("'l' 7 C 17�---6-2 8 T0J>Po, Te . 9 BOdon, 7Q 6-1 -18 Olsan. llu l0 8 81J.. ____6-I ll o !r JeU""""'6-0 7 165 ___:; 11 1'0 s.• 21 Ryon, Fr G 22 Topnou, Jee "'�- --5-8 )8 SOUTH ms.AP fllCH SCHOOL Ste.net lCvtaalcmd. Coach; Chmhtl MNUr, Mcncr.qu Colotl! Mcroou and Wblt:. Ntdmcm�WohH Pot1 On:hc:rd. Wmh. 6-0 26 Brooks, Howcml••.. ,.-- ------ -�� --�7 ___ ,,l70 Luoos, Don (cop\. 27 P 17 ____ 15a,___�11 7 105 :;.• 28 Ploo,;,non. T 30 Campl,oll, Geo...,, c:;__J.____ l6S... 6-0 31 1-!omv, Loi ·- -f---�'---140, _ _ __g, 5-9 G •�------145,____ 32 Vrmqhrm, Donel 33 Powenr,f Bo. 50___5,.JO 6 inn s.s 34 Rcborts, o., 1e____.___J75 a-n Ploj:orlnq, Bo 37 s___ fl!()�----6-i 38 11,wi,,y, John_
LINCOUI BIGJI SCHOOL Norm Mcrr•.r, Coach, Le-oa=d Rlc:ha:rd.Jon. Men.a;., Colon, Black mu! Gold Nldm�Roll10Uuan To•= Wo>h. S.•\11 21 Nowhcrl. Jc-: �----------- �---1-- -�•• 22 Sc\l=um, Bal,__ ---17 70, ___.., .J0 43 ____,;.,>\II Webste:. OJek.., ___________p____l 8 23 18 ,o 5-1� 25 1.m-. 0.,1 G., ___ JS 25 GopJ'Qr� WW 75-- -�·11 55 ___...s.o C., ____ l Thompocn. V 27 2B Gcmwc,,, L I« &.o G 17 82 &11 ½ l!J Slovon.son. A.o.dy )6 ◄IL--..-.S.10� 30 Kl,,pper1, &, ,S.O Armstrong, Gone,___________Q,_____.7, ____ l�B 31
auc;, ==========G.·---�1---�&1___
WIIJ.JAM WlNLOClt MllJJ!B M. W. Boc:by. Coctcb: Arthur Sc:,fe,cmt. Mcm agu Colan, .B.lue and Wbluo Nlclcnamo-Secn 01,mpla. Wmb. 11 Bri dg ham. �11 ¾ 13 Mal Iha.,., Du, -G 18 I"8 5-8 T. ◄2 5JI 14 Gmruaa. Roy IS Williams, 1<,,...,1 G JB I •:-- ---�11 ,f_____ 17 IB0-·----··6-1 16 &.ion. I 17 l,!llbrad. 17____. 55 !\. 11 ¾ ------G•----17---�eo___S.2\II 18 l!ordocmx. fc,, ! 7____175,----2 )OMll, jotu,__, ]9 fLS 7, ___,210 20 Doy, B 17...--�62.____ 10 21 Lo,,q,
23rd ANNUAL STATE HIGH SCH March 12, 13, 14, 15, 1947
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUlllllllll!llllllllalllllllll!llllllllllllUlllllllllllllllll-l llllllllllllllll■ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIU
Gome No.
J. 10:00 cr. m.
2. 11:ISa.m.
3. 12:30 p. m. 4.
6. 7.
=· No.
7:30p.m. 8:45 p.m.
10:00 p. m. Time
9:30 a. m.
10:45 a. m.
p. m.
p. m.
8:4.5 p. m.
Barnes Jewell
Gall Barnes Tewell McCullough Barnes Jewell McCullough
Clarkston ___ South Kllsap ·--Anacortes __.,___ ., Lewis and Clark ._.. Ml. Baker·-·-- Pasco ··-----
Central Valley ____ .. Olympia ........_··-··-··· Richland ____ Roosevelt ____
Vcrncouver .._.. _.. ___
Renton·-·--Longview ____ Bremerton ____
Llncoln ........_.._
Lyndon ·-········-...........
