UPS football program vs. Simon Fraser Oct. 12, 1985

Page 1

UPS vs. SIMON FRASER F q r_. I 0 ll I EEr * t I b I. ]J I I I I Sp-t'lT€ahs provide dc .m.nt lor Lir@6tn'45 Homecoming $1.00 .."r$9rl:''E October 12, 1985 1:30 p.m. Baker Stadium
INDEX _ Schedule . ...... .... '--""2 ThisGt1PS ...................'. ""'3 Dr.Bicharduldch..... .. ....... --'4 C@ching staff . -........... ",'5 MeetThelolisrds.......... ... - - - -..1-9 11 Oudook...-..... .. .... ........." 8 ScoutingR@ort . ... ...,. .... ----''-12 Plobablestafid ... ....... .... -- - 72 F@tues.....-. ... ...-.,. ...."1316 UPSBG1d .. .............. .... " '14 UPSQuckFach ... ... .. .... " ' '14 1984 L]PS R*ulrs . . . -- 74 Oppments RGtd... 1: ODDoents Quick Facls &heddecheck . ... .... ..... ... -.. '17 A L@kBack .... ..... --- - 17 UPSBaods.... ... .... --- '782021 Lossd Club Membas . ... ... .... " '19 NNA.. ............. .... . --- - .....23 UPsAthkncs............. .... - - - - - " -25 SralfDimroy -.... ........ ...---. '24 3 t t I r'l il I I t \ E \ Y T k ?,
, ti h. j "\ * Th€ 1985 univasrly of Pus€tSound Eool balL Pr@am, @ Mtren and detqned bv the Soorts lnlodation Deparlment. A speial tliaiks lo R(mr Hiel5eth. Jdl H€lhr and Rhonda Thomas (photos) Ior their help in thk

University of Puget Sound 1985 Football Schedule

Date Sept. 19 Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Ocl. \2 Oct. 19 Oct.26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Opponent Pacific Lutheran U. Southem Oregon Oregon Tech. Sinion Fraser Pacilic Eastem Oregon CentralWashington Westem Washington Whihrorth Place Tacoma Dome Home Klamath Falls Home Fonest Grove LaGrande Home Bellingham Home Tlme 7:00 1:30 1:00 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 Nendels Tacoma and Port of-Tacoma Mom'll love it! ORIYE.IH 1201 olvtsloN Ave GALL BR 2-6Artt or BR 2-4aOO and PICK UF lulcy t eelburgers '.i 2
ttdohe l,rnsge

Thetln,v€Ertu olPuqpt Sound is a schmlproud of Lrs eal hmiaqe aad rs dedEaL'on to I'beral

ra.5ld12 that knowl€dg

Under such liberal t€.hinq, .duales leam to thrnk analg

6ad lo a lifetime ol leaminq

Students select couEes of studv a t5 and scien.e drs.rpl n€\ afd L. Ii sch@ls Graduate prcsrams are neBs ol e.upahonal the6p!. €du

All students at the UnLvattY o ivln the chan.€ lo.ompet€ in l.s The Un v6Lry fieldt varsly m6! and 'n 10 womenl spon!, mpmberehiD in €ither the NAIA or the NCAA Divi si.n II Sco;s ol intramuhl spolls tams, ranging kom pLfq pons to watar basketbdll lam\ qrve rhrddts healthu bodrcs to qo cLonq sith h€alth!

'ifl! u",*.,r , o,o*.-nd is a dive*€ and vihianr .ommu;itv wh€P each student G driv€n to €xc€l]€nc€. Where scholarehip .omes IiEl and

t' I I t ry& i * t.i 1) $i -€ 'r r': ,t1 Irr a B'r* t

A m6sage lrom the Athletlc Dtrector:

Wel.ome to "Comho Al,vP in A5' Thp; y6r iromiss to be an a: citins one UPS ,norball wrll ha\P a nPw l@k unda rhe lad€Fhip ol Ross Hr€heth Boss has worked diltqentlv sinc€ mid Mach to install his

philosophy and dsani2alion. I a ing ro enjoy the 'bis play" asp{t of the v@r option

