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E uo0r0un
lh.r. Lt'l 6t iLult ot tLad. d.l tt l.D1 c rdd. tldl nE id. hodriir* Drcar,bs. t! 6 Fld. .l tuL oa.@,UrfE Et la b.lo[ ol od toulL 6.1 sdEu!&r. rh. o.g6ircti@ tool ir. fnl l..bl. br.qih i! tL. l6t mltL ol 1912, lcHnr tb. !@. .l th. l6.@c W@ .f,tLLli.
We L6il d.dLal..l .r. o{on lo ou od dld .lduEf,t.n ia uilom, ond to th€ cdisinnilv. Our tounddlte sa. Eorql.

A. U. Toc.rc WG AGr.dc CoiDi..ioa ,e .tbd &or. tL@ l5i0,0m .b!. ir bEIiaE oru.tlc .quiFEelt io. lL. Ee! @d wodo. i! ..rice, t.r. @d d.Ga
We play.d q Edor DEr ia ndllrltlt iori.! ol pd.!t. @d otter lov.d o!.! at ho6., lhor. rf,o.. &E and ildqlre6 aqd ,oq!g Lh LlL w6r. 6 th. lrhitnt lir*
Horo 6. q !.w c@llibulion. ou! lor.l e.Eheahip Ecd. r6.ibl€ dlrilg th. r.d t€cr, ont, 16r tl. u.! @.1 ,.a.n i! 5eEi..r
SOFTBALL l.6,ltl pi.c{ o! .quitE.lt ilcludilE ,22 blrr dd ,g) bolh
IASEIALL Ll00 piece. ol .quipD.!r, qlo?er, !ho.., ,.tree pa&, unilolu, l.oo ptdt.., bdr6 .6ta ielu.ling 57E bqUa
BOXING 1.580 ptscE .f .quipBeat .osils t6m rob.r sl6Ya .tip r6p€. lna puchils b6s. 16 h.sdq!(& od Eouth p!o!.cto!.. Ior i!.t@.e.
BASTETEAIL N6dly 1.000 piec.. ol.quiFE€rl8Al pdiE ol sr al.re.
POOTBALI Morc rLdE 200 pi6c.r ol .q!ipa.Dl, h6ddqudd.. iLouldor pq.l., .ho6., erc.
OlllER SPOnTS 1,000 piocer ol aquiph.nl lo L.lp the D6y5 i! ..Fice plcr lqrl6inr.n, le&ir, socc6r, ro[6ybdu, polo, tdtrdbcll, toE€5hoe., pins p6ng, li!L, f,6rrl., tdt. p@t in dcLory ortci!GSy@dl!
GRAND tolAl IN ImS Om ACInITY...6,363 pi.c.! ol .quipEear i! l8 d.liL .l .p.rl
Ou t..dd ior l$0 (rs6 Pns..3 qad {) poi.r. up @othe. 9rol @!trilqri.! ,., d TAC EoEh.n EdL. 16 tLe C t
taa d. ou @uot rFn or.nb rolqinlr tor rlo fudo Glord od tI!. Eo.p-c+A.sd d th. basriEiaq .t rl. r.6 to tt. Gstd-Go-a.ud eacL E.lL ld t. cI$ .iould loEdi! prold 6l .nd lot lorgel the Eoy ciric c.lrdbltiou @rl outsrdEdiDg ir.lividucl atrrc.li@ ,€ Ld. broash lo rie City-voats ol n.riotrdl .alibre tLi.L fd6E@ codd Dot Lde eEioyed wittout ou orsdi .cti6 c.l tl. rdt .l ou EeEl.rr.
rn.!. f,d. b..! too Eel lor Udils h.r. bur the* ,ew .tGpler rin r.k..h You EoEory 6d your prid.. Wd Bo!d.---5.v.n EiEhty &irer. rhs ldrt o!6 cli6d*e.t wilL ber.l bodls .how, CoE@dei ldcL D6Ep6ey, !616r.e, roral wc BoEdB .ord Dy t,.c+or6 rhd $2,000,00.11.
PrcEoiio! @d .rDe!.tir oI Coall ProI.sioldl F@lbdU
lk:e"day t c.ptio! ,or Gr.tcL.! f,onigt F a.r. rdc6Eq'. OIrbFic G@.. .Li ch@pi6& 6.t .l h.i rer noE OE Ulil.d Srar€. ro rb 6 OlyEpic WiDl.r C@o! Gold Meddl. Mote tlo 600 6.e.l.d rc.optioa iult .r. .l Ddtry qvelt i! G.€r.he!. loro! Ler..
Si!9i!9 3r2J00 Op.E ColI loum6.nl. Mor. ILa 25100 TacoEG. .d !ciio!'t 6E.n gou.6 .o6p.t.. Conle6r lail Eo.r i6EirE Eni6 ln EoU f,iliorr riib lr. plcrsE iie4 Plcro{ w @.th.r d. ,ilL Erl 'PorL?" OliEr d.t diirg It Cdly Midrll.<o{ In .udil.r-dcdrf, .:trc hoL.
Bis-riE. .oll.qicl. looibdl 16r l.codrl.u Sldt. B Wo.lirgror srct. b.tor. 30,000 Iqs in ".w@ end' o, rhe
8ts-leagqo rel.r.l.6al .porrFfldl. GloD..Tr6xen itr bq.I6l!dll, dct It@.! ir t€ri., or..
Y6, tL.liri i. t@ lo!s. luL n dI ?o{.@ b6 pEud ol @06.r ldcl . . . .ac\ oI rh.$ .r.nr. ro r.pott.d @d rccor.le<l by G. toD.E ol rh. nclioe cll wIL rdcoEq ''ddt.li!e"-Fric.l.r. ncli.ldt plbtdt'