...3.-Y _.... go
=�/. ..£__. ._._ --�=--
..,XII .1 t2
-1/'1 __.....
Ar· -_y,,,--··-
I :30
OJ.fldala McCullough Scheyer Wise
7:30 p.m.
16. 10:00
p. m.
Lo::;:! 1 :..c&.��..�-••-lr•-··-·Loser of 2:_-l:....,..,.,.,__\i ,&.�}i.___ Loser of 3:.:-µ'\,:I,• /.j.,.,...jl,� <l), . ___.,___ • Loser of 4: <;;C,·.&_...�.L .. ,__ Winner of 1 : ..�. Winnar of 2: ..._.:,;«.= Winner of 3:. Wlnner of ··-··-··• V � Los.er of 5:. . .... . -··-··-..Loser of 6:... ..... .....c>'--' ._.... Winner of s:.i�.:...� ..-··-- Winner of -:r.�•• --··-··Lo,;er of 7: •••� -di'J,.,'=' �--··-..-·· ......�-·--···..--Loser of 8:•..� �� Wlnner of 7:.. �-- ---Wlnner of 8:·-··;r--� -�
-1:dJ�..�-· . ........
e�-·--. ·--··-
....1..12____ .. fl _;.I., --·
-���c •·•-
)OL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT University of Washington Pavilion
FRIDAY. MARCH 14. 1947
10:00 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
18. 11:15 a. m.
23. 24.
3:15 p . m.
9:15 p. m.
2:00 p. m. 3:15 p.m.
8:00 p. m.
9:15 p. m.
.. Wlruuar ol 9�.� -, /j �--·-r· Winner of 10:i.r.i&.-__ _ _.✓.�... ··--· ...
Loser of 11: -:� �... Loser of 12:. .. . ; . --··---� � Winner of 13:=---- WJnner of l ::. _ �......_ Loser of 14:...a -·r:·1.�f::-:.__ Loser of JS: • _ "'::�.�-····-······-·· W.lnrun al 11 : ..:£,. _).'-._,{; �,;,,,-___ WJnner ol 12:��=-·-··-···...-..
J.· -··
, _ Winner of 14: ..¼.��____..___ Winner o[ 16: /,-",,......-.1�
IS, 1947 ..�'/ :-:::c:. � Winner of 17;-- ··--· ·-··SATURDAY
%.i:=:r �� �l�th.p!�;;;iWinner ol 18:�:··--···· W!nner ol 20:�d--··-··· (Wlnner talces ilh Jl}m:e: lose.r 7th pierce) �� loser a[ 21 ' ..···--4 ... ...._.___ _ Loser of 22:./��..........,_.., (Wlnner takes 3rd place; loser 6th place)
Winner of 21: t==='«., -c. Wlnner of 22:�.!.... 1-'v' CW loner takes lsl place; loser 2nd place) ih• Urat day c.d:loala will be casafqned f'ot EOCh NU:On by Iha Taw:n.a:nanl
1947 WINNERS Fllih ploce .! p Sixth place _ -----·..·····- Second ierce -· -=:::-:-:::::::......: Third place -��Seventh pierce ··--------� p f'ourlh laoe,�--'---'·-' -···-··-··- Eighth place ___
TEAM ROSTERS VANCOlJVD HIGH SCROOi Marshall Dulch. Sblold.l. Cocch Vencounr. Wcuh.