The Columbia F@tball Lpatue 'nLt,atps rhp beqinn nq ol a hFbn. .@jihon;r 'mal .ole,re. and univailies in lhe Paciiic Nor1hw6t. This @lfton should crat€ som€ intp@str.o maLnps amonq the reaonal @oonerts rn th€:hks ol Washi.oto. and Oreon Fo, lhp llrst timp in rp .enl hrs_torr a tup s; lcoleire chamDon wLllb€

We hope that vou will suppot Loqq€r f@tball and Coach Hrclseb as he emha,{s lnon hLs ri'st uar at IJPS-He has sum,,ndp.l h,;\,i Ldih an aubtandins stafl and lhe combinarion ol hard wdk and €nthusiasm should mk€ Ior an intdeslna Mr Th€ tuture ol tlooer ioolballLooks bdqhr lirih Ron Heseth at rh€'I€Lm

I wdld also like to bnnq to vour att€ntion and hope you will welcone and have th€ opportunitv lo meet sevaal other new membas o{ our stafl. Robin Hamilton 5ta'1ed Ln €arl! JuLv as our Sports Relahon< Dim.6 R.h...m?( i; s &om il^h. Slate Univ€Eity Joinins the staf{ as Inkahual Dnctor and Assislant F@tball Coach h Mike Dumin Md{p sp€nl th€ pastlwo v€a6 at Yanlton Co lege n Soulh Dakoia Beed Seql'nqroms lhe slalf a5 AssLslant Baskelball and Asnstant Baseball Coach and @nllu .oa.hc.l an.l .omp,ted h6 t4ader! dea€e ai Northem State Col

_W€ l@k foMad to seeinq vou this fall ad pl@se feelf@ to stop i. and s€e us or sav hello who lrou have an oppoftunitv Best wishe5 lor a

The Bao aria ru Re sto;urc,nt

204 Norlh K 627-5010 Old

Cooking- Stcaks and Seafood Too

Banquets up to '150 People

Cater Parties and Banquets

Cocktails plus lmported German Beer And Wines

Dancing Every Friday and Saturday Night to Nostalgic Rock

\\'olld Ccrnr.rn

UPS Coaching Staff

UPS Hea.t Coa.h RGs HJeberh

Ln.luded n a number ol new beginn'ngs for $p UPS Droqram' thi( season will b€ lhe ad d,hon ol loolball cc.h Ro* HieLs€lh lpro .oLLn.?d JellsPthl. HPlselh, 34, s€Ned as ihp hp^d arvstant l@tball @.h at North D:kota State UnvasLtv fo' the ldst lou' ;@6 Duing HFL<erh! etnl w'th the B$on NDSU comD Ien a. amazinq 45'/ tecom arc L!.n the NaAA DNLson ll NalLonal Cham' ",.nshio m 1983. Hl€lselh sdPd ds flE Ak"-i.hi€l .e( tu,ld and cGch of rhe otren' sr, hi.[' aod.e.eLve6. NDSUS oit€nse

".,*nLed No. 1 nationallv rn the NCAA Diltsion II in 1984. lljeheths c@chinq ril.nts wrU be complimenled b! an oulstann Ln. .asL ol assLstants dunng lhe a5

Head Coact: BGs Hleberh

t I -f q tr t: *r tl 5
t I )t lr C I, I I f d , t:al* !r .) s ry UK r t Jro.I r -(l is H &rt ll t1: ::{ - i 1l' :l ql.; I
".1{ ._ll I J 7

This y€aB Universit! oJ Pusel Sound lmtball team entd a n€w €E in Lossa I@tball The squad will be Iaced slh m;n! challens€s dunng rhp.ours. ol lhe season HNeler th. har.l worl and dedication rhat both playas and c@ches have put in will payoll large divid€nds lor lhe Loss€r