liqhtilq dl tdcoEd. ,our w.d lo Borior 6!dL: tlugb6)a MindLoi Porrlda<t lye.iqht C6l Mill., Fort l,.wit bld.U.w6lshtj Dick Graddoa, SeEnl. p6ll6ru.i9rtr, @.1 DicL BdlL S..t{e l.qtlatr.iql . Bdll lorslt i! lh. ch6r!.!.!ip t!& h nol.L lodts by o rLtsl€i
EAILEM CLOIE-TAOTIERS-B.ar G trd.llilq FEl6.ioaal bd.tolbcU. caciut Mqlliq.! Ady Botpitol b.ror6 o Fc.led l.u. oI 0,8(x, ldE, PiOFESSIONIL TENNIS-rqcr E aaor delgared P@.Lo Gord6 rr CIS fioldh.!!€. rweary-6qv.! L6<lre.l ,anoti.. d@d blizcrd wontlror to ba a! .ourriid6.
HOOP-SHOOT rOB -IEEN-ACE IOY$-f,n €y€ll .lds.d by City'r r.dedtion depErEell plte.l 2,0{,0 ol .it1. y6u!s.l.E ogoiEr .ocl 0!l.r i! cle@, elol6&8. 6l!l.tic .ctiviy lo d&.r.!.itr'. b.ri 'toop ey.,"

WOMEN'S NOf,THWEST BOWIJNG TOURNAMEITI Fi!.8t *6o! lo le!. ol l0 N.nhsdr cili.. <odDeiinE lor
PBoTESSIONAL IASEAAU--Sp.cid r[C .oromoli.s isqlsqlst.d W.rr6m lht6mtlie.l loosuo .6d.o& Iouow.d by F6k-po.l.d lAC nisLl ot Tiger 661d.
EOnafi OP I[,LY SEOW-B@.d hoh ll. Sladiu It dru.tEdl .lal.cr., $. rAC contilled ib !.ne. ol .p€clcculd F.qrtL oI ,ul, c.l.brdtioE rilh o lt6notb .!a ertend,!E.ar exlldds@rq p...€btea ke6 6n tL. w6r€r ol coED.!.6E.Er 8cr, Mor. lLd 50,000 ipectclor. liDed th. Bsyt l$-rile rnor6li". to .€e dqu.tic ldces, lir..6qhtino erlibiriod d[d e an.uit6 di.pldt ol py.ot..t!ici.
WA1EB Cf,RNML-Aqudli. dd6d6vil.
Ed.l y.or rho tac eEplGi,ss its illdest n llc dec6ll d€yelopE.nr ot spo.rs i! Ia@r citl tL. .cl.chd o, rl. ''SponEFon o,lh. Year." I! 135! rLe p.ll.acr.wed loailatio! rc e6ed br E S. OElL.rE lor I'is ForL Fih tb? ldcoBq Ecyr' CluL .41E6, tl@cghoul rbc ycq, ee Bi6t€il iD every E.y 16 obrci! r..6g!ilion l.! out.rqldiDE tq.oba aul.lcs, E oeidlt siil. ilq t[€E Ele! Iripa l. oll pdl! .I rho Uliteil St.r6 eere !e.esor,. l! su.h o cat€s..y,ete Potsy E.tE od I..t 86fle ir 69ur. statinq, d lr<I r€@ b C6o.l& srosor.Li! ol . beebqll s.lool l.r y.Eg bor' o 6ti scUc.l i! Eid, Iiis i6 !.1 . .oDpl€te li6Iils bul is !u6.ie!r b prE 16 ouFel,6s rhor ee iloutl br p.os.l wc 6c q F(at 6, tl. f qcoEc Auleiic Codsi5sioa