3 <I 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 S5
Colon: B.d and While
---�._____ lf-'2'-___,6-1 a·u.amau. fm,,ir: 5-8 Scmds!rom, Wally _________,c,____ 17 ____ h? .J____11.,___ JS6 _ __6.Q l!ooct, WooU, LY•-••-••·••·----·--G 17 IAA 5. 914, Martin. Mllinn F 84 5-9 O,boma, a· 7 2 Smith. Lawn, 16..-·---···188.. _ _ _,i;.1 Komor, ,F, _ ___ J9 ____ 1•2 6-0 Whlto, Jo.•--·--••• G 16,____1'11\ 5-8½ 8 11;_.___5-9 Wa!loar, V
ROBERT JI. LONG HIGH SCHOOL Joe Mosu. Coadu D-oaa PropOu. Mcmagar LooQ"Tlow.- WOllh. Nlckucmo-:Lumborjac:b Colon: Bed Cll1d Blm:lt 3 Oo:nahuo, BomonL.----------""·�----llR 52 5-7 4 Kamoull, Ray 1.____ !47 5-9 5 Lapsley, 17 160,___�10 8 Lelcnd, Luo,n... _______ ___,___ _.5, ____.30, ____,_10 7 ____,5o...__ __5-0 7 f HOC1h. Jcu.__ __., B Slewarl, Do 7---••••·170, ____6-3 10 Jordon, Bab. ..19,____150, ____ ,5 -0 II Rooon.-wolq, ._G 17 _____,,nn,___�10 Adam,, Joh 12 7___...173....____..S-J0 7____ 190, ____5-1 13 Pma. I
DISTRICT FIVE COLUMl!IA moR SCHOOL E. 8. loo Ba:duir, CoaclL lUchlond. Wa:ah. MLckncm_._ ..Bom.bers Colom X.Uy CrNn and Gold 3 Mat=n, OrvllJo, __________...;.... _.__Ja,___.....,50, ___�10 4 Seara, 9,____,45 5-" 5 Larrabee. C!w 17, ____.49 ___�6-Q 18.---·•·•••14->., --·6-l 8 Wllllo'.m>, Junior 7 Conley.Geno 16., ___ J60.---·6-3Y, . 8 HU1'hu,Jo G...._. __ 10 155 5-11 9 ______r_____i8 Da.!., la 155.--.-·5-7 Ccmaclly,Kay 10 C 7_ __.155,____9-J II Row, Bud (Cc,i,t.), •• 1s5 i;.n 12 Robor11,K•II G.. ___ 17, _____iAQ 5.11 PASCO HIGH SCHOO.L
.PmccJ., Wmh.
22 � 33
42 �5 sz SS &2 65
Vern.on Moremcm. Coo: C"h: MIie-• l,JeDcnnoll. Mcmaqtr Mda:iame-Bulldoq1
ColonJ: Pwpt. and WhU•
Zimzrwr.:Cffl, Tcmmy••. ________.J··---'"-----''' BJI Glon, 11ol.>rt (capt,) --F 1e,____,eo,____F,-O Boc,!h, Charllo ..F 1-··-·····••-180, ____ 5-z Foa� &w BJI u,.._--1 •a Wol001� CbmiJ ··--··17 ____,sn,___�n GC?t!ner, Will 18, ____ 180,_,___6,2 Dion, 19, ____,1as,____i;..; foxloy, Scot 11...__.-,R(J,._____5-11 Ellison. Lou.._., c..._ __.. 17 55,___ S,IO lloyd, "le ··--·-·17____1ao,____i;.1
TEAM ROSTERS DISTRICTS SIX AND NINE CI;ARKSTON HIGH SCHOOL Fells. 8. flotd:ter .. Coci:h: .lob Jot.lead. Mana.vu Claikalon.. Waah. Nlclm�Jla.ala:ma Co1orss. Bed end 8Jc:c:lt B!rd.sall, 5-9 3 5 .17 4 Thoma1.,Bll .G 5-13 .17____,50 S Cootollo. llm.------------<.i-__ _.,16,____,55,_ __...>lO G 1 7 so,____... Luu. Roy Jw.evea. 8 1 BS 6-!3 B 1'019il, Wal .6.0 ___a 175, 17 ID Youn� Cw1 .f I 150 8-0 12 O'J:.lly, 5.,____S.O 6 , 13 Sw<lnbocl:, !lob 1 10, ___,;;,2 1en,_ _ _. .,.1 17 14 CaraDLIUchard