A n€w head coach, new sysrens, and the ne Colunbia Football Leasue will confront the n€mbes o{ the'85 sqlad. The t€am will b€ look ins to imprcve on a 5 4 1 ledger of a year ago and become rhe lirst tide holdeE ol th€ Columbia Lasu€ Crown

The Losser ofi€nse will have lhe ved l@k in 1985 a.cordiql to H@d C@ch Ro$ Ujelseth The !€er oll€nse crcat4 the big play €xcitement that iootball fans look lor at th€ colles€ l€vel. Th€ 35 Lossm retum six starlas who must Provide lhe leadershh in moving the football The off€nsive lin€ rctums expehenced plalers, Dale Honbach, Mike Vin.ent. and Brad B€nnett. The backli€ld rctumes include record seiling quart€tuack Bov Medley, runninsbacks ALain Patton, J€iI Austi.,

and Mrke Oliphant, all ol whom hav€ the ability to mk€ the big play. TtE explosive Iirepower ol th€ olfense bdeiits with the .el!m ol Jack Jones, Ukio H@ell, Bnan Budi.k, and Ru$ Jenkins at

Delensively, rhe Loggers will play te.hnique f@tbal| and willbe lhdenarked bv the abilitv to pursue Dick Crabb, Rich Sasse, Tracy M€rill, and Jon Hearcn Etum as linebackers along wlth noseguard€ Tw€et. They w l iom the nucl€us of rhe defense with heb lrom Elumins comerbacks Rich LaMonica and J@ L.,san.

Grant A116 retums to handle the punting chores and Jim Beckman has two Pr€lious yeas ol ex pen€nce as the Logg€r kicka. Both laceG o, th€ kicking gam€ uill Eceiv€ h@v9 emphasis lor the \

Ii is obvious that the 1985 UPS letball t€ah will be ia.ed oith a nunb€r ol but on air ol optimism and dedi.ation to lhe 96l hotivates the LIPS prcsnm. The UPS slogan'Coming Alive tn '85," th€ goalA Colunbia Fmtball L€ague Chanpionship

FNEE I'ELUX BURGEB Bsy Or.' G.a Or. FiEE! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I L (Now under new management) "Great Food & Spirits" Join us after the game! SEASON OUTLOOK COUPON I I I I I I I ffi,oq* CEDAR INN 272-1149 3023 - 6th Avenue (6th & Alde0 8
I I MEET THE LOGGERS t4 !{. Ml tucl oR ,,1 l l
j ,3 .4 t
MEET THE LOGGERS t I I m Il/3 flI l.t"A 1, i3: ir,tr14J & u'{ N .:; fuwou4 I f t t ;6r re, F, -S I 11

Scouting Report

UPS us. Stmon Fraser

The Unive6iv ol Puset Sound Loss6 will haue thetr hands tull today as a lery strong Simon F6serljnivmit! tan visits Baker Stadiun, The clansm€n bGsr a 3 0 coluhbia Fmtball kaque @ord in.luding a come from behind upset w€r Cenhal Washinston a w@k ago.

When lookins over CFL oppon€nts ea v in the season Coach Ro$ Iljehclh pointed to the Cla. as the l€ague sleeper a.d to date th€y cerhinl! seem to b€ jusl lnal Th€ clan had a h€roic show ing asainstC€nt6l Washington last w@k as rh€y scored 3 TDs i. th€ linal 138 to .dae rlr wildcah 42 35. ln addirion, rhe cla. has ;osbd victo €s ovd Pacilic 24.6 and Eastem Oreson 5128 SFU E.ks number I in D$ision I ol rhe NAIA in sconns and lras a large number ol .Simo. Frasa has ou ts ra nding peE onn€l, said C.ach Ross Hl€lseth ''rhcv hav€ q€ar s,ze and spad ' The! reall! don't do a n\r thinq fa. c! bu1 that is a sisn of a qood lootball proqDm. Th"y p\e.ute rh€ bas. iud.m€nrals ue4 *el .id dor't beal tremseve5 srLd Hielserh

5lU has ar erpo. ue off€ns€ as evid€n.ed by lh! squad's p€rfoman.€ Last w€el aqar.<LCWU Quart€rback Earl B€us€linl. a 6 1 sophomore, hit on 23 or 37 pass€s lor 342 ya,d\ and 5 tou.hdowns Ta'lba.k otu'lp lp, a c ll sophomore, bolsreG rhe Clant tunning gan€ along with tullback Mike Pauls.