9nrPrmAPE CLUBtt@uFE
There's rolLins like il qEywhere, You s3e. it is o shiplike buildias construcied €xsctly accordiEs to ship qrchilecture.
And il resls snqck dqb on Commencemenl Bay, which is Tocoms hcnbor, in Old TqcoEq, or lhe oligindl sile ol ou: thiiving cily.
Tlte ship reptico sl@ds s[ow whire h colo. just opposite lhe lrIain tl(als-conaineutcl rail lines (Ind cl the lool ol towerins qnd picturesque hitls. Our Leadqudrlets is oD the lop deck @d includes a sun or sumber deck ovetlo&iEg the bdy.

The Top ol lhe Oceqn ccle, clso osned by the TAC but ledsed out to privdte operotion, ;s on the
Thus, in one compact puckage, thele are lcciliti€B cl hond such cs no olher orqteiz<tio! ia the W6i cdn even besin to rnctch. In lhe disl6ce. bui dt til'les 6eerniagly bul o Iew miles dwdy, the grect peak Mout{ Rciaie!. shoves ils sray sloriously itrto the hedvens, playlield ol lhe
And rcpering ol, hora lhe massiee snow-capped Rdinie! is to be seen the Ccsccde rcnge. Ther'. to the northwes!, is tke rugged dnd eveu ldr more pi.luresque Olyhpic rolse ol mountqins, o series ol lowering arms ol rock thdt bow lol even to the histo.ic Alps h gl(sdeur. h is within this ship-like struclure, drnid d setting oI rale bequty, lhct the TAC !eldxe8, lesrs dnd enioys lile. Il is here ffrtrlelous ol our eDterldilnent p!o' srdEts dre held. And it is here we qre proud to brinq our quesls lrorn other cities (.nd sldtes.
Our home is one ot rhe mojor tourGt curdctiona, lhe eDvy ol olher cities ol the Nolthwest, o loctor thct mdkes rembership covet€d.
L is here memlers (tid suests come Io! ddrcins lo live music, to l,filicipdte itl cords crnd other gcmer to view TV attrdctions on o 3 by 4 aool spun qlcss scteetr, one o, the lew of its kind in Pugel
It is here ou' leceptions are held, here where we honor celebrities, locqL seclionot, '<rtiondl. I. is here where counlless groups hold meetinss, birthd.ry porlies and such.
It is here our vdried activity lakes origrin dnd btossoms qnd it is here where pledsure'seekitrs tolk st6rd on hd'nonious qtound, (rs oae biq, cortented lornily.

flERE| To r+rE FUTURE-
s,t'rrbsPcuD tT To6Er+l ERI
Pelhops never Eince the doy oI its lounding hd5 the Tacomd A* etic Commission hdd ds geot @ opportunity ro be ol sepice to its comEunity dad ils rdtion os it hos tod6y.
So, here's to the lutore. Let's uaite and work tosether to dccorrlplish this ploszom odopted this splins by your Boord ol Dnectors ds cr affnbdtion of our qillrs (tnd purposes.
l-We propose to credte qnd attrdct lor Tccomd more hojo! sports events ol nalioral cdlibre oad to work uEcedsiEsly lor the development oI the plope! locililies qnd slodiurns in which to

2-We Fopose to work even more closely riih lhe public schools, the Depdrthent ol Recreotion cnd d[ youth olgdrizdlions to ptovide our youth with mole places lo pl(ry crld o comprehereive plosrom ol guided spolts dctivity.

o.Ye Tuell, Pr6id.it Cl.y Huntiigroi, Sacrorary Franl Gillihan, Vice Presided Dillord Hove , rreuqrer Eliolt M.tc.lf, &6curive Seootary-Mrnager Ead Cooper, Club Manaqer