DISTRICTS SEVEN AND EIGHT CENY11AL VALIET RIGH SCHOOL Ray F. tbackar, Coa:di.: Junlor V19wt·, Mcmaq-s GrHnc.a... Waah. Nlclmamo-Becu• Colo.r11 Bluo cmd Whlta VoryL Y.ellnar-------',____,J5,____ 1es ____.a ◄ s Sais,, ocn. , ____________,,____,1a____,50.____ &-11
7 8 9 10 12 13 IS
DcihL Bruce {o:rs,ti. emrun.. l Cl9esey, Challcl,, George.,....,, __, Thomaaan, DaloShaw, Roy Uri., Gary
e ___-1ss
J7____,5,.____-10 ·----16___ 15,.____,&.J 401___ _....,, G----16 55,___ ..,,.1. 1 a____ 1a:;,____,,.1H� C,_ _,15, ___.180 2 14,_____i;.1 <1, 5 CEWLS AND Cl.Afil: HIGH SCHOOL Ora '"Squint,'' Hunttr, Coach Nlda.u:tmo--Tigeu Colma: O.r:anqe and Blau Spokano. Wcmh. l(amnoy, Joh, n.__________ ·"'----16 3 16,U...----B·O 4 Doclacn, J 17, 65 •.n Mati-a=r, 6 16,_ __ l6Q,____,,.1 P.o!lb,r, Eud loopt.l 7 I'----165'...•.•__ ,.S,!1 G 8 Agoro, Dick.__ Ji;.___ ..J�,---->11 10 WckolJekl. 51111l;:: �11 16,____155___ , ========== II Jaa,bacn, Koti .J'.r____,7____150,____,.11 12 Berlin, Jack..- .17 1s5,___ ...,..2 I◄ Kruogcr, Hattley ___,c____,___1 1?0 &.• 16 Bn>Wnhrldqu, Bo _p___ _,7___.J6IL.___;;,1
ROOSEVELT IDGH SCBOOL Joh.a A. tu.Du. CoachJ :SID Lowor, Mcmaver SecmJe. Wash. Nlc:lmmn�Taddlat: or Rovv-bdd.an Co!orat Green and_ Cold 5-9 3 Mcl)onJoJ1, Wayne__________u____ ..Jl&•----'48 4 Romack. 17 50 ;.1n 5 Cheriton, l (ocrpL)_____,_ 18.- _J75____ , R..1 8 Maao, Sob_ l7 78 i;.1 7 Gulor10n. Murray 7 8:,_____ i;.1 v, a Brain, Geno 17 1ss. '-" 9 Ralnel� 1w 17. 2 ID l!imk. !.er 17 1s8s 6-1 ¾ II Bhxibaum. °""'---------•-F-'----117•---->B .6,0 12 S:otl, 7 191--·-·-·£> ,◄
Longview ________49 Walla Walla __ . ····-·-····25 Anacortes •_ ---··---··-35 Mt SI -------·-····-···.26 Ellansburq . ---·---··---4? West Valley ·······-····-·······-··--···-l8 Bremerton ------- -· 43 ML Balcer ------·--··33 Roosevelt ··----··-·-··---··46 Hoquiam ··--··--- __.. -24-
Gonzaga--·-·-··--··- _32 Stadium --- ·······-··-··---29 Puynl]up _________.57
Roosevelt ··------········-·33 Gonicga -····-··-···-----31
Everntt ________ __51 Selah ···· ·----······----�7 Puyallup ---·-------.37
Baltleground ---·----·.36
FRIDAY, MARCH 15 ML SI _________51 West Valley ---··--·---··46 Lonqvlew -·-··-··---·---39 Ellensburg --·---·-··-29 Everall ___ ___ ---··-32 l:faqutam __________24
S..lah ________ 44 Battleground 4-2 Everett -·--------�4
Batlleground ·····--··-··-· 31 Gonzcrqa ··-· --···----....,.4 Bremerton .._______34
Roosevelt _________.42
ML Si _________45 Walla Walla ·---41 West Valley___ ___39 ML Baker ··-----