Coach Hjeheth l€els the kev lo a Loqqer vicrolv roday will be ball conrol on olldse. 'In order ro stop a sood oliense you n€€d to keep them ofi the held Urp need ro conhol the ball and m.n dnves oltensilelu k s also ,mnoti rh"i "€limimte p€nalri€s." (The Losge'i *"'e naiua io, 111 p€.alllr yards last w€ek).

RIDDELL BIKE RAWLINGS SPANJIAN DIAMOND Ieom Ecru pme.r ']n,toms trophy ondS k S.reenS@c o $h

PHILIP M. PHIBBS, Prestdent at the sao€ lim€ instill pdncipl6 of sportsmanship in th€ best thdition oI collesrat€ alhletics.

Welcome to what pro mis€s ro be an exceptionallg *citins seison oi f@tball at lhc Unile6ity oI Puset

'fhe 1985.85 season. as you k.ow, marks the 6Bt vear ol the university's membe6hip in th€ nd and challenging Columbia F@l ball Lasue. P€reonalLy, I am *cited b! lhe oDporruni! to comPete €guhny nol onl! wiih other independent institutions bur allo o'th pubk coleqes and unvedrbes rn Washnqlon and O eqon Comp€hng w'th thse s.h@ls should add an int€resting nN dim€nsion to Logger f@tball and will €nhance 5 lly the valu€ and oresnqe oi a Puq€l Sound Leaqu€ Championship benleo lhe Nortn and South

I would also like to lake this opponunity io ask lrou lo ael(om Ross Hrel\eth as our new head {miharl ..a.h Ross .omer to us ftom a Do> r on as .lrpnsiu. tpam ccch at North Dakoia Stat? t)nilersitv H. is a line coach and a. inspiElional leader sho will get the utnosl lrom his playas and

I knM Lou will wanL to rom me in €xlendrnq to Ccch l-lj;[€rh aid h6 '6rr as wella5 to ev€.v memberot th€ L@q4 iootbal t€am ourvzryb€st lishes Ior rheir success in 1985.85.

"Dancing In The Street"


1:30 p.n. E@rball UPS Losse6 vs. Simon Fraser Clansnen

'Nario@l Anthem bY Sunbrcal 'Hall-time Festivities

-lncludins Royalty corcnation

8:00 p.m. F!@ Shuttle S"tuice tuom SUB to The BGk Besins

8:30 p.m. Dancing In The StreeiL

'At The D@k (first 250 p@Ple recei!€ UPS sane6)

'Fatt1ngr (in orda ol appearance)

DuiI, Bishop & the Bhlthm

Maln AttEction

'Other events:

Undeater Liqht Sh@ Amaal Dance Ensenblz


- Fr@ Belr4hments


TtE cu@nt Uniue$ity aJ Ptger Saund studen,s oould like to extend a speciol uelcone ta alumni at todoy\ g"rne.

Plese jain 6 6 ue celebtute on line in

UPS QUICK FACTS istlrs BRlleioi P A AM@EI UPS 1984 RESUI-rS: (5-4-1) PEPSI P€PSI TH€ CH R N€I,U OIC€ OF G€N€RRT!ON I9E5 UPS FOOTBALL ROSTEB Tho Popsi Cola . Seven.lJp Botlling Co. ol Tacoma 3101 Soulh p n6 t Tacoma, rqashinslon 93409. (206)333.3492 '14
PEPSI Th€ Pepsi Cola . Seven.lJp Eollling Co. ol Tacoma 3101 Sourh Pina. Tacoma, Wsshinoron 93409 r 1206) 33&3492 . 15 19E5 CLANSMEN ROSTEB SIMON FBASEB QUICK FACTS
1984 RESULTS (7-3)


(on The cover)

Whe. lhe Logsd specjal 6ams take ro th€ li€ld

When todag,s qame h ovd and the 1inat resutc their press€nce is usually short liv€d yet rhe out are inj th€rc is ; go.d chan.€ that rhe sp€cial come ol any same can resl in rheir hands. r€ams uill hav€ pLay€d a big pad in th€ our;ome Th€ sp€.ial leams includ€ r€tums, puntins and rn whal mv torat ;n! sa;;ds d!.ns the gan€ kickolf t€ams as well as Iieldg6l a.d PAT squads these ,,rruly special p6wrs,, vill h"* ;-d""6ei. Each ol these €l€ments ol a lorball qame can .ontnbutions chang€ ihe outcome innantly, a lumbled punt retum ft a retum ol 65 yads ror a touchdM. d6matically chans€s th€ gaDe. As imporhnt as the on the board is the €morional conllib! tions a sp{ial reah can @ke Therc is nothinq lik€ a big hit on th€ ki.kofl to momentum and motilate lh. dciPrsP

CGLh Paul Wallrot. a lLvrnq €\ample of €r lhlrasm .c.he5 thellPS\o€oal tpims w:lh.r not€s thar the inrporhn e ol the sp€cial t€ds is n€uer und€mla!€d al Loss€r practices .Every Pactice alt€! strerchins *e brak inro sp€cial teams pepaations. Durins rhe c@rse ol ph.rice we also spend a lot ol time workins on PA]-s and

Th€re are a ladery ol chaG.teristics ne.essary lo be a top special tahs p€do@r, rhe one unlvdsal hait, howev€r, is insa.iry. Coach Wallroi not€s that special teafr plavers need sp€pd, sftensth and a desir€ to be the fiEt playa d@n

The UPS sDecial teams hav€ had a d€t€mi.ino role in the three sames so lar this sasoi. Th; Loggers Jim Baktun hit on thr€e fieldg@ls dur ins last w@k! victory @€r OIT, Jack Jones rctumed a 65.yard TD punt against Souihern Or€son and, ufortunat€ly, th€ fields@l teao had an att€mpt bltrk€d against PLU.


Individual Stattstics (Off ensive) Team Statrsrics (Ofi ensive) Rl5hing Alt Yds TD 142 606 10 Pa$rns cmD Ai tnr Yd. TD 21 * 211t 2 REervrng No Ydr Td 2,1 375 2 Pun ng No Yds Alg FtBt Douns: as r2s Rushins rs;a$ins, a p.nar!) 37 1 31',7 115 65 31 35 3 0 0 2 0 16
. . . . . "A
Truly Special Group,'
& phone 535-28OO CONVENTION

Schedule Check

The Unjversity of Puget Soud Logga will en jog th€ Inendly conlines ol Baka Stadium fd lhis w€ek onl! as ndl weeks Columbia F@tball L€asue action puls lhefr back on the r@d.

The Logsm will tralel to For€st Grcve, Opgon, to battle Pa.ilic Universit! on Saturda!, O.tober 19 The sane is set ior a 1 30 p.m. kickoll at

A conti.gen ! ol Logger supporters ar€ plan nins a Root€r Bus fip that will d€part on Saturday morning tom M€monal Fieldhous€ and retum on Sunday aftemoo.. If a.!,one is inrercsted injoin,ng th€ Logger R@t€r Bus qroup pl€ase cortact lhe UPS Athletic Deparhent immediatel! at 7563140 so be made.