Anacortes -·----··--···-4-2
LongvJew ··--·-··--·-··---·-·.39 Bremerton --··-···--··-··-·--••••••• 'SI
Ellensburg -·--··---··-···-· 44 Hoquiam ____________41 Stadium --····-··--···--··- 29
Anacortes _________31
Puyallup ··--··-·-·----·.39
SATUBDAY,MARCH16 _ _ __44 ML Si ··-·--Everel1 ____ ___._33 Longview ---- ··-··---·.41 Ballleground ---··--··--··-··-·····25 Anacortes ··-· ··-··--·---·-36 Puyallup --·------�' Roosevelt ________40
PLACE WINNERS Ftrst-Rooaevell CSealllel
Flllh-ML St
BREMERTON ffiGH SCHOO!. Abov,-. ls lht- Bu�mtHl0:t1 EU9b School lea:m tb.a1 lm1 feat touqht Ua WllY through to the final• 01 1h• Stat• Tournmnnn1, lo.ing to Tioott!velt High Sc:hoql of Soaulq 36-40 lo finiah l:i. aecond place.. .Lo1l lo rig.ht l•'lcmdin.gJ. Aaalstcwi COCL'.lt TiuJ John.aon, Ted Tappe, Cub Wa1l. S.l.d flff.HI, Fronk Loque, Oon till.a and C:OOch Kon Will• F,onl Row �kneelin91: Ru.sly Kl.n.q, Don Hlrinric::h Darwin Gltchd.1t. .Louie Sodano aml Art Waaga.
H1gn!?S' lndiv!dL�1 Scnr!!t L: " 'l'�=nnl Wallor Bliss. Bellingham, 7Z p:ll!Us '!�I HiQiF.st lnu.•:tdool S::cre:: br On,;,� Ted Hanson, Blaino, 3(1 p:,.nl� Jo?o Team wllh Highest Winning S=.:,r,a ____ _Evoretl. 64 ICC>lnls 19-10 Team w1;11 LG:w<i=Sl V/mr.ing S;.ore-
µoints 1926
Vancouver, I po111ls 1938 T,.,�m wi:h H ;ih;,1 Los11 q 50:• ., Walla Walla. S2 ��u-.is 1°38 Tear.: wlli, Lwl'sl Lc31n, Sc�r,, ______ Bothell. J �.),r,13, 1923 !.crr:;11m Morr.ii� ot '11::tcry •15 pc1r.ls 1940 (Everelt &�akv!Jlo 191 Le ::;;,st ,010: Game Sco·e ,.; pomts 192e lCasbm.,,e !(I-Puyallup .\1 lhh551 T�::ii '.km,-, S== 107 p;::,n!.9 lCl38 Anacorles 55-WaUa Walla 52) �9es! ,\;;un,ulullve Scorsa in Or.� Tourn"'n..=-n .Everell, ZOO pom1s. 0�0
former State Champions 1923 Wallo Walla Hlqh School 1924-Wall,, Walla High Sciioal .!:25-Yaklmo High &hcol I "2�1.c,w.� und Clruk I Si:alcanv I 'n7 Bothall t11qh School !92a-Nonh C,mtml of Spokane l929-0lymp10 Hioh Scnocl 1930-Norlh Cenirol oi Spokan,; 1931 A' Stadium of Tacoma 13Sl-·'B Ealonvllle High School 1932-"A" Elle�•hurg High School 1932- a· Cos� Rock High School 1933-No Tournamant 1934-Walla Wollo HJgn School 1935-Yakama High Schoo! 1936-Valle\' Hll'Jh School, Menlo 1937-Walla Walla High School 1938-Vam:ouver High School !�Hoquiam High School 1940-Everell High School 1941-Bremetlon High School 19�2-"A' Hoquiam Hlqh School 1942-"B" S1, John High School 1843-No Tournament 1944-Le,,tJs and Clark aJ Spokane f 945-Uncoln of Sealll.e ! e46-R005EeVell of Seatlh,