The 1935 t ss€r: rmk rh.r +i4 oD re r@d an lee} and 6me thrcush $ ri a 30 2,: !d.1, oler Oes.i T!d, ii Krarolh FaLrs Tri! UPS sord l?d by Mike Olphanri ar yad tunnrns p?.f.fran... !5ed brsDtaes and a ffg delerslve showing 1o bJtrh ba.k tron a 10 0 6ct quan{ d!6cii orip6a*, lho had 6e€n n$!!d 6! a hrp pdnr! 1. juq, he sull@d drdig,h. Pt,u.orren Gme bac[ ro ]ife aaini olT oliDhad idk a DilL ,tuo Rlv Medrev o an @ri.d play Io ao 30 q d ou.hdoln to pd rha L.sse6 on dre l,ad lor rha ln{ h. L]PS added t0 mo€ poinb beI@ the Itn hall gln ;ounddl;nd hd 17.10 ai rnremis. sid. Jim Be.kman. rhe LosseE v.ady kickcr h[ Ie 6ree lieLd soals in E contesr ro bolner rhe Lolse6 soms ar bch and oLiphanl2nid rhg dne ldrrr rhree TDt

The !h puls UPsar 2 r on rhe y?ar shite rhe owh drop ped ro I 2 Coa.h Roi Hje ffi was obviousty d%ed io have anorh€r madr n fi, un .olumi ph ot rud r€ams uho louLdnl qun w. made rh? rons hp down and sor b.hind 6q eo ooinr but we came.shi bac! and we lm[ed to h? h .ofuo] afur re wenl up 17 10 ar ha , bul rhee came back k uas a gaoc or m.hedbd tor borh bms we lare oleafd L h the ollemve lines pe/d maDce u was def,itelv rhe ben efion of rh€ season Oliphant h"d a $ar @re br lin be $e Ji6r io lelL vo shar a F r job rh€ line did lloy Medley excurzd rhe .prioi wlland w wq, efizdive q,6m we did Das h inq3 0t 12 "

"Od deledse eve $ oi? loos driw ai fie bqlLonhg and one lons one ar but ln b€nven they,e€ playins prer! s@d .D ' althoush 24 p.in6 L a L.i rd give up u€ h.ld w.LLar rh€ Fal Line a colple ol Iimes "

lndividuaLLy H)eGdh ponrld ro ihe ot a I?w eoung aid a fa ueteran plale6 fpshtuD Rus wa{er mrn, Chns Cemy and David L €y allhad ue,y sood sames ,orus oliphanr and Mldhy.bdausry had so.d showins as did dur krkrng same u[h Jim B,cknai and GEnl Anen Fi


Fishr, Fishr, Fjghr lor UPS Bogs Fishr, Fishr Fishl,or Pusdsorid

Fshr. Fiqhi. Fqhr 1o' UPS E ys

ttr @t:t;

Martina. thipbuidinA

has been part of the commun ty s nce 1924.

uie are prourl ro have been Pait of iacom.'sgrowth over the past 6l years an.l

even brlghrer future

St PFORtra uPsPonf,...





re& 62 r
UPS SPORTS SPECIAL 10o/o OFF Any Repair ot Sevice Wotk With This Ad


Thk rocter lt.t3 the nam€6 of hemh€rs who ioined between S€pt€mber 1, 1984 and Augu6t 31, 19E5.

GOLD LOGGEB TIMBERMAN (i250-s499) HIGH CI,IMBER ($500 to $999) LUMBERJACK (troo-249) TOPPER ($50 to $99) SUSTAINING
UP T6m R..ord.lndtvt.tu.t GaDe S Football Statistics kd P4rtsrad adrrq LsEhoa; ee LONGEST UPS PLAYS INDIVIDUAL UPS SECORD caher 25 D ck Cobnhh $ DOMINO'S PIZZ.A DELIVERS" FREE. 20 dd c.d, H mv,Le!5&cdriez s&{i r Mar cori!. DB and Br€nLw;ie, rs?3 c.m€ 4rr. Rd Dsru.;s c or cdk@ Dp $2.OO
ELECTBONIC Pa s! Equlpment t suPplies r hd srru oEM andN,lRO . Ra+,;ir,^dD.veloom6nl t Broadcaslers.lvililary . Maintenanoe and Repa r C & G ELECTRONICSCO.I I ITIIILrErlLItsTI-UEI'ST IOUIP UT CEIIINVozaoL f,"?. jiil ied.urant .^d BlarneY Xoon Servlng Lunch and Dinner Two Banquel Fooms lor Privale Lunch60n and Dinner Ma6linQs 739r, Sr.Helens 572'7-t79 2'1 JOHNNY'S FAMOUS RESTAUBANTS JOHNNY'S ON THE i'ALL


Th. Nalio^al Associar on ol lnlercollegial€ Alhlelics {NAIA) rs a compl€le y auronom prosrame or 'nrerco 6qlale arhreri.s lo over 500 lu unlversn6s or modeiate €nrcllment The lundamenlallener or iha NAIA is that inl€rco les ateathlelcs isan inlearalparl ol iherota educalionaL poOram o, rhe nstilulion.Th. be ier s stono y rerlecled nlhs sovemin! documents, aclvil es and oroanizarional sruciure oi the Assoc alio..


Estab sh€d ^ 1940 as llrs Nalional Associalion ol nror(o aolar€ Basr6lball LNArBr. rhe NAIA Nar'o^aLSmalCo €qe B.sr0rba L

Mlsrour rhe conis's'on or rh

ano added nalronaL.hamp onsh'p *; " -..r o,rdoo, Footbrr a,os, 6oui14 basoba L aid 5{ mm'no ws€ add6d lo lhe .hailo oneh p erenr (a endar ri 1955. and wrestlno Lr953l, s.ccer Lr95S) bod nq tu96i.73), 0ym^ashis l1e6a), in rgbur (e hu lal (rqba 34) and lolle!bi rlq6q 301

Olmalor s gn 1tran.P'o'heNA A ortha wom€n sdN 5ion,' o^ Auousrr rs30 The NALA de

h.r .om; cP.i rh.

dlvisLon in lhe NAIA Cu(enlrY,r ducrs l€n champonsh'o evenl proqEms lorwome^ in rhe soons ol baskerball. cross counlrv. qvm nastcs, indoor lrack and led, outtroor tack and ferd. soltba l(asl ollcrr), socce


Tha oov€rn nq bodY ol rhe NAIA erL,ne .omm ttee , bv lhe membershLo. The Exacurve comdit

rh6 Execuiye commlltae appolnls rhe Exocurvo ness and day tcday ooe,aton ol rhe Narona O!1'co headquarlor€d in Ransas C'tr M rsoun A tun ' me ial( or rhnl..n safres the inembs,sh o r,om rhe Nai ona Oll co

inro r2 oeos,aphlcal disticls (ludolellhelosldlesandap

b" rh. .h;r dr .tr or trrr .h s rhe D'srricr chatr e esrabllshes a p.o'

;d. d,,,Frm.Mmoons oi I "i ^, t.a," -.0"r"

overna plav nall ,;d';.o0. zed b, 'r,e A,so. se*o orj, Ar i qb, r/ sud.h.s, musr b. ,dh-"d b b! r mombe,s ,nc ud nq rh86 hodino dua afr al on wilh olherassoc'al ons C6nrlicallon d I NArA srudenlrarh ores 3 ac -."tisreo rtro,on a re,"ot "r nd ,rduas whrch -. ;". rh. ra.u iv alh e,.s,e ,nsi dion th6 oitcl E arblitv char, and lho Nat ona!Ersib ilY comnlllee


aov roury€a, corl6o6 or unN.r5ilv and upgsr l.v.l r@o.vcar mnrrLon Ln the!niied ihi;w ds lh6 bache or sdoaroe or, mav h.d '.iive NAA FemboBhiD. A.lrv€ mombor i. 6d bY an.Pproprl'ls Tho rnrrrar purpose oI lho NAIA lo ptovde !a' accr€dirn! assncy orcommis.ion. rronal ohamponshrp arhr6l c oppodunlr €s ro in slllutlons bo ow rho 5ocalled tnd6.d b.on weLr s.e6d. The Associalion c eary

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